Personal life of Oksana Domnina. How was the wedding of Oksana Domnina and Roman Kostomarov

The famous figure skater Oksana Domnina, having lived for five years in a civil marriage with Roman Kostomarov, but never receiving an official marriage proposal from him, found a replacement for him. The 29-year-old athlete exchanged the Olympic champion for actor Vladimir Yaglych, known for his role in the film “We are from the Future.”

We first met Volodya on the set of the project " glacial period“It was there, on the ice, that we gradually began to recognize each other. And naturally, daily night training brought us very close,” Oksana admitted to

The other day, on October 16, the couple appeared together at the premiere of the film “Gorko” in one of the capital’s cinemas, leaving no doubt that they are connected not only friendly relations. While watching the film, Oksana kept whispering something in Vladimir’s ear, gently hugging his shoulders. Yaglych himself was not at all embarrassed by such frank behavior of his girlfriend.

Yes, we came together today,” Vladimir shared with - Of course, it’s still too early to talk about the wedding. But have no doubt, our relationship is serious and, God willing, for a long time.

Just a month ago, Roman Kostomarov shared with the press that he couldn’t help but be jealous of Oksana’s charming partner Vladimir Yaglych, with whom she performed on the “Ice Age” show. To dispel his own doubts, the skater had to do all sorts of romantic things to prove to Oksana the sincerity of his feelings. However, it is unlikely that anyone from the environment ex-couple could have imagined that Domnina would soon be happy with another man.

For the sake of Yaglych, the figure skater herself was ready for feats. For example, more than once she had to give up her business in the capital and take the first flight to St. Petersburg, where the actor was filming a film. Domnina convinced everyone, and probably herself, to the last: such sacrifices are required by a project in which it is impossible to perform brilliantly without rehearsals. But right there, in Northern capital, a stormy romance broke out between the ice partners, for the sake of which Oksana was ready to leave the father of her two-year-old daughter.

It is worth recalling that both partners had rich experience in their personal lives in the past. Vladimir Yaglych had a relationship with actress Svetlana Khodchenkova, but in 2010, after five years life together, their marriage broke up. As they wrote earlier, the reason for the discord in the family was the jealousy of the husband, who allowed himself to raise his hand against his wife from time to time. However, despite this, to the surprise of the couple’s relatives, colleagues and friends, the actor himself put an end to the relationship, having started an affair with his young partner in the film “Love is not what it seems” Anna Starshenbaum.

In Oksana’s family the picture was completely different. During civil marriage She and Roman had a daughter, Anastasia. After the birth of the child, Kostomarov and Domnina became even closer, but before official registration The relationship never worked out. Even the figure skater’s numerous interviews did not help, in which she admitted that she dreams of finally trying on wedding dress. But Roman himself was not ready for such a serious step, and therefore could not fulfill cherished wish beloved woman.

For the sake of a new feeling, Domnina had to sacrifice a long happy life. married life with Kostomarov. Roman himself now prefers to remain silent and does not comment on his breakup with Oksana.

I understand why Roma doesn’t want to talk about it, even though we parted on a human basis, if, of course, I can put it that way,” the figure skater admitted to

However, as Domnina assures, the break with Kostomarov will not affect their working together in the Ice Age project.

It's the same as in native home not to return. This time Oksana Domnina and Roman Kostomarov came here with their whole family - with their 6-year-old daughter Nastya and son Ilya, who is about to turn one and a half years old.

“We quarreled at home, made up at the performance”

Oksana, last year you came to Sochi straight from maternity leave. Then Ilya was only 4 months old. Do you regret that you were able to spend so little time only in the role of a mother?

I was the one who stayed too long (laughs). Despite the fact that all these months I was completely immersed in children, I was drawn to the ice. Performances, spectators - ask any artist, he will confirm: it’s like a drug (smiles). And everything worked out so well that Ilya Averbukh began the summer tour season of “Carmen” in Sochi, where I had my own role, and I returned to the ice with pleasure.

- You quickly got into shape...

I gained a little during pregnancy - I was worried that I wasn’t 8 (smiles). This is the minimum during pregnancy. But she didn’t starve herself, she limited herself only to flour and sweets. Therefore, after giving birth, the weight immediately went away. There were only a couple of unnecessary kilograms left that I had been fighting with for six months.

The Moscow premiere of the ice performance "Romeo and Juliet" is scheduled for autumn

- They say that Ilya Averbukh is very strict with his artists. Does this apply to extra centimeters at the waist?

