Spock: definition of Spock and synonyms of Spock (Russian). Who plays Spock? Actors who became famous thanks to the famous space epic


Captain Kirk disobeying orders Starfleet, hijacked the Enterprise and returned Spock's body to Volcano, where in one of the temples, with the help of a special ritual, Spock's spiritual component - katra - was connected to his body. After his resurrection, Spock underwent an accelerated officer training program. Starfleet and was restored to the rank of commander, and the amnesia that tormented him soon passed.

In 2286, Spock transferred to the new Enterprise NCC-1701-A as first officer, while retaining the rank of captain. During the starship's five-year mission, he took part in a journey to the center of the Milky Way (see Star Trek V: The Final Frontier).

After the explosion of the Klingon moon Praxis in 2291 Spock's father Sarek attracted him to participate in negotiations between United Federation of Planets And Klingon Empire. During negotiations aboard the Enterprise, Klingon Chancellor Gorkon was killed. The Klingons blamed Captain Kirk and Dr. McCoy, who were arrested by Klingon authorities. Spock took command of the starship and forcibly freed them from captivity. Spock subsequently became a key figure in the formation of a long-lasting alliance with the Klingon Empire (see Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country) and developed a long-lasting friendship with the Romulan Chancellor Pardek.

After the decommissioning of the Enterprise NCC-1701-A, Spock retired from the Navy and focused his efforts on diplomacy, and virtually nothing is known about the next 70-75 years of his life. (At least Spock does not appear in events involving Starfleet.) He is supposed to have gotten married: Captain Jean-Luc Picard once said he attended a wedding son of Sarek. This may not have been Spock's first marriage - his wife T'Pring appears in the first episode of the second season (but the wedding ceremony was not completed).
In 2368 - already during the events of the series "Star Trek: The Next Generation" Spock was the Federation ambassador to Romulus(central planet of the Romulan Empire).

History of creation

Spock was originally intended to be a Martian. His skin was supposed to be red and he was supposed to absorb electricity. But they decided to abandon this, deciding that a more humane character would be more interesting to the audience. They also abandoned Spock's Martian roots. The creators of the series believed that the beginning of expeditions to Mars would make such an origin unscientific.

Spock is the only character to appear not only in all 79 episodes of Star Trek: The Original Series, but also in the pilot episode "The Cage".

Cultural influence

  • Spock is the idol of the main character of the television series The Big Bang Theory, Sheldon Cooper.
  • In the movie "Boomerang" main character calls Spock's last name Jenkins.
  • In the series Doctor Who, the Doctor's companion Rose asks the Doctor to be at least a little like Spock. (Season 1, episode 9, The Empty Child)
  • For a long time, fans of the epic believed that Spock was the first Vulcan to serve in Starfleet. However, the plot of the series Star Trek: Enterprise refutes this assumption. However, there is no reason to doubt that Spock was the first Vulcan to undergo training in Starfleet Academy.
  • From the events of the film "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home" it becomes known that Spock does not like Italian food.
  • Spock, unlike other Vulcans, drinks alcohol and prefers brandy and bourbon.
  • Asteroid #2309 , bearing the name "Spock", is indirectly related to the character Star Trek: The asteroid was named after its discoverer's cat, who in turn was named after Spock from Star Trek.
  • Spock's famous gesture (fingers interlocked in pairs) is a slightly modified (two-handed) ritual blessing performed by a kohen, a priest in Judaism.

Eared Vulcan of the Nordic type. Now, when information flows are off the charts, the choice of films, ideas and prototypes to follow is growing exponentially, and Hollywood offers more and more new types every year, it is difficult to imagine the excitement that was going on in the heads of fans of star epics of the late 20th century. Mr. Spock, paradoxically, satisfied everyone. A creature with a constant, although not obvious, internal conflict, pointed ears and strangely colored skin. A reason for constant jokes and admiration. A striking example of how logic can conflict with generally accepted morality. People like him - assuming, of course, that he is a man - in real life love is impossible. Meticulous bores, workaholic enthusiasts on the verge of misanthropy, absolutely not understanding what ordinary human feelings are.

