What kinds of sweeteners are there for diabetics? Sugar substitute for diabetes: which one is better to choose?


Diabetes mellitus is a disease that excludes sugar from the daily menu. Its substitutes should be used instead. But are they all harmless? Not every sweetener can reduce blood glucose levels.

Today there are many sugar substitutes. Doctors usually prescribe a sugar substitute for diabetes. Many also use them as dietary supplements. However, not all sweeteners are harmless. It is best to choose natural sweeteners for diabetics, but in order to understand how you can replace sugar, you need to know the characteristics of each product.

Natural food additives are very high in calories, in addition, many of them are much paler in taste than table granulated sugar. Therefore, replacing sugar in type 2 diabetes with natural sweeteners will not work, with the exception of stevia.

Natural sweeteners

Natural substitutes contain a lot of carbohydrates and are not suitable for all diabetics. So, is it possible to replace sugar in diabetes with natural sweeteners and which sweetener is better to choose?


Xylitol is high in calories, but its sweetness level is equal to table sugar. In appearance, as well as friability, it is similar to it. It is made from agricultural products. If the dosage of the product is not followed, the patient may experience unpleasant reactions in the form of nausea, diarrhea or vomiting. The daily xylitol intake is 45 g.

This drug is considered harmless if taken as directed and should not be taken if you have type 2 diabetes.


Sorbitol can be found naturally in sweet fruits. This substance is most concentrated in mountain ash. Sorbitol is considered a fairly high-calorie product, reminiscent of sugar in appearance, but in taste it is significantly inferior to it, being less sweet.

45 g is the recommended maximum daily dose of sorbitol. In case of overdose, as well as at the beginning of use, the sweetener can cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. The product has a laxative effect and also has a good effect on dental health, reducing caries.

Fructose is a fairly popular sweetener, but can diabetics use it, and how does it affect glycogen levels in the blood?

Fructose is found in sweet fruits and honey; it looks like sugar, but in fact, fructose is much higher in calories and sweeter. This sweetener is absorbed more slowly than sugar, but it can significantly increase glycogen levels in the blood. The daily intake of fructose should not exceed 50 g. The product has virtually no side effects.

Due to the properties of fructose, it is only allowed for people who have compensated diabetes; other diabetics are recommended to use only artificial sweeteners.

Experts assure that fructose significantly slows down lipid metabolism, which makes it impossible to use it in the diet of patients. Occasionally, there are cases of individual fructose intolerance, which is expressed in constant nausea and vomiting, so this product is definitely contraindicated for some people.


Stevia is perhaps the only sweetener that is of natural plant origin, has a sweetness that exceeds the sweetness of sugar, and is also called low-calorie.

Stevia does not increase blood glycogen levels, which is why it attracts the attention of many doctors around the world.

This drug is used to sweeten almost all products; it has no contraindications or side effects, so it is approved for people with type 2 diabetes. It has many useful properties:

  • Lowers blood pressure;
  • Has antimicrobial effects;
  • Reduces the risk of fungal diseases.

Stevia is very popular among people losing weight; it is allowed not only for diabetics, but also for patients with other diseases that require dieting.

Artificial sweeteners

If you are thinking about what sugar substitutes to include in food for diabetes, then the most harmless ones for this disease are artificial ones. Their difference from most natural sweeteners is that they are cheaper and also contain virtually no calories. When people on a diet can choose between natural and artificial sweeteners, people with diabetes, especially type 2, cannot risk their health, so artificial sweeteners are recommended for them.

So, the best sugar substitutes for type 2 diabetics are presented below.


When asked “what can replace sugar for diabetes,” any doctor will say the name aspartame. This is a sweetener that has negligible calorie content, and a small amount is enough to sweeten a lot of food. Replacing sugar in diabetes with this sweetener is completely justified, since it does not affect blood glucose levels.

Aspartame is often used along with saccharin to enhance its flavor. In addition, the sweetener prevents the occurrence of caries. But the sweetener has several contraindications, which include insomnia and hypertension.


Sugar substitute for diabetics Saccharin has a bitter aftertaste. The drug can accumulate in different organs, but it is quickly absorbed. Contraindications for the use of this sweetener are kidney disease and liver disease.

It is believed that saccharin interferes with normal growth of the body, so many countries have stopped consuming this sweetener in its pure form.


Sugar substitute for diabetes Cyclamate is much sweeter than a regular table product. It is used together with other sweeteners, and diabetics should not consume more than 10 mg of the drug per day.

However, this product can accumulate in large quantities in internal organs, so in an experiment conducted by American scientists, it caused bladder cancer in several animals.

Sugar substitutes for diabetes are not mandatory drugs; they serve solely to satisfy diabetic patients. Therefore, if possible, it is better to avoid sweeteners altogether.

Optimal choice of sweetener

To understand which sweeteners can be consumed and how to replace sugar in diabetes mellitus, you need to study the properties of each of them. We have presented you with the most popular sweeteners that are safe for human health, but many of them are high in calories and lead to an increase in blood glucose levels.

It is not recommended to use natural sweeteners for type 2 diabetes, as they are high in calories. The only exception is stevia, which has no contraindications and does not increase human blood sugar levels.

It is better to choose artificial sweeteners for diabetes. This is not only safer for maintaining normal glucose levels, but also much cheaper. The fact is that sweeteners made using chemicals are aimed specifically at people who have diabetes, while natural ones are used by everyone.

Although artificial sweeteners are more suitable for diabetics, you should not get carried away with them either, they cause many serious diseases because they are more harmful than table sugar. Since the use of almost all natural sweeteners is prohibited for diabetics, they have no choice but to limit the use of artificial sweeteners, or choose stevia as a dietary supplement.

To sweeten foods, diabetic patients are advised to use a sweetener. This is a chemical compound used instead of sugar, which should not be consumed in case of persistent metabolic disorders. Unlike sucrose, this product is low in calories and does not increase glucose levels in the body. There are several types of sweeteners. Which one to choose, and will it harm a diabetic?

The benefits and harms of sweetener

Failure of the thyroid gland is typical for type 1 and type 2 diabetes. As a result, the concentration of sugar in the blood rapidly increases. This condition leads to various ailments and disorders, so it is extremely important to stabilize the balance of substances in the victim’s blood. Depending on the severity of the pathology, the specialist prescribes treatment.

In addition to taking medications, the patient must strictly adhere to a certain diet. The diet of a diabetic limits the consumption of foods that provoke glucose surges. Sugar-containing products, baked goods, sweet fruits - all this needs to be removed from the menu.

To diversify the patient's taste sensations, sweeteners have been developed. They are artificial and natural. Although natural sweeteners have a higher energy value, they have more benefits for the body than synthetic ones. In order not to harm yourself and not make a mistake with the choice of a sugar substitute, you need to consult a diabetologist. The specialist will explain to the patient which sweeteners are best to use for type 1 or type 2 diabetes.

Types and overview of sugar substitutes

In order to confidently navigate such additives, you should consider their positive and negative qualities.

Natural sweeteners have the following properties:

  • most of them are high in calories, which is a negative side for type 2 diabetes, since it is often complicated by obesity;
  • have a gentle effect on carbohydrate metabolism;
  • safe;
  • provide ideal taste to products, although they do not have the same sweetness as refined sugar.

