Fyodor Dostoevsky story boys bookshelf. Fyodor Dostoevsky "Christ's boy on the Christmas tree"

Dostoevsky introduces readers to the Karamazov family. Its head, Fyodor Pavlovich Karamazov, is a small landowner. The author characterizes him as a “stupid”, “trashy and depraved” person, but cunning.

Fyodor Pavlovich was married twice. The first wife belonged to the rich and influential Miusov family. Immediately after the wedding, Karamazov took away her dowry and began to behave boorishly towards his young wife. From constant beatings and scandals, the woman fled to St. Petersburg, where she soon died, leaving behind a three-year-old son, Mitya. Fyodor Pavlovich was not involved in raising the child. Took guardianship of Mitya cousin wife Pyotr Aleksandrovich Miusov, but soon left for Paris, entrusting the boy to his relatives.

Dmitry grew up and was raised almost on his own. Without graduating from high school, he ended up in military school, from there to the Caucasus, where he caroused a lot. There, Dmitry was demoted for participating in a duel. To a young man I couldn’t get my mother’s money by inheritance from Fyodor Pavlovich. The father paid off his son with a small amount and sent transfers until the inheritance ended. But Dmitry did not want to admit it.

Fyodor Pavlovich's second wife was a timid and quiet woman who bore him two sons, but never knew family happiness. The despot humiliated his wife in every possible way, organizing disgusting orgies right in front of her. The unfortunate woman died four years after the birth of her second child. The father also did not want to raise Ivan and Alexei. They were taken, essentially, by a stranger. The noble and kind heir of their mother's teacher raised and educated the children.

Ivan is already in early age He studied well, for which he was assigned to a gymnasium with a famous teacher. The boy then entered the university, where he learned to make a living from newspaper publications. After finishing his studies, he returned to his father and got along with him quite easily.

Alexey was everyone's favorite. He was adored in foster family, and in the gymnasium. Fyodor Pavlovich also treated the younger one better than other children. Even when Alyosha decided to go as a novice to a monastery, his father did not object. The young man made his choice under the influence of Elder Zosima.

Wanting to end the dispute between his father and Dmitry about the inheritance, Alexey invited the whole family to get together and discuss the problem in the monastery with the elder.

Book two. Inappropriate meeting

All the Karamazovs, as well as Pyotr Miusov, gathered in the cell of Elder Zosima. Fyodor Pavlovich, not embarrassed by the elder, started a buffoonish conversation, trying to offend Miusov. This prank provoked a scandal, which is how the meeting ended. Fyodor Pavlovich also accused Dmitry of the fact that his son brought his fiancee Katerina Ivanovna to the city, and he himself was seducing Grushenka, the kept woman of a local rich merchant. Mitya responds by accusing his father, saying that he himself wants to get Grushenka.

Zosima behaves amazingly at this meeting. He bows at Dmitry’s feet, anticipating his future tragedy, and blesses Ivan to search for the truth. After his death, Alexei is punished to leave the monastery and be close to his brothers.

Book three. Voluptuaries

Dmitry tells Alyosha about Katerina Ivanovna’s problem. Her father lost government money and, in despair, decided to shoot himself. Dmitry had just the right amount, and he was ready to give money to Katerina if she came to him. And the girl decided to sacrifice herself in order to save her father’s good name. Dmitry, however, did not take advantage of the moment, but gave Katerina money just like that. After this incident, the girl's father fell ill and soon died. And Katya unexpectedly became the rich heiress of a Moscow aunt. She wrote a letter to Dmitry, declaring her love and inviting him to marry her, now a rich bride. Mitya agreed and wooed Katerina. However, in the person of his middle brother, he had a rival. When Katerina met Ivan, it became clear that love was emerging between the young people.

Dmitry does not regret this. He invites Alyosha to visit Katya and explain to her that he will no longer come to the bride, she can marry Ivan. Dmitry himself lost his head over Grushenka and is ready to marry her. For the sake of new lover he squandered three thousand rubles that Katerina gave him for one business. Dmitry hopes to return the money to his bride with the help of his father. He knows that Fyodor Pavlovich has prepared such a sum for Grushenka. Dmitry is determined to prevent the girl from meeting her parent. Out of jealousy, he is even ready to kill his father.

Mitya must be warned about Grushenka’s arrival by Smerdyakov, a servant in Fyodor Pavlovich’s house. This is the son of the holy fool Lizaveta and Fyodor Pavlovich himself, as people said. Lizaveta died in childbirth, and the boy was raised by the lackey Grigory and his wife. Smerdyakov, like his mother, suffered from seizures, treated animals cruelly and was a very vile person.

Alexey finds Grushenka at Katerina Ivanovna's. Women speak in a raised voice. The maid gives Alexei a letter with a declaration of love from Lisa, the sick daughter of the landowner Khokhlakova.

Dmitry breaks into his father's house, suspecting that Grushenka has come, and in a fit of anger beats Fyodor Pavlovich.

Book four. Tears

Alexey goes to the Khokhlakovs. On the way, he gets into a fight with schoolchildren, one of whom bites his finger. As it turns out, this is Ilyushenka, the son of retired staff captain Snegirev, who was cruelly insulted by Dmitry. At the Khokhlakovs, Alexey meets his middle brother and Katerina. Ivan confesses his love to Dmitry's fiancee and is about to leave, since Katerina intends to remain faithful to Mitya, despite his desire to marry Grushenka.

Katerina Ivanovna sends Alyosha to Snegirev so that he gives the staff captain 200 rubles. Snegirev, despite the difficult situation in the family (sick daughter, feeble-minded wife, young son), refuses money.

