The benefits of honey water with lemon on an empty stomach. Lemon and honey drink

Everyone knows that drinking water is good for you. And probably few people know how beneficial water with lemon on an empty stomach with honey is. This drink invigorates no worse than coffee, and it contains so many benefits for the body!

Daily consumption of such sweet and sour water will help normalize the functioning of the digestive organs, improve the condition of the skin, hair, nails and strengthen the immune system. In addition, lemon and honey are also an excellent combination for those who want to lose weight or are simply trying to lead a healthy lifestyle.

There can be no doubt that the drink is delicious. The combination of sweet honey and sour lemon will give a pleasant aftertaste. What about the benefits, will this recipe be healthy for everyone? And in what doses is it better to use it so as not to cause harm? Are there any contraindications, or can everyone drink water with lemon and honey? Such questions will arise if this is your first time encountering this drink.

Composition and beneficial properties of homemade lemonade

Separately, both honey and lemon are very useful, what can we say if they are used together. This drink contains many substances that have a beneficial effect on the body, improving its functioning. Drinking water with lemon and honey will be beneficial, as it contains some organic acids, potassium, iron, phosphorus, calcium, vitamin C, B vitamins (B1, B2, B3), vitamin P, fructose, glucose, etc.

The effectiveness of consuming a solution of honey and lemon on an empty stomach is expressed in several ways:

  1. It is an excellent tonic, since the lemon juice included in the drink is able to regulate the level of liver enzymes. Drinking this lemonade daily causes the liver to produce more of this enzyme.
  2. The immune system is strengthened, since the mixture of water with honey and lemon contains vitamin C, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the body.
  3. Muscle pain is reduced, which has a positive effect on joints.
  4. Drinking this drink on an empty stomach improves the functioning of the kidneys and digestive system.
  5. Blood pressure decreases and the blood is cleared of toxins. Water with lemon and honey in the morning is very useful; the heart muscle, blood and blood vessels will thank you for this treatment.
  6. For weight loss, such a drink will be simply irreplaceable, as it removes fat well, which promotes natural weight loss.

Of course, such water will help cope with some problems in the body, but it is not a panacea for all diseases. By taking it, you are unlikely to get stunning results, but you can, of course, improve your overall health, lose weight, and refresh your skin with its help.

We have already figured out why water is useful. And for what diseases is it better to drink it in order to get the maximum effect for the body?

  1. During pregnancy. Thanks to lemon, this recipe will help replenish vitamin C in a woman’s body, so its regular use will only benefit her. During this period, the body requires additional support, since all efforts are spent on the development of the baby. For the expectant mother's body, vitamin C is simply necessary; it helps the body cope with cold viruses, for example. It also acts as a stimulant, which is very effective in normalizing stool. Water with honey and lemon will help normalize the heart function of the expectant mother, reducing pain symptoms. For the fetus, the effectiveness is also high: vitamin C and potassium are involved in the formation of bone tissue, brain cells and the child’s nervous system. The presence of calcium and magnesium will help cope with asthma, increase sensitivity to insulin, and normalize sugar levels in the body.
  2. For cardiovascular diseases. Drinking water with honey and lemon on an empty stomach every day will help cleanse your arteries and blood vessels. Of course, if you have serious illnesses, you should consult your doctor before self-medicating.
  3. If you are overweight. Lemon solution with honey on an empty stomach for weight loss is a very common and effective remedy. For faster results, it is recommended to combine this drink with proper nutrition (or any diet) and physical activity. Then the result will be more pronounced.
  4. For skin problems. Consuming this homemade lemonade will give excellent results for your skin. It rejuvenates, acquiring a beautiful healthy shade. The number of wrinkles and acne may decrease. With long-term daily use, the product can slow down the aging of the entire body.
  5. For respiratory tract infections. The anti-inflammatory properties of the drink will speed up the recovery process if you have ARVI, have a sore throat, or have inflamed tonsils.

There is no doubt that using the lemon water with honey recipe is beneficial. But then the question remains of what the concentration and proportions of the drink should be so that the benefits from it are maximized and the harm to the body is minimized.

