Personal life and biography of Alexander Lazarev Jr.: children, photos. About the personal of Alexander Alexandrovich Lazarev

The biography of Alexander Lazarev Jr. is closely connected with his personal life, of which his beloved wife and children will forever remain an integral part. The marriage of an actor and a philologist may seem incredible at first glance. An eccentric fiery girl who brings chaos everywhere, and an icy pedant, a true adept of order. The Lazarev family is a real example of how real love can unite any opposites.

Alexander Lazarev Jr. decided to follow in the footsteps of his father, so his personal life and biography are closely intertwined with the world of cinema, and children rarely appear in the press. Having started his career in childhood thanks to a talented parent who brought his son to films in which he starred, the young actor later “created himself.” Having developed his talents, Alexander Alexandrovich became famous TV presenter, a popular theater artist and leading actor at the Kinokadry agency.

Born into the family of actors Alexander Lazarev (senior) and Svetlana Nemolyaeva on April 27, 1967 in Moscow, little Sasha with early years proved that he knows how and can act in films. But the child took his first steps towards popularity at the age of 12, taking part in the play “Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk.” Performing the role of Fyodor Lyamin on the stage of the popular theater. V. Mayakovsky, the boy enjoyed collecting his first glimpses of fame, working with outstanding artists from 1979 to 1981.

Then, thanks to his parents, he appeared as a boy in the film-play “The Mystery of Edwin Drood” (1980) based on the novel by Charles Dickens. A year later he starred in the serial detective “Profession – Investigator” (1982), playing Mitya Vekshin.


The parents of Lazarev Jr. were happy to learn that their son decided to continue his stellar career and helped him prepare for the exams. Despite the fame of her mother and father, Sasha had to enroll in drama school on her own. After all, the Moscow Art Theater opened its doors only to talented young people, without paying attention to who their parents were.

When Alexander took part in the competition, he not only managed to prove that he wanted and could play, but also took a course with the famous teacher Ivan Tarkhanov. Under the care of a strict teacher, the aspiring artist had no time for entertainment. He diligently practiced each lesson and learned new roles, striving to improve and develop every day.

But training to become an actor did not become a reason for deferring conscription into the army, where Lazarev was taken at the end of his first year. Therefore, having returned from military service in 1987, he continued his studies, but already on the course of twice State Prize Laureate and strong teacher Alexander Alexandrovich Kalyagin.

During the three years of his student life, the actor starred in two films. He played the role of a patient in court in the drama “The Characters Didn’t Mesh” (1989) and embodied the image of Vidoplyasov in the film-play “The Village of Stepanchikovo and Its Inhabitants” (1989). Then, in parallel with the protection thesis starred in the drama “Sunset”, playing the role of a raider. Immediately after graduating from studio school young artist invited to the Lenkoma Theater (1990).

Interesting! Not wanting to draw attention to his loud and widespread famous surname, Lazarev chose to take the pseudonym A. Trubetskoy. It was he who was indicated in the credits of every film and performance. And only after receiving a diploma, and with it more prominent leading roles, Alexander transformed into Lazarev Jr.

Despite the fact that the actor from 1980 to 1996 received interesting images in various film projects, fame came to him only after the release of the tragicomedy “Dead Man’s Buddy” (1997). The film, shot with the joint cooperation of Russia, France and Ukraine, brought the artist worldwide fame.

The name of Alexander Lazarev Jr., his biography, which touched on topics such as personal life and children, filled the front pages of well-known publications. The actor began to not only be recognized on the streets, but also began to be invited to interesting projects by professional directors and producers. Currently, the young artist has 87 works in film projects, and most of the roles are major ones.

Fact! Alexander Lazarev Jr. has repeatedly proven to the public that his multifaceted talents and acting qualities were inherited from equally gifted parents. First awards for services to theater and outstanding game on stage, the artist began to receive in 1996, being one of the youngest employees of Lenkom.

And in 1999 he was awarded the title “ National artist RF", which is a huge achievement for a theater minister starting his career.

Small but significant wife

Servants of the press regularly draw the attention of fans of the work of Alexander Lazarev Jr. to his numerous novels with interesting women, illegitimate children and other fictitious details of his personal life from a non-existent biography. But every time the popular actor denies even the possibility of an affair. After all, he is wholeheartedly devoted to his one and only Alina Lazareva.

Lazarev Jr. met the girl who later became his wife in school years. A relationship that began with mutual attraction ended in something more serious and meaningful. Together Alina and Alexander went through all the hardships of life, when Lazarev’s career had not yet brought serious earnings and fees.

Interesting! The petite woman who gave birth to the actor’s two wonderful children, Polina and Sergei, still remains young and attractive. Incredibly bright, sociable and loving the world My wife translates children's literature and is fluent in several languages.

Initially, the lovers did not want to rush things and enter into a rash marriage. They saw an interesting future in which they would both graduate from college and be able to earn money for their wedding on their own. But at a certain moment, Sasha could not stand it and asked Alina to marry, while still a student at the Moscow Art Theater. This happened spontaneously and unexpectedly for the young people, who immediately began planning the special event.

After getting married, Alina Lazareva, who proudly bears the surname she had dreamed of since school, did not plan to become a mother. She wanted to continue pursuing her plans to build a career, travel, and save for the future. But at the age of 23, an unexpected event happened. Alina found out about her pregnancy. The news upset the girl, who had just entered adult life, but made Alexander immensely happy.

