Card trick with cards. Category: Tricks with cards

- the dream of both most children and many adults. The ability to perform tricks will help you attract the attention of the public, shrouding your person in a certain aura of mystery - after all, not everyone knows how to deceive the human imagination.

Attributes of a magician

Many children, teenagers and even adults wonder how to learn to do magic tricks. To do this, they buy thematic books, read detailed instructions in the Internet. But perhaps the most optimal and frequently used training option is watching video lessons .

But it should be remembered that in some cases excessive desire only leads to negative consequences– if you rush, you learn to perform tricks the wrong way, then there is a risk that you will not be able to relearn.

Simple tricks with cards

N An ever-fading classic is card tricks.By using our video training you will learn the basics, learn how to independently perform the most spectacular of simple card tricks:

Beginners, both children and adults, should learn from watching video lessons. Correct, unhurried, thoughtful perception of information is the key to the fact that in the future you will be able to surprise a heated audience or your friends with the spectacular skill of visual deception. And exactly Video training will help you achieve the desired result.

To perform techniques are based mainly on mathematics . Knowledge of the basics of this powerful science will help you, as well as the ability practical application basic calculation formulas. All this is the key to success in demonstrating a bunch of spectacular card tricks. For example, a trick where you need to guess the intended card. And not only.

Math based card trick

This trick is suitable for those who can count well in their head.

It's called "Instant settlement". To complete it, you need to be able to do mental math well. You are trying to guess the card that the spectator behind you took from the deck.

What's the trick?

  • The sum of the numbers from all cards is three hundred twelve.
  • King, in this counting system is zero, queen is 12, jack is 11.
  • By summing up all the values ​​from the deck (from the 51st card), you will get the required amount.
  • Then - subtract this number from the total - this is the card drawn.
  • If the result is 312, then the King is taken from the deck.

Spectacular trick with cards

Simple but effective tricks always impress the viewer

Simple to perform, but beautiful and effective tricks with cards, amenable even to a beginner, always make a pleasant impression. Take, for example, focus "Four Aces".


  • The spectator calls a random number from ten to twenty, you rearrange the cards, and then put four aces from the deck on display aside.
  • The trick is that from the entire pack you count out the number named by the viewer. The pack turns out to be extremely small.
  • You remove cards from it, the sum of which is the numbers named by the spectator, the rest remain in place.
  • Afterwards, turn over the postponed cards.
  • They miraculously turn out to be those same aces.

The main method of deception is as follows: V deck of cards the aces are placed precisely in places nine through twelfth. This way the magician can always easily find them in the general stack.

That's all! Just two simple techniques that can become the basis for your subsequent training in this direction. It’s all like in mathematics: the trick will work if you thoroughly check every action and calculate all possible options.

If you are interested in the question of how to learn how to perform tricks on cards, then this material will be extremely useful. There is a wide variety of beautiful and colorful card tricks that can captivate and completely captivate the attention of the public. However, it is better for novice magicians to first master simpler, but also entertaining and effective tricks.

Before you start learning the technique of a particular trick, you should make sure that you fully master the art of flourishes, cuts, flips, double lifts, breaks and false shuffles. These are fundamental skills for successfully performing any trick, be it the simplest or the most incredibly complex.

Let's look at a few simple and original tricks that always cause excitement and bewilderment among the audience.

Magic leaf

To perform this trick you will need:

  • cards;
  • table;
  • piece of paper;
  • writing pen;
  • spectators.

The essence of the trick: you shuffle the deck in any way that suits you. Then write the names of two pictures on a piece of paper, but do not show them to the audience yet. Insert the piece of paper into the middle of the deck. You scroll through it to the piece of paper in the middle, turn it over and show it to the audience, they see what is written. Then you insert the sheet back, lay out the deck with a ribbon and open one image on each side of the sheet in the middle. These are exactly the cards you wrote.

