Baysarov Ruslan Boyko Yulia. Ruslan Baysarov

Russian businessman, founder and general director of JSC Tuva Energy Industrial Corporation (JSC TEPK), owner of a controlling stake in the group of companies SK Most, specializing in the construction of infrastructure facilities. Ruslan Baysarov is among the TOP 200 richest businessmen in Russia.

Childhood, education

Ruslan Sulimovich Baysarov was born on August 9, 1968 in the village of Prigorodnoye, Grozny district, Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic.

Ruslan Baysarov's father is Sulim Baysarov. The entrepreneur's mother is Kasirat. The biography of Ruslan Baysarov on Wikipedia states that he belongs to one of the most numerous and originally Chechen teips, Khacharoy. It is also known that the Baysarov family had many children.

Although Ruslan Baysarov’s family was not rich, the future businessman already in childhood was distinguished by an enviable entrepreneurial spirit. In an interview, Ruslan Sulimovich said that as a child he made money by selling apples, which he bought from watchmen in state orchards. The scale is small, but the beginning of entrepreneurial activity, one might say, has been made.

After receiving secondary education, Ruslan Baysarov went to Moscow. At that time he was only 16 years old. In the capital in 1985, Ruslan Sulimovich entered the Moscow Institute of Civil Engineering, as he later recalled in an interview - at the insistence of his older brother. And then he began a business career, like other enterprising young people during the years of perestroika.

A year later, Baysarov had to take a temporary break from business and education, since two years of military service in the army appeared in his biography. After that, as stated in the biography of Ruslan Baysarov on Wikipedia, he transferred to the Grozny Petroleum Institute named after. Academician M.D. Millionshchikova. The businessman graduated from this higher educational institution in 1996 with a diploma in economic engineering.

But even after becoming a famous entrepreneur and achieving success, Ruslan Baysarov does not stop learning. In 2001, the businessman received a master's degree in sociology from Moscow State University. And more recently, in 2018, Ruslan Sulimovich became a candidate of technical sciences at the National Research Technological University "MISiS". Who knows, perhaps these are not Baysarov’s last academic degrees and he will want to get additional education at one of the reputable universities.

Business career

Russian entrepreneur of Chechen origin Ruslan Baysarov, like many others in the 80s, began his business career with the sale of office equipment, in particular, the sale of computers. In an interview with Vedomosti, Ruslan Baysarov said that at first he sold foreign products, cookies, and candies. “We had a large team: programmers, guys with knowledge of English, who adapted computers for Russian users,” Baysarov recalled the beginning of his business career.

The biography of Ruslan Baysarov on the AiF website notes that the businessman first invested the money he earned in the entertainment sector, opening a beauty salon in the World Trade Center on Krasnopresnenskaya Embankment in Moscow. In fact, it was the beauty salon that became Ruslan Baysarov’s first business project, which he himself repeatedly talked about in interviews.

Wikipedia says that Baisarov opened the first Japanese restaurant in Russia at WTC. There were also

  • casino;
  • a nightclub that quickly turned into one of the most fashionable places in Moscow at that time;
  • parking.

Ruslan's partners were the famous director Fyodor Bondarchuk and actor Stepan Mikhalkov, with whom he created the Infant Silver company in 1997. By the way, Baysarov carried his friendship with Bondarchuk through the years. Together, the businessman and the director were engaged in charitable projects, which will be discussed later.

In the photo: Ruslan Baysarov (Photo: press service of TEPK JSC)

Despite the successes in the entertainment business with WTC, after some time the entrepreneur decided to change his field of activity to a more reputable one. It was then that the specialized oil business appeared in the biography of Ruslan Baysarov (let us recall that he was educated at the Oil Institute in Grozny).

The entrepreneur also began to rapidly gain positions in this area. Already in the late 90s, Baysarov’s company “Infant” increased refining volumes at the Moscow Oil Refinery to an impressive 1.5 million tons. The biography of the businessman on says that among the clients of Ruslan Baysarov’s company there were not only two thousand gas stations in Russia, but also government agencies and various other organizations.

This success did not go unnoticed and led to the fact that soon after entering the oil business, Ruslan Sulimovich Baysarov became vice-president of the Moscow Fuel Association, which included about 50 organizations that together controlled 75% of the Moscow fuel market. Apparently, organizational activity also turned out to be suitable for a businessman, because at the same time the position of member of the board of directors of the Russian Fuel Union (RTS) appeared in the biography of Ruslan Baysarov.