Spock is half Vulcan, half human, who grew up in a world where any display of emotion was considered bad manners and was resolutely suppressed. The rational side of his personality, which is stronger, naturally suppresses the emotional human side. But, despite all his outward coldness, he experiences human feelings, which he pushes deeper inside himself, and at some point they threaten to burst out in a blinding flash. This dramatic, complex personality with an intellect beyond the limits of an earthling could have remained an earth-like, inarticulate robot, if not for one detail. Ears! These beautiful Spock ears reconciled the viewer with any tediousness of the Star Trek character. Neither his strict hairstyle nor his stony expression could do anything to counter the crushing charm of his pointed ear. It’s not for nothing that most of the girls I know, when asked: “Why do you love Mr. Spock?” They answer in admiring chorus: “Of course, for the ears!”

Spock's calmness and intelligence perfectly written by the scriptwriters and superbly conveyed by actor Leonard Nimoy, also form the basis of the worldwide admiration for this character. The long-standing dream of scientists and utopians to separate reason from emotion found a unique embodiment in the mentality of the inhabitants of the planet Vulcan. The way Mr. Spock's brain works is that, thanks to national philosophy and martial arts training, the Vulcan brain does not reproduce emotions, which obviously slows down the brain. common man not only in extreme situations where concentration is needed, but also in a relaxed state. Following the matrix of the rational society of the planet Vulcan embedded in him makes Spock an ideal scientist, researcher, and strategist. Sherlock Holmes would agree with Spock's approach to mental activity. Only, together with unnecessary rubbish information, Spock freed the “attic of his brain” from the ashes of emotions. But Spock is half Earthling. And, of course, he has a tendency towards emotionality. And therefore it is doubly interesting to watch how it manifests itself in this discreet

logical being. Moreover, from film to film - more and more.

Mr. Spock was played by two people: Leonard Nimoy and Zachary Quinto. And you can accuse me of bias as much as you like, but my opinion will remain unchanged. Zachary Quinto was nowhere near the image that Nimoy created. Trying to play the, scary to say, sexy Spock gives me some kind of shock. Leonard Nimoy wrote in his book I Am Spock that it was a complete surprise to him that so many women found Spock sexy. However, after thinking, he came to the logical conclusion that everything inaccessible seems attractive to women. Especially when that “something” is an intelligent, reserved, cold-blooded man with a warm heart. And not flaunting his unconventional sexual orientation sweet guy. Although, probably, the director still proceeds from the image that attracts the audience. And if the need of the bulk of the audience has become the pumped-up cutie Spock, and the unbreakable sense of humor of the previous image remains unclaimed, perhaps this is not entirely the director’s fault. But I really miss Nimoy's ironic restraint now. Sexuality is probably not what you'd expect from an intellectual Vulcan. And, of course, this was played out superbly in the early episodes. Spock and the women were really funny.

Of course, you shouldn’t put all your love for “Star Trek” on the personal account of one character.But, of course, its role in the popularity of the project is extremely large. As mentioned above, Star Trek could exist without Spock.But it would be a completely different Star Trek. And it’s not a fact that it’s just as popular.

Star Trek: The Next Generation, as well as the following feature films:


Spock played by Leonard Nimoy
Universe Star Trek
Creator Leonard Nimoy And Roddenberry, Gene
Execution Leonard Nimoy
Zachary Quinto
Type Half-Vulcan
(by father)
(by mother)
Floor male
Relatives Michael Burnham
Organization Starfleet
Rank Lieutenant
lieutenant commander
Activity Enterprise NCC-17 (Science Officer/First Officer/Commander)
Enterprise NCC-17 (Science Officer/First Officer)
Personal number S179-276SP
Spock at Wikimedia Commons

The crater Spock on Charon is named in his honor.


Spock was born in Earth year 2230 on the planet Vulcan to the Vulcan family Sarek and his Earthling wife Amanda Grayson. Spock himself considered himself a full-fledged Vulcan, however internal conflict on the basis of dual origin, it periodically made itself felt. He has green blood and blood type T-negative.

Spock had a brother, Sybok, who eschewed logic and was expelled from Vulcan for such “heresy” (he was killed in the feature film “Star Trek 5: The Final Frontier”). Spock also had a half-sister, Michael Burnham ( main character series Star Trek: Discovery released in 2017).

