Vasily 3 is his son. Grand Duke Vasily III Ivanovich

- (1479 1533), Grand Duke of Moscow from 1505. Son of Ivan III. He completed the unification of Rus' around Moscow by annexing Pskov (1510), Smolensk (1514), Ryazan (1521). Source: Encyclopedia Fatherland (baptized Gabriel, schema Varlaam) IVANOVICH ... ... Russian history

- (1479 1533), Grand Duke of Moscow from 1505. Son of Ivan III. Completed the unification of Rus' around Moscow with the annexation of Pskov (1510), Smolensk (1514), Ryazan (1521) ... Modern encyclopedia

- (1479 1533) Grand Duke of Moscow from 1505. Son of Ivan III. Completed the unification of Rus' around Moscow with the annexation of Pskov (1510), Smolensk (1514), Ryazan (1521) ...

Vasily III- (1479 1533), Grand Duke of Moscow from 1505. Son of Ivan III. He completed the unification of Rus' around Moscow with the annexation of Pskov (1510), Smolensk (1514), Ryazan (1521). ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

- (1479, Moscow 1533, ibid.), Grand Duke of Vladimir and Moscow, sovereign of All Rus' (from 1505). Son of Ivan III and Sophia Paleologus. He married (1505) Solomonia Saburova, who came from an Old Moscow boyar family. Under power Vasily III… … Moscow (encyclopedia)

Vasily III (1479, Moscow 1533, ibid.), Grand Duke of Vladimir and Moscow, sovereign of All Rus' (from 1505). Son and He married (1505) Solomonia Saburova, who came from an Old Moscow boyar family. Passed under the rule of Vasily III... ... Moscow (encyclopedia)

- (1479 1533), Grand Duke of Moscow, Sovereign of All Rus' (from 1505). Son of Grand Duke Ivan III and Sophia Paleologus. He killed in prison (1509) the nephew of Dmitry Ivanovich, crowned Ivan III (1498) for the great reign. Achieved strict obedience... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

- (14791533), Grand Duke of Moscow from 1505. Son of Ivan III. Completed the unification of Rus' around Moscow annexed Pskov (1510), Smolensk (1514), Ryazan (1521) ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Vasily III- VASILY III (14791533), Grand Duke of Moscow from 1505. Son of Ivan III. Completed the unification of Rus' around Moscow annexed Pskov (1510), Smolensk (1514), Ryazan (1521) ... Biographical Dictionary

Drawing from the book Title Book. 1672… Collier's Encyclopedia


  • Moscow autocrats. Ivan III. Vasily III, Nikolai Kostomarov, Sergei Solovyov, Vasily Klyuchevsky, Sergei Platonov. The library of the project "History of the Russian State" is the best monuments recommended by Boris Akunin historical literature, which reflect the biography of our country, from its very...

Relations with the boyars

Under Vasily III, simple appanage relations between subjects and the sovereign disappeared.

Baron Sigismund von Herberstein, the German ambassador, who was in Moscow at that time, notes that Vasily III had power that no other monarch had, and then adds that when Muscovites are asked about a matter unknown to them, they say, equaling the prince with God :" We don’t know this, God and the Emperor know".

On front side The seal of the Grand Duke had the inscription: “ Great Sovereign Vasily, by the grace of God, Tsar and Lord of All Rus'" On the back it read: “ Vladimir, Moscow, Novgorod, Pskov and Tver, and Yugorsk, and Perm, and many lands Sovereign».

Confidence in his own exclusivity was instilled in Vasily both by his far-sighted father and by the cunning Byzantine princess, his mother. Byzantine diplomacy can indeed be felt in all of Vasily’s policies, especially in international affairs. In suppressing resistance to his authority, he used hard power, or cunning, or both. It should be noted that he rarely resorted to death penalty, to deal with his opponents, although many of them were imprisoned or exiled on his orders. This contrasts sharply with the wave of terror that swept Rus' during the reign of his son, Tsar Ivan IV.

Vasily III ruled through clerks and people who were not distinguished by their nobility and antiquity. According to the boyars, Ivan III still consulted with them and allowed himself to contradict, but Vasily did not allow contradictions and decided matters without the boyars with his entourage - the butler Shigona Podzhogin, and five clerks.

The spokesman for boyar relations at that time was I.N. Bersen-Beklemishev is a very smart and well-read person. When Bersen allowed himself to contradict the Grand Duke, the latter drove him away, saying: " Go away, you stinker, I don't need you"Later, Bersen-Beklemishev's tongue was cut out for speeches against the Grand Duke.

Intra-church relations

Thus, the so-called “destinations” were abolished and only simple servicemen and princes remained in the Moscow state.

War with Lithuania

On March 14, Sigismund wrote to Rome and asked to organize a crusade against the Russians by the forces of the Christian world.

