Fortune telling by a ring on a hair. Interesting fortune telling for your future husband

Love for fortune telling

Almost all girls simply love to guess. And they start doing this back in school years: they call upon gnomes and tooth fairies, pluck chamomile petals, and the most “advanced” even lay out cards. Over the years, the love for predictions does not disappear; on the contrary, girls learn even more ways to look into the future. And one of them is fortune telling on a wedding ring. With its help you can find out

almost anything - from the name of the future husband to the date own death. Of course, it is not at all a fact that all this will come true, but the process of fortune telling itself is very exciting. The only thing that needs to be taken into account is that the ring must be smooth, without patterns or stones, and belong married woman who is happily married. They say that this is exactly what he predicts most accurately. Is this so - check for yourself.

Method one

Here, for example, is fortune telling on a ring with a thread. You can learn a lot with it interesting information. We won’t vouch for its veracity, but you can have a fun time. So, take a ring and thread a white thread into it.

Take half a glass of water and place it on the table. Holding the ends of the thread with your fingers, you need to hang the ring over the glass so that when swinging it can reach its walls. Now you can ask your questions, looking closely at the jewelry and without moving the hand in which the thread is clamped. The ring should move on its own. It is best to ask questions that involve either affirmative or negative answers. If “yes,” then the decoration will begin to rotate in a circle, if “no,” then from side to side.

Method two

Such fortune-telling with the help of a ring can help in finding answers to other questions. But you will have to be patient. For example, you want to know the name of your betrothed. You ask this question to the decoration, after which you begin to count how many times it hits the edge of the glass. The ring will stop at some number, and the letter located in the alphabet under this number will be the first in the name of your future husband. In the same way, it will “tap out” all the other letters, but you can simplify the task and simply ask leading questions. For example, the ring knocked three times and stopped. This means that the first letter of the name is "B". Hence you just start listing everything famous names, starting with “B”, with short pauses so that the decoration has the opportunity to give a “yes” or “no” answer.

Method three

And here is another fortune telling on a wedding ring, with which you can find out what the groom’s name will be. To do this, prepare several small pieces of paper, on each of which write the name of the applicant. It is advisable that you are at least familiar with these men. After the names are entered, you need to turn the leaves over with the lettering facing down, mix them and lay them out on the table so that the names are not visible. To continue this fortune telling on a wedding ring, you need to bring the jewelry suspended on a thread to each leaf in turn. If it did not move over any of the pieces of paper, it means that your betrothed is not among the men whose names are written on them. If the ring begins to sway over a piece of paper, then there is every chance of starting a serious romance with the person marked on it. The more the decoration swings, the higher the likelihood that the knotted love relationship Literally within a year they will develop into marital ones. But, of course, we should not forget that fortune telling on a wedding ring still does not guarantee that everything will come true exactly as prophesied.

Since ancient times, rings have been attributed magical properties. This jewelry was worn as a talisman or talisman, and was also used for fortune telling. Ring fortune telling is the most common and effective method find out your future. Let's look at some types of fortune telling with a ring that can answer any of your questions.

Fortune telling with a ring on a string

This ritual is suitable for those who want to know the answer to any question. You will need a ring, woolen thread and paper with a pen. Divide a sheet of paper into two parts. Write “yes” at the top of the sheet and “no” at the bottom. Then hang the ring on a thread, the length of which should be about 30 centimeters, light two candles and tune in to fortune telling. Write in advance the questions you will ask the ring. They must be clear and understandable. Questions should be formulated in such a way that they can be answered either yes or no.

Lift the ring by the thread and hold it above a piece of paper, preferably in its center. Try not to move your hand. Ask your question and watch what answer the ring leans towards. If it moves towards “yes”, then the answer is positive, if towards “no”, then the answer is negative.

Fortune telling with a ring and a glass

This fortune telling is similar to the previous ritual. It can also answer any of your questions in a yes/no format. Pour water into a transparent glass, take the ring and hang it on your hair. Dip the ring into the water and then lift it up to the level of the edge of the glass. Ask your question. If the ring moves back and forth or left and right, then the answer will be negative, if it moves in a circle, then the answer will be positive. If it stands still, then this is a sign of the uncertainty of your fate on this issue.