Artificial sweeteners, which are created in a laboratory, have the following qualities:

  • low-calorie;
  • do not affect carbohydrate metabolism;
  • with increasing dosage, they impart off-flavors to food;
  • have not been thoroughly studied and are considered relatively unsafe.

Sweeteners are available in powder or tablet form. They are easily dissolved in liquid and then added to food. You can find diabetic products with sweeteners on sale: manufacturers indicate this in the labeling.

Natural sweeteners

These additives are produced from natural raw materials. They do not contain chemicals, are easily digested, are eliminated naturally, and do not provoke an increased release of insulin. The amount of such sweeteners in the diet for diabetes mellitus should not be more than 50 g per day. Experts recommend that patients choose this particular group of sugar substitutes, despite the increased calorie content. The thing is that they do not harm the body and are well tolerated by patients.


It is considered a safe sweetener, which is extracted from berries and fruits. The nutritional value of fructose is comparable to regular sugar. It is perfectly absorbed by the body and has a positive effect on liver metabolism. But if used uncontrolled, it can affect glucose levels. Allowed for type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Daily dosage – no more than 50 g.


It is extracted from rowan and some fruits and berries. The main advantage of this supplement is slowing down the elimination of eaten foods and creating a feeling of fullness, which is very beneficial for diabetes. In addition, the sweetener exhibits a laxative, choleretic, and anti-ketogenic effect. With constant use, it provokes an eating disorder, and in case of overdose it can lead to the development of cholecystitis. Xylitol is listed as additive E967 and not suitable for people with type 2 diabetes.


Quite a high-calorie product that can help increase weight. Among the positive properties, one can note the cleansing of hepatocytes from poisons and toxins, as well as the removal of excess fluid from the body. In the list of additives it appears as E420. Some experts believe that sorbitol is harmful for diabetes, as it negatively affects the vascular system and can increase the risk of developing diabetes.


As the name suggests, this sweetener is made from the leaves of the Stevia plant. It is the most common and safe dietary supplement among diabetics. Consuming stevia helps reduce sugar levels in the body. It lowers blood pressure, has a fungicidal, antiseptic, and normalizes metabolic processes effect. This product tastes sweeter than sugar, but does not contain calories, which is its undeniable benefit over all sugar substitutes. Available in small tablets and powder form.

Healthy: We have already talked in detail on our website about. Why is it harmless for diabetics?

Artificial sweeteners

Such supplements do not contain calories, do not increase glucose and are eliminated by the body without problems. But since they contain harmful chemicals, the use of artificial sweeteners can greatly harm not only the body undermined by diabetes, but also a healthy person. Some European countries have long banned the production of synthetic food additives. But in post-Soviet countries, diabetics still actively use them.


It is the first sugar substitute for diabetics. It has a metallic taste, so it is often combined with cyclamate. The additive disrupts intestinal flora, interferes with the absorption of nutrients and can increase glucose levels. Currently, saccharin is banned in many countries, as studies have shown that its systematic use becomes an impetus for the development of cancer.


Consists of several chemical elements: aspartate, phenylalanine, carbinol. If you have a history of phenylketonuria, this supplement is strictly contraindicated. According to research, regular consumption of aspartame can cause serious illnesses, including epilepsy and nervous system disorders. Side effects include headaches, depression, sleep disturbances, and disruption of the endocrine system. Systematic use of aspartame in people with diabetes may have a negative effect on the retina and increase glucose.


The sweetener is absorbed by the body quite quickly, but is excreted slowly. Cyclamate is not as toxic as other synthetic sugar substitutes, but its use greatly increases the risk of kidney pathologies.

Additionally: — for those who want to improve the functioning of their gastrointestinal tract or prevent it. Read what products you will need and how to follow it correctly.

This is a favorite additive of many manufacturers who use it in the production of sweets, ice cream, and candies. But acesulfame contains methyl alcohol, so it is considered hazardous to health. In many advanced countries it is prohibited.


A highly soluble sweetener that is added to yoghurts, desserts, cocoa drinks, etc. It is harmless to teeth, does not cause allergies, and the glycemic index is zero. Prolonged and uncontrolled use of it can cause diarrhea, dehydration, exacerbation of chronic ailments, and increased intracranial pressure.


It is quickly absorbed by the body and slowly excreted by the kidneys. Often used in combination with saccharin. In industry it is used to sweeten drinks. Studies have shown that long-term use of dulcin can cause a negative reaction from the nervous system. In addition, the additive provokes the development of cancer and cirrhosis of the liver. It is banned in many countries.

What sweeteners can be used for type 1 and type 2 diabetes?

Natural sweeteners Artificial sweeteners Sweetness coefficient from sucrose index
fructose 1,73 saccharin 500
maltose 0,32 cyclamate 50
lactose 0,16 aspartame 200
stevia 300 mannitol 0,5
thaumatin 3000 xylitol 1,2
osladin 3000 dulcin 200
philodulcine 300
monellin 2000

When the patient does not have any concomitant diseases characteristic of diabetes, he can use any sweetener. Diabetologists warn that sweeteners should not be used if:

  • liver diseases;
  • kidney dysfunction;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • allergic manifestations;
  • likelihood of developing cancer.

Important! During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the use of artificial sweeteners is strictly prohibited.

There are combined sugar substitutes, which are a mixture of two types of additives. They exceed the sweetness of both components and reduce the side effects of each other. Such sweeteners include Tsukli and Sweet Time.

At the moment, there are two sweetener substitutes that have no contraindications or side effects:

  • Sucralose is the safest substance of the latest generation in this regard, which is converted from the familiar sugar that goes through special processing. Thanks to it, the calorie content of the product is reduced and its ability to affect the concentration of glucose in the body is removed. Sucralose has no carcinogenic, mutagenic or nephrotoxic effects. In addition, the substance is not absorbed by the body at all and does not affect carbohydrate metabolism, so it can be used by diabetics and obese people;
  • stevia is an extract from the leaves of the plant of the same name, which is also called honey herb. It has superior taste to sugar and can easily replace honey. The substance also has numerous medicinal properties: it reduces the concentration of glucose in the blood, slows down the aging process of cells and tissues, lowers cholesterol levels, and improves overall metabolism.

Types of sweeteners

Humanity began to rapidly increase its level of intelligence after the industrial production of sugar increased significantly and this product became available to everyone. The modern human brain, which needs pure glucose, receives a sufficient amount of sugar and works productively.

Excess of this pure product is stored in the body, storing it as fat. He uses them during active physical activity, and this property helps him maintain his functions.

This feature of the human body, developed over centuries when sugar was not enough, has become the cause of many diseases for modern man. The root cause of diseases such as candidiasis, obesity, and diabetes mellitus was the abuse of candy, cakes, and sweet drinks.

Sweeteners are designed to reduce the consumption of sweets in order to improve the functioning of the body.

Active physical activity is excluded from the lives of many people, and sweets in the diet increase. As a result, metabolism is disrupted and obesity develops. After which the pancreas in some people can no longer produce insulin to process all the sweets consumed. This marks the onset of type 2 diabetes.