The campaign began on June 14. The army under the command of Vasily III moved towards Smolensk through Borovsk. The siege lasted four weeks, accompanied by intense artillery shelling of the city (several Italian specialists in the siege of fortresses were brought in). However, Smolensk survived again: the siege was lifted on November 1.

In February of the year, Vasily III gave the order to prepare for the third campaign. The siege began in July. The city was literally shot down by hurricane artillery fire. Fires started in the city. The townspeople crowded into churches, praying to the Lord for salvation from the Moscow barbarians. A special service was written to the patron saint of the city, Mercury of Smolensk. The city was surrendered on July 30 or 31.

The triumph of the capture of Smolensk was overshadowed by a strong defeat at Orsha. However, all attempts by the Lithuanians to recapture Smolensk ended in failure.

In the year a truce was concluded with the cession of Smolensk to Moscow until the “eternal peace” or “consummation”. In the year, according to the vow he made 9 years ago, the Grand Duke founded the Novodevichy Convent near Moscow in gratitude for the capture of Smolensk.

Wars with Crimea and Kazan

During the Lithuanian War, Vasily III was in alliance with Albrecht, Elector of Brandenburg and Grand Master of the Teutonic Order, whom he helped with money for the war with Poland; Prince Sigismund, for his part, spared no money to raise the Crimean Tatars against Moscow.

Since the Crimean Tatars were now forced to refrain from raiding the Ukrainian lands belonging to the Grand Duke of Lithuania, they directed their greedy gaze towards the Seversk land and the border regions of the Grand Duchy of Moscow. This was the beginning of a protracted war between Russia and Crimean Tatars, in which the Ottoman Turks later took part on the side of the latter.

Vasily III tried to restrain the Crimeans, trying to conclude an alliance with the Turkish Sultan, who, as the supreme ruler, could prohibit the Crimean Khan from invading Rus'. But Rus' and Turkey did not have any common benefits and the Sultan rejected the offer of an alliance and responded with a direct demand that the Grand Duke not touch Kazan. Of course, the Grand Duke could not fulfill this requirement.

In the summer, the son and heir of Mengli-Girey, Khan Muhammad-Girey managed to reach the outskirts of Moscow itself. The governor of Cherkassy, ​​Evstafiy Dashkevich, at the head of an army of Ukrainian Cossacks who were in his service, raided the Seversk land. When Vasily III received news of the Tatar invasion, he, in order to gather more troops, retreated to Volok, leaving Moscow to the Orthodox Tatar prince Peter, the husband of Vasily's sister Evdokia (+ 1513). Muhamed-Girey missed a convenient time and did not occupy Moscow, only devastating the surrounding area. Rumors about the hostile plans of the Astrakhan people and the movement of the Moscow army forced the khan to retire to the south, taking with him a huge captivity.

Kazan Khan Muhammad-Emin opposed Moscow soon after the death of Ivan III. In the spring, Vasily III sent Russian troops to Kazan, but the campaign was unsuccessful - the Russians suffered two serious defeats. However, two years later, Muhammad-Emin returned the captives to Moscow and signed a friendly treaty with Vasily. After the death of Muhammad-Emin, Vasily III sent the Kasimov prince Shah-Ali to Kazan. The Kazan people first accepted him as their khan, but soon, under the influence of Crimean agents, they rebelled and invited Sahib-Girey, the brother of the Crimean khan (city), to the Kazan throne. Shah Ali was allowed to return to Moscow with all his wives and property. As soon as Sahib Giray sat in Kazan, he ordered some of the Russians living in Kazan to be destroyed and others to be enslaved.


The reign of Vasily III was marked in Moscow by the scale of stone construction.

  • The walls and towers of the Kremlin were built on the river side. Neglinnaya.
  • In the year the Archangel Cathedral and the Church of John the Baptist at the Borovitsky Gate were consecrated.
  • In the spring of the year, the stone churches of the Annunciation in Vorontsovo, the Annunciation on Stary Khlynov, Vladimir in Sadekh (Starosadsky Lane), the Beheading of John the Baptist near Bor, Barbarians against the Master's Court, etc. were founded in Moscow.

