Permit for a new type of weapon. How to properly obtain permission to carry and store firearms

Desire alone is not enough to own a firearm. Without obtaining the appropriate license, this becomes simply impossible. How to obtain a firearms license? There's nothing complicated about it.

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What types of firearms can you get a license for?

Firearms are a big responsibility for the owner.

Law of the Russian Federation on Weapons, Article 3 - this is the text that serves as the main source of information on this issue.

It says that a citizen can obtain a license for firearms in Russia for the following types:

  • Long-barreled firearm
  • Firearms without a barrel
  • Hunting firearm smoothbore
  • A firearm equipped with a special rifled barrel

Features of obtaining a license

First, you need to understand the situations when obtaining a license becomes impossible:

  • For those who have difficulty seeing
  • Has chronic diseases with a set of frequently occurring symptoms
  • For those who have committed a repeated administrative violation when not even a year has passed since the last one
  • There was a deliberately committed crime that resulted in a criminal record
  • Registered with the staff of the drug treatment clinic
  • For those who are registered with the staff of the dispensary for psychoneurological diseases
  • If your place of residence is not permanent
  • Minor age

It all starts with contacting representatives of the department whose work is related to licensing and permitting work. To find them, we visit the police department located at the visitor’s residence address.

It is better to clarify in advance whether this institution actually accepts applications according to the established template.

Then we go to the clinic, at the same residential address, for a medical examination. We need a special certificate, which is indicated by code No. 046-1. Those who have undergone medical examinations to obtain a driver’s license or military service have probably already encountered it.

In one eye, visual acuity should be at least 0.5. And for the other - no lower than 0.2. In addition, certificates from dispensaries for neurological and drug addiction diseases are required.

After preparing a medical certificate, you need to collect a complete package of documents, consisting of:

  • The medical certificate itself
  • Two photographs in 3 by 4 format
  • Passports in the original version
  • Photocopies taken from the passport
  • The application for a license itself (the form is filled out directly at the Internal Affairs Directorate and is issued by the responsible inspector)

When the preparation of papers is completed, all that remains is to go to the licensing and permitting department. They issue the following confirmations if everything is in order with the documents:

  • You cannot pay the state fee without a receipt.
  • Referrals to local police officers are issued
  • There are also directions to training centers where tests are taken

In the direction, government authorities will indicate where the training center is located. Further registration of the license must begin with this. This is where the test is taken. To pass it, you must answer 9 out of 10 questions correctly.

Tests are taken in writing or through special electronic forms. Without them, it is impossible to obtain a license for firearms for self-defense:

  • The test checks how well a person is familiar with the law regarding self-defense regarding the circulation of weapons for the military and ordinary citizens, and the storage of ammunition for them.
  • Law on how to safely handle combat units
  • Code of Administrative Offenses in the Russian Federation: you need to read articles 20.13, 20.12, 20.11, 20.9 and 20.8
  • Familiarization with articles in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation: 224, 223, 222, 39, 38, 37.
  • Articles 24, 22 and 17 of the Criminal Code of Russia

If the test fails at first, the visitor gets another try. But if you need to take the test again, you will have to pay a certain amount.

The next attempt becomes available after completing a course of paid lectures. The center issues a certificate after passing all tests.

We continue to resolve the issue

A gun safe is required when applying for a license.

It is better to find out in advance not only the working and personal number of the district police officer, but also his working hours.

Because such workers can often be busy.

The district police officer comes to the home of those who passed the test and records the presence of a weapons box, the presence of which also becomes a mandatory requirement.

All that remains is to actually pay the receipt for the state duty. This is done in any bank.

After this, we take all the documents that we managed to collect to the police department. If everything is normal, from this moment the process of producing the license itself begins.

The document is drawn up, theoretically, in a maximum of a month. But the process usually takes up to several months.

The document is universal in nature; units of both conventional firearms and gas equipment are purchased using it.

