Cleaning the pond from duckweed. Chemical and biological methods

Many people have a pond at their dacha today, since the dacha with it looks very beautiful and natural. duckweed is a must for those who love flora and fauna. Any body of water should be beautiful and attractive, and for this you need to get rid of duckweed and mud in a timely and effective manner. You can do this most different ways, but in such a way that all inhabitants of the reservoir feel as comfortable as possible. In this regard, the pond must be cleaned not only of mechanical impurities, but also of phenomena such as duckweed and mud.

Water replacement and pond cleaning should be done every 3 years.

You can clean a pond using various devices that are widely available today.

It's best to choose special means Italian, German and English production, they differ significantly in cleaning method and price segment.

Pond cleaning should be done in different ways. In order for the choice of funds to be correct, you need to represent your needs with maximum clarity. To get rid of unnecessary organic matter, you will need the following tools:

  • special container (mechanical method);
  • underwater vacuum cleaner (mechanical method);
  • special reagents (chemical method);
  • biological filter (biological method);
  • UV lamp;
  • net

How is a pond in the country cleaned?

Today it involves 4 main methods: chemical, mechanical, biological, and the reservoir is also cleaned using ultraviolet radiation. Such methods need to be considered in more detail.

The mechanical cleaning method is the simplest and cheapest. This method of purifying water from duckweed and mud involves passing the water through a special container that contains porous material. The most commonly used material is gravel or quartz sand. If you clean a pond at your dacha in this way, you can very quickly and effectively get rid of excess organic matter: mud, duckweed, various greens, and brick remains.

The level of debris that is retained largely depends on the material used in the container. Such a filter is a stepped system that has several elbows. The porosity structure of the filter material is different.

These are easy to use, but they must be changed when they become clogged. You can clean such filters without any difficulty; to do this, you just need to rinse them with running water.

In order to clean the pond mechanically, you can also use a so-called underwater vacuum cleaner. Such a device operates on the principle of the most ordinary household vacuum cleaner, which is used to clean an apartment. The whole difference in this method is that a household vacuum cleaner removes dust, and a water vacuum cleaner sucks up (dirty) water. Such a vacuum cleaner usually has attachments that make it easier to clean hard-to-reach places, various pitfalls, and so on. When a pond is cleaned in this way, it takes little time, but the efficiency is very high.

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Chemical cleaning method

Another method of cleaning a reservoir is chemical. Cleaning the reservoir in this way is carried out using chemical reagents. Various reagents purify water from all sorts of undesirable elements: algae, mud and duckweed. In addition, the water is saturated with oxygen, the acidity of the water is balanced, and the pond at the dacha becomes very attractive in appearance.

The smaller the pores of the filter material, the more effective the cleaning will be.

This method of purifying water in a reservoir is attractive because it does not require significant material costs and it doesn’t take a lot of effort and time. Therefore, there is nothing strange in the fact that this method is one of the most common. However, this method is associated with some danger, so it must be used carefully. Large quantity The drugs that are produced are harmless and, after use, quickly decompose into water and carbon dioxide. However, we should not forget that this is still chemistry and some substances do not have the most favorable effect on the human body and pets.

In this regard, if you choose this option for cleaning a reservoir, you need to carefully read the instructions for using such products and adhere to certain safety measures. Then everything will be fine - the pond will be clean and your health will be fine.

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Biological cleaning method

In progress biological treatment In the pond, bacteria are used, which in the process of vital activity contribute to the breakdown of excess organic matter. For this, a biological filter is used, which is made in the form of a container; such a container is filled with a substance that is favorable for the development of special organisms (namely bacteria that purify water). These bacteria feed on organic matter that pollutes the pond.