Oksana. Our team consists of figure skaters, no one brings themselves to this point. And Ilya is unlikely to notice if someone gains a kilogram or two. We don’t have a rule about getting on the scale before every performance and getting reprimanded for taking an extra hundred grams.

Roman. Averbukh's severity lies elsewhere. He demands that at performances sports
the shifts were given their all. Of course, every person sometimes gets tired, or when the audience reacts in a different way. So, you have to abstract yourself from all this and just do your job. No, not just, but brilliantly.

- You have a lot of family duets in your team. Do personal relationships affect your work?

Roman. Certainly! We quarreled at home, but made up at the performance (smiles).

Oksana. We generally cannot be offended at each other for a long time. Five minutes is enough for one of us to understand: “Somehow I lost my temper!” And he goes to make peace.

"Children change lives for the better"

- You got married when Nastya was 3 years old. How much did the stamp in your passport affect your relationship?

Oksana. In a global sense, it seems like nothing. We have a full-fledged family, we live in peace, harmony and kindness.

Novel. The wedding was a formality, something attached to a more serious decision - to get married.

- And how did you come to him?

Roman. It’s just that one day we promised each other that we would try to always be together. Therefore, for us, the wedding was not just a beautiful and memorable ceremony, but something special. If you have decided to take this step, it means that you have weighed and assessed everything correctly and know what you want. This means that you are ready to pacify your ego and make concessions to each other. Being together requires patience (smiles).

Oksana. You also need to be able to hear each other, respect and love - this is the basis strong family.

- You are two stars, two artists. How are the roles distributed in your family?

Oksana. The husband, of course, is the head of the family.

Roman. But this does not mean that only I provide the rear, and Oksana only takes care of the house and children. We do not have a clear distribution of responsibilities. Just a minute - she will make delicious cheesecakes. No, let's go to a restaurant.

Oksana. Roman is a good cook himself. He will fry a chicken or cut a salad - all with soul.

Novel. Or sausage with ketchup - also very tasty (laughs).

- Wait, I thought athletes had a completely different diet and a strict diet!

Novel. Well, I’m not picky about food (laughs). Besides, to stay in shape, it doesn’t matter what you eat. The main thing is how much.

Oksana. By the way, before the birth of children, we ate mostly outside the home.

Novel. Children change their usual way of life a lot. But definitely in better side.

“If you have decided to take this step, it means you have weighed everything correctly”

“Mom wanted a better fate for me”

This year Oksana and Roman will celebrate their 3rd wedding anniversary

Nastya is almost seven. Do you remember yourself at this age? How did your parents raise you and which of those methods do you now apply to your children?

Roman. It's hard for me to compare. Nastya is still a girl. And in our family there were two guys, with a small age difference. We fought constantly, shared something. If it weren’t for my mother’s tough upbringing... She always asked very strictly for grades at school. Then, in order to become one of the people, you had to study well. And my mother wanted a better fate for me. So that not an electrician, like dad, but an astronaut or a pilot, a diplomat, at worst (smiles). In a word, I had what I needed, the carrot and the stick!

Oksana. Here I am - severity and love. This is exactly how I try to raise my children now. Of course, sometimes I want to hug you directly, but I control myself. An excess of parental love does not give children anything good: they will simply sit on their necks and dangle their legs.

Novel. A child is not a cat or a dog. This is a man. The task of a parent is to guide and explain what life is. And if you hold a child in your arms and stroke his head throughout his entire life, sooner or later he will still run away from your clutches, but he will never learn to live on his own.

- Are you preparing Nastya for a sports career?

Novel. Of course, we want her life to be connected with sports. And we will do our best. Especially when it’s time to fall in love for the first time and you want to give up everything.

- Are you going to drive away the suitors?

Roman. We'll just be there for her to make her right choice.

The famous figure skaters Oksana Domnina and Roman Kostomarov spent four months in Sochi, taking part in the ice performance "Carmen", and on October 23, "Carmen" had its Moscow premiere.

Photo: Anna Makarevich Oksana Domnina and Roman Kostomarov with their daughter Nastya, who will turn 5 in January 2016

The spouses Domnina and Kostomarov understand each other perfectly. I asked Roman why he always wears a hat or bandana, and Oksana answered: “He is so internally comfortable and calm.” After talking with them in Sochi, I realized that their life is now completely comfortable and calm - regardless of whether Roman is wearing a hat or not.

