Choi accident. How Viktor Tsoi died (5 photos)

The departure of such an iconic figure of Russian rock as Viktor Tsoi could not help but generate numerous myths and legends. In particular, most fans of his work refused to believe that the death of their idol was an absurd tragic accident, so they even preferred to believe in the version of murder. This can be explained by the fact that it is easier for a person to consider someone guilty than to come to terms with the inexorability of chance. Many fans have long been convinced that the unfortunate accident was a carefully planned crime.
This version of events was also considered by people quite close to Tsoi. For example, Dmitry Levkovsky, administrator of the “Games” and “People’s Militia” groups, notes: “... maybe I’m paranoid, but I’m still sure that this was a well-prepared murder... Too serious an authority for young people Tsoi became, and if he had released the “Black Album”, then at least he would have led a revolution.”
It is noteworthy that the version of the accident is also refuted by independent technical expert Yuri Antipov. He claims that all available photos of the famous “Moskvich” Tsoi are fake, since in those photographs that can be found on the Internet, the registration number does not match the real one. In addition, the expert notes: “Something clearly fell on this car. We see the central part of the cabin dented, but the front part is intact. The damage to Tsoi’s car should be completely different.” After analyzing all the possible circumstances of the incident, Yuri Antipov came to the conclusion that Tsoi’s car was stopped long before the bus appeared, and the singer himself was rendered incapacitated, after which they pushed the car to the turn, waited for the Ikarus to appear and sent it towards him, staging an accident .
However, Tsoi’s friends and relatives believe that the musician did not have obvious enemies and ill-wishers capable of such an act, and the songs of “Kino” do not have the political and social overtones that were attributed to them after the death of the group leader.

Greetings to all readers of the blog “On the Edge”! You know, today we will touch on the biography of a person that interests many...

It is difficult to understand how this performer achieved such worldwide fame. Millions of people listened and listen to him, and even after his death: the date of Tsoi’s death is August 15, 1990, his name remains on everyone’s lips.

Date of death of Tsoi

Why does death take such great people? Maybe God thought that Tsoi had fulfilled his mission on earth. I knew little about this legendary performer before, but his success inspired me so much that I decided to figure out why he conquered his fans, why they continue to listen to his music, despite the fact that there are now many worthy bands and performers on Olympus...

I'll tell you the backstory

We were having dinner with my parents and the song “Cuckoo” performed by Polina Gagarina started playing on the music channel. Mom turned up the volume and began to listen carefully to this interpretation. When the song ended, she said that Polina was able to convey the feelings and emotions that the author himself put into the song.

When I asked if she listened to Tsoi, my mother replied: “Who didn’t listen to him? He was a living legend." Are there many fans of this artist among you, my readers? Maybe someone was lucky enough to know him personally? Write your answers, it will be very interesting to read.

My friend’s father worked as a diplomat in Canada, and she often went to see him on vacation. Upon arrival, she said that the entire diaspora is passionate about Tsoi’s work, despite the fact that he died long ago. One day she was driving to a meeting with friends, and the song “Cuckoo” started playing on the radio.

Katya was so amazed that she immediately wrote about it on her Facebook. To her surprise, hundreds of people responded to her post; they began to write that in their countries Tsoi’s music still sounds from all radios. This is amazing, it delights, it makes you think about how great Tsoi was, how much his work is still valued by our generation.

I am also interested in the issue of the star’s creativity from the legal side...

In this article, I would not only like to raise the issue of Tsoi’s creativity and his success, but also draw attention to interesting facts from his life.


Victor studied at a vocational school, he was supposed to do wood carving. I wrote my thesis on a wall panel. Vocational school workers said that Victor called his work “A Star Called the Sun.” Today, many college students choose the same topic for their thesis and create portraits of the rock star himself.

The teacher who taught astronomy, Galina Kononova, speaks of Victor as a peaceful, calm, intelligent person. She never thought that such a modest and reserved person would become a future idol.

