Camilla Parker Bowles: life after the death of Princess Diana. Princess Diana, Prince Charles, Camilla Parker - the true story of Camilla Parker Bowles yellow press

Camilla and Prince Charles waited for their happiness for more than three decades, and no one suspected that this long-term romance would end in marriage. Many people knew about the love triangle, but they pretended that nothing was happening - each of its participants played their role very well. Most likely, Camilla would have remained in the role of a mistress, but fate had other plans. The day of Princess Diana's death marked the beginning of a new stage in the life of Charles and his longtime lover.

Meeting Camilla and Prince Charles

Camilla Shand and Prince Charles

The couple met in 1972 at a party at the Annabel's club. They were brought together by Lucia Santa Cruz, the daughter of the Chilean ambassador to the UK and Charles's ex-girlfriend. She quickly became tired of Charles, and she passed him on to her friend Camilla Shand, who had just separated from Andrew Parker-Bowles (their relationship with the officer lasted 7 years). This casual acquaintance quickly grew into a passionate relationship. It was rumored that Camilla once invited Charles to repeat the fate of their ancestors: her great-grandmother Alice Keppel had long been the mistress of Edward VIII, Charles's great-grandfather.

Future rivals

However, Camilla had no chance of becoming the wife of the heir to the British throne, and she understood this very well. She was not from a noble family - Camilla's father was an ordinary wine merchant. And besides, the girl was not distinguished by modesty and good behavior - she smoked, drank, and there were always crowds of men around her. If Charles had entered into such a marriage, he would have immediately lost his right to the throne.

2. The marriage of the heir to the throne and the marriage of his beloved

Wedding of Charles and Diana

A year after meeting Charles, Camilla married her longtime lover Andrew Parker-Bowles. Soon the couple has a son. There were rumors that this was Charles' child. The prince becomes a regular guest in the couple's house. Andrew did not interfere with this, knowing full well that the heir to the throne was not indifferent to his wife and these feelings were mutual. In 1979, Camilla gave birth to a daughter, and soon the woman’s romance with Charles resumed. However, Andrew himself constantly had affairs with other women, and his wife’s affair on the side did not particularly bother him.

Diana and Charles

Queen Elizabeth II, realizing that Charles had fallen under the influence of Camilla, decided to marry him. The Crown Prince was already 32 years old, and there were still no heirs, and this fact greatly worried the royal family. It was very difficult to choose a candidate, because the sexual revolution, which lasted in the 60s and 70s, did not pass without a trace. Finding a virgin, like a princess should be, was not easy even in high society. Elizabeth II chose an excellent option for her son - Diana Spencer, a 19-year-old beauty who had long been in love with the heir.

Andrew and Camilla Parker Bowles on their wedding day

The future princess had heard a lot about the love of Charles and Camilla, but she naively believed that she would be able to win the heart of the heir to the throne, and their family life would be like a fairy tale. Camilla was sure that her lover’s future wife, a young and inexperienced fool, could not interfere with their love.

In the summer of 1981, the wedding of Charles and Diana took place. But this did not prevent the heir to the British throne from giving his mistress a gift a couple of days before his own wedding - a bracelet with the initials G and F (these are the first letters of the lovers' secret names - Gladys and Fred). Rumor has it that both Diana and Charles offered to break off the engagement, but the royal family insisted on the marriage.

3. Charles's family life

Family idyll

Despite Princess Diana's youth and beauty, she failed to win the prince's heart. She was admired by the subjects of the British queen, the whole world loved her, but her husband was completely indifferent to her. Even when Diana gave the royal family two heirs, her family life did not improve. The rival was always somewhere nearby. Camilla attended the engagement of Charles and Diana. True, her name was crossed out from the list of invitees to the wedding breakfast at the palace. And she decided to take revenge. When the couple went on their honeymoon, Camilla slipped her photographs to her lover, which his wife discovered.