I I remember the first time I saw you together at the birthday party of figure skater Max Stavisky. There was such a company there: in addition to the birthday boy himself, you two, Ilya Averbukh with his little son and me. I remember the year well - 2007 (it was then that my brother Igor took part in “Ice Age”). I noticed what you are like a beautiful couple. I’m wondering if everything was just beginning for you then or were you in an active phase?

Roman: What a memory you have! And about the phase, as you say, we have been together since 2005.

It turns out that this year is the first anniversary! Congratulations.

R.: Thank you, Vadim.

As a rule, relationships occur among skaters who skate in pairs. And each of you has your own long-time partners on the ice. By the way, I didn’t find any information on the Internet about how fate brought you together.

R.: It is clear that we knew each other more or less closely for a long time, we went to the same competitions. But I lived in America for a long time, trained there, and Oksana lived in Odintsovo and competed for the Moscow region. Ilya Averbukh’s tour probably changed a lot in 2005. We somehow felt...

Oksana: interest. We felt that we were attracted to each other. We spent a whole month on tour, we were able to communicate a lot and understand something for ourselves.

In general, thanks to Ilya Averbukh! It seems to me that you are completely different in character.

O.: I am calmer, and Roman is temperamental.

R.: Previously, my temperament was controlled by some harsh methods: in childhood by my parents, then by figure skating coaches. Only now, at a conscious age, have I learned to control myself.

About figure skating. Was it immediately clear that you were both promising comrades in this matter?

R.: They always told me: “You are talented.” But you still can’t go far with talent alone. If you play the fool, which is what I did when I was young (trained under pressure), then it’s unlikely that anything will work out.

What temptations did you have on the side?

R.: The street was addictive, the courtyard life. I’m from Maryino, the Moscow River is nearby, there are construction sites, tractors, cranes, construction cartridges that we blew up. I wanted to bake potatoes on the Moscow River, swim - anything, just not go to training twice a day! Your peers go for a walk after school, but you have to take the bus and travel an hour and a half to the skating rink to train for two hours. Of course, I missed training for several days, but then my mother found out about it, and I was forced to return to the ice.

Well, girls are probably more responsible. Have they told you, Oksana, that you are talented, beautiful, wonderful?

O.: In principle, there were such words, of course. They didn’t always sound, but nevertheless, somewhere subconsciously I felt that something could work out for me.

A high self-evaluation- a good incentive, especially in childhood, when everything is just beginning.

A: Believing in yourself spurs you on, gives you some strength - just in those moments when something hurts or when it’s really hard for you.

When a girl goes to figure skating, I understand this: dancing, beauty and so on. What is it like for a boy? Really, Roma, didn’t you want to engage in a more brutal sport - play football or hockey?

R.: And I didn’t initially go into figure skating. I wanted to do gymnastics. It’s just that earlier, artistic gymnastics competitions were often shown on TV. And of course, as a boy, I was fascinated by what the athletes did on the uneven bars and rings. I wanted to be as strong and agile. But I was nine years old at the time, and they didn’t take me because it turned out to be too late. Although I was still drawn to sports. And I decided to take up swimming. They didn’t take me there either: as they explained, the data was inappropriate. Ultimately, my mother said: “I have a friend who works at AZLK as a nurse, her daughter skates on ice. Let's try?"

A: Roma started figure skating at the age of nine. By the standards of the sport, he was an old man.

How old is your daughter?

There will be five in January.

Is she already a figure skater?

A: No, Nastya is not a figure skater, she loves dancing more. She’s seen enough of our performances here in Sochi (I mean the ice performance “Carmen”) and now she always asks for music to be played for her.

R.: We don’t even know whether this is good or bad. ( Smiling.) She’s already portraying this! She dances very fluidly.

A: Yes, it synchronously repeats the movements of Tanya Navka and Rita Drobyazko in “Carmen”...

R.: ...and my mother’s too.

Listen guys, why are you surprised? These are genes.

R.: It’s just that the performance is quite mature, and Nastya is already lifting up her skirt and trying to put on makeup like a real actress.

Does this bother you a lot, Roma?

A: Dad is worried. He says: “Aren’t you starting to dance like an adult too early?” Roman comes home tired after the performance, and Nastya tells him: “Dad, let’s agree, you do seven lifts or ten lifts with me, and that’s it.” And he pulls his legs, and holds his back, and his arms, and everything is serious, for real.

