Medicinal and bioenergetic properties of trees. Energy of trees

Trees are our best friends !!! If you doubt this, then we present to your attention the top 20 reasons why it is worth planting, caring for and protecting trees.

# 1: fight the greenhouse effect

It is the result of an excess of greenhouse gases created by burning fossil fuels and the destruction of the rainforest. Solar heat, reflected from the Earth, gets trapped from the layer of greenhouse gases, as a result of which the level of the world temperature is constantly increasing. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is considered one of the main greenhouse gases. Trees, in, convert CO2 into oxygen. In one year, an acre of mature trees absorbs the amount of CO2 generated by a vehicle that has driven 26,000 miles.

# 2: purify the air

Trees absorb odors and gases of pollutants (nitrogen oxides, ammonia, sulfur dioxide and ozone) and also filter particulate matter from the air by capturing them on leaves and bark.

# 3: provide us with oxygen

In one year, an acre of mature trees can provide oxygen to 18 people.

# 4: cool streets and cities

Over the past 50 years, due to large-scale construction and a decrease in the number of green spaces, the average temperature in cities has increased markedly. Trees can lower temperatures by several degrees Celsius by shading our homes and streets, breaking urban heat islands and releasing water vapor into the air through their leaves.

# 5: save energy

Three trees, properly placed around a home, can reduce summer air conditioning needs by 50%. By reducing the demand for energy to cool our premises, the emissions of carbon dioxide and other pollutants from power plants are reduced.

# 6: save water

Many seedlings need about 15 gallons of water per week. Shade from trees slows down the evaporation of water from the soil and increases moisture in the atmosphere.

# 7: Prevent Water Pollution

Trees reduce runoff by breaking up rainfall, which slows down the flow of water. This prevents pollutants and debris from entering the ocean. Trees also act as a sponge that filters the groundwater.

# 8: Prevent Soil Erosion

Trees hold the soil together with their root systems and slow down wind speed and water flow.

# 9: protect children from UV rays

Skin cancer is the most common cancer in countries with hot and sunny climates. Trees reduce UV exposure by about 50%, thus protecting children in schoolyards and playgrounds where they spend a lot of time.

# 10: Provide Nutrition

The apple tree can produce about 400-600 kg of fruit per year. In addition to feeding humans, trees provide food for birds and wildlife.

# 11: heal

Studies have shown that patients in tree-view wards recover significantly faster and with fewer complications. Children with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) had fewer symptoms of the disease when they had access to. Contemplating green trees relaxes and reduces mental fatigue.

# 12: Reduce Violence

Homes that have no trees have shown a significant level of violence among their owners than their landscaped counterparts. Trees also help reduce fear levels.

# 13: give an idea of ​​the time of year

Is it winter, spring, summer or autumn? Take a look at the trees and it will immediately become clear!

# 14: create economic opportunity

Fruit harvested from the garden can be sold, thus providing income. Quite good prospects for green business are emerging in cities that are now more than ever before. Professional training courses for people interested in landscaping work are also a great way to generate economic benefits.

# 15: Teachers and Playmates

Homes for children or places of creative and spiritual inspiration for adults. Trees provide us with a cozy space to play, socialize, work or study.

# 16: bring different groups of people together

Planting young trees provides an opportunity for groups of people of different ages, genders and perspectives to participate in group activities, which improves mutual understanding and leads to new and interesting acquaintances.

# 17: Serve as protection and habitat for animals

Oak and chestnut are among the many urban tree species that provide shelter and shelter for insects, birds, squirrels and other animals.

# 18: decorate

Trees can mask unsightly views as well as muffle sounds and create a pleasant and soothing green curtain for the eyes.

# 19: Provide Wood

In suburban and rural areas, wood can be used as fuel for space heating or cooking.

# 20: increase property value

The beauty of well-planted and well-tended trees near a home can raise its value by as much as 15%.

Trees on the site can not only complement the landscape design, create the necessary shade and please the eye. Some of the tree species have healing powers. Let's list six of them.

There are many medicinal plants on the planet, and many of them can be grown on your own site. It can be not only herbs and flowers, but also trees. From the beginning of spring and during the summer, the leaves and flowers of trees are used for medicinal purposes, and their bark, branches and roots can be used to treat diseases during the fall and winter.