Royal Triangle

Diana often caught her husband talking with Camilla, and her mistress repeatedly made it clear to her legal wife that she was aware of everything, even the most intimate details of the royal couple’s family life. In the late 1980s, Diana allowed herself to have an affair on the side. Her marriage to Charles becomes a mere formality, but the war between women continues. In the early 1990s, the book “Diana. A true story,” in which, according to the princess, the relationship between Charles and Camilla was described throughout the family life of the royal family. In 1992, it became known that Diana and Charles were no longer together, and in 1996 their marriage was officially dissolved.

Camilla and Charles

Elizabeth II blessed Charles and Camilla

Very little time has passed since the death of Princess Diana in 1997, and Charles begins to take Camilla with him to official receptions as part of his retinue. He probably wanted the public to get used to it and was preparing public opinion. The prince fully provided for his beloved, and in 2003 the topic of legal marriage was raised for the first time. In 2005, Elizabeth II blessed Charles and Camilla, and the wedding took place. After the marriage, the woman received all the titles that Diana had. But either as a sign of respect for the deceased, or for some other reason, Camilla does not use the title “Princess of Wales”.

Naughty Parker

Time passed, and people came to terms with Prince Charles's new wife. Unlike Diana, Camilla stays away from her husband in public and tries not to attract attention to herself, highlighting her husband.

The cold wind and rain increased a hundredfold...

It would seem that the 35-year-old waiting story ended with a happy ending, if not for one thing. Recently, the English media caused a stir - after 10 years of marriage, the Duchess of Cornwall is demanding a divorce and $360 million in compensation from Charles. Otherwise, Camilla threatens to bring all the skeletons out of the closets of Buckingham Palace into the light of day. Is it really possible that the most turbulent romance in the history of the British monarchy will end so ingloriously?

On July 17, the British royal family will celebrate the birthday of Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, wife of Prince Charles.

Camilla Parker Bowles. Photo: Globallookpress

This title and this place - next to the Crown Prince of Great Britain - were not easy for Camilla. Her path to the royal palace was long and winding, she had to experience the hatred of an entire country., and yet this woman took her toll.

"Damn her!"

On the night of August 31, 1997, she diedprincess Diana- legal wife of Prince Charles.Her sworn rival is Charles's long-term loverCamilla Parker Bowles - at that very moment she became the most hated person in the entire kingdom.

She was accused of the death of the people's favorite: if not for Camilla's close relationship with the prince, which pushed Diana to betray her, the princess would not have ended up in a car with a stranger that night and would not have had a terrible accident.

Camilla Parker Bowles and Prince Charles. Photo: Photo: Globallookpress

Camilla was cursed in every way, she had to experience for herself what it meansbecome an outcast in your home country. Then she will write in her autobiographical book how difficult these times were for her. Camilla tried not to leave the house, and in order to somehow get rid of depression, she read a lot and even tried to learn to draw: this helped her get through difficult times.

And their romance with Charles began back in 1970, long before the heir met Diana Spencer.

Uninhibited and free girl

In Young People you Camilla, as confirmed everyone who is her then I knew, I didn’t shy awaycheerful companies, behaved very relaxed and freely, smoked openly, and did not refuse to drink. They met at some party. Camilla herself took the initiative, and a romance quickly began between them.

At that time, Prince Charles was constantly having light affairs, neither how without thinking: he will still have to marry the one his family chooses, so what difference does it make who he dates before the wedding? But the relationship with Camilla, contrary to expectations, quickly grew into something more...

Camilla Parker Bowles. Photo: Globallookpress

Charles seriously intended to marry Camilla - he literally lost his head in love. However, the royal family resolutely opposed: what else! Camilla had a bad reputation - they talked about her as a person who often changed gentlemen, and such people were not allowed into the crowned family.

