What is a graphic editor in computer science definition. Functions of the main graphic editors

It is safe to say that any laptop owner has at least once wondered: “Why is the laptop so noisy?” Indeed, now even a child knows that there are electronic boards inside a computer and laptop. But the operation of the electronics is absolutely silent!

In fact, everything is simple - it is not the electronic components that make noise, but the active cooling systems that remove heat from the heating elements of the laptop. During operation, the metal fins of radiators and fan blades become covered with a layer of dust, which significantly worsens the temperature regime. Logic circuits increase the speed of rotation of the fan blades (hence the increase, but even this does not provide effective heat removal - the laptop requires an immediate revision. It would seem that it is enough to clean the cooling systems and the laptop will work like new. Unfortunately, as with everything, there are some peculiarities, without knowledge of which, self-cleaning may not bring the desired results.One of them is replacing the thermal paste in the laptop.

Thermal paste is a special plastic mixture, a thin layer of which is applied as an intermediate thermal interface between the heating element and the metal radiator. Its distinctive feature is its high thermal conductivity, that is, in fact, its presence does not impair the transfer of heat from the microcircuits to the radiators. Thanks to the use of thermal paste, it is possible to neutralize the influence of possible errors in the processing of contacting surfaces: when applied, it fills all irregularities, thereby ensuring ideal contact and heat transfer. on a laptop is to update the factory thermal paste with a new one. The internal structure of a personal computer and a laptop are similar, so thermal paste for a laptop and thermal paste for a computer are one and the same. Manufacturers offer a wide selection of thermal pastes, the composition of which is usually kept secret. Here are just a few of them: the usual Soviet-era paste KPT-8 based on an organic silicon compound; Silver from Gigabyte with silver particles; Arctic Silver with ceramic inclusions, which retains its characteristics even at sub-zero temperatures (the favorite thermal paste of overclockers), etc.

Replacing the thermal paste in a laptop is necessary if cleaning the cooling system from dust does not improve performance. It is impossible to definitely indicate what temperature is normal, because it depends on a number of factors: the design features of the laptop, its internal components, the type of programs, and operating conditions. The need to update the thermal paste can be determined by an indirect sign: the laptop makes a lot of noise and heats up even in “light” programs, such as browsing the Internet or reading texts. In this case, replacing the thermal paste in your laptop can help.

Any service center will be happy to take on this work, because its cost is quite high. If you are short on funds or want to repair your electronic assistant yourself, then you should first make sure that the laptop is out of battery. The fact is that opening the case yourself will void the warranty. So, replacing thermal paste in a laptop begins with removing the bottom cover of the case, which provides access to the cooling system. We carefully examine the internal structure: many modern laptops use heat pipes, so you should dismantle them without haste. Usually no difficulties arise; the main thing is to remember the original location. After removing the locks (if any) and unscrewing the screws, remove the heat pipe. A little effort may be required, as due to constant heating, the factory thermal paste dries out and sticks the chips to the heatsinks. Remove the old thermal paste and apply a thin layer of new in its place. Then we assemble everything in reverse order.

If you don’t take care of your equipment, sooner or later it will break down, everyone knows about it. A laptop is no exception: after some time it needs to be cleaned, dust removed and internal components put in order, otherwise the device will begin to overheat and slow down. What should be the proper way to clean a laptop and replace thermal paste? Let's take a closer look.

Along with scheduled cleaning, preventative maintenance of the cooling system is carried out.

Cooling methods

There are several methods to reduce the heating of a video card. The most popular is the purchase of a special stand. According to experts, it does not help matters much - the temperature drops by 2-4 degrees at most. Another method is to update the video card firmware (BIOS). Only specialists are allowed to use this option, because in the absence of certain knowledge, the video chip can be permanently disabled.

An alternative to the methods described above is replacing the thermal paste between the heatsink and the chip. With the help of a special substance you can reduce the temperature to 11 degrees!

The purpose of thermal paste is to conduct heat between the heatsink and the chip, compensating for the unevenness of both surfaces.

Preparing for replacement

To replace thermal paste correctly, you will need the following materials:

  • stationery knife;
  • thermal paste. You can buy KPT-8, it is considered the cheapest. There is no significant difference in the choice of brand, the quality does not change much. You can buy thermal paste at almost any computer store;
  • toilet paper or napkins. The processor and chip will need to be cleaned. In addition, napkins can be used to wipe your hands.

Execution steps

The first step is to unscrew and remove the back cover of the device. It is important to understand that this will void your laptop's warranty. Disconnect the device from the power supply, remove the battery and unscrew the bolts. Try not to lose the bolts so that after the procedure you can return everything to its place.