To limit sugar intake for sweet lovers and normalize its level in the blood, doctors suggest eating sweeteners.

They are needed during a diet, when you need to force the body to start processing existing reserves.

Sweeteners for diabetes 2 have a low calorie content, a very sweet taste, and good solubility. They can be produced artificially in laboratories or obtained after chemical treatment of natural products containing them.

Since their production is based on chemical processes, they all have side effects. Individual intolerance is the most common of them.

Artificial sweeteners

Synthesized amino acids have a very sweet taste and are non-caloric.

The first sugar substitute was saccharin. This chemical product, created by combining sulfamic benzoic acid, became popular in the first half of the 20th century, when there was an acute shortage of sugar.

It can be bought in tablet form at the pharmacy, but the safe daily intake for humans is only 4 pieces per day, because it can cause the formation of various types of tumors.

Suclamate can be purchased in the form of a sweet syrup or tablets. It is added to cereals and baked goods because it does not impart any flavor when heated. It can cause an allergic reaction.

Artificial species include inexpensive ones:

  1. Acesulfame potassium, which is limited in heart failure.
  2. Aspartame, prohibited for phenylketonuria.
  3. Sodium cyclamate, which should not be used if you have kidney failure.

The daily norm for cyclamates and aspartame is 11 mg per 1 kg of weight.

Natural sweeteners

Sorbitol, xylitol and fructose are natural sweeteners that are classified as sugar alcohols.

Sorbitol is available in crystalline form. It has a white color and a sweet taste. It is produced from berries. It has a choleretic and laxative effect. 4 kcal per g makes this type of sweet an attractive option among sweeteners for type 2 diabetes.

Xylitol is also a natural chemical compound and is produced in powder form. This is a low-calorie product. 1 g of xylitol contains only 4 kcal. It can be used instead of sugar in cooking.

Fructose is produced from fruits. This is a monosaccharide found in all sweet fruits. This sweetener is selectively absorbed by the liver, and when there is excess, the body converts it into fat more actively than other types of sugar. This was the first sugar available to humanity, and the body got used to storing it for future use. Fructose slightly increases blood sugar, unlike glucose.

The daily intake is no more than 50-70 g per day. This is the norm for an adult.


Diabetes mellitus is a disease that excludes sugar from the daily menu. Its substitutes should be used instead. But are they all harmless? Not every sweetener can reduce blood glucose levels.

Today there are many sugar substitutes. Doctors usually prescribe a sugar substitute for diabetes. Many also use them as dietary supplements. However, not all sweeteners are harmless. It is best to choose natural sweeteners for diabetics, but in order to understand how you can replace sugar, you need to know the characteristics of each product.

Natural food additives are very high in calories, in addition, many of them are much paler in taste than table granulated sugar. Therefore, replacing sugar in type 2 diabetes with natural sweeteners will not work, with the exception of stevia.

Natural sweeteners

Natural substitutes contain a lot of carbohydrates and are not suitable for all diabetics. So, is it possible to replace sugar in diabetes with natural sweeteners and which sweetener is better to choose?

All sweeteners are divided into two types - natural and artificial. Those, in turn, are further divided into the following types:

  • converted into glucose, but very slowly, which is why they do not cause hyperglycemia - sugar alcohols, fructose;
  • sweeteners that are not at all converted into glucose after consumption and do not increase its level in the body.

Which substitute option to choose should be discussed in detail with your doctor, and then we will talk in detail about each of them.

Possible contraindications

Most sweeteners are contraindicated for anyone with liver disease. They are also contraindicated for allergies and stomach diseases. Some sweeteners have weak carcinogenic properties and are contraindicated for people predisposed to cancer.

Fructose is contraindicated to the same extent as sugar. since it is an isomer of glucose and is part of sugar. In the body, fructose is converted into glucose. After an insulin injection, you can consume a small amount of fructose to restore glucose levels. If there is a high concentration of carbohydrates in the blood, the use of fructose is strictly contraindicated.

Thus, sweeteners are polyhydric alcohols, glycosides and other substances that are not carbohydrates, but still have a sweet taste. These substances are broken down in the body without the participation of insulin; after their breakdown, glucose is not formed. Therefore, these substances do not affect the amount of glucose in a diabetic.

However, all sweeteners have side effects. some are carcinogenic, others cause stomach upset, and others overload the liver. Therefore, when using them, the patient needs to be careful and ensure that the desire to sweeten foods low in carbohydrates does not lead to serious complications.

Sugar substitute for diabetes: types, harmless or not

Sweeteners for diabetes are substances from the group of carbohydrates that are not converted into glucose in the body, thereby helping to keep the disease under control. On the market of goods for diabetics, a large assortment of sweeteners from foreign and domestic manufacturers is available, which are available in the form of powder or soluble tablets.

Sweeteners and diabetes go together, but which one is better? What are their benefits and harms?

Why replace sugar

Chronic hyperglycemia syndrome, or in simple words, diabetes mellitus, is the scourge of our time. According to WHO statistical studies, about 30% of the population of different age categories suffers from type 1 and 2 diabetes. The epidemiology of the disease is based on many causes and predisposing factors to the development of diabetes mellitus, but in any case, this disease requires an integrated approach to treatment.

The desire to taste sweets is inherent in humans; many people who, for various reasons, cannot eat sugar, experience discomfort. A sugar substitute for diabetes is a real salvation in this regard. A sugar substitute for diabetics began to be produced at the beginning of the twentieth century, but debate about its safety continues today.

But modern sweeteners for type 2 diabetes do not cause any harm to human health if you follow the dosage and rules of consumption. Sugar substitutes for diabetics are an opportunity to lead a normal life without limiting your pleasure. But sweeteners for diabetics can bring not only benefits, but also harm if they are used incorrectly. Therefore, it is necessary to have the necessary information to prevent negative health consequences.

How to replace sugar for diabetes? There is a lot of choice today. The main advantage of such a product is that when it ends up in the human body, the glucose concentration does not change. In this regard, a sugar substitute for diabetes, for example type 2, is safe; consumption of the product will not lead to hyperglycemia.

Regular sugar has a destructive effect on the walls of blood vessels, and a sugar substitute is safe for all type 2 diabetics, since nervous and cardiovascular activity does not change. If a person has diabetes, then sugar substitutes will completely replace the natural analogue, and there will be no glucose concentration in the bloodstream. It should also be noted that sugar substitutes for any diabetes mellitus actively participate in metabolic processes, but do not inhibit them. Modern industry offers 2 types of such products: calorigenic and non-calorigenic.

  • natural products— these include xylitol, fructose and sorbitol. It is obtained through the heat treatment of different plants, but after such a process all individual taste qualities are preserved. When these natural sweeteners are consumed, the body produces a small amount of energy. But you must follow the dosage - the maximum amount of product should not exceed 4 grams per day. If a person is obese, then before consuming the product, consultation with a nutritionist must be mandatory, otherwise there may be serious consequences. The natural product is the most harmless for type 2 diabetes;
  • artificial products- These include aspartame and saccharin. When these substances dissolve in the body, then all the energy cannot be absorbed. Such products appear synthetically; they are sweeter than ordinary glucose, so they are consumed in small quantities - this is enough to satisfy taste needs. Therefore, such products are ideal for diabetics; they do not contain calories, which is important.