Focus mechanism: When shuffling, look at the top and bottom cards in the deck. Write them down on paper. Then insert the sheet into the middle and start flipping through the stack until it reaches it. When you reach it, grab it along with the cards in your hand and turn it over. This way the viewer will see what is written on the paper, and you put the piece of paper on top of the deck (you already know the top picture).

Then we put the second half of the pack on a piece of paper, and it turns out that it is sandwiched between two cards known to us. Now beautiful ribbon stretch the deck with a piece of paper in the middle and turn over the images next to it. Everyone is surprised and applauds, and you mentally congratulate yourself on your success.

It is important! Use a shuffle that allows you to peek at the cards above and below unnoticed!

The essence: the viewer selects any picture from the deck, remembers it and puts it back in any place. The magician begins to sort through the cards from the deck one by one, and it is the picture chosen by the viewer that turns out to be an upside-down pattern against the background of the remaining cards lying face down.

Mechanism: before letting the viewer choose a picture, you need to discreetly turn the bottom piece from the pack over. You can do this in advance. While the person makes his choice, you turn the deck over and give him to insert his card. After this, turn the deck over again and begin flipping. The viewer's choice will be reversed. The trick is very simple and does not require too complex manipulations.

It is important! All deck flips in this trick must be performed instantly and unnoticed, this is 90% of the successful outcome.

Three Jacks

A very effective and bright trick that makes you simply grab your head from the apparent unreality of what is happening.

The bottom line: you offer the viewer only three cards - the jack of clubs, the jack of spades and the jack of diamonds. Then, one by one, place them in your hand as follows. First, the jack of diamonds is vertical, then the jack of spades is also vertical, but horizontally between them you insert the jack of diamonds. Then, in front of the audience, you make several magical passes, and the Jack of Diamonds ends up upside down, facing the audience, and lying horizontally in the middle. The incredible replacement of a jack of crosses with a jack of diamonds using magic - this is exactly what it looks like from the outside.

Mechanism: full and detailed description Learn this trick here:

I know what her score is

Another cool trick that can cause a flurry of emotions in the audience. And at the same time completely easy to implement.

The essence: the spectator chooses any card from the deck and then you remove it inside the pack. You invite the viewer to pick cards from the deck as many times as he wants. Then you take the pack in your hands and say: “I know what your card is.” You name the number, count out the one you need, turn it over and you've got an exact hit. The viewer is shocked, you are in the rays of glory.

Mechanism: You can view this trick in action and learn it at the following link:

You can take a more detailed and complete video course on card tricks for beginners here:

To perform such tricks with cards, you will need special equipment. cards with special coating. You can order these

You will learn three more good tricks that you can use to start your magic career.

It is important! Remember that any trick requires training in advance. Never perform a poorly practiced trick, as it is impossible to restore the reputation of a good wizard!

Cards are the magician's sacred props. Why are cards so beloved by illusionists? Firstly, there are a huge number of card tricks. Their variations are countless, you can constantly come up with new tricks. Secondly, with cards you can not only show tricks, but also make beautiful manipulations.

Thirdly, the cards are very compact, which allows you to simply put them in your pocket and carry hundreds of tricks with you. Finally, cards have already become a kind of fetish for magicians. It’s nice to shuffle them, sort them out, twist them, they develop perfectly fine motor skills, calm the nerves, attract attention. There's only one problem... Magicians love cards too much.

However, among all the variety of card tricks, there are boring ones (such as “pick a card - I’ll find it”), long and obscure, where you need to lay out something, count, rearrange, and lay out again. And there are bright, spectacular tricks that instantly blow the roof off! Just imagine: the card chosen by the viewer passes through the glass, breaks and is restored, ends up on the ceiling, behind the glass of the aquarium, flies, disappears or turns into another object.

Many viewers don’t even realize how effective and original card tricks can be. Sometimes you hear from viewers “I don’t like card tricks,” after which, asking them to watch just one trick, the idea of ​​card tricks changes radically.

Our task is to teach tricks that would blow your mind, break stereotypes about cards and make you believe in miracles. The audience should squeal with delight and beg you to show something else!