The entrepreneur's further track record inspires respect. In 2001, Ruslan Sulimovich became vice-president of the Moscow Oil Company, then his biography included similar posts in such enterprises as the Central Fuel Company and the Moscow Oil and Gas Company. In 2007, the position of first vice-president of MNGK appeared in Ruslan Baysarov’s career.

Baysarov’s effectiveness as an entrepreneur can be easily judged by the transactions that were covered in economic news. For example, in 2008, Ruslan Sulimovich Baysarov acquired part of the assets of Sibir Energy. At that time, the company owned a stake in the Moscow Refinery and a network of 134 gas stations in the capital and region. Just two years later, his share was bought by Gazprom Neft, valuing it at a round sum of $740 million, notes Wikipedia. Buying an asset on time and selling it no less on time is, perhaps, a talent not inherent in every businessman.

Since 2011, a new and, perhaps, the most intense stage in the biography of Ruslan Baysarov began - he took the post of general director of the Tuvan Energy Industrial Corporation CJSC, or, as they say in abbreviated form, TEPK. Thus, Baysarov took a not-so-obvious step and switched from oil to coal, but this turned out to be a justified decision and allowed the businessman to reach a new level. In 2013, the company acquired a license to develop the largest Elegest coal deposit in Tuva. The reserves of this deposit are estimated at 855 million tons.

In the photo: Ruslan Baysarov during a working meeting (Photo: press service of TEPK JSC)

At the same time, TEPK not only extracts raw materials in the region, but is also actively involved in the development of adjacent infrastructure, investing in long-term projects. It is planned that in the Republic of Tyva will be built

  • railway line Elegest - Kyzyl - Kuragino, length 410 km;
  • mining and processing plant with a capacity of 15 tons per year;
  • a coal port terminal of similar capacity in the Khabarovsk Territory, also included in the complex project.

All these facilities, according to preliminary estimates, can be put into operation in 2023.

The work is progressing quite quickly, so the deadlines look quite realistic. Thus, in 2018, TEPK Kyzyl-Kuragino JSC was created, headed by Ruslan Baysarov. In the same year, the Federal Agency for Railway Transport entered into a concession agreement with this company for the financing, creation and operation of public railway transport infrastructure facilities on the Elegest-Kyzyl-Kuragino railway line.

The Ministry of Economic Development already calls this transport project one of the largest in the region and hopes that it will help to significantly increase its attractiveness and improve the economy. Once the railway reaches its design capacity, it will be possible to transport more than 15 million tons of cargo per year.

Perhaps this work pushed the businessman to start a construction business in addition to the energy sector. In 2015, Ruslan Baysarov acquired shares of a large construction concern - the SK Most Group of Companies. In 2016, Baysarov’s share in this group of companies was 56%, he became the chairman of the board of directors of USK Most JSC.

In the photo: Ruslan Baysarov at a meeting of the government Russian-Chinese commission on investment cooperation (Photo: press service of IC Most)

The group's companies are engaged in various construction projects, often of a high level of complexity and strategic importance for the country. Thus, they currently have such an impressive list of federal-level projects to their credit, such as

  • laying the Second Baikal Tunnel as part of the modernization of the BAM and Trans-Siberian Railways;
  • construction of trans-border bridges across the Amur “Nizhneleninskoye - Tongjiang” and “Blagoveshchensk - Heihe”, which will connect Russia with China;
  • re-equipment of the Sakhalin railway gauge to the all-Russian standard (yes, its width still differs from the standard 1520 mm);
  • construction of facilities at the Arctic sea port "Sabetta" as part of the Yamal LNG project and others.

In the photo: Ruslan Baysarov with Jack Ma (Photo: from personal archive)

By the way, divisions of the SK Most Group of Companies are also working in the capital - they are engaged in the expansion of the Moscow Metro, new stations of which have been actively built in recent years.

To understand the scale of construction, it is enough to say that only within the framework of the construction of seaport facilities in the area of ​​​​the village of Sabetta, the total volume of dredging work amounted to about 70 million cubic meters. m. But as a result, this port on Yamal will ensure year-round navigation of gas carriers and their passage along the Northern Sea Route, which, in turn, will expand the export of Russian liquefied gas.