When and how best to drink lemon drink with honey

Everyone knows that acid can irritate the stomach lining, increasing its acidity. In order not to cause harm, you need to know exactly the proportions of healing lemonade and strictly follow them. You also need to know when it is better to take such a medicine in order to get maximum benefit and visible results.

There are several basic rules for drinking lemon-honey drink:

  1. Do not prepare the mixture in advance, as this reduces the concentration of nutrients and reduces its effectiveness. Only the drink drunk fresh will bring maximum benefits to the body. If the mixture has stood on the table for several hours, then you can no longer use it, but it is better to prepare a new one.
  2. The maximum effect from drinking the drink will be on an empty stomach, i.e. about half an hour before breakfast. It is especially not recommended to drink fermented milk products or milk after such a cocktail. It is better to wait some time so as not to cause unwanted reactions.
  3. If you feel a burning sensation or pain in your stomach after taking such a drink, then it is better not to drink it for now. This reaction of the body indicates that you have some kind of gastrointestinal disease, and this recipe is contraindicated for you for now. In this case, it is better to consult a doctor.
  4. Before squeezing juice from a lemon, you need to wash it very well or even cut off the peel. This is due to the fact that the skin of the fruit is treated with special wax to ensure better storage. It is clear that the ingress of such carcinogenic substances into food is unacceptable.
  5. If you want to use the drink for the purpose of losing weight, then it is better to take it in the morning on an empty stomach; during treatment (before use, it is better to agree with your doctor), the liquid should be consumed 3 times a day during or after meals.

Following these principles will allow you to get the maximum benefit and get excellent results.

Recipe for lemon-honey drink

To make a drink correctly, you need to know the recipe and follow it exactly, especially in the first stages of treatment. Proper use of the drink will determine its effectiveness, as well as the benefits and harms for the body as a whole.

For the drink you will need warm water, lemon and honey. According to the recipe, you need to take an incomplete spoon of honey, a quarter of a small lemon (from 5 drops at the first doses), 1 glass of water and stir everything well until smooth - now the mixture is completely ready for use. Preparation does not take much time and effort.

According to the recipe, the water must be fresh and clean (spring, filtered or simply boiled). It needs to be warmed up a little before use. You should not take ice water from the refrigerator, as it is not very beneficial for the normal functioning of the digestive tract. It's good if it's slightly warm. You should not replace natural juice with citric acid from a bag, since this product does not contain anything useful. The only thing that connects it with citrus is the sour taste.

To lose weight naturally, it is enough to drink 1 cup of drink a day on an empty stomach. But you can drink more, guided by your taste preferences and the recommendations of your doctor. The average daily dose can be from 1 to 3 glasses of liquid.

At first doses, the minimum dose of lemon juice should be 5 drops per cup of water. Further, the concentration of lemon can be increased, focusing on your taste and sensations. It should be remembered that a large amount of acid can greatly irritate the gastric mucosa.

It is in connection with the effect of acid on the body that restrictions on the use of honey-lemon drink will be determined.


Treatment with honey-lemon water can also have a side effect, since the drink contains various acids that can aggravate chronic diseases or cause gastrointestinal irritation. You should also remember that both honey and lemon are strong allergens. If you have kidney problems, you should also use this drink with particular caution. Moreover, if there are no kidney stones, such a drink will help prevent their occurrence, but if there are, drinking it is strictly prohibited.

In general, the use of such lemonade gives excellent results, but only if it is used correctly and in the absence of contraindications to the use of the ingredients.

Diseases for which it is better to exclude honey-lemon drink from the diet:

  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • stomach or intestinal ulcer;
  • chronic inflammation of the pancreas and intestines;
  • allergy to honey or lemon or intolerance to one of these products;
  • angina;
  • hypertension;
  • diabetes;
  • pancreatitis;
  • rheumatism, etc.

This list can be continued for a long time, so only a doctor can give an exact answer as to whether such homemade lemonade will harm you. If you have any chronic diseases, such a consultation will be mandatory.