Oddly enough, the Pareto principle also works in card magic: eighty percent of all card tricks are done with twenty percent of existing techniques. These techniques can be called basic, and they are the ones you need to master if you want to learn the best magic tricks in the world.


The card course is designed for three classes (with an interval of at least two weeks between classes).

THE FIRST LESSON is devoted to learning basic techniques for working with cards:

  • various ways to control the card chosen by the viewer;
  • basic sleights (techniques) used in tricks;
  • fake shuffles and cut-ins;
  • elements of decorative manipulation (trimmings, fans, card ribbons, throws, etc.);
  • imposing the choice of the desired card (forcing);
  • several tricks to practice basic techniques.

It will take from several months to a year to master basic techniques. Therefore, you should not delude yourself and expect quick success. According to statistics, some students lose interest in magic tricks after the card course, when faced with difficulties and the need for rehearsals. However, those who master this material open the door to the world of card magic.

SECOND LESSON is devoted to the study of legendary tricks based on basic techniques. These are tricks from David Blaine’s sensational videos, as well as other tricks, after which viewers often utter the phrases: “I’ll never play with him again,” “they probably won’t let you into the casino,” “this can’t be true, show me more.” once".

In any company, it will be enough to simply ask for a deck of cards or take out your own to immediately find yourself in the center of attention, if not become the hero of the party. And this is not surprising, because you will be able to change the color of cards, make the entire deck disappear in front of the spectators’ noses, change cards in a second without even touching them, manipulate with completely rolled up sleeves in a way that spectators have only seen in the movies. You will be able to clearly demonstrate the principle set out in the legendary film about magicians “Now You See Me”:

“The more closely you look, the less you see.”

THIRD LESSON is devoted to the use of props when working with cards. Only after learning how to handle a regular deck well can you afford to use special ones. By combining classic card techniques and secret props, you can confidently reach new level mastery, without being afraid of questions: “Let me see your cards?”

In addition, the third lesson covers additional techniques working with cards (palming, false counting, color changes, control methods, cheating techniques, etc.), as well as issues of managing the attention of spectators. These secrets cannot be found on the Internet and are too well hidden in books.

IMPORTANT! It is strictly not recommended to use the acquired knowledge in gambling, even though some techniques will be tempting to do so. Cheating is a different direction, in which completely different emphasis is placed. If in tricks everything is aimed at external effect, then cheating techniques are focused on invisibility and very specific goals. Sharpies have a different set of skills and techniques (including psychological ones) than magicians.

The use of magic techniques in a cheating game will inevitably lead to unpleasant consequences, for which we cannot be held responsible, but we consider it our duty to prevent and eliminate these situations. All magicians adhere to the rule: as a matter of principle, do not play gambling. This ethical position eliminates any misunderstandings associated with games. And a situation in which a magician wins at cards (playing fairly) will hardly be above suspicion, and at best will cause a smile.

The card tricks training program can be changed or supplemented, and the number of classes increased if necessary. One lesson lasts an hour, the cost is 10,000 rubles.

Especially as a child, it was interesting to watch card tricks. For some it seemed incredible, but for magicians it became a calling - entertaining people.

Watching card tricks is interesting for both young and old people, but unraveling the secrets of card tricks is not so easy. Below are training videos with the secrets of magic tricks, from the simplest to the more complex. Video training clearly shows and explains how to do these tricks.

Produce good impression on your acquaintances and friends with only one deck playing cards and acquired skill as a magician.

Card trick "Inverted card"

This “Inverted Card” card trick is very simple, and at the same time allows you to fully engage the viewer, who will be surprised to see the very chosen card, but in an inverted state.

Isn't it a simple card trick that's very easy to learn?

Robin Hood card trick

A fitting name for the Robin Hood card trick. You choose the Ace of Spades from the deck. You are sorting through the deck, and at that moment you are stopped. You don’t know what card you were stopped on, you connect the decks and shoot like a real Robin Hood into the deck with an ace. Then you lay out the deck front side. You ask if the ace is adjacent to the hole card, but it doesn’t hit. The hole card will not be that arrow (ace of spades), but will be the very chosen card.