You can purchase such a filter for water purification in many specialized stores. As for the size of such a filter, it all depends on the size of the pond and the amount of duckweed, mud and other organic matter that spoils the appearance of the reservoir. When choosing such a filter, it should be noted that the larger its size, the more active assistance it has on aquatic environment. When choosing such a cleaning filter, you also need to keep in mind what kind of living creatures live in the reservoir. So, if there are fish in the pond, its cleaning should be more intensive, that is, everything needs to be cleaned properly, since living organisms need clean water.

Any artificial reservoir becomes polluted over time: the water in it becomes cloudy, the bottom silts up, and mud may appear. In order not to pay for the services of a specialist, many summer residents undertake water replacement. However, changing it more often than twice a year is quite expensive pleasure, moreover, labor-intensive. How to clean a pond at your dacha with your own hands? We will tell you in detail what needs to be done for this.

Pond cleaning is necessary if we want to have a beautiful pond.

Methods for cleaning artificial reservoirs

Let's figure out what methods of water purification exist. They are divided into four types: chemical, biological, ultraviolet, and mechanical. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. Sometimes two cleaning methods are used at once to get the best result. Let's look at everything and choose the best one.


The biological method of purifying water from greens is the most natural. There are special filters on sale that are filled with a porous substance. Microorganisms rapidly multiply in it, which break down organic substances, producing methane, hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide. Also, such systems are used in conjunction with mechanical filters to obtain better results.

Exist comprehensive solutions biological treatment of a pool of water. Three to five containers are used through which the liquid passes through, undergoing multi-stage filtration. In addition, the water is saturated with oxygen. The pump supplies filtered water to the very depths of the reservoir. Such biological filters are used for reservoirs whose area does not exceed half a hectare.

The biofilter, which is a whole complex of filters, is capable of efficiently cleaning the pond large sizes

Biological method You can clean water not only using ready-made filters, but also by creating natural filtration conditions. For this purpose, a so-called bioplate is constructed, which is a small pond. An important condition is to maintain a water level in it higher than in the main pool. Filtration will be carried out by bioplankton, which populates the mini pond. With the help of a pump, water should enter the bioplato pond, and the purified liquid should naturally drain into the main pond.


Chemical water purification is the easiest to use and also the fastest - you don’t have to build a pond or bioplate for it. However, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the dosage so as not to harm the fish (if any), as well as the plants.

In order to clean water from silt, mud, and algae residues, it is necessary to add the required amount of chemical reagents to it. These substances dissolve organic matter, producing oxygen, and also maintain the desired acidity of the water. A natural method of dry cleaning also exists.

Chemical cleaning of the pond must be carried out carefully so as not to harm its inhabitants

Ultraviolet radiation

One of the most effective methods purification of sludge that accumulates at the bottom of the reservoir is carried out using an ultraviolet lamp. A device with built-in lighting elements is installed directly into the pond and produces ultraviolet radiation. It kills microorganisms, bacteria and some viruses, which allows you to get rid of sludge.

Due to the fact that this method is quite simple and does not use chemicals, ultraviolet light is one of the most popular cleaning methods. However, it is only used in cloudy liquids; it will not help get rid of debris, fallen leaves, etc. In this regard, a heavily polluted reservoir is first cleaned of large debris and algae, then an ultraviolet emitter is installed.


The mechanical method is water purification using simple filters. They pass water through filter elements with filler, trapping particles of mud, duckweed, algae and other debris. As soon as the filter becomes dirty, it should be cleaned, rinsed, and dried. After which its work becomes as effective as at the beginning of operation.

TO mechanical methods cleaning can also be attributed special kind devices - sludge suckers. However, such devices are not used in reservoirs inhabited by fish or frogs. Otherwise, the electrical device can destroy most of the population of fry or tadpoles.

Such devices can be purchased in special stores, or you can build them yourself. In addition, if the pond is quite polluted, it is advisable to help the filter and remove debris using a net. If the pond is small, you can use an underwater vacuum cleaner to clean the bottom. Such devices draw in thick, contaminated liquid, filter it and return it to the reservoir.

The sludge sucker is good for cleaning the bottom of a reservoir, but it is difficult to do this over a large area.

