Synopsis of the frontal lesson “sound and letter l”. Summary of a literacy lesson topic: Sound and letter “L”

Nadezhda Korsakova
Lesson summary “Sound [L] and letter “L”

Subject: Sound /L/. Letter L.

Target: Consolidation of pronunciation sound L in syllables, words, sentences, introduce letter L.

Equipment: Balls of various diameters, shapes, task cards, chips, dolls.

Progress of the lesson

1. Org. moment.

Collect from letters word, letters on balls. Read what is written. 4 balls with letters on them. LADA

Lada doll came to play and prepared a surprise.

I thought of a word. _ _ L _ _ _ _.

One wrote the letter, but doesn’t know the rest. He asks her to help her guess the word.

2. Subject message classes.

Name the first one sound in a girl's name, name letter, which is in the hidden word?

Name the topic classes. Subject - sound and letter L.

Listen to what he says girl: pavka, wampa, mev, uak. She pronounces it correctly L sound in words?

No! So what is the purpose of our activities?

Learn to pronounce correctly L sound. And guess the word.

Today we will play with Lada, perform tasks, articulation, finger, breathing exercises, consolidate correct pronunciation sound in words and sentences, read, and to make it more interesting for us, we will use a ball in games.

In addition, you will evaluate completed tasks using chips.

At the end we will count which chips you have more!

3. Finger gymnastics using a ball.

Our pens will work.

4. Articulation gymnastics using a ball.

To do this, it is necessary that the lips and tongue work well. Articulation gymnastics with a ball.

Our tongue has become obedient, let's say sound [L].

5. Characteristics sound. L showing letters in a word.

What do our teeth and tongue do when we pronounce this sound. - Lips stretch into a smile. - The tongue rises up behind the teeth. - Say it is a vowel or a consonant. (blue circle)- Voiced or voiceless. Let's check. Let's cover our ears with our hands and listen to how it sounds. It resembles the roar of a flying airplane: LLLLLLLLLLL.

5. Game "Say the word". Use the ball and roll it on the table. 1

La-la-la - the janitor has a BROOM.

La-la-la - a BEE is buzzing over the flower.

Lo-lo-lo - we washed GLASS with soap.

Lu-lu-lu - I can’t find the SAW.

La-la-la they took the tablecloth off the TABLE.

Ol-ol-ol- the goalkeeper scored a GOAL.

Ly-ly-ly- the shoes have become SMALL for me.

Lu-lu-lu - we will thread the needle into the needle.

6. Game "Find a position L sound» .2

Words: lamp, fork, chair, chalk, boat, tent, dress. Card, chip.

7. Breathing exercises using a tennis ball.

8. Dynamic pause. A game "Which? Which? Which?" using a ball.

Picture. 3

9. Communication letter sound. 4

People, do you see the elephant?

There is a trunk. The leg is visible. (G. Vieru).

The alphabet will continue our

Letter L – forest hut. (V. Stepanov).

Print letter L in the air, on the table, circle the dots.

10. Type letter L. Consolidation letters in syllables, words, sentences. Read it. 5

11. Working with deformed text. 6

Arrange the words correctly, read what happened.

12. Connection with new material.

Remember what color we named when we played with words? White.

Learn a poem…

White sawdust flying

They fly from under the saw,

This is what the carpenter does

Windows and floors.

How do you hear sound L in a word"fly"? Hard or soft? Soft.

On the next class we will talk about soft sound L.

13. Reflection. Bottom line classes.

So, we solved the word and helped Lada read it. What happened?

Today on class...

Count the chips, which ones are the most? Score by card.

You were attentive, active, and showed ingenuity! Here's a surprise from Lada. Balloon, you will inflate it at home, continue to develop a strong exhalation, play with the balloon at home!

Our game is over. Lada will go to rest, and we will go to the group!

Publications on the topic:

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Summary of speech therapy lesson “Sound [L] and letter “L” Topic: The sound "L" and the letter "L". Goals: -automation of the sound “L” in syllables, words and sentences; -development of phonemic hearing and perception;

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Prokhorova S.P.
teacher speech therapist,

GCD topic:

Clear pronunciation of sounds [L], [L];

Differentiation of sounds [L], [L] by ear and in pronunciation;

Conversion of syllables, words;

Determining the position of the sound [L] in a word (beginning, middle, end);

Introducing the letter L;

Analysis and synthesis of words SCHOOL;

Laying out words from letters following analysis;

Printing the letter L in notebooks; words following analysis;

Reading syllables, words;

Development of attention and memory.

