Show the relationship between the seven quality management tools. Seven new quality management tools

Basic Concepts

The seven Japanese methods discussed above are designed for analyzing quantitative information. They allow you to solve up to 95% of quality problems. However, when creating, for example, a new product, not all factors are of a numerical nature. There are facts that can only be verbal description. They make up approximately 5% of problems in the field of process management, teams and their solution, along with statistical methods it is necessary to use the results of operational analysis, psychology and others.

Therefore, the Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers developed 7 the latest tools , which allow us to solve these problems. These instruments were brought together and proposed by the Japan Union in 1979. These include:

1) Affinity diagram;

2) Dependency diagram;

3) System (tree) diagram;

4) Matrix diagram;

5) Arrow diagram;

6) Process evaluation planning diagram;

7) Analysis of matrix data.

Collection of input data for quality tools is usually carried out using the method brainstorming which is carried out with the help of specialists.

Scope of application of these methods: quality management, office work, education, training, etc.

Application of the "affinity diagram"

Affinity diagram– a tool that allows you to identify the main violations of the process by combining related oral data. It is a method of grouping together many similar or related ideas generated during a brainstorming session. The Japanese Union of Scientists and Engineers included the affinity diagram among the seven quality management methods in 1979.

The purpose of the method is to systematize and organize ideas, consumer requirements or opinions of group members expressed in connection with solving a problem. The affinity diagram provides general planning. It is a creative tool that helps to clarify unresolved problems by revealing previously invisible connections between individual pieces of information or ideas by collecting haphazard oral data from various sources and analyzing them according to the principle of mutual affinity (associative proximity).

Action plan:

1 Form a team of specialists who have knowledge of issues on the topic under discussion.

2 Formulate the question or problem in the form of a detailed sentence.

3 Conduct a brainstorming session related to the main reasons for the existence of the problem or answers to the questions posed.

4 Record all the statements on cards, group related data by area and assign headings to each group. Try to combine any of them under a common heading, creating a hierarchy.

The principles of creating an affinity diagram and identifying the main process violations in order to take measures to eliminate them are shown in Fig. 31. As can be seen from the figure, the affinity diagram is a creative means of organization large quantities oral data.

Figure 31 - Principle of constructing an affinity diagram

Additional Information:

The affinity diagram is used not to work with specific numerical data, but with verbal statements.

The affinity diagram should be used mainly when:

It is necessary to systematize a large amount of information (various ideas, different points vision, etc.);

The answer or solution is not completely obvious to everyone;

Decision making requires consensus among team members (and perhaps other stakeholders) in order to work effectively.

Advantages of the method: p hides the relationship between different pieces of information.

The procedure of creating an affinity diagram allows team members to go beyond their usual thinking and helps to realize the creative potential of the team.

Disadvantages of the method: n In the presence of a large number of objects (starting from several dozen), the tools of creativity, which are based on human associative abilities, are inferior to the tools of logical analysis.

The Affinity Diagram is the first of the seven quality management techniques that helps develop a more precise understanding of a problem and identifies major process problems by collecting, summarizing, and analyzing a large amount of oral data based on the affinity relationships between each element.

9.2 Application of the “Interrelationship Diagram”

The relationship diagram is designed to rank related factors (conditions, causes, indicators, etc.) according to the strength of connection between them.

1) it is necessary to write down each problem on a separate sheet of paper and attach these sheets of paper in a circle;

2) you need to start from the top sheet and move clockwise, wondering if there is a connection between these two problems. If so, what event is the cause;

3) draw arrows between two events, showing the directions of influence;

5) the initial one is the one from which more arrows come out.

Example: Diagram of relationships to identify the causes of an increase in injuries at work In Fig. Figure 32 shows an example of a DV, reflecting the results of an analysis of the relationships between the causes of high injuries at work.

Figure 32 - Example of a relationship diagram

The Ishikawa diagram discussed earlier allows us to identify factors influencing any problem. The relationship diagram makes it possible to structure them based on their importance.

Thus, from this diagram it is clear that the main reasons for the increase in injuries during production are: lack of teamwork and insufficiently trained staff.

Seven new
quality management

To work with operational purposes, first
all those that are described verbally, Union
Japanese Scientists and Engineers (JUSE)
suggested using seven new
quality management tools.
These instruments originated in the post-war
period in the USA when performing design and construction work, but there were
formulated and improved
Japanese companies in subsequent

Seven new quality management tools

These tools are used to structure
disparate ideas, creating strategic plans and
organizing the management of large complex projects.
Most often these tools are used
when solving problems that arise at the stage
Seven Quality Management Tools - Set
tools to make management easier
quality in the process of organization, planning and
business management when analyzing various types of facts.
Solving problems that arise during the organization process,
planning and business management based on analysis
various kinds of facts.

Seven new quality management tools

Seven Quality Management (QM) Tools
provide understanding difficult situations And
make it easier to manage quality
by improving the design process
products or services.
CM tools strengthen the planning process
thanks to their ability:
understand the tasks;
eliminate deficiencies;
promote dissemination and exchange
information between interested parties;
use everyday vocabulary.

Seven new quality management tools

As a result, management tools allow
develop optimal solutions in
as soon as possible.
Affinity diagram and connection diagram
provide general planning.
Tree diagram, matrix diagram and
priority matrix provide
intermediate planning.
Flowchart of decision making process and
arrow diagram provide
detailed planning.

Seven new quality management tools

The sequence of application of methods may be different
depending on the goal.
These methods can also be considered as separate tools,
and as a system of methods. Each method can find its own
independent application depending on what
the task belongs to the class.
The use of quality management tools allows
save resources and thereby increase net profit
Visual, easy to learn and use.
Low efficiency when analyzing complex

New quality management tools

Affinity diagram
Relationship diagram (interconnections)
Tree diagram
Matrix diagram
Diagram “Portfolio”
Problem-solution diagram
Diagram “Plan-grid”

Affinity diagram

. This method was developed by Kawakita in the 1960s.
Jiro (Kawakita Jiro), Japanese anthropologist. KJ-
this is a registered trademark
Kawayoshida Research Center
Research Center.
Affinity diagram is a tool for operational organization and
grouping large amounts of creative data
Creation stages:
1. Definition of the subject or topic - the basis for data collection.
2. Collection of data obtained, for example, during a brainstorming session.
Each message is recorded on the card by each
3. Grouping related data according to different areas
4. Repeating the procedure with identifying leading directions and
creating hierarchies.