With the birth of Polina, the young parents found a real idyll in family relationships, which becomes the object of discussion and envy on the part of Lazarev Jr.’s colleagues. The popular actor, who had been trying to re-educate Alina for several years of marriage, suddenly realized that it was pointless. After all, Polina was born with her own unique character, to which it was impossible to make any adjustments.

Realizing this, Sasha realized that if he could not re-educate his daughter, then he should not offend his wife. Since then, conflicts in everyday life for married couple are over. Alina continued to create in her work and bring madness and chaos into the apartment, and Sasha continued to maintain order at least in his things. Over time, the couple learned to find compromises and not quarrel over trifles. That is why their marriage remains strong and reliable.

On May 7, 2018, the Soviet and Russian actor theater and cinema, employee of the Lenkom theater Alexander Lazarev Jr.

Wedding and life together

At the time of the painting (05/07/88) the bride was a student at Moscow State Institute of Cinematography. She became a certified translator of children's literature a year later life together. Almost 30 years have passed since that time, and the constancy of the relationship of the spouses is similar to the parents of the groom, star actors A. Lazarev and S. Nemolyaeva, who celebrated their 50th anniversary married life. Alina was born in the family of Yuri Ayvazyan, a master of sports of the USSR in gymnastics, his wife Natasha Golubeva, is engaged in journalistic activities.

At the beginning of their life together, they huddled in the house of Sasha’s relatives, then with Alina’s mother, but amid conflicts, the couple decided to live separately.

Another challenge for the actor’s wife was the army of fans. With the advent of popularity, representatives of the fair sex showed genuine interest in the new screen star, but he never cheated on his beloved. She always trusted him, and women’s adoration even flattered her. In addition, Lazarev, as a decent family man, always shares what is happening with his wife.

Now Alina has refused professional activity and completely devoted herself to her family, and at one time her income exceeded her husband’s salary, this was very depressing for Alexander. With the birth of his daughter Polina, his wife refused a prestigious position in the largest American company. And 10 years later an unplanned child appeared, the boy was named Sergei.

Alina admits that she had never imagined herself as a housewife before, but the work took a lot of time, to the detriment of the family, so she easily parted with what she loved.

The star artist about his wife: “Lina and I support friendly relations. It is important. We never felt the desire to separate or somehow defend our territory. Having lived together for more than 25 years, we are never separated for long, even during vacation. My wife is a strict critic, forgetting about family ties, she undertakes to harshly evaluate the fruits of my creativity. And I appreciate that. This is a kind of whip that allows you to move throughout for long years forward".

First signs

As teenagers, the future spouses socialized in the same company, the girl went to a nearby school, and lived not far from her future chosen one. Alina admits that she saw Sasha as an interesting and attractive guy. A bright accent in his appearance was blue sports shoes with yellow inscription famous brand, which by that time was “a novelty.” Lazareva Jr. I was captivated by the fact that with a girl you could always find general theme for conversation, and this communication did not obligate anyone. No girlish grievances or intrigues were noticed behind her. She was very sociable and charming, but feelings arose later, a few years later.

They met at Alexander's house. Alina regarded further events as signs. So she had long been jealous of her friend with the last name Lazareva - she was overcome by an uncontrollable desire to have the same data in her passport. Sasha’s future wife really liked the house in which her chosen one lived; she told her mother in the 5th grade that she would live there. Knocking on the door, young Alexander opened it, dressed in a T-shirt with the inscription “May 15” - this is the day when she celebrates her name day.

Trust has become the determining factor in their relationship; they see each other as reliable and decent people, incapable of betrayal. But they are different. Sasha is a “lark”, Alina is a “night owl”, he is neat and pedantic, she prefers “creative disorder” at home. At first, the husband tried to re-educate his chosen one. This took several years. They quarreled, were offended, and then the man suddenly realized that there was no point in putting pressure on her. Sometimes she will put things in their places so as not to irritate her husband.

Polina Lazareva - successor of the acting dynasty

Born 05/18/90. in a family where acting transmitted by blood. In addition, her famous grandmother also grew up among people for whom theater or cinema always came first. Polina never thought about finding a different path.

The rising star differed from her peers in her love of knowledge, which allowed her to graduate from school as an external student. Then she decided to enter RATI - GITIS, where she successfully passed the selection process and studied at the directing department. In 2010, she joined the service of Comrade Mayakovsky, where she shared a dressing room with an eminent relative, Svetlana Nemolyaeva.

She played her first serious role in the play “A Month in the Country” in 2011 (her heroine is Vera). Later Lazareva Jr. dressed in the role of a peasant woman from “A la Russe Peisan” and Zina from “Uncle’s Dreams”.

And she made her film debut at the age of 7, starring in “ starry night in Kamergersky." In 2006, the film “Mistakes” appeared before the audience. strong women" and "Dream Park". In 2010, a film with her participation, “Everything is for the Better,” was released, then she starred in episodes of “Collectors.” The girl found herself at the peak of popularity after the film adaptation of the film “Lyuba” and the series “Katya”. In 2015, Polina played S. Korolev’s heiress, Natasha, in “Chief Designer.”

It is known about the celebrity’s private life that she consisted of romantic relationships with actor E. Koreshkov.