Removing the cover, you will see all the “insides” of the laptop. What interests us most is the video card. In most cases, developers screw it with 4 bolts, pressing it to the radiator. Unscrew the bolts and carefully pull this component out of the connector.

The next step is to clean the chip and heatsink from old thermal paste. Experienced users say that if thermal paste is applied incorrectly, the opposite effect can be achieved. As you can see, this is not a case where you can’t spoil the porridge with honey. The product must be applied to a previously cleaned, degreased surface (use a utility knife to remove old material).

If you want to do everything correctly, do not overdo it with the amount of thermal paste. For application, you can use any available product. Computer parts stores may offer a special spatula, but in practice you can do it with your finger. The product is applied exclusively to the chip, and the layer must be quite thin. It is advisable to rub it evenly over the surface, without going beyond the edges of this element.

To prevent devices from overheating, it is advisable to get rid of dust accumulated inside during use. Gently brush the parts of the laptop to remove dust. It is this that is the main enemy of technology: by getting into cracks and corners, it prevents the coolers from spinning and cooling the device.

Reassemble the laptop in reverse order:

  • screw the video card back to the radiator;
  • install the back cover;
  • connect the device to power.

A couple of days ago I decided to change the thermal paste in my laptop, and there were several prerequisites for this:
The first time the thermal paste was replaced was more than a year ago,
2nd in critical operating modes, the processor temperature reached 100 0 C.

Despite the fact that I know the maximum permissible temperature of my processor - it is 105 0C, I did not wait until it starts to turn off, reduce operating frequencies, or simply burn out.

The first thing I would like to say to those who are going to change the thermal paste on their own is to think about whether it’s worth it, that’s what I mean - replacing thermal paste is not the most difficult process, but disassembling a laptop is another matter - if a person is not sure, what does he do or, as they say, “your hands don’t grow from there” - it’s better to give it to specialists, it will come out cheaper

As for desktop PCs, things are simpler there. Of course, crooked hands and heads can do something bad, but the probability is much less. Enough preface - let's get started.

1. Before disassembling the laptop, I went online and found a video showing how my laptop was disassembled. At the moment, the vast majority of models are freely available, so this should not be a problem.

2.After I knew exactly what to disassemble and why, I got to work. In this matter, the main thing is not to rush, carefully, slowly and everything will work out for you. A few tips - put bolts and other parts of the laptop in different places, so that when the time comes to assemble, you don’t end up with one big pile of parts and different bolts, and you just don’t remember what goes where and why! But put thermal paste either on the battery or in the sun - why? The higher its temperature, the easier and more evenly it will be applied to the surface of the processor. By the time you disassemble your laptop or computer, it will already be warm enough.

3. Disconnect all connectors and cables very carefully, there is no need to put any effort there, everything can be removed quite easily.

4. In order to clean the cooler, you will most likely have to remove it. Often it comes complete with a cooling system. There is one point here: the bolts of the cooling system must be unscrewed sequentially, from larger numbers to smaller ones, for example: 6,5,4,3….. The thermal paste may have dried a little to the surface of the processor and video card, so you need to carefully disconnect the cooling system from the laptop.

5. Clean the cooling system. A brush and a vacuum cleaner are best suited for this. My laptop was used in fairly harsh conditions, but it always worked in clean rooms and only on clean surfaces, and even this is enough for the cooling system to be covered in dust.

6. After the entire system has been removed, it is necessary to clean the surface on the processor and cooling radiator. It is best to use cotton wool and alcohol; you can carefully remove the layer of old paste with a plastic card, but in no case with metal objects - you can damage the processor!!! It is necessary to clean until the surface becomes perfectly clean and smooth.

7.Now we apply a layer of new thermal paste, it should be quite thin and uniform, no thicker than 0.5 mm. (ideally even less, but this is quite difficult to achieve). You should not apply one large drop in the middle of the area, and then press it down by tightening the bolts on the radiator - with this installation method (if the thermal paste is thick) you will not get a uniform layer.

8.Next, put the cooling radiator in place and tighten the bolts, now in the correct sequence, i.e. 1,2,3,4,5...... You are putting the entire laptop back together, the main thing is not to break anything and do not forget to connect all the contacts and cables. That's probably all, nothing complicated.

If the laptop is many years old, or for some reason the CPU begins to heat up very quickly to a critical temperature under light load, then this is a serious reason to check the condition of the thermal paste. This material is present between the processor itself and the device that removes the heat generated during operation - a radiator, complete with a cooler.

What is thermal paste

Thermal paste is a special multicomponent composition with high thermal conductivity. It is much higher than that of air, which allows thermal paste to cool the CPU extremely effectively - which is exactly what it is needed for. Its use is necessary to maintain normal temperature conditions during PC operation.

