The best games of Soviet children. The last computer game of the USSR

Long years propaganda decaying west worked hard to make the Russians look like villains. She turned out to be clumsy, and often simply clumsy. But they managed to create the main thing - the myth of the evil Russians. It is precisely a myth, because it is based on hackneyed cliches generated not even by the Russians themselves, but by American films about them.

In our century, the theme of evil Russians has been picked up by computer games. And although they contain an order of magnitude more creativity compared to films, these games are based on the same hackneyed cliches: mafia, balalaikas, communism... In a word - cranberry.

This TOP presents PC games of various genres, which have only one thing in common - the presence of very evil Russians. So, let's begin!

10. Command & Conquer: Red Alert

This TOP could not do without her. Definitely a great strategy. What did the Russians do here? From a banal attack on the United States to time travel to kill Einstein. We are already silent about fighting bears, double-barreled tanks and so on.

The actors and the surroundings in which they are dressed deserve special mention. It seems that the game used the entire arsenal of Soviet and other cliches that could be found. It just so happens that it is in the Soviet period that game designers find inspiration, because it was distinguished by great expressiveness. and style! Hammer and sickle, red banner, beautiful girls, posters with calls, a country in military style - it’s so colorful in contrast to what Russia is today. Alas....

In the third part, the Japanese side was added, which has its own atmosphere. However, this whole explosive mixture still looks very frivolous. And according to this, only tenth place.

9. Singularity

Released in 2010, Singularity did not capture the imagination. The idea of ​​the previous parts was completely changed. The mechanics of the game have undergone major changes. Nevertheless, it turned out to be a very interesting shooter about the dark corners of Soviet research institutes with a pretty cool ending.

In addition, in it one could find the very feature for which Singularity so loved by the players - a glove that changes the course of time.

Plus - they really appeared in the arsenal interesting views weapons. Well, horror moments with wanderings around the Soviet island and catacombs served as a bonus. Yes, horror films and Soviet period together they look very harmonious even for those who are not zombied by Western propaganda and know that living in the Soviet Union was not at all scary, and in some places it was even wonderful! It’s just that all this combines very colorfully with the myths that have developed around the USSR. Ninth place Singularity for contribution to the development of science.

8.Freedom Fighters

Freedom Fighters is a shooter with squad control elements from the creators of Hitman about how the evil Soviets took over the whole world and America in particular.

Despite the fact that the idea is quite banal, the game turned out to be very realistic and sometimes even dramatic.

However, something else is surprising - have you ever seen at least one game about how evil America took over the whole world? But this is much more plausible and closer to reality than some “evil” Soviets, isn’t it? It seems that in the next part, America and the whole world will be captured by an even more “evil” North Korea.

Well, if without irony, then Freedom Fighters- this is an excellent soundtrack, the level of which many do not reach modern games, excellent mechanics and many other aspects, such as a fairly well-developed atmosphere of a country under siege. The game turned out no worse than Hitman himself.

7.Tom Clancy

Tom Clancy is a noble Russophobe who sees KGB men around every corner, but these are his cockroaches. We are interested in something else - namely, games in which his name appears. Russophobia in these projects is not the most important thing, but there is a subtle note of it in almost all of them.

The most notable representative of the line of games about Tom Clancy is Tom Clancy's End War- a very mediocre strategy, standing so high only because of Tom's name.

At one time, the game Tom Clancy's End War was noticeable only because of its attempt to attach voice control to the strategy genre. Although it all looked crooked, because then there were no technologies that we have now. However, it conveyed the theme of bad Russians to to the fullest.

6. Metro: Last Light

That's who, eh "Metro" strange to see in this TOP. But the masterpiece from the creators of Stalker, invented by the Russian writer Dmitry Glukhovsky, was consumed by the soul and awesome atmosphere of post-apocalyptic Moscow.

The game was made by Ukrainians, or more precisely, by American Ukrainians, so there are some old Soviet cliches here too. Well, God be with them.

By the second part, the game had slipped into a banal shooter about the conflict between the decaying west and the communist east, which was simply driven into the narrow corridors of the Moscow metro. The mechanics have been tweaked since the first part, as well as the graphics. However, playing all this became less interesting, because less and less you were given the opportunity to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the Slavic post-apocalypse. Apparently, the creators decided that all this post-apocalyptic stuff is no longer interesting to anyone.

5. Call of Duty and Battlefield

The games are similar, so they are put into one point. With each new part we were offered to shoot more and more crowds of Russian soldiers. However, Kolda was much more nimble than Battle, which was carried away by improving the engine and promoting destructibility.