Changing water

If you are unable to purify the water in your pond using the above methods, you should consider replacing it completely. At the same time, experts recommend changing the water in the pond at least once a year, and preferably twice, even if the filters cope with the task. This should be done according to this plan:

  1. Drain all liquid from the reservoir. If there are fish, you need to transplant them into a separate container or aquarium.
  2. Carefully transfer aquatic plants, if any, to a plastic bowl of water.
  3. Clean the surface of the reservoir from silt and debris.
  4. Fill the pond with fresh water, return the fish and plants to their place.

You should be prepared for the contents of the pool to become cloudy almost immediately, only to clear again after a couple of days. This is what the work of microorganisms looks like when they settle into a reservoir and settle into a new home. If the water quickly becomes dirty and the pond takes on an untidy appearance, it is worth changing the type of fertilizers used to feed the garden. You should choose species that are not too rich in organic matter.

If you do not fight duckweed, it can fill the entire reservoir, turning the pond into a swamp

Sometimes the pond owner notices that duckweed and reeds are taking over more and more space and turning the artificial pond into a sloppy puddle or even a swamp. It is difficult to remove duckweed - it tends to fill all the available space. However, with regular and careful care of the reservoir, its growth can be limited.

Floating plants can also help. They also want to receive oxygen and nutrients, so they will take away part of the area from the duckweed. The pond should not be populated with plants and animals taken from natural conditions. New residents may well bring duckweed with them.

If the lake is occupied by reeds, there is no point in fighting it manually. If you remove plants, their roots remain in the ground and sprout again. In this regard, the only way to get rid of the reeds is with the help of a bulldozer.

Rules for caring for a pond

If you clean your pond once a year and do nothing the rest of the time, it won’t look tidy for very long. It is very important to establish regular maintenance of the pond to prevent it from becoming too dirty. We will give an example of how to care for a pond:

Pond aerator

The aerator saturates the water with oxygen

An aerator is a necessary condition for the life of a pond. Experts note that the lack of fish is not a reason to abandon this device. Saturation of water with oxygen is necessary for microorganisms to function properly. The cost of purchasing an aerator can be quite high, so many summer residents prefer to build this device with their own hands. There are these types of aerators:

  1. Surface. It gives a fountain of splashes, spreading them over the surface of the pond. This type of aerator is in demand, it is simple, and its maintenance costs are low. In essence, such a device is a fountain that will enliven and decorate any body of water.
  2. Donny. This type of device is installed at the bottom of the lake and saturates the entire thickness of the water with oxygen. In addition, the device prevents icing and also makes the temperature of the liquid the same everywhere. This type of aerator is expensive, so it is not used often.
  3. Injection. The principle of its operation is to draw in air, then mix it with water. This device is quite noisy and the power consumption is high compared to other types. Because of this, it is also not popular.

As you can see, the most convenient, simple and inexpensive is the first type of device - surface. You can make such an aerator yourself, but it is suitable for use only in warm season. If there are fish in the pond, you need to use a special winter option.

Pump plus fountain - equals aerator

The pump is available for sale at specialized retail outlets. The cost of this device depends on its power, but it will still be lower than the price of an aerator. You should immediately think about what will become the source of the fountain. For this purpose, it is acceptable to use an old vase that has no bottom, several stones stacked in the form of a slide, or a garden figure.

The fountain pleases with beauty and provides aeration of the reservoir

Homemade aerator from a hydraulic pump

To build this type of aerator you will need a hydraulic pump. It must be installed next to the reservoir, and a stone slide with a sprayer must be installed in the center of the reservoir.

Next, you should take care of how the liquid will be supplied to the device. Experts recommend using rubber hoses. They are convenient to repair and replace in case of a leak. Then you should decide what type of sprayer will be needed, this will determine how fine the “rain” from such a fountain will be.