Sugar in type 2 diabetes should be excluded from the diet; no problems will arise, since there are several types of sugar substitutes that will not cause any harm to the body.

Your doctor will tell you which sweetener is best after a thorough examination and taking into account the individual characteristics of the body. But natural sweeteners are safer for the human body.

About natural products

If a diabetic consumes natural sugar substitutes, then he is consuming a product whose raw materials are of natural origin. Common products include sorbitol, fructose and xylitol. It should be noted that such products have a significant energy value. There are quite a few calories here, so the glucose level in the bloodstream is under pressure. What products are available for sale? The name may be different - Aspartame or Cyclomate. But it’s better to remember the 6-letter name - Stevia, which will be discussed below.

But sugar is absorbed slowly; if you consume the product correctly and in moderation, there will be no risk of the formation and development of hyperglycemia. Therefore, substitutes of natural origin are recommended for use by nutritionists. So there are no big problems with what can replace sugar for those people who, due to various circumstances, cannot consume it without fear for their health. People with diabetes should not be considered deprived of sweets with such a rich choice.

Such products contain healthy ingredients, so natural sugar substitutes, when consumed in moderation, provide benefits to human health. The best option is to strictly adhere to the dosage prescribed by your doctor and consume diabetic foods. A high-quality natural sweetener is superior in taste to regular sugar. Already in the second month of switching to natural substitutes, a person feels an improvement in his health.

Glucose in diabetes mellitus must be constantly kept under control; it is enough to fail the appropriate test twice for the situation to get out of control. With good dynamics, the doctor may allow you to slightly increase the dosage if a person experiences an acute shortage of sweets. Natural products, compared to synthetic analogues, have a lower degree of risk when consumed.

The level of sweetness in them is small; the maximum amount per day should not exceed 50 grams. You should not exceed this dosage, otherwise you will experience bloating, problems with stool, pain, and blood glucose levels will fluctuate. Therefore, moderate consumption of such substances is mandatory.

Such products are used in the cooking process. At the same time, there is an advantageous difference from chemical sweeteners - there is no release of bitterness, so the taste of the dishes does not deteriorate. Such products are offered in abundance in retail chains. But you should not switch to consuming such substances on your own; you must consult with a specialist. It has already been noted that their consumption has an impact on blood glucose levels, so excessive consumption can be harmful.

About artificial products

They are obtained by synthetic processing, their calorie content is zero, when they are in the human body, they do not have any effect on its processes. The sweetness in such substances is much greater when compared with regular sugar, so it is enough to consume them in small quantities.

Such substances are often offered in tablet form; it is enough to eat one tablet to replace one spoon of granulated sugar. But consumption should be limited - the maximum you can eat is no more than 30 grams per day. Artificial sweeteners have contraindications - women who are pregnant and those who are breastfeeding should not eat them.

About safe substitutes

Many patients are sure that even the best sweetener still causes harm to the human body, even if only minor. But there are safe substitutes that do no harm at all. We are talking about stevia and sucralose, the absolute safety of which has been confirmed in scientific research. When they are consumed, there are no negative changes in the human body, which is important.

Sucralose is an innovative type of sweetener, the number of calories in it is minimal. When consumed, there is no gene mutation, no neurotoxic effect. There is no need to be afraid of the formation of tumor-like formations of a malignant type. Another advantage of sucralose is that metabolism does not change its speed.

Separately, it should be said about stevia - it is a sweetener of natural origin, which is obtained from the leaves of the honey herb. This substance is 400 times sweeter than natural sugar. This is a unique medicinal plant; it has been used in folk medicine for a long time. If taken on a regular basis, glucose levels are brought back to normal, cholesterol levels are reduced, and metabolism is normalized. When consuming stevia, human immunity is strengthened. There are no calories in the leaves of the plant; there are no pathogenic properties here.

Modern endocrinology strongly recommends that all diabetics give preference to safe substitutes. They not only replace sugar, but are also significantly tastier.

Such substances are recommended to be taken on a regular basis not only by people with diabetes, but also by everyone else. Sugar is harmful, and such sweeteners do not pose any threat to the human body. But such products should also not be taken in large quantities, because there is a risk of developing an allergic reaction.

About side effects

All sweeteners have a certain dosage, without exceeding which no harm will be done to the body. If the dosage is exceeded, there is a risk of developing intolerance symptoms. Pain in the abdominal area and problems with stool begin. Intoxication may develop, the person vomits, feels sick, and the body temperature rises. But if you stop excessive consumption of the product in time, then everything will return to normal in a short time, no medical intervention is required.

Artificial products can cause more problems when compared to natural ones. If they are not consumed properly, toxins end up in large quantities in the human body. If such products are abused, representatives of the fair sex may experience gynecological problems and may develop infertility.

Products of natural origin are safer. But their excessive consumption quickly leads to the development of individual intolerance, and allergic reactions may develop. If a person has diabetes, then one should stop consuming sorbitol. Its qualities negatively affect human blood vessels, and neuropathic speed develops. But if such sweeteners are consumed correctly, they pose no health hazard and there are no side effects.

About contraindications

Considering all of the above, you might think that most sweeteners have no contraindications. But this is not true, not all people can consume them, there are strict restrictions. But restrictions apply exclusively to artificial products. If a woman is pregnant or breastfeeding, then the consumption of such products in any quantity should be categorically abandoned. The sixth week of pregnancy is especially dangerous in this regard, when many defining processes begin in the womb of the expectant mother. Children and adolescents should also abstain from such substances, since after them a teratogenic type of effect actively develops. In children, the process of growth and development may be disrupted, and various types of deformities may develop.

Speaking about contraindications, special mention should be made about people with phenylketonuria. We are talking about a disease of a hereditary type, when such substances are not tolerated by the human body in any quantity. If they find themselves in the body, they begin to act like poison. People with individual intolerances and those prone to allergic reactions should definitely avoid consuming natural sweeteners.

Top 7 sweeteners: the most delicious and safest Boris Tsatsouline - Sweeteners and cancer, sweeteners and diabetes - where is the truth?

Speaking in general about sugar substitutes, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that they can be synthetic and natural. Some types of natural sweeteners may be higher in calories than sugar, but they are much more beneficial.

This is an excellent solution for every diabetic, because natural sugar is taboo for them. Similar natural sugar substitutes include honey, Xylitol, Sorbitol and other names.

Synthetic components that include a minimal amount of calories deserve special attention. However, they have a side effect, which is to increase appetite.

This effect is explained by the fact that the body perceives a sweet taste and, accordingly, expects that carbohydrates will begin to flow. Synthetic sugar substitutes include names such as Sukrazit, Saccharin, Aspartame and some others with a pleasant taste.

Artificial sweeteners


The chemical structure of xylitol is pentitol (pentahydric alcohol). It is made from corn cobs or wood waste.

Synthetic sweeteners have low calorie content, do not increase blood sugar and are completely eliminated naturally from the body. But in the production of such products, synthetic and toxic components are often used, the benefits of which may be in small quantities, but can cause harm to the entire organism.