I Organizational moment:

1. Emotional mood

Game-wish “Good luck to you!”

Children take turns touching their neighbor’s fingers of the same name, starting with thumbs, and say:

I wish (thumbs touch)

Success (index)

Large (medium)

In everything (nameless)

And everywhere (little fingers).

Good luck in your class! (Touching with palms.)

2. Exercises to develop logic and memory attention.

On the board is a generalized model of the lesson in the form of a city map (Slide No. 1). The speech therapist reminds that the journey begins from Smart Head Street, where children need to solve puzzles (slides No. “, 3, 4, 5). Then the speech therapist asks the children to name all the guessed words and guess what sound came to visit them for class.

II. Introduction to the topic of the lesson. Sounds "L-L".

1. Articulation and characteristics of the sounds “L”, “L”:

On the Street of the Dexterous Tongue, children examine the articulation of the sounds “L”, “L”, give a description according to the reference diagram, find an apartment for “L, L” in the House of Sounds (a magnetic house with windows for sounds and letters). Comparison of sounds “L, L” (how they are similar, how they are different) (slides No. 6, 7)

2. Differentiation of sounds.

On the street of Good Hearing Us, children play the game “Signalers”: the speech therapist pronounces a series of sounds, syllables, words, and the children put out the corresponding flag - blue if they hear the sound “L”, green if they hear the sound “L”. Then the speech therapist suggests checking the correctness of the task by comparing it with a number of signals on the board (slide No. 8)

Right there on this street, children are met by Gavrilka the talker, the children repeat after him chains of syllables, words similar in sound with the sounds “L-L”


Light a flashlight (in notebooks) or lay out a row of buttons (control on the slide)

3. Ball game “Say the opposite”

Along the path with a restless ball, children play the game “On the contrary”

The speech therapist pronounces a syllable or word with the sound “L”, the children replace it with “L” and pronounce a new syllable or new word:

LA-...LA LO-...LE LU-...LY LY-...LI LAK -...LAK BOW-...LUK


4. Isolating the sounds “L, L” in pronunciation from pictures, differentiation.

Street of Merry Pictures: children name the pictures displayed on the panel “House”.

The game “VI is extra” is played to differentiate the sounds “L”.

LAMP, FOREST, SWALLOW, LOTTO - extra picture FOREST (children explain why it is extra)

LINDEN, DEER, SHELF, GLADING – extra picture SHELF, etc.

Extra pictures are removed, and with the remaining pictures, children complete tasks to determine the position of a sound in a word.

III. Dynamic pause “Klava deftly chopped the onion” (slide number 9)

Children go to Quick Legs Street and do an exercise to coordinate speech with movement.

Klava deftly chopped the onion

Lola washed the floor and shelves,

Volodya knocked out the dust,

Valya hammered nails,

Kolya sawed happily,

Anatoly washed the forks,

Well, little Sveta

I ate sweet candies.

Children pronounce and perform movements corresponding to the text. Then the speech therapist offers to remember from the poem and name words with the sound “L” for boys and words with the sound “L” for girls.

IV. Introducing the letter "L". On the street Important letters children look at the letter "L"

(slides No. 9, 10, 11).

Reading poetry:

Looks like a stepladder L

And on the roof of the house too.

Tracing the letter L along the contour, drawing on semolina, laying out sticks, strings, placing the letter in the corresponding apartment of the House of Sounds.

V. Sound analysis, synthesis and laying out word patterns (slide number 12)

Now children find themselves on the street of strict schemes and perform sound analysis, synthesis, laying out a diagram of the word SCHOOL, then laying out a word from the letters of the magnetic alphabet.

VI. Finger gymnastics.

On Nimble Fingers Street, children perform kinesiological exercises.

VII. Syllabic analysis and synthesis: composing words from syllables (slide number 13)

On the next street there is “construction” going on: children find Lego cubes with syllables pasted on them. Children choose cubes of the same color and make houses with words from the details of the construction set.

