Luda, Lyudochka, Lyudmila: the meaning of the name, vicissitudes of fate, strengths and weaknesses of character. Female name Lyudmila - which means: description of the name

The meaning of the name Lyudmila: The name means “she who is dear to people.”

Origin of the name Lyudmila: Slavic.

Diminutive form of name: Lyudmilka, Luda, Lucy, Lyudochek, Lyudushka, Lyulya, Mila, Milya, Milasha, Milusha, Mika.

What does the name Lyudmila mean: The name translates as “darling to people.” Delicate, reliable, beautiful, feminine. I would like to note that in history there was a male name Lyudmil (popular in Bulgaria), so it is undesirable to give this name to a girl. Over time, tenderness disappears in her, and a masculine element appears in her character. This name brings many complications to girls.

Angel Day and patron saints named: The name Lyudmila celebrates her name day once a year: September 29 (16) - Holy Martyr Lyudmila - Princess of Bohemia was baptized St. Methodius, enlightener of the Slavs. She spread the faith of Christ in the Czech Republic, raising her grandson, St., in piety. Vyacheslav. She was killed by her daughter-in-law, a pagan, in 927.

Signs: On Lyudmilin's day, geese take flight - dragging the winter fly on their tail.

Meaning of a girl's name

What character traits determine the meaning of the name Lyudmila?

Early childhood: From early childhood, Lyudmila is an ideal example of a caring homemaker. She quickly and with interest masters housekeeping skills, and performs her duties around the house diligently and loves to create a cozy environment.

Lyudmila even transfers her idea of ​​an ideal family into play; from a very early age, she displays the traits of a loving mother. She carefully takes care of the dolls and can sew clothes for them herself. Lyudmila is a property owner by nature, considers herself the only mistress in her toy house, and is not good friends with her sister. He treats his brother more tolerantly.

Lyudmila really likes to be in the company of little friends, to establish relationships in a team between peers, so she serves as a kind of bridge that connects even the most disparate people. Lyudochka does not strive to become a leader, but she will not allow herself to be offended either. A girl with this name has good musical abilities; parents should develop these abilities.

Teenager: At school, a girl named Lyudmila studies diligently, patiently and assiduously. There are not enough stars in the sky, but he finishes school well. Her favorite subject is home economics and she also has good musical abilities.

With age, he tries to stand out more in the company of his peers. If before this she was in the shadows, now Lyudmila becomes more proud and pays more attention to her person. On this basis, her relationship with her sister may not be entirely successful, since they will have to share the attention of their parents. Lyudmila often tries to devote a lot of time and effort to always be on top.

Having matured, Lyudmila becomes proud and jealous of herself. She needs encouragement, admiration, approval. Luda is often aggressive, but if aggression is overcome, then she can be convinced and calmed down.

Lyudmila is very active, inquisitive, with a good memory. She has an analytical mind, but often gets lost in details and becomes unfair and biased. The girl can be so excitable that she often loses common sense.

Adult: Lyudmila is a very temperamental woman who, out of a sense of innate balance (she strives for it all her life), tries to seem modest. But the first impression of her is that she is somewhat rude. But this rudeness is a consequence of her strong and sharp emotional impulses. A quiet, calm life is not for her; energy and passions are boiling in her.

Lyudmila is very kind, she has many friends, she takes their troubles and experiences to heart. The woman loves society, knows how to win people over - however, her charm always has a very conscious purpose, because Lyudmila is a very concrete and practical person.

She has a strong analytical mind and sharp intuition, but Lyudmila rarely gives in to the impulses of her feminine heart: “noble madness” is not her element. She needs encouragement, admiration, approval, luck in everything. She hates obstacles and withers under criticism. That is why Lyudmila is an organizing force, the center of her family, a magnificent housewife, mother and wife - here is her kingdom, her element, here is the stage on which she always plays the main role.

Character of the name Lyudmila

The energy of the name Lyudmila does not correspond to its meaning. This was noticed by P.A. Florensky: “Everyone knows from life experience that people with overly obviously pious names are rarely pious. In the same way, or even more so, Lyudmila - and in relation to her name: “I’m not nice, although I’m nice, and you, although Lyudmila, are not nice to people, and you won’t become nice to them.”

Positive features of the name: Lyudmila is characterized by love for her neighbors, tolerance, dreaminess, and kindness. She strives to find a fulcrum within herself, to maintain balance. She has an analytical mind, good intelligence, good memory and creative abilities. Somewhat unstable moral principles only add to the charm.

Negative traits of the name: The duality of nature is Lyudmila's main problem. It can combine courtesy and almost outright rudeness, strength and weakness, fun and despondency, enormous efficiency and hopeless laziness, sensuality and passion combined with emotional coldness. Lyudmila is touchy, flirtatious, and crafty.