Some helpful tips:

* Do not harm the plant and cut off the bark from the trunk of living trees - collect it from the fallen branches.

* Medicinal components of the bark are located under the outer layer of the bark. It can be kept dry or used fresh.

* The bark is dried in a shaded and ventilated place.

* Leaves of medicinal trees are harvested from the beginning of spring until the summer solstice. Bundles are tied from them and hung in a cool, shaded place.

The following medicinal trees can be grown on their own near your home:

1. Pine

Pine trees are among the most useful trees growing on our planet. They are used to build houses, are used as medicines and food. The needles of a tree are added to tea, enriching it with vitamin C.

The consumption of dry pine bark or tea from the needles supplies the body with a large amount of vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system, has powerful antioxidant properties that help protect a person from chronic diseases.

Pine bark and needles contain vitamin A, a large amount of carotenoids that are good for the eyes. They help prevent the development of cataracts and improve vision. The needles and bark are good for the respiratory and circulatory organs, improve the condition of the skin and hair. However, not all pine species are healthy. Among them there are poisonous ones, for example, western yellow pine, yew and others.

2. Birch

The bark of the birch is thin, easily removable, has a pleasant aroma of wintergreen herb. A refreshing drink is prepared from the sap of birch, and the leaves are added to the tea, giving it taste and aroma. The bark, sap and leaves of birch contain vitamins, proteins, many minerals and amino acids.

The juice has tonic properties and is used as a food supplement. It is good as an anti-inflammatory and cleanser, as a detoxifier and tonic. The laxative properties of the juice help to remove harmful waste products from the body, which is useful for gout and rheumatism, this ability reduces fluid retention in the body, helps with psoriasis and eczema. The extract made from birch bark has anti-tumor properties.

3. Cedar

Northern white cedar is a “tree of life” that allows you to get rid of scurvy, because it contains a lot of vitamin C. This tree can help with fever, colds and flu. Cedar baths and tea made from cedar shoots and branches are very useful for colds and runny nose. In the old days, dry cedar branches were burned like incense - it was believed that it cleanses the mind and emotions, the energy of the house. The cedar aroma was also used in the steam rooms - its branches were scattered across the floor.

4. Elm

Ointments and poultices made from elm bark cure fever and heal wounds. Tea made from elm bark, tart and aromatic, heals bones, treats sore throats, stops diarrhea, heals the gastrointestinal tract - helps with colitis, duodenal ulcer, intestinal irritation, heartburn and gastritis. Elm has a calming effect. A resinous substance oozes from its bark, which can be consumed as porridge, the taste of which is similar to oatmeal. It is highly nutritious and has powerful antioxidant properties.

5. Linden

The medicinal properties of linden flowers and leaves were known in antiquity. The Americans used roots and bark - they treated burns with them, drank tea for headaches, cured spasms, coughs, and epilepsy. Linden blossom tea helps with various diseases: relieves headaches, calms the nerves, improves the functioning of the digestive tract, and normalizes the heartbeat. Linden has excellent anti-inflammatory properties, helps with gout and arthritis.

6. Oak

Many people believe that oak is a sacred tree. It is used in medicine, construction, for food purposes. Its foliage and bark can heal wounds, swelling, swelling, bleeding and dysentery. It is an excellent diuretic that helps with poisoning. Used to gargle for sore throat, gum and dental problems.

Trees are powerful children of the Earth, possessing special energy, wisdom and power. They draw strength from each element: the earth, where the secrets of the universe are hidden in the primordial layers, water that permeates the earth and gives life, the sun's rays that give energy, and air that brings freedom and renewal. The energy of trees is a field of knowledge well known to our ancestors. The priests of ancient peoples knew how to use this power with care and respect. But even today, people instinctively seek support from nature. If a person and a tree become friends, this invisible bond lasts until the end of days. And even in the ordinary vocabulary, you can hear the echoes of those times when human communication with trees was a part of life.