By decree of the tsar, churches were also built in other parts of the Russian land. In Tikhvin in the year for the miraculous

The dispute about the succession to the throne, which arose at the end of the reign of John III and in which the boyars, out of hatred for the wife of John III and the mother of Vasily Ioannovich, Sophia Fominishna Palaeolog, sided with Dimitri Ioannovich (see John III), was reflected throughout the entire period of the great reign of Vasily Ioannovich. He ruled through clerks and people who were not distinguished by their nobility and antiquity. With this order, he found strong support in the influential Volokolamsk monastery, whose monks were called Josephites, named after Joseph of Volotsky, the founder of this monastery, a great supporter of Sophia Fominishna, in which he found support in the fight against the heresy of the Judaizers. Vasily III treated the old and noble boyar families coldly and distrustfully; he consulted with the boyars only for appearances, and then rarely. The closest person to Vasily and his adviser was the butler Shigona-Podzhogin, one of the Tver boyars, with whom he decided matters, locking himself together. In addition to Shigona-Podzhogin, Vasily III’s advisers were about five clerks; they were also the executors of his will. Vasily III treated the clerks and his humble confidants rudely and cruelly. For refusing to go to the embassy, ​​Vasily Ioannovich deprived clerk Dalmatov of his estate and sent him to prison; when Bersen-Beklemishev, one of the Nizhny Novgorod boyars, allowed himself to contradict Vasily Ioannovich, the latter drove him away, saying: “Go away, smerd, I don’t need you.” This Bersen decided to complain about the bike. the prince and the changes that, in Bersen’s opinion, the mother led. prince - and his tongue was cut out. Vasily Ioannovich acted autocratically, due to his personal character, coldly cruel and extremely calculating. Regarding the old Moscow boyars and noble families from the tribe of St. Vladimir and Gedimina he was extremely restrained, not a single noble boyar was executed under him; The boyars and princes who joined the ranks of the Moscow boyars constantly remembered the old days and the ancient right of the squad of departure. Vasily III took notes from them, oaths not to leave for Lithuania for service; By the way, Prince V.V. Shuisky gave the following note: “From his sovereign and from his children from their land to Lithuania, also to his brothers, and will not leave anywhere until his death.” The same records were given by the princes Belsky, Vorotynsky, Mstislavsky. Under Vasily Ioannovich, only one prince, V.D. Kholmsky, fell into disgrace. His case is unknown, and only fragmentary facts that have reached us cast some faint light on him. Under John III, Vasily Kholmsky was taken to swear an oath not to go to Lithuania for service. This did not prevent him from taking first place among the boyars under Vasily and marrying his sister. prince Why he fell into disgrace is unknown; but the occupation of his place by Prince Danila Vasilyevich Shchenya-Patrikeev and the frequent change in this place of princes from the tribe of St. Vladimir by the princes from the family of Gediminas give reason to think about discord among the boyars themselves (see Ivan the Terrible). The words of Prof. are quite applicable to Vasily Ioannovich’s relationship with the noble boyars. Klyuchevsky, who led. the prince in the regimental lists could not appoint the faithful Khabar Simsky instead of the unreliable Gorbaty-Shuisky ("Boyar Duma", p. 261), i.e. he could not push him from the front rows famous names and had to submit to the order with which his son came into conflict. At the slightest conflict, he treated his relatives with the usual severity and mercilessness of the Moscow princes, about which the opponent of the son of Vasily III, Prince Andrei Kurbsky, complained so much, calling Kalita’s family “has long been bloodthirsty.” Vasily's rival in the succession to the throne, his nephew Dimitri Ioannovich, died in prison, in need. The brothers of Vasily III hated the people surrounding Vasily, and therefore the established order, and meanwhile, due to the childlessness of Vasily III, these brothers should have succeeded him, namely his brother Yuri. People close to Vasily had to fear under Yuri the loss of not only influence, but even life. Therefore, they joyfully greeted Vasily’s intention to divorce his barren wife, Solomonia, from the Saburov family. Perhaps these close people suggested the very idea of ​​​​divorce. Metropolitan Varlaam, who did not approve of the idea of ​​divorce, was removed and replaced by the abbot of the Volokolamsk monastery, Daniel. Josephite Daniel, a still young and determined man, approved of Vasily’s intentions. But the monk Vassian Kosoy Patrikeev rebelled against the divorce, who, even under the monastic robe, retained all the passions of the boyars; he was accosted by the monk Maxim, a learned Greek, a man completely alien to the calculations of Moscow politics, summoned to Russia to correct church books. Both Vassian and Maxim were both exiled to prison; the first died under Vasily, and the second outlived both Vasily III and the Metropolitan.