Name Lyudmila in love and marriage

Does the meaning of the name Love promise happiness in love? Lyudmila's personal life is often not very happy. Her feminine charm helps her up to a certain point. The desire to be liked is sometimes harmful. Her moral principles are unstable, but this gives Lyuda additional charm.

All of Lyudmila’s housekeeping abilities will find expression in marriage. She is a very independent woman; she can place all housework responsibilities on her fragile shoulders. She has excellent taste and sophisticated habits. For example, Lyudmil often shows ingenuity in preparing food, so they can become first-class cooks, not by profession, but in family life. In addition, Lyudmila loves to do handicrafts, and this hobby of hers helps save the family budget, and her children are always elegantly and beautifully dressed. Lyudmila reads a lot, needs constant communication, loves to visit and host them.

Lyudmila’s excessive independence can cause quarrels with her husband, and serious problems can arise in their relationship. But if Lyudmila has to get a divorce, she will not lose heart, but will try to find herself a husband again. Luda gets married several times or remains alone. Then the child is her only consolation.

Compatibility with male names

Ideal name compatibility:

  • Lyudmila and Alexander
  • Lyudmila and Andrey
  • Lyudmila and Dmitry
  • Lyudmila and Evgeniy
  • Lyudmila and Kirill
  • Lyudmila and Ilya

Failed name compatibility:

  • Lyudmila and Egor
  • Lyudmila and Nikolay
  • Lyudmila and Stepan
  • Lyudmila and Eduard

Talents, business, career

Choosing a profession by name: Lyudmila knows what she needs, what she can and cannot do. She strives for success with great strength, but does not like hard work. It refers to people who are martyrs and people who are seekers who are tired of monotony and monotonous work. Lyudmila prefers creativity, constantly changing jobs or a combination of several types of activities.

Lyudmila constantly has to save someone. Her intuition is unusually developed, especially when she makes a medical diagnosis or gives a psychological assessment of a person. Surrounded by those suffering disasters, she is in her place. There is no better nurse or paramedic than Luda.

A woman named Lyudmila likes everything beautiful and noticeable. She always strives for success and can become a good actress, artist, cutter, or fashion designer. People can achieve good results in art and in activities that require the ability to find contact with people. Lyudmila cannot stand painstaking, regimented work. The meaning of the name is a very specific and practical person, he uses his charm consciously, bringing the necessary goal closer.

Lyudmila's business and career: Lyudmila is ambitious and accepts the fruits of well-deserved fame with dignity. She is able to take risks for the sake of money. Due to her habit of thinking for a long time about what and how to do, she rarely makes mistakes. Sometimes she is stingy to the point of pettiness, and sometimes she is generous, even too much.

Health and energy named after

Health and talents named after Lyudmila: As a child, Lyudmila can burr and often suffers from infectious diseases, you need to be careful, because Lyudmila has complications in her ears. Hearing is partially lost. Little Lyudmila often has stomatitis. Lyudmila also has weak bronchi and lungs. Sometimes she has tonsillitis. It should be protected, as there are cases of tuberculosis, and due to frequent bronchitis, shortness of breath of an asthmatic nature appears.

At the age of fifteen, it is better for her to have her tonsils removed - then she will not get a sore throat. In adulthood, Lyudmila is very willful, her nervous system is unbalanced. As we get older, our legs become uneasy and various heart diseases develop.

“February” Lyudmila should not be left unattended: she is very nimble and loves to play with matches, which can lead to trouble. You should also watch your diet, there is a tendency to allergies, and dermatitis occurs after stress. In addition, there may be a metabolic disorder, which can lead to obesity.

“Spring” Lyudmila may have kidney failure and gastric peritonitis.

“Summer” Lyudmila is prone to furunculosis, a disorder of the thyroid gland. In this case, you should definitely contact an endocrinologist; self-medication can lead to serious consequences. “July” Lyudmila is born a very weak girl, she often gets sick in childhood, so she shouldn’t be sent to kindergarten.

"December" Lyudmila is prone to injuries. She has very fragile bones and a weak nervous system. Parents should pay attention to her immune system.

Horoscope named after Lyudmila

Lyudmila-Aries: an impressive, showy, cheerful personality. She knows how to make the right impression on others, she often gets carried away and carries people along with her. Lyudmila-Aries is not afraid to take responsibility, she can handle the most difficult tasks, you just need to maintain her enthusiasm. Men are crazy about her. Lyudmila-Aries likes a confident partner; she gets bored with a delicate person and will soon leave him.