Additional fees are required for the following services:

  • State duties and their payments
  • Organization of tests
  • Preparation of certificates from doctors
  • Mental health clinic
  • Passing a dispensary for drug addiction diseases
  • Photo creation

About smooth-bore, rifled or pneumatic weapons

The procedure for obtaining permission for these types and weapons for self-defense is almost the same. A number of differences are noticeable only in the final stages.

The license text in such situations concerns only one weapon. It continues to operate for 6 months. The license is returned or renewed again if the person does not buy anything.

The document itself is made in the form of three spines. Sellers keep two stubs when a gun is purchased. One remains with the buyer. You must return to the police station with one spine no later than two weeks after purchase.

Owners of the stub can exchange the latter for a carry permit for only one combat unit. You just have to wait, usually 1-2 weeks.

What to do with a hunting license

Here it is worth paying attention to the storage process. Gun owners can actually only store them within their place of residence.

The trunk of a car is an unacceptable place; a weapon found in it when examined by traffic police officers will lead to serious problems.

To obtain a combined version of the document for carrying and storage, you will also need a hunting license. There is also nothing difficult in obtaining it. We will not require a gun or a separate license for it.

It is necessary to contact representatives of the nearest hunting club with two passport photocopies and photographs. For self-defense, it does not matter where exactly the visitor goes.

The main factor for selection is member fees. They are collected upon first registration, as well as on an annual basis. Hunting tickets now come in two varieties:

  • State or member. Membership ticket holders pay a $30 entry fee.
  • It will cost the same amount each year to renew. In the second case, the amount will be less. And the annual renewal will initially be free. The legal status of the documents remains the same.

Rifled weapons are suitable for long distances

The firing range of smooth barrels remains short, even at maximum.

This is their only drawback.

It is equal to 100 meters, this is the most optimistic forecast.

Long-range shooting is easier with rifled models.

The weapon got its name because of the rifling that is inside. When a bullet moves along them, it spins in the longitudinal direction.

The flight of the bullet is stabilized in the presence of rotational motion. Due to this, the distance increases to 200-500 meters.

In this case, there is no need to talk about self-defense; this weapon will allow you to engage in hunting at a professional level. But several conditions must be met to obtain a license. This will most likely not happen right away.

A mandatory requirement is five years of experience in holding a hunting license. This will allow you to use the model not for self-defense, but specifically for hunting.

A minimum of 5 years of experience in owning a smooth barrel is also required.
Otherwise, there are no differences in the process of obtaining a license.

We buy traumatic weapons

There is nothing complicated here. It is enough to go to the store with the obtained license. There they sell customers a sample that they like.

The main thing is to visit the police department within the first two weeks after the purchase. There the inspector will put a stamp confirming the legality of all previous actions.

Weapons can also be purchased by hand. It is best to visit the police department at the seller’s place of residence together with the seller. Re-registration papers are filled out there.

Smooth trunks and their features

There is only one license to purchase smooth-bore weapons. After purchasing the sample of interest, they change the issuance of a permit for a specific sample and its wearing. Accordingly, you will need several licenses at once if you want to purchase several types of weapons. For this you will need a large number of photographs.

Six months is the maximum period for which licenses can be re-issued without problems, exactly the same amount of time that are issued for the first time. You need to take with you not only the purchased weapon, but also your passport.

A gun purchase license allows you to purchase a maximum of five units for self-defense. Information about each of them is written on the reverse side of the document. The same rules apply to smooth-bore weapons. More details in the video:

About the license validity period

License for a maximum of 6 months. Permits for any type of self-defense remain valid for 5 years. The same rule applies to carrying shotguns.

The license must be renewed for another six months when the validity period expires. Or the document is submitted to the police department.
Finally, there is another important requirement - purchased units must be stored only in special cabinets.

The main thing is to pay attention to the dimensions. they must fully correspond not only to the premises, but also to the weapons themselves, which will need to be stored in the future. It is best to buy products with some margin in terms of characteristics.

There is administrative liability associated with violations of the terms of storage of weapons, as well as for shooting in undesignated places. It is better to call government officials in advance to make sure that they have everything ready.