Under Vasily, the last appanage principalities and the veche city of Pskov were annexed to Moscow. From 1508 to 1509, the governor in Pskov was Prince Repnya-Obolensky, whom the Pskovites met unfriendly from his very arrival, because he did not come to them according to custom, without being asked or announced; the clergy did not come out to meet him with a procession of the cross, as was always done. In 1509 he led. The prince went to Novgorod, where Repnya-Obolensky sent a complaint against the Pskov people, and after that the Pskov boyars and mayors came to Vasily with complaints against the governor himself. V. the prince released the complainants and sent trusted people to Pskov to sort out the matter and reconcile the Pskov people with the governor; but no reconciliation followed. Then the Grand Duke summoned the mayors and boyars to Novgorod; however, he did not listen to them, but ordered all the complainants to gather in Novgorod for Epiphany in order to judge everyone at once. When there were quite a number of complainants significant number, then they were told: “You have been caught by God and the Grand Duke Vasily Ioannovich of All Rus'.” Vel. the prince promised to show them mercy if they removed the veche bell, so that there would be no veche in the future, and only governors would rule in Pskov and its suburbs. Clerk Tretyak-Dalmatov was sent to Pskov to convey the will of the Pskov people. prince On January 19, 1510, the veche bell at St. Trinity. On January 24, Vasily III arrived in Pskov. Boyars, posadniks and living people, three hundred families, were exiled to Moscow, and Moscow rules were introduced in Pskov. Vasily III sought election to the great. princes of Lithuania. When his son-in-law Alexander died in 1506, Vasily wrote to his sister Elena, Alexander’s widow, so that she would persuade the lords to elect him as leader. princes, promising not to restrict the Catholic faith; He ordered the same through ambassadors to Prince Vojtech, the Bishop of Vilna, Pan Nikolai Radzivil and the entire Rada; but Alexander had already appointed himself a successor, his brother Sigismund. Having not received the Lithuanian throne, Vasily III decided to take advantage of the unrest that arose between the Lithuanian lords after the death of Alexander. The culprit of this unrest was Prince Mikhail Glinsky, a descendant of the Tatar Murza, who went to Lithuania under Vytautas. Mikhail Glinsky, Alexander's favorite, was an educated man who traveled a lot throughout Europe, an excellent commander, especially famous for his victory over the Crimean Khan; with his education and military glory, his wealth also attached importance to him, for he was richer than all the Lithuanian lords - almost half of the Principality of Lithuania belonged to him. The prince enjoyed enormous influence among the Russian population of the grand duchy, and therefore the Lithuanian lords were afraid that he would seize the throne and move the capital to Rus'. Sigismund had the imprudence to insult this strong man , which Vasily took advantage of, inviting Glinsky to go into his service. Glinsky's transition to the Moscow Grand Duke caused a war with Lithuania. At first this war was marked by great success. On August 1, 1514, Vasily III, with the assistance of Glinsky, took Smolensk, but on September 8 of the same year, the Moscow regiments were defeated by Prince Ostrozhsky at Orsha. After the defeat at Orsha, the war, which lasted until 1522, did not represent anything remarkable. Through the Emperor. Maximilian I, peace negotiations began back in 1517. The emperor's representative was Baron Herberstein, who left notes on the Moscow State - the best of foreign writings about Russia. With all the diplomatic skill of Herberstein, the negotiations were soon interrupted, because Sigismund demanded the return of Smolensk, and Vasily III, for his part, insisted that not only Smolensk remain with Russia, but that Kiev, Vitebsk, Polotsk and other cities that belonged to Russia should be returned to princes from the tribe of St. Vladimir. With such claims from the opponents, only in 1522 was a truce concluded. Smolensk remained behind Moscow. This truce was confirmed in 1526, through the same Herberstein, who came to Moscow for the second time as an ambassador from Charles V. During the continuation of the war with Lithuania, Vasily put an end to his last inheritances: Ryazan and the Seversky principalities. Prince Ivan of Ryazan, they said in Moscow, planned to restore independence to his principality with the help of the Crimean Khan Makhmet-Girey, whose daughter he intended to marry. Vasily III called Prince Ivan to Moscow, where he put him in custody, and imprisoned his mother, Agrippina, in a monastery. Ryazan was annexed to Moscow; Ryazan residents were resettled in droves to Moscow volosts. There were two princes in the Seversk land: Vasily Ivanovich, grandson of Shemyaka, Prince of Novgorod-Seversky, and Vasily Semenovich, Prince of Starodubsky, grandson of Ivan Mozhaisky. Both of these princes constantly denounced each other; Vasily III allowed Shemyachich to expel the Starodub prince from his domain, which was annexed to Moscow, and a few years later he also took Shemyachich into custody, and his inheritance was also annexed to Moscow in 1523. Even earlier, the Volotsk inheritance was annexed, where the last prince, Feodor Borisovich, died childless. During the fight against Lithuania, Vasily asked for help from Albrecht, Elector of Brandenburg, and from the Grand Master of the German Order. Sigismund, in turn, sought an alliance with Makhmet-Girey, Khan of Crimea. The Gireys, successors of the famous Mengli-Girey, an ally of John III, sought to unite all the Tatar kingdoms under the rule of their family; therefore, the Crimean Khan Makhmet-Girey became a natural ally of Lithuania. In 1518, the Kazan Tsar Magmet-Amin, a Moscow henchman, died childless, and the question of succession to the throne arose in Kazan. Vasily III placed Shig-Aley, the grandson of Akhmet, the last khan of the Golden Horde, the family enemy of the Girays, here on the kingdom. Shig-Aley was hated in Kazan for his tyranny, which Sahib-Girey, Mahmut-Girey’s brother, took advantage of and captured Kazan. Shig-Alei fled to Moscow. After this, Sahib-Girey rushed to devastate Nizhny Novgorod and Vladimir region, and Mahmut-Girey attacked the southern borders of the Moscow state. He reached Moscow itself, from where Vasily III retired to Volokolamsk. Khan took a written obligation from Moscow to pay him tribute and turned to Ryazan. Here he demanded that the governor come to him because he was leading. the prince is now a tributary of the khan; but governor Khabar-Simsky demanded proof that he led. the prince obliged to pay tribute. The Khan sent the letter given to him near Moscow; then Khabar, holding her, dispersed the Tatars with cannon shots. Sahib-Girey was soon expelled from Kazan, where, as a result of the struggle between the Crimean and Moscow parties, constant unrest occurred, and Vasily appointed Yenaley, Shig-Aley’s brother, as khan there. In this situation, Vasily III left his affairs in Kazan. The power of Father Ivan the Terrible was great; but he was not yet an autocrat in the later sense. In the era preceding and following the fall Tatar yoke, the word: autocracy, was opposed not to the constitutional order, but to vassalage: autocrat meant an independent ruler, independent of other rulers. The historical meaning of the word: autocracy is clarified by Kostomarov and Klyuchevsky.