Favorite teacher

Lyudmila Kozlovskaya, who taught Victor technology, says that he was a hidden artist. Victor loved and respected Lyudmila very much: her portrait was drawn on many of his notebooks and posters. By the way, Kozlovskaya still carefully preserves many of them and remembers her beloved student. In the office where her lectures are held today, she even created a stand, which she dedicated to Viktor Tsoi and his work.

Vocational school teachers also said that Victor did not like sports at all, and often skipped physical education classes and retired with his guitar not far from the gym or stadium. There was an assembly hall nearby, and Victor could often sit there for several hours, completely alone.


He shared them with friends, and with me in particular. And he was very worried that we would not be able to record this, and that his fans would not understand this music. He sometimes set impossible tasks, but we quickly implemented them, and this gave Tsoi an incentive to move forward. There were a lot of musicians around, but Tsoi rarely communicated with them, saying that they simply wouldn’t understand him,” the words of friend Alexei Vishny.

Group "Kino"

According to Alexander Titov, the secret of the group’s popularity was hidden by the personality of Viktor Tsoi:

“Victor is a very serious charismatic figure, he has always been like that: in childhood, in his youth, with his family and on stage. It took him a long time to form his image. I was invited to the group just at the end of the romantic phase of his image, and the heroic phase began the moment I left Kino. This was in 1986.

He can only be compared with Vysotsky. I recently watched a documentary about Vysotsky and remembered that I knew him personally. This was our joint tour in, just a few weeks before his death. I was then a member of the group “Zemlyane”, it was a big hodgepodge concert. We talked with Vysotsky for a few minutes, and I was surprised at how charismatic, strict and concentrated a person he was, although at that moment he was already feeling bad, he was sick and did not hide it.

If you take Vysotsky and Viktor Tsoi, they are very similar people, they are endowed with such serious charisma and give such a message to their fans. In those years, the country needed a new hero, and, of course, Tsoi found himself in exactly that place and at that time.


Andrei Razin claims that despite his rapid rise and wild popularity, Victor never behaved like an arrogant person and was quite modest:

“Choi always understood people. There is no pathos in him, he did not feel like a star, like many representatives of the domestic stage. He knew the value of every ruble he earned, and did not, like me, invest 10 million in cars, did not buy property, did not build castles. He was a very modest artist who idolized his family, respected his father, wife, and child, loved his group very much, treated it very well, always understood, supported and forgave his colleagues. He was never arrogant, never flew above the clouds, always greeted and talked to everyone. There are no more people like Tsoi on our stage.”

About fans

According to musician and friend Tsoi Vishny, Victor was never very worried about fans.

“He often made fun of his rabid fans and never took them seriously. It’s just that when they started calling him, writing to him, giving him gifts and flowers, he became more unitary. It’s good when there is popularity, very good, but she was a tool for him. A tool that he was never able to use correctly,” Cherry’s words.

About plans for several years ahead

According to Vishny, Victor would certainly act in films again and again.

“He would have acted in films, because that’s what he did best, of course, after his performing talent. Well, that's my opinion, because he was very tired of writing songs. In principle, cinema would have saved him. It’s just that then I started acting in films and went to Japan and Tsoi came to me and said that he wanted to record a new album here. But Russia was everything to him, Tsoi was a true patriot, he loved his country and would never leave. Here all the roads, all the doors were open to him, he was loved, respected, listened to, worshiped,” the comrade shares.

The love of his life

Natalya Razlogova is Victor’s last love.

According to Vishny, Tsoi simply could not help but fall in love with her:

“This woman is on a completely different level. Victor couldn't help but go crazy; he couldn't help but conquer it. She is hidden, does not engage in idle chatter, but she has a real intellectual bomb in her head. She is a book that you want to read, which is why Natalya impressed the rock legend so much. Besides, I don’t know how true this is, Natasha was not interested in the work of Kino, and did not know all the songs by heart.”

About death

In the death of the legend, everyone is looking for traces of mysticism and signs of fatality: no drugs or alcohol were found in the blood, as well as traces of braking. The cause of death was a car accident; Victor fell asleep at the wheel.