Submit your question in the form below

If you decide to go hunting, then you need to start not with a dog, not with the selection of equipment, not with the purchase of a gun, but with the registration of all the appropriate licenses and permits for weapons. It’s not for nothing that they say that without a piece of paper you’re a bug, but with a piece of paper you’re a potential owner of a smoothbore gun. Why smooth-bore, because to obtain a permit for a rifled weapon, continuous hunting experience of five years is required.

So what circles of hell and thorns we have to overcome on the way to the coveted rifle bike, we will now consider them.

Basic requirements for potential owners

So, you have decided to become a hunter and buy a gun. What is needed for this?

You must meet a number of requirements and parameters:

  • live to the full age of 18;
  • be a capable citizen and have a passport;
  • have permanent registration in your passport;
  • to be a hunter officially - to have a hunting license;
  • prove your knowledge of the use and storage of weapons - pass an exam and receive a commission’s conclusion;
  • provide a medical commission’s conclusion about your health and moral stability (certificate from drug and neuropsychiatric dispensaries and a military ID);
  • do not have a current criminal record for intentional crimes or a prohibiting court decision;
  • not have more than one administrative violation per year and none due to drugs or psychotropics;
  • provide conditions for storing weapons (place of residence and safe).

If you fit into the Procrustean bed of these requirements, you can start collecting documents.

List of documents

The ability to purchase weapons is provided by a license, but storage and transportation requires a special permit from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Without this permission, they will not sell you a single cartridge.

To obtain a license you need to collect and provide:

  • application in the established form (you receive the form from the licensing and permitting service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in any way convenient for you, in person on the spot, from the website, etc.);
  • your passport, of course, and a photocopy of it;
  • two 3x4 photos;
  • medical certificate form 002-O/U, together with a certificate from the drug dispensary, form 003-O/U (about the absence of drugs in you) and the conclusion of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • certificate of passing the weapons safety exam issued by a licensed training center;
  • hunting ticket.

To obtain a storage and carrying permit (ROH), you need to submit:

  • application in the prescribed form;
  • your passport;
  • again two 3x4 photographs;
  • hunting license;
  • a copy of the permitting license with the store’s mark of sale or confirmation from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of receipt from the previous owner;
  • a copy of the technical passport for the gun.

Receipt procedure

Well, now let’s figure out how we can step by step achieve the coveted possession of a smoothbore gun.


6 3x4 photos - the simplest movement in our business. Two photographs will be used for a hunting license, two for a license, and the last two for the ROH. An ordinary selfie will not work here; it is better to take everything from a specially trained person. Movement price 10 min. and about 200 rubles.

A hunting license gives you the right to legally participate in hunting in the country and receive a permit for hunting weapons.

The hunting license is single, unlimited and, most importantly, free. You can apply for it by contacting the nearest MFC, or the government agency authorized for this in your local area. An application in the prescribed form is required; it can be submitted in person or sent by mail.

The following must be attached to the application:

  • two 3x4 photos;
  • copy of passport.

Officially, to get a ticket, you need to know the hunting minimum. Roughly speaking, when you can shoot, where to shoot, where it’s better not to shoot at who you can, who you can’t, and who you ultimately shot. Of course, they are unlikely to be asked when issuing a ticket, but it is very advisable to know them.

Your application, upon receipt, is considered for no more than five days, after which a decision is made on extradition or not.

They may refuse for the following reasons:

  • you have not yet reached the age of 18 or are incapacitated, for example by court;
  • submitted erroneous, or false, data;
  • you do not have permanent registration;
  • there is a criminal record for an intentional crime;
  • you have already been deprived of the right to hunt, and the deadline has not yet expired.

A completed hunting license must be obtained by presenting a passport.

If you did not use domestic mail, the delivery time does not exceed a week.

Drug test

Before undergoing a medical examination, you will need certificates from drug treatment and psychoneurological dispensaries. Regarding drugs, you will need two certificates, a certificate stating that you are not registered, and a certificate in form 003-O/U - “Medical report on the absence of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their metabolites in the human body.” The latter can be obtained by taking tests in both district and commercial clinics.