From literature, the representative of the acting dynasty chooses classics. She loves to enjoy watching films where the famous grandmother starred - according to her, she watched “Office Romance” almost 200 times. She was worried that her classmates and teachers were confident that she would quickly take an honorable place at Lenkom (where her father works) or at T. Mayakovsky (where her grandmother performs). I participated in the acting competition on a general basis.


“I’m lying down, my ear hurts, I can’t sleep. Suddenly it claps Entrance door, a large company comes in. The father looks into the room: “Shurik, did you want to meet Mironov? Andrey, come in!” My idol, elegant and smiling, comes in, and I sit so pathetic in a woman’s scarf with my compress, and I’m terribly ashamed!” - recalls Alexander Lazarev Jr.

Our apartment on Tverskaya, where I spent my childhood, had one significant drawback: it was located opposite the House of Actor restaurant, which closed at exactly midnight. And the artists who gathered there after the performances flocked in huge groups to hang out at our home.
I remember when I was ten years old, I got sick. Inflammation of the middle ear is an unpleasant thing. They applied a huge compress to me: camphor oil, cotton wool, waxed paper, and on top of it all, a girlishly tied scarf. I'm lying there, unable to sleep because of the pain. Suddenly I hear the grinding of a key in the lock. The front door slams and a large group comes in. My father looks into my room: “Shurik, did you want to meet Mironov?” - “Yeah.” - “Andrey, come in! He’s not sleeping yet!” My idol, elegant and smiling, comes in, and I sit so pathetic in a woman’s scarf with my compress, and I’m terribly ashamed! Mironov smiles: “Well, why aren’t you sleeping?” I say: “Uh-huh... My ear hurts.” He extends his hand: “Andrey.” - “Shurik.” - “Go to sleep.”

And he left... And they continued walking there. I thought what a nightmare and shame this was, and I suffered because I didn’t take off this stupid scarf... Many years later, Masha Mironova and I played the main roles in the play “The Executioner’s Lament,” staged by Mark Zakharov. And one day after the performance I remembered this story: “Imagine,” I say, “at that moment who would have told your father that this boy in a ridiculous headscarf would play with his daughter in his friend’s production! How cool everything is involved!”

Who else visited your parents?

Large companies came to them - 20-30 people. They were accommodated miraculously. Especially before my parents moved to Tverskaya. At first, mom and dad lived on Plyushchikha with my mother’s
parents. Then we moved to a theater hostel on Maly Kislovsky Lane, and then bought a cooperative apartment on Udaltsova Street. And they have companies everywhere. Mom told me that once there was so little space that Andrei Tarkovsky had to climb onto the closet. He sat there, dangling his legs, and calmly communicated. He even liked it there, he said that from above he could clearly see everyone... Well, on Tverskaya it became more spacious. And I already remember this period of my life well. How Eldar Ryazanov came to visit us... He liked the comfort that my mother created and the amazing way she cooked. He was touched by the ideal family of his parents, but it seemed to his mother that Ryazanov was being too enthusiastic, and it was her duty to open his eyes to the truth. She kept convincing him: “You come live with us, see how we communicate. Maybe you’ll even write a script about a crazy family in which passions are boiling and exploding. It’s going to be a great comedy!” But Ryazanov did not believe. And, perhaps, he did the right thing. The parents were connected by some kind of amazing love. One day - this was already in the 90s, I myself was already married - they came late in the evening from the theater. But I must say that mom and dad were together 24 hours a day - both at home and at work - and never separated at all. And so, we had just played a performance, sat in the kitchen, had a snack. The father is sitting in shorts. Mom in a bathrobe is fiddling with dishes at the sink. Then he says: “Svetka, how I love you! How beautiful you are to me!” I remember that this scene made an indelible impression on my wife Alina. And externally There seems to be no romance - dishes, cutlets. And we have lived together for so many years... And such tenderness!

Your parents are a loving couple, and maybe that’s why people have a surprisingly kind attitude towards them. Among colleagues, housemates...

Grigory Gorin lived with us in the next entrance. It so happened that every time I took out the trash, he went to walk the spaniel Patrick and said the same thing: “Shura, hello to the parents!” And I met my neighbor Viktor Pavlov, a wonderful actor, only with a string bag containing the invariable “blue bird” - that is, plucked chicken. And Pavlov also always said hello: “Baby, I kiss you. Hello mom and dad."

What kind of son were you to them?

I was a terrible child and upset my parents more than once. For example, my mother collected antiques, and I invited my classmates. And our favorite pastime with friends was slipper ball - we kicked a slipper around the apartment like a ball. Twice it ended tragically. The first - but not the only - victim was a very expensive watch with a unique glass shade, the second one I saw only in the Hermitage. And when I was younger, I also tapped with a hammer on antique dishes that my grandmother left to my mother. Mom was incredibly upset. True, later, when I grew up and became a little wiser, I tried to somehow compensate for the damage. While still a schoolboy, he starred in the film “The Mystery of Edwin Drood.” Got a fee of 40
rubles and bought my mother a gift in an antique store - a picture with a river and a boat on it. Mom treasures it very much, it still hangs in her house.

Before you wised up, it was useless to punish you?

