The child's curiosity will also be provided. Curious kids

We seem to have figured out what exists. Now you can find out in more detail what hairstyles fit for round and oval faces. Knowing your face type, choosing the right haircut and hairstyle is much easier. Properly chosen styling will hide most imperfections and enhance your look. But even the most fashionable hairstyle, chosen thoughtlessly and without taking into account individual facial features, can greatly spoil your appearance.

Oval face shape (oval face type)

Considered universal. Almost everything suits him and it has no restrictions, unless the oval is an ideal shape, but there are also some errors (narrow forehead or large facial features), then they will have to be corrected.

The shape resembles an inverted egg - it narrows a little towards the bottom and lengthens a little. The facial features are average - neither large nor small.

Most styles are well suited to this shape and highlight its beautiful features and proportional silhouette. Owners of other face types, when choosing a suitable hairstyle for themselves, try to bring the contours of their face closer to an oval.

Since this form is considered very universal and optimal, naturally a fairly large number of hairstyles and styling suit it. But even here you can find some tips and recommendations in terms of choosing hair styling.

  • No matter how perfect your oval is, it may still have some shortcomings, so don’t copy everything from fashion magazines or from the TV screen - everything is very individual;
  • even if the oval does not have any disproportions, then the hair itself can be different: for example, short haircuts up to the chin and without a straight cut are more suitable for thin strands;
  • For an elongated oval, any bangs will suit, but for a rounded one, not straight bangs: oblique, asymmetrical;
  • large volume on the top of the head does not look very good - the face is stretched out;
  • as for the length, in most cases, it is any (only if there are no glasses and the nose is small and neat);

The oval face type goes well with both short, medium and long haircuts. You can choose multilayer options, as well as strict, clear, geometric shapes. A short haircut will highlight your cheekbones, while your eyes and eyebrows will be asymmetrical.

Haircuts such as garcon, bob, and bob look very elegant with an oval face. You can complement the bob with both straight and extravagant asymmetrical bangs.

For medium length, you can offer curls, waves, and high styles. You can safely open your face by combing your hair back. Even backcombing will not spoil the look at all, but, on the contrary, will add playfulness and lightness.

With an oval face shape, you can safely experiment with silhouettes and implement any creativity on your head: shaved temples, incredibly long or ultra-short bangs, dyeing in bright colors.

There will be no problems with long hair either. You can curl it into curls (the oval will be slightly rounded), or you can leave smooth, loose strands (the oval will stretch out). Cascade, debut, ladder well emphasize the regular features of an oval face, and the classic bob creates seriousness and laconicism.

Round face shape (circle face type)

This type is similar to the oval shape, but the width of the face is wider, the cheeks are full, and the height is shorter. The height and width of the face are almost the same. The chin and cheekbones are not large and do not stand out. The forehead is low. Everything is quite streamlined, rounded and there are no corners. If you look at the face from the side, it looks flat.

The main difference between a round face and other types is the smooth transitions from one part of the face to another. Also, the owners of this shape are to some extent lucky, since it allows you to look young longer - plump outlines hide the signs of aging and thus can completely remove 10 years.

  • most bangs are not at all suitable for this type of face;
  • Ball-shaped styling rounds the face even more;
  • the main thing that needs to be corrected in this form is to remove excess roundness and lengthen the face;
  • Also, styling should not weigh down the face;
  • hairstyles should not be symmetrical and even - different lengths and some carelessness are desirable;
  • Asymmetrical haircuts look good;
  • bad - smooth and even;
  • very voluminous hairstyles will not work, but tall hairstyles are fine - they elongate the face perfectly;
  • It is better to avoid a straight parting, but an oblique parting will do;
  • small curls add extra fullness, as do large curls.

Short haircuts do not look very good on a round face type, but if you make the shape multi-layered and the length of the strands is different, then a short length will be more effective in correcting the oval. A pixie cut with side bangs can be considered as one of the options. Bob-cut and bob also look good, but choose oblique and torn bangs, and the cut should be milled. Longer strands in the front will help elongate your face and highlight your cheekbones. But a garçon would be inappropriate on short hair - it puts too much emphasis on chubby cheeks.

​Remember the wonderful poem by Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak:

He pestered adults with the question “Why?”
He was nicknamed "The Little Philosopher".
But as soon as he grew up, they began to
Provide answers without questions.
And from now on he is no one else
Doesn't ask "Why?".

Curiosity in children is the norm, even one of the signs of giftedness, so it is very good when a child asks questions, and alarming when he does not. In this case, you need to seriously understand the reasons.