E. Belov

Encyclopedia Brockhaus-Efron

Vasily III (1505-1533)

From the family of Moscow Grand Dukes. Son of Ivan III Vasilyevich the Great and the Byzantine princess Sophia Fominishna Palaeologus. Genus. March 25, 1479 Vel. book Moscow and All Rus' in 1506 - 1534. Wives: 1) from 4 September. 1506 Solomonia Yurievna Saburova (d. 1542), 2) from January 21. 1526 book. Elena Vasilievna Glinskaya (d. April 3, 1538).

The childhood and early youth of Vasily III passed in worries and trials. It was not long before he was proclaimed his father’s heir, since Ivan III had an eldest son from his first marriage, Ivan the Young. But in 1490, Ivan the Young died. Ivan III had to decide who to bequeath the throne to - his son Vasily or his grandson Dmitry Ivanovich. Most of the boyars supported Dmitry and his mother Elena Stefanovna. Sophia Paleologue was not loved in Moscow; only the children of the boyars and clerks took her side. Clerk Fyodor Stromilov informed Vasily that his father wanted to reward Dmitry with the great reign, and together with Afanasy Yaropkin, Poyarok and other boyar children, he began to advise the young prince to leave Moscow, seize the treasury in Vologda and Beloozero and destroy Dmitry. The main conspirators recruited themselves and other accomplices and brought them secretly to the kiss of the cross. But the conspiracy was discovered in December 1497. Ivan III ordered his son to be kept in custody in his own yard, and his followers to be executed. Six were executed on the Moscow River, many other boyar children were thrown into prison. At the same time, the Grand Duke became angry with his wife because sorcerers came to her with a potion; These dashing women were found and drowned in the Moscow River at night, after which Ivan began to beware of his wife.

On February 4, 1498, he married Dmitry, the “grandson,” into the great reign in the Assumption Cathedral. But the triumph of the boyars did not last long. In 1499, disgrace overtook two of the noblest boyar families - the princes Patrikeev and the prince Ryapolovsky. The chronicles do not say what their sedition consisted of, but there is no doubt that the reason must be sought in their actions against Sophia and her son. After the execution of the Ryapolovskys, Ivan III began, as the chroniclers put it, to neglect his grandson and declared his son Vasily the Grand Duke of Novgorod and Pskov. On April 11, 1502, he put Dmitry and his mother Elena into disgrace, put them in custody and did not order to call Dmitry the Grand Duke, and on April 14 he granted Vasily, blessed him and placed him in the great reign of Vladimir, Moscow and All Rus' as autocrat.

Ivan III's next concern was to find a worthy wife for Vasily. He instructed his daughter Elena, who was married to the Grand Duke of Lithuania, to find out which sovereigns would have marriageable daughters. But his efforts in this regard remained unsuccessful, as well as the search for brides and grooms in Denmark and Germany. Ivan was already forced to Last year of his life to marry Vasily to Solomonia Saburova, chosen from 1,500 girls presented to the court for this purpose. Solomonia's father, Yuri, was not even a boyar.

Having become the Grand Duke, Vasily III followed in everything the path indicated by his parent. From his father he inherited a passion for construction. In August 1506, the Lithuanian Grand Duke Alexander died. Hostile relations between the two states resumed after this. Vasily accepted the Lithuanian rebel Prince Mikhail Glinsky. Only in 1508 was a peace concluded, according to which the king renounced all the ancestral lands that belonged to the princes who came under the rule of Moscow under Ivan III.

