The first signs of puberty in girls. Puberty girls

It would seem that until recently, the daughter was a sweet angel, obedient and funny, and suddenly something happened to her - inexplicable whims, a sharp change in mood, occasionally - hysteria. Do not be afraid of such changes, because the girl is growing, and sooner or later her puberty begins. What signs accompany this "growing up", what can be considered early puberty and how should parents respond to it? We will try to answer these questions in the presented material.

Signs of puberty in girls, or what is happening in the body

Puberty in girls lasts 2 years and ends with puberty - this time falls on the first menstruation. Doctors still cannot name the timing of puberty that is suitable for the norm - it is believed that this period is variable: it can begin at 9 years old and at 11, and at 13. If signs of puberty in a girl are present at the age of 7, or are absent, when the child is already 15 years old, then this is a cause for concern. All other years that fell on the condition in question are normal. About early puberty will be written later, but let's make a reservation right away - the girl's parents should not make any independent decisions about this. Only a doctor will be able to establish the true cause of early puberty, prescribe drug therapy, which, however, also applies to late puberty.

Note:In the course of observations, the doctors revealed the following - the earlier the girl's puberty began, the faster it will end. That is, if a girl at 9 years old already has signs of puberty, then after a year and a half, the first menstruation can be expected, but if these signs are noted at the age of 14, then two or two and a half years may pass before the first menstruation.

Signs of normal puberty in a girl:

Separately, it is worth mentioning the most important sign of puberty - menstruation. The first menstruation, as a rule, appears in a girl at the age of 13, but this age is very conditional! There are many known cases when the first bleeding was at the age of 11 and this was not a pathology. Let's make a reservation right away - the menstrual cycle will "form" and stabilize within about 12 months, during this period bleeding will be irregular, 1-2 months may be absent, and this "behavior" of the girl's body is quite normal. As soon as the girl's first menstruation begins, her growth slows down dramatically and after that, in total, the child will add another 5 cm in height.

Parents should pay special attention to preparing the girl for the first menstruation, and, of course, the mother should take care of this. Regardless of the age at which your period started, it can be very scary for your baby. Yes, children are now accelerated. Yes, they sometimes know more than adults. And nevertheless, experts emphasize the importance of conversations between a girl and a mother on the topic of puberty, the first menstruation - not a single book, not a single girlfriend, not a single video from the Internet will convey the necessary information to a girl. And then, such a trusting relationship with my mother, who will be able to listen and talk even on "intimate" topics, will become the key to close relationships in the future.

Psychological problems of the girl's puberty

The above-described signs of the condition under consideration are quite capable of surprising not only the parents (“when did she manage to grow up”), but also the girl herself. And during this period, it is important not to leave her alone with her questions, fears and doubts.

First, you will need to tell the girl why such changes are taking place with her body and body.... If this happened earlier than her friends, then it is worth emphasizing the importance of such an event as puberty, and clearly indicate that there are no developmental deviations, all this is natural.

Secondly, it is worth watching carefully for a girl who had puberty in later years - she will feel too uncomfortable in the company of her peers, doubt her inferiority. And here you need to become a psychologist, explain to the girl that puberty occurs at different ages, you can even embellish the reality and tell that the mother herself had this period at 14-15 years.

Thirdly, you need to talk in detail about menstruation. But right away you need to stipulate that these topics are too personal, "intimate" and tell your friends that your period has already begun is not worth it. Yes, this means that "the girl has matured," but this does not at all mean that she has become an adult, so the mother will need to conduct conversations and teach her daughter all the intricacies of behavior among her friends.

Note:A girl's perception of change during puberty is directly related to how close her relationship is with her mother. Therefore, try to "establish contact" from childhood - it will be easier to have conversations on "intimate" topics, and in the future, a trusting relationship will develop between two close people.

Early puberty in girls

Premature puberty in girls has its own characteristics:

  • changes in the mammary glands began quickly and before the age of 9 years;
  • female pattern hair growth is noted at the age of up to 9 years;
  • the growth of the girl stops;
  • the appearance of menstruation before the age of seven.

Particular attention should be paid to the fact that the appearance of menstrual bleeding in a girl with premature puberty does not at all mean that she has become a woman - such bleeding is also called bezovulatory / menstrual-like, that is, the egg from the girl's ovary does not leave for fertilization into the uterine cavity.

Such premature puberty in girls is a deviation from the norm and has several forms of flow.