In 2267, Spock was inducted into the Vulcan Scientific Legion of Honor and qualified as an A7 computer specialist.

It is known that Spock became the first Vulcan to begin a career in Starfleet, despite the objections of his father, who wanted his son to attend the Vulcan Science Academy. However, Spock, having become interested in the computers that were equipped with Starfleet starships, decided differently, and when Captain Christopher Pike offered him a place on the starship Enterprise, Spock happily agreed. He was assigned personal number S179-276. Like most Vulcans, Spock is a vegetarian and does not drink, but he enjoys Romulan ale.

Spock served under Captain Pike for almost eleven years. According to a number of sources, during this time he was promoted to lieutenant and then to lieutenant commander.

Under the command of the Enterprise's next captain, James Tiberius Kirk, Spock served on the Enterprise in two capacities simultaneously: as first mate and as science officer. In Earth year 2267, Spock receives the rank of commander. And three years later, in 2270, Spock returned to Vulcan to study the discipline of “kolinahr”.

In 2271, Spock returned to Starfleet and was reinstated to service with the rank of commander and research fellow on the starship Enterprise.

During the Widger Crisis, in which First Mate Williard Dekker was killed, Spock resumed his post as first officer, which he combined with the position of research assistant.

A few years later, Spock was promoted to captain and appointed captain of the Enterprise, while Captain Kirk was promoted to admiral and transferred to Starfleet headquarters. In 2285, Spock, according to the orders of Starfleet headquarters, temporarily ceded the captain's chair to Admiral Kirk for the starship's participation in the study of strange events at the Regula scientific station (the film "Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan"), which ended in a battle with Khan Noonien Singh . In this battle, Spock dies while saving the Enterprise.

However, Spock's biography does not end there. Before his death, Spock, using Vulcan knowledge, transferred his "katra" - spiritual essence - to Doctor McCoy. Spock’s body, after a cosmic funeral, ended up on the Genesis planet and, due to its characteristics, returned to life (the film “Star Trek 3: The Search for Spock”).

Captain Kirk, disobeying orders from Starfleet, hijacked the Enterprise and returned Spock's body to Vulcan, where in one of the temples, with the help of a special ritual, Spock's spiritual component - katra - was connected to his body. After his resurrection, Spock underwent an accelerated Starfleet officer training program and was reinstated to the rank of commander, and the amnesia that tormented him soon disappeared.

In 2286, Spock transferred to the new Enterprise NCC-1701-A as first officer, while retaining the rank of captain. During the starship's five-year mission, he took part in a trip to the center of the Milky Way (the film "Star Trek 5: The Final Frontier").

After the explosion of the Klingon moon Praxis in 2291, Spock's father Sarek recruited him to participate in negotiations between the United Federation of Planets and the Klingon Empire. Upon arriving at his ship after negotiations aboard the Enterprise, Klingon Chancellor Gorkon was killed. The Klingons blamed Captain Kirk and Dr. McCoy, who were arrested by Klingon authorities. Spock took command of the starship and forcibly freed his colleagues from captivity. Spock subsequently became a key figure in the formation of a long-lasting alliance with the Klingon Empire (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country) and began a long-lasting friendship with the Romulan Chancellor Pardek.

After the decommissioning of the Enterprise NCC-1701-A, Spock retired from the Navy and focused his efforts on diplomacy, and virtually nothing is known about the next seventy to seventy-five years of his life - Spock does not appear in events involving Starfleet. It is assumed that he married, since one day the captain

Actors and their roles in the film " Star Trek" 2009

Zachary Quinto in the role Spock "Star Trek".

Zachary Quinto American actor 1977 birth. Half Italian, half Irish. Quinto openly gay, which he admitted publicly in 2011.

In the role James Tiberius Kirk"Star Trek" 2009

American actor born in 1980. I have another film with this actor on my website, you can see its description.

In the role Leonard McCoy"Star Trek" 2009

New Zealand actor 1972 birth, known from films "Judge Dredd 3D"(I watched this film, I really liked it, although it seems that Karlov’s face is not visible there, it is covered by a helmet, but his chin is amazing), "Lord of the Rings".