Having secured himself from Lithuania, Vasily III decided to end the independence of Pskov. In 1509, he went to Novgorod and ordered the Pskov governor Ivan Mikhailovich Ryapne-Obolensky and the Pskovites to come to him so that he could sort out their mutual complaints. In 1510, on the feast of Epiphany, he listened to both sides and found that the Pskov mayors did not obey the governor, and he received a lot of insults and violence from the Pskov people. Vasily also accused the Pskovites of despising the sovereign’s name and not showing him due honors. For this, the Grand Duke put disgrace on the governors and ordered them to be captured. Then the mayors and other Pskovites, admitting their guilt, beat Vasily with their foreheads so that he would grant his fatherland to Pskov and arrange it as God informed him. Vasily III ordered to say: “I will not hold an evening in Pskov, but two governors will be in Pskov.” The Pskovites, having gathered a veche, began to think about whether to oppose the sovereign and lock themselves in the city. Finally they decided to submit. On January 13, they removed the veche bell and sent it to Novgorod with tears. On January 24, Vasily III arrived in Pskov and arranged everything here at his own discretion. 300 of the most noble families, abandoning all their property, had to move to Moscow. The villages of the withdrawn Pskov boyars were given to the Moscow ones.

From Pskov affairs Vasily returned to Lithuanian ones. In 1512, war began. The main goal hers was Smolensk. On December 19, Vasily III set out on a campaign with his brothers Yuri and Dmitry. He besieged Smolensk for six weeks, but without success, and returned to Moscow in March 1513. On June 14, Vasily set out on a campaign for the second time, he himself stopped in Borovsk, and the governor sent him to Smolensk. They defeated the governor Yuri Sologub and besieged the city. Having learned about this, Vasily III himself came to the camp near Smolensk, but this time the siege was unsuccessful: what the Muscovites destroyed during the day, the Smolensk people repaired at night. Satisfied with the devastation of the surrounding area, Vasily ordered a retreat and returned to Moscow in November. On July 8, 1514, he set out for the third time to Smolensk with his brothers Yuri and Semyon. On July 29, the siege began. Gunner Stefan led the artillery. The fire of Russian cannons inflicted terrible damage on the Smolensk people. On the same day, Sologub and the clergy went to Vasily and agreed to surrender the city. On July 31, the Smolensk residents swore allegiance to the Grand Duke, and on August 1, Vasily III solemnly entered the city. While he was organizing affairs here, the governors took Mstislavl, Krichev and Dubrovny.

The joy at the Moscow court was extraordinary, since the annexation of Smolensk remained cherished dream also Ivan III. Only Glinsky was dissatisfied, to whose cunning the Polish chronicles mainly attribute the success of the third campaign. He hoped that Vasily would give him Smolensk as his inheritance, but he was mistaken in his expectations. Then Glinsky started secret relations with King Sigismund. Very soon he was exposed and sent to Moscow in chains. Some time later Russian army under the command of Ivan Chelyadinov suffered a heavy defeat from the Lithuanians near Orsha, but the Lithuanians were unable to take Smolensk after that and thus did not take advantage of their victory.

Meanwhile, the collection of Russian lands went on as usual. In 1517, Vasily III summoned the Ryazan prince Ivan Ivanovich to Moscow and ordered him to be captured. After this, Ryazan was annexed to Moscow. Immediately after that, the Starodub Principality was annexed, and in 1523, Novgorod-Severskoe. Prince Novgorod-Seversky Vasily Ivanovich Shemyakin, like the Ryazan prince, was summoned to Moscow and imprisoned.

Although the war with Lithuania was not actually fought, peace was not concluded. Sigismund's ally, the Crimean Khan Magmet-Girey, raided Moscow in 1521. The Moscow army, defeated on the Oka, fled, and the Tatars approached the walls of the capital itself. Vasily, without waiting for them, left for Volokolamsk to collect shelves. Magmet-Girey, however, was not in the mood to take the city. Having devastated the land and captured several hundred thousand captives, he went back to the steppe. In 1522, the Crimeans were again expected, and Vasily III himself stood guard on the Oka with a large army. The Khan did not come, but his invasion had to be constantly feared. Therefore, Vasily became more accommodating in negotiations with Lithuania. In the same year, a truce was concluded, according to which Smolensk remained with Moscow.