Wood properties - OAK

This is the king of trees. A powerful, majestic, fabulous tree with a masculine character. A generous donor, willingly shares light and warm energy, health and strength with a person, he is especially supportive of warriors. Men find it easier to find a common language with him than women. The energy of the oak strengthens the authority and solidity of a person, enhances ambition, insight and domination, gives an understanding of current events, cheerfulness and optimism, but does not welcome the manifestations of violent fun. He does not like whiners, and you should also not communicate with him in an irritated state. Anyone who carries a few oak leaves and acorns with him will retain clarity of thought and sobriety. In ancient times, the oak was considered a gateway to another dimension, in his society it is very good to meditate, and people have always built sanctuaries to the gods in oak groves. The Jews consider the oak to be the tree of the Covenant. The rituals carried out under the oak tree have indestructible power, and acorns drive away evil spirits. The oak is located for communication from late evening until the first signs of dawn. He slowly gets used to a person who wants to make friends with him, but if he accepts friendship, then even at a distance, through his fellows, he will protect and warn him.

Properties of wood - BIRCH

White birch is an elegant tree with a light and welcoming girlish appearance. Its energy is gentle, affectionate and transparent. The birch wakes up with the first rays of dawn and is awake until dark, but it is most energetic in the early morning. This is a donor tree, but she can be wayward. Loves children, young girls and pregnant women, gives support to ancestors, protects families, rejects selfish and selfish people. Cradle for newborns was made from it in Russia and in Europe. Communication with this gentle and compassionate tree relieves depression, lingering ailments, strengthens intuition. Birch clears the energy field, drives away bad dreams, sadness and boredom. Birch branches were used to protect the house from lightning, in purification rituals, in village magic to attract the attention of the chosen one. And if love is not reciprocal, then birch will ease this pain. Birch jewelry is powerful amulets.
Weeping birch is a tree of sorrow and sorrow, a guide to the world of the departed and those who did not find peace after death. Through it, contact with the dead is established, they ask for help from their ancestors, and the juice, bark, leaves or buds are collected only for magical purposes.

Tree properties - ROWAN

One of the 12 sacred trees of the Scandinavians. Rowan is capable of hard-hitting any energy blow. Therefore, amulets, amulets, magic items and jewelry are made from it. It protects both people and animals. Rowan decoction in combination with dry compresses from its branches, berries and leaves removes moderate damage from a person. Rowan twigs, according to some sources, may indicate treasures and deposits. Rowan wakes up in the late morning and is most powerful in the afternoon.
Patronizes mature women who value physical love, and is a symbol of conjugal love, which flares up stronger over the years. Rowan branches on the windows in the house and at the head of the bed will keep the fire in a relationship for many years.
Rowan will heal energy breakdowns, but the patient will initially experience severe discomfort, which will decrease with cleaning. Rowan softens the explosive character, gives prudence. Its wood dampens inertia, this quality is used in the manufacture of handles for heavy tools.

Wood properties - ASH

On the ash-tree Yggdrasil, having pierced himself with a spear, the great Odin hung upside down for nine days to gain knowledge and wisdom. Thanks to his sacrifice, people were able to use the art of the runes. The best sets of runes are made from ash, their attunement with the owner is amazing. Ash is also revered by the Baltic peoples, Celts and Greeks. Among the Greeks, it is dedicated to the god of the water element Poseidon. The energy of the ash tree really helps to know oneself and develop abilities, but only for those who approach this with a pure soul. The price to pay for knowledge can be severe emotional exhaustion.

Wood properties - ASPEN

She takes away any pain, from toothache to mental pain, she is a powerful vampire. You need to contact her during the day. Long-term communication with an aspen is shown for those who suffer from obsessive states and panic attacks, who need to cleanse their energy field.
Thresholds are made of aspen in wooden houses to neutralize extraneous negativity, as well as a bathhouse where a person was cleansed and where children were usually born. According to its medicinal properties, aspen has a strong bactericidal effect: rot never starts in it, it is not afraid of dampness, therefore it is used for the manufacture of boats and piers. In an aspen box, it is good to hide your magic tools from those who see. Aspen can help avert your eyes and create darkness. "To break an aspen" - that is, to break an aspen twig near any place - meant leaving forever.