Book five. Pro and contra

Ivan and Alexey meet in a tavern, where one of the main scenes of the novel takes place. The middle brother talks about his beliefs. He does not deny God, but he also does not recognize that the world is organized by the Almighty. Ivan retells his poem about the Grand Inquisitor, in which he describes how Christ came down to earth again and was imprisoned. The Grand Inquisitor comes to the Son of God to explain his theory: humanity cannot be free between good and evil, people suffer from uncertainty. The Inquisitor and his associates want to save humanity from the torment of choice. If you arrange the world according to strict rules, then people will be grateful for such slavery. The inquisitor waits for objections from Christ, but he only silently kisses him. Alyosha explains his impression of what he heard: “Your poem is praise to Jesus, and not blasphemy... as you wanted.”

Ivan returns home and meets Smerdyakov, who advises him to leave somewhere, since something bad may happen to his father in the near future. Ivan is outraged by this kind of hint, but agrees that he needs to leave. In the morning he goes to Moscow, and at this time Smerdyakov has an epileptic seizure.

Book six. Russian monk

This chapter tells about the youth of Father Zosima and his death.

The future holy ascetic was born into a poor noble family. His older brother died of consumption, which affected the boy strong impression. Then he entered the cadet corps and became an officer. One day Zosima had to fight a duel. The night before this event, he had an epiphany. Zosima withstood the shot, threw away his pistol and asked the enemy for forgiveness. After such a courageous act, the man went to the monastery.

The elder died quietly, prostrating himself on the ground in prayer.

Book seven. Alyosha

After the death of Zosima, everyone expected an incorruptible body and all sorts of miracles. But very soon a corruptive spirit spread from the tomb, which caused great ferment of minds in the monastery and in the city.

Upset by everything that is happening, Alexei agrees to go with his friend Rakitin to Grushenka. They find the girl in great excitement; she is waiting for news from an officer who once deceived her and abandoned her. Grushenka sits on Alyosha's lap and tries to flirt. Having learned about the death of the elder, he abandons this intention. Soon they sent for her, and the girl hastily goes to the officer in Mokroye.

Alyosha returns to the monastery, where he falls asleep at the elder’s tomb. He dreams of Cana of Galilee. The elder is next to Jesus, he rejoices and calls his disciple. After this night, Alexey changed a lot and matured. Three days later he leaves the monastery.

Book eight. Mitya

Trying to find three thousand that Dmitry must return to Katerina, he goes to Grushenka's patron for advice. The merchant decides to play a trick on Mitya and advises him to sell the grove to a timber buyer. After much ordeal, Dmitry finds the buyer drunk and stays overnight with him to resolve matters in the morning. At night he saves a buyer who almost died. Realizing that this plan has failed, Mitya returns to the city. He didn't have a penny of money left, so he had to pawn his watch and dueling pistols. last hope- borrow three thousand from Khokhlakova, but even there Karamazov is refused.

In despair, Dmitry runs away and bumps into a maid, from whom he learns that Grushenka is not at home. Consumed by jealousy, he breaks into her house and tries to find out from the owners where the girl went. Having achieved nothing, Dmitry grabs a copper pestle from the table and rushes to his father, suspecting that Grushenka is there. To find out for sure, he gives a pre-arranged signal, which Smerdyakov told him about.

The delighted Fyodor Pavlovich leans out of the window. Dmitry is seized with anger, he wants to kill his father, but then the footman Gregory comes out onto the porch. Mitya rushes away, Grigory runs after him and catches up with him when the young man climbs over the fence. The old servant hangs on Dmitry, and he responds by hitting Grigory on the head with a pestle. The servant falls, bleeding profusely. Dmitry bends down and wipes the old man’s face with a handkerchief. Then, having come to his senses, he runs away again.

He returns to Grushenka's house and finds out where the girl went. Completely confused and covered in blood, Dmitry appears at the official’s, where he pawned the pistols with a wad of money. He buys the weapons, washes himself of the blood and rushes to Mokroye for Grushenka. There Dmitry finds the girl with Poles and acquaintances from the city. In order to somehow take his mind off the turbulent events, Dmitry sits down to play cards with the men, then begins to go on a drinking spree. So the night flew by, and early in the morning Dmitry was arrested and accused of murdering his father.

Book nine. Preliminary investigation

The wife of the footman Grigory woke up in the middle of the night from the screams that Smerdyakov made in a fit. Out of fear, she began to call her husband until she found him in the garden. In horror, the old woman rushed to the house and saw through open window murdered Fyodor Pavlovich. She screamed and called her neighbors for help. Then everyone called the police officer together.

The investigation began immediately. A pestle was found in the garden, and in the bedroom of the deceased they found an empty, torn bag containing those same three thousand rubles. During interrogation, Dmitry initially refused to explain where he got the money. But then he admitted: these are the remains of the three thousand that Katerina gave him. Nobody believes Mitya. All eyewitness testimony in Mokroye is against him.

Book ten. Boys

This chapter tells about Kolya Krasotkin, who patronized Ilyusha at the gymnasium. Kolya was a very brave boy. One day, as a bet, he lay down between the rails under a passing train. After this incident, all the boys in the gymnasium respected him. Previously, Kolya was in a quarrel with Ilyusha, but now he has made peace and met Alexei.

When Ilyusha became very ill, Alexey began to visit the patient, and also organized the boys from the class to visit their friend every day.

Book eleven. Brother Ivan Fedorovich

Ivan visits the sick Smerdyakov, who confesses to him of the murder. Smerdyakov gives three thousand rubles and accuses Ivan of committing murder under the influence of his theories and reasoning: God does not exist and therefore everything is permitted. That night Smerdyakov hanged himself.

Ivan is tormented by his conscience, he has delusions and hallucinations. A man has a long conversation with the devil.