So, state affairs were slowly taking shape, but the future of the Russian throne remained unclear. Vasily was already 46 years old, but he did not yet have heirs: Grand Duchess Solomonia was barren. In vain she used all the remedies that were attributed to her by the healers and healers of that time - there were no children, and her husband’s love disappeared. Vasily said with tears to the boyars: “Who is it for me to reign on the Russian land and in all my cities and borders? Should I hand it over to my brothers? But they don’t even know how to arrange their own inheritances.” To this question, an answer was heard among the boyars: “Sovereign, great prince! They cut down a barren fig tree and sweep it out of its grapes.” The boyars thought so, but the first vote belonged to Metropolitan Daniel, who approved the divorce. Vasily III met unexpected resistance from the monk Vassian Kosy, former prince Patrikeeva, and famous Maxim Greek. Despite, however, this resistance, in November 1525, the Grand Duke’s divorce from Solomonia was announced, who was tonsured under the name of Sophia at the Nativity nunnery, and then sent to the Suzdal Intercession Monastery. Since this matter was looked at from different points point of view, it is not surprising that conflicting news about him has reached us: some say that divorce and tonsure followed according to the wishes of Solomonia herself, even at her request and insistence; in others, on the contrary, her tonsure seems to be a violent act; Rumors were even spread that soon after the tonsure Solomonia had a son, George. In January of the following 1526, Vasily III married Elena, the daughter of the deceased Prince Vasily Lvovich Glinsky, the niece of the famous Prince Mikhail.

The new wife of Vasily III differed in many ways from Russian women of that time. Elena learned foreign concepts and customs from her father and uncle and probably captivated the Grand Duke. The desire to please her was so great that, as they say, Vasily III even shaved his beard for her, which, according to the concepts of that time, was incompatible not only with folk customs, but also with Orthodoxy. The Grand Duchess became more and more possessed of her husband; but time passed, and Vasily’s desired goal - to have an heir - was not achieved. There was a fear that Elena would remain as barren as Solomonia. Grand Duke Together with his wife, he traveled to various Russian monasteries. In all Russian churches they prayed for the childbearing of Vasily III - nothing helped. Four and a half years passed until the royal couple finally resorted in prayer to the Monk Paphnutius of Borovsky. Then only Elena became pregnant. The Grand Duke's joy knew no bounds. Finally, on August 25, 1530, Elena gave birth to her first child, Ivan, and a year and a few months later, another son, Yuri. But the eldest, Ivan, was barely three years old when Vasily III fell seriously ill. When he was driving from the Trinity Monastery to Volok Lamsky, on his left thigh, on the bend, a purple sore the size of a pinhead appeared. After this, the Grand Duke began to quickly become exhausted and arrived in Volokolamsk already exhausted. The doctors began to treat Vasily, but nothing helped. More pus flowed out of the sore than the pelvis, the rod also came out, after which the Grand Duke felt better. From Volok he went to the Joseph-Volokolamsk Monastery. But the relief was short-lived. At the end of November, Vasily, completely exhausted, arrived in the village of Vorobyovo near Moscow. Glinsky’s doctor Nikolai, having examined the patient, said that all that remained was to trust only in God. Vasily realized that death was near, wrote a will, blessed his son Ivan for the great reign and died on December 3.

He was buried in Moscow, in the Archangel Cathedral.

Konstantin Ryzhov. All the monarchs of the world. Russia.

Grand Duke of Moscow and All Rus' (1505-1533).

Basil III Ivanovich born March 25, 1479. He was the son of the Grand Duke (1440-1505) and. The father sought to transfer full power to his son from his first marriage, Ivan Ivanovich the Young, and back in 1470 he declared him his co-ruler, but he died in 1490.

The ensuing struggle to determine the future heir to the throne ended in the victory of Vasily Ivanovich. First, he was declared the Grand Duke of Novgorod and Pskov, and in 1502 - the Grand Duke of Moscow and Vladimir and All Rus', autocrat, that is, he became his father’s co-ruler.

After his death in October 1505, Vasily III Ivanovich unhinderedly ascended the throne, receiving, according to his father’s will, the Great Reign of Moscow, the right to manage the capital and all its income, the right to mint coins, 66 cities and the title of “Sovereign of All Rus'.”

Having become the head of state, Vasily III Ivanovich continued his father’s policy - “gathering lands,” strengthening the grand-ducal power and defending the interests of Orthodoxy in Western Rus'. From the very beginning, he energetically fought for the centralization of the state, under him the last semi-independent Russian lands were annexed - (1510), Volotsky inheritance (1513), (1514), Ryazan (1521), Starodub and Novgorod-Seversky (1522) principalities.

In foreign policy Vasily III Ivanovich, in addition to the fight for Russian lands, also waged periodic wars with the Tatars of the Crimean and Kazan Khanates, who raided. The Grand Duke's diplomatic method to protect himself from attacks was to invite Tatar princes to Moscow service, who received vast lands.

In relation to more distant countries, he pursued as friendly a policy as possible. Vasily III Ivanovich negotiated with Prussia, inviting it to an alliance against Lithuania and Livonia; received the ambassadors of Denmark, Sweden, Turkey, and the Hindu Sultan Babur. He discussed with the Pope the possibility of union and war against Turkey. Trade relations were connected with Italy, France and Austria.