Lyudmila-Taurus: stubborn, arrogant, simple-minded nature. She has a kind of delusion of grandeur: Lyudmila-Taurus is convinced that her decisions are the only right ones, which is why she so furiously defends her opinion. However, in the character of this woman there is no thirst for personal gain. She is able to squander everything she earns overnight on friends, relatives, or a loved one.

Lyudmila-Gemini: an active, ambitious, somewhat absent-minded woman. She never loses heart, no matter what happens in life. “I’ll think about it tomorrow,” is her constant motto. Maybe thanks to this, Lyudmila-Gemini succeeds in many things so easily, and if not, she will find new ones for herself. This is an amorous woman, and while a man occupies her imagination, she is generous and tender. But if the feelings of Lyudmila-Gemini faded away, then certainly forever: even in memories there will be no place for such a person.

Lyudmila-Cancer: hardworking, reserved woman. She is endowed with a vivid imagination, ready to present an interesting idea, but she steps aside, not participating in its implementation. More precisely, she participates, but prefers to be in the “background”, to be a performer rather than a leader. Lyudmila-Cancer works hard to achieve her dreams, but suddenly she is able to give up everything halfway. She feels constrained in male company, so it will take a lot of effort to stir her up.

Lyudmila-Lev: outstanding nature, proud, selfish. She puts all her efforts, strength, and energy into becoming a leader, rising to the very top, and winning power and recognition. Usually this happens, but if not, she will turn into a sad, gloomy person. Lyudmila-Lev does not admit defeat or criticism. She has a large number of enemies, but this will not confuse her. With men, Lyudmila Lev behaves truly like a king, single-handedly deciding “whom to execute and who to have mercy on.”

Lyudmila-Virgo: confident, pragmatic, business woman. She is very careful in her affairs, patient, and thinks clearly. Lyudmila-Virgo is never in a hurry, because she is sure that to achieve a goal you need to work hard and for a long time. She is characterized by a condescending attitude towards people, which infuriates many people. This woman prefers a narrow circle of friends. It is very, very difficult to win her favor.

Lyudmila-Libra: a peace-loving, intelligent, sophisticated woman. She loves order in her affairs and thoughts, her feelings are under strict control, and she analyzes every action in detail. Lyudmila-Libra is an excellent conversationalist: her every word is significant, she speaks competently and captivatingly. Lyudmila-Libra likes cheerful companies, she behaves naturally, which wins men’s hearts. This woman will become a caring, kind partner.

Lyudmila-Scorpio: a determined, temperamental woman. In any case, she does not spare herself, works conscientiously, not recognizing fatigue and difficulties. Obstacles only strengthen the character of this woman and strengthen her will. Lyudmila-Scorpio thinks outside the box, creatively, so it’s never boring in her company. Usually those around her sincerely love her, but they generously spread gossip about her. Lyudmila-Scorpio often changes partners, especially since she has a wide choice. Neither deep love nor marriage will change this passion for fleeting romances.

Lyudmila-Sagittarius: power-hungry, truthful, open personality. She clearly strives to take a leading position in society, while being polite with others, however, until she is offended. Then Lyudmila-Sagittarius is able to give such a rebuff that it will not seem like enough. She tends to forgive mistakes and always protect weak and offended people. She is either passionately loved or hated just as ardently. Lyudmila-Sagittarius can fall in love, succumbing to a momentary impulse, which she later bitterly regrets.

Lyudmila-Capricorn: nature is painstaking, meticulous, ambitious. She approaches matters thoroughly, does not miss a single detail and takes everything very seriously. She has high moral principles; sometimes Lyudmila-Capricorn seems like a bore to those around her. She really does not want and does not know how to have fun properly, because she considers it a waste of time. Lyudmila-Capricorn faces problems when choosing a partner, because she is picky and taciturn.

Lyudmila-Aquarius: a friendly, independent, eccentric woman. She is unusually kind to others, but tries not to show it, so as not to be considered weak and dreamy. Lyudmila-Aquarius prefers to help people unnoticed, and even better, finds work related to the social sphere. She easily guesses the true intentions of others, so she is unlikely to succumb to provocation and deception. Lyudmila-Aquarius' feelings are hidden; she even treats her chosen one with a degree of sarcasm and coolness, although she will be faithful to him.

Lyudmila-Pisces: a delicate, vain, pretty person, with refined, insinuating manners. She knows how to make a positive impression on others, she is friendly and courteous with everyone, but this does not mean at all that she has good feelings towards you. Lyudmila-Pisces uses people, taking advantage of her innate charm, but easily betrays them, without bothering with explanations. There is something elusive, sliding in her character that makes you doubt her sincerity. This woman is very attractive to men and quickly gains their trust, but she is a real predator, so you shouldn’t trust her charming smile too much.