Became her son's godfather

Charles submitted to his family. He left Kamillu and went to military service- this is what the Queen Mother decided. Camilla, in despair, married her former boyfriend -Andrew Parker-Bowles- and gave birth to her husband two children. However, she did not have the opportunity to experience family happiness in this marriage: Andrew began to cheat on his wife almost from the very first day.

more on the topic

Prince Charles returned soon after.Feelings for Camilla, contrary to the hopes of the Queen Mother, only became stronger and deeper. He still meets with Camilla, and in order to somehow explain these meetings, Charles becomes the godfather of her son Tom.

Married against your will

Princess Diana and Prince Charles. Photo: Globallookpress

By that time, the royal family had found a bride for their rebellious son. Diana was younger than Camilla, with an impeccable reputation and pedigree, a pure and naive girl.In a word, the best candidate for giving birth to royal heirs. And no one expected more from her.

Of course, Camilla, having learned about the imminent wedding of her beloved, was upset. However, on the day of his marriage to another, Charles sent his beloved an expensive bracelet on which their initials were engraved: a clear indication that he continues her be in love and is not going to break the connection.

Diana and Camilla fight

Both the Queen Mother and her subjects immediately liked the beautiful, modest Diana. Perhaps Diana Spencer had some illusions about her marriage. However, Charles did not promise to love her from the very beginning. Everything was very clear: a girl was brought into the palace, whose destiny was to become the mother of the heirs.

Almost immediately after the wedding, Charles told his young wife about his relationship with Camilla. Of course, for Diana the news came as a blow. But, as befits a well-bred lady, she did not show her disappointment in any way. In public, Charles and Diana looked like a happy married couple: they smiled, observed all the decency...

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But, returning from social events, which Camilla was often present at, Diana, unable to restrain herself, threw hysterics at Charles. And who would have held back in her place?The relationship between Charles and Camilla became more and more tender. And the people saw what they wanted to see: a happy queen family, dear Diana's smile, her modesty, good manners and unconditionalcharisma.

Meanwhile, Camilla was not going to give up. Offended that she was not invited to Charles's wedding, the resourceful mistress threw her photographs into Charles's suitcase, with whom he was going on his honeymoon. Diana saw them, a loud scandal followed… AND There were many similar episodes.

Gapwith my wife

Despite the beautiful picture that was shown to their subjects day after day, the relationship between Charles and Diana became increasingly tense. They finally deteriorated after the birth of their second son,Harry. Lady Diana moved with her children to Kensington Palace, and Charles settled in a country estate.

Meetings with Camilla became even more frequent, the lovers practically stopped hiding.Charles fell more and more in love with Camilla, he didn’t care about Diana’s despair, her mother’s dissatisfaction, or the risk of being exposed by newspapermen...

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Diana, meanwhile, was truly suffering. She had suffered from bulimia before, and after breaking up with her husband, the disease overtook her again.But time passed, and she began to understand: it would never be different.

Lady LoversDi

And Lady Diana, to whom her subjects prayed, considering her a model of virtue, took her first lover. Behind him - another, and another… T How she took revenge on her unfaithful, cowardly husband. In total, as her biographers wrote, Diana had 11 lovers during her marriage.


Camilla Parker Bowles and Prince Charles. Photo: Globallookpress

And then it all came out. A frank telephone conversation between Charles and Camilla was overheard, and materials about their relationship appeared in the press. Diana gave a detailed interview in which she talked about the current state of affairs. There was no longer any need to maintain the appearance of an ideal marriage. And Charles obtained permission from the Queen Mother for a divorce.

Long-awaited wedding

Perhaps Camilla’s dream of marrying a prince would have come true very quickly, because she divorced her husband even earlier. Only now Diana interfered with her again - for the last time, but very seriously. She died tragically, and the common people blamed Camilla for her death - “the destroyer of the family,” “ homewrecker." Camilla became the most hated person in the country. And she had to forget about the new wedding. For 8 long years.

Only in 2005 did the marriage of Prince Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles take place. The wedding Camilla has been dreaming about for 35 years.