In addition, for several years now, GC SK Most has been performing the functions of a general contractor at the facilities of Russian Railways OJSC and has been carrying out construction and repair work on 13 of 17 railways. First of all, the company deals with bridges - if you had to travel by train across the Volga, Kama, Oka, Samara, Vyatka, Don and other rivers, most likely the divisions of the SK Most Group of Companies are responsible for their condition and uninterrupted operation. By the way, uninterrupted in the literal sense of the word - modern technologies of the enterprise allow repair work to be carried out without stopping traffic.

In the photo: Ruslan Baysarov signs an agreement with Oleg Belozerov (Photo: Sergey Konkov/TASS)

Personal life of Ruslan Baysarov

Ruslan Baysarov is married and has six children. The businessman’s first wife was model Tatyana Kovtun, with whom Baysarov’s eldest daughter, Kamila, was born in 1993.

In 1997, the businessman met Kristina Orbakaite, who, as hardly anyone in our country knows, is the daughter of Alla Pugacheva. At that time, Christina was already a famous singer. This marriage was not formalized, but the couple entered into a union according to the canons of Islam in a Moscow mosque. In 1998, the couple had a son, Denis. In 2003, the couple separated, but after a number of contradictions they managed to reach an amicable agreement on custody of their son.

In 2003, Ruslan Baysarov and Modus Vivendis agency model Alina Tsevina had another son, Ilman. And in 2005, as stated in the biography on Wikipedia, Ruslan gave birth to a girl from a girl named Yulia, who was named with the beautiful name Dali.

In 2009, Ruslan Baysarov married Madina Gaytaeva, who bore him two more sons - Amir and Amin. The marriage was officially registered in the village of Veduchi, Itum-Kalinsky district of the Chechen Republic. As reported in the news, Madina graduated from the Faculty of Economics and Finance of the Chechen State University. The girl’s mother worked as a teacher of Russian language and literature at school, and her father is the former head of the local administration of the Oktyabrsky district.

Income, charity

Ruslan Baysarov is involved in charity work. In 2009, as part of the “Good Event” charity dinner, he purchased the female role in his friend Fyodor Bondarchuk’s film “Stalingrad” for 200,000 euros - the amount became the largest in the auction, which was hosted by Andrei Malakhov and Nikolai Baskov.

Bondarchuk responded by buying a three-day hunting tour to the mountains of Chechnya, offered by Baysarov, for 10 thousand euros.

As the news wrote, the role was eventually given to a young talented actress. In total, 600 thousand euros were raised during the charity dinner. The money went to the treatment of children with cancer.

The biography of the famous entrepreneur Ruslan Baysarov too often comes down to that tiny part that is interesting to the yellow press. Meanwhile, the importance of this person in today's Russia is difficult to overestimate.

Considering that the general public is extremely willing to receive news from the lives of stars, Chechen entrepreneur Ruslan Baysarov is perceived by the public primarily as the former son-in-law of Alla Pugacheva and the father of the girls’ idol Denis Baysarov. Meanwhile, Ruslan Sulimovich himself is a very extraordinary figure, and his biography deserves a serious conversation, and not just mentions in gossip columns.

Childhood and stars

Baysarov Ruslan Sulimovich was born on August 9, 1968 in an ordinary large Chechen family of the Khacharoi teip. The boy differed from his peers in his energy and enterprise: “As long as I can remember, I have been making money all my life,” he recalls about selling apples in childhood. However, his first commercial projects did not prevent him from finishing school well and at the age of 17 coming to conquer the capital - enrolling in the Moscow Institute of Civil Engineering. But in those years, even full-time students were drafted, so Ruslan Baysarov spent two years in the army, and then decided to continue his studies closer to his native mountains - at the Grozny Oil Institute. Moscow knowledge also turned out to be useful - although in his student years Baysarov, like many then, began by trading computers, throughout his adult life he will be involved in oil and construction.

Despite the fact that the situation in the republic at that time was not conducive to academic studies, and in Moscow it was much safer, Ruslan Baysarov graduated from the Grozny Institute. Afterwards, in the capital, Baysarov opened a salon in the World Trade Center, then, together with Fyodor Bondarchuk, he became the owner of a nightclub, in general, he was at the center of Moscow social life. One of the main stars of the then capital, Kristina Orbakaite, daughter of Alla Pugacheva, could not resist the charms of this Chechen youth. Many were amazed then that the famous wife of Ruslan Baysarov agreed to formalize the relationship according to the Muslim rite. A year later, their son Denis was born, and although the marriage did not turn out to be strong, the boy grew up in an atmosphere of love. Now, at 21, he has become one of the most popular young people on Russian social networks. He probably has an enviable artistic future ahead of him, although it is possible that he will show interest in continuing his father’s work.