Wood Properties - FIR

Wood properties - LIPA

A donor tree that gives optimism and peace of mind. It is traditionally used for household utensils, although the wood is soft and not very durable. However, it brings a kind, soft and warm light into the space, and this is valued much higher than the durability of other materials. Linden is always open to communication, except in the middle of the day, after half an hour of communication with her, the body will fill with energy, and the soul - with confidence. Linden energy increases efficiency, gives vigor, neutralizes aggression, helps to economically use energy.

Tree properties - PINE

A generous tree that promotes the forgetting of grievances and spiritual growth. In terms of energy, pine is as strong a donor as an oak. Relieves minor spoilage, guilt, nervousness, helps to lose weight. Gives a sense of significance, calmness, strength of mind, helps to achieve your goals and easily removes depression. Pine is a tree open to communication with everyone, giving solar energy, it is strongest in the early morning. In winter, it is good to decorate the house with pine branches with cones. On the same twigs, you can charge gold items - they become amulets from evil forces. Pine twigs will bring joy and peace to the house. Pine feels very bad in the city, where there are many negative vibrations.

Wood Properties - Maple

A real warrior of light. A tree that can make any person diplomatic and conflict-free, relieve stress, balance character, calm anger and soothe tears. Maple itself was a man in the past, but it was turned into a beautiful tree. In terms of energy, it is neutral. To give him energy, you should approach from the north side, to receive - from the south. It is useful to walk along the maple alleys, in this case, the energy of a person is restored by itself. The character of this tree is understanding, non-offensive and affectionate. Maple is active in the morning.

How to recharge from trees

In order to find "your" tree for recharging, you need to look for it. Sooner or later, one of them in a forest or park will attract attention, so to speak, "call". Close contact will make it possible to understand if the tree wants to communicate with you. Trees also have souls, although not like humans and animals. But if, when communicating with the tree, a resonance was created, it means that you have found your green friend.

Before you start charging from a tree, you need to say hello to it. Then you should get to know a little, talk. Carefully examine the tree, how majestic and mighty it is, what a strong trunk, marvel at the beauty of the branches and crown of the tree, touch it. Tune in to merge together. Now it has already come for the time being to talk about your problem or request and ask for help and strength - to recharge with the energy of the tree. Close your eyes, imagine how the energy juice runs through the tree, filling and purifying you. Stay in this state for as long as you need to.

At the end, be sure to thank the tree for its help!

Trees are powerful children of the Earth, possessing special energy, wisdom and power. They draw strength from each element: the earth, where the secrets of the universe are hidden in the primordial layers, water that permeates the earth and gives life, the sun's rays that give energy, and air that brings freedom and renewal. The energy of trees is a field of knowledge well known to our ancestors. The priests of ancient peoples knew how to use this power with care and respect. But even today, people instinctively seek support from nature. If a person and a tree become friends, this invisible bond lasts until the end of days. And even in the ordinary vocabulary, you can hear the echoes of those times when human communication with trees was a part of life.

The wisdom of ancient ancestors does not give any doubt that nature is the best source of health for us. The healing power of the forest is made up of the plants found there. And then they create a kind of biosphere. The healing properties of a tree directly depend on the content of various compounds and substances in its parts: alkaloids, enzymes, organic acids, mineral salts, trace elements and vitamins. Dasha with forest air, our body receives substances such as resin, essential oil, and even phytoncides and bitterness.

Even in ancient times, people knew that leaning against the trunk of a tree and breathing forest air, you can relieve body fatigue, restore vigor of body and spirit, feel the joy of life. The same effect can be obtained by decorating your home with flowers, a bouquet of herbs.

To determine this, you need to snuggle tightly against the trunk and stand like this for several minutes. If you feel a surge of energy, then this is a donor. And if on the contrary - weakness, headache, dizziness and other unpleasant symptoms - a vampire. Donors - oak, birch, spruce, pine, cedar, apricot. Vampires - aspen, poplar, alder.

You don't need to be afraid of trees - vampires are not needed, since we need both species to heal. If you are sick, then first you need to communicate with the vampire in order to remove all the negativity present in your field, and then recharge and replenish your energy from the donor tree. It is best treated during flowering trees - in the spring.