Zoe Saldana in the role Uhura Nyota"Star Wars"

Zoe SaldanaAmerican actress, 1978 birth. U Zoe Dominican and Puerto Rican roots, the actress is married to an artist Marco Perego, and in 2014 The couple had twin sons.

Actor Eric Bana- as the main villainCaptain Nero Vmovie "Star Trek" 2009.

Australian film actor 1968 birth, Eric Bana went through an interesting path from a car washer to a popular, sought-after actor, and all thanks not so much to chance, but primarily to the talent of a comedian. Eric He began developing his skills with performances in the genre of stand-up comedy, that is, how Alexander Revva once switched from electricians to actors. Fate found its hero, he had to become an actor - he became one.

Actor Anton Yelchin in the role Pavel Chekhov Star Trek 2009

Many thought that fortune smiled on him: he emigrated with his family as a child to the USA, his career was going uphill, the future promised to be brilliant. And at 27 years old she’s so ridiculous, stupid death. Anton was crushed by his own car, which he forgot to put on the handbrake. He died young and handsome.

Contents, plot, description of the film "Star Trek" 2009

The film begins with spaceship Federation "Kelvin", where is George Kirk and his pregnant wife Winona(parents of the unborn main character) falls into a cosmic storm, in addition, it becomes clear that this storm was created by mining ship "Narada". "Narada" controlled by Romulanen Nero- the main villain of the film, he is looking for Spock in order to take revenge on him for the death of his home planet Romulus. Enemy ship attacks "Kelvin", gets in touch with him and calls on the captain to proceed to "Narada" in order to agree on a ceasefire. Captain hands over control "Kelvin" young George Kirk, he himself dies on an enemy ship.

George Kirk sees that his ship is facing imminent destruction and begins evacuating the crew. Among the evacuees is his wife, who has already gone into labor. People leave the ship, but the captain remains, as the ship loses automatic control.

George Kirk over the speakerphone he learns that he has a son, whom he asked to name James- in honor of his wife's father. Himself George Kirk directs his ship to "Narada", thereby stopping him from pursuing those who left "Kelvin" shuttles and having been captain of the ship for only 12 minutes - he saves 800 human lives at the cost of his own.

Years pass, we see that James Tiberius Kirk grows up to be a notorious hooligan; as a boy, he steals and throws a rare car down a cliff, almost dying in the process (it is possible that the car belonged to his stepfather). Next we see the already matured James he's about 20-25 years, he is an avid brawler and doesn’t mind getting drunk into unconsciousness in a bar; one day, during one of these drinking sessions, he begins to pester a girl cadet Uhura(role played by Zoe Saldana) and gets into a fight with the Federation cadets, who reverently protect Uhura from cheeky drunken louts. In the midst of a fight, the bar doors open and Christopher Pike- father's fighting friend James Kirk. Pike stops the battle and calls on the young Pick join the ranks Federation, because if James possesses the same qualities of character that his heroic father possessed, then Fleet will be immensely happy to find James Kirk in its ranks.

Karl Urban as Doctor Leonardo McCoy"Star Trek"

After some thought James Kirk arrives early in the morning on a shuttle with recruits, there he again sees Uhura, he really likes the girl, and also meets a rookie doctor Leonard McCoy– his future best friend.

Zachary Quinto as Spock"Star Trek" 2009

In parallel, we see the development of history Spock(role played by actor Zachary Quinto), his mother is a Terran, and his father is Vulcan. Because of Spock not a purebred Vulcan, he is teased by his peers at school. It is not customary for Vulcans to show their emotions; they abandoned them in order for their logic to work at full strength, nevertheless, no matter how hard they tried Spock pretend to be calm, always when the interlocutor somehow in a conversation wants to hurt and humiliate his mother, Spock explodes and loses control of himself. Spock a very smart and intellectually highly developed Vulcan, he refuses to join Scientific Academy Vulcana, because he is considered defective because of his human mother.