Book twelve. Judgement mistake

At the trial, Ivan presents three thousand rubles and talks about Smerdyakov’s confession. Some facts also point to Dmitry's innocence, although most of the evidence is not in his favor. Ivan begins to have a seizure right in the courtroom. Frightened by his condition, Katerina Ivanovna presents to the court a letter from Dmitry, in which he wrote about his desire to kill his father. This evidence turns out to be fatal. Dmitry is sentenced to hard labor.

F. M. Dostoevsky is one of the world's greatest writers. His work is permeated with spirituality and reflections on good and evil.

Among the writer’s novels, The Brothers Karamazov occupies a special place. The work consists of 4 parts and an epilogue. In this article we will retell Dostoevsky's story "Boys". It belongs to the fourth part of the novel, the tenth book.

F. M. Dostoevsky, story “Boys”. "Kolya Krasotkin"

Upon learning of this, his mother had seizures for several days. At the gymnasium where Kolya studied, the authorities did not like this news. However, the teacher Dardanelov, who was in love with Krasotkin’s mother, stood up for the guy. But Kolya is against this relationship and makes this clear to the widow. He shows his superiority over the teacher by asking him a question to which he does not know the answer.

A guy gets a dog, teaches it commands and tyrannizes it. However, the dog loves his owner.

At the end of this chapter about Kolya Krasotkin, we learn that this is the same guy who was stabbed by Ilyusha Snegirev with a knife.

Dostoevsky, "The Brothers Karamazov", "Boys". "Kids"

In this part we learn that in the house where Kolya Krasotkin lives with his mother, dog and servant Baba Agafya, other people also live: a doctor with two children and a servant Katerina. On the day described main character I was going to go to an important business, but I was forced to sit with the “bubbles”. That's what he called the doctor's children - Nastenka and Kostya. There were no adults at home except him. Katerina was about to give birth, so she, Krasotkin’s mother and the doctor’s wife went to the midwife, and Agafya went to the market. To entertain the children, Kolya showed them a cannon. When the Krasotkins' maid returned, he argued with her.


Kolya, together with a younger boy, Matvey Smurov, decided to visit the sick and dying Ilyusha Snegirev. The summary (Dostoevsky, “Boys”) can be continued by saying that on the way Krasotkin is insolent to those around him: traders, boys, men. He considers himself smarter than others and shows this to people in every possible way. When they get to Ilyusha's house, Krasotkin tells Smurov to call


When Karamazov comes out to see Krasotkin, Kolya is noticeably nervous. He had long dreamed of meeting him. Kolya tells Alyosha about his friendship with Ilyusha, about how he stabbed him with a knife. And it was like this: the boys were friends, Snegirev idolized Krasotkin, but the more he was drawn to him, the more Kolya pushed him away with his coldness. One day Ilyusha did a vile thing: he stuck a pin in the bread and threw it to Zhuchka. The dog ate it, squealed and ran away. After such an act, Kolya said that he did not want to have anything to do with him. Everyone laughed at Ilyusha, offended him, and at such a moment he stabbed Krasotkin.

When Snegirev became seriously ill, he said that God punished him this way for the dog that he may have killed.

Kolya’s dog, named Perezvon, looked like Zhuchka. The guys went home, and Kolya promised to surprise him with the unusual appearance of the dog.

“At Ilyusha’s bed”

The summary (Dostoevsky, “Boys”) of this part includes a description of Kolya’s character. Krasotkin showed himself to be a proud, narcissistic and boastful guy. He brought the dog (Perezvon) and said that it was actually Zhuchka. Kolya admitted that he kept the dog at home to teach him commands in order to return him to Ilyusha and surprise him with the skills that the animal acquired.

By that time, the sick boy was given a purebred puppy to make him feel better.

Krasotkin behaves defiantly in front of everyone. He gives his gun to Ilyusha, puts in his place one boy who dared to say that he knows the answer to the question that perplexed the teacher. He tries to impress Alyosha by talking about himself different stories and showing off your knowledge. And then the doctor comes.

"Early development"

Here is a dialogue between Alyosha and Kolya. Krasotkin tries to impress Karamazov again. He shares his thoughts on medicine, faith, attributing his opinions to famous philosophers, critics and writers. To which Karamazov answers him that these are not his words, that his conceit is a matter of age. Kolya finds out how Alyosha treats him.


How does Dostoevsky conclude his work (summary)? "The Boys" is a story that ends with the doctor informing him that the patient does not have long to live. He looked at these people with disgust. Krasotkin began to be sarcastic in response, but Alyosha stopped him. They approached Ilyusha, everyone was crying. Kolya ran home in tears, promising to return in the evening.

The work “Boys” is the tenth book of the fourth part of F. M. Dostoevsky’s novel “The Brothers Karamazov”.

Kolya Krasotkin

The thirty-year-old widow of the provincial secretary Krasotkin lived “with her capital” in a small, clean house. The husband of this pretty, timid and gentle lady died thirteen years ago. Having gotten married at the age of eighteen, she lived in marriage for only a year, but managed to give birth to a son, Kolya, to whom she devoted “all of herself.”

Throughout his childhood, the mother was in awe of her son, and when the boy entered the gymnasium, “she rushed to study all the sciences with him in order to help him and rehearse his lessons with him.” They started teasing Kolya " mama's boy“, but his character turned out to be strong, and he managed to defend himself.

Kolya studied well, seeing the respect of his classmates, did not become arrogant, behaved friendly and knew how to restrain his temper, especially when communicating with elders. Kolya was proud, and even managed to subjugate his mother to his will. The widow willingly obeyed her son, but sometimes it seemed to her that the boy was “insensitive” and “loved her little.” She was wrong - Kolya loved his mother very much, but could not stand “calf tenderness.”

From time to time Kolya liked to play pranks - perform miracles and show off. There were several books left from his father in the house, and the boy “read something that he should not have been allowed to read at his age.” This inappropriate reading led to more serious pranks.