Purpose of the lesson: developing the ability to read syllables and words with the letter L.


  • formation of the skill of continuous conscious reading
  • development of phonemic hearing
  • development of elements of logical thinking.

Methods: visual, verbal, reproductive.

Didactic support: illustrations on the topic of the lesson, syllable tables, cards with words on a given topic, didactic notebook, blackboard, chalk.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Org. moment(claps for attention).

2. Updating basic knowledge.

1. Reading the syllabic table.





2. Listen to the words, write in circles only the vowels of these words.

(onion, juice, son, poppy)

Our alphabet will continue,

The letter L is a forest hut.

L – vowel or consonant, why did you decide that it is a consonant?

Voiced or voiceless?

3. Find the letter L, circle it ( children circle the letter L on their pieces of paper)


4. Letter L on individual pieces of paper

5. Read it together.



6. “Confusion”

7. “Stumblers”





8. Read, shade the boats with the same words.

9. The words scattered, connect the syllables with arrows to make words.

10. Find the hidden word SOAP, underline it.


(Children write down the word on individual pieces of paper.)

If there is more than one vowel in a word, then we pronounce one of them stronger, highlighting it with our voice. This vowel is called a stressed vowel. The accent is placed on top, like this:

Divide the words from task 9 into syllables and add stress.

11. Read the sentences. Count how many words are in each sentence. Write your answer in a circle.

12. Write down the proposal. What letter do we start a sentence with? (with a big)

What do we leave between the words? (two cells)

What do we put at the end of a sentence? (dot)

Umoms soap.

(Write the proposal on individual pieces of paper.)

13. Read the sentences, connect them with the pictures:

Wu Sa shi ball.

Wu Shu ry We lo .

U co ma at sy . U o sy at sy .

Child's individual work sheet.

2. Find the letter L and circle it.


3. Write the letter L

4. Read it together.



5. “Confusion”

LA - LO - LU UL - AL - OL LY - LA - LO

LO – LA – LY LY – LA - LU OL – UL – AL

6. “Stumblers”





7. Read, shade the boats with the same words.

8. The words scattered, connect the syllables with arrows so that you get words.

9.. Find the hidden word SOAP, underline it.


Write it down in the boxes, underlining the vowels. Divide the word into syllables.

10. Read the sentences. Count how many words are in each sentence. Write your answer in a circle.

Summary of direct educational activities for teaching literacy in a preparatory school group on the topic: Sounds [L], [L"]. The letter “L” “Our guest Luntik”


Correctional and educational:

  1. Introduce consonant sounds [L], [L"].
  2. Strengthen the ability to give articulatory and acoustic characteristics of sound.
  3. Continue learning to determine the position of sounds in words.
  4. Introduce the letter "L" .

Correctional and developmental:

  1. Development of phonemic hearing, attention, memory;
  2. Development of general motor skills and fine differentiated movements of the fingers.
  3. Improving the grammatical structure of speech;
  4. Reinforce the concept "sound" , "letter" , "vowel, consonant" , "soft - hard" .
  5. Developing self-control skills for correct sound pronunciation in independent speech.
  6. Continue learning to form sentences with the given word.

Educational: fostering goodwill, responsiveness, cooperation skills, independence, activity and initiative.

Equipment: Laptop, TV, slide presentation, diagrams for making sentences, subject pictures, cards for sound analysis of words "MOON" , a game "Whose? Whose?"

I. Organizational moment.

Speech therapist: Guys, today an unusual guest came to our lesson. And who will we find out if we solve the riddle?

I was born on the moon
Ended up on Earth
Made a lot of friends here
So that my life is more fun.

There is a cartoon about me
And my name is...

You all know the story about Luntik. Luntik fell to the ground, and on earth he made many friends. All of Luntik's friends go to the forest kindergarten, where they learn a lot of new and interesting things.

Luntik also wants to learn a lot, so he came to us.

II. Main part.

1. Report the topic of the lesson.

Guys, tell me what is the first sound in the word "Luntik" ? (Sound [L])

When pronouncing a sound [L]- lips in a smile; the teeth are close together; the tip of the tongue is raised behind the upper teeth; the air stream encounters an obstacle.


2. Sound characteristic: sound [L] consonant (the tongue creates a barrier to the air), hard, sonorous, indicated by a blue chip.