There was a story about this. My parents and I vacationed at the House of Creativity in Miskhor. I didn’t want to get out of the sea for a minute, and mom and dad were simply tired of yelling and pulling me out of the water. I didn’t react to them and swam until I was blue in the face. Looking at this disgrace, the Moscow Art Theater actress Nina Gulyaeva decided to educate me. She approached the shore and began a soul-saving conversation: “Shurik, come out of the water! How can! Don't you feel sorry for your parents!

They look so exhausted and thin! Have pity on your parents! Get out!” She spoke and I splashed. Finally she couldn’t stand it anymore and screamed: “Can you hear me?!” I finally turned my head to her and calmly answered: “I hear, I hear. But I can’t think of it.” And he swam away. I know that this phrase later went to the people and became especially popular at the Moscow Art Theater. Because the main director - Oleg Nikolaevich Efremov - had such a habit, when he got angry and yelled at everyone, every now and then asking: “Can you hear me?!” Well, the artists nodded to him, silently whispering: “We hear, we hear. But we don’t take it into our heads.”

You probably grew up behind the scenes?

This happens to almost all theater children. Parents always

They played a lot - both in leading roles and as extras. There was no one to leave me with on the weekends. And they took me to the theater. Once they played the play “Talents and Admirers”, in which my mother played Negina, and my father played Meluzov, I was seated in the first row of the director’s box. There was no one to look after me, but here it was guaranteed that I wouldn’t run away - there were still six rows of barricade behind me serious people in costumes that follow the action of the performance in complete silence. And don't escape! And about forty minutes after the start of the performance, from the hopelessness of the situation and the fact that I could endure this torment for who knows how long, I began to cry. Children are spontaneous and do not know how to hide their feelings. For example, when my daughter Polina saw me kissing on stage with Alexandra Zakharova in The Marriage of Figaro, she said: “This is my dad! I’m going to scream now!” But my wife managed to shut her mouth in time... When I got older, it was easier with me. I came to the theater after school and did my homework in my mother’s dressing room.

As far as I know, you appeared on stage at the age of 12.

He played Fedya Lyamin in the play “Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk”. The main roles were Natalya Gundareva and Viktor Koreshkov. The director is Andrei Goncharov himself. I even had one rehearsal with him. True, the only thing he said to me was, noticing that I, sitting on stage, straightened my unruly hair with my hand: “At least won’t you comb your hair during the performance?” Soon we went to Czechoslovakia, where we were supposed to
go through three performances. I was in seventh heaven. It was '79. What was Czechoslovakia at that time for a Soviet child? This is heaven on earth, where there is both chewing gum and cassette tapes. In a word, I felt lucky. I walked and smiled, but still could not get myself into a serious mood. Even before going on stage. Dad watched me with concern and warned: “In general, smile less. Pull yourself together, concentrate somehow, repeat the text before the stage.” And my main scene is in the second act. And I confidently say: “Yes, everything is fine, dad, it’s fine!” During the first performance everything went like clockwork. On the second, I’m in the same mood, I’m knee-deep in the sea, everything is fine with me, and... then I go on stage at the wrong moment. I had to go out alone - backing away, with a prayer book and say: “Auntie, I’m scared...” And here I am on stage, and suddenly out of the corner of my eye I see Viktor Koreshkov. But he shouldn’t be here! We shouldn't intersect at all! So, I came out at the wrong time. In my fright, I forgot almost all of my text. Somehow we brought the scene to the end, and I ran out of the theater in a complete nightmare. I run, and one artist follows me: “Shurik, calm down, everything is fine!” Somehow I got to the hotel, threw myself into bed, under the covers, and there I burst into tears. Suddenly I hear footsteps along the corridor: thump, thump, thump. Like the steps of the Commander. The father enters the room and says sternly: “Well, have you finished smiling?” But by the third performance I was already being beaten with excitement. And the father was pleased: “That’s right, you should worry,
This is a very acting quality. But the excitement needs to be channeled in the right direction.”

Were there any other theatrical secrets that your father taught?

I remember I was thirteen or fourteen years old, I was sitting on a chair backstage and watching my favorite play “Running”. And he got so emotional after they finished the “Eighth Dream” scene that he suddenly started clapping from the wings. The audience took up the applause. A second later, the father flew backstage with his eyes sparkling like two lanterns: “Don’t you dare do that! You can’t get applause!” I almost burned with shame - he said it that way that I remembered for the rest of my life.

When did you decide that you would become an artist?

I had virtually no choice. I was constantly involved in this, I lived by this. All the young artists of the Mayakovsky Theater were my friends. I played football with them and visited them in the evenings. I was in love with all the young theater actresses in turn... Well, the genes also worked on both sides. My father's brother Yuri was also an artist. Served at the Akimov Theater. Mom's brother Nikolai is a cinematographer. He filmed “Pokrovsky Gate”, “ An ordinary miracle" Grandma is a sound engineer. Grandfather is a film director. In fact, Vladimir Nemolyaev started in the twenties as an accountant at GUM. But his life changed dramatically after one incident. One day he was asked to escort a couple to a warehouse - a man and a woman. They were looking for fabric, and he helped them. The grandfather was an incredibly charming man, and the next day, in gratitude for his help, they brought him an invitation to ten Meyerhold performances. This couple turned out to be the famous director himself and his wife Zinaida Reich. Well, then the successful accountant was so captivated by art that he soon entered VGIK. This was the first director's set. Grandfather even has a couple quite famous films There is. One of them ended up in the Golden Collection of the State Film Fund - “Happy Flight, or Machine 22-12” with Evgeny Zharov and Nikolai Kryuchkov. Grandfather was the first who, even before the war, made stereo films, what is now called 3D.