Ring fortune telling for marriage

This ancient fortune telling was usually carried out in big company. Single girls Those who wanted to know when they would get married poured grain into a small bag and buried a ring in it. After this, each girl took turns taking a handful of grain from the bag. The one who has the ring in her hand along with the grain will be the first to get married.

There is another way of fortune telling for marriage. This ritual can tell about future family life. Take your ring and place it in a small, deep saucer. Add a teaspoon of any cereal there. The saucer with all its contents must be taken out into the cold overnight or placed in the freezer.

In the morning you need to take out the saucer and take a close look at the surface of the water. If the ice has formed smoothly, then family life will have a long and happy life. If dents are clearly visible on the surface, the marriage will be unsuccessful and will bring a lot of trouble. If the ice on the surface of the saucer is covered with tubercles, there will be a lot of money and children.

Fortune telling on a wedding ring

For fortune telling it is necessary to use exclusively wedding ring. Place it in a saucer of water and light two candles. Then lean a small mirror against the edge of the saucer so that you can see the ring in its reflection. After that, ask your question and look closely at the reflection. In a few minutes, clear outlines of your future may appear there.

We hope that our fortune telling on the ring will tell you about future events and answer all your questions. Believe only in the best and don’t forget to press the buttons and

Somehow it happened that we associate rings not only with beautiful jewelry or expensive jewelry, but also with magic. You can do fortune telling on a wedding ring, on a silver or gold ring, on a base metal ring, with or without a stone. Depending on the material and purpose of the ring, the quality and essence of the ritual will change.

A ring is not only a decoration, but also a magical attribute

The peculiarity of this method of fortune telling

Using this method, you can get an answer to any question, including those regarding children. First of all, you can find out whether you will have children, how many of them there will be and what gender. It is important to carefully follow the rules of the ritual, choose right time and place, take care of your appearance, mentally tune in and correctly formulate the question.

Preparing for the ritual

Fortune telling for children is not a difficult matter, but it requires reverent attitude to yourself. To ensure the correctness of fortune telling, adhere to certain rules and recommendations:

  1. Choice of day. On Sunday you should not guess by ring. It is better for women to tell fortunes on Wednesday, Friday or Saturday. Men on other days of the week. If women guess in men's days, and for men, on the contrary, the ritual will give the wrong results. Do not guess on such dates of the month: three, seven, nine, nineteen, twenty-seven.
  2. Time spending. For such purposes, it is preferable to tell fortunes at night. The most truthful rituals take place on the full moon and on the waxing moon. It is better not to guess at the waning moon at all.
  3. Appearance. Before you start fortune telling, comb your hair and braid your hair. Remove all jewelry (rings, hairpins, bracelets, beads, belts) and wash off your makeup. Clothing - including underwear— select from natural material, it should cover your elbows and knees. The most suitable option is a nightgown.
  4. Lighting. Turn off all electrical light sources. A gas lamp (if you have such a rarity) is also unacceptable. You can leave candles lit or tell fortunes by moonlight.
  5. Ring. The ring can be anything: smooth or embossed, made of precious metal or not, with or without stones. However, it is best to choose gold or silver without any reliefs or additional decorations.
  6. A place for fortune telling. It's better to sit on the floor. It is not recommended to stand, at most just leaning on the windowsill. You should not sit at a table or on a chair - this will disrupt your connection with the supernatural world.
  7. Additional parameter. To improve the effectiveness of fortune telling, read fortunes on your wedding ring. Unmarried people can use the wedding ring of a close relative (sister, mother, grandmother, aunt), while married people should use their own ring to tell fortunes exclusively.

Additional tip: married girls you need to guess exclusively on your wedding ring!

Fortune telling: the first method

There are several ways to tell fortunes on a child using a ring, each of which has its own characteristics. Some need Additional materials and objects, in the case of others, a ring and thread are enough.

For the first fortune-telling, any ring is suitable, as long as it is yours and you have worn it for at least three days before. In addition to the ring, you will also need a glass of water.

This ritual will allow you not only to answer the questions: “Will I have children?”, “Will my firstborn be a boy?”, “Will I have a daughter?” etc., but also to any love questions (about a guy, family, etc.). It is important to formulate the question correctly. It should be such that it can be answered “yes” or “no”.