The terms and price will be, depending on the institution, 1 – 5 days from 800 to 2000 rubles. With this in order, go to the drug dispensary to obtain a certificate of not standing and not being registered. For everything about everything, the average for the regions is 500 - 600 rubles. and up to two hours, it all depends on the queue.

KhTI form 003- O/U

Certificates from a psychoneurological clinic

This certificate is obtained similarly to the previous one, only instead of tests, you will most likely be forced to first do an EEG, for which there is often a preliminary recording. After the EEG, see the doctor and voila, you have a certificate. Up to two hours of time plus pre-registration for an EEG by phone, 400 - 1000 rubles. EEG, 500 rub. - Doctor visit.

Weapons medical examination

Take all three certificates, military ID or registration, and with them go to the medical examination to receive a conclusion in form 002-O/U. You can apply for it at your local or any commercial clinic. If you have poor eyesight, it is advisable to use glasses or contact lenses to communicate with an ophthalmologist. On average, completion requires up to 3 hours and costs from 500 to 1200 rubles.

Weapons courses

To obtain a permit, you must undergo training in safety and handling of firearms, and pass a commission exam. Training takes place at licensed courses. Similar services can be found at the local DOSAAF, training centers for various security forces and large hunting organizations. Based on the results, they pass a theoretical exam and practical shooting with weapons at a shooting range.

In such courses, they are usually not very picky - they answered questions thoughtfully, often on a computer, fired in the right direction with a rifle or pistol, and that’s it. The training takes up to three days, although it is usually completed on one day along with exams. Training is even possible remotely, plus a couple of hours for the exam. For everything about 4000 rubles, in Moscow up to 8000 rubles. along with exams.

Application to public services

To obtain a license, you can, of course, contact the licensing and permitting center of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in your region, but it is much easier to use the government services portal by first registering.

To register, you need a pension number (SNILS), a mobile phone and, of course, an email. After filling out everything for registration, you need to activate your account using an electronic signature or key. The activation key can be obtained through Russian Post or at the service center of OJSC Rostelecom.

After scanning all the documents, see their list above, fill out the application and submit it along with the documents through the government services portal. As a rule, after a few days, the licensing and permitting department will contact you for a meeting, provide documents, and give instructions for the district police officer. By this time, it is advisable to pay a one-time fee for issuing a license; now for a smooth-bore gun it is 100 rubles.

Sample application for a license to purchase a hunting weapon -

Buying a safe

By law, your guns must be stored in a gun safe, iron cabinet, or metal-reinforced wooden box where you live. A proper gun safe should have two locks, an internal lockable ammo compartment, a 3mm wall to accommodate rifles, and be screwed to the wall and/or floor. Gun safes are usually tall and, most importantly, heavy, so to avoid them falling on family members with subsequent self-harm, it is better to screw them down.

Safe for storing hunting weapons

In theory, the district police officer himself, having received information from the OLRR, should visit you and check the conditions for storing weapons, but it is better to speed up the process by going to the district police officer himself and agreeing on a visit. Based on the results, an act is drawn up and signed, and a seal is affixed at the regional department.

Obtaining a license

According to the law, OLRR is given 30 days to process and issue a license; usually they are announced several days earlier. You drive up to them, bring your passport and a copy of the receipt for payment of the fee, and receive a license. Without taking into account travel time, everything takes no more than half an hour.

Buying a gun

The license is issued for a period of six months. During this time you must buy a gun. When purchasing in a store, the seller fills out the license and gives you the third part. By the way, they present permission only with a passport. The hunting license includes the number of the gun, its system and caliber. If a gun is purchased second-hand, the license is filled out immediately at the OLRR where you received it, and the gun is immediately re-registered to the new owner. After purchasing, within two weeks you must register the gun with the OLRR by submitting an application and attaching the part of the license given to you.

