Constantly want to sleep during pregnancy 1st trimester. Why do you always want to sleep during pregnancy?

The question “Why do you want to sleep during pregnancy?” This question is asked by many pregnant women, because for a long time they are in this drowsy state. Most often this happens in the first months of bearing a child and is considered a completely natural reaction of the body to the changes occurring in it. This condition is explained very simply: all efforts are spent not only on adapting a new life inside the woman, but also a search for the necessary nutrients for the full development and healthy growth of the fetus.

The hormonal and physical changes that occur in every cell of the expectant mother’s body require large amounts of energy, so it must be replenished in a timely manner. In this regard, drowsiness and fatigue occur.

Reasons why you want to sleep

The most important reason for drowsiness during pregnancy is the enormous expenditure of energy. During this period, a woman experiences a very large emotional load, which takes almost all her strength. Such emotions are associated with new impressions and information, because she will soon become a mother. Therefore, fatigue sets in very quickly and the body requires rest, thus causing drowsiness.

In addition to wanting to constantly sleep, a woman can observe other changes in her body. These include disturbed sleep, snoring, leg cramps, back pain, frequent urge to urinate, heartburn, nausea and even vomiting, and hardening of the mammary glands.

Many women say that while pregnant they often have vivid and colorful dreams. At this time, the level of the female hormone progesterone increases, which causes drowsiness, especially during lunchtime. At the same time, some pregnant women complain of frequent, causeless awakenings at night. All these symptoms are characteristic mainly of the first trimester of pregnancy.

In the second trimester, there is a significant increase in vigor and strength, but some discomfort may be felt due to the expansion of the belly or the movement of the baby.

In the third trimester, sleep may deteriorate again, which also causes a drop in mood and frequent difficulties in falling asleep and sudden awakenings caused by the size of the abdomen and the activity of the child.

What to do if you feel sleepy during pregnancy?

During the period of bearing a child, the expectant mother must take care of herself and her child, therefore she needs to sleep as much as her body requires. It is important to refuse various entertainment that contributes to strong overstimulation - it is better to set aside time for an evening walk, which promotes a pleasant and restful sleep. A moderately warm shower or glass of milk will also relax you well. Under no circumstances should you take a hot bath or hot shower during pregnancy, as this can only harm the fetus.

You need to go to bed early, because your well-being and the course of your pregnancy depend on it. During this important period of life, you need to sleep at least eight hours a day. It is advisable to fall asleep before 22, since from this time until one in the morning is the most favorable and health-improving sleep. It is best to sleep lying on your left side or on your back. You need to choose a bed that is neither very hard nor soft.

If you have already gone on maternity leave or are at home all the time, then you can safely set aside time for a daytime nap lasting about two hours. If you are busy with some things, you need to plan your day correctly so that you can get a good night's sleep. Of course, you can avoid a drowsy state by spending more time in the fresh air.

Fatigue, weakness, drowsiness - this is what almost every woman encounters at some point during her pregnancy. This most often occurs during the first trimester and sometimes returns towards the end of pregnancy. You'll be surprised how much this kind of fatigue can affect your life. This is not just ordinary tiredness, and you may find yourself asleep at the most unexpected moments. Have you bought tickets to the premiere of a promising play? Before leaving I had a dream. Important meeting at work? You can fall asleep even during your lunch break before it. Do you want to have amazing, pregnancy hormone-enhanced sex with your husband? They wanted to, but a minute later they found themselves in the arms of Morpheus. To help you miss fewer important events, try these tips to deal with the weakness that forces you to sleep at every possible moment.

