What is BIOS on a computer, how does it work and how to enter it? Bios settings - Detailed instructions in pictures What does BIOS mean.

If you purchased an assembled computer or laptop, then its BIOS is already configured properly, but you can always make any personal adjustments. When you assemble a computer yourself, you need to configure the BIOS yourself for it to work properly. Also, this need may arise if a new component was connected to the motherboard and all parameters were reset to default.

The interface of most BIOS versions, with the exception of the most modern ones, is a primitive graphical shell, where there are several menu items from which you can go to another screen with already customizable parameters. For example, menu item "Boot" opens the user to the parameters for distributing computer boot priority, that is, there you can select the device from which the PC will boot.

In total, there are 3 BIOS manufacturers on the market, and each of them has a significantly different interface in appearance. For example, AMI (American Megatrands Inc.) has a top menu:

In some versions of Phoenix and Award, all section items are located on the main page in the form of columns.

Plus, depending on the manufacturer, the names of some items and parameters may differ, although they will have the same meaning.

All movements between items occur using the arrow keys, and selection is made using Enter. Some manufacturers even make a special footnote in the BIOS interface, where it is written which key is responsible for what. UEFI (the most modern type of BIOS) has a more advanced user interface, the ability to control using a computer mouse, and also translates some items into Russian (the latter is quite rare).

Basic settings

Basic settings include time, date, computer boot priority, various memory settings, hard drives and drives. Provided that you have just assembled a computer, you need to configure these parameters.

They will be in the section "Main", "Standard CMOS Features" And "Boot". It is worth remembering that the names may differ depending on the manufacturer. First, set the date and time according to these instructions:

Now you need to configure the priority of hard drives and drives. Sometimes, if you don’t do it, the system simply won’t boot. All the necessary parameters are in the section "Main" or "Standard CMOS Features"(depending on BIOS version). Step-by-step instructions using the Award/Phoenix BIOS as an example are as follows:

Similar settings need to be made for BIOS users from AMI, only here the SATA parameters change. Use this guide to get started:

AMI BIOS users can complete the standard settings here, but the developers of Award and Phoenix have several more additional items that require user participation. All of them are in the section "Standard CMOS Features". Here is their list:

This completes the standard settings. Usually half of these points will already have the required values.

Advanced options

This time all settings will be made in the section "Advanced". It is available in BIOS from any manufacturer, although it may have a slightly different name. It may contain a different number of items depending on the manufacturer.

Let's look at the interface using the AMI BIOS as an example:

Now let's proceed directly to setting the parameters from the item :

For Award and Phoenix, there is no need to configure these parameters, since they are configured correctly by default and are located in a completely different section. But in the section "Advanced" you will find advanced settings for setting download priorities. If your computer already has a hard drive with an operating system installed on it, then "First Boot Device" select value "HDD-1"(sometimes you need to choose "HDD-0").

If the operating system has not yet been installed on the hard drive, then it is recommended to set the value instead "USB-FDD".

Also in Award and Phoenix in the section "Advanced" There is an item regarding settings for entering the BIOS with a password - "Password Check". If you have set a password, it is recommended to pay attention to this item and set a value acceptable to you, there are two of them:

Setting up security and stability

This feature is only relevant for owners of machines with BIOS from Award or Phoenix. You can enable maximum performance or stability mode. In the first case, the system will work a little faster, but there is a risk of incompatibility with some operating systems. In the second case, everything works more stable, but slower (not always).

To enable High Performance Mode, from the main menu, select "Top performance" and put a value in it "Enable". It is worth remembering that there is a risk of disrupting the stability of the operating system, so work in this mode for several days, and if any failures appear in the system that were not previously observed, then disable it by setting the value "Disable".

If you prefer stability to speed, then it is recommended to download the secure settings protocol; there are two types:

To download any of these protocols, you need to select one of the items discussed above on the right side of the screen, and then confirm the download using the keys Enter or Y.

Setting a password

After completing the basic settings, you can set a password. In this case, no one except you will be able to access the BIOS and/or be able to make any changes to its parameters (depending on the settings described above).

In Award and Phoenix, in order to set a password, you need to select the item in the main screen "Set Supervisor Password". A window will open where you enter a password up to 8 characters long; after entering, a similar window opens where you need to enter the same password for confirmation. When typing, use only Latin characters and Arabic numerals.

To remove the password, you need to select the item again "Set Supervisor Password", but when the window for entering a new password appears, just leave it blank and click Enter.