Class! In general, “Carmen” is a familiar story for Roma. You won the Olympics in 2006 with the number “Carmen”, and now here’s an ice performance.

R.: Ilya Averbukh did a very large-scale project on ice, which is simply a pleasure to participate in. This is a full-fledged performance, with its own dramaturgy and live music. There are crazy decorations and light here. This is definitely not an amateur activity! And ahead new production - « The Bremen Town Musicians" I wonder what will happen.

A: In general, of course, we were lucky. How many athletes, how many Olympic champions do not find themselves, do not find use for their abilities after finishing their careers.

By the way, did you, Roma, after your triumphant victory at the Olympics have any desire to continue performing? For example, Volosozhar and Trankov won the 2014 Olympics and remained in the sport.

R.: I think everything has its time. You need to leave on time, otherwise it may happen that you find yourself not on the horse, but under the horse, as they say. Therefore, I think I did the right thing - more precisely, Tatyana and I did everything right, although, naturally, there was a lot of talk about us continuing to perform. I was offered to skate at the 2010 Olympics, perhaps even together with Oksana.

O.: Yes, I was also offered to ride with Olympic champion Kostomarov.

But you had a permanent partner, Maxim Shabalin, with whom you won many prestigious competitions.

O.: Well, by that time Maxim’s health was not very good. Bad knee, several surgeries. He and I were already living out our last sports days.

It’s interesting that when the offer came up to perform in tandem with Kostomarov, you, Oksana, didn’t grab Roman: “Well, let’s agree”?

O.: No, that didn’t happen. By that time, both of us were not very keen on the idea of ​​continuing our careers. Although, probably, if one of us really, really wanted it, then the other one might have agreed.

As a result, everything worked out for you the best way. I want to go back to the past. You, Roman, have lived in America for a long time. Was it difficult to return home? Psychologically.

R.: It was much more difficult, Vadim, to adapt when I left for America. Because at that time I didn’t have a penny to my name. Was very hard work, constant training. And it was very difficult morally - to leave, to leave all my friends in Moscow, my parents.

Let me clarify: you and Tanya Navka were invited to America by coach Natalya Linichuk. So?

R.: Yes. I was then twenty-one years old. My family couldn't help me financially. I come from an ordinary family. My dad is an electrician, my mom is a cook, and so nothing came easy to me. In general, I lived from debt to debt, so to speak.

But you understood what all this was for, did you see the prospect when you left?

R: Of course. I had to endure everything, work and hope for results.

All this undoubtedly strengthened my character.

R.: Many skaters break down at such moments and look for more easy way. For example, they simply pair up with an American and start skating for America. Then they already receive a thousand dollars a week and feel quite comfortable. I had no desire to compete for America, I wanted to achieve success, speaking for our country, for Russia, to achieve what I eventually achieved.

But another test awaited you when, at the request of the coach, you stopped skating with Tanya Navka and you got a new partner - Anya Semenovich.

R.: Naturally, it was not easy. When for one reason or another I was at a dead end, I always needed my mother's advice. And this time I called her from America: “Mom, so and so, Natalya Linichuk told me: “Leave Navka.” I'm shocked. What should I do?" Mom, as always, took a neutral position: “Roman, you understand, Linichuk is a great coach, so if she decided so, it’s probably right.” And then she added: “You are an adult. I think you yourself know what to do right.” And this is how it has always been.

Wise mother. As you know, you didn’t achieve any special results when paired with Semenovich. I can imagine how psychologically difficult it was to start training and performing with Tatyana Navka again.

R.: It was an overcoming, of course, to step over yourself, over your pride. Naturally, I later suffered a lot because of this, because I still betrayed Tanya, and it doesn’t matter whether it happened at the suggestion of the coach or not, but I betrayed her.

Did Tatyana remember her grievances for a long time?

R: Of course! ( Smiling.)

Have you, Oksana, experienced any mental trauma associated with your sports career?

O.: No, thank God, everything is somehow calm, everything is so... Of course, the most difficult thing for me, too, at some point was to change my partner, change my coach. All the same, unfortunately, you offend the people you leave.

Did your mother diplomatically tell you “decide for yourself”?