Short naps during the day will become your friend, as will getting up late and going to bed early. You're growing a whole new person inside, give yourself a break and increase the amount of time you spend sleeping. A growing baby takes all your energy, so give yourself a chance to recover. Even a quick 20-minute nap during the day can revitalize you for the rest of the day. You don't have to sleep to regain energy; even simple rest can refresh you. Late in pregnancy, a baby jumping on your bladder, combined with a big belly and an inability to find a comfortable position, can keep you awake. Instead of getting up and going to wash the stove, try just resting. Lie in the bath, read a book, listen to calm music or meditate - do whatever helps you feel calm and relaxed. From the moment your pregnancy test came back positive, you probably felt like your body was amazing. And it is also very wise, so you should listen to its tips. If you feel weak, rest. Pregnancy takes a lot of energy, so you need to take better care of yourself than before. People are often surprised to discover how much of an impact getting or not drinking enough fluids has on them. During pregnancy, you should drink about eight glasses of water a day. Dehydration feels like a lack of energy and concentration, so try increasing the amount of water you drink and see if you feel better. If you don't like the taste of water, you can add a slice of lemon or cucumber. Your baby will take everything he needs to grow from your body - so you'll need to make sure you're getting all the nutrients you need to function well - from a healthy, balanced diet rich in fresh vegetables, protein, and healthy fats (especially Omega 3s). , 6 and 9) – such as almonds, salmon, or avocado, coconut oil and chia seeds. Nuts and seeds are a great snack to snack on during the day and can provide extra energy. Legumes, whole grains, berries and green leafy vegetables. What you don't eat is just as important as what you do eat. If you frequently eat sweets, processed foods or fast food, this may affect your level of fatigue. These foods often contain a lot of sugar, and you will have to suffer a sharp drop in blood sugar levels after two hours. These foods are more difficult to digest, which means your energy will be spent trying to digest the food. Try eliminating, or at least reducing, these foods for a couple of weeks and see if you notice an increase in your energy levels. Many people eat only three times a day, but you need to eat 5-6 times or less. Smaller, more frequent meals can help keep your blood sugar levels more even, preventing energy dips. Try incorporating healthy snacks into your daily routine to help you eat more frequently. When you suffer from weakness, exercise is the last thing you want to do. But it is likely that it will help cope with weakness and increase energy levels. The more you move, the more your cells move - wake them up and feel a surge of energy. Even a 20-minute walk can provide the energy boost you need. This may seem like a lot of effort, but think about it - you just need to get out and walk for 10 minutes and then come home! Start small and gradually increase the load until you are doing half an hour every day. Yoga, Pilates, swimming and walking are popular physical activities for pregnant women, but you can also find something else to suit your taste - dancing or even special exercise classes. It's best to schedule activities at times during the day when you have the most energy. If your boss knows you're pregnant, you may be able to negotiate flexible hours. For example, come later and finish later if this will allow you to get more sleep. Or schedule meetings or important client meetings when you're at your peak. Think about how you can most effectively organize your work process and try to suggest this to your superiors; often they are ready to agree to a meeting. If you try to live the same life as you did before pregnancy, this may contribute to constantly feeling tired. Just because you used to stay up late with your friends in the middle of the work week doesn't mean you need it now. Replace evening meetings with dinners, calls, or weekend get-togethers, and give yourself the opportunity to go to bed early. Don't take on additional responsibilities at work and reduce your schedule where possible, giving yourself a couple of weeks to recover before taking on anything new. Most often, the energy will return in the second trimester, and you will be able to catch up on your work. It's time to ask for help. Reach out to friends and family who can be involved in your life. If you already have a child, ask someone you trust to take him to the playground for a couple of hours while you sleep. Ask your husband to take on more of the household chores so you can save energy for raising his child. Sometimes, although you are tired, you will find yourself lying awake in bed at night, thinking about everything that has not yet been done. Make a list and organize your tasks to make them more manageable - you don't need to redecorate the nursery in the eighth week, there is still plenty of time for such chores. Focus on what needs to be done right now and create a schedule so you know when you need to do it. Organizing your worries will give you a sense of control and allow you to sleep better at night. Your bed should be an oasis of calm, a haven of sleep that calls you to it. It’s better to remove all distractions - phones, computers, TV. The bed should be comfortable, clean, and have a variety of pillows - it can be uncomfortable without them during pregnancy. Sometimes constant fatigue can be a symptom of low iron or anemia, which often happens late in pregnancy. If all of the above tips do not help improve your energy levels, or you are suffering from extreme fatigue, consult your doctor. He may suggest testing your iron levels to determine whether you are suffering from iron deficiency or another medical problem. The most important iron level to know about is your ferritin level, so ask your doctor what your level is. You have read to the end of the article, which means you can now sleep)

Every woman’s body reacts to pregnancy in a special way: some are craving salty foods, some suddenly crave strawberries in winter, and some simply cannot tear themselves away from the pillow. Drowsiness during pregnancy, like other similar symptoms, is a variant of the norm, although it brings a lot of inconvenience, especially to those women who are actively working.