Classification of premature puberty in girls

Gynecologists and endocrinologists distinguish several forms of the condition under consideration:

Causes of early puberty in girls

The following factors can lead to the condition under consideration:

  • hereditary predisposition - early puberty is passed in the family from generation to generation, but does not affect the reproductive abilities of the female body;
  • problems in the work of the hypothalamus and / or pituitary gland, which leads to excessive production of hormones;
  • various neoplasms of a benign or malignant nature in the ovaries.

Very often, girls with premature puberty are born to women who smoked / used alcohol and drugs during pregnancy, or have a history of endocrine diseases.

How to treat

Only after a complete diagnosis and a series of specific examinations will the doctor be able to tell what therapy should be used to correct the girl's sexual development. It is quite possible that you just need to choose a diet and normalize the child's psycho-emotional background. But often hormonal drugs are used to normalize the condition - only specialists should prescribe such medications.

Surgical treatment is prescribed only if the girl was diagnosed with a tumor of the adrenal glands, ovaries or hypothalamus - the neoplasm is simply removed and the processes of puberty proceed within normal limits.

As for the late puberty of a girl, it will most likely be about hormonal problems and / or malformations of the genital organs. Usually, hormonal drugs can solve the problem, but they can only be prescribed by doctors.

Tsygankova Yana Aleksandrovna, medical commentator, therapist of the highest qualification category

Puberty is a frightening and exciting period in the life of any girl. Your body develops, your period begins, and your mood changes all the time! You may be unsure if you really started puberty. Especially since it usually begins long before the onset of signs. So, you will understand whether you have started puberty if you find some changes in your body, as well as changes in your behavior and emotions.


Changes in the body

    Measure your height. Have you noticed that you need new clothes, shoes and underwear? When you reach puberty, you may gain some extra weight and grow a little bit. If you notice an increase in height, you may find other signs as well.

    Pay attention to your body odor. During puberty, a hormonal surge begins, due to which the sweat glands become more active. The sweat released is mixed with bacteria, which causes a specific odor. Fortunately, there are many ways to combat odor, including:

    Watch for changes in the shape and size of your breasts. Pay attention to the area around the nipples on the chest. Press gently on the area with your fingers and try to feel the small hard lumps inside your chest. If you feel such lumps on your right and left breasts, it means that your mammary glands have begun to develop.

    Check to see if your pubic hair is starting to grow. Pay attention to the pubic area and the area around the vagina, slide your finger to feel if your hair is starting to grow. They can be soft and short, straight and thick, or rough and curly. Having pubic hair is a sign of puberty.

    Stand in front of a mirror to examine your figure. In addition to the feeling of "lumps" in the chest and the appearance of pubic hair, you may notice that your figure has begun to change. Have you noticed that the clothes started to fit differently on you? Pay attention to the changes in your figure - a mirror will help determine if you have started puberty. There are other parts of the body that can get a little more rounded and larger, these include:

    Wait a couple of years and you will have armpit and leg hair. Gently touch your underarms or look in the mirror to see if your hair is starting to grow. Also take a close look at the legs. On the legs, hair can be darker, thicker and more noticeable. About a year or two after you notice pubic hair, look at your legs and underarms.

    Watch for vaginal discharge. Look at your underwear - are there any traces of discharge? They can be found as early as a year or two after your breasts begin to develop. You will most likely feel vaginal discharge in your panties. They can be clear and watery, or they can be white and dense, like mucus. This discharge is normal and is a clear sign that puberty has begun.

    • Make an appointment with your doctor or ask someone you trust to check if the color and smell of your discharge is normal. Abnormal color and odor can be a sign of infection.
  1. Wait for your period. Within six months of the onset of vaginal discharge, you may have your period. Pay attention to if there is any traces of blood on your underwear or around the vaginal area. This may mean that you are in puberty and your first period is starting. For many girls, the first menstrual period is the most frightening and exciting part of puberty.

    • After your first period, your menstrual cycle may be irregular.
    • During your first period, your belly may be bloated. When this happens, your tummy will feel fuller and more swollen than usual.
    • During your period, you may have cramps, back pain, or headaches.
  2. Examine the skin for changes. Notice if your skin is oily, more acne and more irritated. Changes in the body also affect the skin. Acne and oily skin on the face, neck, chest / back are also signs of puberty.

    • Wash your face with mild soap or a special cleanser to remove oily skin and prevent acne breakouts.
    • If your acne problem becomes more serious, see your doctor for an examination and treatment. Pimples during puberty are common, but hormonal spikes can make your acne problem worse.