Getting ROX

But that's not all, the gun is still in your safe. To go hunting with it, you need to obtain a special storage permit - ROH. It gives the right to freely transport and carry a gun. In addition, they will not sell you ammunition without the permission of the ROH.

Typically, an application in the prescribed form is submitted simultaneously with the registration of a weapon; the list of required documents is given above. The procedure for obtaining an OLRR permit takes 14 days. After these days, you come to the OLRR with a gun and a passport, pay a fee of 10 rubles, check the numbers, and receive permission to store it. Sometimes the district police officer asks, upon receipt of the ROC, to bring it to him to make a copy, so as not to go there yourself, you can provide him with such a service.

That's all. Happy hunting.


As for the time and money spent. It is clear that the cheaper, the longer, or time is spent searching for cheaper places. But the averages will be as follows.


Taking into account the fact that many actions, especially at the initial stage, were carried out simultaneously, the time costs will be as follows:

  • hunting license – 5 days;
  • medical certificates, commissions, courses – working week;
  • obtaining a license – 30 days;
  • obtaining ROH permission – 14 days.

A total of two months, if everything is done without delay, and you clearly know the next step. So, while waiting for a license, you can choose a gun, sort out the safe, while you are waiting for a hunting license, you can do inquiries, etc.


In terms of money, costs, primarily depending on the region and speed, will be as follows:

  • photo – from 200 to 300 rubles;
  • hunting ticket – free;
  • form 003-O/U, drug test - from 800 to 2000 rubles;
  • certificate from a drug dispensary – 500 – 600 rubles;
  • EEG + certificate from a psychoneurological clinic – 900 – 1500 rubles;
  • certificate 002-О/У, medical examination – 500 – 1200 rubles;
  • weapons courses - from 4,000 to 8,000 rubles;
  • fee for issuing a license – 100 rubles;
  • fee for the permission of the ROH - 10 rubles.

Total for everything from 7010 to 13710 rubles., plus a safe, plus a gun, plus a case, plus...

In what cases can they refuse?

You may be denied permission to purchase a weapon for the following reasons:

  • you are under 18 years old;
  • no permanent registration;
  • you provided inaccurate information or not all documents, for example, a medical certificate is not in the form, you are registered at a dispensary, etc.
  • training has not been documented;
  • there is an outstanding/unexpunged conviction for an intentional crime;
  • the court has deprived you of the right to own a weapon;
  • less than a year has passed since you committed an administrative violation related to drugs or any other twice;
  • you do not have the prescribed conditions for storing weapons (you have not reached an understanding with the district police officer).

All of these can cause failure until they are corrected.

P.S. This instruction was written based on the memories and recommendations of people who solved this problem for themselves in 2017, in Moscow, Pskov, Novosibirsk and several other cities in our country.

The decision to buy a gun may be due to a desire to hunt or to ensure the safety of yourself and your family. In any case, you won’t be able to just walk into a store and buy a weapon. Before purchasing, you will have to collect the necessary documents that will give you the right to purchase and store such an acquisition. Please read the article carefully.

If you have decided to purchase a weapon, you probably have a question about what documents are needed for this. To obtain the right to purchase and store weapons, there is a necessary list of papers that must be collected. Actually, here is a list of documents that will take time to complete. Package of papers:

Conditions for purchasing weapons:

  • in the original version;
  • Copied version of passport;
  • The power of attorney must be certified by a notary.

Attention! An invoice is usually sent along with a sample power of attorney.

Required papers for purchasing ammunition:

  • Scanned passport pages (all pages);
  • Scanned in full format. This paper must be certified by a notary or at the place of issue;
  • A power of attorney that must be certified by a notary. A sample document is also sent with the invoice.