Some European countries have completely banned the production of artificial sweeteners, but here they are still popular among diabetics.


Saccharin is the first sweetener on the diabetic market. It is currently banned in many countries around the world because clinical studies have proven that its regular use leads to the development of cancer.


A substitute that consists of three chemicals: aspartic acid, phenylalanine and methanol. But as studies have shown, its use can cause serious harm to health, namely:

  • epilepsy attacks;
  • severe brain diseases;
  • and nervous system.


Cyclamate is quickly absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract, but is slowly eliminated from the body. Unlike other sweeteners, it is less toxic, but its use still increases the risk of developing kidney failure.


200 times sweeter than regular sugar. It is often added to ice cream, soda and candy. This substance is harmful to the body, as it contains methyl alcohol. In some European countries it is prohibited in production.

Based on the above, we can conclude that the use of synthetic sugar substitutes is more harmful than beneficial for the body. That is why it is better to pay attention to natural products, and also be sure to consult a doctor before using any product that may affect your health in one way or another.

For both type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus, synthetic sugar substitutes should be used in moderation and only after consulting a doctor. It is important to remember that sweeteners are not drugs for the treatment of diabetes, do not reduce the amount of glucose in the blood, but only allow them to “sweeten” the life of diabetics who are prohibited from consuming regular sugar or other sweets.

  • Natural (natural) sugar substitutes consist of natural substances - xylitol (pentanepentaol), sorbitol, fruit sugar (fructose), stevia (honey grass). All except the last type are high in calories. If we talk about sweetness, then for sorbitol and xylitol this indicator is almost 3 times lower than for regular sugar, so when consuming them, do not forget about calories. They are not recommended for patients suffering from obesity due to type 2 diabetes, except for the sweetener stevia.
  • Sweeteners of artificial origin (consist of chemical compounds) - Aspartame (E 951), sodium saccharin (E954), sodium cyclamate (E 952).

To determine which sugar substitutes are the best and safest, it is worth considering each type separately, with all its advantages and disadvantages.

In various products, it is hidden under the code E 951. The first synthesis of aspartame was made back in 1965, and this was done by accident, in the process of obtaining an enzyme for the treatment of ulcers. But the study of this substance continued for about two to three decades.

Aspartame is almost 200 times sweeter than sugar, and its calorie content is negligible, so it is used to replace regular sugar in a wide variety of products.

Benefits of Aspartame: Low in calories, has a sweet, clean taste, and only a small amount is required.

Disadvantages: there are contraindications (phenylketonuria), in Parkinson's disease and other similar disorders it can cause a negative neurological reaction.

“Saccharin” is the name of the first sweetener that was obtained artificially as a result of chemical reactions. This is an odorless sodium salt crystal hydrate, and when compared with natural beet sugar, it is on average 400 times sweeter.

Since in its pure form the substance has a slightly bitter taste, it is combined with dextrose buffer. This replacement for sugar is still controversial, although saccharin has already been studied enough for 100 years.

The advantages include the following:

  • a pack of hundreds of tiny tablets can replace about 10 kg of sugar;
  • it contains calories;
  • Resistant to high temperatures and acids.

But what are the disadvantages of saccharin? First of all, its taste cannot be called natural, since it contains clear metallic notes. In addition, this substance is not included in the list of “Safest sugar substitutes”, since there are still doubts about its harmlessness.

A number of experts believe that it contains carcinogens and can only be consumed after a person has eaten carbohydrate foods. In addition, there is still an opinion that this sweetener provokes an exacerbation of cholelithiasis.

Sweeteners are the only option for people with diabetes to taste the sweetness of food and enjoy their food. Of course, these are controversial products, and some of them have not been fully studied, but today new substitutes are appearing that are better than the previous ones in composition, digestibility and other characteristics.

The harm or benefit of an artificial sweetener also depends on which variety will be used. The most common in modern medical practice are Aspartame, Cyclamate, Saccharin. These types of sweeteners should be taken after consulting a specialist. This also applies to sugar in tablets and other formulations, such as liquids.

Modern sweeteners for type 2 diabetes are derivatives of various chemicals.

Most popular:

  • Saccharin. White powder that is 450 times sweeter than regular table product. Known to mankind for more than 100 years and constantly used to create diabetic products. Available in tablets of 12-25 mg. Daily dosage up to 150 mg. The main disadvantages remain the following nuances:
    1. It tastes bitter if it is subjected to heat treatment. Therefore, it is mainly added to ready-made dishes;
    2. Not recommended for use by patients with concomitant renal and hepatic insufficiency;
    3. Very weak carcinogenic activity. It has only been confirmed in experimental animals. No such case has yet been reported in humans.
  • Aspartame. It is produced under the name “Slastilin” in tablets of 0.018 g. It is 150 times sweeter than regular sugar. Let's dissolve well in water. Daily dose up to 50 mg per 1 kg of body weight. The only contraindication is phenylketonuria.
  • Cyclamate. 25 times sweeter than traditional product. Its characteristics are very similar to saccharin. Does not change taste when heated. Suitable for patients with kidney problems. Also shows some carcinogenic tendency in animals.

Despite the fact that sweeteners recommended for type 2 diabetes mellitus are presented in a wide range, you should choose the most suitable option only after consultation with your doctor. The only absolutely safe analogue of white powder is the herb Stevia. It can be used by everyone and with virtually no restrictions.

Synthetic sweeteners consist of complex chemical compounds. They do not include vitamins, microelements and substances necessary for human health, as well as carbohydrates. They are created only to give food a sweet taste, but do not participate in metabolism and have no calorie content.

The most common form of release is tablets or dragees, which do not require special storage conditions.

Insufficient data on the effects of artificial sugar substitutes on the body make them prohibited for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as before reaching 18 years of age. For diabetes, substances are used only on the recommendation of a doctor.

All synthetic sweeteners are prohibited:

  • with phenylketonuria (the body’s inability to break down the amino acid phenylalanine, which comes from food containing proteins);
  • for oncological diseases;
  • children, as well as elderly people over 60 years of age;
  • within six months after the stroke, in order to avoid a possible relapse of the disease caused by the use of sweeteners;
  • for various cardiac problems and gallbladder diseases;
  • during intense sports, as they can lead to dizziness and nausea.

Peptic ulcers, gastritis, and driving are reasons for careful use of sweeteners.

Saccharin, the world's first artificial sweetener created in 1879, is a crystalline hydrate of sodium salt.

Food supplement:

  • does not have a pronounced odor;
  • 300 times sweeter than sugar and at least 50 times sweeter than other sweeteners.

According to some experts, the E954 food additive causes a risk of developing cancerous tumors. Banned in several countries. However, these conclusions have not been confirmed by clinical studies and real-world evidence.

In any case, saccharin has been most fully studied in comparison with other sweeteners and is recommended by doctors for use in limited quantities - 5 mg of the additive per 1 kg of diabetic weight.

In case of kidney failure, a health hazard is posed by a mixture of saccharin with sodium cyclamate, which is produced to eliminate the bitter taste.

Elimination of a metallic, bitter taste is possible by including the additive in dishes after heat treatment.


Food additive E955 is one of the least safe sweeteners. Produced by combining sucrose and chlorine molecules.