10. Affinity diagram

Used to organize a large number
associatively related information.
Systematization and ordering of ideas, consumer
requirements or opinions of group members expressed in connection with
solving any problem.
The affinity diagram provides general planning. This
a creative tool that helps clarify unsolved
problems, revealing previously invisible connections between
individual pieces of information or ideas by collecting from
various sources of haphazardly presented oral data and
their analysis according to the principle of mutual affinity (associative

11. Affinity diagram


Formulate a question or problem in the form of a detailed
Brainstorm the main reasons for existence
problems or answers to questions asked.
Record all statements on cards, group them
related data by directions and assign headings
each group. Try combining any of them
under a general heading, creating a hierarchy.
New understanding of requirements and problematic issues and new
solving old problems.

12. Affinity diagram

Reveals relationships between different pieces of information.
The procedure for creating an affinity diagram allows members
teams to go beyond conventional thinking and promotes
realizing the creative potential of the team.
If there are a large number of objects (starting from several
dozens) creative tools based on
human associative abilities are inferior to tools
logical analysis.
Affinity diagram is the first of the seven tools
quality management methods that promote
obtaining a more precise understanding of the problem and allows
identify major process violations by collecting,
generalization and analysis of a large number of oral data based on
related (close) relationships between elements.

13. Affinity diagram

When formulating a topic for discussion, use the “7 plus or
minus 2." The sentence must have at least 5 and no more than 9 words, including
verb and noun.
When conducting a brainstorming session, use a standard technique.
Each wording is written down on a separate card.
If a card can be classified into more than one grouping, you should
make copies.
Note. Cards that are not included in any group constitute
remainder. As a rule, these are 4 or 5 cards.
The affinity diagram is used when working with non-specific numbers.
data, but with verbal statements. The affinity diagram follows
mainly used when:
it is necessary to systematize a large amount of information (various
ideas, different points of view, etc.);
the answer or solution is not absolutely obvious to everyone;
making a decision requires consensus among team members (and perhaps
among other stakeholders) to work effectively

14. Affinity Diagram Strategic Goal: We want to be a successful courier service.

15. Affinity diagram

16. Diagram of interconnections (relationships)

A relationship diagram is a tool that allows
identify logical connections between the main idea and
supporting data
Problem to be solved – definition and research
relationships among related ideas or
tasks. It shows that every idea might.
logically connected to many other ideas.
(logical tool)
(creative tool)
Basic data for constructing relationship diagrams
are “generated” using affinity diagrams.

17. Diagram of interconnections (relationships) General view

18. Diagram of interconnections (relationships)

Used to systematize large
amount of logically related information
Identifying connections between the causes of the problem and
choosing priorities for applying efforts in those areas
which will bring the greatest return in solving the problem.
Connection diagram is a tool that allows you to identify
logical connections between the main idea, problem and
various influencing factors.
The mind diagram provides overall planning and
helps to clarify unresolved problems by revealing previously
invisible causal connections between individual parts
information through their graphical presentation.

19. Diagram of interconnections (relationships)

The diagram is based on approximately the same approach as in
constructing an affinity diagram:
a team of specialists who know the issues is being formed
on the topic under discussion;
a problem is formulated that needs to be solved, or
the result to be achieved;
the links that connect individual factors are determined,
influencing the problem, and a diagram is constructed
Next, the team should discuss the constructed connection diagram
and identify the main causes influencing the problem.
Identification of logical connections between the causes of occurrence
problems and identifying the links that lead to a solution

20. Diagram of interconnections (relationships)


The process of creating a mind diagram allows team members to
go beyond the usual thinking and contributes to the implementation
creative potential of the team.
Low efficiency when analyzing complex processes.
In practice, by constructing and analyzing a connection diagram,
being a logical tool, they try to clarify and improve
grouping the data of an affinity diagram, which itself is
creative tool. This is due to the fact that if there is a large
number of objects (starting from several tens) our associative
abilities begin to yield to tools of logical analysis.
Mind diagrams actually perform the same task as
affinity diagrams.

21. Interconnection (relationship) diagram

Try to keep the events significantly different. If
the significance or essence of the events will be similar, it is difficult
determine which one is the original one.
Don't use double-headed arrows.
Don't go back to connections you've already considered.
Don't put off dealing with difficult issues until later.
late time.
Don't give up until you reach agreement.
Complete the job in one go. Don't give up until
you will reach the end.
Working not with specific numerical data, but with verbal ones

22. Diagram of interconnections (relationships)

Phone calls
Typing errors
Working conditions
Type of equipment

23. Relationship Diagram Question: What factors influence fast delivery?

24. Tree diagram

It is a tool that provides organized
way to solve a problem or satisfy
consumer needs at different levels
The diagram structures the paths and tasks,
necessary for the implementation of the “project”. At
creating a tree diagram under investigation
the subject (problem, etc.) must be exactly
defined and recognized.
Situations for using tree diagrams:
- When unclear wishes
consumers are converted into wishes for
manageable levels;
- When it is necessary to examine all parts,
concerning problems.



Identification of essential features and characteristics of the considered
problems, their location in a certain logical
consistency and stimulation of the search for the most effective
ways to solve this problem.
Tree diagram - process stimulation tool
creative thinking, promoting systematic search
most suitable and effective means problem solution.
The diagram provides intermediate planning and allows
reveal in a certain logically ordered hierarchical
consistency system of strategic solutions to problems or
means to achieve the goal, reducing the likelihood that any essential points will be missed.


Form a team of specialists who are proficient
questions on the topic under discussion.
Clearly state the problem that needs to be solved.
Identify the reasons for the existence of the problem and build
diagram in the form of a multi-stage hierarchical structure.
Analyze the diagram and determine resolution paths
problems or satisfying consumer needs.
Making a decision based on tree diagram analysis.