Finishing the topic of personal life, let’s say that Ruslan Baysarov later married a Chechen girl Madina Gaytaeva, everything is fine with them, they are raising their two sons, and in total the businessman has six children, and he takes an active part in the destinies of all six.

Oil and construction

Directors, fashion designers and singers are, of course, interesting and fun, but a man must do the real thing. At the turn of the century, Ruslan Baysarov went into the oil business:

  • founded the oil refining company "Infant",
  • was elected vice-president of the Moscow Fuel Association,
  • in 2001 he became vice-president of the Moscow Oil Company,
  • later – “Moscow Oil and Gas Company”,
  • even later - the Central Fuel Company.

Having accumulated vast experience in top management, in 2011 he founded the Tuvan Energy Industrial Corporation (TEC) - his first truly large project as an owner. And in 2015-16, Ruslan Baysarov acquired a controlling stake in the Most group of construction companies (GC SK Most), which is now associated with his name in business circles.

Infrastructure tasks of the Bridge

GC SK Most is now participating in the largest infrastructure projects in Russia - after all, it’s not for nothing that the head of the holding began to study as a builder. If you are not very interested in construction projects in remote corners, you can simply skip the next few paragraphs - it is enough to understand that any development of our economy becomes possible thanks to the work of strong people in harsh conditions:

  • One of the most famous projects of Ruslan Baysarov is a bridge between the village of Nizhneleninskoye in the Jewish Autonomous Region and the city of Tongjiang in China. For a second, the first ever crossing for trains across the border Amur River, the estimated load is 21 million tons of cargo per year, two and a half thousand tons per hour! The simpler and cheaper the exchange of goods with China is, the easier it will be for our entire country to diversify export flows, which is extremely important in the current circumstances.
  • The reconstruction of the BAM continues - older readers probably remember this great Komsomol construction project, which at first was the work of the whole country, then an object of ridicule for the enthusiasm of the fathers, and now - a vital artery between the center of the country and its east (if you think that the center is Moscow , look at the map). GC SK Most Ruslan Baysarov has built the Second Baikal Tunnel, the opening of which for trains is expected in the coming winter.
  • Ruslan Baysarov’s employees are busy with an unusual project in the Far East - expanding the gauge of the Sakhalin railway from the dwarf 1067 mm to the generally accepted 1520 mm in Russia. This will facilitate the delivery of goods across the legendary island, which means it will lead to an increase in trade turnover and, as a result, an increase in tax collection.

The first rails of Tuva

Passenger railways are practically not built in Russia - on the contrary, from time to time they “mothball” existing sections and reduce the number of trains. Now it is no longer possible to travel by commuter trains either from Murmansk to Sochi or from Moscow to Khabarovsk. And only Ruslan Baysarov is swimming against this current - the above-mentioned TEPK is now working on the country’s largest railway project - the 410-kilometer Elegest-Kyzyl-Kuragino highway in Tuva. Probably, not many readers will immediately show Tyva on the map - this republic is in 21st place in area among the regions of Russia, but only in 78th in population, and its gross regional product reaches 15 thousand rubles per person per month. The republic's infrastructure has significant potential for development: air traffic with Moscow appeared four years ago, and there are no railways at all. At the same time, the republic is rich in mineral raw materials, it can extract it, but the cost of delivering what is mined to buyers exceeds all reasonable figures. This problem is what the new railway is designed to solve. It will connect Tyva with the unified railway network of Russia and allow mining enterprises to finally breathe deeply.

Thanks to this, after the route is put into operation, the republic will gain 15 thousand new jobs, that is, almost 5% of the population of Tuva will receive stable, well-paid work. This is exactly how Russia’s true greatness is forged, not through sporting achievements and political squabbles.

Serbia and the Amur again

Let's briefly talk about other significant areas of work of Ruslan Baysarov and his SK Most Group of Companies and the companies included in this structure.