Joseph Prigozhin knew Tsoi through Yuri Aizenshpis, and bought that car with him. “We bought it together, that car, it was at the Moskvich plant somewhere in the Tekstilshchikov area. Aizenshpis gave me money, I remember that I didn’t even count it. As Yura gave it to me, he gave it to the seller. At that time it was a very expensive and popular car, and the color was beautiful, rare, truly exclusive. And since Victor didn’t really want to ride it, and was afraid of the road, he asked: “Prigozhin, can you bring her to me?” And we went shopping with him,” recalls Joseph.

Those who knew Victor claim that death was prescribed for him by fate

“The accident had to happen. I think that if he had not fallen asleep in the car then, a week or a year later he would have been killed, drowned, or accidentally been run over by a car. That is, this is such a fate, it couldn’t have happened otherwise,” the words of journalist Evgeny Dodolev.

Here are some more interesting facts that we managed to find about this legendary performer

  1. Date of birth: June 21, 1962.
  2. Father - Robert Maksimovich Tsoi - worked as an engineer. Mother - Valentina Vasilievna Guseva - taught physical education. In his life, Tsoi changed several educational institutions, moving with his mother from school to school.
  3. The father gave his son his first guitar when he graduated from fifth grade.
  4. The guy put together his first musical group when he entered the 8th grade, and wrote his first composition on the day he came of age.
  5. Bruce Lee influenced Tsoi because he loved to watch and even became interested in martial arts and mastered karate techniques. The guy’s idols were Mikhail Boyarsky and Vladimir Vysotsky.
  6. The legend's favorite color is black, flowers are yellow roses.
  7. Victor did not like the cold; he could not calmly look at the blood.
  8. Tsoi went to the Serov Art School for only 12 months, but he was expelled due to poor academic performance. At that moment, the parents sided with their son and told him to do what he was passionate about. Victor never had a higher education.
  9. After studying at a vocational school, he was sent to work in the restoration workshop of the Catherine Palace in Pushkin.

Dear readers, if you have ideas and suggestions for new interesting topics that you would like to explore soon, write to me! Subscribe to the blog and invite your friends. Together - we are force! See you soon.

Text - Agent Q.

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This chapter, according to the author's tradition, should have been devoted to a detailed analysis and analysis of Viktor Tsoi's horoscope for compliance of the time of birth declared by the author with the circumstances of the life and mental constitution of the Poet, as was done after the rectification of the horoscopes of Mayakovsky, Yesenin and Vysotsky.

First - the facts!

But this is not the case with Tsoi: in order to further trace and correlate the circumstances of death (VIII house) and the place of death (IV house) of Viktor Tsoi, it is advisable to precede the “stalker” block with horoscopic analysis and analysis.

Now it makes sense to “start from the end” and examine in detail Tsoi’s injuries, received on August 15, 1990 as a result of a fatal accident on the 35th kilometer of Sloka - Talsi with a regular Ikarus.

From the report of the inspection of the scene of the car accident: “The deceased Moskvich driver was wearing a training suit made in China, a black T-shirt, a red sports jacket, black woolen socks and red rubber boots.”

Tsoi's injuries according to the Death Certificate

Viktor Tsoi's body was completely disfigured on the right side (hereinafter, bold italics are mine - Lomov): numerous fractures of the limbs.

The right side of the forehead is broken, the right eye is leaking...

“Death certificate of Tsoi V.

To Act No. 76

Blood was taken for testing to determine group affiliation.

Court. honey. expert / signature / Simanovsky A.

General list of Tsoi's injuries

Severe combined trauma of the body: open severe traumatic brain injury, fractures of the facial and cerebral skull bones,

severe contusion of the brain with crushing of the frontal lobe, extensive subarachnoid hemorrhage and contusion of the soft tissues of the head, bruised wounds, facial abrasions,

fracture of the right humerus, right femur, both shin bones on the right, both 2 ribs on the right , rupture of the spleen, multiple abrasions of the body, head and incised wounds of the extremities, edema of the lungs and brain.