Water with honey and lemon on an empty stomach is a benefit that your grandmother most likely told you about. The recipe for this combination really goes back centuries.

Today, professionals around the world confirm: the combination of sweet and sour tastes, as well as the vitamins and microelements contained in these natural ingredients, put the benefits of honey and lemon on par with expensive cosmetic methods of self-care. With one exception - you can easily do everything you need at home!

Composition is the key to the benefits of honey and lemon

The great taste of what you eat is, of course, important. But the body mercilessly breaks down any food into the smallest useful parts, which it assimilates, using them to produce energy and nourish itself. Let's look at the composition to understand the benefits of honey and lemon for your body.

What does honey contain?

Honey is a rich source of carbohydrates (consists of more than 80%), proteins and free amino acids. In total, the delicacy contains 17 microelements, the most common is called proline. The sweet also contains riboflavin, niacin, folic acid, and pantothenic acid. Vitamin B6 helps absorb unsaturated fatty acids, and also regulates the normal functioning of the heart and muscles, and their relaxation. Vitamin C, as everyone knows, effectively supports the immune system.

Honey contains a large amount of antioxidants - mainly flavonoids. Pinocembrin, which is one of them, is found only in products such as honey and propolis. The delicacy also contains:

  1. Phosphorus
  2. Calcium
  3. Potassium
  4. Magnesium
  5. Iron
  6. Manganese

Tip: the darker the color of the honey, the stronger the antioxidant properties.

In addition, the product contains organic acids: acetic, butanoic, formic, citric, succinic, lactic, malic, pyroglutamic and gluconic, as well as a number of aromatic acids.

What is lemon made of?

Lemons are a rich source of sugars, polysaccharides, acids of organic origin, especially citric acid, lipids, carotenoids, vitamins, minerals, flavonoids, bitter limonoids and volatile components. Lemon is an excellent source of potassium (145 mg per 100 g of fruit), bioflavonoids and vitamin C (40 to 50 mg per 100 g of product, twice as much as oranges).

Among the vitamins contained in citrus, the following should also be highlighted:

Lemon fruit is low in calories - 27 kcal per 100 g. Other components of the fruit include essential oils (2.5% of the peel), limonene, alpha-terpinene, alpha-pinene, citral, coumarins, pectins and bioflavonoids (found mainly in core and peel).

5+ secrets about the benefits of honey and lemon for the body

Old-fashioned folk remedies made from fresh lemons and natural honey are widely used even today, and all for one simple reason: they work. Modern research confirms what our grandmothers knew intuitively. It doesn’t matter whether you consume these products separately or combine them, the benefits of honey and lemon are undeniable. This inexpensive, effective and natural way to improve your body's health is perfect for people who watch their diet, exercise, or want to lose weight.

Tip: the effect of this combination is manifested both outside and inside. A product created by nature itself is an excellent choice for comprehensive body care.

Digestive system

Honey and lemon are delicious and effective remedies for improving digestion. It is especially useful to consume them after fatty foods. Fresh lemon juice restores and balances the acid-base balance, cleanses the blood and liver, and saturates the skin with nutrients. Just add lemon to water and drink a glass of healthy medicine.

Honey, in turn, is full of micronutrients such as vitamin B6, potassium and sodium, important for the functioning of the heart muscles, as well as calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, etc. The treat effectively relieves symptoms of indigestion and peptic ulcers.

If you suffer from stomach ulcers, use citrus fruits with caution. Acid can worsen your condition; in such a situation, combining honey with lemon can cause harm rather than benefit. Therefore, it is better to simply dissolve honey in water.


One of the most useful uses of citrus sweets is to make a face mask from them. Honey is rightfully considered one of the best natural moisturizers: it helps to attract moisture from the air and retain it, helping to keep the skin looking fresh, and the skin itself soft and elastic. Lemon juice in this case works as an antiseptic and a tightening agent at the same time: vitamin C has a disinfecting effect, helps in the fight against blackheads, and also smoothes out wrinkles. To prepare a type of mask, it is best to use boiled or purified water.