One summer, a widow took her son to visit her friend, whose husband worked at the railway station. There Kolya made a bet with the local boys that he would lie motionless under a train rushing at full speed.

These fifteen-year-olds turned up their noses at him too much and at first did not even want to consider him a comrade, as “little”, which was already unbearably offensive.

Kolya won the argument, but lost consciousness when the train passed over him, which he confessed to his frightened mother some time later. The news of this “feat” reached the gymnasium, and Kolya’s reputation as a “desperate” was finally strengthened. They even planned to expel the boy, but teacher Dardanelov, who was in love with Mrs. Krasotkina, stood up for him. The grateful widow gave the teacher little hope of reciprocity, and Kolya began to treat him more respectfully, although he despised Dardanelov for his “feelings.”

Soon after this, Kolya brought the mongrel into the house, named him Perezvon, locked him in his room, did not show it to anyone, and diligently taught him all sorts of tricks.


It was a frosty November. It was a day off. Kolya wanted to go out “on one very important matter,” but he could not, since everyone had left the house, and he was left to look after the children, his brother and sister, whom he loved very much and called “bubbles.” The children belonged to the Krasotkins’ neighbor, the wife of a doctor who abandoned the family. The doctor's maid was about to give birth, and both ladies took her to the midwife, and Agafya, who served the Krasotkins, lingered at the market.

The boy was greatly amused by the “bubbles”’ reasoning about where children come from. The brother and sister were afraid to be left at home alone, and Kolya had to entertain them - show them a toy cannon that can shoot, and force Perezvon to do all sorts of tricks.

Finally, Agafya returned, and Kolya left on his important business, taking Perezvon with him.


Kolya met with an eleven-year-old boy, Smurov, the son of a wealthy official, who was two grades younger than Krasotkin. Smurov’s parents forbade their son to hang out with the “desperate naughty” Krasotkin, so the boys communicated in secret.

The schoolchildren went to see their friend Ilyusha Snegirev, who was seriously ill and no longer got out of bed. Alexey Karamazov persuaded the guys to visit Ilyusha to brighten up his last days.

Kolya was surprised that Karamazov was busy with the baby when in his own family Trouble is, he will soon be tried for parricide of his older brother. For Krasotkin, Alexey was a mysterious person, and the boy dreamed of meeting him.

The boys walked through the market square. Kolya announced to Smurov that he had become a socialist and a supporter of universal equality, then he started talking about the early frost, to which people were not yet accustomed.

People have a habit of everything, in everything, even in government and political relations. Habit is the main engine.

On the way, Kolya began to talk and bully the men and women traders, declaring that he liked to “talk to the people.” He even managed to create a small scandal out of nowhere and confuse the young clerk.

Approaching the house of Staff Captain Snegirev, Kolya ordered Smurov to call Karamazov, wanting to “smell” him first.


Kolya was excitedly waiting for Karamazov - “there was something sympathetic and attractive in all the stories he heard about Alyosha.” The boy decided not to lose face, to show his independence, but was afraid that because vertically challenged Karamazov will not accept him as an equal.

Alyosha was glad to see Kolya. In his delirium, Ilyusha often remembered his friend and suffered greatly that he did not come. Kolya told Karamazov how they met. Krasotkin noticed Ilyusha when he went to preparatory class. Classmates teased the weak boy, but he did not obey and tried to fight them back. Kolya liked this rebellious pride, and he took Ilyusha under his protection.

Soon Krasotkin noticed that the boy became too attached to him. Being an enemy of “all kinds of calf tenderness,” Kolya began to treat Ilyusha more and more coldly in order to “train the character” of the baby.

One day Kolya learned that the Karamazovs’ lackey had taught Ilyusha a “brutal joke” - wrapping a pin in bread crumb and feeding this “treat” to a hungry dog. The pin was swallowed by a homeless Bug. Ilyusha was sure that the dog was dead and suffered greatly. Kolya decided to take advantage of Ilyusha’s remorse and, for educational purposes, declared that he would no longer speak to him.

Kolya intended to “forgive” Ilyusha in a few days, but his classmates, seeing that he had lost the protection of his elder, again began to call Ilyusha’s father a “washcloth.” During one of these “battles,” the baby was severely beaten. Kolya, who was present at the time, wanted to intercede for him, but it seemed to Ilyusha that ex-friend and the patron also laughs at him, and he pokes Krasotkin in the thigh with a penknife. On the same day, Ilyusha, extremely excited, bit Alyosha on the finger. Then the baby fell ill. Kolya was very sorry that he had not yet come to visit him, but he had his own reasons.

Ilyusha decided that God had punished him with illness for killing Zhuchka. Snegirev and the guys searched the whole city, but the dog was never found. Everyone hoped that Kolya would find Zhuchka, but he said that he had no intention of doing so.

Before entering Ilyusha, Kolya asked Karamazov what the boy’s father, Staff Captain Snegirev, was like. In the city he was considered a buffoon.

There are people who feel deeply, but are somehow oppressed. Their buffoonery is like malicious irony towards those to whose faces they do not dare to tell the truth out of long-term humiliating timidity in front of them.

Snegirev adored his son. Alyosha was afraid that after the death of Ilyusha Snegirev would go crazy or “take his own life” out of grief.

Proud Kolya was afraid that the guys would tell Karamazov tales about him. For example, they said that during recess he plays “Cossacks-robbers” with the kids. But Alyosha did not see anything wrong with this, considering the game “an emerging need for art in a young soul.” Reassured, Kolya promised to show Ilyusha some kind of “show.”

At Ilyusha's bed

The cramped and poor room of the Snegirevs was full of children from the pro-gymnasium. Alexei unobtrusively, one by one, brought them together with Ilyusha, hoping to alleviate the boy’s suffering. The only thing he could not approach was the independent Krasotkin, who told Smurov, who was sent to him, that he had “his own calculations,” and he himself knew when to go to the patient.