Based on the forensic medical examination of the corpse of Mr. Tsoi V., and taking into account the results of laboratory tests and the circumstances of the death, I come to the following conclusion:

1. During the examination of the corpse of Mr. Tsoi V., the following bodily injuries were discovered -

Bones of the head - comminuted fracture of the bones of the head and facial skull. Severe brain contusion with crushing of the frontal lobes. Extensive hemorrhage under the soft membranes of the head, bruise of the soft tissues of the head, incised wounds, facial abrasions.

Chest bones - fractures of both collarbones, 1-2 ribs on the right , extensive abrasions of the chest.

Abdominal area - splenic rupture, extensive abrasions

Attention - damage to the right side of Tsoi's body!

Limb bones - fractures of the right humerus, right femur, both bones of the right leg, multiple abrasions, bruises and cut wounds.

2. The death of Mr. Tsoi V. was violent, occurred on August 15, 1990, due to combined severe blunt trauma to the body in the form of a comminuted fracture of the bones of the brain and facial skull, severe contusion of the brain with crushing of the frontal lobes;

extensive hemorrhage under the soft meninges, fractures humerus, femur, both bones of the leg on the right, chest and abdominal injuries with a ruptured spleen, fractures of both collarbones and 2 ribs.

Etymology of Tsoi's damage

3. Bodily injuries on the corpse of Mr. Tsoi V. of intravital origin could have occurred immediately before death, in the conditions of a road traffic accident when the victim was in the car during a collision with a road obstacle, for example , with an oncoming bus.

Traumatic brain injury is obtained as a result of the impact-traumatic impact of hard blunt objects, for example, deformed parts of a car, with subsequent compression of the head in the anterior-posterior direction.

Fractures of the bones of the right shoulder, right hip, right leg, collarbone and ribs on the right , bruised body wounds also arose from the impact-traumatic impact of hard blunt objects - protruding parts of the car interior.

Direction of traumatic force

Multiple abrasions on the front surface of the body caused by sliding/friction/on an uneven surface of blunt objects.

The traumatic force affected

4. By its nature, the totality of bodily injuries is classified as serious, as life-threatening. There is a direct cause-and-effect relationship between the injuries received and the causes of death...”


The key circumstances of the pathological report of the examination of the corpse of Viktor Tsoi regarding the injuries caused are as follows:

1) Bone fractures right shoulder, right hips, right shins, clavicles and ribs on the right ;

2) The traumatic force affected front to back and right to left (!).

Right side kick!

Predominant damage to the extent of fractures of the bones of the right side of the body is the ultimate evidence of a destructive external influence on the right side relative to Tsoi.

Such an impact could have been caused either by a direct side collision to the right side of the Moskvich, or by a front bumper collision from the side of its right headlight.

The kind indication in the conclusion about the traumatic impact from front to back and from right to left completely eliminates the variability of lateral impact.

Right headlight!

On this basis, the collision of Tsoi’s “Moskvich” with a regular “Ikarus”, as a result of which the Poet was inflicted with injuries incompatible with life, occurred as a result of a front bumper collision in the area where his, “Moskvich”’s, right headlight was localized!

And further deformation...

After this impact, the deformed protruding parts of the engine compartment and interior of the car began to move inertially and, moving in the direction “from front to back and from right to left,”

reached the driver's seat, where, as a result of the shock-traumatic impact, they caused Viktor Tsoi injuries incompatible with life.

13:59 16.08.2010

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A Moskvich is rushing along a forest road at great speed, from where loud music can be heard... Quite suddenly, the car hits a fence and then flies into oncoming traffic, where an intercity Ikarus is slowly moving. Hit!

As the police report states, the collision of a dark blue Moskvich-2141 car (I 6832 MN) with a regular bus Ikarus-280 (0518 VRN) (driver - Fibiks Janis) occurred on August 15, 1990 at 11:28 at 35 -th kilometer of the Sloka – Talei highway. The car was moving along the highway at a speed of at least 130 km/h; the driver, Viktor Robertovich Tsoi, lost control. The death of Comrade Tsoi occurred instantly, the bus driver was not injured...