Gradually, the hatred of the subjects weakened. Appearing at events, Charles and Camilla still look truly happy today: they look at each other with love and tenderness, smile at each other every now and then, touchingly hold hands...

Prince Charles and Camilla. Photo: Globallookpress

Maybe the secret of their happiness is Camilla’s character? She is a fairly confident and self-sufficient woman who does not need support and constant proof of love. At the same time, she always supports her husband; without her, he is like without hands. Camilla manages to patronize 90 charitable foundations, she spends a lot of timespends time with her 5 grandchildren, and at the same time she is always next to her husband when needed.

Happy birthday, Duchess of Cornwall, a woman who has waited for her happiness!

How can I still distort the facts! For many years, Camilla Parker Bowles was considered a dishonest, worthless woman who destroyed the marriage of Prince Charles and his wife Diana. I read a book written by Diana, as soon as she did not shower her rival Camilla with any harsh words she spoke to her! It is, of course, understandable: Camilla is a secret lover, and such persons a priori cannot be angels. Diana is a legitimate wife, but does this mean that the truth can only be on the side of the dead princess?

20 years after Diana’s death, Camilla spoke to the press, she was tired of being constantly accused of something, idolizing Diana and considering only his secret lover to be involved in the collapse of Charles’s first marriage. Did Camilla make Diana's happiness impossible? If it weren’t for her, would the couple still be together? No matter how it was, the husband and wife were completely incompatible, there was nothing in common between them: a gap in intellectual development, education, worldview, an age difference of 12 years, dissimilarity of interests and temperaments.

Diana Spencer was a rather eccentric and selfish person, she very often had nervous breakdowns, she was terrible in her rage - she broke and destroyed everything in her path, injured herself, in addition, she suffered from bouts of bulimia: initially she absorbed all the food that found nearby, and then caused herself to vomit. With what ecstasy in her book Diana tells how she hated and tormented her stepmother, although she went out of her way to please her stepdaughters, but they plotted intrigues for her and spoiled her in every possible way. Diana describes this with pride, complaining that she was deprived of the attention of her parents after the divorce and at the same time reports that she was the favorite of her father, who once even gave the capricious girl a camel for her birthday. Diana didn’t need this animal, she was just checking how important she was to her father.

Diana expected love and adoration from the prince, she always considered herself incredible, of course, it seemed to her that Charles would fall madly in love with her and forget all his previous hobbies, abandon his friends and spend all his time with her.

But Charles was 33 years old at the time of his marriage, he was already a mature personality, moreover, he sincerely wanted to improve relations with his young wife, he broke all ties with Camilla Parker-Bowles, and for five years did not start any connectionson the side, trying in every possible way to please his wife. Diana herself let it slip, from her words Charles often repeated to her in his hearts: “Well, what’s wrong NOW, Diana? What have I done wrong to you again?” This suggests that the prince really made an effort, and did not just let everything take its course.

Well, yes, there was a time when Charles sent farewell gifts to former women who meant a lot to him before his wedding (there were four such lucky women, among them Camilla Parker-Bowles). Diana found out about this and created an incredible scandal. Any self-respecting girl would be shocked by this behavior of the groom before the wedding. Diana was 20 years old, where would wisdom come from in such a young girl, who grew up without a mother from the age of six? Before the wedding, Diana tore and tore, and Charles slipped away from her into the night garden and dropped bitter tears on the neatly trimmed lawns, he was dumbfounded and puzzled. The relationship between Charles and Diana was doomed to failure, every year they did not become closer to each other, the prince needed support and he found it from his former lover Camilla, she became his vest for many years. There is no one to blame here, it’s an ordinary everyday story. But now, being already a 35-year-old woman, Diana wrote a book that was extremely degrading to Camilla’s dignity, in addition to the fact that the “princess of hearts” was very harsh on her appearance, she screamed on almost every page about how she hated her rival, they say, and The spots under her armpits are yellow, and she doesn’t brush her teeth, doesn’t wash, her underwear is stale, her skin is saggy, her limbs are short, her jaw is square, her face is scary. Diana took revenge on her husband well; she had 5 official lovers and 8 unofficial ones. Not at the same time, it's over. And Prince Charles still suffered one by one, next to whom he found his peace.