The composition is applied when assembling a computer. Its disadvantage is that with very long use it begins to lose its properties necessary for the normal operation of the processor. Which, accordingly, leads to the need to replace it. When choosing paste for your CPU in a store, you should choose products from well-known brands.

Choosing pasta

Today, specialized stores offer the composition of the type in question from a variety of manufacturers. Choosing the best one among all this variety is quite difficult.

In terms of their performance characteristics, all of the above products are similar, only the price differs, as well as the quantity in one package. When tested on identical equipment, the results of all formulations are practically the same.

Thermal paste of domestic origin called AlSil-3 and KPT-8 is especially easy to apply. Its advantage is that its consistency is liquid enough to be evenly distributed over the surface, and also viscous enough not to spread. Removing it is simple: just wipe it over the surface with a dry cloth. Therefore, the choice should be made on these compounds.

General information on replacement

Replacing the type of composition in question involves completely disassembling the computer. Which, accordingly, entails a complete loss of warranty: free repairs at the service center will not be possible. Therefore, if problems arise in the operation of the CPU, you should not immediately disassemble the PC case. Perhaps the best option would be to take your laptop to a specialized service center.

It is important to remember that some pastes are made on the basis of metal chips, which are a good conductor. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out the replacement as carefully as possible, preferably using a thin plastic card, without smearing it on the tracks and electronic components. A short circuit can damage the motherboard or other important PC parts.

Changing thermal paste on a laptop processor

Replacing the heat dissipation composition on the computer CPU should be done as carefully as possible. Since there is always a chance of damaging something with one careless movement. This will lead to quite unpleasant consequences. It is necessary to prepare everything you need in advance.

Video: Thermal paste test

What is necessary

To carry out the operation in question, the following items and materials will be required:

  • thermal paste;
  • dry soft cloth or rag;
  • stationery knife;
  • Phillips screwdriver with a thin tip;
  • slotted screwdriver;
  • thermal paste;
  • vacuum cleaner or fan.

All of the items listed above must be prepared in advance. Since it is advisable not to interrupt the process of disassembling the laptop. If the person carrying out this operation does not carry out the repair professionally, then there is always a chance of forgetting the sequence of its implementation. As a result, extra bolts and parts may remain, which is extremely undesirable.

It is very important to choose a soft napkin. It will be needed to remove old material and carefully remove excess new material. The use of wipes with abrasive properties is excluded. The presence of scratches will make heat dissipation ineffective. You should also avoid using rags that have a large number of pellets and other large particles - they also impair heat transfer.


Replacing thermal paste on a laptop processor begins with disassembling the computer case. This stage is the least responsible, but the longest. And yet, when implementing it, you must be as careful and careful as possible.

First of all, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the device from dust and other foreign matter that accumulates inside the case over time.

This is done as follows:

Cleaning surfaces

It is very important to remove the old one before using new thermal paste. Since its presence can significantly reduce thermal conductivity. This will negatively affect the performance of the laptop. Removal is carried out with a regular napkin if the remaining composition is sufficiently liquid.

If for some reason it is not possible to clean the surface of the radiator and chip with a napkin, you can use other methods:

  • using a screwdriver;
  • using an eraser;
  • alcohol

The use of a screwdriver is highly undesirable, since there is always a possibility that it will come off and damage any of the “insides” of the PC - this is unacceptable. This cleaning method should be used only in particularly difficult situations and only when removing paste from the radiator.

A much simpler and safer method is to dissolve heavily hardened paste with alcohol. It is only important to perform this action extremely carefully. After performing such an operation, it is necessary to thoroughly dry the motherboard and other surfaces where liquid could somehow get into.

A regular stationery eraser like Koh-I-Nor, white, will make it possible to cope even with very old and dense paste.

video: Replacing thermal paste

Applying paste

The paste should be applied in an even layer, its thickness measured only a few microns. A high-quality composition of this type must have good viscosity - this will allow it to take the required shape. Application must be made with a clean plastic card or something similar.

Under no circumstances should you apply the paste with your finger: even on clean hands there is always some amount of oil. It has very poor thermal conductivity; its presence can negatively affect the temperature of the CPU.

The action in question is performed in two stages:

Ultimately, the already applied layer should have as smooth a surface as possible.


It is very important to correctly install the cooling radiator, which receives heat from the heated central processor. Upon contact, you must ensure that the thermal paste is not squeezed out - this happens when applying an excessively thick layer.

It is important to avoid getting various foreign objects, especially those that conduct electricity, into the housing.

Next, you should carefully reinstall all previously removed parts, observing the sequence. All bolts should be carefully tightened, but not overtightened - this can lead to damage to the housing, which is extremely undesirable.