  1. Prepare workplace and things for the ritual: a glass of water, a ring and a thread or a pair of hairs from a curl.
  2. Tie the ring onto a few of your hairs (if they are long) or onto a silk thread.
  3. Try swinging the resulting pendulum back and forth to make sure it doesn't break.
  4. Take it big and index fingers both ends of the thread.
  5. Dip the ring into the water that is on the table or floor and put it back out.
  6. Wait until it stops oscillating.
  7. Ask a question that interests you: “Will I give birth to children this year?”, “Will my daughter be my firstborn?”, “Will my daughter be happy in new school?”, “Should I give my son a moped?”

Over time, the ring will begin to move: rotate or oscillate, describe a certain figure. It is judging by the trajectory that you can find out the answer to your question.

If the ring begins to describe a circle clockwise or begins to oscillate in a horizontal plane from left to right, then the answer to your question is positive. If it begins to describe a circle counterclockwise or begins to oscillate back and forth, then the answer to your question is negative.

There are also cases when the ring remains motionless, this should be interpreted as the fact that you did not ask the question in a timely manner: the Universe simply has not yet decided.

As you can see, fortune telling is very simple and quick, but it gives fairly truthful results, helps you make decisions in difficult moments, and tells you when it is necessary.

Fortune telling using a ring is quite simple and helps make decisions in difficult times.

Fortune telling: second method

There is another very similar fortune telling that allows you to determine the gender of the child (if you have not given birth, then the first child, if you are already a mother, then the next child). This time you will again need a glass of water, a thread (hair won't do) and a ring. However, in addition to this, one more additional material: two candles, preferably red.


  1. Light both candles.
  2. Place the glass on a flat surface (table or floor).
  3. Say over the candle: “Candle flame, whisper to me, how many children am I destined to have?”
  4. Place the ring over the candles so that it warms up.
  5. Lower the hot ring into the input.
  6. Watch his movements.

If the ring in the glass begins to describe a circle, then very soon you should expect the birth of a girl, but if the movement is oscillatory (right-left, back-and-forth), then very soon you will become a mother to a boy. If the ring still hasn’t started moving, then you shouldn’t expect children until a couple of years later.

Fortune telling: the third way

Another similar fortune telling. It allows you to find out the future number of children a girl will have and the gender of each of them. So to speak, for the future. However, keep in mind in advance that this fortune telling does not indicate the order in which the children will be born. So if a girl happens to have two sons and one daughter, then a daughter may be born first, and then two sons, or a son, a daughter, a son, or two sons, and then a daughter.

For the ceremony we will need a glass of holy water, church candle, a glass of wheat (it is better to use a glass) and a ring. Moreover, the ring should be made of noble metal and with a large natural stone.

To the ritual itself:

  1. Light a church candle.
  2. Place it in a glass with wheat.
  3. Tie the ring with a thread so that it can freely oscillate in the horizontal plane and make circular movements in a vertical position, the stone should “look” down.
  4. Take the ends of the thread in one hand and hold the candle with the fingers of your other hand.
  5. Say over the candle:

    "Holy Mother of God! Everything is known to you, everything is known to you. Maybe you can give me a hint, my naive darling. How many children will God send me?”

  6. Without removing your fingers from the candle, dip the ring three times in water.
  7. Watch the ring stick out.
  8. Count the number of circles described by the ring and the number of oscillations back and forth, left and right.

The number of circles described is the number of girls you will give birth to; the number of fluctuations is the number of boys. This fortune telling does not take into account adopted children, only relatives. You can also tell fortunes to another person, but then the fortuneteller must speak the words over the candles and hold it [the candle].

The third method of fortune telling takes into account only natural children (not adopted)

After the ritual, you should go to church and pray in front of the icon of the Holy Mother of God (it would be a good idea to do this before the ritual). Before and after the ritual, do not drink alcohol or smoke for 24 hours.


Fortune telling on a ring with a thread for children can take place in three different ways. In each of them you will need additional materials such as candles and a glass of water.

Fortune telling has a much higher chance of coming true if you adhere to certain rules regarding the day of the week, time, appearance(hairstyle, clothing, makeup), lighting, material and ring shape. And most importantly: you must believe in fortune telling.

With the help of fortune telling, you can not only predict the number of future children and their gender, but also find out answers to questions regarding already born children, sometimes this can help both you and the child.