All children’s questions must be answered in a scientifically accurate and accessible manner, no matter how busy you are. Moreover, you need to praise for a good question, for the desire to find out. But it’s even better if you, being understanding of your child’s ignorance, encourage him to independently find answers to questions in dictionaries, reference books, and books.

In the home, in the classroom, in the group there should be a lot of reference literature on all types of knowledge: “The Life of Animals” by Alfred Brem, “The Life of Insects” by Jean Fabre, “Children’s Encyclopedia”, books of records and miracles “Wonder” by Valentina Ponomareva, “Why” Alexander Dietrich, books by Jacques Cousteau, Yaroslav Malin, Chris Bonington spelling dictionary, “Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language” by Sergei Ivanovich Ozhegov, Large Encyclopedic Dictionary edited by Prokhorov, etc.

Every child’s question is a great opportunity to teach him to find the answer himself, use dictionaries and books, and help him fall in love with the process of independently acquiring knowledge and conducting small research projects.

If you do not patiently answer all the children’s questions, a situation similar to the one described by V. Veresaev in “Stories about Children” may occur.

The boy Igor tormented everyone with the question “Why?” A psychology professor I know (!) advised parents: “When you get tired of it, answer him, “Because it’s perpendicular,” and you’ll see that he’ll soon lose the habit.”
The parents did just that. After a short time, an unexpected reaction occurred. Igor began to answer all the difficult questions for himself: “Because it’s perpendicular.”
- Why didn’t you wear galoshes?
- Because it's perpendicular.
- Why are you rude?
- Because it's perpendicular.

This is how “perpendicular” relationships are established, perhaps for life. Let us note another problem of our children. At school they are answered questions that they did not ask. And the children stop asking questions. They know that they will be told something, often something that they are not interested in or do not understand, why do they need to know this?

It is ideal when the child asks questions himself, wants to know something.

Here is a parable about the ability to ask questions:

They say that the monks of one monastery sent a petition to their diocese asking:
- Is it possible to smoke while praying?
The monks were punished for their insolence.
The monks of another monastery sent a petition with a differently worded question:
- Can monks pray while smoking?
They were told: “They can.”

How to teach children to ask questions?

So that children are not afraid to ask questions, we need to convince them that not knowing something is not shameful: it is shameful not to know if you can find out. We need to convince children that asking questions is useful: you will learn more from the answers.

Not asking a question when you don’t understand is not a shame, but cowardice. We need to encourage children who ask questions: “Well done, you asked a good question, which means you are following the train of thought, thinking.” You can give marks not only for good answers, but also for good questions. He who asks nothing will learn nothing. If you want to be smart, learn to ask questions.

You can't laugh at a child who asks a weak question. Children have the right to make mistakes.

Are they the same as us adults? Sometimes it seems that they are special creatures from another planet. Scientists make amazing discoveries related to babies so often that soon the number of the most incredible facts about them will reach seven figures. In the meantime, here are 40 of the brightest of them.

  1. 206 vs 207
    No, this is not the result of a football mast, but the number of bones in a newborn and, accordingly, an adult. It’s just that later the bones of the child’s skull and spine grow together.
  2. Small and big-eyed
    The child grows quickly, and only his eyes change less noticeably. Because a baby's eye size is 75% of an adult's size.
  3. Dad has 2 mm stubble, and Uncle Seryozha has almost 3 mm
    The sensitivity of babies is so high that already in the first days of life they can distinguish stubble of varying degrees.
  4. Time for the first smile
    You will have to wait at least a month before the child gives his first smile to his mother. But there is nothing more expensive than it in the world.
  5. Your chest is closer
    Incredibly, newborn babies can distinguish by smell (perhaps by some other characteristics) their mother’s breasts from all the others, which they most often ignore.
  6. Funny pictures
    If you hang a picture of a smiling face above a baby’s crib, then the baby’s mood and condition will be positive.
  7. You - for me, I - for you
    A sense of justice visits children as early as 12-15 months. Kids are ready to share their toys and expect the same from others.