You can find out what thermal paste is needed for a specific processor on the manufacturer’s website. Most often, specific recommendations are given there for replacement, as well as for choosing the composition. All kinds of tests and tests are carried out in production. This allows engineers to recommend a specific brand of thermal paste.

Photo: normal processor temperature

The presence of lumps and other foreign inclusions in the layer applied to the surface of the CPU and radiator must be completely eliminated. Otherwise, this may lead to the formation of air layers, which will definitely impair thermal conductivity. If they are available, it is better to replace the material used with some other one.

Using high-quality material as a layer between the CPU chip and the cooling system allows you to extend its service life and ensure normal temperature conditions. This opens up great opportunities for overclocking. Monitoring the condition of the thermal paste is mandatory, because if it dries out, the CPU may simply fail.

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Almost every laptop owner is interested in the question “Why is the computer so noisy when working?” Today, even a non-advanced user knows that circuit boards are hidden under the laptop body, but the electronics must operate silently.

Everything is quite simple - the noise is not made by electronic elements, but by the components of functional cooling, which reject heat from the heating parts of the computer. Over time, the fan blades and radiator housing become covered with dust, which in turn contributes to a deterioration in temperature conditions. The fan speed automatically increases (hence the noise effect), but the necessary heat removal does not occur, which means the computer needs preventive and repair work.

Many people will think that it is enough to reanimate the cooling system and the device will work with double strength, but this is far from the case. There are a lot of nuances; without knowing them, independent repairs may not bring the expected results. One of these moments is replacing thermal paste.

Thermal paste in a laptop is replaced if, after cleaning the cooling system, the internal elements do not stop heating. It is impossible to say with certainty what temperature regime is normal, as this is facilitated by a number of reasons:

  • design features of the laptop structure.
  • internal components.
  • types of programs.
  • operating conditions.

The need to replace thermal paste can be determined by visual signs, for example, loud noise when the laptop is running, or the device heats up, even when performing simple commands such as reading text or browsing the Internet.

Replacing thermal paste yourself

Using an example, you can consider how to independently replace thermal paste on Asus and Sony laptops. Those who understand the inside of a computer know that thermal paste is located between the cooling radiator and the processor, but in laptops there is no radiator; it is replaced by a copper tube inserted into the cooler, which prevents the processor and video card from overheating.

To dismantle the cooler and cooling tube, you need to remove the back panel of the laptop case, after which you need to find the cooling unit, it will be attached to the motherboard. The next step is to directly disconnect the cooler with the tube. The cooling element is attached to small bolts; to unscrew them you will need small shaped screwdrivers.

The removed cooling unit is adjusted for a while and the video card and processor are cleaned of thermal paste; as a rule, it has a grayish or white tint; it is this substance that needs to be removed; if the thermal paste has dried, you should use a small screwdriver.

So, here are the main points of replacing thermal paste:

  • visual confirmation of the need to replace thermal paste.
  • dismantling the back wall of the laptop.
  • removing the cooling system.
  • removal of used thermal paste.
  • applying a new composition.
  • assembly and testing of a laptop.

A particularly important point is the application of the new composition to the chips; the thermal paste is applied in a layer of no more than 0.5 millimeters; if somewhere the layer turns out to be a little thicker, there is nothing wrong with that. You just have to be a little more economical and remember that a thick layer of thermal paste will not affect the operation of the cooler in any way; the excess compound will simply be squeezed out after screwing on the cooling tube.

After the cooling unit is in place, all that remains is to screw the back panel of the laptop and check its working condition.

If you don’t take care of your equipment, sooner or later it will break down, everyone knows about it. A laptop is no exception: after some time it needs to be cleaned, dust removed and internal components put in order, otherwise the device will begin to overheat and slow down. What should be the proper way to clean a laptop and replace thermal paste? Let's take a closer look.

Along with scheduled cleaning, preventative maintenance of the cooling system is carried out.

Cooling methods

There are several methods to reduce the heating of a video card. The most popular is the purchase of a special stand. According to experts, it does not help matters much - the temperature drops by 2-4 degrees at most. Another method is to update the video card firmware (BIOS). Only specialists are allowed to use this option, because in the absence of certain knowledge, the video chip can be permanently disabled.

An alternative to the methods described above is replacing the thermal paste between the heatsink and the chip. With the help of a special substance you can reduce the temperature to 11 degrees!

The purpose of thermal paste is to conduct heat between the heatsink and the chip, compensating for the unevenness of both surfaces.

Preparing for replacement

To replace thermal paste correctly, you will need the following materials:

  • stationery knife;
  • thermal paste. You can buy KPT-8, it is considered the cheapest. There is no significant difference in the choice of brand, the quality does not change much. You can buy thermal paste at almost any computer store;
  • toilet paper or napkins. The processor and chip will need to be cleaned. In addition, napkins can be used to wipe your hands.