Which method or methods of fortune telling to choose (they can be combined) is up to you. Good luck!

Fortune telling using a ring and a thread is very old and known to almost everyone. Our ancestors also resorted to the help of this fortune-telling to resolve various life issues. It is quite simple to perform and does not require anything supernatural - you will need a thread (in the original they used your own hair), and, in fact, the ring itself, sometimes a container with water is also used for fortune telling, but this is not necessary.

Preparing for fortune telling

The ring, in theory, should belong to the fortuneteller, but you can take any other one. If you take someone else's ring, then you first need to charge it with your own energy, and for this you will need a container with clean water. The ring is lowered into the water for some time - a couple of hours is enough. The ring itself should be made of precious materials, ideally gold, it should not be engraved and should not be decorated with stones. An engagement ring is ideal, but single people can also use regular rings, as long as they fit all the parameters.

The best day for this fortune telling is Friday, but you can tell fortunes on other days except Monday. The ritual is best performed in the evening, and ideally at night. The room must be empty and the electric lighting must be turned off, only dim candle light is allowed. Before the fortune telling itself, the fortuneteller must remove all jewelry, as well as church accessories, and there should be no rings, chains, or bracelets left on the body. If a woman is telling fortunes, then it is best to let her hair down and, in general, remove all belts and straps - nothing should be tied around her clothes.

Next, take a regular thread; according to tradition, in general, they used hair from the fortuneteller’s head, but if the length of the hair does not allow this, then a simple thread will do. With a thread fifteen to twenty centimeters long, the ring is tied on one side, and the other part of the thread is left free, thus creating a kind of instrument for fortune telling - a pendulum. The resulting pendulum must first be set up and charged with the energy of the person being told the fortune. To do this, you need to hold the finished pendulum in your palms for several minutes, thinking about something specific.

Interpretation of fortune telling

Next, for correct interpretation, you need to adjust the operation of the pendulum itself, that is, determine which movement will correspond to a certain answer - positive or negative. To do this, you need to take a ring with a thread in such a way that one of its free ends is in your hand extended above a flat surface, and the second end, on which the attached ring is located, is above the surface itself and occupies a calm position and does not move.

First you need to ask a few simple general questions, the answer to which will be clear - “yes” or “no”. As simple questions those are suitable, the answers to which are obvious and known, for example, if a woman is telling fortunes, then she asks: “Am I a woman?” or – “Do I have children?” After the question is asked, you need to observe the reaction of the pendulum - namely, how it moves to a question with positive and negative answers - in a circle or in a straight line. If the movement is not definite, and it is impossible to understand a clear answer, then this means that there is no answer to this question yet, fortune telling should be postponed for another time.

Fortune telling technique

When the pendulum is set up and everything is ready for the fortune telling itself, then you need to bring the pendulum to its starting position and mentally clearly formulate the question of interest and then carefully monitor in which direction the pendulum is moving. When the movements of the pendulum become clear and definite, then we can assume that the answer to asked question received.

You should not ask too many questions in one fortune telling session; the information may be confused and you will not get a reliable answer. At one time, it is enough to ask a couple or three questions, the answers to which will not give you peace.

Before each new question, you need to stop the movement of the pendulum and return it to its original position. You need to carefully concentrate on a specific issue, mentally imagine the circumstances, time and its participants. There is no doubt that with such concentration and compliance with all conditions, the answers to the questions posed will be given correctly and definitely.

Thus, fortune telling with a ring and a thread is simple and accessible to everyone. In addition, this is really interesting and we should not forget that a pendulum constructed in this way is the most common thing among psychics, it is a traditional object that has won a worthy place in their activities.

People began to tell fortunes by rings since ancient times. With the help of simple steps, almost any girl could find out her future life, how many children she will have, how many times she will get married, and so on.

In fortune telling, the most important thing is faith. A fortuneteller must fully believe that the prediction will come true. If you have even the slightest doubt about the veracity of fortune telling, then it is better not to guess, but to postpone this matter until later.

You can't guess on Mondays. The best time for this is Friday evening. During fortune telling, you cannot be distracted, there should be perfect peace and quiet around, so it is necessary that no one disturbs you at this time, it is advisable that you are absolutely alone in the room at the time of fortune telling. It's good if there is a cat nearby. Below are some simple examples of fortune telling with a ring.