  8. "Everything is purple"
    In the first months, all babies do not distinguish colors, and they are also myopic - they can distinguish people and objects only from a close distance.
  9. In native language
    Scientists have made an amazing discovery: a child’s knowledge of intonation and speech begins in the prenatal state. Babies in each specific country even cry in their own way.
  10. Coral for each
    In many European countries, children are still given, as many centuries ago, rattles made of natural coral. On the one hand, people believe that such an item is the best amulet against the evil eye, on the other hand, it is an excellent teether.
  11. What's in a name?
    Whatever you call the baby, so... the child will live his life. Studies have shown that a girl with a male name is distinguished by tougher character traits and an obstinate disposition.
  12. I remember here, I don’t remember there...
    Infantile amnesia, with rare exceptions, is present in all children. Until the age of 3, they do not remember their early experiences.
  13. The main device of motherhood is diapers
    Just imagine that on average, about 3,000 are spent on one child every year.
  14. Music lovers from birth
    Infants up to six months old are able to distinguish melodic music from more rhythmic ones, showing different emotions. They learn to distinguish good from bad later.
  15. "About injury hazards"
    According to statistics, the greatest number of injuries occur in children under 6 years of age.
  16. Walk yourself
    Canadian children are learning to take their first steps without walkers. This invention, which is advocated by many parents in other countries, is prohibited there. There is an opinion that they cause great harm to children’s still weak bones.
  17. Born with a gadget
    Where are the most advanced children under 10 years old? No, not in Japan, but in Germany. Children there use modern smartphones and tablets from birth.

  18. Loudest of all
    A three-year-old child can speak louder than 200 adults talking at the same time. Presumably, children need such a gift so that their mother will always hear. Debatable.
  19. "The Bad, the Good, the Ugly"
    In Japan, which is loyal to children, the words “bad” and “bad” are prohibited in relation to them. They address children there only in a positive way.
  20. A little about geniuses
    The diagnosis of “prematurity” is by no means a death sentence for the child’s future talents. And this is an example of Albert Einstein (he did not speak until he was 9 years old), Pablo Picasso, Isaac Newton, Winston Churchill and many other famous personalities of different years.
  21. Works 100%
    In indigo children, the right and left hemispheres of the brain work autonomously.
  22. And again about geniuses...
    A toy truck with a folding body was invented by a 6-year-old kid. He drew it and invited his dad to make him one. And plasticine, so beloved by all children, was invented by a schoolgirl, and initially it was a means for cleaning wallpaper from coal dust. But they added almond oil and dyes to it. And the children were happy.
  23. In the corner... or naked?
    An effective, but not entirely humane way to prevent children from disobedience was invented in one Indonesian school. Hooligans had their heads shaved for several months for fighting and absenteeism. Discipline soon became exemplary.
  24. Recommended to laugh
    Laughter is the best medicine or the main defense of the immune system. For health, children are recommended to laugh at least 300 times a day, which is an average of every 3 minutes.

  25. Breastfed babies are able to perform a unique trick: they can swallow and breathe at the same time. At 9 months the magical ability disappears.
  26. Born in a car - get a registration number
    In the United States, about 300 babies are born on the road every year. As their place of birth, they are given not the name of the locality, but rather the license plate number of the car into which the stork “flew”.
  27. Growing higher
    If a person were to grow at the same rate and intensity as a child under 4 years old, he would ultimately be over 7 meters tall.
  28. No taste
    In the first 3 months, the child is not able to sense the salty taste.
  29. Special boy
    Each crown prince in England, in the 15th century, had a single friend and also a whipping boy. And all because punishing high-status children was strictly prohibited. This is how the expression was born.
  30. "Bears" to the rescue
    Children in Miami are luckier than others. Miami police departments have bear patrols. Toy bears accompany law enforcement officers on patrol and often come to the rescue when meeting a crying baby.

This scene, common in all homes, sends parents into a panic; Parents are questioning what was their mistake? Some react so severely that the punishment leaves scars for life. To cope with this inevitable scene, you need to know what is normal, what is not and what to do.

What's normal? Children are curious, especially about differences, and what could be more attractive than differences in genitalia? Understand that this is normal childhood curiosity. Parental sensitivity is required so that this does not happen again. Look at everything through your child's eyes.
You can distinguish innocent sexual curiosity from abnormal sexual behavior by the following signs. Actions can be considered innocent if:

  • The children are small (up to ten years old), close in age and know each other.
  • There is a mutual agreement; one child does not force another.
  • There is the usual atmosphere of the game: a game of “doctor” or another game.
  • Mystery is part of the game. They understand that they will meet with parental disapproval and use the bedroom, garage or secluded place. (This is also true for abnormal actions.)