Causes of drowsiness at different times

At different stages of pregnancy, drowsiness can be caused by different reasons.

I trimester (1-14 weeks)

Many women in early pregnancy complain of feeling tired and sleepy during the day.

information According to the visceral theory, sleep allows the central nervous system to analyze and regulate the functioning of internal organs. Perhaps this is why pregnancy, as a new condition, requires more sleep from the body.

Another, more understandable reason for the appearance of drowsiness is an increase in the level in the blood of the expectant mother. Progesterone is called the pregnancy maintenance hormone and relaxes smooth muscles throughout the body. Due to this, a woman may (hypotension), she begins to feel general weakness and fatigue, she has a desire to lie down and rest.

II trimester (15-28 weeks)

As a rule, by this time the body adapts and drowsiness disappears.

III trimester (29-42 weeks)

The occurrence of drowsiness during pregnancy is explained by the development of a pathological condition such as anemia.

A fairly common phenomenon, which is accompanied by a decrease in the level of hemoglobin, which is responsible for transporting oxygen throughout the body. With oxygen starvation, hypoxia occurs, which leads to increased fatigue and, as a rule, drowsiness.

additionally As a rule, by the end of the pregnancy, a woman’s pregnancy is impaired due to the inability to find a comfortable position, etc., and, therefore, often during the day there is a desire to sleep.

How to deal with drowsiness

Drowsiness, weakness and fatigue during pregnancy cause particular discomfort precisely during the period when the woman is still actively working. There is most likely no opportunity to lie down and rest at the workplace, but to use tonics

Drowsiness during pregnancy is one of the signs of conception. After fertilization of the egg, the woman’s body begins significant hormonal changes, so taste preferences change, a heightened sense of smell occurs, and other significant changes appear.

Why do you want to sleep during pregnancy?

Immediately after conception, the female body adapts to the emerging new life inside the womb in order to protect the child from negative factors and provide the most comfortable conditions for development. Therefore, if you constantly want to sleep during pregnancy, especially in the first days of gestation, then this is due to physiological changes, which you should not worry about.

The 1st trimester is accompanied by significant changes; all the main internal organs are formed in the embryo; pregnancy hormones are produced in large quantities. The main causes of drowsiness lie in the production of progesterone, which tries to protect the fetus from stress, influencing the woman from the inside. Thus, the pregnant woman becomes calmer, and sleep, as you know, is relaxation not only for the expectant mother, but also an opportunity for the formation of an embryo in the absence of negative emotions.

Drowsiness in the 2nd and 3rd trimester

Pregnancy and drowsiness, fatigue and some apathy in the early stages are considered normal. At the same time, already in the second trimester, the body’s activity should be restored. If you constantly feel a strong desire to sleep in the middle of pregnancy, this may indicate anemia and lack of nutrients, since the 2nd trimester is characterized by active growth of the fetus, it requires a constant supply of vitamins and microelements.

With constant anemia, iron deficiency occurs, and with it a decrease in hemoglobin, the cells that carry oxygen, is formed. In such a situation, the baby is not able to breathe fully, and hypoxia develops. A blood test will help diagnose the process, and subsequent drug therapy will restore the iron content in the circulatory system.

Additional factors that may cause drowsiness during pregnancy, both in the second and third trimesters, are the risk of preeclampsia or increased blood pressure.

If you really want to sleep in the 3rd trimester, in the last weeks (35-38 weeks), then this is also a normal physiological phenomenon. A woman’s body is under enormous stress, preparing for childbirth, which is never easy, so proper rest is required to recuperate before labor.