In AMI BIOS, the password is set slightly differently. First you need to go to the section "Boot", which is in the top menu, and there you can already find "Supervisor Password". The password is set and removed in the same way with Award/Phoenix.

After completing all manipulations in the BIOS, you need to exit it, saving the previously made settings. To do this, find the item "Save & Exit". In some cases you can use a hotkey F10.

Setting up the BIOS is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. In addition, most of the described settings are often already set by default as needed for normal computer operation.

BIOS is an abbreviation for Basic Input Output System. There is much more to it than the name suggests. You might think that the BIOS controls the input and output system. But the BIOS does much more. Today, we will learn what BIOS is in a computer.

BIOS has already been in our computers since the days of DOS - Disk Operating System... even before structured DOS, created by Microsoft. It is one of the most important components of your computer and regularly appears on your screen. This message also looks at the most basic component of a computer and explains why it is required in computers for it to work.

What is BIOS in a computer

BIOS is firmware, in short. It is stored on a chip on part of the computer's motherboard and is basically a set of instructions that are executed to help load the operating system.

When you turn on the computer, BIOS instructions are initiated. These instructions check the RAM and CPU (for faults) on your computer.

It checks the RAM, checking each bay, to see if it's working properly.

After checking the RAM and CPU, it checks for other devices connected to the computer.

It recognizes all peripheral devices, including the keyboard and mouse, and then checks the boot options.

Boot options are checked in the order configured in your BIOS: Boot from CD-ROM, Boot from HDD, Boot from LAN, etc.

It hands over the reins of the computer to the operating system by loading the core components of the operating system into random access memory (RAM) reserved for the operating system after the initial boot.

This is not an exhaustive list of BIOS features. It also checks CMOS and other chips to set the computer's date and time and to load device drivers into memory. It checks and loads input and output interrupts (signals) to RAM so that the operating system knows what's going on. For example, if the user presses the request key, an interrupt is generated and sent to the BIOS, which sends it to the operating system. The operating system decides what actions to take according to the programmed instructions.

Why the Operating System cannot work without BIOS. The BIOS loads hard drive and removable drive drivers so that they are functional. It then loads the main parts of the operating system such as MBR, GPT disk, etc. into memory so that the operating system can continue to load itself.

How to enter the computer's BIOS.

Due to the wide variety of computer and BIOS manufacturers over the evolution of computers, there are many ways to enter BIOS Setup or CMOS. Below is a list of most of these methods, as well as other recommendations for entering BIOS settings.

Note: Apple, or Mac, computers do not have a BIOS and instead use EFI, which does not need to be modified based on the hardware in the computer like the BIOS. EFI allows for better integration between computer hardware and software.

Computers manufactured within the last few years allow you to enter the BIOS setup program using one of the five buttons shown below in boot process.


How to update BIOS

In order to make computer work with these devices, the BIOS must be updated. If your operating system can't detect a new peripheral, it may be because the BIOS doesn't know how to handle it. If you encounter such problems, I advise you to check for BIOS updates.

You should check the BIOS version first. This can be done by entering the BIOS during boot by pressing DEL. If you have the BIOS version of your computer, you will visit your computer manufacturer's website to see if there is an updated BIOS version. If there is, then download it and run it. The process is usually erasing all previous information on the BIOS chip and rewriting it with new information.

Make sure you have power backup while updating the BIOS. Because if the computer shuts down during the process, the BIOS may be damaged and you will need a technician to fix it.

IMPORTANT: If your computer is working properly, you do not need to update or flash the BIOS. In any case, we recommend that you do not try to update the BIOS settings yourself.

Apr 6 2012

What is a BIOS and why is it needed?

Hello to all readers of our computer blog site. and why it is needed, now I’ll tell you a little about it, you’ll also find out what bios programs there are. In one of the previous articles we got acquainted with BIOS signals.

I wonder how many people know or don’t know what a BIOS is. Surely most of you have heard something about bios, but how extensive is your knowledge in this area? Let's find out what kind of program called BIOS is.

BIOS term

Bios is a basic input/output system. A set of system software firmware for the operating system to access the computer hardware and devices connected to it. System software that boots the computer and starts the operating system (OS). It is built into the system motherboard.

In simple words, bios is one of the most important and necessary programs in which most of the important settings for starting your computer are stored.

BIOS Manufacturers

At the moment, there are 3 most well-known manufacturers of BIOS programs.

American Megatrends (AMI)

Award Software

Phoenix Technologies

There are also motherboards with dual BIOS - this And . You can find an example of such a combination on individual motherboards, for example from Gigabyte.