Ilyusha was lying in bed under the images, sitting next to him was his legless sister and his “crazy mother” - a half-crazed woman whose behavior resembled a child. Since Ilyusha fell ill, the staff captain almost stopped drinking and even mamma became silent and thoughtful.

Snegirev tried in every possible way to cheer up his son. Occasionally he would run out into the hallway and “begin to sob with some kind of liquid, shaking cry.” Both Snegirev and mother rejoiced when their home was filled with children's laughter.

Recently, the wealthy merchant Katerina Ivanovna began helping the Snegirev family. She gave money and paid for the doctor’s regular visits, and the staff captain “forgot his former ambition and humbly accepted alms.” So today they were expecting a famous doctor from Moscow, whom Katerina Ivanovna asked to see Ilyusha.

Kolya was amazed at how Ilyusha had changed in just two months.

He could not even imagine that he would see such a thin and yellowed face, such eyes that burned in the feverish heat and seemed to be terribly enlarged, such thin hands.

Sitting down by his friend’s bed, Kolya mercilessly reminded him of the disappeared Bug, not noticing that Alyosha was shaking his head negatively. Then Smurov opened the door, Kolya whistled, and Perezvon ran into the room, in which Ilyusha recognized Zhuchka.

Kolya told how he searched for the dog for several days, and then locked it in his place and taught it various tricks. That is why he did not come to Ilyusha for so long. Krasotkin did not understand how such a shock could have a devastating effect on the sick boy, otherwise he would not have thrown out “such a thing.” Probably only Alexey understood that it was dangerous to worry the patient; everyone else was happy that Zhuchka was alive.

Kolya forced the perezvon to show all the tricks he had learned, and then handed Ilyusha a cannon and a book, which he had exchanged from a classmate especially for his friend. Mama liked the cannon very much, and Ilyusha generously gave her the toy. Then Kolya told the patient all the news, including the story that had recently happened to him.

While walking along the market square, Kolya saw a flock of geese and dared one stupid guy to check whether the cart wheel would cut the goose's neck. The goose, of course, died, and the instigators ended up before the magistrate. He decided that the goose would go to the guy who would pay a ruble to the owner of the bird. The judge released Kolya, threatening to report to the authorities of the gymnasium.

Then an important Moscow doctor arrived, and the guests had to leave the room for a while.

Early development

Krasotkin got the opportunity to talk with Alexei Karamazov alone, in the hallway. Trying to appear mature and educated, the boy told him his thoughts about God, Voltaire, Belinsky, socialism, medicine, the place of women in modern society and other things. Thirteen-year-old Kolya believed that God was needed “for the world order,” Voltaire did not believe in God, but “loved humanity,” Christ, if he lived now, would certainly join the revolutionaries, and “a woman is a subordinate creature and must obey.”

Having listened to Kolya very seriously, Alyosha was amazed at him early development. It turned out that Krasotkin had not really read either Voltaire or Belinsky, or “forbidden literature,” except for the single issue of the magazine “Bell,” but he had a strong opinion about everything. In his head there was a real “mess” of unread things, read too early and not fully understood.

Alyosha felt sad that this young man, who had not yet begun to live, was already perverted by “all this crude nonsense” and was too proud, however, like all Russian high school students, whose main characteristic is “no knowledge and selfless conceit.”

Show the ‹…› Russian schoolchild a map starry sky, about which until then he had no idea, and tomorrow he will return this map to you corrected.

Alyosha believed that Kolya would be corrected by communicating with people like the Snegirevs. Kolya told Karamazov how his painful pride sometimes torments him. Sometimes it seems to the boy that the whole world is laughing at him, and in response he himself begins to torment those around him, especially his mother.

Alyosha noted that “the devil has embodied this pride and got into the whole generation,” and advised Kolya not to be like everyone else, especially since he is still capable of self-condemnation. He foresaw a difficult but blessed life for Kolya. Krasotkin admired Karamazov, especially because he spoke to him as an equal, and hoped for a long friendship.


While Kolya and Karamazov were talking, the capital’s doctor examined Ilyusha, his sister, and mother and went out into the hallway. Krasotkin heard the doctor say that nothing depended on him now, but Ilyusha’s life could be extended if he was taken to Italy for at least a year. Not at all embarrassed by the poverty surrounding him, the doctor advised Snegirev to take his daughter to the Caucasus and his wife to a Paris psychiatric clinic.

Kolya was so angry at the speech of the arrogant doctor that he spoke rudely to him and called him “doctor.” Alyosha had to shout at Krasotkin. The doctor stamped his feet in anger and left, and the staff captain “shaked with silent sobs.”

Squeezing his head with both fists, he began to sob, squealing somehow absurdly, trying with all his might, however, so that his squeals would not be heard in the hut.

Ilyusha guessed what sentence the doctor gave him. He asked his father to take another boy after his death, and Kolya to come with Perezvon to his grave. Then the dying boy hugged Kolya and his father tightly.

Unable to bear it, Krasotkin hastily said goodbye, jumped out into the hallway and began to cry. Alyosha, who found him there, made the boy promise to come to Ilyusha as often as possible.