Lyudmila's talismans

  • Lyudmila's zodiac – Libra
  • Planet – Venus
  • The color of the name Lyudmila is beige
  • Auspicious tree - hazel
  • Lyudmila’s treasured plant – chrysanthemum
  • The patron of the name Lyudmila is a Persian cat
  • Lyudmila's talisman stone is yellow sapphire

The fate of the name Lyudmila

  1. Lyudmila Ivanovna Kasatkina is one of the most remarkable actresses of Soviet theater and cinema, People's Artist of the RSFSR.
  2. Princess Lyudmila Shakhovskaya is a writer, author of several historical novels, mainly from ancient Roman life.
  3. Lyudmila Vasilievna Tselikovskaya (1919-1992) is a famous Russian actress.
  4. Lyudmila Zykina - (1929-2009) Soviet and Russian singer, became famous for performing Russian folk songs, as well as songs stylized as folk songs.
  5. Lyudmila Gurchenko - (1935-2011) Soviet and Russian actress and singer, starred in almost a hundred films.
  6. Lyudmila Pakhomova - (1946–1986) Soviet figure skater, 1976 Olympic champion in ice dancing, multiple winner of European and world championships.
  7. Lyudmila Savelyeva - (born 1942) Soviet actress, starred in the films “War and Peace”, “The Headless Horseman”, “Anna Karenina”, “It was the fourth year of the war” and others.
  8. Lyudmila Rudenko - (1904-1986) Soviet chess player, became the very first world chess champion from the USSR.
  9. Lyudmila Petrushevskaya - (born 1938) Soviet writer and playwright, winner of many literary awards.
  10. Lyudmila Lyadova - (born 1925) Soviet composer.
  11. Lyudmila Pavlichenko - (1916-1974) Hero of the Soviet Union, one of the best snipers of the Second World War.
  12. Lyudmila Semenyaka - (born 1952) Soviet ballerina, choreographer, choreographer and teacher.
  13. Lyudmila Senchina - (born 1950) Soviet singer (soprano), Honored Artist of the RSFSR.
  14. Lyudmila Tatyanicheva - (1915-1980) Soviet poetess, some of her poems became songs.
  15. Lyudmila Turishcheva - (born 1952) Soviet gymnast, four-time Olympic champion.
  16. Lyudmila Ulitskaya - (born 1943) Soviet and Russian writer.
  17. Lyudmila Shaposhnikova - (born 1926) Russian writer, orientalist, popularizer of science, public figure, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

Name translation

The translation of the name Lyudmila in different languages ​​has a slightly different meaning and sounds a little different. In English, the name is translated as - Lusie (Lucy); French - Lucie (Lucy); Italian - Lucia (Lucia).

How the name is declined according to cases

  • Nominative case: Lyudmila
  • Genitive case: Lyudmila
  • Dative case: Lyudmila
  • Accusative case: Lyudmila
  • Instrumental case: Lyudmila
  • Prepositional case: Lyudmila

If you looked here, it means you want to learn more about the meaning of the name Lyudmila.

What does the name Lyudmila mean?

The name Lyudmila means - dear to people (slav.)

The meaning of the name Lyudmila is character and destiny

A woman named Lyudmila is economical and homely. Since childhood, he loves to look after someone, takes care of the weaker, and takes care of those in trouble. At the same time, she is proud, jealous, selfish, far from selfless, and keeps those to whom she has done some kind of favor dependent. She does not tolerate people who manage to escape her shackles, and exposes them in the eyes of others as ungrateful and dishonest. Being friends with a woman named Lyudmila is not easy! But in the family, which Lyudmila values ​​very much, she is completely different - kind, generous, compliant, although she would never give up the role of leader to her husband. But the husband is generally always happy with his wife Lyudmila. After the wedding, there is no special love between them, but complete agreement reigns. They are their own people - friends, comrades, partners in business and sex, and one cannot even dream of a better housewife. In addition, Lyudmila is quite sexy, she can be passionate, but only if her husband allows her to rule. Meanwhile, you cannot give in to this woman in everything - her power has no limits, the desire to keep everyone in her hands can turn into unbridledness and unceremoniousness. Lyudmila gives birth to children of different sexes.

The meaning of the name Lyudmila for sex

Sex for Lyudmila is a combination of spiritual, psychological and physical elements, as well as a necessary factor in maintaining health. Feeling superior to your partner is an integral part of success in a sexual relationship. She is not afraid to take the initiative during sexual intercourse; she often directs its course. A woman named Lyudmila prefers an environment conducive to long love fights, coziness and comfort. Excessive arousal of a partner and his rapid actions can dramatically change her mood. She is able, while maintaining calm, to gracefully and tactfully cool overflowing emotions. If a man wants to maintain interest in himself, he must be extremely attentive and courteous, affectionate, gentle and physically strong.