Sucralose has no aftertaste and is 600 times sweeter than sugar. The recommended dose of the supplement is 5 mg per 1 kg of diabetic weight during the day.

It is believed that the substance does not have a negative effect on the body and can be used even during pregnancy, lactation and childhood. However, there is an opinion that at the moment, research on the substance has not been carried out in full and its use can lead to the following phenomena:

  • allergic reactions;
  • oncological diseases;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • neurological disorders;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • decreased immunity.

Additive E951 is a fairly popular sweetener for diabetes. It is produced as an independent product (Nutrasvit, Sladex, Slastilin) ​​or as part of mixtures that replace sugar (Dulko, Surel).

It is a methyl ester, containing aspartic acid, phenylalanine and methanol. Exceeds the sweetness of sugar by 150 times.

It is believed that the food additive is dangerous only for phenylketonuria.

However, some experts believe that Aspartame:

  • It is also not recommended for Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, epilepsy and brain tumors;
  • can whet appetite and lead to excess weight;
  • during pregnancy due to the risk of giving birth to a child with reduced intelligence;
  • children may experience depression, headache, nausea, blurred vision, unsteady gait;
  • when Aspartame is heated above 30º, the sweetener decomposes into toxic substances that cause loss of consciousness, joint pain, dizziness, hearing loss, seizures, and allergic rashes;
  • leads to hormonal imbalance;
  • increases the feeling of thirst.

All these facts do not interfere with the use of the supplement for diabetes in all countries of the world in a dosage of up to 3.5 g per day.

Today, there is a wide range of sugar substitutes for diabetics on the market. Each of them has its own advantages and contraindications. In any case, the purchase of any of them should be preceded by a consultation with a doctor.

Pros and cons of fructose

Sweeteners are not included in the list of substances vital for diabetics. To “deceive” the patient, creating the illusion that he eats like all healthy people, they use sugar substitutes, which help give food a familiar taste in case of diabetes.

The positive effect of giving up sugar and switching to its substitutes is to minimize the risk of developing caries.

The harm caused by sweeteners directly depends on their dosage and the individual sensitivity of the body. It is desirable that sweeteners for type 2 diabetes be low-calorie.

All natural sweeteners are high in calories, except stevia.

In the United States, sweeteners, especially fructose, have been identified as the cause of the nation's obesity.

The small crystals taste sweet. Color - white, soluble in water. After using it, a feeling of coolness remains on the tongue. Xylitol tastes like regular sugar.

Xylitol is extracted by hydrolysis from the husks of cotton seeds and sunflower grains, and corn cobs. It is comparable in sweetness to sugar, but has less calories.

Food additive E967 (xylitol) is included in chewing gum, toothpastes, and sucking candies.

  • has a slight laxative and choleretic effect;
  • promotes the utilization of ketone bodies.

Artificial sweeteners for diabetics are extremely low in calories and high in sweetness.

Low-calorie synthetic sweeteners trick the hunger center in the brain, whetting your appetite. Gastric juice produced in large quantities under the influence of sweetness causes a feeling of hunger. Low calorie intake can lead to weight gain, forcing you to increase your food intake.

A white powder that is 200 times sweeter than sugar and has 0 calories. Available in tablet and powder form. When heated, the drug loses its sweetness.

Aspartame is a methyl ester consisting of phenylalanine, aspartic acid and methanol. A synthetic sweetener is produced using genetic engineering methods.

In industry, the food additive E951 is added to soft drinks and food products that do not require heat treatment.

Aspartame is included in yoghurts, multivitamin complexes, toothpastes, cough drops, and non-alcoholic beer.

Or in other words – fruit sugar. Belongs to the monosaccharides of the ketohexose group. It is a component of oligosaccharides and polysaccharides. Found naturally in honey, fruits, and nectar.

Fructose is produced by enzymatic or acid hydrolysis of fructosans or sugars. The product is 1.3-1.8 times sweeter than sugar, and its calorie content is 3.75 kcal/g.

It is a white powder, highly soluble in water. When fructose is heated, it partially changes its properties.

Natural sweeteners are made from natural raw materials; they have a sweeter taste and higher calorie content. Such sugar substitutes are easily absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract and do not cause excessive insulin production.

The amount of natural sweeteners should not exceed 50 grams per day. Doctors often recommend their patients to use natural sugar substitutes, since they do not cause harm to human health and are well tolerated by the body of patients with diabetes.


A harmless sugar substitute extracted from berries and fruits. Its calorie content is similar to sugar. Fructose is well absorbed by the liver, but if consumed in excess, it can still increase blood sugar (which is undoubtedly harmful for a diabetic). The daily dose should not exceed 50 mg. Used for type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

Xylitol is known as food additive E967. Made from rowan, some fruits, berries. Excessive consumption of this product can cause disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, and in case of overdose, an acute attack of cholecystitis.


Sorbitol is a food additive E420. Regular use of this sugar substitute allows you to cleanse the liver of toxic substances and excess fluid. Its use in diabetes does not cause an increase in blood glucose, but this product is quite high in calories and often contributes to weight gain in diabetics.


Stevioside is a sweetener that is produced from a plant such as stevia. This sugar substitute is most common among diabetics.

Its use allows you to reduce blood sugar levels. Stevioside tastes much sweeter than sugar and contains virtually no calories (this is an undeniable benefit.

). It is produced in the form of powder or small tablets.

The benefits of stevia for diabetes have been proven by scientific research, so the pharmaceutical industry produces this product in several forms.

Diabetic sweeteners of natural origin do not contain chemical compounds that affect the amount of glucose; they can be used for diabetes mellitus type 1 or 2, added to various confectionery products, tea, cereals and other food products.

These sugar substitutes are not only healthy, but also tasty. Despite their safety, they should be used after consulting a doctor.

Natural sweeteners are quite high in calories, so obese people should refrain from taking them in excess.

Fructose, also called fruit sugar, was synthesized in 1861. This was done by the Russian chemist A.M. Butler, condensing formic acid using catalysts - barium hydroxide and calcium.

It comes in the form of a white powder, is highly soluble in water and partially changes its characteristics when heated.

Table No. 3 Fructose: advantages and disadvantages

What is it made from? pros Minuses
Contained in fruits, vegetables, bee products. Most often produced from Jerusalem artichoke or sugar. Natural origin;

absorbed without insulin;

is highly digestible;

quickly eliminated from the blood;

does not affect intestinal hormones that cause insulin release into the blood;

reduces caries processes in teeth.

May cause flatulence;

requires additional insulin synthesis;

Such sweeteners cause a spike in blood sugar, so fructose is not recommended for regular consumption if you have diabetes. Its use is permitted only to relieve hypoglycemia in compensated diabetes.

When consumed in large doses, it causes hyperglycemia and the development of decompensation of the disease.

As you can see, sucrose is not the best sugar substitute for people with diabetes. In addition, this substance is contraindicated in individuals with a deficiency of the enzyme fructose diphosphate aldolase.

In the process of choosing a substance, it is taken into account whether they are natural sugar substitutes (conditionally harmless sugar substitutes) or synthetic ones. In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the age of the diabetic, his gender, and the “experience” of the disease.