The supply cable should be enclosed in a rubber hose sheath. The pump itself must be grounded. It is better to power the pump through an isolation transformer that provides galvanic isolation.

  1. It is advisable to install the aerator after the pond is completely ready, but there is still no “live life” in it and no plants have been planted.
  2. If there are a lot of plants in the pond, it is better to use a bell-shaped aerator; a geyser is also suitable.
  3. Some plants are sensitive to large droplets falling on them, which can affect the type of sprayer you choose.
  4. The pump power depends on the area of ​​the pond. If the pump is installed near a lake, this figure must be even greater for the aerator to cope with the task.
  5. The sprayer can be mounted on a rubber hose, or you can use a metal pipe as an adapter.

As you can see, maintaining the cleanliness of an artificial reservoir is not at all difficult if you do simple rules. Note that not a single device will cope with the task if the owner does not regularly care for the pond - remove debris, periodically clean the bottom with a net or vacuum cleaner and monitor aquatic plants.

If you own a pond at your dacha, then the question of cleaning it from mud and other dirt arises regularly. This very labor-intensive process can be carried out using modern technology, although it is expensive, so not everyone can afford it. However, there is an alternative - special breeds of fish, the so-called

"Pond orderlies" are herbivorous fish.

In general, before you start breeding, you need to think about what kind of fish for the pond can take root. According to experts, if a reservoir is heavily overgrown, then carp and carp are unlikely to be able to live there freely, but fish species such as snakehead, rotan, rudd, tench and golden carp will feel great in the thickets.

The easiest way for a gardener is to place rotan gobies in water. These fish are easy to care for, and their maintenance does not require specialized equipment (pumps, for example). They can live quietly in dirty water overgrown with mud, which is not enriched with oxygen. In winter, rotans, as a rule, freeze into ice, and in the spring they thaw, continuing to live to the delight of the owner.

Now let’s take a closer look at what kind of fish clean the pond, because not everyone will like such unattractive inhabitants as rotans.

So, if the goal is “to clean the pond from dirt, mud and algae,” Silver carp and grass carp are ideal options. It’s not for nothing that people called them pond orderlies. They are capable of purifying cloudy, discolored greenish water no worse than store-bought filters. This is due to the fact that these breeds are not averse to eating lush green plants (elodea, duckweed). By the way, grass carp is generally omnivorous in this regard. He eats everything from nymphs to cattails. With such gluttons, your pond is not afraid of any vegetation. For example, grass carp eats as much grass per day as it weighs.

Silver carp and grass carp can rarely be seen in the pond, only in the morning, when they come ashore to “warm their sides.” The rest of the time these fish spend in the depths, hiding behind snags or in thickets of plants and algae. At the same time, the owner should remember that such large breeds should be fed regularly. In this case, it cannot be avoided that unclaimed pieces of food will remain, which can instantly spoil the water in the pond.

Despite the fact that the fish breeds described above are unpretentious in care, it should be remembered that knowing the intricacies of keeping them will help to avoid difficulties.

A stagnant body of water has a special biocenosis. It includes plant and animal world, represented by species between which equilibrium has been established. To maintain this balance at all times artificial pond It is necessary to constantly carry out reclamation measures. Otherwise, the surface of the reservoir will become overgrown: it will lose its decorative effect. The balance of the ecosystem can be restored on its own, but this will take more than one year. We will tell you in this article how the process of waterlogging occurs, as well as how to clean a pond from duckweed, silt, and other contaminants.

Stages of pond pollution

The process consists of four stages.

First stage: reduction of oxygen in water (eutofication). This phenomenon occurs due to excess concentration organic matter, if you do not calculate the amount of food for the fish living there, you will not remove fallen leaves and tree branches in time. During eutrophication, the rapid development of bottom plankton occurs, which consumes dissolved oxygen. This is how the imbalance of flora and fauna begins.

