Alkaline and acidic foods. Balanced diet: acid-base diet

Almost every modern person faces problems such as skin irritation, inflammation, sensitivity, tightness, itching. All these problems can manifest themselves both on the face and on other parts of the body. It turns out that the vitality and impeccable freshness of the skin depends on the quality of human nutrition. We are not talking about cheap or expensive products or food brands. This refers to the balance of acidic and alkaline foods in the diet of a person leading a healthy lifestyle.

Few people are interested in what the term pH means. Very often this indicator is indicated on hygiene products for body care, hair and skin care, nails, and cosmetic products. For many, pH is not the main criterion for choosing personal care products, which is why skin problems are an all too common problem.

pH value

The basics of chemistry say that pH is an indicator of the ratio of acid and alkali in the body.

In practice, you can determine their balance:

  • for the whole organism;
  • either for the skin;
  • either for hair;
  • or for blood.

Each specific pH indicator is an indicator of human health. Where does it come from?

Every person consists of what he eats. Food for people is a storehouse of useful nutrients, vitamins and minerals. From it the body receives “building material” for the formation of new tissue cells - rejuvenation, development and growth of muscles, bones, and maintaining brain function.

A single mechanism called the human body is a whole encyclopedia of chemical reactions that cannot be seen externally, but can be felt on a physical level.

So, everyone can feel:

  • a surge of energy;
  • prostration;
  • chills;
  • overwork;
  • pain;
  • discomfort…

Positive dynamics are observed with an optimal ratio of alkali and acid; with an imbalance, a deterioration in health occurs, developing into diseases of the skin and internal organs.

It is excellent health and external attractiveness that are the result of proper nutrition, which consists of maintaining the acid-base balance. The daily diet should include 80% of foods that form alkali during digestion, and only 20% of those that acidify the body. It is this proportion that contributes to the normalization of all biochemical processes, which allows you to maintain youth, strength and beauty.

How to determine the pH of the body?

To determine the pH value in order to adjust the diet, special test strips are used.

  • A pH equal to “7” means the neutral state of the body;
  • pH “0 – 6.9” indicates acidification of the body;
  • A pH of “7.1 – 14” signals the alkalization of the body.

Saliva, urine or blood are subject to examination. Based on the results of the analysis, it is possible to draw useful conclusions regarding the rationality of consuming certain food products.

Consequences of disturbed acid-base balance

If foods predominate in the diet without combination with acidic ones, or they are consumed in small quantities, then the consequences for the body may be as follows:

When a person consumes a larger proportion of acid-forming foods, the risk of developing:

  • diseases of the vascular system;
  • obesity;
  • formation of kidney stones;
  • diabetes mellitus (acidosis);
  • brittle bones;
  • joint diseases.

Only with an optimal level of acid-base balance does the body correctly absorb minerals and accumulate nutrients. Therefore, it is so important to consume alkaline and acidic foods in the correct ratio.

Before adjusting your daily diet if you want to eat a balanced diet, you should know which food group is alkaline and which is acidic.

Nutritionists in practice use a detailed classification of foods consumed. Alkaline foods (the list of foods given below) should form the main core of a balanced diet for people who strive for constant healthy activity in the body. This group includes mainly foods of plant origin.

High degree of alkalization

Average degree of alkalization

Low degreealkalization

Fruits, berries
















Vegetables, greens




Sweet pepper




Jerusalem artichoke


leaf and head lettuce


chamomile tea

green tea

ginger tea

Mint tea


lemon balm tea

fennel tea

calendula tea

water with lemon

lime water

freshly squeezed vegetable juices

mineral water


Dried fruits

Milk products

breast milk

goat milk

goat cheese



Alkaline food (see list above) has beneficial effects on health, which include:

  • easy digestibility;
  • creating a favorable environment for cell development;
  • enriching the body with essential nutrients;
  • ensuring normal digestion;
  • removing toxins from the body;
  • preventing slag deposition;
  • protecting the body from bacteria;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • improving metabolism.

The most alkaline foods help increase energy tone and performance.

Acidic foods

Acid-forming foods are difficult to digest. The group of acidic foods includes both plant foods and foods of animal origin.

High degreeacidification

Average degreeacidification

Low degreeacidification


canned fruit juices



Vegetables, greens

variegated beans

Seeds, nuts




Milk products

ice cream

whole milk

cheeses with high

fat content indicator



honey production processing

Cereals and grains


brown rice

premium flour



rabbit meat


Seafood, fish



marine fish


assorted black tea

carbonated drinks

coffee drinks


Smoked meats


Rich broths

Fried foods


Spicy spices

Sweet desserts

Bakery products

Acid-alkaline products

To balance your diet with respect to alkali-forming and acid-forming foods, it is important to take into account the fact that some of them can both acidify and alkalize the body. We are talking about the individual reaction of the body to a particular food.