A: Of course, my parents have always supported me. When, at sixteen, I was about to leave my hometown Kirov, my dad literally sold the last thing he had just to send me to Odintsovo in the Moscow region so that I could continue my sports career there. Well, then, when my partner Maxim Shabalin and I moved to America for two years, before our last Olympics, everything was much simpler, since we were supported by the Figure Skating Federation and we didn’t know financial problems. These were no longer the times when Roman had to decide everything himself.

By the way, how many years did Roman live in America?

R.: Eight years, from 1998 to 2006.

O.: I can’t even believe it.

In terms of?

A: He spent so much time in America, and then everything changed so much.

It has changed. Today Roma has a beautiful wife and still an interesting job. I look at your daughter: she is an ideal continuation of you, your couple. But I would like to ask you this. You are public people, and it is clear that your life is visible and heard. It is known that you had personal difficulties: two years ago you broke up, but, fortunately, not for long. Soon you got married and even had a wedding. We can say that you emerged victorious from this situation. Was it really necessary to break up in order to understand how close and dear you are to each other? As they say, big things are seen from a distance.

R.: It seems to me, Vadim, you have already said everything for us, I have nothing to add. The fact that it is difficult, yes, is undeniable. Probably, sports life itself taught us to deal with difficulties and overcome some obstacles. But of course, if there was no love, probably nothing further would have happened.

It's right. When there is love, there should be no complexes or prejudices that would prevent us from taking this step towards each other.

A: Thank God, we are together and happy.

You recently celebrated your first wedding anniversary. Tell me, was it important for you not only to get married, but also to get married almost at the same time?

R.: It was necessary to get married. It was possible not to marry.

O.: Exactly.

R.: But since the laws now do not allow people to get married without a stamp in their passport, we did both.

Has anything changed in your relationship since then?

R.: For us it was a global event.

O.: Yes, global, serious, which finally united us, let’s say.

What about Nastya having a brother? He would be able to free dad from the currently obligatory dance lifts.

R.: We, of course, dream of a second child and want to have one in the future.

O.: That's it, period. ( Smiling.)

Roman Kostomarov is a Russian figure skater known to many sports fans. He repeatedly became the winner of Russian, European, world, and also Olympic Games 2006.

Roman was born on February 8, 1977 in Moscow. The boy grew up in an ordinary family: his mother worked as a cook, and his father worked as an electrician. When Roman was nine years old, his parents asked him if he wanted to play any sports.

He really liked artistic gymnastics back then and often watched gymnastics competitions on TV. But at the age of 9 it is very late to start playing this sport, so he was not accepted.

He also wanted to go sailing, but for some reason they didn’t want to take him there either. One of my mother’s friends worked at the AZLK stadium, and the boy was brought there to practice figure skating.

He really didn’t like this sport, he considered it some kind of girly, so he often lied to his acquaintances that he was involved in hockey.

Creative "ice" rise

When he learned to skate, he began performing at the Theater on Ice. The guys had a friendly team with whom they went on tour with New Year's matinees. After two years of such performances, coach Lidia Karavaeva noticed him.

At that time, she was looking for a partner for her daughter Katya, so she took Roman to the sport. They skated together with Katya for ten years and achieved considerable success: in 1996 they won the World Junior Championships.

Although it cannot be said that everything was so rosy. There was a period of getting used to partners, several times Roman wanted to give up the sport altogether, at the age of 15 he staged a real rebellion and began to skip training, citing illness. But his mother found out and sternly returned him to the ice.

At this time I took a closer look at Roman famous trainer Natalya Linichuk. She invited the young man to become a couple with Tatyana Navka and move to America. It was difficult to decide to take such a step, but Roman did it anyway.

After a year of skating with Navka, Linichuk decided that Anna Semenovich would be the best partner for Roman and ordered Roman to notify Navka about this as his own decision. The young man found himself in difficulty, but completed the assignment.

After riding with Anya, he realized that emotions always take over in a girl, and the technical side fades into the background. A year later, he realized that as partners they were not suitable for each other and would not achieve great success.

Roman decided to return to Tatiana. By this time she had given birth to a daughter. After thinking for three days, Tatyana agreed. The couple left Linichuk and began training with Alexander Zhulin, Tatyana’s husband.

At first it was not easy, but over time success began to appear and soon the couple began to win one championship after another. And in 2006, the couple won gold at the Olympic Games.

It must be said that Roman did not have a very sweet time overseas. For a long time he lived on $150 a month and had to live on hamburgers. There was no own corner either.