Fortune telling using a ring and thread

  • If the ring touches the right edge of the glass, this means that the wish will certainly come true:
  • And if the ring touches the left side - alas, your wish will not come true.

Take the ring out of the glass and put it on your finger and sleep with it all night without taking it off. Everything you dream about in a dream will come true.

We tell fortunes about the future groom using the ring

There are many different methods of telling fortunes about the groom using a ring. Here we will look at three different methods.

First way: Take a wedding ring and a glass of water. Place 2 candles next to the glass and light them. Place a thread with a ring hanging on it into the glass (so that the ring does not come into contact with the water). Now listen to the tapping of the ring on the edge of the glass; by these tappings you can make out the name of the future betrothed. And if you can’t make out the name, then count the number of times the ring knocked on the walls, after so many years you wait for your wedding.

Second way: wait until midnight, take a regular glass (without patterns, with a flat and smooth bottom), pour water into it and throw a ring in the middle of the bottom, then try to peer at the reflection in the water, you should see the face of your betrothed there.

Third way: at midnight, take the wedding ring from your mother or girlfriend, light a candle. Look through the ring into the candle flame; in it you should see the image of your betrothed.

Fortune telling by ring in water

It is advisable to guess in this way in winter, but if you don’t want to wait for winter, then just a freezer will do. Before you go to bed, take a glass of water, put a ring in it and leave it in the cold or in the freezer. And when you wake up, look at how the water froze.

  • If the ice on the surface is smooth, this promises success in the future;
  • If there are tubercles and/or pits, then with their help you can find out how many children you will have in the future: by the dimples we determine the number of daughters, by the tubercles we determine the number of sons.

Fortune telling by ring and alphabet

Copy the entire alphabet onto paper. Take any thread, thread a ring through it and hold it over the alphabet paper. As soon as the ring starts to swing, watch which letters it points to. In this way you can read your future.

Fortune telling with rings for prosperity

You need to take four different rings:

  • gold;
  • silver;
  • copper;
  • with a semi-precious stone.

Place the rings on a flat surface, such as a table or floor. Have someone blindfold you, spin you around, and guide you toward the rings. You need to take only one ring of any kind from the table. The type of ring you pick up determines your future wealth.

  • Golden ring - rich life;
  • Silver - small profit;
  • Copper - finances will be exactly the same as at the moment;
  • With a stone - constant losses.

Another way of fortune telling. You need a glass, a ring and a thread (white). Take only your own ring, you should have worn it for at least seven days. Pour half a glass of water. Thread the thread through the ring and lower it into the glass so that the ring does not touch the water. Ask the ring question: “When will my wedding be?” Look into the water and count how many times the ring taps off the walls of the glass - how many years will you wait for the wedding? If the ring does not loosen or knock, then you need to postpone fortune telling until later.

You can ask absolutely any questions, as long as the answer to the question is a number.

Fortune telling with ring, bread and hook

Take a ring, bread and a hook, place them on the floor and cover them with a scarf, so that it is impossible to guess where everything is. Take out one of the objects at random and use it to identify your fiance:

  • If you took the ring, your betrothed will be a dandy;
  • Bread - the groom will be rich;
  • The hook is poor.

Fortune telling with rings and cereals

The girlfriends gather in the room, and each puts her ring in a sieve. When all the girls have put down their rings, they are covered with any cereal, then each of the girls must take a handful of cereal:

  • If there is a ring in the handful, the wedding is coming soon;
  • A handful without a ring means not to be married for another year;
  • And if a girl comes across her ring, that’s very good sign and denotes a long and happy marriage.

Fortune telling with ring, bread, brush and cigarette

Take a piece of bread, a ring, a cigarette and a brush. Cover each item with a cloth so that it is impossible to guess where and what item is located. Invite the person you are telling fortunes to choose any item:

  • Got a ring - future groom will be a dandy;
  • You got some bread - you can live with the new Russian;
  • Brush is a simple person;
  • Cigarette - the groom will smoke a lot.

Fortune telling with ring, chain and earring

Take a glass and pour it into clean water, leave the glass in the cold. When the water hardens, place the ring, earring and chain on the formed ice. Then wait for the ice to begin to melt and watch what objects placed on it fall forward to the bottom.