The character and fate of the name Lyudmila, taking into account the patronymic

First name Lyudmila and patronymic....

Lyudmila Alekseevna, Andreevna, Artemovna, Valentinovna, Vasilievna, Viktorovna, Vitalievna, Vladimirovna, Evgenievna, Ivanovna, Ilyinichna, Mikhailovna, Petrovna, Sergeevna, Fedorovna, Yuryevna proud, envious. She doesn’t know how to present herself advantageously and is very angry that other women can easily do this. She is quite pretty, but tends to be overweight. A woman named Lyudmila does not know how to dress beautifully and fashionably. She is ambitious, tries to look significant, which sometimes looks funny in the eyes of others. If you can’t stand out like that, you play the “black sheep” - not like everyone else, misunderstood and underestimated. Unfortunately, there are people who support her in this out of ridicule, but behind her back they openly feel sorry for her or consider her a stupid woman. Despite all this, such a Lyudmila still manages to get married quite successfully, although her husband does not always turn out to be from the layer of society that she would like to get into. She leads her husband and feels superior to him in all respects. Her daughter is born first, and her son completely copies his mother both in appearance and in character. This kind of Lyudmila usually lives in one marriage and does not risk changing her life.

First name Lyudmila and patronymic....

Lyudmila Aleksandrovna, Arkadyevna, Borisovna, Vadimovna, Grigorievna, Kirillovna, Maksimovna, Matveevna, Nikitichna, Pavlovna, Romanovna, Tarasovna, Timofeevna, Eduardovna, Yakovlevna- a kind and sympathetic woman. She usually gets along with everyone, but wants people to worship her and remember how she benefited them. She gets married after twenty-five years and not always successfully. After a divorce, you may be left alone with children. A woman named Lyudmila has her first-born son. “Winter” Lyudmila with such middle names is an attentive wife, she loves to eat delicious food, and preparing lunch or dinner is not difficult for her. “Spring” is stingy, saves on everything. He spends his savings on all sorts of nonsense that he can easily do without. Husbands leave such Lyudmilas precisely because of stinginess.

First name Lyudmila and patronymic....

Lyudmila Bogdanovna, Vilenovna, Vladislavovna, Vyacheslavovna, Gennadievna, Georgievna, Danilovna, Egorovna, Konstantinovna, Makarovna, Robertovna, Svyatoslavovna, Yanovna, Yaroslavovna patient, good-natured, but proud and vain. She always strives to be in the center of attention, does not miss a single event, and is constantly aware of everything. Her desire to stand out, to be more interesting than others, almost turns into delusions of grandeur. He suppresses the weaker ones with his authority. This woman does not tolerate weak-willed men; they become the subject of her ridicule and bullying, especially if they try to win her. And with strong men she is irreconcilable, unyielding. It's hard to please her. However, she may be intrigued by a man who has shown indifference to her - out of a sense of contradiction, she will try to captivate and conquer him. Such Lyudmila gets married only because it is so accepted in society. A woman named Lyudmila feels great outside of marriage, has many friends and girlfriends, and is never lonely. She gives birth to daughters.

First name Lyudmila and patronymic....

Lyudmila Antonovna, Arturovna, Valerievna, Germanovna, Glebovna, Denisovna, Igorevna, Leonidovna, Lvovna, Mironovna, Olegovna, Ruslanovna, Semyonovna, Filippovna, Emmanuilovna proud, artistic, a good storyteller, and has a subtle sense of humor. But she is quick-tempered and vulnerable, sensitive to troubles. He experiences a breakup with loved ones for a long time. This woman is cunning, knows how to keep men in her hands, is vigilant and jealous. It's hard to deceive her. A woman named Lyudmila does not let her husband out of her sight, she always knows where he was and what he was doing. To do this, he establishes friendly relations with his colleagues and gains the trust of his friends. He skillfully weaves intrigues, with the help of which he sweeps away all possible rivals from his path. The husband is always happy with her and does not even suspect that all the breakdowns in his love affairs are the fault of his wife. This kind of Lyudmila knows how to earn money, does not expect funding from her husband, supports her husband in all his endeavors, and gives him good advice. Her daughters are born.

First name Lyudmila and patronymic....

Lyudmila Alanovna, Albertovna, Anatolyevna, Veniaminovna, Vladlenovna, Dmitrievna, Markovna, Nikolaevna, Rostislavovna, Stanislavovna, Stepanovna, Feliksovna contradictory, emotional, unbridled in passions. There is cutting and it can offend. A woman named Lyudmila does not like weak-willed men. She only marries a man with a strong character, because only with him does she feel like an individual. In the family, she, like all Lyudmilas, is a leader, but she is smart enough not to focus on this, respects her husband’s opinion, and allows him to feel his importance. This woman is a bright personality, a driving force in her husband’s career, his inspirer, support and support in all matters. She is highly sexual, temperamental, but restrained in her feelings, not intrusive. Sex for her is also a necessary factor for maintaining health. Lyudmila is a wonderful mother to her daughters, she can do everything, manages to do everything, and never waits for anyone’s help.