Another interesting project is the construction of a giant railway viaduct in Serbia. This country, although it is eager to join the European Union, still remains our closest European ally, and the assistance of a Russian enterprise in the construction of railway facilities for the high-speed route between Belgrade and Budapest will certainly not go unnoticed. At the moment, the project entrusted to Stroy-Trust by Ruslan Baysarov is one of the largest in Europe.

And in the spring of 2020, we are waiting for the ceremonial commissioning of the famous “Friendship Bridge” Blagoveshchensk - Heihe between Russia and China across the Amur River. This bridge will undoubtedly significantly revive the economy of the Amur region, simplify and reduce the cost of trade - it is not surprising that local residents are literally counting the days until the opening of traffic.

The successes of Ruslan Baysarov are not only his merit

It is clear that any business of this scale is not the merit of one person, but a complex of efforts of thousands, or even tens of thousands of specialists of various profiles and levels. And yet, as a rule, it takes one directing hand, one strong will, for all these people to organize for the accomplishment of gigantic tasks. Then tunnels, bridges, and railways appear in different parts of Russia, and then destruction and desolation are replaced by creation and prosperity.

Ruslan Baysarov is still quite young, he is 51 years old, most of the projects we have listed have been completed or are approaching completion, so in the foreseeable future we can expect big news from the SK Most Group of Companies - what other half-forgotten places will transport and civilization come to? Russia is big, you can explore it endlessly.

Ruslan Sulimovich is a famous Russian entrepreneur, founder of TEPK JSC, main shareholder and chairman of the board of directors of USK Most JSC. In 2019, he took 187th place in the Forbes ranking, his fortune was estimated at $0.5 billion.


After graduating from school, he entered the Moscow Institute of Civil Engineering named after V.V. Kuibyshev. As a sophomore he was drafted into the army, after demobilization, he continued his studies. In 1996 he graduated from the Grozny Oil Institute.

In 2001, he completed his master's degree at Moscow State University (sociologist), and in 2018 he received a Candidate of Technical Sciences degree from MISiS.

Labor activity

In the early 1990s, together with friends, he adapted foreign computers. After graduating from university, he became seriously involved in entrepreneurship. Implemented projects in the Moscow artistic community:
  • - beauty Studio;
  • - night club;
  • - the first Japanese restaurant in Russia.
His partners at that time were Fyodor Bondarchuk and Stepan Mikhalkov.

In the 2000s, he worked in the oil industry, mainly as a vice president of large companies.

In 2011, he founded the Tuvan Energy Industrial Corporation (TEC) and became a successful manager. The corporation is building a mining and processing plant on Elegest with total coal reserves of 855 million tons, building a transshipment terminal near Cape Burny in the Khabarovsk Territory and laying the first Elegest-Kyzyl-Kuragino railway in Tuva.

Most Group of Companies carries out infrastructure projects on a national scale, the largest of those already completed:

  • - the world's largest cable-stayed bridge to Russky Island across the Eastern Bosphorus Strait;
  • - combined high-speed road and railway line Adler - Krasnaya Polyana.
At the moment, the SK Most group of companies, under the leadership of Russian businessman Ruslan Baysarov, is implementing a lot of projects designed to improve the infrastructure situation and develop the regions of Russia and Europe. This is due to the high level of trust in the person of Ruslan Sulimovich not only within our country, but also in the international arena, which allows us to freely develop a construction holding throughout the entire continent of Eurasia.

Some of the ongoing work:

  • - bridges across the Amur River - railway in the Jewish Autonomous Region and road in the Amur region;
  • - the second Baikal tunnel on the BAM;
  • - alteration of tracks from 1067 mm gauge to standard 1520 mm in Russia and modernization of railway infrastructure on Sakhalin;
  • - excavation of running tunnels in the Moscow metro on the new Nekrasovskaya line with a unique 10-meter-diameter shield;
  • - railway viaduct in Serbia on the international highway Belgrade - Budapest.


He does not advertise his good deeds. One of the few facts known to the public is that the entrepreneur won an unusual charity auction, at which an episodic female role was played in Fyodor Bondarchuk’s film “Stalingrad,” which was then being filmed. The role was given to a little-known actress, and the 200 thousand euros paid were donated to a children's oncology clinic.

Ratings and personal fortune

For more than five years he has been among the 200 richest businessmen in Russia according to the Forbes ranking. Between 2014 and 2018, his fortune was estimated at $0.9 billion.