The question of which sweetener is the most harmless can only be answered by a specialist based on these data and specific varieties.

If there are complications, the types of sweeteners should be selected very carefully to eliminate the possibility of even more serious consequences.

Liquid sugar substitute on a natural basis has recently become increasingly popular, because the benefits of its use are significant. This is due to the presence of vitamins that strengthen the body.

Even the best sweeteners should be taken in minimal quantities initially. This will avoid the development of allergic reactions and other undesirable consequences. We should not forget that the safest sweetener is a natural substance used in moderation.

When talking in more detail about the benefits of natural sugar substitutes, pay attention to the presence of natural components in the composition. In addition, many of them have a pleasant taste, which makes them easier to use, for example, in childhood. That is why which sweetener is better for type 2 diabetes must be decided based on the characteristics of each individual composition.

This sugar substitute is low in calories, namely 2.6 kcal per gram. Speaking about the benefits directly for type 2 diabetics, pay attention to the fact that:

  • present in its natural form in apples, rowan berries, apricots and other fruits;
  • the substance is non-toxic and half as sweet as sugar;
  • the composition does not have any effect on blood glucose levels;
  • Sorbitol dissolves quickly in water and can easily be processed, such as boiling, frying and baking.

In addition, it is the presented sweetener that can prevent the concentration of ketone bodies in tissues and cells. At the same time, if used frequently and the diabetic has problems with the digestive system, side effects (heartburn, bloating, rash, and others) are possible. Keep in mind the importance of calorie tracking to prevent weight gain for diabetics.


Stevia is one of the most desirable types of sugar substitute. This is due to its natural composition and minimal caloric content.

When talking about why such sugar substitutes are useful for diabetics, attention is paid to the presence of phosphorus, manganese, cobalt and calcium, as well as vitamins B, K and C. In addition, the presented natural component can be used by diabetics due to the presence of essential oils and flavonoids.

The only contraindication should be the presence of an allergic reaction to the composition, and therefore it is advisable to start using stevia with a minimal amount. It is in this case that this natural sugar substitute will be 100% useful.

Sweeteners such as xylitol, sorbitol and fructose are not recommended for use in any type of diabetes.

The most useful natural analogue of the classic white powder is the Stevia plant. It contains practically no proteins, fats and carbohydrates, but has a pleasant taste. If we take table sugar as an equivalent, then this substitute is 15-20 times sweeter. It all depends on the degree of purification of the raw materials.

The main features of the plant are the following:

  1. Does not increase glycemia.
  2. Does not affect the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates.
  3. Prevents caries.
  4. Provides a pleasant breath odor.
  5. Contains no calories.

If you now ask experts which sweetener is better for type 2 diabetes, they will unanimously say that it is the herb Stevia. The only drawback is the differences in the taste of the product from different manufacturers. You need to independently determine the one that is ideal for a particular person.

Natural sugar substitutes have a sweet taste and are not synthesized chemically. These products do not lead to an increase in blood sugar levels, but are quite high in calories. Substances are stored in a dark place, protected from moisture, in closed packaging.

The chemical composition of fructose is close to the composition of glucose. Their ratio during the breakdown of sucrose is approximately equal. However, fructose, unlike glucose, does not require the participation of insulin to nourish cells. Experts do not exclude the possibility of replacing sugar with levulose in type 2 diabetes.

Sweeteners for diabetes are substances from the group of carbohydrates that are not converted into glucose in the body, thereby helping to keep the disease under control. On the market of goods for diabetics, a large assortment of sweeteners from foreign and domestic manufacturers is available, which are available in the form of powder or soluble tablets.

Sweeteners and diabetes go together, but which one is better? What are their benefits and harms?

Why replace sugar

Chronic hyperglycemia syndrome, or in simple words, diabetes mellitus, is the scourge of our time. According to WHO statistical studies, about 30% of the population of different age categories suffers from type 1 and 2 diabetes. The epidemiology of the disease is based on many causes and predisposing factors to the development of diabetes mellitus, but in any case, this disease requires an integrated approach to treatment.

Diabetes mellitus is a chronic metabolic disorder that causes elevated blood sugar levels. The danger of type 1 or 2 diabetes mellitus is that the disease affects almost all internal organs and systems, and untimely treatment can lead to serious and irreparable consequences.

A special diet, which includes a limited amount of sweets: sugar, confectionery, dried fruits, fruit juices, occupies a special place in the treatment of diabetes. It is quite difficult or almost impossible to completely eliminate sweets from the diet, so patients with diabetes are recommended to use sweeteners.

It is known that some sugar substitutes are completely harmless, but there are also those that can cause significant harm to health. Basically, there are natural and artificial sweeteners, each of which contains components in its composition, their action is aimed at lowering blood sugar. Sweeteners are used for types 1 and 2 diabetes mellitus.

People have been producing and using sugar substitutes since the beginning of the twentieth century. And to this day, debate continues whether these food additives are harmful or beneficial.

Most of these substances are completely harmless, and at the same time they give joy in life. But there are sweeteners that can worsen health, especially for diabetes.

Read this article and you will understand which sugar substitutes can be used and which ones should not be used. There are natural and artificial sweeteners.

Natural sweeteners:

  • xylitol;
  • sorbitol;
  • fructose;
  • stevia.

All “natural” sweeteners, except stevia, are quite high in calories. In addition, sorbitol and xylitol are 2.5-3 times less sweet than regular table sugar, so calorie content should be taken into account when using them. They are not recommended for patients with obesity and type 2 diabetes, except for stevia.

Artificial sweeteners:

  • aspartame;
  • saccharin;
  • cyclamate.

Get recipes for a low-carb diet for type 1 and type 2 diabetes here

Sugar substitutes for diabetics with type 2 disease must be chosen especially carefully, weighing all the pros and cons. Considering that this type of diabetes affects mainly middle-aged and elderly people, any harmful components in such supplements affect them stronger and faster than the younger generation.

The body of such people is weakened by the disease, and age-related changes affect immunity and general vitality.

Sweeteners for patients with type 2 diabetes must meet the following requirements:

  • be as safe as possible for the body;
  • have low calorie content;
  • have a pleasant taste.

When choosing such a product, you need to focus on the following: the simpler the composition of the sweetener, the better. A large number of preservatives and emulsifiers indicates a theoretical danger of side effects. It can be either relatively harmless (minor allergies, nausea, rash) or quite serious (even carcinogenic).

If possible, it is better to give preference to natural sugar substitutes, but when choosing them, you need to pay attention to the calorie content. Since type 2 diabetes mellitus has a slow metabolism, a person very quickly gains excess weight, which is then difficult to get rid of.

Eating high-calorie natural sweeteners contributes to this, so it is better to avoid them completely or strictly limit the amount of them in your diet.

Xylitol, sorbitol, fructose

As noted earlier, natural sweeteners include sorbitol. It is present mainly in rowan berries or apricots.

This is what diabetics use very often, but due to its sweetness, this component is not suitable for weight loss. We should not forget about the high calorie content.