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Children are strange people, they dream and imagine. Before the Christmas tree and just before Christmas, I kept meeting on the street, on a certain corner, one boy, no more than seven years old. IN terrible frost he was dressed almost like summer clothes, but his neck was tied with some old clothes, which means that someone had equipped him when they sent him. He walked "with a pen"; This is a technical term and means to beg for alms. The term was invented by these boys themselves. There are many like him, they spin on your road and howl something they have learned by heart; but this one did not howl and spoke somehow innocently and unusually and looked trustingly into my eyes - therefore, he was just starting his profession. In response to my questions, he said that he had a sister who was unemployed and ill; maybe it’s true, but only I found out later that there are a lot of these boys: they are sent out “with a pen” even in the most terrible frost, and if they don’t get anything, then they will probably be beaten. Having collected kopecks, the boy returns with red, numb hands to some basement, where some gang of negligent workers are drinking, one of the same ones who, “having gone on strike at the factory on Sunday on Saturday, return to work again no earlier than on Wednesday evening.” . There, in the cellars, their hungry and beaten wives, their hungry babies immediately squeal. Vodka, and dirt, and debauchery, and most importantly, vodka. With the collected pennies, the boy is immediately sent to the tavern, and he brings more wine. For fun, sometimes they pour a scythe into his mouth and laugh when, with his breathing stopped, he falls almost unconscious on the floor,

And I put bad vodka in my mouth

He poured in mercilessly...

When he grows up, he is quickly sold off to a factory somewhere, but everything he earns, he is again obliged to bring to the careless workers, and they again drink away. But even before the factory, these children become complete criminals. They wander around the city and know places in different basements where they can crawl into and where they can spend the night unnoticed. One of them spent several nights in a row with one janitor in some kind of basket, and he never noticed him. Of course, they become thieves. Theft turns into a passion even among eight-year-old children, sometimes even without any consciousness of the criminality of the action. In the end they endure everything - hunger, cold, beatings - for only one thing, for freedom, and run away from their negligent people to wander away from themselves. This wild creature sometimes does not understand anything, neither where he lives, nor what nation he is, whether there is a God, whether there is a sovereign; even such people convey things about them that are incredible to hear, and yet they are all facts.


But I am a novelist, and, it seems, I composed one “story” myself. Why do I write: “it seems”, because I myself probably know what I wrote, but I keep imagining that this happened somewhere and sometime, this is exactly what happened just before Christmas, in some huge city and in a terrible freezing.

I imagine there was a boy in the basement, but he was still very small, about six years old or even younger. This boy woke up in the morning in a damp and cold basement. He was dressed in some kind of robe and was shaking. His breath flew out in white steam, and he, sitting in the corner on a chest, out of boredom, deliberately let this steam out of his mouth and amused himself by watching it fly out. But he really wanted to eat. Several times in the morning he approached the bunk, where his sick mother lay on a thin bedding like a pancake and on some kind of bundle under her head instead of a pillow. How did she end up here? She must have arrived with her boy from a foreign city and suddenly fell ill. The owner of the corners was captured by the police two days ago; the tenants scattered, it was a holiday, and the only one left, the robe, had been lying dead drunk for the whole day, without even waiting for the holiday. In another corner of the room, some eighty-year-old old woman, who had once lived somewhere as a nanny, but was now dying alone, was moaning from rheumatism, groaning, grumbling and grumbling at the boy, so that he was already afraid to come close to her corner. He got something to drink somewhere in the hallway, but couldn’t find a crust anywhere, and for the tenth time he already went to wake up his mother. He finally felt terrified in the darkness: evening had already begun long ago, but the fire had not been lit. Feeling his mother’s face, he was amazed that she did not move at all and became as cold as a wall. “It’s very cold here,” he thought, stood for a while, unconsciously forgetting his hand on the dead woman’s shoulder, then he breathed on his fingers to warm them, and suddenly, rummaging for his cap on the bunk, slowly, gropingly, he walked out of the basement. He would have gone even earlier, but he was still afraid of the big dog upstairs, on the stairs, which had been howling all day at the neighbors' doors. But the dog was no longer there, and he suddenly went outside.

Lord, what a city! He had never seen anything like this before. Where he came from, it was so dark at night, there was only one lantern on the entire street. Low wooden houses are closed with shutters; on the street, when it gets a little dark, there is no one, everyone shuts up in their homes, and only whole packs of dogs howl, hundreds and thousands of them, howl and bark all night. But there it was so warm and they gave him something to eat, but here - Lord, if only he could eat! And what a knock and thunder there is, what light and people, horses and carriages, and frost, frost! Frozen steam rises from the driven horses, from their hot breathing muzzles; Horseshoes ring on the stones through the loose snow, and everyone is pushing so hard, and, God, I really want to eat, even just a piece of something, and my fingers suddenly hurt so much. A peace officer walked by and turned away so as not to notice the boy.

Here is the street again - oh, how wide! Here they will probably be crushed like that; how they all scream, run and drive, and the light, the light! And what's that? Wow, what a big glass, and behind the glass there is a room, and in the room there is wood up to the ceiling; this is a Christmas tree, and on the tree there are so many lights, so many golden pieces of paper and apples, and all around there are dolls and little horses; and children are running around the room, dressed up, clean, laughing and playing, and eating, and drinking something. This girl started dancing with the boy, what a pretty girl! Here comes the music, you can hear it through the glass. The boy looks, marvels, and even laughs, but his fingers and toes are already hurting, and his hands have become completely red, they no longer bend and it hurts to move. And suddenly the boy remembered that his fingers hurt so much, he cried and ran on, and now again he sees through another glass a room, again there are trees, but on the tables there are all kinds of pies - almond, red, yellow, and four people are sitting there rich ladies, and whoever comes, they give him pies, and the door opens every minute, many gentlemen come in from the street. The boy crept up, suddenly opened the door and entered. Wow, how they shouted and waved at him! One lady quickly came up and put a penny in his hand, and she opened the door to the street for him. How scared he was! And the penny immediately rolled out and rang down the steps: he could not bend his red fingers and hold it. The boy ran out and went as quickly as possible, but he didn’t know where. He wants to cry again, but he’s too afraid, and he runs and runs and blows on his hands. And melancholy takes over him, because he suddenly felt so lonely and terrible, and suddenly, Lord! So what is this again? People are standing in a crowd and marveling: on the window behind the glass there are three dolls, small, dressed in red and green dresses and very, very lifelike! Some old man sits and seems to be playing a large violin, two others stand right there and play small violins, and shake their heads to the beat, and look at each other, and their lips move, they talk, they really talk - only now You can't hear it because of the glass. And at first the boy thought that they were alive, but when he realized that they were dolls, he suddenly laughed. He had never seen such dolls and did not know that such existed! And he wants to cry, but the dolls are so funny. Suddenly it seemed to him that someone grabbed him by the robe from behind: a big, angry boy stood nearby and suddenly hit him on the head, tore off his cap, and kicked him from below. The boy rolled to the ground, then they screamed, he was stunned, he jumped up and ran and ran, and suddenly he ran into he doesn’t know where, into a gateway, into someone else’s yard, and sat down behind some firewood: “They won’t find anyone here, and it’s dark.”