Visibility, ease of learning and versatility
An important advantage of the diagram is that
any group will build almost the same product
identical diagram.
Does not guarantee finding strong solution ideas.
Hierarchical models have been widely used since the middle of the last century
used to stimulate the creative process
thinking and problem solving when conducting functional cost analysis. Also gained great popularity
consumer-oriented logic model and
problem solving that promotes deep engagement with
problem and allows you to better understand and express the essence


Easy to close and
open from outside
Should be easy
close and

Easy to close and
open from the inside

Provide the necessary
life time
Doesn't close well and
the door opens
corrosion resistance

Have a pleasant appearance
Be comfortable in
Look good
(internal lining)
Easy to clean
(internal lining)
Do not leak during
car washes
Keep quiet
from the wind

30. Tree Diagram Question: What determines fast delivery?

31. Tree diagram

Consumer oriented and using
functional description diagram makes it easier to exclude
designs of excesses, the appearance of which is associated with
subjective position of the specialists who created the object.
The diagram is constructed in the form of a horizontal chain (on the left
to the right), structuring answers to the questions “how?” (“how
way?"), and provides logical verification (in
in the opposite direction) using the question “why?”
The main problem is formulated.
The main tasks that make the product are formulated
attractive to the consumer.
By asking “how?” questions and by taking your point of view
second level tasks are formulated for the consumer,
necessary for implementation main problem and basic
The importance of all tasks is established.
Consumers are surveyed to determine their attitude towards
formulated tasks.

32. Matrix diagrams

This is a tool to identify
the significance of existing connections between
elements of the system
Purpose – organization of large arrays
data in order to transform the set
logical connections into graphic images.
The symbols ●,○ and Δ are commonly used for
designations of strong, medium and weak
interconnections (relationships)

33. Matrix diagrams

34. Matrix diagrams

Can be used in any situation when developing ideas for
solving problems related to quality, costs and
Identify relationships between different elements
(tasks, functions and characteristics) within
problem under consideration, highlighting their relative
Matrix diagram is a tool that allows you to identify
the importance of various non-obvious (hidden) connections, i.e.
explore the structure of the problem. This tool
provides intermediate planning by organizing
a huge amount of data, and helps to install and graphically
illustrate the logical connections between different

35. Matrix diagrams


topic under discussion.
Identify the factors of the problem under consideration and identify signs of these
Prepare matrix diagram cards with headings - names
factors (or objects) and their characteristics (components).
Establish logical connections between these features by filling out the diagram
symbols showing the closeness (strength) of connections.
Discuss the results obtained.
Definition of the most important factors the problem under consideration with
highlighting the components (signs) of these factors to prepare options
possible solutions.
Visual, easy to learn and use.
Great complexity in processing the collected data.

36. Matrix diagrams

1. Work not with specific numerical data, but with verbal ones
2. The use of a matrix diagram can be useful in the case
the topic (subject) is so complex that the connections between various
factors cannot be determined using conventional
requires determining the dependence (or independence) between
components of individual factors and establishing their relative
3. In matrix diagrams, which can have an L shape and a T shape,
dependencies between functions are highlighted in an easily traceable manner
4. Determining the strength of the connection allows you to identify the levers of optimal
influence on factors influencing the problem under consideration.

37. Different versions of matrix diagrams L-matrix T-matrix

in 1
at 2
at 3
A/B/C v1
at 2
at 3

38. Matrix Diagram Question: How can we achieve fast delivery?

39. Priority Matrix

Used to analyze numerical matrix data
diagrams when there is a need to present
them in a more visual form
Revealing from large quantity numerical data,
obtained by constructing matrix diagrams (tables
quality), the most important for solving the problem under consideration
The priority matrix modifies and arranges data
matrix diagram so that the information is convenient for
visual representation and understanding.
The priority matrix provides intermediate
planning helps to identify the strength of the connection between
variables that have been statistically determined, and
helps to graphically illustrate these connections.

40. Priority Matrix

Rearrange the information presented in the matrix
chart in a way that highlights the strength of the correlation
connections between variables.
Based on the analysis of the resulting correlation matrix, identify
priority components.
Build a matrix for priority data components and
analyze the data included in it.
Decision making based on matrix data analysis.
Since it requires serious statistical knowledge, this tool
quality management is much less often used in practice than
other tools included in the seven management methods

41. Priority Matrix

42. Priority Matrix

The priority matrix allows you to:
analyze production processes closely
analyze the causes of inconsistencies that
are associated with a large amount of data;
identify based on the results of market research
required level of quality;
constantly identify characteristics that can
change under the influence of any conditions;
perform comprehensive quality assessments;
analyze nonlinear data.

43. Priority Matrix

The results of statistical data analysis can be
presented graphically as a preference diagram in
depending on the most important data components deferred
respectively on the abscissa and ordinate axes.
An example of formatting the results of matrix data analysis,
collected to evaluate the effects of various painkillers
means depending on their “efficiency” and “softness” -
two most important components.
The only numerical analysis method among seven tools
quality management. However, the results of the analysis are usually
presented in the form of a diagram. Matrix data analysis
often seen as optional.

44. Graphical representation of the results of matrix data analysis


45. Diagram “Portfolio” Question: What development paths exist?

46. ​​Flowchart of the decision-making process Problem-solution diagram

This is a method of displaying all possible events and
probabilities of their appearance when moving from
problems to possible solutions.
The method includes all branches from the tree diagram,
prevents possible problems and ensures
countermeasures and which
firstly, they will prevent the occurrence
secondly, they will allow for measures to be taken if
deviations will occur.

47. Flowchart of the decision-making process

48. Flowchart of the decision-making process

Used to solve complex problems in various
fields of science and technology, when developing business projects, etc.
Graphic representation of the sequence of actions and
decisions necessary to obtain the required result.
Process Decision Flowchart
Program Chart - PDPC) is a tool that helps
launch a continuous planning mechanism.
The PDPC method provides detailed planning,
displaying the sequence of actions on the way from staging
problems to solve.

49. Decision Making Process Flowchart

Form a team of specialists who have knowledge of issues related to
topic under discussion.
Identify the problem to be solved.
Construct a flowchart showing the sequence of actions and decisions,
necessary to obtain the required result.
Preparing a project to solve the problem.
Visual, easy to learn and use. The PDPC method allows
track the entire process from defining goals to successful completion
project. Allows you to plan and control the supply process
competitive advantage in an increasingly competitive market.
The implementation of the work program does not always proceed in accordance with
planned plan. If technical or any other problems arise
solutions to problems are often not obvious.