Second stage: change in the plant and animal composition of the ecosystem. Rotifers and sphagnophilic crustaceans appear. Caddisflies and dragonflies begin to live through the larval stage. Some species of frogs and lizards settle in. It is at this stage that increased growth of duckweed is observed.

Third stage: formation of a large amount of sludge. Intensive formation of unwanted bottom sediments occurs, which cause secondary pollution of the pond.

Fourth stage: shallowing. Swamping occurs, the surface of the mirror is completely covered with duckweed, the shores are surrounded by a dense wall of coastal vegetation, which spreads further and further. The process of transformation of a reservoir - succession - can lead to its complete drying out.

Biological cleaning method


A pond is one of the cleaning methods; it is an artificial shallow water created for preventive purposes. The system will help purify and clarify water. A bioplato is a small part of a pond, the depth of which is no more than 50-70 cm. This is a natural filter for a pond on summer cottage. To create it, you need to select a part of the shallows, then the bottom is covered with fine gravel with a particle size of about 20-25 mm. The embankment layer should be 110-130 mm.

The pond is completely planted with aquatic plants, such as hornwort, marsh calamus, reeds, and cattails. Swamp irises have also proven themselves well. Plants are planted directly into gravel. Using a pump, it is necessary to ensure the circulation of water from the main pond to the bioplato, and from it back, that is, in a circle. The device should draw water from the bottom.

The flow is regulated so that it is weak: the water passing through the gravel and plant roots will have time to be purified. In the resulting sludge, saprophytic bacteria will free the water from the decomposition products of organic matter that are formed during the life of the fish.

Thanks to the bioplateau, you can get rid of the formation of duckweed on the pond, as well as other unwanted vegetation. The liquid is saturated with oxygen and becomes clean.

The pond performs not only a cleaning function, but also a decorative one.

Bacterial preparations

You can rid the water in your dacha pond of overgrown duckweed, and at the same time of mud, through biological treatment. Water purification preparations are available in specialized stores. If there are signs of uncontrolled growth of duckweed, then in order to remove it, you should purchase a suitable complex of bacteria. They use the same elements in their life as the plant, creating a nutritional deficiency for it with their presence.

A specially selected complex of bacteria will also help clear the pond from cloudiness caused by excess vegetation. To achieve the greatest effect, it is advisable to use several together bacterial preparations. In this case, the struggle will be most productive. Filtration starters (Starter-Bacterien, JBL FilterStart Pond, etc.) are a powder of dry microorganisms for filter efficiency. The pump is turned off, and the drug is laid out on the filter substrate. The bacteria begin to work immediately after entering the liquid, converting ammonia and nitrites into nitrogen compounds and carbon dioxide. The silt decomposes, the bottom is cleared, algae is destroyed, and water quality improves.

Anti-algae preparations (Aqua Balance, Algenkiller) are mixtures of bacteria that suppress photosynthesis in cells. The metabolism in the plant is disrupted and it dies. Useful action lasts about 6 weeks. Supplements can be in liquid or dry form. Complexes of microorganisms to increase oxygen concentration (OxyPlus. Sauerstoff-Aktiv) - bacterial mixtures that block putrefactive processes, activate the growth of beneficial microflora, stop the growth of duckweed and large algae. They have a long-lasting effect. Added once every 2 weeks.

Preparations for eliminating organic pollution (Aqua Crystal, PH-Minus) contain cultures of beneficial microorganisms that reduce the content of ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, nitrates and nitrites, and regulate pH. When adding drugs, two main rules must be observed:

  • you must strictly follow the instructions - you cannot exceed the dose of the substance introduced;
  • To compensate for the oxygen lost by bacteria, it is necessary to artificially aerate the reservoir.

Chemical method


Clean the pond with chemical substances- means to disinfect it. The procedure prevents the deposition of sludge, as well as the occurrence of fungi and mold growth. Exists a large number of products created specifically to clear the pond of algae, duckweed and other unwanted vegetation. The reagents restore the optimal level of acidity, at which its growth stops.