Various colds or allergic seasonal reactions during pregnancy also affect drowsiness and general fatigue.

How to deal with sleepiness during pregnancy?

If you constantly feel sleepy at the beginning of pregnancy, then it is better to listen to your body and rest. But many women work, and they are faced with the question of how to deal with drowsiness during pregnancy, because it is better to avoid caffeine during this period.

To help the body withstand the load and increase energy resources, you must follow some recommendations:

  1. Stick to a sleep schedule - sleep at least 10-11 hours, and go to bed at the same time. On weekends, it is better to set aside a few hours for daytime rest.
  2. The workplace should be frequently ventilated, and the air temperature should be within 19-21°C, since fatigue increases in a too hot room.
  3. Daily walks in the park, in the forest, where there is a lot of greenery and trees, will fill the body with oxygen, reduce drowsiness and have a beneficial effect on overall well-being.
  4. A strong desire to sleep can be overcome by drinking a glass of cool, clean water.
  5. Balance your diet by diversifying your menu with cereals, fruits and vegetables in order to consume large amounts of vitamins and nutrients.
In the morning, to cheer yourself up and reduce drowsiness, you can do a little gymnastics. Swimming is very beneficial for pregnant women, so exercising in the pool in the evenings will not only relieve fatigue, but also improve your well-being.

While waiting for the birth of a miracle, every woman experiences new sensations and experiences completely different emotions. All changes are reflected in the general condition. One of them is constant increased sleepiness. Why does the expectant mother always feel the desire to sleep and how to deal with this condition, which causes so much discomfort?

Why do you often feel sleepy during pregnancy?

A problem such as sleepiness during pregnancy can be due to a large number of reasons. Some of them are completely harmless, others are extremely serious and dangerous pathologies. Everyone makes a contribution, big or small. What etiological factors occur in early and late pregnancy?

In the first trimester

Drowsiness during early pregnancy (in the first trimester) is caused by the following factors:

  • the body's reaction to stress;
  • active hormonal changes;
  • functional changes in all organ systems necessary for the normal course of pregnancy.

Pregnancy is a joyful event for any woman, but the body experiences enormous stress, provoked not only by psycho-emotional experiences, but also by sudden changes in the functioning of organs. Hormonal levels are subject to significant fluctuations.

In the 1st trimester, the production of progesterone increases significantly, which has a general calming and relaxing effect on the body. Scientists believe that this hormone is the key cause of drowsiness.

The increased size of the uterus and the increased stress that the body experiences lead to a redistribution of nutrients and oxygen, so even a slight outflow of necessary components to the fetus can lead to oxygen starvation of the mother’s brain, which is manifested by a constant desire to sleep. For this reason, drowsiness at the beginning of pregnancy is a reason to consult a doctor.

In the second trimester

In the second trimester, progesterone production decreases, the female body gets used to the changes, and sleep recedes. Other conditions that can significantly increase the need for sleep come to the fore:

  1. Anemia. Most often due to nutritional reasons: insufficient intake of iron from food, deficiency of vitamin B12 and folic acid.
  2. Hypovitaminosis. This condition develops in 30% of women who do not consume enough fresh fruits and vegetables and tablet forms of vitamins. Additionally, the consumption of nutrients by the growing fetus, which urgently needs them, increases.
  3. Hypothyroidism. Underactive thyroid gland usually occurs in iodine-deficient regions. In severe cases, a similar pathology may develop in the baby.

The described conditions are quite easily diagnosed and treated without risk to the child. The main thing is not to be afraid to tell the doctor about everything. Lack of treatment can have a detrimental effect on the health and development of the baby.

In the third trimester

Oddly enough, in the third trimester of pregnancy you want to sleep all the time. This situation rarely indicates the presence of pathology, since all the main diseases have already manifested themselves and were promptly diagnosed and treated in the 1st and 2nd trimesters.

In the later stages, the desire to sleep is caused by the woman’s banal fatigue. 9 months is a fairly long period during which the body is constantly overloaded. A deficiency of nutrients, vitamins and oxygen, weight gain of up to 15–20 kg and a whole range of internal experiences greatly exhaust the pregnant woman.