New inner state and new emotions

  1. Keep a diary of emotions. Write down your feelings and feelings every day (or every time you feel like expressing them to someone). During puberty, hormones change - this affects your emotions. Read your diary once a week to see if there is any change in your mood and emotions. A drastic change in emotions is also a sign of puberty. Below are some of the emotions you may notice:

    Pay attention to how you started to think. As you do your homework or when faced with different situations, notice if you have begun to perceive and think about them differently. A new way of thinking can also be a sign of puberty. Watch your mindset change:

    • Awareness of the consequences and their responsibility. For example, understanding what happens when you don't do your chores or homework.
    • The need to make your own decisions. For example, when you are trying to defend your point of view about what is right and wrong.
    • Being aware of the things you like and dislike.
  2. Curiosity about your body. The desire to observe and touch your body is a normal part of growing up and puberty. Plus, as you get older, you may become more curious about sex and sexuality. Explore your body, enjoy masturbation if you feel like it. All these things are quite natural, you should not be ashamed of them. Plus, these are clear signs of puberty.

    Embrace feelings of attraction to other people. Romantic and sexual feelings are a normal part of growing up. If you have feelings for boys, look for other signs of puberty. This will help make sure that you are indeed in puberty.

  • Remember, every girl goes through puberty, and this is a natural process that shouldn't embarrass you. This can happen anytime between the ages of 9 and 16, so don't worry if your period comes earlier or later than you expected.
  • Talk to a counselor or trusted adult if you have any questions about puberty.
  • See your doctor or nurse if you notice something that makes you feel embarrassed or uncomfortable. For example, if your groin itches or smells unpleasant, this could be a sign of a vaginal infection.

The adolescence period in the life of any girl is very important, because it is at this time that the main changes take place in the body, which in the future will be able to allow her to become a full-fledged woman, capable of giving birth to a full-fledged child. According to the apt expression of one pediatric gynecologist, it is in adolescence that the formation of future offspring begins. Traditionally, it is believed that this period and the accompanying puberty occurs at the age of 11-13 years and lasts up to 15 years. However, at present, there is a tendency towards an earlier onset of the development of secondary sexual characteristics in girls, which is often very perplexing for parents and is the basis for their concern about the health of their child. Therefore, in such a situation, it is necessary to know the opinion of an experienced pediatric gynecologist.

The concept of early puberty and its causes:

First of all, you need to be able to distinguish between the concepts of "early puberty" and "premature puberty". The latter condition is characterized by the onset of the development of secondary sexual characteristics (breast growth, female pattern hair growth) at the age of eight years. Such an early start of puberty clearly speaks of significant hormonal disorders in the girl's body and requires qualified treatment by an endocrinologist. Early puberty is a condition when changes in the body, characteristic of adolescence (that is, at the age of 11-14 years), occur when the girl's age is from eight to eleven years. And the attitude to this phenomenon among medical specialists is far from unambiguous.

- acceleration

The prevailing point of view is that such a phenomenon as early puberty in our time is considered a natural consequence of the acceleration process. This process has been observed over the past decades, and its essence lies in the gradual acceleration of the development of children in comparison with previous generations. That is, from this point of view, there is nothing pathological in early puberty, it develops only due to the improvement in the quality of life of people in recent years.

- negative factors of the modern world

Some experts still consider this trend to be a pathological process, which is caused by modern factors harmful to health. In particular, overweight in children in recent years is increasingly common, namely in plump adolescent girls and there is an earlier menarche (the age of the first menstruation and the beginning of the formation of the menstrual cycle), followed by puberty. In this case, the cycle that has arisen often proceeds for a long time with various kinds of violations and, in general, is more difficult for girls to tolerate.

- Other reasons

There are many more opinions and versions about the increase in cases of early puberty at the present time. However, parents are often not so worried about abstract reasoning about the reasons for this phenomenon, they need to know what to do with their own child. First of all, it is necessary to be examined by an endocrinologist - in spite of everything, such processes can be the result of various pathologies. In addition, you need to remember if the child has had traumatic brain injuries, infections affecting the brain (meningitis, encephalitis) during his life. If such risk factors are absent and the endocrine system is in a relative norm, then this phenomenon does not require special treatment.

In addition, genetic factors also affect the age at which puberty begins. So, a mother needs to remember when such changes in the body began in her - in most cases, if her body also began to rebuild itself earlier in an adult way, then her daughters will have a similar problem.