Tip: to prepare a softening face mask, add one small spoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice to one large spoon of honey, stir and apply a thin layer to the skin of the face. Leave the mask on for 20-30 minutes, then carefully remove the mixture with warm water.

Weight loss

The low calorie content of lemons, zero fat content of honey and its high carbohydrate content in combination give an amazing effect: the body receives a charge of energy and vitamins that are completely burned, helping you effectively lose weight! What happens when we eat these foods? The charge of complex carbohydrates is slowly absorbed into the blood (without causing a sharp increase in insulin levels, unlike chocolate bars, sugar, etc.), and citrus cleanses the body, promoting the active elimination of toxins.

But you need to remember to be careful. Experts emphasize that after two or three days of use you should take a break, otherwise the benefits of honey and lemon turn into harm. Do not abuse effective means! Combine drinking water with honey and lemon with your weight loss workouts and you will quickly notice positive results.

Relieving cold symptoms

Got a cold or flu? To give your immune system a boost of vitamins, simply eat a lemon with a few spoons of honey. Since they have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, natural medicines will not only ease your condition, but also help you overcome the disease faster. But honey at a temperature, which we are accustomed to consider useful, is actually not the best treatment, despite the fact that hot tea with these products is a favorite remedy for entire generations. Why - you can find out in more detail in this article.

Tip: For the most effective effect of the medicine, mix honey, lemon and ginger. What are the benefits and harms of this combination? Ginger has a powerful warming and disinfecting effect, and harm from it can only be in the case of allergies.


The healing properties of honey have been known to people for many years. Applying amber sweetness to scratches and shallow wounds prevents the development of infection and promotes speedy healing. How does this happen? It's very simple: the delicacy is rich in sugar, which, according to experts, is an excellent means of destroying harmful microorganisms. Sweet clover honey is especially suitable for these purposes. Lemon juice is a natural antiseptic and cleanser that is good against insect bites.

It couldn't be simpler: the benefits of water with lemon and honey

If you're looking for the easiest and fastest way to make a healing drink, try making lemon and honey water. The benefits of this drink are undeniable, because it:

  1. Improves metabolism
  2. Has a beneficial effect on digestion
  3. Strengthens the immune system
  4. Cleanses the urinary tract
  5. Improves nutrient absorption
  6. Balances pH levels
  7. Cleanses the skin
  8. Promotes weight loss

Lemon is a miracle fruit for your body. It contains many vital nutrients needed to restore health and rejuvenate all body systems. Warm water and the addition of honey only enhance the effect of citrus. Start your day with a glass of water with honey and lemon on an empty stomach, and the benefits of the drink will be noticeable to the naked eye within one to two weeks.

Recipe for water with honey and lemon

To prepare a healthy drink we will need:

  1. Natural honey
  2. One citrus
  3. Warm water

Pour warm, but not hot water into a glass, add the juice of 0.5 lemon and a teaspoon of honey. Stir the drink until the sweetness is completely dissolved, drink in quick, small sips. If desired, add a few pieces of ginger (you need to use peeled ginger root). How much water with honey and lemon should you drink? In matters of health, “do no harm” is the main commandment, so remember that you should not drink more than 200 ml of this drink per day; one spoon of honey and half a lemon will also be enough.

There is an alternative way to prepare the drink: for this, a kilogram of lemons is scalded with boiling water, cut into pieces and poured with half a kilogram of honey. After about a day, a liquid begins to form, which should be used as a raw material in the amount of approximately 80-90 ml of syrup per glass of water. But we still stick to the basic recipe and believe that it is better to prepare a fresh vitamin drink every day.

Tip: Don't drink tea or coffee for at least the next hour. Water containing these products affects tooth enamel, exacerbating its tendency to become pigmented. Thus, coloring drinks can lead to yellowing of teeth.

Warm water with lemon juice supports the immune system by replenishing fluids lost by the body. Lack of water in the body affects us with unpleasant side effects, including feeling tired, lethargic, lack of energy and spikes in blood pressure.