When is drowsiness a pathology?

In some cases, drowsiness cannot be regarded as normal and is considered a pathology. Single or periodic, but rarely occurring episodes of drowsiness are not a cause for concern.

If you constantly feel sleepy, then you urgently need to find the reason, which may be:

  1. Severe early toxicosis (in the first weeks of pregnancy). It does not necessarily have to be manifested by vomiting or nausea. Sometimes the expectant mother simply does not leave the bed.
  2. Preeclampsia. This condition is characterized, in addition to drowsiness, by the appearance of massive edema, increased blood pressure and proteinuria.
  3. Anemia (iron deficiency, folate deficiency or vitamin deficiency).
  4. ARVI, flu, sore throat.
  5. Allergic reactions. Certain types of hypersensitivity of the body may occur without clear clinical signs and be expressed by drowsiness.
  6. Mental disorders and organic pathologies of the brain. It is rarely possible to develop an increased tendency to sleep against the background of various diseases with functional or structural damage to the brain.

How to cope with drowsiness?

Drowsiness, fatigue and weakness are the most faithful companions of any pregnancy. It is extremely difficult to get rid of them, but it is quite possible to try to ease the symptoms. It is important to realize that the pregnancy period is a time of caring for the baby, therefore, you need to choose a lifestyle that would satisfy his needs too. To combat drowsiness, experts recommend:

  • Eat nutritiously (in terms of quality and quantity). A pregnant woman's diet should be rich in vitamins, macro- and microelements and all essential nutrients. You should consume more dairy products, fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Walk outdoors as often as possible. Parks located outside the urban environment and coniferous forests are ideal. During the walk, the central nervous system relaxes, the brain receives more oxygen, and the body rests.
  • Creating and maintaining the correct daily routine, work and rest. The expectant mother should schedule her life in such a way that there is at least 3-4 hours left for daytime sleep or rest. It is advisable for a woman to sleep at the same intervals every day. To ensure sound and restful sleep, you can use special devices, for example, pillows for pregnant women.

  • Avoid any stressful situations, psycho-emotional stress. Each episode of drowsiness or fatigue leads to disruption of fetal life support. Even if these changes are barely noticeable, they can cause serious harm if systematically exposed.
  • Maintain hygiene in the home where the pregnant woman lives. It is extremely important to do wet cleaning at least 2 times a day.
  • Avoid overwork. Any physical work is contraindicated.
  • Engage in vigorous physical activity. Swimming, water aerobics, and yoga are ideal. These complexes reduce muscle tension and promote general relaxation. A good night's sleep after physical exercise can give you energy for several days ahead.

How to work when drowsy?

Situations often arise when a pregnant woman needs to continue working during pregnancy, so she has to deal with drowsiness. To do this, you can follow the following recommendations:

  • Monitor the air temperature in the work area. It should be 20 degrees. If there is an increase or decrease, the woman will feel sleepy. This temperature indicator is the most favorable for the body.
  • It is necessary to frequently ventilate the room, avoid stuffiness and smoky places.
  • Do not consume, especially systematically, tonic substances: coffee, energy drinks, strong tea, etc. Taking such drinks will wean the body from fighting drowsiness and in the future will lead to an increased desire to sleep.
  • If you feel drowsy, drink a glass of cool water. This method allows you to temporarily raise the tone of the body and increase your ability to work.
  • Choose feasible work and feasible tasks. When overtired, the desire to sleep increases, the effect of work activity is noticeably reduced. In addition, overwork has a detrimental effect on the baby’s condition.
  • It is advisable to take a break every 1-3 hours during work for a 15-minute walk in the fresh air.
  • After work you need to get a good night's sleep. A woman is recommended to sleep at least 10 hours a day. It can be extremely difficult to implement this, but it’s worth trying.

Thus, if you want to sleep all the time, it is better to consult a doctor and get examined. This will not take much time, but the pregnant woman will be sure that everything is fine with her and her child and that he will not develop various pathologies that appear in the last stages of pregnancy and after childbirth.