In his domestic policy Vasily III Ivanovich, to strengthen the autocracy, fought against the noble boyars and feudal opposition. For speaking out against the policies of the Grand Duke in different years Many boyars and princes fell into disgrace, and even Metropolitan Varlaam. Vasily III Ivanovich took measures to remove the remnants of appanage rule to new places. The result of this policy was fast growth local noble land ownership, limitation of immunity and privileges of the princely-boyar aristocracy.

Also, Vasily III Ivanovich pushed the boyars away from participating in the decision government issues. “Councils” with the boyar duma during his reign were mainly of a formal nature: all matters were decided personally by the Grand Duke or in contact with a few trusted people. However, the strength of tradition was such that the tsar had to appoint representatives of the boyars to significant positions in the army and administration.

The reign of Vasily III Ivanovich was also marked by the rise of Russian culture, the spread of the Moscow style of literary writing, which took a leading place among other regional literatures. At the same time, the architectural appearance of the Moscow Kremlin took shape, which turned into a well-fortified fortress.

Vasily III Ivanovich was married twice. His first marriage took place back in 1505. His wife then became the boyar's daughter Solomonia Saburova. Since this marriage was fruitless, Vasily III Ivanovich, despite the protests of the church, obtained a divorce in 1525. His second wife was the princess, whom he married in 1526. In this marriage were born the sons Ivan (future) and the feeble-minded Yuri.

Grand Duke Vasily III Ivanovich died on December 3, 1533. He was buried in the Archangel Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin. The dying prince declared the three-year-old to be his heir under the regency of Elena Glinskaya.

Vasily III (25.03.1479 - 3.12.1533) ascended the throne in October 1505.

According to the spiritual charter of Ivan III, he inherited his father’s title, the right to mint coins, and received control of 66 cities. Among these cities are centers such as Moscow, Tver, Novgorod.

His brothers inherited 30 cities. They also had to obey Ivan as their father. Vasily III tried to continue his father’s work in both domestic and foreign policy.

He wanted to show his power, autocracy, while he was deprived of the abilities and merits of his father.

Vasily III strengthened Russia's position in the west, and did not forget about the return of the lands of Rus', which were under the rule of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Levon Order.

During the first war between Lithuania and the Muscovite state in 1507 - 1508, the Polish king Sigismund I and the Grand Duke of Lithuania tried to unite the Muscovite opponents together. But they didn’t succeed.

The rebel Mikhail Glinsky was supported by Moscow and Lithuania was forced to sign an eternal peace treaty with the Russians. Yes, the parties existed in peace for only four years. Already in 1512, a new war began, which lasted almost ten years.

Things were not calm in the south either; the danger from the Tatars did not decrease. Although we remember that the Great Horde fell in 1502. Crimean and Tatar Tatars instilled fear in the residents of the southern and eastern outskirts of the Russian state. And if the attackers managed to bypass the border, then they headed to the center and even threatened Moscow.

Vasily III sent gifts to the khans to achieve peace with him. But at the same time, he did not forget to bring the army to the bank of the Oka River in order to protect himself from the uninvited guest. Defensive stone fortresses were also built in Tula, Kolomna, Kaluga, and Zaraysk.

Domestically, Vasily III succeeded. He decided to finally subjugate it (1510), conquered Ryazan (1521). The support of the Grand Duke is the service people, the boyars and nobles. During their service to the sovereign, they were allocated an estate. The peasants who lived on these lands, by order of the Grand Duke, were obliged to support the landowners.

Peasants plowed and sowed the land (corvée), mowed hay and harvested crops, grazed livestock and fished. Also, ordinary people gave away part of the products of their labor (food rent). The distribution of land, during the unification of Russian lands, took on the character of a system. And it was just not enough. The government even wanted to take away the monastery and church lands, but it didn’t work out. The Church promised support for the authorities if only they would leave the land.

Under Vasily III development The manorial system led to the emergence of manorial estates throughout Russia, except for the northern territories. The persistent and cautious king ruled his state with political stability. Economic growth was noticed, new cities were built, crafts developed. In large villages that were located on large roads, markets appeared - a place of trade for artisans.

In such villages, courtyards of “uncultivated peasants” arose, that is, the courtyards of those who gave up plowing the land and took up crafts and trade. These were blacksmiths, tailors, shoemakers, coopers and others. It must be said that the population was small; in Moscow, for example, it was about 100 thousand people. There were even fewer people in other cities.

Under Vasily III, the unification of the Russian principalities into one state was completed. In addition to the Russians, the state included Mordovians, Karelians, Udmurts, Komi and many other nationalities. Russian state was multinational. The authority of the Russian state grew in the eyes of Eastern and European rulers. The Moscow “autocracy” was firmly entrenched in Russia. After the death of Vasily III, came, which was followed by the crowning of his son Vasily to the royal throne.