Do you know anything about your great-grandparents?

I know that on my mother’s side, my ancestors were merchants-Old Believers (hence the surname Nemolyaevs, that is, they did not pray like that), each thick beard and 20 children each. And on my mother’s side there are mustachioed, bearded generals in aiguillettes with medals. Once I went with my son Seryozha to the Borodino Museum. There, on the guide’s table, I found a dull photograph copied from the portrait with the caption: “Nikolai Yakovlevich Mandryka, 1812.” This brother my great-great-grandfather Andrei Yakovlevich, who fought next to Bagration. The cannonball tore off his leg, but his great-great-grandfather survived. Moreover, he still actively existed and was the Governor-General of Chernigov. And Nikolay
Mandryka, who is depicted in the portrait, was a lieutenant general of the Life Guards Hussar Regiment, a terrible hooligan - they told me a lot of piquant stories about him, like jokes about Lieutenant Rzhevsky.

Love blew the minds of many in our family. For example, one of my ancestors, Baron Neelov, chamberlain of the royal court, left his wife because he fell madly in love with a gypsy. They say she was a famous camp gypsy who sang at court. Even Leo Tolstoy used it to paint the image of Mashenka in The Living Corpse. She was incredibly pretty, and the baron decided to marry her. To ask for this, he arrived at the king’s palace. But Nicholas II refused him, tore off his epaulettes, deprived him of his nobility and broke his sword over his head, saying: “That’s it! Go to her, to your gypsy!” And he sent her with his beloved to the Yaroslavl province, where he had an estate. There they had a son, who was named Leo. He studied with Apollinary Vasnetsov and became an artist. He died at the age of 23 from transient consumption.

Do you know your relatives on your father’s side just as well?

On the father's side, the family history is darker. His mother Olimpiada Kuzminichna had two brothers and seven sisters. They lived in Finland, and after the revolution, when Finland declared independence, they were ordered to decide whether to become Finns or Soviet citizens. They had to make a decision within 24 hours.

They collected their belongings and went to Petrograd. Olympiada got a job as a secretary at Smolny. Her husband was Sergei Nikolaevich Lazarev, an artist and student of Filonov. During his lifetime, my grandfather was not recognized, but recently my mother and I organized his exhibition on Krymsky Val and received excellent reviews...

Did your parents not object that you wanted to continue the artistic dynasty?

- Vice versa. When I started pestering my parents in the tenth grade with a request to study with me, my father immediately responded. From prose, I prepared an excerpt “The Death of Peter” from “Quiet Don” by Sholokhov. Before entering the Moscow Art Theater School-Studio, I tried it out in the exam
literature, which amazed all his teachers. If it were possible, they would give me a six.

You didn’t even try to get a job at the Mayakovsky Theater, where your parents worked all their lives - you immediately came to Lenkom. Why?

I really wanted to go to Lenkom, because I always loved “The Star and Death of Joaquin Murrieta,” “Juno” and “Maybe.” I got there by chance when I was in my third year at the institute. Lenkom hired young artists to attend a sailor dance at Juno before going to New York. Zakharov selected two, including me. And then he asked: “What’s your name?” I said: “Lazarev Alexander.” - “Do you have anything to do with Lazarev?” - “I am a son.” - "Yes? - said Mark Anatolyevich. - I welcome acting dynasties to our theater! Welcome!"

Besides you, Masha Mironova and Andrey, the son of Evgeny Pavlovich Leonov, also serve at Lenkom.

Yes. Evgeniy Pavlovich was an amazing person, very kind. I remember we went on tour to Voronezh. Meanwhile, my wife Alina and I were getting an apartment, and I urgently needed to transfer my passport to Moscow. The only one who went to Moscow was Evgeniy Pavlovich Leonov. I asked Andrey: “Dad can help?” - "Certainly!" And we went to Leonov. And he lived in another hotel. His room was huge. Yeltsin stayed there before. We enter the room - no one is there.
Andrey shouts: “Zhenya!” That's what he called his father. And he hears in response: “Son, follow the voice!” And off we went. One is a huge room, the other is a hall of incredible size, and there, lost on a giant sofa, little Palych sits: “Here, son, they shoved me here, I’m sitting here alone. What did you want?" - “I need to hand over my passport to Sashka Lazarev, will you take it to Moscow?” - “Yes, of course, come in! Let me feed you!” About two hours later we left him well-fed and happy, dragging with us a huge pot of boiled potatoes, pickles and a whole bag of hundred-gram “bastards” with vodka, which were given to Evgeny Pavlovich at some performance... Leonov arrives in Moscow. Alinka calls him and says: “Evgeny Pavlovich, hello, this is Alina, Sasha Lazarev’s wife, I have to

pick up your passport." He says: “Yes, yes, come.” When Alina saw Leonov, she said: “My God, how Andryusha looks like you.” He had a mirror in the hallway, he turns in profile and says: “Yes? I thought I was chubby.”

You also look amazingly like your father...