Sound [L] has a little brother sound [L"].

What can we say about sound [L"]?

Sound [L"] consonant, soft, voiced - denoted by a green chip.

4. Fixing sounds in isolated form.

A large plane flies and hums: [lllllll: ] (Children make a sound [l] loud).

A small plane flies and buzzes: [llllllll: ] (Children make a sound [l"] quiet.)

5. Game: "Traffic light"

I will pronounce words, and when you hear the word with sound [L], raise the blue traffic light, and if you hear a sound [L"], raise the green traffic light.

Weasel, spoon, saw, lion, house, cat, table, tower, shelf, forest, window, Lisa...

6. Game: "Say the word"

sound [L]: hundred..., stu..., osyo..., dyate..., uko...,
syllable LA: floor...; ig...; kuk...; Yu…; pi..., ska..., ma...;
syllable LY: hundred..., dyat...; ska..., pi..., school..., spa...
7. Game "Make a Word"

Guys, I will throw sounds at you, and you must make a word out of them and return it to me:


8. Determining the position of a sound in a word:

Guys, you have pictures on the tables, you must determine the location of the sounds [L] - [L"], in words (beginning, middle or end of a word).

If your word has a sound [L], chip, what color will you take?

And if the sound [L"]?

Subject pictures: alarm clock, wolf, fox, elk, deer, TV, raspberry, elephant, woodpecker.

9. Game "One - two - five" (With a ball)

Guys, name wild animals whose names contain sounds [L] - [L"]. (Fox, wolf, squirrel, elephant, lion, deer, elk, etc.).

One fox - two foxes - five foxes;

Wolf, squirrel, elephant, lion, deer, elk.

10. Physical education minute "On the Path"

They walked and walked along the path
We found a lot of stones
They came and collected
And then we went further

(Children perform movements with words)

11. Game “Whose face? Whose tail?

The speech therapist shows the children a picture of a tail or muzzle and asks them to name: “Whose face? Whose tail?

Fox - fox tail - fox face;

Wolf, deer, squirrel.

12. Game "Encrypted Word"

Guys, guess what word "encrypted" it is necessary to connect the first sounds of the names of the objects that are shown on the slide.

Swallow, snail, scissors, aquarium. MOON

13. Sound analysis of the word MOON

Say the word MOON so that you hear the first sound, name it.

What is the second sound in the word MOON?

What can you say about this sound?

Why is it a vowel?

What is the third sound in the word MOON?

What can you say about this sound?

What is the last sound in the word MOON?

How many sounds are in the word MOON?

How many syllables are in the word MOON?

Why? (children's answers)

And we know how many vowel sounds there are as many syllables in a word.

What is the first syllable? Second?

How many sounds are in the first syllable? In the second?

14. Compose sentences with the word MOON.

Come up with a sentence with the word LUNTIK or MOON.

What does the proposal consist of? (From words).

How do you spell the first word in a sentence? (Capitalized).

What comes at the end of a sentence? (Dot)

Making proposals for children.

Children choose the sentence they like and make a sentence diagram.

15. Introducing the letter "L" .
The alphabet will continue our
Letter L – forest hut
V. Stepanov

16. Build from the poem.

Let's point our palms up,

Let's connect at an angle.

This is a formation

Let's turn it into a letter.

17. What does a letter look like? "L" ?

18. Reading syllables and words.

19. Find words with sound in the story picture [L], [L"].

III. Result:

Well done! Luntik learned a lot from you, you became his friends, but it’s time for him to return home. What sounds did you become familiar with? What can you say about these sounds? Guys, if everything was clear and interesting to you during the lesson, show the green smalik, if you didn’t understand something and it was boring, then show the yellow smalik.


  1. Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V., Frontal speech therapy classes V preparatory group for children with FFND, Moscow 1998.
  2. Pozhilenko E.A. Magic world sounds and words. M., Vlados, 1999
  3. Smirnova L.N., "Speech therapy" (playing with sounds), Moscow, 2006.
  4. Tkachenko T., Development of phonemic perception and sound analysis skills. S.-P., Childhood-Press, 1998.