It is necessary to pay attention to the most striking characteristics of the component, or rather to the fact that:

  1. it is sorbitol that ensures that products do not spoil for a long time;
  2. the component stimulates the activity of the stomach and also prevents beneficial components from leaving the body prematurely. This characterizes almost all natural sugar substitutes;
  3. The peculiarity is that when consumed in large quantities, weight gain is likely.

Sorbitol, or sorbitol, is a food additive of natural origin, which was first obtained in France in 1868, thanks to the scientific research of Jean Baptiste Boussingault.

This “sugar for diabetics” comes in white or yellowish powder form, is odorless and highly soluble in water.

Table No. 2 Sorbitol: advantages and disadvantages

What raw materials is it extracted from? pros Minuses
In modern production, sorbitol is most often produced from corn starch and some varieties of algae, but apples, apricots, and rowan berries can also serve as starting materials. Does not cause caries;

used for the production of food products intended for diabetics;

Absorbed more slowly in the small intestine than other sugars.

This sweetener is quite high in calories (3.5 g per 100 g of product);

with daily consumption of 10 g of sorbitol can lead to intestinal disorders;

has a pronounced laxative effect.

When consumed in high doses daily, sorbitol can cause retinal and lens disease.

If you want to replace regular sugar with sorbitol, it is worth considering that there is no officially approved maximum daily dosage of this substance. But the recommended daily intake is 30-40 g.

Pros and cons of saccharin

The presented diabetic component is very often used in the process of preparing special tableted sugar substitutes. Its peculiarities should be considered a degree of sweetness 100 times higher than that of sugar.

In addition, experts pay attention to the low calorie content and the inability to be absorbed by the body. Such sweeteners may well be used for type 2 diabetes.

Speaking about the benefits of the component, you need to pay attention to the fact that it promotes weight loss. This is explained by the maximum degree of sweetness and, accordingly, a significantly lower consumption requirement.

However, what exactly is inherent in a sweetener: harm or benefit to a greater extent? This is a question many diabetics ask, and when answering it, you should pay attention to the high probability of a negative effect on the functions of the stomach.

As a result, it is banned in some countries. It is equally important to pay attention to the presence of carcinogenic components. Considering all this, experts rarely insist on its use and allow it only in minimal quantities, namely no more than 0.2 grams.

The product has been well studied, and it has been used as a sweetener for more than a hundred years. A derivative of sulfobenzoic acid, from which a white sodium salt is isolated.

This is saccharin - a slightly bitter powder, highly soluble in water. The bitter taste remains in the mouth for a long time, so a combination of saccharin and dextrose buffer is used.

Saccharin acquires a bitter taste when boiled; as a result, it is better not to boil the product, but to dissolve it in warm water and add it to ready-made dishes. In terms of sweetness, 1 gram of saccharin is equal to 450 grams of sugar, which is very good for type 2 diabetes.

Not all substitutes are equally useful. Relatively safe sweeteners include saccharin, aspartame and sucralose.

Xylitol, sorbitol, fructose

The next sweetener, the harm and benefits of which are known, is xylitol. It is also no less caloric than all previously presented varieties. However, it has a certain advantage, namely, that xylitol does not have a negative effect on the teeth and oral cavity as a whole. That is why it is one of the most harmless sugar substitutes.

An equally significant advantage that characterizes the presented sweetener is the ability to accelerate metabolism. However, we must not forget that negative effects are likely, in particular negative effects on the digestive system.

With frequent use of the component, gastric upset develops, which is quite difficult to relieve. This is, perhaps, all of the dangers of the presented sweetener.

The safe amount of xylitol for each day should be determined individually by a specialist.

Usually we are talking about a dosage of no more than 40 grams. in 24 hours. However, depending on the individual characteristics of the organism, other meanings are also possible.

Xylitol is one of the most common natural sugar substitutes, which has been used in European countries since the 19th century. Then it was declared as the safest sugar substitute and was used in the treatment of diabetes.

The taste characteristics of this substitute and its appearance can be called identical to regular sugar. Regular sugar has a glycemic index of 100, while xylitol has a glycemic index of only 7.

Table No. 1 Xylitol: advantages and disadvantages

Origin pros Minuses
Xylitol, otherwise known as birch or wood sugar, is obtained from almost any plant fiber; it was first extracted by Finnish specialists from birch bark Natural origin;

is a by-product of the metabolic processes of the human body;

the taste is pure, without foreign tastes;

can be absorbed without insulin, which is very important for diabetes;

does not cause hyperglycemia (pathological jump in blood glucose levels).

At high concentrations, a laxative effect is possible;

the calorie content of regular sugar and xylitol is not much different;

During the period of adaptation of the body to this substance, intestinal disorders may occur - diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, etc.

In the modern world, xylitol is used in more than three dozen countries as a hygiene or pharmaceutical additive.

A maximum person can consume 45 g of xylitol per day, no more than 15 g at a time. If the dosage is observed, this sugar substitute can be called harmless.

What else can you replace sugar with?

Since sweeteners for type 2 diabetes (for example, liquid sweetener) cannot always be used, information about what they can be replaced with will be valuable. The ideal natural sweetener is honey, some types of jam, which can be used daily, but not more than 10 grams. per day.

It is recommended to consult a specialist about how to replace sugar or its analogues in diabetes mellitus. The sooner a diabetic does this, the less significant the likelihood of developing complications and critical consequences will be.

What is the best natural sweetener to choose?

Fructose, sorbitol and xylitol are natural sweeteners with a fairly high calorie content. Despite the fact that, if taken in moderate dosages, they do not have pronounced harmful properties for the diabetic body, it is better to avoid them.

Due to their high energy value, they can provoke the rapid development of obesity in people with type 2 diabetes. If the patient still wants to use these substances in his diet, he needs to check with the endocrinologist about their safe daily doses and take into account the caloric content when drawing up the menu.

On average, the daily intake of these sweeteners ranges from 20-30 g.

The optimal natural sweeteners for patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes are stevia and sucralose.

Pros and cons of sucrasite

The presented component can be used for diabetes mellitus. It is not absorbed by the body even in its aggravated condition. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the tablets contain a specific acid regulator.

In addition, speaking about the advantages, I would like to draw attention to the minimum degree of calorie content and high efficiency indicators.

Thus, according to experts, one package can replace from five to six kg of sugar.

However, the composition also has disadvantages, in particular, the fact that one of the components of the product is toxic. At the same time, taking into account the permissibility of its use in diabetes mellitus, I would like to draw attention to the fact that when using minimal dosages it is still permissible and quite useful.

The safe dosage is no more than 0.6 g.

in 24 hours. It is in this case that there will be no need to replace the component, and we can talk about its high efficiency indicators.

Pros and cons of stevia

Perhaps stevia is the answer to the question of which sweetener is the most harmless. First of all, experts pay attention to its natural origin.

After all, this component is best and safest to use even for diabetes. Such natural sugar substitutes do not increase blood sugar levels; in addition, they bring significant benefits to metabolism and the body.

We should not forget about the minimum caloric content, which has a positive effect on the likelihood of losing weight. There are no downsides to stevia as such, however, depending on the individual characteristics of the body, contraindications or minor side effects are likely.

In order to avoid this, it is strongly recommended to consult a specialist who will advise which components are better and what are the features of their use.