So in Count of Duty we crawled along Pripyad, occupied by members of the Russian terrorist organization, we shot crowds of Russian tourists, and also smoked soldiers with Russian flags out of a building in Manhattan. In Battlefield, on the other hand, we rode around, killed and smashed the cards brick by brick. In general, we enjoyed the game, and not some kind of production.


Japanese games are a strange thing, they attract only a few, but those who are attracted are drawn to the end. No, there are no kawaii eyes here. The Japanese gaming industry has been using realistic graphics for a long time.

Even the Japanese could not ignore the theme of bad Russians, and the representative of this theme from the land of the rising sun was Venuish - an insane and terribly hurricane shooter that tells the story of Russian robots who captured a space colony and destroyed San Francisco with its help.

The main character and his assistant Elena, powerful action and signature Japanese production, as well as the main villain Viktor Zaitsev - for all this, fourth place.

3. Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne

Enough of the bad Russians destroying the whole world! You give us bad Russians, destroying something smaller than the whole world, but no less valuable!

Conflicts with representatives of the Slavs are present in the game Max Payne 2- a great continuation of the depressing shooter about the difficult life of a policeman.

In the second part, the source of all Max's troubles turned out to be the villain Vladimir Lem. Sale of drugs, murder - the vile Vladimir did not disdain anything, and also wanted to gain power, which prompted him to go against the Inner Circle organization in order to become its head.

Branded shooting with two pistols, and of course the night, the rain - for all this, third place.

2. Metal Gear 3

Let's not talk about the old Metal Gear parts. Those who love games about robots are probably already in the know. Well, those who haven’t yet will probably like this shooting game for killing free time.

The third part of this legendary action game takes place in 1964 - cold war, Soviets, Shagohod project, GRU Colonel Evgeniy Volgin and the mysterious boss. The game is certainly a cult one. But trying to understand her story will break the devil’s leg.

The game is very good, but it does not deserve to be first, since here the bad Russians are just a background for the deep emotional experiences of the main characters.

1. World in Conflict

This game is the benchmark. After all, this is not only an excellent strategy, but also in some century the Russians were adequately shown!

Yes, in its general outline the plot was stupid, but it all paid off with the spectacle that could be observed in the game itself. All this beauty, destruction, fire, infantry movements under enemy fire. All this is so fascinating that you don’t pay attention to the stupidity of the local artificial intelligence, which manages to do terrible stupid things.

The later expansion, Soviet Assault, was even better, and the trailer for it showed how to make a trailer for a game about Russians attacking America.

Soviet children did not have smartphones, laptops, tablets, the Internet, game consoles and other modern benefits. Those born after the 2000s may think that Soviet childhood was boring and boring. But this is far from true. Yes, the USSR generation did not have all of the above, but there was something more - a real “analogue” childhood with a bunch of games that united children from all over the yard and made them truly happy!

Let's remember the most common and best games of Soviet children...

Rubber bands

The accessory of this game for girls is an elastic band. The game involves 3 or 4 people. Each participant jumps through a stretched elastic band at different heights. The first level starts from the ankles and ends at the neck level.


The Hopscotch game takes place on the asphalt. For this you need a small stone and crayons. With chalk, draw out the cells with numbers in a certain order. The main rule in this game is to throw a stone into a square, after which you need to jump to it on one or two legs and return in the same way.

Counselor, counselor, give me a pioneer!

If you drive more slowly, you will continue - stop!

At the finish line, the driver turns his back to the participants and says: “If you drive more slowly, the further you will go - stop!” While the driver is talking, participants need to run closer to the finish line. As soon as the driver stops talking, the participants should freeze in place. In this game, victory will go to the one who reaches the finish line first and touches the driver.

The sea is agitated once...

The presenter, turning away from the participants, recites a rhyme:

The sea is agitated once
The sea is worried two
The sea is worried three
Sea figure freeze!

During the counting, participants begin to make movements, depicting all kinds of figures with their hands. When the driver finishes speaking, the players need to freeze in some position. After which the presenter, touching one of the participants, must guess the player’s figure being depicted.

Cossack robbers

Participants are divided into two teams: “Cossacks” and “robbers”. The game can take place in the entrance, in the yard, on the street. The “robbers”, guessing a code word, run away, while drawing arrows of their movement on the asphalt. The goal of the “Cossacks” is to find the “robbers” using these arrows and find out their secret word.