Chris Pine as James Tiberius Kirk"Star Trek" 2009

Three years have passed since James Tiberius Kirk started my studies in Academy, Kirk strives to pass the test "Kobayashi Maru" who invented Spock, this test simulates a knowingly losing situation for ship commanders in order to develop composure in them when faced with a hopeless situation. While taking the test James Kirk The system crashes and the test passes with flying colors.

Zachary Quinto as Spock"Star Trek" 2009

Spock sues Pick, accusing him of hacking the program. On this basis, these two develop a personal dislike for each other. But then during the trial a signal is received that on the planet Volcano signs of increased seismic activity appear, part of the fleet Federation must fly there in order to check what happened there and, in case of danger, evacuate the Vulcans. Kirk suspended from flying, but his friend Dr. Leonardo McCoy tricks him into the ship.

So, on the ship "Enterprise NCC-1701" everyone is here - Kirk, Spock, Uhara, Dr. Leonardo McCoy, captain of the ship Christopher Pike. The following heroes join them: Sulu– a young pilot and Pavel Chekhov- a seventeen-year-old Russian prodigy. On the ship James Kirk guesses that the earthquake is on Vulcans has not natural character that this is a trap Romulan. All the ships flying next to "Enterprise" destroyed "Narada". Neuron going to drill in Vulcans well, reach the core of the planet and place red matter there, which will create a singularity, after which the planet will be swallowed up by a black hole. Christopher Pike- the captain of the ship flies to "Narade" for negotiations - and at the same time resets Pick, Sulu and engineer Olson to the drilling rig.

Olson dies and Sulu And Kirk They neutralize the drilling rig, but despite this, the mechanism of destruction has already been launched. Chekhov teleports Pick And Sulu back to "Enterprise". There are only a few minutes left before the destruction of the planet. Spock teleports to his home planet Volcano in order to save the council members and their parents. But mother Spock dies because he does not have time to save her. Another moment and the planet Volcano consumed by a black hole. Of the six billion Vulcans, only no more than ten thousand survived, these are those who managed to evacuate.

James Kirk gets into an argument with Spock, who decides to fly to the cosmodrome for reinforcements. Kirk But he believes that there is no time to waste - we need to start fighting the Romulans. Spock sends the hot-tempered Pick into exile in the snow to the nearest planet Delta Vega. There on Pick a terrible monster attacks Kirk takes refuge in a cave, but the monster manages to grab his leg with its tentacles, and Future Spock saves James Kirk.

Leonard Simon Nimoy in the role Spock"Star Trek" 2009

Future Spock– older and not as aggressive as the young one Spock. Spock tells why Romulan Neuron wants to destroy everything around. After 129 years a star is about to explode, there will be a threat of destruction of the galaxy, from this time Spock and arrived. The exploding star began to degenerate into a supernova, Spock promised the Romulans to save their planet, Federation equipped the fastest ship. Using red matter Spock wanted to create a black hole that would swallow an exploding star. Spock was already on his way when the unthinkable happened - a supernova destroyed Romulus. U Spock There was little time, he had to extract the red matter and send it to a supernova. Spock had already set off on his way back, and then he was intercepted Neuron. When Spock tried to save himself and Neuron, they were both sucked into a black hole. Neuron He was the first to pass through it - through time into the past, and was the first to get into the past. But the time that Neuron lasted for years Spock flew by in seconds. When Spock went through a black hole Neuron he was already waiting, he laid it on Spock responsibility for the death of his world. Neuron captured the ship Spock, but left him alive. For the sole reason to Spock knew his pain. He redirected Spock on Delta Vega for him to watch his revenge. Just as he is unable to save his planet, so Spock I was unable to save my own.