He sat down and huddled, but he couldn’t catch his breath from fear, and suddenly, quite suddenly, he felt so good: his arms and legs suddenly stopped hurting and it became so warm, so warm, like on a stove; Now he shuddered all over: oh, but he was about to fall asleep! How nice it is to fall asleep here: “I’ll sit here and go look at the dolls again,” the boy thought and grinned, remembering them, “just like alive!” And suddenly he heard his mother singing a song above him. “Mom, I’m sleeping, oh, how good it is to sleep here!”

“Let’s go to my Christmas tree, boy,” a quiet voice suddenly whispered above him.

He thought it was all his mother, but no, not her; He doesn’t see who called him, but someone bent over him and hugged him in the darkness, and he extended his hand and... and suddenly, - oh, what a light! Oh, what a tree! And it’s not a Christmas tree, he’s never seen such trees before! Where is he now: everything glitters, everything shines and there are all dolls all around - but no, these are all boys and girls, only so bright, they all circle around him, fly, they all kiss him, take him, carry him with them, yes and he himself flies, and he sees: his mother is looking and laughing at him joyfully.

Mother! Mother! Oh, how nice it is here, mom! - the boy shouts to her, and again kisses the children, and he wants to tell them as soon as possible about those dolls behind the glass. - Who are you, boys? Who are you girls? - he asks, laughing and loving them.

This is “Christ’s Christmas tree,” they answer him. - Christ always has a Christmas tree on this day for little children who don’t have their own Christmas tree... - And he found out that these boys and girls were all just like him, children, but some were still frozen in their baskets, in which they were thrown onto the stairs to the doors of St. Petersburg officials, others suffocated at the chukhonkas, from the orphanage while being fed, others died at the withered breasts of their mothers, during the Samara famine, others suffocated in third-class carriages from the stench, and all of them are now here, they are all now like angels, they are all with Christ, and he himself is in the midst of them, and stretches out his hands to them, and blesses them and their sinful mothers... And the mothers of these children are all standing right there, on the sidelines, and crying; everyone recognizes their boy or girl, and they fly up to them and kiss them, wipe away their tears with their hands and beg them not to cry, because they feel so good here...

And downstairs the next morning, the janitors found the small corpse of a boy who had run and frozen to collect firewood; They also found his mother... She died before him; both met with the Lord God in heaven.

And why did I compose such a story, which does not fit into an ordinary reasonable diary, especially a writer’s? And he also promised stories mainly about actual events! But that’s the point, it seems and seems to me that all this could really happen - that is, what happened in the basement and behind the firewood, and there about the Christmas tree at Christ’s - I don’t know how to tell you , could it happen or not? That's why I'm a novelist, to invent things.

Fyodor Dostoevsky - THE BOY AT CHRIST'S TREE, read the text

See also Dostoevsky Fyodor - Prose (stories, poems, novels...):

Netochka Nezvanova - part 01.
I - I don’t remember my father. He died when I was two years old. My mother...

Netochka Nezvanova - part 02.
V This was the second and last period of my illness. Opening my eyes again...

This article provides a summary of Dostoevsky's "Boys". This is not a separate work, but part of the novel The Brothers Karamazov. The tenth chapter talks about Kolya Krasotkin and Ilyusha, the son of Snegirev, a man who was once publicly humiliated by Dmitry Karamazov. Of course, one of the main characters, Alexey, is also present here.

Why do you need a summary?

During school holidays, teachers advise children to keep reading diaries. A summary of Dostoevsky's "The Boys" should, perhaps, be included in such a notebook first. It's no secret that this writer's prose is quite complex. In his books a large number of characters and lengthy discussions. It is advisable to record basic information about what you read, as well as your own opinion about the characters and events of the work, on paper. And this should be done not for the teacher, but for yourself.

"Boys" by Dostoevsky, a summary of which will be included in reader's diary, the student will remember years later, already as an adult, when he opens one from the most famous novels of Russian literature.

Why do we consider the tenth chapter as a separate work? Here we talk about the characters who are also found in the novel, while the events reflected in this part are connected with the main ones only indirectly. The story about Kolya Krasotkin and his friendship with the boy Ilyusha is very touching. It will be interesting even to those who have not read the novel and are not familiar with its summary. Dostoevsky's "Boys" are often published as part of a collection of works for children. The writer often showed difficult childhood destinies in his books. Let's remember "Humiliated and Insulted", "Netochka Nezvanova".

In a concise summary of the novel The Brothers Karamazov F. M. Dostoevsky The summary of "Boys" is only two or three sentences, while the tenth chapter of the book can be considered as a full-fledged story. There are problems here, a system of images, and a tragic denouement. Statement summary“The Boys” by F. Dostoevsky can be given very little time, telling only about the main events. But it's better to do more detailed description heroes and events.


When presenting a summary of Dostoevsky's "The Boys", it is advisable to adhere to a certain plan. The retelling, of course, should begin with the characteristics of the main character. Namely Kolya Krasotkina. And then talk about the high school student’s relationships with other children, as well as with Alyosha Karamazov. A summary of Dostoevsky's "Boys" by chapter will have the following outline:

  • Kolya Krasotkin.
  • Kids.
  • Pupils.
  • Bug.
  • At Ilyusha's bed.
  • Early development.