50. Decision Making Process Flowchart

The PDPC method offers possible solutions
objectives and ways to implement them, allowing you to take
solution immediately at the moment the problem arises.
The PDPC method is a tool for estimating deadlines and
feasibility of carrying out work to implement
programs in accordance with the arrow diagram with
possible adjustments both before and during the process
performing these works.
PDPC method, assessing developments and diversity
possible results, helps determine when and what
processes to use to reduce risk in virtually
any task and get the desired result.
If any problems occur during the process
implementation of the work program, the PDPC method allows
foresee possible consequences and prepare countermeasures,
making adjustments that will lead to better decisions.

51. Problem-solution diagram Question: What problems may arise on the way to the goal?

52. “Plan-grid” diagram (network diagrams) Arrow diagram

Network diagrams are often used as
method for determining the critical path and method
evaluation and revision of plans.
The construction of network graphs is also studied in
various management courses.
However, they were used mainly by technical
experts. Adding Networks to a Set
quality management tools made them
more accessible to enterprise management and
other non-technical personnel.
At the same time, they can be easily added for each
operations time costs in order to
plan and control the project.

53. Arrow diagram general view

54. Arrow diagram

Detailed planning of optimal deadlines for completing all
necessary work to achieve the goal and
subsequent effective monitoring of the progress of work.
Clear and systematic graphic display
sequence and interdependence of actions (works,
decisions or activities) ensuring timely and
systematic achievement of final goals.
An arrow diagram is a progress diagram
carrying out work, from which the order and timing are clearly visible
carrying out various stages. This tool is used
to ensure that the planned time
performing all the work and its individual stages to achieve
the end goal is optimal. Tool applied
both for planning and control of work.

55. Arrow diagram

Form a team of specialists who have knowledge of issues related to
topic under discussion.
Clearly formulate the problem that needs to be solved.
Define necessary measures, timing and stages of work.
Construct a progress chart showing
sequence of actions necessary to obtain the required
Exercise effective control over the progress of work.
A specific work execution plan that ensures timely
and systematic achievement of final goals.
Visual, easy to learn and use.
Lack of selection rules and criteria for assessing prospects and
efficiency of options for performing all necessary work.

56. Arrow diagram

Essentially it's good known method network planning,
which is based on the critical path method (CPM) and the method
Plan Evaluation and Review (PERT), in which
display and algorithmization of certain actions or
situations, network models are used, the simplest of which
– network diagrams. In addition, they are used for the same purposes
also Gantt charts, which turned out to be quite
suitable for process visualization.
Gantt chart is a horizontal line chart, on
in which the project’s objectives seem to extend over
time segments characterized by start dates and
terminations, delays and possibly other temporary

57. Arrow diagram


58. Arrow diagram

The network graph shows the sequence
work and the impact of a particular operation on the progress
performing subsequent operations. That's why
the network graph is more convenient for monitoring progress
performance of work than the Gantt chart,
viewing works as if they were
independent of each other.
Working not with specific numerical data, but with
verbal statements.
Diagram allows you to establish understanding
between specialists of various profiles and
makes it easier to reach agreement among them.

Seven simple quality control tools are widely known, the use of which is based on the analysis of numerical data. This is in line with the TQM principle of fact-based decision making.

However, facts cannot always be presented in numerical form. To find solutions in such cases, the Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers (IUSE) developed a set of tools called “new quality management tools” based on behavioral science, operational analysis, statistics and optimization theory. These include:

    affinity diagram (KJ method);

    connection diagram;

    decision tree (tree diagram);

    quality table (matrix diagram);

    arrow diagram (network diagram, Gantt chart);

    program process diagram (PDPC);

    priority matrix.

The developed set of tools is used in the remaining 5% of cases when simple quality tools do not allow finding a solution to the problem. New quality control tools can be used most effectively during group work in teams formed to solve problems that arise during the design phase or to improve the design process. Initial data for analysis is usually collected using the brainstorming method.

Note. It should be noted that the Ishikawa Diagram, unlike other simple quality tools, operates with verbal information. For this reason, it should be classified as a new quality tool, but historically it has been included in the seven simple statistical quality control tools.

Affinity diagram

Affinity diagram (KJ method) is a tool used to identify the main violations of a process, as well as opportunities for its improvement, by combining related data.

The principle of creating a KJ diagram is shown in the figure:

As can be seen from the figure, an affinity diagram serves to combine many ideas, interests and opinions collected by experts on the topic under consideration into a small number of groups.

Note. Most often, this tool is used to organize and organize a large number of ideas that arise during the brainstorming process.

Construction method:

    Choose a problem or topic that needs solution or improvement.

The topic should be defined in broad terms so as not to limit options for solving the problem or finding new ways to improve the process.

    Collect data on your chosen topic. Write each idea on a separate card.

Typically, the brainstorming method is used to collect data.

    Shuffle the cards and place them randomly on the table.

    Group related cards.

Grouping can be done as follows: find cards that seem interconnected (related) to you and put them together. Then again. These steps should be continued until all data has been collected into preliminary groups of related data.

When grouping data, it should be taken into account that one card cannot constitute the entire group, and it is advisable to limit the number of groups to no more than 10.

    Determine the focus of each data group. Choose from the existing cards or come up with and write on a new card a title that reflects the identified focus for each group. Place the title cards on top of the group cards.

If disagreements arise, as well as to search for alternative relationships, points 3-5 can be repeated, trying to create groups with a different focus.

The analysis is completed when all data have been grouped according to a suitable number of leading directions and all discrepancies have been resolved.

    Transfer the received data from the cards onto paper in the form of a diagram:

or tables:

Note 1. D An affinity diagram is very similar to a cause-and-effect diagram, only they approach the problem from opposite sides. In the Ishikawa diagram, the main factors influencing the problem are first identified, which are then broken down into smaller ones, and those in turn into even smaller ones, until the root causes causing the problem are identified, i.e. the order of determining factors is from major to minor. In an affinity diagram, on the contrary, first, mainly root, minor causes are identified (although in the process of data collection, main causes can also be found), which are then successively combined into increasingly larger groups, i.e. The order of determining factors is from minor to major.