Execution steps

The first step is to unscrew and remove the back cover of the device. It is important to understand that this will void your laptop's warranty. Disconnect the device from the power supply, remove the battery and unscrew the bolts. Try not to lose the bolts so that after the procedure you can return everything to its place.

Removing the cover, you will see all the “insides” of the laptop. What interests us most is the video card. In most cases, developers screw it with 4 bolts, pressing it to the radiator. Unscrew the bolts and carefully pull this component out of the connector.

The next step is to clean the chip and heatsink from old thermal paste. Experienced users say that if thermal paste is applied incorrectly, the opposite effect can be achieved. As you can see, this is not a case where you can’t spoil the porridge with honey. The product must be applied to a previously cleaned, degreased surface (use a utility knife to remove old material).

If you want to do everything correctly, do not overdo it with the amount of thermal paste. For application, you can use any available product. Computer parts stores may offer a special spatula, but in practice you can do it with your finger. The product is applied exclusively to the chip, and the layer must be quite thin. It is advisable to rub it evenly over the surface, without going beyond the edges of this element.

To prevent devices from overheating, it is advisable to get rid of dust accumulated inside during use. Gently brush the parts of the laptop to remove dust. It is this that is the main enemy of technology: by getting into cracks and corners, it prevents the coolers from spinning and cooling the device.

Reassemble the laptop in reverse order:

  • screw the video card back to the radiator;
  • install the back cover;
  • insert the battery;
  • connect the device to power.


Replacing thermal paste on a laptop | Computer for dummies

Replacing thermal paste on a laptop is the most important point when cleaning a laptop. Thermal paste conducts heat from the processor to the radiator and cooler. In the last article, we found out why the laptop turns off on its own and learned how to disassemble the laptop and clean the cooler from dust. This step of cleaning a laptop is much more difficult and requires that your hands grow from your shoulders. The article discusses the main points when changing thermal paste, and does not provide specific instructions for your laptop.

  1. 1 Preparation
  2. 2 Replacing thermal paste on a laptop


To replace thermal paste we need

It is necessary to remove the back cover, cooler and clean from dust. These steps are described in detail in the article The laptop turns itself off.

Attention, if you doubt your skills, it is better not to try to change the paste on your laptop yourself, entrust it to professionals. This will do the job perfectly here.

Replacing thermal paste on a laptop

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Replacing thermal paste on a laptop


Thermal paste for laptop

Often laptop performance problems are related to overheating. To avoid them and extend the life of the laptop, the device must be regularly cleaned of dust, not forgetting to change the old thermal paste. We'll talk further about what thermal paste for a laptop is, how to change it correctly, how often and why it should be done, and whether thermal pads can be used.

Composition, properties and features of choosing thermal paste

Its multicomponent composition includes fillers from microdispersed powders of metals and their oxides, and synthetic and mineral oils are used as a binder.

The main property of thermal paste for laptops is its high thermal conductivity, much better than that of air. Therefore, when a layer of this material is applied to the junction of the processor and the radiator, normal temperature conditions for the laptop are ensured. Without thermal paste or with old “stiff” substance, the processor will simply burn out.

A signal for the need to change the old thermal paste can be severe overheating of the laptop processor, even under a relatively light load.

You can choose both domestic brands (KPT-8 and AlSil-3) and foreign ones. According to their characteristics, they are identical, but imported ones are slightly more expensive. An additional advantage of domestic pastes is their relative ease of application, since the latter have a more liquid consistency.

If desired, the thermal paste recommended by the processor manufacturer can be found on its website. Usually the results of tests and testing of various pastes are posted there, specific recommendations are given on how to change them and choose the composition. Also try to purchase only high-quality materials for replacement, avoid too cheap ones, as they may turn out to be counterfeit.

Make sure that the composition of the paste is completely homogeneous - the presence of lumps and foreign inclusions in it is unacceptable, as air layers can form that impair thermal conductivity.

Is it worth buying a thermal pad?

First, let's define what a thermal pad is. This is a thin elastic sheet consisting of a base and filler. The base can be rubber or silicone. The latter has the best consumer qualities, but it all depends on the manufacturer and the quality of the materials used. Thermal pads should be stored for no more than a year, so only fresh products should be used. Chinese materials work for about a year and a half, after which they require replacement.

The most important thing is why and whether it is possible to use a thermal pad instead of thermal paste or vice versa. It is recommended to use the materials that the manufacturer himself uses. The thermal pad is indispensable if the distance between the cooling device and the radiator is large (about 1 mm). Otherwise, if you apply a thick layer of thermal paste to the chip instead of a gasket, the device will burn out. Below is a photo of a thermal pad that has dried out and requires replacement.