To avoid the negative effects of dehydration, which can easily turn into stress and severe depression, make it a habit to drink water with honey and lemon in the morning. The benefits and lack of harm of these products have been proven repeatedly, so with their help you can create a healthy, tasty menu for yourself for every day.

There are people who are sure that lemon is completely unsuitable for a diet, but nutritionists think differently. This sunny fruit contains substances that can break down fats and improve metabolism. Honey with lemon for immunity is an excellent helper and helps get rid of unnecessary weight. How to use these products to benefit your health and figure?

At a time when various diets for weight loss are being learned, consuming honey adds vigor, relieves depression and low mood. Since during this period the calorie content of food consumed becomes much lower, it is honey that “treats” the cells of our body with approximately 22 essential microelements. Scientists have proven that people who constantly feast on foods that contain large amounts of vitamin C (meaning citrus fruits) are much less likely to be obese.

When stagnation occurs in the tissue, swelling appears, and the water balance in the body is disturbed. Edema progresses when a lot of fat accumulates. In this case, regular tea with lemon will come in handy (the thermogenic effect is quite strong), because after each cup of your favorite drink you drink, you can sweat a lot.

Quite feasible in tandem with honey and lemon.

Firstly, in the morning you can drink green tea with honey and lemon. The combination of just a couple of pieces of sunny fruit and a teaspoon of honey will put the metabolic processes taking place in the body “on alert.” Anyone who loses weight will become energetic throughout the day.

Secondly, if tea is not one of the drinks, a glass of plain water with the addition of a couple of teaspoons of honey and the juice of ½ or ¼ lemon will be enough. It will be very tasty, and the feeling of hunger will disappear for some time without a trace.

What is hydromel and what are its benefits?

During the Roman Empire, a health recipe was invented that amazingly combined honey and lemon. This is how the drink hydromel appeared. Roman men drank it for a month after marriage so that they would have a son. Women used this delicious cocktail to lift their spirits.

It improves metabolic processes and cleanses the body (especially the intestines and blood vessels), removes toxins from the body that prevent it from “enjoying life,” strengthens the immune system, and is a strong prophylactic agent.

The hydromel drink made from lemon, honey, and water for weight loss is simply irreplaceable. Cooking will not take much time. One spoon of honey is diluted in a cup of warm water (temperature approximately 40 degrees), and the juice of one lemon is added to this. Doctors advise taking it in the morning on an empty stomach. To do this, you need to drink it three times a day: on an empty stomach every morning, one hour after lunch and dinner, but no later than six in the evening. The result will pleasantly surprise you.

How and when to drink honey and lemon drink for weight loss

Since the human body consists of 4/5 water, it is simply necessary in the life of every individual. Even when using diets, you cannot do without ordinary water. Lemon, honey, water - there is nothing easier to lose weight. You can start each day by drinking a cup of warm water, to which one teaspoon of honey and two teaspoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice have been added.

You can try another option. Dilute one teaspoon of honey in a cup of boiled water and squeeze in lemon juice (it’s better to use your own taste), adding a little lemon zest, grated on a fine grater. Take half a cup twice a day before meals. The more sour the prepared drink turns out, the faster and better it will work. There is one important point to remember: an acidic drink has an adverse effect on your teeth. The main thing is not to overdo it.

When you add honey and lemon to your drink, you should not expect that weight loss will begin tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Drinking it on your own will not give much results. Improvement in digestion and immunity will be noticeable, but the loss of kilograms will not always be an addition. You need to change your diet and start exercising. In addition, if you have problems with your gastrointestinal tract, it is not advisable to consume lemon, because the sunny-colored fruit can lead to gastritis or ulcers. If your teeth have sensitive enamel, lemon will not be a good choice.

Lemon with honey: recipes for diets

It is best to consume honey and lemon on an empty stomach. And don’t forget to drink about twelve cups of water a day, which will remove toxins from the body and relieve constipation, help digest food and absorb nutrients. If during a diet on honey and lemon the body does not have enough water, you may feel dizzy, have a constant feeling of fatigue, and dehydration.