Anyone who has a personal computer (system unit) probably hears a beep every time they turn on the computer - this is. If there is only one, then everything is in order, the equipment test for the first launch was successful.

If there is more than one signal, it means something is wrong and the bios warns us about it. If you don't hear any signals at all, then most likely your speaker (the little beeper on your computer) is disabled or disabled. Unfortunately, laptops do not have such a sound notification function.

Flashing and updating BIOS

There is a function for flashing and updating the BIOS on all computers. Without serious reasons (unstable computer operation, etc.), I categorically do not recommend you use it.

If something goes wrong, you will need to restore the bios, which is difficult to do without basic knowledge. You may need to call a qualified specialist to your home, or contact a computer repair service center.

How to enter bios

In order to see what BIOS you have, you can pay attention to the first picture of your monitor that appears when you turn on the computer and press the button .

If you don’t know the characteristics of your computer, but want to get to know them, you can use this useful article.

If you want to enter the BIOS, then immediately after you press the power button on the computer, you need to press two buttons on the keyboard in turn And .

If you use Hewlett-Packard computers, then in order to enter the bios, you need to press the button . If your computer is of some other brand, then perhaps in order to get into the BIOS you need to press other keys.

BIOS Settings

There are a lot of settings in the BIOS, I will list some of the options:

  • Set the desired date and time, view information about the computer and its components: name, serial number, temperature, and so on.
  • Configure booting from CD-Roma or USB media in order to load or reinstall the Windows operating system and others if they no longer function normally.
  • It is possible to turn on or off the computer at a specified time.
  • If you have already changed something in the BIOS and your computer has stopped booting normally, then you can reset the BIOS to factory settings.

I have listed the most basic settings. There are others in the BIOS program that may be needed, for example, to overclock the central process, configure and not change.

I remember experimenting with my computer when I was younger. I slightly increased the frequency of my central processor, it seems by 100 or 200 MHz.

If you exceed the processor overclocking limit, it may burn out due to high temperature. But I did everything within reason and therefore there were no such precedents.

In custody

Today we learned a little what is bios and why it is needed. We got acquainted with the companies that produce it and went over the basic settings of the bios program a little.

You may have questions related to the BIOS program. You can ask them below in the comments to this article, and also use the form with me.

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Sep 09, 2012 @ 08:44:36

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Sep 12, 2012 @ 04:15:55

Nov 22, 2012 @ 12:04:42

We all have at least the slightest idea about how a computer works. We know that when you turn on the computer, the operating system loads. But not everyone knows what happens before the operating system boots. This article will discuss what BIOS is, its functions, and how it works.

When you turn on the computer, even before loading the operating system, the BIOS comes into operation, which is responsible for starting the computer, testing computer components, setting the parameters of these components, and performing input/output functions.

Without a BIOS, the computer will not understand where to load the operating system from, how to regulate the fan speed, what parameters to start the computer components with...

The BIOS is written to a flash memory chip.

You can enter the BIOS after turning on the computer by pressing the DELETE, F2, or other key. This must be indicated in the instructions for the motherboard.

Basically, you need to enter the BIOS and configure it when installing an operating system and repairing a PC. Remember that incorrect BIOS settings can damage your computer.

What functions does the BIOS perform?

  • Starting the computer and testing its components. The so-called POST procedure. This procedure starts immediately after turning on the power button. The program checks all computer components and configures them, preparing them for work. If a fault is detected, the POST procedure displays a message or beep.
  • Configuring system parameters. BIOS Setup. The user in BIOS Setup can change device parameters and configure part of the system or the system as a whole. For example, increase the speed of RAM, overclock the processor. Boot from an optical disk (Required when installing the operating system).
  • Support for input/output functions with interruptions for the keyboard, video card, hard drive, input/output ports... This is actually where the general definition of BIOS as a basic input/output system comes from.

The BIOS, as we have already said, is stored on a flash memory chip. Accordingly, the BIOS can be rewritten and flashed. This means that a newer version will be written in its place. Due to this, errors present in its earlier version are corrected, and new functions or support for new devices are added.

Each motherboard model generally has its own BIOS version, which takes into account all the parameters and functions of this motherboard. For example, new processors have entered the market and the older BIOS version does not support them. Flashing is done and new processors can be used. The manufacturer's website should indicate which errors have been fixed and which features have been added in the newer firmware.