In this game, two participants must stand on both sides of the court, the remaining participants must be in the center. the main objective“bouncers”, throwing the ball to each other, hit one of the participants in the center. When there is only one person left in the team with the main players, he must dodge the ball as many times as he is old.

I know 5 names

One participant in the game picks up the ball, saying: “I know one boy’s name,” after which he throws the ball on the ground and pronounces the name. The options can be different: “I know one city,” “I know one girl’s name,” etc. Having used all the options, the player pronounces the same chants, only on the count of two. If a participant, while hitting the ball, does not say his name in a timely manner and does not hit the ball, then the progress of the game is transferred to another player. The one who can reach ten will win.


Everyone participating in the game sits in a row. The driver throws the ball to any player, while pronouncing an object. The participant must catch the ball if the object turns out to be “edible”; if not, then he must return it. The presenter's goal is to confuse the player. The faster he throws the ball, the more exciting the game will be.


Participants draw a circle on the ground. After which, each one, one after another, throws a knife into the opponent’s territory, while winning as much as possible from him. more land. The knife can be thrown into sand, earth, and also into wooden benches. If the leg does not stick into the ground when thrown, but falls, the other player throws the knife.


The participants of this game sit in a row and connect their palms with a boat. The player playing the game should have a small object in his fist: a button, a coin, a ring. The goal of the driver is to go around each player and quietly put a “ring” in him, while saying “Ring, ring, go out onto the porch.” The participant who has the object rises and tries to run away. The task of all other players is to catch the runner.

Will you go to the ball?

The game leader reads the chant:

"Don't say yes or no,
Don't take black and white
Will you go to the ball?

Its purpose is to confuse participants. The participant’s task is to answer questions without using the words “black”, “white”, “yes”, “no”.

I was born a gardener

All participants must choose a name for themselves - the name of a flower and then tell it to the other players and the driver. The driver recites the rhyme: “I was born a gardener, I’m seriously angry, I’m tired of all the flowers, except ...” and says the “name” of one of the participants. The player whose name was announced must respond. If the participant does not respond, the gardener assigns him a task (sing, dance, etc.)


This game was played by children and teenagers in every yard of the USSR. Its rules are quite simple. The players are conditionally divided into two teams: “elephants” and “riders”. The members of the first team stand one after another, bending in half and hugging each other. The result is a kind of dense formation, which was called an “elephant”. The members of the second team line up not far from the “elephant”. Each of the “riders” takes a run, leans on the last “elephant” and flies further, trying to “ride the elephant” closer to the head so that all the remaining “riders” fit. The task of the “elephant” is not to fall under the weight of the “riders”. The task of the “riders” is not to fall off the “elephant”.

Although in the USSR there are only three games: Tetris (1982), Welltris (1989), Perestroika(1990), I would like to dwell on the last one, since it is the most last game in history computer development in the USSR, since they learned about it only in 1995.

The game “Perestroika” was written by N. Skripkin back in 1989 and released together with the Locis cooperative in 1990. Although the game was developed for MS-DOS, it became famous only in 1995, when most people already had Windows-based computers.

This game is unique due to two factors: it ended the era of the development of computer games in the USSR and gave a start to the development of games in Russia.

When starting the game, the player is greeted by the cheerful musical accompaniment “Dubinushka”, and the splash screen depicts Mikhail Gorbachev against the backdrop of the Kremlin wall, which is about to collapse. It’s easy to guess what the author of this creation wanted to say.

After starting the game, the player takes on the role of a little democrat who jumps around the islands of freedom, collects various resources and tries to avoid the malicious “bureaucrats” who are eager to take away everything that the player has collected.

The game has the so-called Stages of the Great Path (levels) and the welfare of the people (points) that need to be collected in order to complete the level.

The game itself was quite strange: the islands of freedom were like lilies, the democrat was more precisely a copy a green toad that must avoid red pest beetles, and the location resembled a swamp.

In the West, it was believed that this particular game showed the state of the market in Russia, where evil and fat bureaucrats were running after a poor entrepreneur, and the lilies themselves were “ thin ice", where the downtime had devastating consequences. But the game still received success among all PC users. Players said that the graphics were better than the Pac-Man game, and the sound created a unique atmosphere.

The network resource stated that this game is of historical value for the gaming industry.

The game was so popular that the Czech team released a game clone called “ZX Spectrum”, and in 1992, Moscow students from school 263 created a whole remake called “DIAR D/M”! The official remake was released in 1995 and was called "Toppler for Windows". This game repeated the game mechanics and significantly improved the graphics.

In 2011, Nikita Skripkin happily announced that this game may be continued.