If, under certain circumstances, you decide to purchase a weapon through an online store, or directly from the manufacturer, then the procedure will be as follows:

  • If the item you are interested in is in stock, you will be sent an invoice for payment. In response, you must make a payment using any convenient method provided by the store. The main thing is that your last name appears in the payment history;
  • Next, you send the following package of official papers by registered mail:
    • The original version of the license with all three spines. It is important to fill out the document according to all the rules (personal data: last name, first name and patronymic must be correct, the license must be valid for at least 6 months). Also, information about your permanent place of residence must be the same as that indicated on the license document; the printing must be legible. Please note that the column indicating who issued the license is completed.
    • Scanned.
    • A letter indicating the exact address where you can receive your product. Be sure to include your contact telephone number and area code.
    • You will need to issue a document for the employee who will be involved in your business, which must be certified by a notary.
    • After the seller receives all the necessary documents and data from you, your goods will be processed and sent to you by special communication service.
    • The ordered goods will be delivered to the agreed address (special connection). Company employees will contact you and inform you that the parcel can be picked up. You can pick up the parcel only with your passport. Be sure to check the product on site to ensure there are no defects or shortcomings.

Important! If, unfortunately, the product is not of adequate quality, be sure to draw up a report, without which your objections will not be taken into account.

Many people have a question: what documents need to be collected to renew a permit for a hunting weapon? A permit for a hunting weapon is issued for a period of 5 years, then it must be renewed. In this regard, you must contact the police department at your actual place of residence.

Approximately two months before the permit expires, complete the following steps:

  • Contact your local police station. Explain there that you want to renew your license. As a result, you will have to write a corresponding statement.
  • Afterwards, wait for the visit of the local police officer, who will definitely check that you have a safe for storing weapons. After the inspection, he will draw up a report, which is necessary to renew the license.
  • Next, you present your weapon to the police station, where it will be checked for serviceability.
  • After a successful check, you can calmly begin collecting all the remaining documentation.

Required documentation for license renewal:

  • A scanned hunting permit that is valid.
  • Photo 3x4 in black and white, printed on matte paper, 2 pcs.
  • You will have to undergo a medical examination again (see a narcologist, a psychiatrist, check your blood for the absence of prohibited substances) and provide the results in the form
  • Passport in original and scanned version.
  • The same report stating that the gun was stored according to the rules.
  • The state fee has been paid, keep the receipt, it must be provided.
  • Your ; if it is not possible to provide the original, then prepare a copy certified by a notary.

How to obtain a permit for a traumatic weapon

To obtain a license for a traumatic weapon, you must collect the following list of documents:

  • Scanned version of the passport;
  • Two photos, size 3x4, in black and white, on matte paper;
  • Medical certificate;
  • Confirmation that you have successfully passed the narcologist and psychiatrist (certificates);
  • that you have been trained in how to use a weapon correctly;
  • , which contains information about your criminal record or lack thereof;
  • A report stating that you have all the necessary conditions for safe storage of weapons;
  • You also need to bring a certificate from your workplace.

Required documents for a shotgun permit

To renew and obtain a permit for a smooth-bore weapon, the following papers are required:

  • A medical certificate indicating that you have successfully passed all the necessary specialists in format 046-1;
  • Two 3x4 photos;
  • Yours for the purchase of a gun along with an electronic sample;
  • It is mandatory to have a report proving that you have a safe for safe storage of weapons (it is issued by the district police officer);
  • Information about the paid license in the form of a receipt;
  • Scanned all pages from the passport;
  • Full information from work: where you work, what position you hold, telephone number of the organization;
  • Hunting license;
  • Your Taxpayer Identification Number.

A list containing all the necessary documents for renewing a rifle permit

Once again, let’s take a closer look at the list of documents required to renew a license for a hunting weapon:

  • A document issued by the licensing system for weapons registration;
  • An official request (petition) from the hunting group where you are registered. It must be signed by the chairman of the board;
  • Medical certificate (form 046-1);
  • Photos 2 pieces 3x4;
  • Detailed information from work;
  • Your hunting license;
  • You will need to write an application addressed to the head of the Municipal Department of Internal Affairs, where you indicate that you want to purchase a rifled weapon. Don't forget to provide the sample in electronic format;
  • on successful verification of the weapons storage location;
  • Paid license (receipt);
  • A paid permit for the acquisition and storage of weapons, a receipt is also provided;
  • Yours