The training video for the Robin Hood card trick is a little more complicated, but it will definitely surprise your friends and acquaintances.

Learning the card trick "Black and Red"

In this card trick, you will be able to turn the viewer into a real seer and psychic; he himself did not even know about such abilities before.

Not a difficult trick with cards, the secret of which you just saw in the training video.

The secret of the "Hands and Coin" card trick

From the selected card, you look for the one that the spectator has chosen and find the desired card using the spectator's choice and a coin, choosing from "heads" or "tails".

Learning this trick with cards is not difficult. You give the viewer a choice, but in fact you choose the desired card yourself.

A simple trick with cards “Faith in the Magician”

The spectator chooses absolutely any card, then puts it in the deck. The magician begins to shuffle the deck, after which he finds a card.

The simplest card trick from childhood.

An easy trick using Whisper cards.

The spectator chooses a card, and the magician will definitely guess it.

So you learned some card tricks and their secrets, watched a training video. Now you can surprise your friends with real magic.

Probably, not only children enjoy the performances of magicians and wizards who perform miracles before the eyes of the audience. And certainly, everyone remembers the first time they saw the miracle of movement, transformation or reincarnation. Of course, these are childhood memories. For example, one that even became part of the plot of a popular cartoon, when by pulling the edge of the rabbit-like ears peeking out of a hat, long ribbons appear.

I wanted to ask, where is the hare? Was there a “eared ear” - was the answer read in the eyes of the joyful magician?

Video training “Simple card tricks”

Such tricks need to be specially prepared. The simplest ones are with cards. The video tutorial perfectly presents the technique of one of them. The trick is called “teleport” and is exactly what is called simple card tricks. When performing them, manual dexterity and finger mobility are required.

All hand movements are performed at a calm pace, without rushing.

To complete this you will need a regular deck of cards.

The magician or wizard asks the spectator to choose any card.

  1. The viewer chooses, say, “three of diamonds.”
  2. Ask the spectator to look carefully at the card and remember it.
  3. Divide the deck into two piles.
  4. Place the selected card face up on one of the piles.
  5. With your other hand, holding the second deck of cards, you move in the direction of the first, as if trying to connect both parts of the deck into one.
  6. Using the fingers of the hand that holds the stack of cards along with the one chosen by the spectator, push away the bottom card of the top deck.
  7. With your little finger, hold the bottom-most card you just moved away from this top deck.
  8. Start turning over the top card of the bottom deck several times, i.e. the one chosen by the viewer.
  9. On the 3-4th turn, you place the bottom card of the top deck on top of the bottom deck, this is the card chosen by the spectator, but now it is second from the top of the bottom deck.
  10. You move the top card of the bottom deck, outwardly it looks like manipulating the card chosen by the spectator.
  11. The thumb of the hand that holds top part deck of cards, lift the second card from the top in the bottom deck, i.e. the one chosen by the viewer.
  12. You press this card to the bottom of the top deck and remove it from the deck: the card chosen by the spectator is moved to the bottom of the top of the deck.
  13. At the bottom of the deck, move the pushed card into the middle with your fingers.
  14. At this moment, in the second, top deck of cards, move away the bottom card, the “three of diamonds,” and drag it up this part of the deck.
  15. At the same time, remove the extended card from the bottom of the deck.
  16. You show the viewer a card that is on top of a deck of cards, which a few moves earlier had already found its place for viewing.

The video tutorial shows one of the simplest card tricks. Of course, there are others that are more complicated. They are also learnable. If you liked this trick and want to learn other tricks, I would like to make simple recommendations:

  • To ensure that your numbers attract attention, never tell anyone the secret of your trick;
  • each number must be carefully practiced in order to flawlessly perform key movements and not give yourself away during the performance;
  • Do not under any circumstances say what will happen in the next moment, this may prompt the viewer to look more closely at the exact place where the main action is taking place.

We wish all future magicians and wizards unpredictable performances and delightful looks from grateful spectators!