Rules and procedure for replacing thermal paste

The paste must be changed with the utmost care; it should not be smeared on electronic components and tracks, since it is a conductor due to the inclusion of metal chips. If you do not follow this rule, a short circuit may occur, which will cause the failure of important components of the laptop.

It is better to prepare all the materials and tools necessary for the work in advance. You will need:

  1. The thermal paste itself;
  2. Slotted and Phillips screwdriver;
  3. Unnecessary plastic card;
  4. A stationery knife and a soft napkin.

When choosing a rag or wipe for removing thermal paste, immediately discard materials with abrasive properties or those that leave pellets when used. Surface scratches and foreign inclusions due to poor removal of old material can significantly impair heat transfer.

Sequence of actions when replacing thermal paste

You can change the paste only after disassembling the laptop case. Great care must be taken at this stage to avoid breaking the fragile plastic parts. This is done in the following sequence:

At the final stage of assembly, it is important to correctly mount the cooling radiator. Make sure that when it comes into contact with the processor, the thermal paste does not squeeze out. This is possible if it was applied in too thick a layer. In the future, when carrying out the procedure for cleaning your laptop from dust, do not forget to pay attention to the condition of the thermal paste. If it dries out, the processor will quickly fail.


Replacing thermal paste in your laptop

admin | December 20, 2014 | Miscellaneous |

A couple of days ago I decided to change the thermal paste in my laptop, and there were several prerequisites for this: the last time the thermal paste was changed was more than a year ago,

2nd in critical operating modes, the processor temperature reached 100 0C.

Despite the fact that I know the maximum permissible temperature of my processor - it is 105 0C, I did not wait until it starts to turn off, reduce operating frequencies, or simply burn out.

The first thing I would like to say to those who are going to change the thermal paste on their own is to think about whether it’s worth it, that’s what I mean - replacing thermal paste is not the most difficult process, but disassembling a laptop is another matter - if a person is not sure, what does he do or, as they say, “your hands don’t grow from there” - it’s better to give it to specialists, it will come out cheaper

As for desktop PCs, things are simpler there. Of course, crooked hands and heads can do something bad, but the probability is much less. Enough preface - let's get started.

1. Before disassembling the laptop, I went online and found a video showing how my laptop was disassembled. At the moment, the vast majority of models are freely available, so this should not be a problem.

2.After I knew exactly what to disassemble and why, I got to work. In this matter, the main thing is not to rush, carefully, slowly and everything will work out for you. A few tips - put bolts and other parts of the laptop in different places, so that when the time comes to assemble, you don’t end up with one big pile of parts and different bolts, and you just don’t remember what goes where and why! But put thermal paste either on the battery or in the sun - why? The higher its temperature, the easier and more evenly it will be applied to the surface of the processor. By the time you disassemble your laptop or computer, it will already be warm enough.

3. Disconnect all connectors and cables very carefully, there is no need to put any effort there, everything can be removed quite easily.

4. In order to clean the cooler, you will most likely have to remove it. Often it comes complete with a cooling system. There is one point here: the bolts of the cooling system must be unscrewed sequentially, from larger numbers to smaller ones, for example: 6,5,4,3….. The thermal paste may have dried a little to the surface of the processor and video card, so you need to carefully disconnect the cooling system from the laptop.

5. Clean the cooling system. A brush and a vacuum cleaner are best suited for this. My laptop was used in fairly harsh conditions, but it always worked in clean rooms and only on clean surfaces, and even this is enough for the cooling system to be covered in dust.

6. After the entire system has been removed, it is necessary to clean the surface on the processor and cooling radiator. It is best to use cotton wool and alcohol; you can carefully remove the layer of old paste with a plastic card, but in no case with metal objects - you can damage the processor!!! It is necessary to clean until the surface becomes perfectly clean and smooth.

7.Now we apply a layer of new thermal paste, it should be quite thin and uniform, no thicker than 0.5 mm. (ideally even less, but this is quite difficult to achieve). You should not apply one large drop in the middle of the area, and then press it down by tightening the bolts on the radiator - with this installation method (if the thermal paste is thick) you will not get a uniform layer.

8.Next, put the cooling radiator in place and tighten the bolts, now in the correct sequence, i.e. 1,2,3,4,5...... You are putting the entire laptop back together, the main thing is not to break anything and do not forget to connect all the contacts and cables. That's probably all, nothing complicated.


How to replace thermal paste on a laptop?

Laptop overheating is almost always a current problem and is far from new. Overheating is most often caused by worn-out thermal paste, as well as dust that gets inside the laptop and is compressed into an airtight flap, thereby trapping heat inside the case. The CPU and GPU almost always overheat, as they are considered the most active components of the computer. If you notice that your laptop makes a lot of noise, constantly freezes or turns off, then it needs to be cleaned.