8 years after the death of Princess Diana, Charles and Camilla got married. Let's count, since 1973, Prince Charles and Camilla were in a relationship, there were a sufficient number of breaks, then she got married and gave birth to children, then he got married, but the lovers still did not forget about each other, and the moment came when these two again started their communication. As of this writing, Prince Charles and his wife Camilla have been a couple for 45 years. In his youth, Charles was a heartbreaker, he had many affairs, and Camilla was not distinguished by chastity, but nevertheless, everything went to the conclusion that these two needed only each other’s attention and nothing more to be completely happy.

You look at these photos of Camilla, in her youth she was very pretty, then she somehow suddenly turned ugly, she really didn’t take care of herself, unlike the fashionista Diana, but after she became the wife of Prince Charles, stylists took up her appearance and again They made candy out of this granny, wrinkled by time and experience.

This photo shows Camilla Parker-Bowles with her first husband Andrew and their children together.

On the left is Camilla in her youth.

Camilla with her first husband.

Camilla Parker Bowles in her youth. Beautiful! Is not it?

This photo shows Prince Charles as a young man, with his sister Anne to his right.

According to Diana herself, Prince Charles is a wonderful father. Pictured is Charles with his son William.

This is how Prince Charles was in his youth.

In this photo, Camilla is with her daughter Laura.

On the left is little Camilla.

Camilla's daughter Laura.

Prince Charles in his youth.

Who is Camilla Parker Bowles? Many will probably answer this question like this: “Prince Charles’s mistress, who became his wife after the death of Princess Diana.” Not much is known about the life of this extraordinary woman. Let's try to fill this gap and find out some interesting details of her biography.

Camilla's childhood

Our heroine was born on July 17, 1947 in the capital of Great Britain. In the family of Major Bruce Middleton Hope Shand and Rosalind Maud Shand, who came from a noble noble family. This was the first child. Camilla's parents were often invited to Buckingham Palace for various celebrations. Despite the fact that they did not have high-profile titles, they had a dream to raise their children, of whom there were three in the family, into real aristocrats. To this end, they constantly invited nannies and governesses to raise their eldest daughter, who sought to instill good manners in the girl. But even then Camilla had little interest in the entertainment of high society. To all this she preferred riding horses and playing with boys. It is not surprising that this “kid” quickly adopted her new friends’ manners: using foul language, spitting far, and so on. Little Shand did not make a real lady. The parents, seeing this, decided to send their daughter to the Dumbrells boarding school, which was known for its iron discipline. After him, Camilla entered another educational institution - the Queens Gates School, which was famous for preparing wives for British aristocrats. But the miracle did not happen. After three years of study, Camilla appeared at her parents' house, demonstrating complete indifference to good manners. It was still the same “tomboy”, only thinner and longer by 7 cm.

Meeting with Andrew Parker-Bowles

Among her friends, Camilla stood out for her relaxedness and good sense of humor, which was so unusual for London young ladies. The heartthrob and handsome Andrew Parker-Bowles could not pass by such an extraordinary girl. He was an officer in the royal cavalry. He was always surrounded by young coquettes. But he turned his attention only to Miss Shand. Their romance was rather boring. Andrew was allowed into Camilla's parents' house. Everyone expected him to propose marriage. But the officer was in no hurry. And, setting off on another military campaign, he promised his bride to return soon. “You don’t have to rush, we’re breaking up,” answered proud Camilla. Parker Bowles did not object and left the house of the would-be bride. It seemed like forever...