Linguists claim that the name Lyudmila is a name of Slavic origin. It is believed that the meaning of the name Lyudmila is “Dear to people”. The name received true recognition after the publication of the work of A.S. Pushkin "Ruslan and Lyudmila". Before this, the name Lyudmila did not have a noticeable presence in written sources. The name was most popular in the second half of the twentieth century. Now the name is one of the 100 most popular names in Russia.

The meaning of the name Lyudmila for a girl

In childhood, girls named Lyudmila usually love to talk and are, in principle, quite active. They are collected and able to concentrate, which is rarely characteristic of children. At the same time, they are characterized by instability. They can get carried away with something new every day. The girl easily finds a common language with her peers and older friends.

Luda is usually a good student. Studying is not fun for her, but her grades are almost always good. Lyudmila has the necessary perseverance and patience. She can learn any subject and forget what she taught the next day. Luda has good musical abilities, but she doesn’t want to go to music school. The girl enjoys going to all kinds of clubs, although she goes through quite a few of them.

Lyudmila is in good health. She has a good life sinking and at the same time there is no haste. This is a rather rare combination of properties of the nervous system. The weak point in Lyudmila’s health can be called her cardiovascular system. The first problems with blood circulation may appear quite early. Usually this is varicose veins, so Luda needs to be careful and take care of herself.

Short name Lyudmila

Luda, Lyudka, Lyudok, Lyudasha, Lucy, Lyuska, Mila, Milya, Milka.

Diminutive pet names

Lyudochka, Lyudushka, Lyudonka, Lyusenka, Lyusechka, Lyusik, Darling, Darling, Milasha.

Name Lyudmila in English

In English the name Lyudmila is written as Ludmila.

Name Lyudmila for international passport- LUDMILA.

Translation of the name Lyudmila into other languages

in Belarusian - Lyudmila
in Bulgarian - Lyudmila
in Polish - Ludmiła
in Ukrainian - Lyudmila
in Czech - Ludmila

Church name Lyudmila(in the Orthodox faith) remains unchanged. This is a church name.

Characteristics of the name Lyudmila

Since childhood, Lyudmila combines so many different characteristics that it attracts people to her. She is both temperamental and practical at the same time. Lyudmila is endowed with charm and easily wins people over. She is endowed with great internal energy, which is visible to many around her. At the same time, Lyudmila usually looks quite modest or rather reserved. For Lyudmila, the external attributes of success are important. She does many things for public recognition, and not from a pure heart. After the birth of children she becomes more feminine.

Lyudmila knows how to work perfectly. For her, work is the tool with which she achieves success. At the same time, her well-rounded mind and ability to work in a team help her. Lyudmila knows how to listen to employees if she sees that this leads to a useful result. Lyudmila also has excellent business skills. She is simply a born entrepreneur. With the advent of children, Luda’s priorities often change, but this does not last long. Usually Lyudmila retires from business for a couple of years, and then plunges back into her familiar environment.

Lyudmila often has problems in family relationships. She is a leader by nature and wants to take a leadership position in the family. At the same time, she often reproaches her husband for his lack of initiative, while suppressing this initiative herself. If Lyudmila does not learn humility, then her family life may at some point collapse like a house of cards. She needs to learn to be truly feminine and trust her partner, otherwise she will not achieve happiness in her family life.

The secret of the name Lyudmila

The secret of Luda can be called her complex character. She is often inconsistent, which causes a lot of inconvenience to those around her. She is sometimes feminine, sometimes tyrannical, sometimes her best friend and comrade. This feature is usually noticeable already in childhood and there is still the possibility of its correction.

Another secret of Lyudmila is her ability to discern flattery. Some individuals, seeing that Lyudmila likes recognition and success, begin to ingratiate and flatter in every possible way. But it was not there. Luda sees such people from afar and treats them with disgust.

Planet- Venus.

Zodiac sign- Scales.

Totem animal- Persian cat.

Name color- Beige.

Tree- Hazel.

Plant- Chrysanthemum.

Stone- Yellow sapphire.

An original Slavic name, the bearer of which has a truly huge heap of positive qualities. The meaning of the name Lyudmila so multifaceted that whatever its owner undertakes is innately perfect.

As a child, the girl attaches great importance to learning, is very diligent and patient, and tries to delve into the very essence of the issues. She loves to play with dolls, often sewing them up and creating exquisite outfits and hairstyles. She loves the company of her friends; it is very important for a girl to be in company.