What happened seconds before the collision? What happened was reconstructed in sufficient detail, thanks to the reports of police experts and reports from witnesses who visited the scene of the incident: the car was rushing at great speed along a forest road (as it is considered to be according to official maps), the side of the road is compacted sand, with a small concrete road ahead a bridge that crosses either a river, a stream, or an ordinary ditch.

Suddenly, the car flies off to the side of the road (witnesses and reports note distinct tread marks in the sand), touches a concrete pillar and, pushing off from an obstacle, flies into the oncoming lane. We need to slow down! But the driver continues to move, although there is a closed turn ahead... This turn is hidden by the intercity Ikarus, which the Moskvich will collide with in a few seconds, and experts will not find any traces of the car braking...

“A passenger car of the Zhiguli-Sputnik type (Moskvich-2141 is similar to this car - author’s note) rushed past me on the highway at great speed. Its speed was no lower than 100 kilometers per hour. I say this with confidence, because I myself am a motorist with almost 35 years of experience. Immediately a terrible roar was heard. When I ran up, I saw a completely wrecked passenger car and a crumpled bus,” adds Arturs Neimanis, a witness to the disaster, to the picture.

But why does the driver of the car, Viktor Tsoi, first ram a concrete pillar, and then, having driven into oncoming traffic, do not brake? Some believe that the leader of the Kino group (the group itself was then at the zenith of fame) allowed himself to drink alcohol: it is officially known that the famous singer was returning from a morning fishing trip, and for a Russian it is difficult to separate vodka and fishing... But Tsoi’s friends and judicial Doctors categorically deny this.

Here is an excerpt from the official conclusion: “Viktor Robertovich Tsoi was absolutely sober on the eve of his death. In any case, he did not drink alcohol during the last 48 hours before his death. Analysis of brain cells suggests that he fell asleep while driving, probably due to fatigue.” And the musician’s friends unanimously add: “He was quite calm about drinking, as well as about any kind of stimulants, despite popular belief.”

“Very often, drivers fall asleep at cruising speed,” traffic police inspector Alexander Maslov comments on the conclusion of forensic doctors. “There is no need to change gears and, if the road is straight enough, the body relaxes... Those who survived such incidents note that an absolute illusion of driving is created, but the person is actually sleeping! Perhaps something similar happened to the musician..."

But those close to the idol of Soviet youth doubt: is it really possible to fall asleep at such a speed? “I personally think this is unlikely, because it’s a 15-minute drive from the lake where he fished to the dacha,” the musician’s father, Robert Tsoi, once said. “Maybe he lost control, couldn’t control the speed... I know that he composed songs everywhere, right on the go. Who knows, maybe just at that moment it dawned on him and he forgot about this turn. But there is no exact answer. So all sorts of ridiculous rumors are born.”

The first and only wife of the rock idol, Maryana, shares a similar opinion: “Tsoi couldn’t fall asleep at the wheel! Perhaps, on that fateful morning, Vitya was not just in a dream, but in a state of some kind of euphoria, elation, his soul sang, and he relaxed for a second, got distracted...” The radio tape recorder could have made the frontman of the Kino group distracted - by On the way, the musician listened to a cassette on which the band’s new songs had been recorded literally the day before.

This cassette will be discovered by the band’s guitarist Yuri Kasparyan: “We were on the road near Tukums, near Riga... The only surviving parts were the trunk lid with unbroken glass, the rear axle and a compact cassette with a recording of the new album that we wrote in Riga. It was a rough recording...” Later, the draft would be processed, mixed and released on the “Black Album” record, which would instantly become a bestseller and sell millions of copies.

Another version of the death of Viktor Tsoi: he simply did not have enough skill and experience. “He had little driving experience,” says Robert Tsoi, whose statement is confirmed by producer Joseph Prigozhin, who was friends with the leader of the Kino group: “He was not an avid motorist. At least, it seems that before the ill-fated Moskvich, in which he crashed, he did not have a car - I drove him in my G8. And we bought the Moskvich together..."

“At that time, there was a real boom in Moskvich cars, they were considered the latest in fashion, and so it was difficult to buy them easily. Yuri Aizenshpis (producer of “Kino” - author’s note) came to an agreement with the plant, and we drove up to AZLK to pick up the car. They gave 32 and a half thousand rubles,” adds Prigozhin. “It was, I think, in May 1990. So Vitka only drove his car for three months. I think he only put a couple of thousand kilometers on it...”