Donor trees can often be found in the central part of Russia. This is the legendary Russian beauty birch, as well as alder, maple, chestnut, ash. Each of them has its own unique properties and helps a person with various ailments. Birch will help if you are worried about high blood pressure. A daily morning call to this beauty will give you not only a positive charge and cheerfulness, but will also forever forget about going to the doctors.

You have a painful condition, fatigue, nervousness that has come from nowhere. Spruce pine, which often replaces the New Year tree for us, will help you. It will restore your strength, give you self-confidence, relieve discomfort and increase your overall well-being. Probably, each of us felt a surge of strength, joy, peace, walking in a pine forest.

Alder will become your best personal doctor if the cardiovascular system begins to give noticeable disruptions. And chestnut will help you with coughs, pneumonia, such serious diseases as bronchitis, pulmonary tuberculosis, as well as bronchial asthma.

But there is a small condition that must be met in order to receive help from the tree. Every time you approach your new doctor, be sure to greet him as if you were talking to a person. Respect and appreciation must be genuine. After greeting, also sincerely ask for help in healing your ailment.

Pressing your back to it, grab the barrel with your hands and close your eyes. After standing like this for about ten minutes, turn to face the tree, press down with your whole body, also clasping the trunk with your hands. The session time should not be more than twenty minutes. After the healing session, as a polite patient, thank your doctor, and only then leave. All this seems a little fantastic, but in the world a lot happens without our consent, much less understanding.

More than 1-2 weeks, you should not contact the same tree, if the ailment has not passed, then it is better to continue the treatment procedure with another natural donor.

Trees that suck energy from a person are poplar and legendary, in the fight against werewolves, aspen. But they can not only harm, but in many cases, even help a person a lot. There are such diseases, during the course of which, a person has a lot of negative energy. This is where vampires come to the rescue, who will be happy to help you get rid of it. With constant pain in the extremities, with pain in the back, following the same signs of respect as for donor trees, you need to nestle on the trunk with painful places. Limit the treatment time to a few minutes. And if you did everything in good faith and believed in success, then after a few years you will feel much better, and in the future you will be healed altogether.

You can determine which tree is yours using ordinary foil. Take it and stroke it with your fingernail. If the foil sticks to your hand - the tree does not fit, if it reaches for the bark of the tree - EUREKA, your tree.

Let's see what trees, what properties they have:

Wood properties - OAK

This is the king of trees. A powerful, majestic, fabulous tree with a masculine character. A generous donor, willingly shares light and warm energy, health and strength with a person, he is especially supportive of warriors. Men find it easier to find a common language with him than women. The energy of the oak strengthens the authority and solidity of a person, enhances ambition, insight and domination, gives an understanding of current events, cheerfulness and optimism, but does not welcome the manifestations of violent fun. He does not like whiners, and you should also not communicate with him in an irritated state.

Anyone who carries a few oak leaves and acorns with him will retain clarity of thought and sobriety. In ancient times, the oak was considered a gateway to another dimension, in his society it is very good to meditate, and people have always built sanctuaries to the gods in oak groves. The Jews consider the oak to be the tree of the Covenant. The rituals carried out under the oak tree have indestructible power, and acorns drive away evil spirits. The oak is located for communication from late evening until the first signs of dawn. He slowly gets used to a person who wants to make friends with him, but if he accepts friendship, then even at a distance, through his fellows, he will protect and warn him.

Properties of wood - BIRCH

White birch is an elegant tree with a light and welcoming girlish appearance. Its energy is gentle, affectionate and transparent. The birch wakes up with the first rays of dawn and is awake until dark, but it is most energetic in the early morning. This is a donor tree, but she can be wayward. Loves children, young girls and pregnant women, gives support to ancestors, protects families, rejects selfish and selfish people. Cradle for newborns was made from it in Russia and in Europe.

Communication with this gentle and compassionate tree relieves depression, lingering ailments, strengthens intuition. Birch clears the energy field, drives away bad dreams, sadness and boredom. Birch branches were used to protect the house from lightning, in purification rituals, in village magic to attract the attention of the chosen one. And if love is not mutual, then birch will ease this pain. Birch jewelry is powerful amulets. Weeping birch is a tree of sorrow and sorrow, a guide to the world of the departed and those who did not find peace after death. Through it, contact with the dead is established, they ask for help from their ancestors, and the juice, bark, leaves or buds are collected only for magical purposes.