Why should you contact a service center?

At the first signs of overheating, we recommend contacting the ITSA service center. Our specialists will thoroughly clean the cooling system components, replace thermal paste, and lubricate the cooler. After cleaning, we check the computer's stability using a special series of stress tests to determine whether the problem is resolved. In addition, we provide a guarantee for all types of work from 1 to 12 months inclusive. In some cases, you can try cleaning and replacing thermal paste yourself.

Self-cleaning and replacing thermal paste

Important! If your laptop is still under warranty, then disassembling it yourself will automatically void it. You do all manipulations at your own peril and risk.

Let us immediately note that we strongly do not recommend repairing laptops that require complete disassembly yourself. There are a number of reasons for this:

When disassembling, there is a risk of damage to fragile internal cables (keyboard, touchpad, power supply, etc.).

There are a lot of screws in the laptop. If you forget to unscrew one of them, then dismantling any component of the laptop can lead to mechanical damage, which is often not always repairable.

Incorrect disassembly sequence also significantly increases the risk of mechanical damage.

Below we will tell you how to replace thermal paste on laptops with simple disassembly.

Simple disassembly (or category 1 disassembly) involves partial disassembly of the laptop, which depends on its design features. In some cases, to gain access to the cooling system, it is enough to remove the cover of the bottom compartment of the laptop.

Before you begin disassembly, prepare the following tools:

1) A Phillips screwdriver of the appropriate size.

2) High-quality thermal paste (NOT KPT-8).

3) Isopropyl alcohol 70%. Best of all is 96% ethyl.

4) A soft brush about 5 cm wide.

5) A soft piece of fabric without lint.

Important! Before opening the laptop, be sure to unplug it and remove the battery! Without this, do not proceed with disassembly.

Once you have the tool at hand, you can begin disassembling.

Turn the laptop over and remove the rear compartment mounting screws. It may look different for different models. Usually the cooler vents are located on it.

Carefully remove the compartment cover and set it aside. You will see the main components of the laptop: cooler, copper radiator and RAM (depending on the specific model).

Turn off the power to the cooler, unscrew the screws that secure it and then carefully remove it.

Note: in some models the cooler is attached directly to the radiator. In this case, it is removed along with the radiator.

1. Cooling system 3

To remove the radiator, you need to unscrew 4 bolts, marked 1, 2, 3, 4. You need to unscrew them strictly in order. First, unscrew each of them one by one by 3-4 turns. Then, in the same sequence, unscrew them completely. This procedure is necessary in order to avoid distortion of the cooling system and damage to the processor crystal.

By removing the cooling system, you will have access to the central processor and video card. Carefully remove any remaining old thermal paste from the CPU and GPU dies, as well as from the heatsink. To do this, use a soft, lint-free cloth. Then moisten the cloth with isopropyl or ethyl alcohol and also carefully degrease the surface of the radiator and chips.

Thermal paste is a substance used to regulate the temperature between parts of an electrical device that actively generates heat (in laptops and computers, these are the processor and video card). Thermal paste is an important “connecting” element, since it ensures tight contact between the elements, without which normal heat exchange is practically impossible. It is for this reason that replacing thermal paste on a laptop or desktop PC is one of the most important stages of maintaining your device. Therefore, you need to approach this activity with maximum care and the proper level of preparation.

Process Features

Do not forget that each laptop model may have distinctive design nuances that are not taken into account when creating this guide. To avoid any unpleasant moments when replacing thermal paste, you should carefully study the features of your specific equipment.

Laptops need to replace thermal paste every 1-2 years, since without it the equipment overheats greatly, which negatively affects the operation of parts such as the video card and processor. Once the problem occurs, they can fail within a few weeks if nothing is done.

Thermal paste- this is a thick mixture of pale gray or - most often - gray-white color, its main characteristic is high thermal conductivity.

Elements that are constantly exposed to heat (central processor and video card chip) release heat better when applied with thermal paste, which helps protect them from excessive temperatures.

Since after a certain period of use the thermal paste dries out, which leads to overheating of individual parts of the laptop, you must always be on guard.

If the temperature of the processor of your laptop or computer has risen above the permissible norm, usually 75-80 degrees, and the thermal paste has not been changed for many years, it is necessary to urgently take replacement measures.

Thermal paste can be replaced at a service center, but you can do it at home and save a lot of money.

Preparatory stage

To replace thermal paste on a laptop at home, we will need:

  • Thermal paste itself, which can be purchased at any store specializing in computer equipment.