Parental behavior tactics during early puberty in a girl:

According to the pediatric gynecologist, with early puberty in a girl, which is not caused by pathological reasons, more attention should be paid to the psychological aspect of this period. Even with timely maturation, a teenager can be very lonely and there is no one to tell about his problems and experiences. With such an early process, the problem is further aggravated by the lack of understanding among peers - yet this condition is not so common and therefore, in her company, the girl may be the only one in such a situation. Only her mother can become her friend and advisor in such a situation.
Many adolescents, especially at the age of 10-11, are very scared at the onset of menstruation, but at the same time they are embarrassed to tell their mother or even girlfriends about it. This increases the risk of inflammatory diseases of the genital organs (due to the lack of hygiene products). Therefore, dear mothers, if you notice that your daughter has begun to grow breasts, pubic hair has begun to grow and other signs of puberty are determined - without fail, but very carefully talk about the menstrual cycle, its role in a woman's life and behavior during menstruation.

Long-term consequences and impact on fertility:

In addition, a girl and a woman, who at one time faced the problem of early puberty, needs to think about having a child earlier than others. The thing is that one of the consequences of this process is an earlier onset of menopause. During intrauterine development, the girl develops the necessary supply of eggs, which gradually decreases during the menstrual cycle. It is logical to assume that if puberty occurred earlier, then the supply of female reproductive cells will also dry out faster than usual. It is this factor that triggers changes in the body with the extinction of fertility. It is noticed that more than 70% of all cases of early menopause are accompanied by an earlier installation of the menstrual cycle.
The problem of early puberty today affects many medical specialties - gynecology, pediatrics, endocrinology, psychology. Taking into account the increase in the number of cases of such a condition, it turns into a real social problem. One of the ways to solve it is to build a trusting relationship between mother and daughter from the very childhood and parental literacy in matters of sex education.

To determine the signs of early puberty in girls, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the indicators of the norm and only after detecting deviations, if any, begin to seriously worry and make adjustments to the development of the child. It is worth considering the genetic predisposition and information about the maturation of the mother and father of the child. These factors can explain a lot and save the girl's parents from undue anxiety.

Causes of early puberty in girls

Puberty in a girl implies her physical readiness to become a mother and continue the family, that is, maturity in an intimate relationship. In addition to heredity and geographical factors, it is customary to adhere to certain social frameworks, since physical readiness is not always an indicator of psychological readiness for motherhood and, subsequently, a child may have serious problems not only with health, but also with self-determination and psyche.

There are two reasons for premature puberty:

  • central - previous infectious diseases of the brain, trauma, tumors, hyperplasia, hormonal disorders, ischemia, hypothyroidism, radiation;
  • peripheral - high release of testosterone and estrogen into the blood.

It also happens that doctors still fail to establish the exact cause of the occurrence of violations.

Signs of early puberty

Almost half of the girls begin to mature when their mothers. If there are deviations from the norm, information about the puberty of the girl's grandmothers is also taken into account by the doctors. If the female line in the child's family is characterized by similar indicators relative to puberty, then it is customary to consider the features of deviation from the norms as individual.

The signs are:

  • accelerated growth;
  • headache;
  • tendency to gluttony;
  • increased weight;
  • change in body odor;
  • the appearance of pubic hair and armpits;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • the presence of acne;
  • early development of secondary sexual characteristics;
  • the presence of menstrual flow;
  • enlargement of the mammary glands.

Signs can appear selectively or all together. The presence of partial signs is not an indicator of violations, analyzes and diagnostics are needed in the direction of a number of specialists.

Early puberty problems

Parents may be concerned about the growth of their daughter's breasts before the age of eight or nine. The danger of this indicator is that later disappointing diagnoses may await the child:

  • polycystic ovary disease;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • dysmenorrhea;
  • the risk of breast cancer;
  • growth disorder;
  • obesity (in adulthood).

Psychologically, the child also suffers, he definitely needs the help of not only relatives, but also qualified psychologists, and possibly even a psychiatrist. External differences often become a reason for ridicule in a circle of peers, hence, at least - the development of self-doubt, complexes and low self-esteem. Some children develop aggression and resentment for the whole world, which cannot but affect their health and the emergence of new diseases.

Why is early puberty in girls dangerous?