Personal life

The businessman has six children, whom he raises himself. His second wife is most famous - singer Kristina Orbakaite, daughter of Alla Pugacheva. The story of signing an agreement to raise their son Denis was on the front pages of the tabloids.

Now he is married to Madina Gaytaeva, they have two sons together. On family holidays, all the children still gather at their father's house.

Ruslan Sulimovich Baysarov is a Russian entrepreneur of Chechen origin, a former common-law husband. Born on August 9, 1968 in the large Chechen family of Sulima and Kasirat Baysarov in the Grozny district of the Chechen Republic, in the village of Prigorodnoye. Ruslan is a born representative of the Chechen teip Khacharoy.


Baysarov moved to Moscow immediately after school. He entered the Moscow Construction and Engineering Institute. In 1986, Ruslan was drafted into the army, after demobilization he was transferred to the Grozny Oil Institute named after. Academician M.D. Millionshchikov to the Faculty of Engineering and Economics, from which he graduated in 1996.

Ruslan Baysarov, photo - Alexey Vitvitsky

Five years later, Ruslan Baysarov received a master's degree in sociology at Moscow State University, and in 2018 he defended his PhD in technical sciences at the National Research Technological University "MISiS".


Ruslan Baysarov's first business project is the creation of a beauty studio. The salon was located in the World Trade Center, where the young businessman subsequently met. In the mid-90s, together with an aspiring director and actor, Baysarov created the closed gaming club “Infant Silver”.

Businessman Ruslan Baysarov (photo from the personal archive of Ruslan Baysarov)

In those years, Ruslan rented several facilities at WTC for a sports complex, a nightclub and a casino. There, Baysarov will organize the first Japanese restaurant in Russia.

In the late 1990s, Ruslan Baysarov went into the oil business, began working with the Moscow Oil Refinery, and soon became vice-president of the Moscow Fuel Association, which included more than 50 organizations selling 75 percent of sales on the Moscow fuel market.

In the 2000s, Ruslan first became vice president and then first vice president of the Moscow Oil and Gas Company. In 2008, he acquired the rights to part of the assets of the Sibir Energу company, which was subsequently purchased by Gazprom Neft.

Ruslan Baysarov and Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, Sheikh Mohammad Bin Zayed Al Nahyan (photo from the personal archive of Ruslan Baysarov)

In the 2010s, Ruslan Baysarov drew attention to the Republic of Tyva, rich in mineral deposits. In April 2013, the Tuvan Energy Industrial Corporation (TEC), which belongs to him, acquired a license to develop the largest Elegest coal deposit in Russia, the comprehensive development project for which was approved at the end of 2017 and included the construction of the Elegest-Kyzyl-Kuragino railway.

In 2019, the General Director of TEPK Kyzyl - Kuragino JSC Ruslan Baysarov signed a contract agreement with Russian Railways JSC for the construction of a railway line. As the Minister of Economic Development, who was present at the signing, noted, “this is the largest investment project that can seriously improve the condition of the East Siberian region and create a large number of new jobs.”

Ruslan Baysarov in 2019 at the signing of an agreement with JSC Russian Railways (photo - Russian Railways press service)

At the same time, in 2015, Ruslan Baysarov became a shareholder, and in 2016, a controlling shareholder and chairman of the board of directors of the construction company (SK) Most, a Russian enterprise in the construction industry that unites 12 bridge-building enterprises and 3 tunneling divisions.

IC "Most" is implementing a lot of significant infrastructure projects throughout Russia, including two bridges over the Amur River connecting Russia and China in the areas of Blagoveshchensk and Nizhneleninsky, the second Baikal tunnel, transport tunnels on the Kozhukhovskaya line of the Moscow metro, the construction of Arctic sea port facilities " Sabetta" and others.

Personal life

Ruslan Baysarov first married in the early 90s to fashion model Tatyana Kovtunova. In 1993, a daughter, Camilla, appeared in the family. But the marriage did not last long.

Later, the young man met his daughter Kristina Orbakaite. Ruslan and Christina did not register their relationship in the registry office, but the wedding ceremony was registered according to Muslim laws in a mosque in Moscow. In 1998, the young couple had a son, who received citizenship of Lithuania and Russia. In the early 2000s, the relationship between Christina and Ruslan went wrong.