Preparations based on polymer ammonium compounds (Markopul Chemicals, etc.) have a prolonged effect, destroy plankton spores, block the process of intercellular exchange of algae, causing their death. Chlorine-based reagents (“Hth Algaecide”, “Alginol”, etc.) contain alkylbenzylammonium. They do not change the pH level, while destroying excess vegetation. Such chemicals can also be purchased in specialized stores and via the Internet. They have an almost immediate effect, being a powerful remedy for duckweed and turbidity. However, extreme caution should be exercised when using them, since the slightest excess of the dosage can be extremely dangerous for both fish and humans.

Sorptive cleaning

The sorption method of cleaning a pond from algae is one of the types of chemical effects. Zeolite is used for this procedure. It is able to bind even heavy metals, therefore it is a powerful cleaner. To carry out cleaning, if there is a device for circulating water in the pond, it is necessary to add a layer of this mineral to its filter so that water passes through it. The purified liquid has parameters unfavorable for the growth of duckweed, so the number of plants in the reservoir is reduced. To remove duckweed colonies over a large area, zeolite is scattered along the bottom at the rate of 20-30 kg per surface area of ​​10 acres. The measure has a lasting effect and is valid from one to two years.

Bottom liming


Manual cleaning

It is quite possible to clean duckweed in a small pond by hand. To remove the plant, you should make or buy a ready-made frame in the shape of a rectangle. It is necessary to stretch a metal mesh with small cells over it. This frame is slowly passed along the surface of the water, submerging it a little. The caught duckweed is placed in a bucket.

The collected substrate can be used as fertilizer for the soil in the garden or lawn and for feeding poultry.

You can also clear the banks of reeds manually or using mechanical devices for mowing the thickets.


Screamers are used to purify water in a pond at a summer cottage. This is a device that collects water from the top layer. This is where most bacteria live, dust accumulates, and a fatty film forms on the surface, creating a biological imbalance. This liquid gets inside the filter. It is then thrown back cleaned. There are many modifications of screamers, any of them is designed to clean ponds from dirty water. On the Internet you can buy any device of your favorite design.

Water vacuum cleaner

This unit resembles its appearance ordinary home vacuum cleaner. Its main purpose is to clean the bottom of the pond. It is also extremely effective against overgrown duckweed. The device is capable of:

  • clean the bottom and walls of the reservoir from silt and clay;
  • remove unnecessary vegetation and lumps from the surface of the water filamentous algae, debris, mucous film from microorganisms;
  • remove fallen leaves and small branches from the bottom.

The choice of equipment is great; everyone selects a vacuum cleaner themselves, based on their financial capabilities, as well as the size of the reservoir that needs to be cleaned of greenery and silt.

Ultraviolet radiation

There is a large selection of special submersible sterilizer lamps in stores. The devices prevent the growth of duckweed through irradiation. They also block the proliferation of other algae. The lamps prevent the development of harmful single-celled organisms, eliminating blooming problems and clarifying the water. Among other disinfection methods, this one is particularly effective. The process is safe for pond inhabitants. After just one procedure, the liquid becomes much clearer. The lamp model is selected based on the area and volume of the pond.

Changing water

It is not always possible to clean a pond at your dacha with your own hands without draining it. Sometimes the contamination is so severe that only a partial or complete water change can help. To do this, liquid is drained from the reservoir, and live plants and fish are transferred to a temporary container with water. The silt should be pumped out from the bottom with a vacuum cleaner, debris should be collected, the bottom should be cleared of clay, after which the pond can be filled again.

To determine whether the time has come for this procedure, you can lower a plate into the water white. If it is not visible at a depth of 10 cm, it is time to change the water.

You can, of course, get by with filtration and other methods, but if there is significant contamination, this will take a lot of time and effort. Therefore, if the reservoir is very overgrown and cloudy, it is recommended to completely drain the water. A private, beautiful and well-kept pond is the dream of many owners of private residential buildings. Each owner must decide on a method for cleaning a reservoir from duckweed, as well as other contaminants, independently, guided by the size and functional purpose reservoir. Clean the pond at your dacha with your own hands you can use any of the above methods - and you will maintain the balance of its unique ecosystem.