Tree properties - ROWAN

One of the 12 sacred trees of the Scandinavians. Rowan is capable of hard-hitting any energy blow. Therefore, amulets, amulets, magic items and jewelry are made from it. It protects both people and animals. Rowan decoction in combination with dry compresses from its branches, berries and leaves removes moderate damage from a person. Rowan twigs, according to some sources, may indicate treasures and deposits. Rowan wakes up in the late morning and is most powerful in the afternoon.

Patronizes mature women who value physical love, and is a symbol of conjugal love, which flares up stronger over the years. Rowan branches on the windows in the house and at the head of the bed will keep the fire in a relationship for many years. Rowan will heal energy breakdowns, but the patient will initially experience severe discomfort, which will decrease with cleaning. Rowan softens the explosive character, gives prudence. Its wood dampens inertia, this quality is used in the manufacture of handles for heavy tools.

Wood properties - ASH

On the ash-tree Yggdrasil, having pierced himself with a spear, the great Odin hung upside down for nine days to gain knowledge and wisdom. Thanks to his sacrifice, people were able to use the art of the runes. The best sets of runes are made from ash, their attunement with the owner is amazing. Ash is also revered by the Baltic peoples, Celts and Greeks. Among the Greeks, it is dedicated to the god of the water element Poseidon. The energy of the ash tree really helps to know oneself and develop abilities, but only for those who approach this with a pure soul. The price to pay for knowledge can be severe emotional exhaustion.

Wood properties - ASPEN

She takes away any pain, from toothache to mental pain, she is a powerful vampire. You need to contact her during the day. Long-term communication with an aspen is shown for those who suffer from obsessive states and panic attacks, who need to cleanse their energy field.

Thresholds are made of aspen in wooden houses to neutralize extraneous negativity, as well as a bathhouse where a person was cleansed and where children were usually born. According to its medicinal properties, aspen has a strong bactericidal effect: rot never starts in it, it is not afraid of dampness, therefore it is used for the manufacture of boats and piers. In an aspen box, it is good to hide your magic tools from those who see. Aspen can help avert your eyes and create darkness. "To break an aspen" - that is, to break an aspen twig near any place - meant leaving forever.

Wood properties - LIPA

A donor tree that gives optimism and peace of mind. It is traditionally used for household utensils, although the wood is soft and not very durable. However, it brings a kind, soft and warm light into the space, and this is valued much higher than the durability of other materials. Linden is always open to communication, except in the middle of the day, after half an hour of communication with her, the body will fill with energy, and the soul - with confidence. Linden energy increases efficiency, gives vigor, neutralizes aggression, helps to economically use energy.

Tree properties - PINE

A generous tree that promotes the forgetting of grievances and spiritual growth. In terms of energy, pine is as strong a donor as an oak. Relieves minor spoilage, guilt, nervousness, helps to lose weight. Gives a sense of significance, calmness, strength of mind, helps to achieve your goals and easily removes depression. Pine is a tree open to communication with everyone, giving solar energy, it is strongest in the early morning. In winter, it is good to decorate the house with pine branches with cones. On the same twigs, you can charge gold items - they become amulets from evil forces. Pine twigs will bring joy and peace to the house. Pine feels very bad in the city, where there are many negative vibrations.

Wood Properties - Maple

A real warrior of light. A tree that can make any person diplomatic and conflict-free, relieve stress, balance character, calm anger and soothe tears. Maple itself was a man in the past, but it was turned into a beautiful tree. In terms of energy, it is neutral. To give him energy, you should approach from the north side, to receive - from the south. It is useful to walk along the maple alleys, in this case, the energy of a person is restored by itself. The character of this tree is understanding, non-offensive and affectionate. Maple is active in the morning.

How to recharge from trees

In order to find "your" tree for recharging, you need to look for it. Sooner or later, one of them in a forest or park will attract attention, so to speak, "call". Close contact will make it possible to understand if the tree wants to communicate with you. Trees also have souls, although not like humans and animals. But if, when communicating with the tree, a resonance was created, it means that you have found your green friend.