Drink: lemon and honey for weight loss

One frequently used option on the path to slimness is unloading. A day is enough to eat about 1 kilogram of vegetables, drink green tea without added sugar and 3-4 glasses of lemon-honey drink (1 tablespoon of lemon juice, 250 ml of water, 1 teaspoon of honey).

Lemon, honey and cinnamon

The following drink also has a very strong fat-burning effect. Brew 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder with a cup of boiling water, cover with a lid or saucer, leave for 20 minutes. After time, add a teaspoon of honey and a slice of lemon to the cup.

Lemon-honey syrup with ginger

Another tasty and healing remedy for weight loss. You will need lemon, water, honey and fresh ginger root, peeled. The ginger should be cut into fairly thin slices. Wash the lemon and cut it in half. Cut one half into thin rings and squeeze the juice out of the other. Place lemon and ginger slices in a teapot, pour lemon juice into it and pour boiling water over it all. Stir and leave for 20 minutes. When serving, you can put a slice of lemon in the cup. Add honey only before serving; do not stir it in boiling water, because most of the beneficial substances will be destroyed. This tea with the addition of ginger and lemon will not only help you lose unnecessary pounds, but will strengthen your immune system and cure cough.

Constantly drinking water with lemon and honey in the morning will help you become slimmer and add strength and vigor until the evening. The body will receive a dose of the necessary vitamins, and your health will improve day by day.


When you wake up in the morning, what drink do you think of first? If it's coffee, you might want to reconsider your habit.

Have a drink instead glass of water with lemon and honey, and you will receive invaluable benefits for the body, which will say “Thank you”.

A person can live on average three weeks without food, but only 3 days without water. We all know how important it is to drink water. This not only helps regulate body temperature, but cleanses the body, improves metabolism and promotes weight loss.

Warm water with lemon and honey increases metabolism. When you drink it on an empty stomach, it primes your body to burn fat in the morning.

2. Promotes digestion.

One of the most noticeable effects of water with lemon and honey is improved digestion. The drink enhances the production of gastric juice and bile secretion. This helps break down food and absorb nutrients.

The undigested mass remains in the digestive tract, often causing bloating due to intestinal bacteria trying to digest it. Rapid elimination of these substances from the body is important for maintaining digestive health.

3. Has diuretic properties.

The accumulation of fluid in tissues is our body's inflammatory response to injury. Swelling of the legs or face is often a symptom of water retention in the body. Excess water strains the heart and increases blood pressure. Water with lemon and honey helps remove excess water and reduce swelling and hypertension.

Water with lemon and honey: benefits

4. Clears the skin of acne.

Drinking lemon and honey water on an empty stomach is the best thing you can do for your skin. You will notice how your skin becomes clearer after about 2-3 weeks of regular consumption of this drink. Some people use lemon juice to treat acne, but it may not be suitable for everyone as it can irritate and burn sensitive skin.

Lemon juice helps remove excess sebum from the skin, while citric acid has exfoliating properties, removing dead cells and accumulated dirt that clogs the sebaceous glands.

The antioxidants in lemon and honey, which have antibacterial properties, also help cleanse the skin.

5. Increasesimmunity.

Water with lemon and honey can protect you from seasonal colds and allergies. You will notice that you get colds much less often and recover faster if you drink this drink every day.

Treating with honey can also help combat pollen allergies. Honey usually contains small amounts of pollen, and introducing it gradually into your body can help reduce your susceptibility to it.

Water with lemon and honey in the morning

6. Treats inflammatory diseases of the throat.

If you have a sore throat, drinking a warm drink with lemon and honey provides almost instant relief. The peroxide contained in honey acts as a disinfectant. It is for this reason that honey is sometimes applied to wounds and burns. Water with lemon and honey can reduce inflammation and sore throat.