And before it seemed to me that the similarity was not enough. I looked at Kirill Kozakov and Misha Efremov and was amazed at their extraordinary resemblance to their fathers. But one day my father and Armen Borisovich Dzhigarkhanyan came to my performance “The Marriage of Figaro” at Lenkom. And Dzhigarkhanyan said to dad: “I don’t understand, are you sitting next to me and walking on stage?” My father passed this on to me. I was happy
incredible. The older I get, the more similarities I notice with my father.

My father was also pleased by this growing similarity. He had a dream that I would play instead of him in the play “Kean IV” about the great tragic actor of England Edmund Kean. He didn't want to lose this role, but it was physically incredibly difficult. But I refused. I didn't want comparisons. He also wanted us to play the play “Life in the Theater” together. About how an old artist meets a young one. Talking to him in the dressing room about life, about the stage. But that never happened...

When your daughter decided to enroll in acting, did your father also train her?

Yes, although at first he was upset. He dreamed that she would be an opera singer. Grandfather was simply thrilled and melted when Polina sang. He absolutely adored her. Polina now says: “Probably, a man will not appear in my life who will love me as much as my grandfather loved me!” It was total love. At first we lived in the same apartment with our parents. Polka was two years old when she found such a scene. She sits under the table, and my father in shorts and a T-shirt in the morning, bent over, with a spoonful of red caviar, climbs under the table: “Pole, eat a spoonful...” In general, his whole life from the moment Polina was born was dedicated to her. She became more interesting to him than the theater, than the whole world around him. He was completely absorbed by her, went crazy, was ready to do absolutely anything for her. She and her grandmother absolutely couldn’t stand being separated from her and dragged her on all the tours, on all the trips. Now the grandmother takes her youngest grandson Seryozha with her on all trips...

With the light hand of your parents, Polina appeared on stage at the Mayakovsky Theater at the age of five?

In a way. But this is more likely a coincidence. As well as the fact that her partners, as in my case, were Dzhigarkhanyan and Gundareva. It’s just that the play “Victoria” needed a little girl to play the role of Lady Hamilton’s daughter, played by Natalya Gundareva, and Admiral Nelson by Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. Polina’s whole role was that she had to run diagonally forward from the far corner of the stage in a beautiful pink dress - from “mom” to “dad”. Dzhigarkhanyan picked her up in his arms - and that’s how the first act ended. I decided: “I’ll go and see how beautifully my daughter runs in a pink dress.” I sat down in the hall. When she appeared on stage, my hands were sweaty and sweat ran down my temples, I began to shake with excitement... Her scene was very short. As soon as Polina appeared in the corner of the stage, Armen Borisovich, who also doted on Polechka, suddenly rushed towards her and picked her up in his arms in the middle of the stage. During the intermission, I went backstage and heard this dialogue: “Armen, you ruined the whole scene for me.” - “Polechka, why?” - “Why did you shorten the passage for me?” - “Oh, Polechka, I won’t do it again, next time I’ll definitely stand and wait for you to come running to me.”

Is Polina currently playing at the Mayakovsky Theater?

Yes. She graduated from drama school and set off on a free voyage. And then I got into the theater thanks to Evgenia Pavlovna Simonova, who brought the play “A Month in the Country” to the theater, found the director and said that Polya should definitely play Verochka. And I was dying of excitement again when my daughter went on stage. My wife and I went to the performance seven times in a row. When they suddenly didn’t show up, the Mayakovsky Theater actors began joking: “Polina, where are the parents? We won’t go on stage without Shura!” Everyone at Mayakovka still calls me Shura... Unfortunately, my grandfather didn’t live to see his granddaughter’s premiere for only six months... She also acts in films. Recently filmed

Andreya Eshpaya in the film with the working title “Adult Daughters” and was completely delighted.

Yes, there is a lot involved in the acting world. Your daughter starred with Eshpai, and now you are filming with Evgenia Pavlovna Simonova, his wife, in the film “Memory of Autumn.”

Yes. The film is directed by Andrey Sokolov. This is our second collaboration. We work in tandem almost like Mastroianni and Fellini... The first was the film “Artifact” - a fantasy. Now there is a drama based on Zvyagintsev’s wonderful play “The Last Idol”. I am very glad that Andrey called me. Such a wonderful company gathered there - besides Evgenia Pavlovna Simonova, Inna Mikhailovna Churikova and wonderful actors - Alexander Sirin, Natasha Shchukina, Pavel Trubiner, Ira Medvedeva, Leonid Bichevin. We live near Penza in a boarding house, and ten meters away is the house in which we rent. The nature there is wonderful. I want to find a river there. Perhaps you will be able to catch fish during the break...

I know that your father loved fishing very much.

In this we are similar.

What is your main similarity?

The fact is that family comes first in our lives. Seeing the relationship between my parents, I understood that if you really met your love, it is important not to miss it and not to waste the feeling that arose. Roles, films, titles - this is wonderful. But there is no greater joy in life than coming home to your family in the evening and closing the door behind you.


The details of their lives are not on the short list of newspaper chroniclers. After all, they know very well: Alexander Lazarev Jr., the leading artist of the Lenkom Theater, has had no changes on the personal front - at least for the last twenty-odd years. A friend of his youth, wife and mother of his children - daughter Polina and son Sergei - fragile and dark-eyed Alina is hardly taller than the shoulder of her outstanding husband in every sense. And with this difference in build (as well as the constancy of their union), they subtly resemble Sasha’s parents - Svetlana Nemolyaeva and Alexander Lazarev.