For some time he lived with Zhulin and Navka, then with agent Plushenko, then with a friend of the figure skater Oksana Baiul. And only after winning the World Championship was he able to afford to rent an apartment.

Now Roman actively participates in various ice shows on television. But he understands that he still won’t be able to skate for a long time and plans to realize himself either in coaching or as an ice show director.

He also gained some experience in filming and played several roles. But he believes that everyone should do what they are good at.

Family life of Roman Kostomarov

Now Roman is married for the second time. His first love was figure skater Yulia Lautova. They met during training in Moscow. Julia is 4 years younger than Roman.

The young people had strong feelings. They continued to communicate even when Roman flew to America, and tried to see each other whenever possible. In 2004 they got married. But within the first year the marriage began to crumble.

Roman devoted a lot of time to training and little to his wife. And she wanted to have fun. Scandals at home after nerves during training were the last straw. Both decided that it was better to get a divorce.

At this time, Roman had already begun to show interest in another colleague on the ice, Oksana Domnina. They understood each other well and soon began dating, and then living in a civil marriage.

And at the beginning of 2011, their daughter Nastya was born. At some point, a rift arose in the couple due to the fact that Roman did not seek to stamp his passport, and Oksana was offended by this.

They even separated for a short time, but quickly got back together and were legally married.

Read about the creative flight of other skaters and their personal lives outside the skating rink

Roman Kostomarov and Oksana Domnina are partners not only on stage, but also in family life. The couple met at the skating rink. It was there that the young people first noticed each other. It is noteworthy that before this acquaintance, each of them had unsuccessful relationships behind them. Nevertheless, they decided to take a risk and start living together. Four years later, there was a new addition to their family. The children of Roman Kostomarov and Oksana Domnina form the basis of their family; they are surrounded by care and love.

The famous figure skater Oksana Domnina was born on August 17, 1984 in the city of Kirov. She managed to reach many heights and climb the career ladder, however, for this I had to go through a lot of hardships and put up with many refusals. A sports career has never been easy; you always have to show perseverance and willpower.

In the photo: Roman Kostomarov and Oksana Domnina

World-famous figure skater Roman Kostomarov was born in Moscow in 1977. Since childhood, he dreamed of becoming an athlete, but he was not accepted as a gymnast because of his age. Then a friend suggested that the nine-year-old boy try himself in figure skating. He began to take his first steps on the ice and immediately showed great promise. The coaches were not mistaken and over time they managed to raise a real Olympic champion.

For the first time, Roman fell in love with figure skater Yulia Lautova. They dated for some time, and in 2004 they even formalized their relationship. The girl decided to quit sports and move to live with her husband. However, this marriage lasted only a year. The reason for the divorce was that the young wife could not come to terms with the fact that her husband would always put sports first.

After the divorce, Kostomarov did not remain single for long. Soon he met the equally famous figure skater Oksana Domnina. Their relationship was going well, but the guys were in no hurry to formalize it. Four years after they began living together, a daughter appeared in the family, who was named Nastya. However, even after this, Roman did not propose to his beloved woman. For this reason, Oksana left him.

After the breakup, Oksana began an affair with actor Vladimir Yaglych, whom she met while participating in the show “Ice Age.” However, the relationship was short-lived. Soon the skater returned to Roman Kostomarov. The guys not only got married, but even decided to get married.

In 2016, another thing happened in the family of Roman and Oksana happy event: They had a son. Despite severe trials the guys were able to find family happiness and know all his joy. The main value in their lives is now their children. It is their education that athletes do. By the way, none of them gave up their careers. Oksana manages to combine work with the role of a loving mother and wife, and Roman with the role of a wonderful father and husband.

In the photo: Roman Kostomarov and Oksana Domnina with their daughter

IN Lately Various rumors began to appear in the press about the personal lives of Oksana Domnina and Roman Kostomarov. However, the guys don’t even want to comment on them, citing the fact that the yellow press is simply hungry for sensations. The family simply lives happily and cherishes every minute spent together. Not long ago, Oksana published a photo of her teaching her daughter how to skate. Despite young age the girl is already quite confidently standing on skates and posing for the camera. Perhaps she will also continue the work of her parents and become a famous athlete. But my little son is still very small and demands from his parents special attention and worries. It is he who receives the main attention of all household members. It is still unknown whether the family still plans to have children: the guys are in no hurry to share such plans with the public.