Lemon water is also effective for losing weight and combating excess weight. Lemon, water and honey are suitable ingredients for making a cup of warm tea or cold lemonade. The theory is that lemon juice contains most of a person's daily requirement of nutrients. So, honey and lemon have been used for weight loss for a long time. Hydromel amazes not only with its effectiveness as a means of losing weight, but also with its ease of preparation. To prepare the drink, add a tablespoon of honey and ten drops of lemon juice to 100 ml of warm water. Hydromel drink recipe: Lemon drink with honey. 100 g honey, 1 liter of warm boiled water, 1 lemon. First of all, the beneficial properties of the hydromel drink are aimed at cleansing blood vessels and the gastrointestinal tract of waste and toxins. Hydromel is used to replenish the “fast sugar” that alcohol provides. Replace every glass of alcohol with hydromel. Hydromel strengthens the immune system, improves tone during chronic fatigue and serves as a powerful preventative. If you want the hydromel to be more like lemonade, you can use carbonated mineral water when preparing it. Try a drink of vigor that cleanses and energizes the body - “Hydromel”. A simple and quick cure for the blues!

Hydromel is (from the Greek hydor, water, and the Latin mel, honey) a dietary drink, which contains honey, water, lemon juice (100 g of honey, 1 liter of warm boiled water, 1 lemon). How much do you know about the properties of plain water, sour lemon and sweet honey? It would seem, why such a question. After all, we drink water every day, and we most often use honey and lemon when we have a cold, especially in winter.
Do you know what wonderful healing and beneficial properties a drink made from water, lemon juice and honey has?
The properties of this combination are so useful and necessary for our health and vitality that this cocktail got its name - hydromel. And as you will see, it is well deserved.
The value of hydromel is evidenced by its history, or rather by the long-term use of this cocktail since ancient times. Roman women raised their spirits with the help of hydromel. And men drank this drink during the first month after the wedding so that a son would be born. By the way, the dizzying time after marriage - the “honeymoon” - owes its name to hydromel.
Preparing hydromel is very simple. Stir the juice of one lemon in a glass of water and add a spoonful of honey. The diluted mixture will be a healthy miracle drink. Just use warm water, not hot or boiling water. In hot water exceeding 40 degrees, the beneficial properties of honey and lemon juice are destroyed.
And now it’s time to find out why hydromel is so useful and what it is used for.

Hydromel is an indispensable support for your health.

Despite the obvious benefits of lemon and honey, hydromel has a number of valuable and beneficial properties that everyone who cares about themselves and their health should know about.
Hydromel helps cleanse the body, in particular the intestines and blood vessels. Thus, this health drink removes accumulated waste and toxins from the body, which do not allow it to “breathe freely.”
Hydromel also strengthens the immune system, improves tone during chronic fatigue and self-control, and serves as a powerful preventive agent.
Drink hydromel in the morning on an empty stomach, and your body will be incredibly grateful to you. The intestines will be cleansed, the stomach will wake up, digestion will improve, and the blood vessels will become stronger and more elastic. Your mood will be elevated and your well-being will improve several times.
Hydromel is also indispensable when we are overcome by colds and similar diseases that weaken the immune system and respiratory system. Honey and lemon juice, which are contained in hydromel, are strong antiseptics. Therefore, it is better to drink hydromel for a cold, and not just tea with lemon and honey, as everyone is used to. In hot tea, honey turns into sugar and nothing useful remains from it.
Hydromel is an effective means for weight loss.
If you are overweight and you can’t wait to lose weight, then drinking hydromel will help with this too. Drink hydromel three times a day: in the morning on an empty stomach, in the afternoon at 3 o'clock and at 6 o'clock in the evening, and you are guaranteed results.
Hydromel - to help athletes.
Sports activities are usually exhausting and exhausting. Drinking hydromel will help you replenish expended energy and invigorate yourself after physical activity. For the greatest effect, add more lemon juice and less honey to the hydromel.
Hydromel will also save you from the heat.
In the sultry summer heat, add some ice to the hydromel and the antipyretic drink is ready. Drink and cool down!
As you noticed, a tasty and healthy drink exists.
Make it your habit to drink hydromel more often, and you will feel a surge of strength, good spirits and improved health!