Their mutual attraction is obvious to anyone, and yet their characters can hardly be called opposite. Although there are indeed enough differences: he is an actor by profession, she is a translator of children's literature; he is a homebody, she is incredibly sociable; he is serious and responsible, she is funny and easy-going; he is a “lark”, she is a “night owl”... “We are just very similar, and that’s why it’s so easy for us,” Alina is sure. “It’s just that when there is love, the rest doesn’t matter,” Alexander is convinced.

It may very well be. Although their story began with friendship.

Psychologies: You knew each other back in school. How did it all start between you?

Alina Lazareva: We studied at neighboring schools and sometimes met in the same company. Sasha was a good, handsome boy. I remember he had such beautiful blue sneakers with a yellow emblem of a famous company, which was very rare then...

Alexander Lazarev: It was always possible to chat with Alina about something, and I liked that these conversations did not oblige me to anything. It was not like she would just purse her lips and leave. No girly tricks on her part! She was very sociable and charming. But we developed feelings much later.


Do you remember this moment?

She: A few years later we met at Sasha’s house... Although for me, probably, there were some signs before that. Not that serious... Well, first of all, I had long been jealous of my girlfriend, who had the last name Lazareva - for some reason I also wanted that last name. Secondly, I really liked the house in which Sashka lived; back in the fifth grade I told my mother that I would live in it. Thirdly, when I called his apartment and Sasha opened the door, the first thing I saw was the inscription on his T-shirt: “May 15,” and this is my birthday. Isn't this fate? Such coincidences are, of course, puzzling.

He: I don’t think that we are generally able to clearly understand at any particular moment whether it is destiny or not. There was just a spark between us. I remember that same evening I said to a friend: “I’m going to marry this girl.” Was I thinking about fate then? Hardly. You see, in young years everything is solved at once - quickly, easily. Later it became clear that this was my most correct, most important decision. It even seems to me that if I had started to think intensely at that moment - with whom, why, why - it is still unknown what would have happened next. The same thing happened with the marriage itself: we planned to graduate from college, find a job, earn money and get married in four years. But it turned out that after six months I came to Alina’s house and said: “Let’s get married.” I just didn't see the point in waiting any longer.

What played the main role?

She: Personally, what was decisive for me was that I could trust Sasha completely - never expect anything bad from him. He is very reliable, decent, no matter how banal it may sound. Not a traitor. Basically for me that's all I need.

He: I can say the same. Only if Alina understood this about me after some time, I felt it about her immediately, in the first second. She is very reliable and strong man. (Laughs.) Which, given Alina’s height, may seem strange.

So, as a couple, you are primarily protection and support for each other?

He: I think she's more protective of me. I just have a more complicated relationship with the outside world.

She: But he rather surprises me. I remember how I found out that I was expecting a child. At that moment, it seemed like the collapse of all my plans: I had a free life, money, an interesting job... Everything was going as well as possible, and I was not at all ready to give birth at the age of 23! But I was struck by Sasha’s incredible joy about her unborn child. This was probably his hereditary craving for family life. I don’t have this - my parents have been divorced for many years, and Sasha has a very patriarchal family. Apparently, this also unconsciously attracted me to him. And yet... he's very cute! (Laughs.) By the way, he turned out to be a truly brilliant father.

Many lovers have to rediscover each other when they start living together. Did you have any surprises?

He: Certainly! I am a “lark”, Alina is a “night owl”, I am a neat person and a pedant, for Alina order... is not so important. At first I tried to educate her. A couple of years, probably. We argued and had conflicts. And then I realized that it was pointless to put pressure on her. I also understand that my desire to sort everything out is a kind of fad. Which Alina’s love of disorder partly balances. Well, sometimes, maybe she will screw the cap on a tube of toothpaste so as not to upset me... (Laughs.)


She: Of course, all these caps that must be screwed on and shirts that must lie strictly in color make me laugh terribly! But Sashka is angry, he cannot laugh at my stupid attitude towards everything. I'm generally a very easy person. I don’t pay attention to many things optimistically: if it passes, that’s good. Sasha takes everything very seriously.

What helped to establish mutual understanding?

She: It became absolutely clear to me that it was useless to re-educate others when we had Polina. Because she was immediately born with her own character, life rhythm, and habits. It simply amazed me: if a baby’s character is so formed, what can you demand from an adult? It seems to me that you just need to relax and stop pulling the blanket over yourself. Because if you feel comfortable with a person, then why correct him? Sasha has this trait that annoys me: he often gets nervous, if something doesn’t work out, he starts up half a turn. But on the other hand, he will not rest until he achieves his goal, and I simply admire this - this is his habit of bringing everything to the end, achieving results. So, if you think about it, it’s always: what makes you angry is connected with something good. And we need to remember this. It’s also important to talk about everything. Don’t sit in corners sulking, don’t cultivate resentment. Luckily we both open people. If Sasha had been an introvert, it is unlikely that we would have been able to live for so long. If the other one conceals everything within himself, is silent, how can I find out what is in his soul?

Do you have conflicts today?

He: Certainly! To stop the brewing conflict - only healthy body. Alina sometimes manages to restrain herself. And until I let off steam, until I slam the door, I won’t stop.