What to do. First, calm down and resist the urge to tell them that they did something “dirty” or “bad.” Calmly suggest a new activity for them, for example: “Let's go get something to eat. I'll help you get dressed." When you are alone with your child, talk to him. Explain that you are not angry. If children feel that they have done something wrong and you are angry with them, they will withdraw into themselves. Tell your child that it is normal to be interested in others' body parts and that you understand his curiosity, but explain that "it is wrong to touch any private part of another person's body or to allow others to touch yours." Let the other child's parents know how you resolved the situation so they can do the same.
Children can start learning about "private parts" as they become interested in other parts of the body.
Explain to your child that private parts are just as important to a person as other parts of the body. It is important to warn your child against sexual harassment. Explain to him that intimate parts of the body should not be touched or shown to others except mom and dad while washing or dressing, as well as the doctor during an examination: “If someone touches the intimate parts of your body, promise to tell mom or dad about it.” " Convince your child that he should never have secrets from mom and dad. Start explaining the meaning of private parts as early as age three so that modesty becomes part of your child's sexuality.
To prevent periodic games of “doctor”, “mom and dad”, etc., do not create opportunities for this. Be interested in what the children are doing at the moment. Don't let them be out of control, behind closed doors. We have made a rule in our house that the bedroom doors must always be open when the kids have friends over (at any age). Our teenagers grew up with this rule and still respect such requirements. Apply the same principles to sexuality that you apply to other aspects of parenting: Parents set rules and then set conditions that make those rules easier to follow.
If a child shows curiosity, parents need to free themselves from the feeling of awkwardness and answer all questions calmly and evenly without embarrassment or irritation. Start looking together at a book with pictures depicting the structure of the male and female genital organs, which has answers to all the questions as they arise. Please keep in mind that answers must be given in an age appropriate manner and should not confuse anyone.
Report the incident to other parents so they can use it for educational purposes. Tell them that you understand the innocence and normality of childish curiosity, but that you want to prevent such incidents from happening again. Be open, honest and factual. Don't blame anyone for what happened, then you don't have to worry about continuing friendly relations between adults.

When sexual play is not normal. If innocent childish curiosity, which can be understood and explained, is repeated and causes you anxiety, you should give it serious attention. It is important for parents to know what to say and how to act if one child is harassing another. Here are the suspicious signs.

  • One child forces another to play a sexual game.
  • There is a difference in age between children (more than four years).
  • Sexual play is not normal (for example, oral sex between a six-year-old and a three-year-old).
  • Troubling behavior is repeated despite your careful intervention and guidance. This is grounds for ending a friendship. If sexual play occurs between siblings, seek professional help.
  • Secrecy.

What to do. If a child often initiates such games, he needs professional advice. It is necessary to find out the child’s life attitudes and examine the environment at home and at school. If your child has become a victim, talk calmly and confidentially with him. Make sure your child understands that you still love him and that he is good himself, but it is wrong for someone to touch another person's private parts. The victim may also need to seek professional advice.

What about gender denial and cross-dressing? Don't panic when your four-year-old son dresses up in your daughter's clothes, daddy's pants and suspenders. Laugh and enjoy yourself. The stage of curiosity and fantasy soon passes, and the school-aged child will learn to wear clothes that correspond to his gender. In one family, a three and a half year old daughter suddenly wanted to become a boy. She did everything to look like a boy: clothes, games; she even said that she would become a dad when she grew up. It all started when her younger brother was born. Not considering this normal, the mother turned to the pediatrician. The doctor, unfortunately, alarmed the mother even more by confirming the presence of sexual disorders in the child. All the mother needed was to spend more time with her daughter in order to strengthen her position in the family.

Parenting and sexuality
The child's parenting style influences the formation of future attitudes towards sex. Children raised using the anchor method learn to love and trust because they are loved and trusted. A baby who spends many hours a day in arms and breasts learns to enjoy mutual touch. This child learns intimacy. A little person who grows up in a home where mother and father respect each other and their children is likely to develop a healthy and correct understanding of the relationship between man and woman.
A child who is raised with harsh, insulting remarks may internalize these negative parental traits or subconsciously look for similar qualities in a future mate. A child whose individuality is tightly controlled, whose expressiveness is trampled by excessive parental control, may, as an adult, have difficulty expressing sexual feelings or use sex as a tool to control or be controlled by others.
The most important task - the education of sensitivity - very much affects issues of sexuality. One of the main goals of education, in our opinion, is to help the child learn to analyze how his actions affect other people. After all, sexual satisfaction is fundamentally a mutual concern—the desire and ability to satisfy one's own needs and bring joy to another person.

Book: Your child from birth to 10 years