So, let's begin retelling the brief content of the story "Boys" by Dostoevsky.

Kolya Krasotkin

The official Krasotkin died many years ago. His wife was only 18 years old at the time. She directed all her energy and love to little son, who was not yet a year old when the woman became a widow. Mother's name was Kolya Krasotkina Anna Fedorovna. The widow loved the boy passionately, but during his short life he caused her more suffering than joy. Every day she went crazy with fear that he would suddenly fall, hurt his knee, or, God forbid, some other misfortune would happen to him. When he matured and entered the gymnasium, she began to study all the sciences with him in order to help and advise her son.

Kolya Krasotkin had every chance to acquire the reputation of a mama's boy. But that did not happen. It turned out that he was not a timid person. He knew how to win the respect of his peers, behaved with dignity with teachers, loved to play pranks, but never crossed acceptable limits. Anna Fedorovna was worried; it often seemed to her that her son did not love her enough. She reproached him for being cold and insensitive. But Krasotkin’s widow was wrong. Kolya loved her very much, but did not tolerate what in the language of schoolchildren was usually called “calf tenderness.”

Incident on the railway

Kolya was very proud. And he suffered a lot from this. And his pride caused his mother even more misfortune. One day in the summer an incident occurred that almost drove her crazy. Kolya bet with the local boys that he could lie on the rails under a speeding train. They were older than him and turned their noses up too much. And this was unbearable. Kolya won the argument. But while he was lying on the tracks under a speeding train, he lost consciousness for just two minutes. The boys were scared, then they accepted him into their company and no longer considered him small.

This incident also reached the gymnasium. A scandal could have broken out, possibly leading to the expulsion of Kolya Krasotkin. But a teacher named Dardanelov intervened. This man had a personal interest. For many years Dardanelov was in love with Anna Fedorovna, and perhaps this feeling was mutual. But the widow considered marriage a betrayal of her beloved son. In the evening, a real drama broke out in the Krasotkins' house. The mother sobbed and begged her son not to repeat such actions again. It all ended with Kolya himself, like a little boy, bursting into tears and promising his mother to never upset her in the future.


Soon after the event that so upset Kolya’s mother, but earned the respect of his peers, the boy brought home a mongrel. He named the dog Perezvon and apparently dreamed of raising him to smart dog, because he spent hours training her. In the chapter "Children", essentially no events occur. It is only told about how one day Kolya was forced to look after the neighbor’s children.

Nastya and Kostya's mother took the maid to the hospital, and Agafya, who was looking after Krasotkina's son, went to the market. The schoolboy could not leave the “bubbles,” as he affectionately called the kids, until one of them returned. But he had some, in his opinion, very important matters. Therefore, without waiting for Agafya, Kolya went out into the street, making the children promise that without him they would neither be naughty nor cry.


What kind of urgent matters did Kolya Krasotkin have? Going out into the street, he went to meet a boy named Smurov. He was a boy from a wealthy family. His father forbade him to communicate with Kolya, because he had a reputation as a desperate guy. It is worth saying that the boys were heading in the wrong direction railway, and to Snegirev’s house. The same pathetic man who was mistaken in the neighborhood for a buffoon and whom Dmitry Karamazov once treated so cruelly. But the reader knows about all this only if he is familiar with the content of Dostoevsky’s entire novel. However, this unpleasant story is also mentioned in the tenth chapter.

On this day the boys were supposed to visit Ilyusha Snegirev, who had been seriously ill for a long time. This desire did not arise spontaneously. Alexey asked them to come to Ilyusha Karamazov is a man, from Kolya’s point of view, quite strange. By that time, news of the arrest of his older brother had already spread throughout the area. A real drama was unfolding in Alexei’s family. At the same time, he found time to help complete strangers. This surprised and amazed Krasotkin. The boy had long dreamed of meeting Karamazov.


Being an outcast is, apparently, the fate of every member of the Snegirev family. Nobody took the elder seriously in the area. The youngest, Ilyusha, also had problems with his peers. Krasotkin met this boy when he was in preparatory classes. He noticed that Ilyusha is offended by his elders, but he tries in every possible way to resist this. Kolya liked the boy’s independence and soon took him under his wing. But one day an incident occurred that caused them to quarrel.

Lackey Karamazov taught Snegirev Jr. cruel trick. Namely: insert a pin into the bread crumb, and then feed this bread to a hungry dog. Ilyusha’s victim was the mongrel Zhuchka, who disappeared without a trace soon after this breakfast. Kolya decided to punish his younger friend for cruelty and stopped communicating with him. And soon Ilyusha fell ill.

At Ilyusha's bed

Snegirev's housing was extremely miserable. In the corner sat a half-mad mother, a father who had recently stopped drinking, occasionally ran out into the hallway, unable to hold back his sobs. Snegirev loved his son very much and it seemed that he would completely lose his mind when he died.

Kolya sat down by Ilyusha’s bed, and then, a few minutes later, called Perezvon. He passed off the dog as the missing Bug and assured the boy that she had not appeared for so long because she had been subjected to his training lesson.

Early development

After visiting Ilyusha, Kolya went out into the street, where he had a long conversation with Alexei Karamazov. These events had a huge impact on Krasotkin. In just a few days he became more mature, more merciful, wiser. Last days Ilyusha spent his life in the Snegirevs' house. One day, a sick boy was examined by a metropolitan doctor who arrived here at the request of Katerina Ivanovna, the would-be bride of Dmitry Karamazov. The doctor pronounced a sentence on Ilyusha: he had a few weeks to live. Hearing this, Krasotkin jumped out into the hallway and burst into tears.