Note 2. With the exception of the principle of information analysis, these diagrams also differ in the level of nesting. If in an Ishikawa diagram it is not limited in any way, then in an affinity diagram the level of nesting is always the second, i.e. all reasons influencing the problem under consideration are divided into only 1st and 2nd order factors.

Dlink diagram

A relationship diagram (interdependence graph) is a tool used to identify logical connections between the main problem that requires solution, the reasons that influence it and other data.

    the problem (topic) under consideration is so complex that the relationships between the data obtained cannot be determined during normal discussion;

    the decisive factor is the time sequence in which the steps are taken;

    there are suspicions that the problem in question is a consequence of the impact of a more fundamental, not yet addressed problem.

Work on the communication diagram, as well as on the affinity diagram, should be carried out in quality improvement groups.

Construction method:

1. Choose a topic (problem) that needs improvement (solution) and write it down in the center of a blank piece of paper.

2. Identify the factors influencing the problem and arrange them around the problem you have written down.

The input data for constructing the diagram can be obtained using an affinity diagram, an Ishikawa diagram, or directly using the brainstorming method.

3. Identify the links that connect individual causes (factors) influencing the problem, and indicate the dependencies between the factors and the problem, as well as between the factors using arrows.

Try to discover the links leading to a critical result.

4. Identify key factors to influence.

The identification of key factors is made taking into account the resources available, as well as taking into account the data characterizing these factors.

The principle of creating an interdependence graph is shown in the figure:

Decision tree

A decision tree (tree diagram, systematic diagram) is a tool used to systematically consider a problem (topic) in the form of constituent factors (elements) located at various levels and conveniently present the logical connections between these factors (elements).

A tree diagram is constructed in the form of a multi-stage tree structure, the components of which are various elements (factors, reasons) for considering an idea or solving a problem.

    when it is necessary to study all possible elements of the topic (problem) under consideration;

    when it is necessary to transform unclear consumer wishes regarding the product being developed into established consumer needs;

    when it is necessary to achieve short-term goals before receiving the results of all the work.

Construction method:

    Clearly define the topic (problem) to be addressed. Write it in the center left edge clean slate paper.

    Determine the main elements (factors) of the topic (problem) under consideration. Write them down one below the other, positioned to the right of the topic name. Draw branches (lines) from the topic name to the main elements.

You can use brainstorming to identify key elements, or use title cards if you have previously created an affinity diagram for the topic.

    For each element, identify its constituent subelements (second-order elements). Write down the second-order elements one below the other, placing them to the right of the list of basic elements. Draw branches from the main elements to their constituent subelements.

    For each sub-element, identify its constituent third-order elements. Write third-order elements one below the other, arranging them to the right of the elements second order. Draw branches from subelements to their constituent third-order elements.

    The division should continue until all elements of the topic under consideration have been identified.

Note. When working in a group, this means until all group members agree that the decision tree is complete or until all ideas have been exhausted.

Quality table

A quality table (matrix diagram, relationship matrix) is a tool used to organize and graphically depict logical connections between a large amount of data, as well as the strength of these connections.

Typically, relationships between data related to the following categories are examined:

    quality problems;

    reasons for quality problems;

    requirements established by consumer needs;

    product functions and characteristics;

    functions and characteristics of processes;

    functions and characteristics of manufacturing operations and equipment.

A matrix diagram shows the correspondence and degree of dependence between certain phenomena (factors), their causes and measures to eliminate the resulting consequences.

A quality table (L-map) is one of the types of matrix diagrams, which is most widely used compared to other types of communication matrix. T- and X-cards are also common.

The cards got their name because the rows and columns of a matrix diagram resemble:

    letter L rotated +90°;

    letter T rotated -90°;

    the letter X rotated 45°.

Construction method:

    Formulate the name of the topic (object) of analysis.

    Determine the list of components A (a 1, a 2, ... a i, ... a n) and B (b 1, b 2, ... b j, ... b k) related to the topic (subject) of the study.

    Find out possible types connections between components and select the symbols corresponding to these types of connections.

To determine the list of components and types of communication, use the brainstorming method.

To construct a matrix diagram, the following types of connections between components are usually used:

If a more detailed analysis is necessary, the following types of relationships between factors can be used:

If there can be both negative and positive types of connections between components, then when designating them it is recommended to use the following symbols:

Draw a table with the number of columns equal to k+1 and the number of rows equal to n+1.

In the leftmost column, enter the components a i , starting from the second line.

In the top line, enter the components b j, starting from the second column.

Type required amount constructed L-card template and distribute it to group members to fill out independently.

When filling out the quality table, it is necessary to review all options for the interaction of components a i and b j and, if there is a connection between them, put a symbol corresponding to the degree of this relationship at the intersection of the corresponding row and column.

  1. Compare the results of filling out the matrix diagram and, during the discussion, develop a common opinion on the existence of connections between components A and B.

    Draw up the resulting quality table.

To make the communication matrix easily understandable even for a person who did not participate in the work of the team, it is recommended to indicate next to it:

    name and main characteristics of the topic (object) of analysis;

    leader and team composition;

    main results of the work;

    timing of the work;

    other necessary information.

The construction of other types of connection matrix (T- and X-maps) is carried out similarly to the method of constructing a quality table.

Arrow diagram

Arrow diagram (network diagram, Gantt chart)– a tool used to plan the optimal timing for the completion of all work necessary to successfully achieve the goal.

This tool can be used only after the identified problem has been identified with means and measures to eliminate it, as well as the timing and stages of their implementation. Those. the arrow diagram is applied only after using at least one of the tools:

    affinity diagrams;

    connection diagrams;

    decision tree;

    quality tables.

Note. We can say that the arrow diagram is the final tool used in the course of quality improvement work, after which, perhaps, only the economic efficiency from the successful implementation of the developed activities and any clarifications can be given.

Note. The arrow diagram is used very often in projects, because... any project is focused on developing activities to achieve a set goal and setting deadlines for their implementation. This quality tool allows you to show this in a convenient way.

The arrow diagram is used not only for planning the timing of work, but also for subsequent monitoring of the progress of their implementation.

The most common types of arrow diagrams are the network graph (network graph) and the Gantt chart.