Department of Education of the Yemanzhelinsky Administration municipal district MKU DO "DDT "Scarlet Sail"

Yemanzhelinsky municipal district of Chelyabinsk region

Summary of a literacy lesson topic: Sound and letter “L”

Additional education teacher

Ivleva Z.V.

Literacy lesson notes

Sound and letter "L"


· Introduce children to the letter “L”, teach them to read syllables, find the letter “L” in a word (at the beginning, in the middle, at the end,)

· Repeat previously learned letters

· Develop attention, memory, logical thinking

· To develop the ability of continuous, conscious reading

Progress of the lesson


1. Psychological attitude- Guys, let's repeat the rules of our lesson: “We all speak beautifully, boldly and slowly. We say it clearly, we are not in a hurry” (said in unison)

2. Repetition of covered material: Children are given cards with the task: listen to the words and write in circles only the vowels of these words: onion, juice, cheese, poppy seed.

- What sounds are these? (vowels)

- Why?

- What color are they indicated by? (red)

Repetition of the letter “T” learned in the last lesson. Didactic game“Catch the sound in your palms” - T Olya, ki T, T Anya, behemoth T, soup, bow, T-shirt, plane T, T ank, Kolya, kitchen.


3. Reading a fairy tale. We have a new letter visiting us. I will read you a fairy tale, and you can guess which letter we will meet today (a fairy tale about the letter L is attached)

- What letter did we meet?

- Look how I pronounce it (tongue presses against upper teeth) And now you try to pronounce it.

- Can we sing it? (No).

- So what sound is this? (consonant)

- What color will we paint it with? (blue).

- What does this letter look like?

- What does it consist of?

- Write the letter "L" in the air.

- Make the letter “L” from sticks.

4. Poem about the letter "L"

This letter loves to swim in the waves here and there.

It looks like a staircase, and like the roof of a house too.

The arrowheads also have the letter “L”.

5. Puzzles(the answers contain the letter “L”)

- Gold coins (leaves) fall from a branch

-I am woven from heat, I carry warmth with me.

I warm the rivers, “Swim,” I invite you.

And you all love me for it. I - (summer)

-Guess what kind of bird it is, a small dark one.

White on the belly, tail spread into two tails.

She flies faster than anyone else, and there are plenty of midges on the go.

If it flies towards us, it means spring has begun (swallow)

6. Reading syllables. Game "Port"

The boat was sailing along the river, it was carrying the letter “L”.

She swam up to pier “A”, the children read – LA Swim up to pier “U”, read it together – LU Swim up to pier “Y”, read it quietly – LY Swim up to pier “I”, read it loudly – ​​LA

7. FizminutkaThe letter L, with its legs spread, as if in a dance, with its hands on its hips, leaned left and right, and it turned out great.

1 – 2 – head higher, 3 – 4 – legs wider, 5 – 6 – sit quietly.

8. Pure talk. In order to speak clearly and clearly, you need to prepare your breathing and voice. LO – LO – LO – it’s warm outside LU – LO – LU – the chair is in the corner. UL - UL - UL - our chair broke. OL - OL - OL - we bought salt.

9. Didactic game “Locate the sound” At the beginning - a lamp, a boat, a puddle, skis, a fox, a bow, a lion In the middle - a hammer, a squirrel, a shelf, a peacock, an orange, a coat, chickens At the end - a table, a chair, a floor, a pencil case, a woodpecker, a dump truck

10. Exercise in reading syllablesLA – AL, – LO – OL, – LU – UL, - LI – IL, - LY – YL

11. Letter in copybook


- What letter did you learn about in class?

- What letter is this?

- What color is it indicated by?

- Why?

In front of you lie two suns with different moods (joyful and sad). If everything was clear and interesting to you during the lesson, then raise the sun with a smile, and if it’s not interesting, then raise the sad sun. Let's see what suns you raised?

A tale about the letter "L"

Letter L

I don't want to sleep, I won't go to bed, - the girl was capricious.

Mom frowned threateningly, but the letter L whispered softly in her ear Magic word « I love».

I I love you, my baby, - kindly said the mother and hugged her daughter. Mom kissed her, and the girl calmly fell asleep.

“Big and small people need more than anything in the world Love And weasel“, thought the letter L.

She flew everywhere and whispered tenderly: “ Love love love“, - so that no one forgets to say this magic word.

Say the magic word “love” to everyone you love.