To power our memory chip, on which the BIOS is stored, a 3-volt battery is used. She is also responsible for the operation of the clock. It is required to be installed on all motherboards. You can get to it by opening the side wall of the computer. When the battery is discharged and no longer performs its function, every time you turn on the PC, all BIOS settings are lost and the time is reset to zero. That is, the battery is responsible for the safety of BIOS parameters, including the BIOS parameters entered by the user. In addition, due to a low battery, the PC often does not start, and users think that it is the power supply or the computer’s power button that is to blame. In this case, you need to buy a battery and replace it with the old one. After this, you need to set parameters, if necessary.

How do you start a computer and test its components? POST procedure.

After turning on the power button, the power supply starts up first. If all supply voltages are normal, then the central processor receives a turn-on signal. The central processor tests itself. After this, the RAM memory is tested. Next, the initial hardware test begins. At this stage, when errors are found, a sound signal appears, since the video system has not yet been initialized. The BIOS then looks for devices that may need to boot their own BIOS. Such a device is a video card. Then peripheral devices such as a mouse and hard drive are initialized and configured. Then the BIOS, in accordance with its own priority, selects the device specified in the BIOS in order to start loading the operating system from it. It finds the operating system boot sector on this device and calls the operating system loader. Then the operating system loads. That's how important the BIOS is.

You should also know that entering the BIOS can be password-protected. This is done to prevent you from making changes. You can fix this either by using a BIOS clear jumper (not installed on all motherboards) by connecting the connectors with a screwdriver, or by removing the battery and inserting it back. All settings will be reset.

We hope this article gave you answers to your questions.

Even the most superficial PC users have probably heard about the word BIOS, which will be discussed today. We will look at what a BIOS is and why it is needed on a computer.

Let's talk a little about how it is most often used by ordinary users and specialists in service centers when carrying out repairs or diagnostics of our equipment.

What is BIOS

Let's start with something simple. BIOS (Basic input-output system) is a set of firmware that helps configure the components of the system unit, as well as loading the OS. You can even look at it; if you open the computer case, then on the motherboard you can find a small microcircuit on which the BIOS is stored, without the naked eye it is quite difficult to understand what kind of circuit we are talking about, but for clarity, see the picture below.

The BIOS chip is often confused with a battery, which is responsible for the safety of data when the computer is turned off. That is, when we turn off the computer, it must somehow remember what time it is, what picture is on your desktop, in what order the shortcuts are located and many other sometimes insignificant settings.

Actually, seeing the element that is responsible for saving the settings is much easier than finding the BIOS chip. Just look at the motherboard again; on it you will see something like a tablet-shaped battery. It is this battery that provides power to some elements of the motherboard after the computer is completely disconnected from the power supply, including the BIOS.

Sometimes, users find themselves in a situation where they simply need to reset the BIOS settings to default settings and it is not possible to do this from the system. In such a situation, resourceful users simply remove the battery from the motherboard for a few minutes and the settings are completely reset to factory settings (if you do this too, do not forget to carefully replace the battery).

BIOS varies. Its appearance and functionality depend on the manufacturer. For example, several types can be distinguished:

How to enter BIOS

In order to enter it on different computers, different keys and their combinations are used. Let's list the most common ones:

  • Ctrl+Alt+Esc.

Finding out which combination is right for you is not difficult. As soon as you start the computer, the required combination will be indicated in one of the corners of the screen, marked BIOS or Press for setup.

BIOS navigation

Now that the question of how to enter the BIOS no longer arises, it’s worth figuring out what you can do in it and how to use it. The basic controls are the following keys:

  • (←), (→) – left, right;
  • (↓), () – up, down;
  • Enter – select;
  • Esc – back, exit.

At the moment, there are BIOS versions with a beautiful graphical interface, Russification and the ability to control the mouse, however, at the moment there are still a lot of PCs with BIOS versions where control is carried out only using the keyboard. In any case, neither in the first nor in the second case, control will not cause you any difficulties.

BIOS capabilities.

Let's move on to what can be done in the BIOS. Most often, users encounter the BIOS at the time of reinstalling Windows, when they need to change the boot disk, however, this is not its only function. We list the main ones:

  • Turn some devices on and off;
  • Set the system time;
  • Set the boot disk (you can put a hard drive, flash drive, drive);
  • Set device power parameters;

BIOS management is intuitive and simple for any user, so there should be no problems. You just have to remember that if you are not sure whether to change any setting, then it is better to leave everything in its place. However, if the settings are still lost, you can always press the “F9” key to restore the default settings.