Construction method:

    Define a problem for constructing an arrow diagram.

    Collect the necessary data using other quality tools.

To build an arrow diagram, you need to determine the activities (work) to solve the task and the timing of their implementation. In addition, if the stages of activities are complexly dependent on each other, these relationships should be established (defined).

    Select the type of arrow chart to create: Gantt chart or network diagram.

    Further construction of the diagram is divided into two options:

I To create a Gantt chart:

    Draw a table in the left column of which enter the names of the activities being performed.

The names of activities should be arranged from top to bottom in the order in which they are performed.

    Select a convenient frequency for monitoring the implementation of the activities listed in the table and put it in the top line of the drawn table.

The frequency of work can be weeks, months, quarters, etc.

    On each activity row, draw an arrow that begins in the planned start date column for that activity and ends in the planned completion date column for the activity in question.

Note. Typically, the last item in the Gantt chart is recommended to include monitoring (control) of the implementation of established activities. The entire period of work is usually indicated as the monitoring period.

II To build a network diagram:

    List the activities from top to bottom, in the order in which they are implemented.

    Assign a sequential number to each event on your recorded list, starting from top to bottom, starting with 1.

    Divide the activities into groups based on the same start date for their implementation.

    • For the first group, on the left side of the sheet, draw circles (or squares) one under the other in an amount equal to the number of activities included in the first group.

In the drawn circles, write down the serial numbers of the activities belonging to the first group.

      Step back some distance to the right and draw circles (one below the other) for the second group of activities.

In the drawn circles, write down the serial numbers of the events belonging to the second group.

      Draw the activities for the third group to the right of the second group.

      Similarly to the specified algorithm, plot all groups of events on the sheet.

    Use the arrows to indicate the order in which the activities will be performed.

Those. the arrow starts from an activity, the completion of which determines the start of the next activity, and ends at this dependent activity.

There are 4 possible dependencies between activities:

      the start of one activity depends on the completion of one activity;

      the start of one activity depends on the completion of several activities;

      the start of several activities depends on the completion of one activity;

      the start of several activities depends on the completion of several activities.

    Above each arrow, indicate the planned duration of the activity from which the arrow begins.

Note. The advantages of the Gantt chart are:

    simultaneous display of activities and deadlines for their implementation, as well as presentation of information in a tabular (familiar to us) form, which greatly facilitates its perception;

    A Gantt chart is easier to construct than a network graph.

The big advantage of a network diagram over a Gantt chart is the ability to display complex relationships between activities. In case of any difficulties or, on the contrary, acceleration of the implementation of any activities, in the network graph it is quite easy to figure out which related activities this will affect and how this will affect the final deadlines for completing all the work. In a Gantt chart, if activities are not connected in a simple linear sequence, it is almost impossible to track it.

Program implementation process diagram

Program Process Diagram (PDPC)– a tool used to graphically represent the sequence of actions and decisions necessary to achieve a goal.

Typically, PDPC is used to assess the timing and feasibility of work in accordance with the Gantt chart or network schedule for their adjustment. In addition, a program implementation process diagram can be conveniently used to explore opportunities for improving a process by accumulating detailed data on its actual progress, as well as identifying possible problems when implementing the process at the design stage.

The following symbols are used to represent PDPC graphically:

Most often, the first 4 characters are used to diagram the process of program implementation. Other characters are used as needed.

When constructing PDPC, it is advisable to adhere to the following order:

    First of all, determine the beginning and end of the process;

    determine the stages of the process (actions, decisions, control operations, incoming and outgoing flows), as well as the sequence of their execution;

    draw a draft PDPC;

    check the draft diagram against the actual process steps;

    discuss the constructed version of PDPC with employees involved in the implementation of the process;

    improve the program implementation process diagram based on discussion;

    Add the necessary additional information to the diagram (name of the process, date of compilation of the PDPC, information about the participants in the work on creating the PDPC, etc.).

The procedure for drawing up a program implementation process diagram for a newly developed process is similar to that given above, with:

    Instead of observing an existing process, team members need to mentally imagine the steps of the future process;

    Discussions about the draft PDPC should be held with the people expected to be involved in the implementation of the process.

Note. AND The symbols and construction methods used in PDPC almost completely coincide with the block diagrams for executing programs that computer science teachers have been forced to draw for many years, from school to higher education institutions. As a result of this practice, mastering the principles of creating PDPC (a rather complex quality tool) occurs very quickly and almost without difficulty.

Priority Matrix

Priority Matrix (matrix data analysis)– a tool used to process a large array of numerical data obtained during the construction of quality tables (matrix diagrams) in order to determine priority data.

To build a priority matrix, serious statistical research is required, and therefore it is used much less frequently than other new quality tools. Matrix data analysis corresponds to the component analysis method, a typical example of which is the multivariate analysis method. Typically, this tool is used when it is necessary to present numerical data from quality tables in a more visual form.

It follows from this that aspirin is ineffective and acts harshly, and the best remedy In terms of effectiveness/softness ratio, Tylenol is.

As a result, management tools make it possible to develop optimal solutions in the shortest possible time.

Affinity diagram and link diagram support overall planning.

Tree diagram, matrix diagram and priority matrix provide intermediate planning.

The decision process flowchart and arrow diagram provide detailed planning.

Action plan

The sequence of application of methods may be different depending on the goal.

These methods can be considered both as individual tools and as a system of methods. Each method can find its own independent application depending on what class the task belongs to.

Features of the method

Seven quality management tools - a set of tools to facilitate the task of quality management in the process of organizing, planning and managing a business when analyzing various types of facts.

1. Affinity diagram is a tool that allows you to identify the main violations of the process by summarizing and analyzing close oral data.

2. Connection diagram - a tool that allows you to identify logical connections between the main idea, problem and various influencing factors.

3. Tree diagram is a tool for stimulating the creative thinking process, facilitating the systematic search for the most suitable and effective means of solving problems.

4. Matrix diagram is a tool that allows you to identify the importance of various non-obvious (hidden) connections. Usually two-dimensional matrices are used in the form of tables with rows and columns a1, a2,., b1, b2. - components of the objects under study.

5. Priority matrix - a tool for processing a large amount of numerical data obtained by constructing matrix diagrams in order to identify priority data. This analysis is often considered optional.