Cleaning the pond from thickets and algae
To reduce the area of ​​thickets and prevent them from spreading, it is recommended, if possible, to isolate the reservoir from the ingress of organic compounds. To do this, you can build a water collection channel around the pond to collect runoff and fertilizers. It is good to sow perennial grasses and plant shrubs on the shore. Much depends on the correct conduct of agricultural production on adjacent land plots.

If it is impossible to carry out indirect measures to prevent the process of siltation and overgrowth of water bodies, a direct impact on them is necessary. Thickets can be destroyed technically, biologically or by chemical means.

The first involves mowing vegetation and removing silt. Mowing vegetation is the most effective measure. If the pond is small and the surface thickets near the shore occupy no more than 10-15% of the area, then a regular spit is needed. Two or three mowings per season are enough to suppress the development of reeds, cattails, horsetail, knotweed, etc.

It is easier to mow when the pond is drained. It is better to do this in late autumn or winter, when the bed is well frozen. The reeds are broken, trampled and set on fire. With skillful organization, it burns out entirely.

To get rid of soft vegetation, use rakes, rakes, bars with barbed wire, and cables. The dracha is a metal frame measuring 1.5 x 0.5 m with teeth 0.5-0.8 m long. With these devices, plants are undermined and pulled ashore.

Cleaning algae with drag nets has a good effect. In 5-7 sweeps, all the algae will be on the shore.

The biological method of clearing a reservoir of vegetation involves the destruction of macrophytes by herbivorous fish, birds, and mammals.

The most suitable fish for ponds are phytophagous fish. They can reclaim water bodies well. Among them is grass carp, which is common in our fish farms and is more than 1 m long. Grass carp's food consists of pondweed, elodea, duckweed, and young shoots of reeds. Optimal temperature for feeding 25-30 °C, then a one-kilogram carp eats 2 kg of algae per day. At temperatures below 8-10 °C it stops feeding and slows down its growth. In order for cupid to increase its mass by 1 kg, it must destroy 30-40 kg of algae. It was found that 15 pcs. grass carp weighing 1-2 kg can easily keep a pond free of algae.

Approximate growth of carp in the southern regions: 30 g in the first year, 600-800 g in the second, 1200-2400 g in the third. In the Moscow region, fish reach this weight with a lag of 2-3 years. Grass carp fingerlings weighing 30 g can be purchased at many fish farms.

You can successfully raise ducks and geese. Ducks eat soft vegetation very well. When keeping 5-10 ducks per 0.1 hectare (depending on water quality), 3-4 can be raised in the south, and 2-3 in the north per season. This number of ducks will ensure that the pond is clear of algae and will not allow the reeds to spread. Birds need to be fed.

Geese consume aquatic vegetation less efficiently and require a meadow to support them. But 5-6 geese per 0.1 hectare will not allow the pond to overgrow intensively.

The chemical method of controlling macrophytes is unpopular due to the tense environmental situation. Synthetic herbicides (simazine, dalapon, diuron, atrazine, etc.) can accumulate in soils and in the bodies of aquatic animals. To calculate the doses used in the pond, consultation with a local agrochemical laboratory is necessary.

Cleaning silt pond
Sludge sampling is usually carried out in winter. To do this, 30 x 30 cm tiles are cut into the bed and the frozen pieces are taken ashore. Sludge containing sapropel can be used as fertilizer. It contains as much organic matter as rotted manure. During the period of harvesting or destruction of macrophytes (pondweed, uruti, hara), their roots are pulled out.

The mud must be removed in a timely manner (once a month).

Duckweed (a floating plant) can be removed from a pond using a simple stick. The duckweed is wrapped around a stick and removed.