Before you start charging from a tree, you need to say hello to it. Then you should get to know a little, talk. Carefully examine the tree, how majestic and mighty it is, what a strong trunk, marvel at the beauty of the branches and crown of the tree, touch it. Tune in to merge together. Now it has already come for the time being to talk about your problem or request and ask for help and strength - to recharge with the energy of the tree. Close your eyes, imagine how the energy juice runs through the tree, filling and purifying you. Stay in this state for as long as you need to.

Being already at the place of "treatment" (forest, park), we try to choose a tree that stands alone and with an even trunk. Sit down so that your spine is in contact with the bark of the tree, and your hands are in your lap.

You can get up so that the back and the back of the head touch the trunk, and the hands lie on the lower back, one on top of the other, or so that the chest and stomach are in contact with the tree (the work of the stomach, liver, heart, lungs, intestines improves, the temperature is normalized and the general tone of the body rises ). Place your legs on both sides of the trunk (the nervous system is restored, sciatica, kidney diseases are treated, pressure is normalized).

You should not cuddle and kiss the tree.))) For the treatment to be successful, you need to stand near the donor tree for only 3-5 minutes at a distance of 2-3 centimeters.

It would not be fair to talk about all the qualities of wood products without mentioning the healing properties of wood. Wood products have a huge assortment of jewelry and ending with landscape gardening architecture. beautiful and durable, have unlimited possibilities in creating an interior and design. The main advantages of wood are environmental friendliness with beneficial effects on health. The energy and beneficial properties of the tree are preserved for many years. Many centuries ago, our ancestors believed that a tree is a link between the sun, nature and man.

Wooden objects were iconic for the entire family.

In the era of civilization, a person strives for harmony with nature, increasingly applying the traditions of their ancestors. Wood products for ancient people were amulets and talismans, protecting from diseases and evil spirits. In modern practice, there is such a thing as dendrotherapy. This is the doctrine of healing a person with the energy of a tree of various species. Even ancient yogis argued that trees absorb the energy of the cosmos and that trees heal a person about various ailments. Healing properties are transferred by the tree itself and objects from it. Surrounding ourselves with wooden products, we invisibly get rid of diseases. The contact gives a powerful bioenergetic exchange with wood, which has a beneficial effect on the spiritual and physical state. Scientists have proven that a tree has a weak electromagnetic field and if the frequency of a person coincides with the radiation of the frequency of a tree, a resonance occurs, leading to an increase in the energy force.


Trees heal and are divided into giving energy and taking away bad. In carpentry, pine, spruce, birch, linden, poplar, willow, rowan, larch, cypress, cedar, juniper are used; elm, beech, ash, oak, maple, chestnut, walnut, hornbeam, pear, acacia, alder, hawthorn, buckthorn. For the outlook, you need to know about the healing properties of each tree species. Pine, soothes and boosts immunity. Spruce takes up bad energy and has a positive effect on the respiratory system. Birch, relieves stress and normalizes blood pressure. Linden, restores strength and removes radioactive substances. Poplar, soothes the nervous system and physical pain. Willow, relaxes and fights headache. Rowan, symbolizes happiness and harmony in the family. Larch, cypress, cedar and juniper, these trees are healing and antibacterial. Elm, reduces fever, helps with skin diseases and diabetes.

Beech, protects against misfortunes, improves blood circulation. Ash, improves memory, reduces eye fatigue. Oak, stabilizes general health, charges with positive energy. Maple, relaxes, relieves emotional stress. Maple fills with joy and promotes peace of mind. Chestnut, awakens imagination, intuition, relieves stiffness. Walnut, has a beneficial effect on the impulses of the brain, gives vitality. Hornbeam kills microorganisms and has a beneficial effect on blood vessels.

Pear, removes depression, strengthens the immune system. Acacia has a great effect on procreation. Alder helps with cardiovascular diseases and stress relief. Hawthorn helps with insomnia and normalizes blood pressure. Buckthorn, soothes, helps relieve inflammation and quick healing of wounds. Knowing the energy and healing properties of tree species, you can easily select the necessary household items for the benefit of yourself and your family. Furniture, wooden elements of interior decor, arrangement of a personal plot will become a real treasure for strengthening physical and spiritual health.