Considering psychological problems, the emphasis is on behavioral factors, due to the dissonance of the girl's physical and mental development. As a result - an early desire for sexual intercourse, alcohol, smoking, consumption of fatty foods in large quantities. No less dangerous is the fact of the girl's early harassment by adult men.

In order to avoid isolation, parents of children with such problems need to find contact with the child, establish trusting relationships and help overcome all difficulties on the way.

What are the consequences of early puberty?

In the Russian Federation, the period for adolescents from 9 to 15 years is considered the norm for puberty. By puberty, we mean the moment the mammary glands begin to grow, not the first menstruation. Two years later, the girl has the first hair on the pubic part and menstrual flow should begin, the average age of maturation in the country is from 12 to 13 years. The first couple of years, the menstrual cycle may not be regular, if this type of discharge has not appeared by the age of 16, you need to see a doctor urgently. A girl's puberty is characterized by a growing pelvis, a narrow waist, and fatty deposits in the thighs, chest, buttocks and pubis.

The main unpleasant consequences:

  • growth disorder;
  • the occurrence of problems with the ovaries;
  • hormonal disorders in the girl's later life.

Early puberty treatment

The first doctor who is recommended to visit to determine violations and choose a method for their elimination, treatment is an endocrinologist. After examining the child, studying the history and giving directions for a number of tests, the doctor will be able to identify the degree of violations. To determine the norms for the development of bone growth, you will need to take an x-ray of the child's wrists and palms. After the initial diagnosis is made, the doctor may order an MRI scan to detect abnormalities. In some situations, an ultrasound scan is also required.

There is no single method of treatment, based on the results of tests and diagnostics, identifying the causes of violations, the doctor develops a plan to stabilize the girl's health. Hormonal disruptions can be caused by various factors, if their cause is an operable tumor, surgical intervention is required. In some cases, it is possible to achieve the desired result with the help of medication. In addition to drastic measures, parents need to moderate the child's appetite, add useful physical activity - for example, swimming.

Most parents believe that a girl's sexual development begins with the onset of adolescence, at about 12-14 years old, this is a widespread misconception. In fact, sexual development begins much earlier. At an early age, the concept of sexual development first of all needs to include the sexual identification of the child, which includes questions of a psychological rather than physiological nature.

Puberty itself in girls begins at about 8-9 years old. Puberty includes several stages and lasts 9-10 years. By the age of 17-18, the process of puberty should be fully completed.

The first stage is prepubertal. It is characterized by a leap in growth, the development of secondary sexual characteristics, and further development of the genitals. The first stage of puberty ends with the appearance of the first menstruation (menarche).

The second stage begins with the onset of menarche. During the second stage, the development of secondary sexual characteristics is completed, growth slows down, and ovulatory cycles appear. With the completion of this stage, sexual, somatic development ends and the body becomes fertile.

Consider the main signs of puberty in girls.


Growth during the onset of puberty is greatly accelerated and jumps sharply towards the beginning of the first menstrual period. The first menstruation occurs when growth has already slowed. For the most part, growth is due to genetic factors, but according to modern research, each subsequent generation is on average several centimeters taller than the previous one.

The dramatic increase in height is the reason for the disproportion and awkwardness of adolescent girls. This is due to the fact that bones do not grow synchronously; different bones are characterized by different growth rates. Due to the increase in bones, the skin is stretched and, in order to avoid cracks, the sebaceous ones are activated, as a result, the skin and hair become more oily, and acne appears.

Development of secondary sexual characteristics

Simultaneously with the acceleration of growth in girls, the phase of growth and maturation of the mammary glands begins.

First, the size of the nipple and halos increase, and then the mammary gland as a whole begins to grow. Breast growth continues for a long time. Breasts reach their final size only after feeding the baby, and the penultimate stage of growth is completed by about 16 years.

Simultaneously with the growth of the breast, pubic hair begins to grow. Sometimes pubic hair can appear before 10 years of age. From about 13 years old, girls begin to have hair on their legs and armpits.

Due to the deposition of subcutaneous fatty tissue and the expansion of the pelvis, the figure changes and the girl acquires a characteristic female silhouette.


The first menstruation usually appears at 12-15 years of age. The appearance of the first menstruation before the age of 10, as well as the absence of menstruation until the age of 16, is a deviation from the norm, in which case you should consult a doctor.

A regular menstrual cycle sets in somewhere within a year, but even with irregular periods, a girl can become pregnant. It should be noted that a recently established cycle is easily knocked down under the influence of factors such as stress, climate change, overwork, and so on.