“The Moskvich’s mileage counter stopped at 3,400 kilometers,” former producer of the Kino group Yuri Belishkin corrects his colleague, and traffic police inspector Alexander Maslov explains: “Even with innate talent, having driven for several months and driven several thousand kilometers, it is impossible to become a good driver – much more experience is needed. Here, perhaps, there was a lack of skill, the characteristics of the car and the road situation..."

The road situation, by the way, cannot be called favorable: a forest road, a sandy roadside, a sharp turn where the legendary musician died, neither then nor now is not marked with signs, and at the very turn there is a building that greatly limits visibility... “If Viti had a driver or a bodyguard, he would have felt a surge of inspiration and could have handed over the steering wheel to him, and the tragedy would not have happened,” the mother of the rock idol, Valentina Tsoi, would later say.

But this did not happen: there was neither a security guard nor a driver and there could not have been - a different time, different morals... And therefore, all that remains is to state the facts: on August 15, 1990 at 11:28 am the leader of the Kino group died from his injuries at the scene of the accident . Rumors will immediately appear about a conspiracy of security officers, about the witchcraft of psychics, but the opinion of experts and eyewitnesses is unanimous: Viktor Tsoi either fell asleep or was distracted, and the speed of movement turned out to be too high for the musician to survive...

Ivan Shcherbakov

On August 15, 1990, on the 35th kilometer of the Sloka-Talsi highway, Viktor Tsoi died as a result of a collision between an Ikarus bus and a dark blue Muscovite. He was driving at night from fishing. According to the official version, the singer fell asleep at the wheel, which was the cause of the accident.

Viktor Tsoi had no musical education. Moreover, he did not have any higher education at all. He was born into an ordinary St. Petersburg family, no different from hundreds of others like him. His parents are ordinary working people. But this man wrote songs that not only resonated in the souls of many, and continue to do so to this day, but became a kind of teaching that is alive to this day. Tsoi's death occurred on August 15, 1990. What did the singer do during the last 12 hours of his life, and what caused his death?

Last day in Latvia

In a fishing village in Latvia, houses have no numbers, only names. One of these houses called “Zeltini” was rented by Viktor Tsoi in the summer of 1990 with his common-law wife Natalya Razlogova and his son from his first marriage, Alexander. On that fateful day, August 15, 1990, Victor and Natalya sat up late talking. Even the early fishing trip that Tsoi was planning on that day could not become a reason to go to bed early.

Victor met Natalya Razlogova in 1986 on the set of the film “Assa”. There she worked as an assistant. At the time they met, Tsoi was already a rock idol of Soviet youth and a symbol of protest against the existing regime. But Razlogova was not a simpleton. Tsoi met a 30-year-old journalist, a brilliant linguist and polymath. This was a highly educated, young, attractive woman with whom it was impossible not to fall in love. And so it happened: Tsoi was captivated by intelligence and beauty, which were so harmoniously combined in one woman.

At 1:15 am in the Latvian house Zeltini on August 15, 1990, the lights finally went out. There was a bottle of wine left on the table. A few hours later, everyone will be guessing and expressing the probable causes of the death of Viktor Tsoi, the idol of millions. And the very first version will be that the singer drank alcohol the day before. But the examination carried out at that time showed that Tsoi had not consumed alcohol over the past 48 hours.

Where it all began

Tsoi never stood out for his hectic party life. At the beginning of his path to fame and glory, he was an ordinary young man, in whom the future rock idol of millions was absolutely not discernible. On the contrary, according to the memoirs of contemporaries, he was rather a closed, self-complexed young man. The reasons for these complexes were both the unusual appearance, different from everyone else, and the formation of a pet.

In the early 80s, Tsoi was an ordinary Soviet guy who, like everyone else, lived a student life with fun and gatherings until the morning, but still never felt like he belonged in them. Even from early childhood, Victor felt the excessive attention of others. He went to kindergarten with hysterics, and the situation at school was not the best: he was teased as Japanese and yellow-faced. All this did not lead to the formation of a self-confident person, and subsequently resulted in isolation and shyness.