The young lady has a natural gift for playing music, design, and has a pronounced sense of taste. She easily finds a common language with people much older than herself, gets along even with those who are popularly called “a person not from this world.”

In her youth, the meaning of the name Lyudmila acquires features of femininity and grace. The young lady becomes beautiful, strong self-confidence and her own strength appear. The girl spends a lot of time on herself, preferring to look impeccable.

For a girl, the company of friends is an integral part of herself, although she should not strive to dominate here and occupy leadership positions. Often a large number of girlfriends has a completely different, hidden meaning. This is explained by the fact that for the self-development of a lovely creature, praise and admiration are necessary, which she “feeds on”, becoming better and better.

A woman can and loves to win hearts, break the ice and make an impression. Many men's hearts break over the unapproachable and proud heart of a young lady.

The name Lyudmila is a Slavic name. It means “sweet to people,” but was forgotten over time. The name Lyudmila reappeared in Russia in the era of romanticism thanks to the literary works of V.A. Zhukovsky “Lyudmila” and A.S. Pushkin “Ruslan and Lyudmila”. But the name became popular only in the middle of the 20th century.

The diminutives Lyusya (Lucy), Mika, Lyalya and Mila are independent names. For the name Lucy there are foreign analogues - Lucie - Lucy (read as Lucy), derived from the Latin “lux”, meaning “light”.

Character of the name Lyudmila

Lyudmila is not so much innately sweet to people as it might seem based on the meaning of her name, but rather consciously makes every effort to please people. She is quite rational by nature, but behaves modestly, suppressing her natural temperament, tries to be charming, to please, and often goes to visit her many acquaintances.

Lyudmila loves and knows how to win hearts and always knows why she needs it. But the fact is that Lyudmila cannot live without admiration and admiration, she withers from any critical remark, and she simply needs to have enough people around who can give Lyudmila positive impressions and feed her self-esteem.

Lyudmila is a real keeper of the family hearth, and often these traits appear in her even in childhood. She loves to play daughter-mother, sew dresses for dolls, create and save her children's treasures.

Because of this, there can be real fights with sisters and brothers in the nursery, because Lyuda loves to be the only mistress of toy wealth. Later, she will enjoy attending home economics classes and enrolling in handicraft clubs.

In general, Lyudmila loves the company of her friends, although she does not seek to dominate it, but games do not obscure important responsibilities from her. She is diligent, an excellent student and happily tries to do any painstaking work around the house.


Love in the understanding of a girl with this female name has a rather multifaceted interpretation. Here is not only the presence of love itself, but also care, desire, the opportunity to help each other, mutual agreement with any issue.

For a young lady, the important factors are that the chosen one must not only surround her with a lot of attention, but also satisfy her physically (intimately) and financially.

This means that if such a balance is not maintained, a young lady can easily go beyond what is permitted and get herself a more suitable young man.

The young lady needs not only love, but also praise, worship of her abilities and beauty; if such an obligation is not fulfilled, she can always find a more suitable “fan”.

Often a young lady’s first marriage is a failure, despite the fact that she marries for love and endures all the antics of her chosen one, after the end of her patience she becomes completely uncontrollable. Not only the husband suffers from this, but also everyone who is nearby (often children).

An excellent housewife, neat and well-groomed, the woman tries to organize her life in such a way that it is better than that of her neighbors. This often means that the hostess’s delicious cooking always deserves only the highest marks; her husband loves all the dishes she prepares.

The home is always cozy and comfortable, all items in the interior are selected very competently and tastefully, thereby emphasizing the excellent taste of the hostess.

Provided that the family budget is completely saved, a young lady who loves to dress up will find a way to look no worse than her peers who have a lot of money. Her sewing skills and excellent taste will come in very handy, thanks to which she will create magnificent outfits, sewing not only herself, but also her children.

For a woman, children are an integral part of the family hearth. However, often girls give birth to no more than two children.

Business and career

In the career field, the meaning of the name Lyudmila is fully revealed. With a failed first marriage, the girl furiously takes on her own career development, which means she often achieves great success.

Work in the concept of a young person seems like a kind of battlefield where you need to look perfect and meet certain criteria. A girl very often has to break norms, going beyond the generally accepted rules, which is not always to her benefit.

Developed intuition often helps a young lady achieve results, but greater receptivity and explosiveness often become a reason for discontent among others.

A woman attaches great importance to her appearance and ability to conduct a conversation, therefore successful professions that can fully unleash the potential of a young lady can be the following: social activist, deputy, theater and film actor, journalist, TV presenter, critic.