6. The decision process flowchart is a tool that helps initiate the continuous planning mechanism. Its use helps reduce risk in almost any business. Plans for every conceivable eventuality that might occur, moving from problem statements to possible solutions.

7. An arrow diagram is a tool that allows you to plan the optimal timing for completing all the necessary work to achieve the goal and effectively control them.

Additional Information:

    The seven QI tools provide tools for understanding complex situations and planning accordingly, building consensus, and leading to success in collaborative problem solving.

    Six of these tools deal with verbal statements rather than concrete numerical data and require an understanding of semantic concepts to discover and collect basic data.

    Initial data collection is usually carried out during brainstorming sessions.

Advantages of the method

Visual, easy to learn and use.

Disadvantages of the method

Low efficiency when analyzing complex processes.

Expected Result

The use of quality management tools allows you to save resources and thereby improve the company's bottom line.


Seven Essential Quality Tools is the name given to a set of very simple graphical techniques that have been identified as most useful for solving simple, everyday quality issues. They're called main because even people with little or no statistical training will be able to understand these principles and apply them to their daily work.

I have often seen that even highly qualified personnel ignore the idea of ​​using modern instruments qualities such as experimental design, hypothesis testing, or multivariate analysis. Although it would be useful for most professionals to know that majority quality issues can be solved using these seven essential quality tools.

The purpose of this article is to review these basic tools and their effective use. Receipt best results using any of these tools does not require evidence; The quality specialist must provide complete, objective and sufficient information.

Tool #1: Ishikawa diagrams

(also called " fish skeleton" or " cause-and-effect diagrams") are cause-and-effect diagrams that show the root cause(s) of a particular event. A common way to build a truly informative fishbone is to use the 5 Whys method and a cause-and-effect diagram together.

  1. People - Personnel involved in the process; stakeholders, etc.
  2. Methods - Processes for performing tasks and specific requirements for performing them, such as policies, procedures, rules, regulations and laws
  3. Machinery - Any equipment, computers, tools, etc. needed to perform the job
  4. Materials - Raw materials, parts, pens, paper, etc. used for production final product
  5. Indicators - Data obtained from a process that is used to evaluate its quality
  6. Environment- Conditions such as location, time, temperature and culture in which this process is carried out

Tool #2: Checklist

It is a structured, prepared form for collecting and analyzing data. This is a versatile tool that can be adapted for a wide variety of purposes. The data collected may be quantitative or qualitative. When the information is quantitative, the checklist is called accounting sheet.

The defining characteristic of a checklist is that data is entered into it in the form of marks (“checkmarks”). A typical check sheet is divided into columns, and the marks made in different columns have different meanings. The data is read based on the location and number of marks on the sheet. Checklists typically use a “header” that answers five questions: Who? What? Where? When? Why? Develop operational definitions for each of the questions.

  1. Who filled out the checklist?
  2. What was collected (what each mark, lot identification number, or number of items in the lot represents)
  3. Where did the data collection take place (equipment, premises, tools)
  4. When the data was collected (hour, shift, day of week)
  5. Why this data was collected

Tool #3:

Is a display statistical information, which is represented by rectangles to show the frequency of data items in successive numerical intervals of the same size. In the most common form of a histogram, the independent variable is plotted on the horizontal axis and the dependent variable is plotted along the horizontal axis. vertical axis.

The main purpose of a histogram is to clarify the data presented. It is a useful tool for plotting processed data into areas or bars of a histogram to establish the frequency of certain events or categories of data. These histograms can help reflect the highest frequency. Typical applications of root cause analysis histograms include presenting data to determine the dominant cause; understanding the distribution of manifestations of various problems, causes, consequences, etc. A Pareto chart (explained later in the article) is a special type of histogram.

Tool #4:

Is an important tool and solution. Since organizational resources are limited, it is important for process owners and stakeholders to understand the root causes of errors, defects, etc. Pareto excels at representing this mechanism by clearly ranking the root causes of a defect. The diagram is also known as the 80:20 principle.

A chart, named after economist and political scientist Vilfredo Pareto, is a type of graph that contains bars and line graph, where individual values ​​are represented in descending order by columns and the accumulated sum is represented by a line. The left vertical axis usually represents the frequency of occurrences. The right vertical axis is the total percentage of the total number of manifestations. Since the causes are arranged in descending order of their importance, the cumulative function is concave. As an example of the above, in order to reduce the number of tardiness by 78%, it is enough to eliminate the first three reasons.

Tool #5: Scatter plot or scatter plot

Often used to identify potential relationships between two variables, where one may be considered an explanatory variable and the other a dependent variable. This gives a good visual picture of the relationship between two variables, and helps in analyzing the correlation coefficient and regression model. The data is displayed as a set of points, each of which has the value of one variable that defines the position on the horizontal axis and the value of a second variable that defines the position on the vertical axis.

A scatter plot is used when there is a variable that is under the control of the experimenter. If there is a parameter that systematically increases and/or decreases when influenced by another, it is called control parameter or independent variable and is usually plotted along the horizontal axis. The manipulated or dependent variable is usually plotted along the vertical axis. If there is no dependent variable, or the variable can be plotted on any of the axes or on a scatterplot, it will only show the degree of correlation (not the cause-and-effect relationship) between the two variables.

Tool #6:

It is a method of sampling the population. In statistical surveys, when the population groups in the population are different, it is advisable to sample each group (stratum) separately. Stratification is the process of dividing members of a society into homogeneous subgroups before sampling.

The strata must be mutually exclusive: each population unit must be assigned to only one stratum. The strata must be exhaustive: no population unit can be excluded. A simple random sample or a systematic sample is then taken within each stratum.

This often improves the representativeness of the sample by reducing sampling error. It can produce a weighted average that has less variability than the arithmetic mean of a simple random sample of the population. I often tell the groups I oversee that correct procedures selection are more important than just having a sufficient sample size!!

Tool #7: Control charts, also known as Shewhart charts or process behavior charts

Represents special kind time diagram that allows significant change differentiate due to the natural variability of the process.

If control chart analysis shows that the process is under control (ie, stable, changing only due to reasons inherent to the process), then no corrections or changes to the process control parameter are required or desired. Additionally, data from this process can be used to predict future process performance.