Victor liked to stay in the shadows and observe those around him without drawing attention to himself. And then he gradually began to write poetry and select chords for them. The first guitar he picked up was his father's. He showed him how to play a couple of chords. And then Tsoi did not need the assistance of outsiders, because he felt in music like a fish in water.

He changed several educational institutions: at first it was the Art School. Serov, from which he was subsequently expelled, then vocational school, where he studied to become a woodcarver. Tsoi came out of it with a certificate of completion instead of a diploma. This educational institution still houses the singer’s unfinished work. But the only thing that Victor did not part with in those years, and with which he felt in his place, was the guitar and the song.

Work and creativity

On August 15, 1990, at 4:30 in the morning, in a Latvian house without a number, Tsoi was getting ready to go fishing. He tried to do this quietly so as not to wake up his relatives, but Natalya and her son Sasha woke up anyway. Victor invited his son to go with him. Usually the boy happily agreed, but this time he said that he didn’t get enough sleep and didn’t want to go. At these moments, Natalya and her son saw him for the last time.

Tsoi could not be called an avid fisherman; he could never boast of a rich catch, and he did not particularly strive for it. For the singer, fishing was more of a way to retire and be alone with his thoughts.

In general, he was a modest and a little reserved person, he never tried to stand out from the crowd, and was shy. He expressed himself in his songs. But this modesty and shyness did not prevent him from defending his life principles and views.

In his interviews, Victor said that he did not choose to work professionally on stage, for which he could receive official government money, because he had to compromise. Tsoi refused such official employment. But it was impossible not to work at that time, and he had to officially work. Tsoi has worked in all sorts of ways. Everyone knows that he was a brilliant musician and singer of his time, but not everyone knows that Tsoi had to work in addition:

  • on the restoration of the Yekaterinburg Palace;
  • a cleaner in a bathhouse;
  • fireman in the Kamchatka boiler room.

The singer liked the last profession the most, because it freed up time to do what he loved - music. This period was the most fruitful in the work of the Kino group.

Family life

At 4:45 a.m. on August 15, Viktor Tsoi put the fishing rods in the car and drove to the nearest lake. The further he drove from the house, the more he was enveloped in silence, in which he had been able to be much less often lately.

With Gorbachev coming to power, the spirit of freedom was breathed in the country, and much of what was previously prohibited was given the green light. At this time, Tsoi participated in various projects and worked constantly. He actively acted in films, including the famous film “Assa”.

On August 15, 1990 at 11:05 am Tsoi was getting ready to go home from fishing. The catch was not rich - only a couple of fish. The sun was already hot. Victor got behind the wheel of the car, thinking that now he would go to the sea with his son Sasha.

The singer idolized his son. Starting from the age of three, he constantly took it with him on vacation. And even when the first marriage began to fall apart at the seams, he still constantly took his son with him, and never rested without him.

Victor’s first wife, a short one who bore him a son, was Maryana Radovanskaya, a make-up artist and administrator of the Kino group. Maryana was three years older than Victor, and had already been married once. Tsoi’s parents didn’t quite like this, as the singer’s father later admitted. Problems began immediately after marriage: there was a catastrophic lack of money to live on. Maryana hoped that after the wedding Tsoi would continue to be active in creative work, but the family hearth was enough for him.

The singer did not seek to break off the relationship until Natalya Razlogova appeared in his life. The first marriage was over, and Tsoi finally moved from Leningrad to Moscow to his new lover.

Razlogova had a great influence on Viktor Tsoi. She influenced the formation of the image that fans remember to this day: the image of a dark, lonely knight without fear or reproach.


On August 15, 1990 at 11:37 in the morning, Viktor Tsoi’s car was rapidly approaching that fatal, deadly turn, after which his life would end and the memory of a singer with an unlimited life would be born. This turn turned out to be irresistible. The last few years before this turn, life presented Tsoi with a straight, bright road only upward to the peak of glory:

  • in the early 80s, the Kino group recorded their album in France;
  • Tsoi toured the USA;
  • The film “Needle,” in which Tsoi starred, took second place at the box office;
  • At the film festival in Odessa, the singer was recognized as the best actor in the USSR.