Romance with the Prince

And soon Camilla met Him. On the lawn of Windsor Great Park, Prince Charles spent an hour fiddling with his beloved pony. Camilla asked him if this “horse” was too small for him. He remembered the girl’s mocking tone and her laughing eyes for a long time. From that moment the young people were inseparable. The Prince of Wales, as he later claimed, fell in love at first sight. Now at all events - be it races, parties or receptions - they appeared together. The lovers spent the rest of the Christmas holidays at the family estate of Uncle Charles, who left a huge house at their disposal. There were only seven bedrooms. The couple had enough food and champagne to last until next Christmas. There, the Prince of Wales for the first time confessed his love to his entire chosen one and asked her to become his wife.

Undesirable bride

When Charles's crowned relatives found out about his matchmaking, they were completely confused. The inhabitants were well aware that Camilla could not enter the royal family. They definitely liked the girl. But nothing more. Why can't Miss Shand be accepted into their circle? Well, at least because the girl has a reputation as an easily accessible person. The royal family is the standard of purity, piety and primness. According to the unspoken code of British monarchs, only a girl from a good family, and always a virgin, can be the bride of the future king. Camilla wasn't.

Wedding to Andrew Parker-Bowles

In the winter of 1973, Prince Charles went on a military campaign for eight long months. He never decided to officially propose to his beloved. Relatives put pressure on him, and Charles was forced to surrender. When the Prince of Wales returned, he read in one of the local newspapers about the engagement of his former bride to Andrew Parker Bowles. He was overcome with confusion. Charles decides to continue his relationship with his former Miss Shand. The lovers meet, despite the fact that Camilla is now already a married lady. Andrew turned out to be a progressive person, declaring an “open relationship” in marriage. Soon, the first child was born into the family of a Royal Army officer, who was named Thomas. It seemed that this should put an end to the lovers' relationship. What is Camilla Parker Bowles doing? The news in the United Kingdom screamed that this extraordinary woman had called her lover to be godfather to her son. So the future king, as a family friend, became the second dad for Thomas.

Choosing a bride for the prince

The heir to the throne continued to meet with his beloved Camilla. And this despite the fact that she was married, and a baby was growing up in her family. Moreover, the woman was pregnant for the second time. Who is the child's father? Possibly the Prince of Wales. The lovers spent a lot of time together. While Andrew Parker Bowles preferred to have fun somewhere on the side. This couldn't last long. The residents of Buckingham Palace understood that the prince urgently needed to be married. They found a girl for him as a bride, whose name was Diana Spencer. She was 12 years younger than Charles and came from a noble but poor family. The girl was brilliantly educated. She was destined for a great career. But after the death of her parents, Diana had a hard time. In London she had to work as a nanny, a cook, and a teacher. Her meeting with the prince took place in 1977. Camilla Parker Bowles contributed to this. It must be said that the prince’s mistress took the side of the royal court, deciding to help Charles start a family. Diana was an excellent candidate for the role of the wife of the future monarch. Firstly, from a good family, and secondly, a virgin. Everything was going as well as possible.

Charles and Diana's wedding

Newspapers published information about the new novel of the crowned heir. On July 29, 1981, the wedding of the Prince of Wales took place and Charles’s mistress was personally removed from the list of those invited to the wedding ceremony by his bride. Therefore, poor Mrs. Parker-Bowles could only watch her beloved marry someone else on TV. The prince's wedding was called "fairytale". The British wanted to believe that the future queen would bring a lot of light and joy into their lives. No one could have thought then that this fairy tale would end in a terrible tragedy. In the meantime, the crown prince and his chosen one smiled radiantly and waved greetings to their subjects from the expensive carriage. By this time, Charles and Camilla had separated, promising not to meet again.