  • Zodiac – Libra
  • Planet – Venus
  • The color of the name Lyudmila is beige
  • Auspicious tree - hazel
  • Treasured plant - chrysanthemum
  • The patron of the name Lyudmila is a Persian cat
  • Talisman stone – yellow sapphire

Numerology of the name Lyudmila

Holders of the name number 6 are distinguished by calmness and sanity. Sixes value stability, customs and traditions. For them, honesty and a good name are more important than short-term benefits.

They never resort to radical methods of solving problems, preferring the liberal path. “Sixes” are not distinguished by leadership qualities, but they are capable and diligent workers.

There are arrogant and self-satisfied “sixes”, but for most of them the main guideline in life is family and a small circle of loyal and devoted friends.


  • The planet Mars.
  • Element: Fire, warm-dry.
  • Zodiac: Aries, Scorpio.
  • Color: Fiery red, bloody, ferruginous.
  • Day: Tuesday.
  • Metal: Iron.
  • Mineral: Magnetite, jasper, amethyst, Lapp blood.
  • Plants: Garlic, onion, tobacco, radish, mustard, nettle, asparagus, heather, bean, hot pepper.
  • Animals: Wolf, rooster, raven, vulture, horse, dog.

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Lyudmila

Translated from Slavic - “dear to people.”

Lyudmila is a sociable, proud, active, homely person, striving with all her might to achieve a position in society and to be in the thick of things. But a strong will, rich intuition, and feminine charm help her only to a certain extent.

She is constantly haunted by an evil fate: when it seems that the goal is close, something unexpected happens and everything goes to pieces - in love, family or at work. She again has to gain strength to get out of the next hole.

Having achieved, with great difficulty, a relatively stable position in society, she commits some small, insignificant act, followed by its consequences, as if in a chain. So she loses everything that she got with great difficulty.

By temperament, Lyudmila is a choleric person who does not always listen to the words of other people. Lyudmila gets both joys and sorrows to the fullest. Unpleasant surprises for her are not the exception, but the rule. At the same time, Lyudmila is a very calculating person.

She surrounds herself with people whom she can use to her advantage and is attentive to them as long as she needs them. She cannot predict her own actions in advance, since her mobile and unstable psyche often pushes her to completely inexplicable actions that only bring her harm.

However, Lyudmila can be kind to people, help with advice, and do not skimp on gifts, although she is tight-fisted by nature. She is naturally endowed with talent and abilities. She has a creative mind.

Lyudmila can achieve professional success in painting, music, acting, design, modeling and demonstrating clothes, in those areas where the ability to find contact with people and convince them is required. Lyudmila is jealous of her person and for the sake of her career she is capable of betrayal. In the interests of the cause, he can transgress moral principles.

She marries for love, but not always successfully, since her husband may not like her excessive independence. He loves to do handicrafts, which he can even use to earn a living, housekeeping, and is a good cook.

Lyudmila maintains exemplary order in the house; her children are always well-groomed. Tries to get along with her mother-in-law. She is sexy, wants to love and be loved. In the event of a divorce, she does not lose heart and strives to remarry.

Lyudmila is thrifty and homely. Since childhood, he loves to look after someone, takes care of the weaker, and takes care of those in trouble. At the same time, she is proud, jealous, selfish, far from selfless, and keeps those to whom she has done some kind of favor dependent.

She does not tolerate people who manage to escape her shackles, and exposes them in the eyes of others as ungrateful and dishonest. It's not easy to be friends with her! But in the family, which Lyudmila values ​​very much, she is completely different - kind, generous, compliant, although she would never give up the role of leader to her husband. But the husband is generally always happy with his wife Lyudmila.

After the wedding, there is no special love between them, but complete agreement reigns. They are their own people - friends, comrades, partners in business and sex, and one cannot even dream of a better housewife. In addition, Lyudmila is quite sexy, she can be passionate, but only if her husband allows her to rule.

Meanwhile, you cannot give in to this woman in everything - her power has no boundaries, the desire to keep everyone in her hands can turn into unbridledness and unceremoniousness. Lyudmila gives birth to children of different sexes.

The meaning of the name Lyudmila for sex

Sex for Lyudmila is a combination of spiritual, psychological and physical elements, as well as a necessary factor in maintaining health. Feeling superior to your partner is an integral part of success in a sexual relationship.

She is able, while maintaining calm, to gracefully and tactfully cool overflowing emotions. If a man wants to maintain her interest in himself, he must be extremely attentive and courteous, affectionate, gentle and physically strong.

Psychology of a name

Lyudmila is usually peace-loving, dreams of tactfully mastering your body and soul. She will go to great lengths just not to be lonely and have a good interlocutor with her, but in extreme situations she is capable of rudeness and aggressiveness. In disputes, try not to bring Lyudmila to an emotional explosion.