She: No, I can also get excited and tell him everything that’s boiling over. But Sasha has the most powerful energy, he’s an actor! He will crush you right away - just like Zeus! Therefore, the forces are unequal, it is impossible for me to beat him, and I have to take him by cunning. But in principle, we simply do not have the strength to quarrel.

He: None!

Is this the only issue? And no work on relationships?

He: Well, why... This is a job to save what is most precious to you. You have to work on yourself - after all, everyone sometimes wants to be selfish.

She: No, we are both not selfish after all. It doesn’t cost me any effort to put my “I” aside and do what is necessary for others. This is not a job for me. It seems to me that we are just living.

Did you immediately start living separately?

He: No, in the first years we lived alternately with my parents and with Alina’s mother. Living together like this became a real test of strength. We often quarreled: either Alina defended her mother in front of me, or I defended my parents in front of her. But at some point we plucked up courage and admitted that we wanted to live separately. Of course they were very upset. But mom a wise man, she was able to understand us, and we parted.


She: It became especially difficult when Polina appeared. It turned out that our educational methods did not suit the older generation at all! We tried to harden Polya, poured cold water, and Sasha’s parents were worried. Alexander Sergeevich shouted in horror that we should be deprived of parental rights! On the other hand, they really wanted us to live with them. In general, we lacked freedom. Although I am incredibly grateful to Sasha’s mother for accepting me immediately and unconditionally. For her feminine wisdom- after all, both he and I were only 21 years old!

Did that moment become the main test of strength?

He: Yes, there were no special tests!

She: There was also a moment when Sasha became famous artist and he gained many fans. Sometimes I think: if I were a man around whom there are so many beautiful girls, I would definitely start some kind of romance - just out of curiosity. And I was even surprised: why is Sasha not interested in this at all?

He: You know, at some festival my dad was met by his old friend. He asks: “Are you still married to Svetka?” - "Yes". - “How incurious you are!” So I’m kind of incurious!

Today, many couples find it difficult to build relationships in connection with income: one has a job, the other does not; She earns more, he earns less...

He: At first, Alina actually earned twice as much at her job: I, at Lenkom, earned 180 rubles, and she earned 300. And, of course, I had a terrible complex that I was living at her expense. But she always just calmed me down.

She: If one of the couple is able to earn money, but the other is not, what’s wrong with that? Sasha did not sit idle, but tried, worked. In addition, I knew that I was marrying a theater artist and that 110 rubles a month was forever. I was lucky that at that moment good knowledge of English was rare and I was in demand. I told myself: today I earn money, and tomorrow he does. And so it happened. In general, it seems to me that the main thing in a relationship is...

He:...don't force anything.

She: Don’t force it and don’t be harmful! Don’t do it out of spite, don’t try to cheat and don’t count: “I washed so many dishes, and you washed so many.” What’s good about Sashka is that he’s not harmful at all. And not greedy. Of course, it’s possible to be grumpy and boring, but I’m a rare person who doesn’t give a damn, and that saves me! (Laughs.)

Today, Alina, you are not working - aren’t you jealous of your husband’s active life?

She: No, he's jealous of me! (Both laugh.) I don’t feel like I’m losing anything in my lifetime. When I was working, I thought that all housewives were the most primitive creatures, and I felt very sorry for them: poor, all day long it was just the stove and cleaning, you could clink glasses within four walls with two children. But my work took up so much energy and time that I had nothing left for my family. And one day I realized that taking care of the house was more important for me. I'm not an ambitious person, that's the thing! And then, he doesn’t push me aside. If he wants to go somewhere, we go together. But usually he doesn’t go anywhere, he likes to sit in silence. And I love the city!

Alexander Lazarev Jr. told his classmate Yulia Menshova in the “Alone with Everyone” program about his childhood, parents, wife and children.

Alexander Lazarev admitted to Yulia Menshova how hard he experienced the death of his father. “Subconsciously I had the feeling that all the responsibility was on me, but knowing that we were a family and we were together gave us the understanding that we would get through this,” said the actor. According to Lazarev, over the years he becomes more and more like his father, not only externally, but also internally. Lazarev Sr., according to his son, was proud of his creative success.

As a child, the actor recalls, he brought a lot of trouble to his parents, once swam to the middle of the river, broke an antique vase, etc. But now, according to the actor’s mother, Svetlana Nemolyaeva, he is simply an ideal son; not a day goes by without him calling and inquiring about her health.

Alexander Lazarev met his future wife Alina while still studying and immediately realized that she was his only one. He, like his father, carried throughout his life his love for one woman, his wife. In the near future, the couple will celebrate 30 years of marriage. Alexander admitted that he had committed acts that could have destroyed the family, but problems only strengthened their union.

“I did so many things to destroy the marriage. I organized an engagement, gathered my parents to introduce them, spent the evening with friends in a bar and came back the next morning drunk, on my knees. I can't imagine any other woman. Here is the result: soon 30 years together,” admitted Alexander Lazarev Jr.

Alina and Alexander Lazarev are raising two children: son Sergei and daughter Polina. Polina Lazareva followed in the footsteps of her parents and chose the acting path. The artist’s children said that they were very proud of their father. They admitted that their dad is very similar to the famous grandfather. “Mom and dad are just perfect. When remembering your grandparents, you should thank them for worthy example“, concluded the son of Alexander Lazarev in the program “Alone with Everyone.”