Two months before Tsoi crashed, his concert took place in Luzhniki. It was a global event. All tickets were sold out: the stadium was filled to capacity. For the first time since the Olympics, the Olympic flame was lit. It was a complete and unconditional confession.

Testing with copper pipes has begun. Since 1989, Yuri Aizenshpis has become the producer of the Kino group. He recalled that when he started working with Tsoi, the Kino group was not even listed on the official lists of the Ministry of Culture. Aizenshpis, who had numerous connections, took the group to a new level. Constant touring and television filming began. Fame was inexorably on his heels.

There was no talk of financial problems now. Victor gave his parents 9 thousand to buy a new Zhiguli car. He bought himself a dark blue Muscovite - the latest in fashion at that time. It was on it that the singer was approaching that fateful turn on the morning of August 15, 1990.

At 11:38, on the 35th kilometer of the Sloka-Talsi highway, Tsoi’s car flew into the oncoming lane at a turn and collided with an Ikarus 250 bus. Tsoi died on the spot from a frontal impact.

Memories of the day of death

The driver of Ikarus recalls that on that day it was as if someone had specifically directed him along this particular route. Trying to avoid a collision, the bus driver turned sharply to the right, but a fatal accident could not be avoided. Ikarus ended up in the river, and the singer’s car was thrown 11 meters back towards the bridge. The Ikarus driver escaped with bruises. He immediately ran to Tsoi’s car: he couldn’t open the door. From above he saw a man lying. According to the bus driver, the fatal blow fell on the singer's head.

Only the rear bumper remained intact from Tsoi's car. The engine was behind the bridge. Found at the scene of the accident:

  • three fishing rods;
  • columns;
  • record player;
  • documentation;
  • money;
  • two small fish.

This is all that remains of the car in which Viktor Tsoi crashed.

The bus driver only found out at the traffic police department that the Muscovite was driving the idol of millions. Then he lived in the Latvian outback and was not interested in music. After the tragedy, on every anniversary, he comes to that ill-fated place and reads an excerpt from Tsoi’s song written on the monument: “Death is worth living. Love is worth the wait."

Tsoi's father recalls that he learned about the car accident while he was fishing. By a fatal coincidence or by the will of fate, father and son were doing the same thing, only in different places. According to Robert Tsoi, he heard that his son had crashed via the Mayak radio station. At first he couldn’t believe his ears and until recently thought that some kind of mistake had occurred. There was no mobile phone service back then, and in order to find out anything, you had to get to the nearest telephone booth. The tragic news was confirmed to Tsoi’s father by the singer’s first wife, Maryana.

Various versions have been put forward about what actually happened:

  • fell asleep at the wheel;
  • killed;
  • At the time of his death, the singer was changing the cassette in the tape recorder.

As a result of the investigation, the official version was announced that the singer fell asleep at the wheel from extreme fatigue. He did not have a cassette with a demo version of a new music album. This was confirmed by the band's guitarist.

Singer's funeral

Tsoi was buried 4 days later in the Leningrad cemetery. The singer passed away at the age of 28. Tsoi’s mother recalled that she did not fully believe in the fact of her son’s death, and considered the whole story to be made up. Only when he came to say goodbye to her in a dream did she realize that she would never see him again.

Memory of Tsoi

The memory of the singer began to live immediately, literally from the moment of the funeral. Fans created the famous wall, where they still remember the singer, putting various inscriptions and drawings on the wall. To this day, Tsoi's songs are covered by modern performers.

Tsoi left at the turn of the era and became its sign. Exactly a year after the singer’s death, the Soviet Union collapsed. The changes he sang about began to happen. Tsoi himself said in an interview that in his songs he tries to convey to people an understanding and awareness of inner freedom. Freedom that does not depend on circumstances. It should be in every person, regardless of time. For us, he will forever remain a hero from a past life.