The question of which paste is preferable to use is quite controversial: even among people who specialize in this, it is impossible to find a definite answer as to which paste is preferable, but most often the recommended brands are Zalman, Noctua and Arctic. A syringe containing four grams of thermal paste (enough for several replacements) can be purchased for around 300-400 rubles. You can also use the more popular and cheaper option - KPT-8 - but reviews about this paste are conflicting. In addition, for a short time (for example, while it is not possible to purchase a suitable product), thermal paste can be replaced with lead dust, silicone, hot melt adhesive, thick silicone grease containing silver oxide (a necessary component), or Wood's alloy;

  • Vacuum cleaner or small brush (to clean parts from accumulated dust);
  • Paper napkins (never wet, as they contain substances that can damage laptop parts), toilet paper and cotton swabs for wiping hands, as well as removing remnants of old thermal paste and excess new;
  • Alcohol (which helps separate thermal paste from laptop parts in cases where this cannot be done dry);
  • Knife (it is preferable to use a stationery knife);
  • Screwdriver (to disassemble the laptop);
  • A brush, plastic card, or any other suitable non-scratch item that can be used to apply new thermal paste to the parts.

The process of replacing thermal paste is a procedure that requires care, accuracy and full adherence to technology.

It is worth remembering that improper disassembly and cleaning can damage the laptop, so there is no need to take unnecessary risks if you are not one hundred percent confident in your abilities.

In addition, we must not forget that opening a laptop or system unit on your own will void the warranty on it. Keep this in mind when opening the device.

Disassembling a laptop

Before starting disassembly, turn off the laptop, then use a screwdriver to carefully unscrew the screws and remove the back cover, cooler and clean it of dust using a vacuum cleaner, which will lower the overall system temperature.

This action must be performed as carefully as possible so that the vacuum cleaner does not touch the internal parts of the laptop and damage them.

After this, it is necessary, in the strict sequence indicated on the radiator, to unscrew the bolts that secure it and disconnect the cooling system from the motherboard.

Most often, this requires unscrewing the four screws that attach the heatsink to the central processor and the two that are located next to the graphics chip.

Having dealt with the bolts, you will see a metal board on which there are remnants of old thermal paste - the processor, next to it you can also see the chip of the built-in video card.

Sometimes it happens that in some models the laptop case does not allow the radiator to be separated from the motherboard.

In this case, you must first remove the motherboard and only then disconnect the cooling system from it.

If your laptop also has a separate video card that has its own cooling system, remove it and then remove the heatsink from it.

Under it you will find a video chip - a small plate on which you can also find remnants of old thermal paste.

Please note that all connectors must be disconnected as gently as possible to avoid damaging them.

You also need to take out all the laptop parts (processor, video card and cooling system) with due care. The processor can only be taken by the sides and placed on any plane without excessive pressure, so as not to bend the legs, even though they look quite strong.

Removing old thermal paste

Carefully, without excessive pressure, using dry paper napkins or toilet paper, you need to remove the remnants of old thermal paste from the cooling system, processor and video card of the laptop.

If the paste does not yield well, you can use cotton swabs, moistening them with pharmaceutical alcohol.

Replacing thermal paste is considered successful only if the surface of the processor is first cleaned to an almost mirror-like shine. To avoid fan blade noise in the future, you can also use a drop of machine oil to lubricate it.

Applying new thermal paste

First of all, you need to squeeze a drop of thermal paste from the syringe onto the processor, after which you can begin distributing it over the surfaces.

To do this, you need to use a special brush (sometimes you can buy it complete with thermal paste), a plastic card, or any other suitable object that will not leave scratches on the chipset cover.

Thermal paste must be evenly distributed in a thin layer over the surface of the built-in or external video card, processor, and also, if desired, on the cooling system (but this is not mandatory: the paste previously applied to other parts is enough for the laptop to function properly again).

If your laptop has a video card with its own cooling system, the contact area between the radiator and the graphics chip should also be covered with thermal paste.

Excess substance should be wiped off with a paper napkin. Don't think that the more thermal paste you use, the better your laptop will perform: this is a situation where quality does not depend on quantity.

Assembling a laptop

We carry out the actions indicated in the first paragraph, observing the reverse sequence. First, we return the processor to its place (its corner, marked with a golden arrow, should coincide with the same corner of the connector marked with an arrow), then lower the leg of the latch.

We install the cooling system by tightening the bolts in accordance with the numbering indicated on the radiator.

You need to make sure that all the bolts are secured properly so that there are no problems with the further operation of the laptop.

After making sure that all parts are in place, close the housing cover. After turning on the laptop, check the temperature of the processor and video card under load. If its performance drops compared to last time, replacing the thermal paste will benefit the laptop. The reason for failure may be other reasons for equipment overheating.


Replacing thermal paste is not that complicated, but it is a very important process, unless of course you want your laptop to fail. In any case, if you follow the instructions, the process of replacing thermal paste will not be a problem for you.