Together again

But already on the fifth day after the wedding, the prince called his former mistress to express everything he thought about his young wife. He called her “monstrous” and “insensitive as marble.” The honeymoon was torture for both of them. In public, the husband and wife tried to be attentive and affectionate to each other. Soon the first child was born into the royal family, who was named William. Camilla and Charles continued to meet, but as friends. The former mistress became a “vest” for the prince. It was to her that he told about everything that was in his soul. Soon his marriage to Diana began to crack. It is difficult to say which of the crowned spouses was the first to break the oath of fidelity. Charles resumed his love relationship with Camilla.

Wedding of Camilla and Charles

Afterwards, Charles' mistress decides to end this vicious relationship forever. Camilla Parker Bowles was more determined in her youth. But the years take their toll. She's fifty. And after the death of his wife, the prince decided that the last obstacle to his reunion with his beloved had now collapsed. Camilla was never able to say a word to him from her prepared farewell speech. And Charles was ready to do anything to keep her close.

But how can British society be reconciled with their relationship? The death of Diana, adored by the people, added even more hostility to the union of the two lovers. Throughout recent times, the Prince of Wales has been diligently and carefully introducing his girlfriend into the world. The lovers were photographed together. The newspapers vied with each other about their long relationship. In 1999, Camilla officially met the prince’s children, William and Harry. And in the same year, lovers and their children went on their first joint cruise in the Mediterranean. In 2000, the relationship between the prince and Camilla was recognized by the Queen Mother. 2 years after this, Mrs. Parker Bowles came to a concert at Buckingham Palace with Elizabeth II. In February 2005, the wedding ceremony of the Prince of Wales and Camilla took place. After the wedding, Charles's former mistress began to be referred to only as “Her Royal Majesty.” The longest romance in the history of the British royal family ended in marriage.

Happy mother and grandmother

Camilla Parker Bowles, now known as Camilla Rosemary Mountbatten-Windsor, celebrates her 68th birthday this year. All her free time is occupied by her grandchildren, of whom she has five. Her son Thomas had two children: daughter Lola and son Freddie. And daughter Laura has three of them: Elsa and twins Louis and Gus.

It's been many years since Camilla and Charles met. They had to go through a lot together. But, despite everything, they managed to maintain their deep feeling. It turned out that love can conquer everything. It is stronger than any troubles, royal laws, negative public opinion. Happiness is being close to your loved one every day and enjoying simple things together.

On July 17, 1947, the wife of Prince Charles of Wales, Duchess of Cornwall Camilla, better known as Camilla Parker-Bowles, was born. In honor of the Duchess's 66th birthday, let's remember 9 facts about her.

1. Her full name is Camilla Rosemary Shand.

2. Camilla is the eldest of three children of Major Bruce Middleton Hope Shand and Rosalind Mon Shand.

Her family came from a noble family and was one of the most influential in Britain.

3. The future duchess received her education at Dumbrells schools in Sussex County in England and Queens Gate in London, and then studied at the Swiss boarding house Mon Fertile and the British Institute in Paris.

4. In 1970, Camilla met the eldest son of Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain, Prince Charles.

The meeting took place during a polo match. They were immediately brought together by common interests - horse riding and polo.

5. Despite her close friendship with Charles, she gave her hand and heart not to him, but to officer Andrew Parker-Bowles - the wedding took place in 1973. In this marriage, Camilla had two children - son Tom (Charles became his godfather) and daughter Laura. The marriage ended in divorce in 1995.

6. The wedding of Camilla and Prince Charles took place on April 9, 2005 in the municipal department of Windsor. The prince became the first member of the British royal family to enter into a union in a civil, rather than church, ceremony, and this was the second marriage for him and his wife. The Queen was not present at the event.

7. All Camilla's titles correspond to her husband's titles, which he received at birth.

She is the Duchess of Cornwall in England, Rothesay in Scotland, etc.

8. On 9 April 2012, the Duchess was awarded the Royal Victorian Order and the title of Dame Grand Cross.

9. Camilla has five grandchildren: her son's children - Lola and Freddie and her daughter's children - Eliza, Gus and Louis.