Ruslan Baysarov and his son Denis (photo from the personal archive of Ruslan Baysarov)

In 2003, Ruslan had a second son, Ilman, from a young fashion model of the Modus Vivendis agency, Alina Tsevina, who became the businessman’s third wife. The girl did not live in her lover’s house for long, since six months after the birth of the child she moved to a private apartment in the center of Moscow. Alina received a luxurious gift as a token of gratitude for her son from Ruslan. The child, like the first daughter, remained in Baysarov’s house.

In 2005, Ruslan had a second daughter, Dali, from a girl named Yulia.

In 2009, the story received wide public attention after Denis Baysarov did not return to Kristina Orbakaite after the holidays. In the press, the singer accused her ex-husband of kidnapping her son. But, as Ruslan himself claimed, the boy stayed with his father voluntarily. Denis was supposed to fly to the USA to continue his studies, but, according to Ruslan, the boy wanted to stay in his homeland, where he has relatives and friends.

Fyodor Bondarchuk and Ruslan Baysarov on vacation (photo from the personal archive of Ruslan Baysarov)

In October 2009, a settlement agreement was concluded under which the boy would live with his father during Orbakaite’s absence, and with his mother during Baysarov’s absence. According to the document, Denis can make the decision about who exactly he will stay with at the moment independently.

In 2009, Ruslan married a Chechen girl, Madina Gaytaeva, from his ancestral village of Prigorodnoye, who bore him two sons, Amir and Amin.

Ruslan Baysarov has six children. The father takes care of the education of his own sons and daughters. Ruslan pays great attention to the cultural education of children in the national spirit. The businessman often spends time with them.


Businessmen Jack Ma and Ruslan Baysarov (photo from the personal archive of Ruslan Baysarov)

Ruslan Baysarov is recognized as the wealthiest representative of the Chechen diaspora in Russia. Currently, according to Forbes magazine, Ruslan Baysarov is included in the list of the two hundred richest businessmen in Russia. In 2018, his fortune was estimated at $900 million (118th place).

The biography of the life of the famous Russian businessman Ruslan Baysarov, originally from the Chechen Republic, contains many unexpected twists. His extraordinary personality and character qualities allowed him to become not only a successful and wealthy top manager, but also to maintain good relationships with those with whom he began his formation. For example, director Fyodor Bondarchuk admitted that he considers Baysarov the best friend of his youth.

The biography of the future successful entrepreneur began like that of any ordinary resident of the country. Ruslan Sulimovich Baysarov was born in August 1968 in the Chechen village of Prigorodnoye. By origin, he is a Chechen from one of the most respected clans in the republic - the Khacharoi. The parents of the future Forbes list participant did not have excess funds.

The family was large, but friendly. Father Sulim and mother Kasirat raised all their children according to the traditions of the Chechen people. From childhood, Sulim and his wife instilled in their children a love of work, responsibility for their actions, honor and respect for elders. Children helped their parents from childhood. Ruslan grew up as an active, savvy boy. In companies of friends he was an unspoken leader. Since childhood, I’ve been accustomed to earning “my little penny.” In one of his interviews, Baysarov told how he sold apples to earn money.


After studying at his native school for ten years, the guy decided to enter a Moscow university, which he succeeded the first time. I failed to graduate from the Institute of Civil Engineering and was drafted into the armed forces. Having served the required term, he decided not to finish his studies at the previous university and was re-enrolled in the Oil Institute in his homeland, in the city of Grozny. And only in 1996, a certified engineer-economist, Baysarov returned back to Moscow.

It was during my student years that my innate entrepreneurial acumen strengthened. Ruslan Baysarov began selling computers brought from abroad. This activity helped me earn my first big money and became a kind of prerequisite for future activities. After Baisarov, Ruslan enters Moscow University. A couple of years later he completed his studies there with a master's degree in sociology.

In 2018, as a result of successfully defending his research work at MISiS University, Ruslan Sulimovich Baysarov was awarded a candidate's degree in technical sciences.

Career of Ruslan Baysarov

Ruslan Baysarov took his first steps in the field of entrepreneurship in 1997: using the money he earned from selling office equipment adapted for the Russian market, he founded a beauty salon. At the same time, a nightclub, a casino, the first restaurant in the capital with delicacies from the land of the rising sun, and a parking lot were established. The company, called Infant Silver, was founded in partnership with Fyodor Bondarchuk, who is still a close friend of Baysarov, and with the son of director Nikita Mikhalkov, Stepan Mikhalkov. The location of the establishments in the central part of the capital and their competent promotion made it possible to receive good income.