Spock insisted that Kirk removed Spock from the ship, and acted as he saw fit - since the decision Pick correct and it will lead to victory in the current situation. In order to remove Spock, he must be accused of emotional interest. Spock from the future and Kirk they go to the nearest outpost, where they find a brilliant engineer Scott Montgomery, with which they create the world's first transwarp transporter, which delivers Pick And Scott aboard the ship "Enterprise", when he was moving at warp speed. Kirk speaks Spock that he was insensitive and did not love his mother, which infers Spock out of himself, the Vulcan will relieve himself of the duties of captain and transfer them to Kirk. Kirk orders to pursue the enemy ship, Spock says goodbye to Nyota Uhura hugs and kisses, Chekhov moves Spock And Pick on "Narada" using a new conveyor. Target Spock– rescue of the captain Soldering and the theft of a black hole generator. Meanwhile Neuron is already starting to drill a well in the planet Earth. Spock discovers on "Narade" your ship "Jellyfish", this ship is from the future, but it recognizes Spock, And Spock realizes that he has already controlled it. Meanwhile Kirk And Neuron enter into a fight, but the fight is interrupted when Neuron finds out that Spock destroyed the drilling rig. Spock directs his ship to "Narada", the collision results in red matter engulfing the enemy ship, and Scott managed to reschedule Spock, Pick and saved Captain Pike to the platform "Enterprise".

Neuron and his ship destroyed, Kirk now a hero and commander of the ship.


first officer, science advisor

actor: Leonard Nimoy

Spock was born on the planet Vulcan to the Vulcan Sarek and his human wife Amanda Grayson. Spock himself considered himself a full-fledged Vulcan, but internal conflict based on unclean blood periodically made itself felt. Spock had a brother, Sybok, who eschewed logic and was exiled from Vulcan for such “heresy.”

It is known that Spock began his career in Starfleet against the wishes of his father, who wanted his son to attend the Vulcan Academy of Sciences. However, Spock became interested in the computers that were equipped with Starfleet starships, and when Captain Christopher Pike offered him a place on the starship Enterprise, Spock gladly accepted.

Spock served under Captain Pike for almost eleven years. According to a number of sources, during this time he received the rank of lieutenant, and then lieutenant commander. Under the command of the Enterprise's next captain, James Kirk, Spock served as both first officer and science officer. In 2267 he received the rank of commander. And three years later, in 2270, he returned to Vulcan to study the discipline of Kolinahr.

In 2271, Spock returned to Starfleet and was reinstated as commander and science officer of the USS Enterprise. During the VG Crisis, in which First Officer Williard Dekker was killed, Spock resumed his post as first officer, which he combined with the position of science officer.

A few years later, Spock was promoted to captain of the Enterprise, while Captain Kirk was promoted to admiral and transferred to fleet headquarters. In 2285, Spock, by order of the Starfleet leadership, temporarily gave up the captain's chair to Admiral Kirk for the starship's participation in the study of strange events at the Regula research station, which ended in a battle with Khan Noonien Sing. In this battle, Spock dies saving the Enterprise.

However, Spock's biography did not end there. Before his death, Spock, using Vulcan knowledge, transferred his "katra" (spiritual essence) to Doctor McCoy. Spock's body, after a cosmic funeral, ended up on the Genesis planet, due to the peculiarities of which it returned to life.

Captain Kirk, disobeying orders from Starfleet, hijacked the Enterprise and returned Spock's body to Vulcan, where in one of the temples, with the help of a special ritual, Spock's spiritual component was connected to his body. After being revived, Spock underwent an accelerated Starfleet officer training program and was reinstated to the rank of commander, and the amnesia that tormented him soon disappeared.

In 2286, Spock transferred to the new Enterprise NCC-1701-A as first officer, while retaining the rank of captain. During the starship's five-year mission, he took part in a journey to the center of the galaxy.

After the explosion of the Klingon moon Praxis in 2291, Spock's father, Sarek, recruited him to participate in negotiations between the United Federation of Planets and the Klingon Empire. During negotiations aboard the Enterprise, Klingon Chancellor Gorkon was killed. The Klingons blamed Captain Kirk and Dr. McCoy for this, who were arrested. Spock took command of the starship and forcibly freed them from captivity. Spock subsequently became a key figure in the formation of a lasting alliance with the Klingon Empire and began a long friendship with the Romulan Chancellor Pardek.

After the decommissioning of the Enterprise NCC-1701-A, Spock retired from the Navy and focused his efforts on diplomacy, and virtually nothing is known about the next 70-75 years of his life. It is assumed that he got married (Captain Jean-Luc Picard once said he attended the wedding of Sarek's son).
In 2368, during the events of Star Trek: The Next Generation, Spock was ambassador to Romulus (the central planet of the Romulan Empire).