If a map shows that an observed process is out of control, analysis of the map can help identify sources of variation that can then be addressed to bring the process back under control.

A control chart can be seen as part of an objective and disciplined approach that helps right decisions regarding process control, including whether process control parameters need to be changed. Process parameters should not be adjusted for a process that is under control, as this will reduce process performance. A process that is stable but is operating outside of a given range (the scrap rate, for example, may be statistically controllable but above a given norm) must be improved through focused efforts to understand the causes of current performance and fundamentally improve the process.

When I manage simple projects ( Six Sigma) (usually called a yellow belt project), where the issues are not complex and the project team consists of people with 3 to 5 years of experience in the process, I strongly advocate the use of these simple tools to resolve process issues.

As a rule of thumb, any process demonstrating 1-2% repeatability standard deviations,can be improved by simple analysis using these tools. Only when process reproducibility is greater than 2.5 - 3% standard deviation should medium to advanced tools be used to identify and resolve process issues. I also recommend to anyone initial course Six Sigma education and training use the seven quality control tools to create fertile ground for the development of green and black belts within the organization.

Material prepared by Andrey Garin
based on materials from foreign publications

One of the basic principles of quality management is to make decisions based on facts. This is most fully solved by the method of modeling processes, both production and management tools of mathematical statistics. However, modern statistical methods are quite difficult to understand and widely used in practice without in-depth mathematical training of all participants in the process. By 1979, the Japanese Union of Scientists and Engineers (JUSE) had put together seven fairly easy-to-use visual methods for process analysis. Despite their simplicity, they maintain a connection with statistics and give professionals the opportunity to use their results and, if necessary, improve them.

Cause-and-effect diagram (Ishikawa diagram)

The 5M type diagram considers quality components such as “man”, “machine”, “material”, “method”, “control”, and in the 6M type diagram the “environment” component is added to them. In relation to the problem of qualimetric analysis being solved, for the “human” component it is necessary to determine factors related to the convenience and safety of performing operations; for the “machine” component - the relationship of the structural elements of the analyzed product with each other, associated with the implementation of this operation; for the “method” component - factors related to the productivity and accuracy of the operation performed; for the “material” component - factors associated with the absence of changes in the properties of the product materials during the execution of this operation; for the “control” component - factors associated with reliable recognition of errors in the process of performing an operation; for the “environment” component - factors associated with the impact of the environment on the product and the product on the environment.

Example of Ishikawa diagram


Checklists can be used for both qualitative and quantitative control.


Histograms are one of the variants of a bar chart that displays the dependence of the frequency of the quality parameters of a product or process falling into a certain range of values ​​from these values.

The histogram is constructed as follows:

  1. We define highest value quality indicator.
  2. We define smallest value quality indicator.
  3. We define the range of the histogram as the difference between the largest and smallest value.
  4. Determine the number of histogram intervals. You can often use an approximate formula:

    (number of intervals) = N (number of quality indicator values) For example, if the number of indicators = 50, the number of histogram intervals = 7.

  5. Determine the length of the histogram interval = (histogram range) / (number of intervals).
  6. We divide the histogram range into intervals.
  7. We count the number of hits of results in each interval.
  8. Determine the frequency of hits in the interval = (number of hits)/(total number of quality indicators)
  9. Building a bar chart

Scatter plots

Scatter plots are graphs like the one shown below that show the correlation between two different factors.

Scatter diagram: There is practically no relationship between quality indicators.

Scatter plot: There is a direct relationship between quality indicators

Scatter plot: There is an inverse relationship between quality indicators

Pareto analysis

Pareto analysis gets its name from the Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto, who showed that most capital (80%) is in the hands of a small number of people (20%). Pareto developed logarithmic mathematical models that describe this heterogeneous distribution, and the mathematician M.Oa. Lorenz provided graphic illustrations.

The Pareto Rule is a “universal” principle that is applicable in many situations, and without a doubt - in solving quality problems. Joseph Juran noted the “universal” application of the Pareto principle to any group of causes that cause one or another consequence, with most of the consequences caused by a small number of causes. Pareto analysis ranks individual areas by significance or importance and calls for identifying and first eliminating those causes that cause greatest number problems (inconsistencies).

Pareto analysis is usually illustrated by a Pareto diagram (Fig. below), on which the x-axis shows the causes of quality problems in descending order of the problems they cause, and the y-axis shows the problems themselves in quantitative terms, both numerically and cumulatively. (cumulative) percentage.

The diagram clearly shows the area for priority action, outlining the reasons that cause the largest number of errors. Thus, first of all, preventive measures should be aimed at solving these problems.

Pareto chart


Basically, stratification is the process of sorting data according to some criteria or variables, the results of which are often shown in the form of charts and graphs

We can classify a data set into different groups (or categories) with general characteristics, called variable stratification. It is important to establish which variables will be used for sorting.

Stratification is the basis for other tools such as Pareto analysis or scatterplots. This combination of tools makes them more powerful.

The figure shows an example of analyzing the source of defects. All defects (100%) were classified into four categories - by supplier, by operator, by shift and by equipment. From the analysis of the presented bottom data it is clearly seen that greatest contribution the presence of defects contributes to in this case"supplier 1".

Data stratification.

Control cards

Control cards – special type charts, first proposed by W. Shewhart in 1925. Control charts have the form shown in Fig. 4.12. They reflect the nature of changes in quality indicators over time.

General view of the control chart

Control charts for quantitative characteristics

Control charts for quantitative characteristics are usually double maps, one of which depicts the change in the average value of the process, and the second - the scatter of the process. Scatter can be calculated either from the process range R (the difference between the largest and smallest value) or from the process standard deviation S.

Nowadays x-S cards are commonly used, x-R cards are used less frequently.

Control charts based on quality characteristics

Map for the proportion of defective products (p - map)

The p-map calculates the proportion of defective products in the sample. It is used when the sample size is variable.

Map for the number of defective items (np - map)

The np map calculates the number of defective products in the sample. It is used when the sample size is constant.

Map for the number of defects in the sample (c - map)

The c-map calculates the number of defects in the sample.

Map for the number of defects per product (u - map)

The u-map calculates the number of defects per product in the sample.

Control card form