The entertainment business has become a profitable startup for the future famous entrepreneur. At the end of the 90s, he decided to change the vector of application of his talent and go into the oil filling sector. The fuel business receives a similar name “Infant”. The company distilled about one and a half tons of black gold per year at the capital's oil refinery and provided motor fuel not only to more than two thousand Russian gas stations, but also to an innovative software product, created under the leadership of Ruslan Baysarov, that ensures the processing of electronic payments - card systems for the purchase of gasoline by drivers of companies with large vehicle fleets, among which were many Russian government agencies.

The businessman's success and entrepreneurial acumen attracted the attention of major players in the mining industry. In 1998, Baysarov was appointed vice-president of the Moscow Fuel Association, whose members ensured the sale of more than half of the total fuel consumption of the capital region.

Three years later, Ruslan Sulimovich, remaining in the same position at MNGK, also became vice-president of the Central Fuel Company (CTK), whose responsibilities included managing all major assets in the fuel sector of the capital region.


In 2010, Baysarov received another promotion and became the first vice-president of the TsTK.

The turning point in Ruslan Baysarov's career came a year later, when he announced he was leaving the oil industry in order to head his own projects. And soon the businessman becomes the head of the Tuvan Energy Industrial Corporation, which he founded.

In 2015, he bought a quarter, and the next year he doubled his stake, bringing it to a controlling stake, in the well-known SK Most Group of Companies.

Assets of Ruslan Baysarov

In 2018, Forbes journalists estimated Ruslan Baysarov’s assets at $900 million, which allowed them to keep his name among the list of the country’s two hundred richest people engaged in entrepreneurial activities.

Children of Ruslan Baysarov

Ruslan Baysarov has six children.

He first felt like a father in 1993 with the birth of his daughter Kamila in his first marriage, which did not last long.

In 1997, Ruslan Baysarov met with Kristina Orbakaite, the daughter of the Russian show business diva Alla Pugacheva. There is evidence that the couple had a wedding ceremony in a Moscow mosque according to Muslim custom.

A year later, Baysarov and Orbakaite had a son, Denis. After his parents separated, the boy lived with his mother, but was attached to his father and often visited him. In 2009, public attention was focused on the dispute that arose over the place of residence of Denis Ruslanovich. Kristina Orbakaite stated that Ruslan Baysarov took his son with him during trips to Chechnya without her consent.

Baysarov explained that his son himself wanted to live with him, which Denis stated at a press conference that took place then. The former spouses managed to come to an agreement and sign a document, subsequently approved by the court, according to which during the mother’s tours and events the boy would live with his father, and when the father was absent for work, he would go to his mother. The decision was made based on the testimony of the boy, who admitted that of his own free will he decided to stay with his dad. Now adult Denis Ruslanovich communicates with both parents.

Ruslan Baysarov becomes a father of many children, thanks to the appearance of his son Ilman in 2003 and daughter Dali in 2005. Later, Ruslan Sulimovich became even happier with the birth of two more sons, Amir and Amin.

Currently, Ruslan Baysarov is married to Madina Gaytaeva.

Ruslan Baysarov himself participates in raising children. He pays special attention to their education and teaching them the customs of their people. He devotes all his free time to his children.

Permanently resides in the Moscow region.

Ruslan Baysarov today

Ruslan Baysarov is considered the most famous representative of the business community of the Chechen Republic in Russia. Now the businessman is purposefully developing his activities in the Republic of Tyva, where his company is developing the Elegest coal deposit. In the spring of 2019, the company under the leadership of Ruslan Baysarov TEPK Kyzyl-Kuragino signed a contract with Russian Railways, which undertake to act as a contractor for the construction of a new railway designed to connect the Republic of Tyva with the main railway lines of the Urals and Siberia.

In March 2019, media news reported the connection of the first railway crossing from Russia (Nizhneleninskoye) to China (Tujiang) across the Amur River by specialists from Ruslan Baysarov's SK Most group of companies. At the end of May, the SK Most Group of Companies also connected the first road crossing - from Blagoveshchensk to Heihe. The length of the first bridge, including approaches, is about 5.3 km, the second – 19.9 km.