Prevention of acid-base imbalance

To ensure that the pH value is always normal, the following recommendations should be followed daily:

  • drink only purified water;
  • include foods rich in potassium and magnesium in your diet;
  • reduce to a minimum or completely eliminate the consumption of processed foods, fast foods, and quick snacks;
  • prefer fasting days (twice a week) to diets;
  • steam or bake food, or eat it raw.

It is impossible to maintain normal acid-base balance with food alone. The body's pH can fluctuate under the influence of stressful situations and physical activity. Therefore, it is important to combine dietary adjustments with the rules of a healthy lifestyle:

  • eight hours sleep;
  • sports activity;
  • relaxation activities.

These are food products that when broken down in the body they give an alkaline reaction, normalizing the acid-base balance.

A woman should pay special attention to. This is the main condition for maintaining health, beauty, youth, and an active full life.

Directly, the list of products that alkalize the body includes:

1. Water - the basis of life, a readily available alkaline product.

2. Milk .

The most powerful alkaline food, rich calcium, protein and other beneficial substances. But, unfortunately, not many people tolerate it. Just for such people, the ideal option is whey up to 5 hours of freshness.

3. Milk serum (up to 5 hours of freshness!!!).

No. 1 product in the world. It contains everything that was healthy in milk, but there is nothing allergenic (casein, lactose, etc.). The product is 100% dietary. Very useful for women of any age.

Whey can be obtained by preparing homemade cottage cheese, which also belongs to the list alkaline food.

One of the simple recipes for making homemade cottage cheese:

Heat 1-2 liters of fermented milk (over low heat) in a water bath, after pouring it into a wide saucepan (you can also leave it in a glass jar of the required size, placing a cotton rag on the bottom of the saucepan with water). Heat until the whey (yellowish liquid) and cottage cheese of the desired consistency separate (it’s not for everyone). This process takes 1-2 hours. Separate the curds from the whey and you are ready to eat.

Let me remind you that up to 5 hours of freshness they have an alkaline reaction.

The whey should be drunk without adding Sahara. It can also be used to make bread, pancakes, pancakes and any

other baked goods.

4. Black grain yeast-free bread.

Rich source of fiber, vitamins, minerals, amino acids. There are a huge number of recipes for making this bread.

There is no such bread in the store!

5. Bananas (mature).

One of the powerful alkaline food, contains serotonin - a biologically active “mood” substance, and much more. And the myth that it causes cellulite is complete nonsense and has no basis! So eat healthy!

6. All greens(dill, parsley, cilantro, basil, etc.),

7. Spinach.

It is an excellent alkaline food product, a rich source of vitamin C, and contains chlorophyll and other beneficial substances.

9. Head and leaf salads.

(Cress, Corn, Chinese cabbage, Chinese cabbage, Iceberg, Lettuce, Chard, Field lettuce, Arugula and many other types).

All types of salads are low-calorie alkaline foods, contain a huge amount of useful substances (vitamins, minerals, trace elements, fiber).

10. Almond.

It is a valuable source of vitamin “youth” - vitamin E (24 mg per 100 g), oils, protein, etc.

The only nut is a product that alkalizes the body.

11. All types of cabbage (broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, etc.).

Rich source of fiber, vitamin C and many other health benefits.

12. Potato.

As a rule, cooked potatoes are slightly alkaline. But freshly squeezed potato juice is a storehouse of nutrients and microelements. Alkaline food with a significantly alkalizing effect on the body.

13. All cereals have a good alkaline reaction (even when cooked). PRE-SOAKE THE GREATS!

14. Carrot.


The fragrant pumpkin is simply packed with vitamins. It also contains vitamin C (ascorbic acid), which will protect against colds and strengthen the immune system, and B vitamins, which will help cope with irritability, fatigue, insomnia, unpleasant skin rashes (pimples, acne, etc.), and “youth” vitamins A and E, and vitamin K (affects blood clotting), which is practically absent in other vegetables. Due to its high content of rare vitamin T, pumpkin is the best side dish for fatty dishes and meat, because Vitamin T prevents obesity by promoting better absorption of heavy foods. Nutritionists recommend pumpkin for overweight people for this beneficial property.weight.

Pumpkin lovers are also provided with a good complexion and a positive mood due to the colossal iron content. This one is one ofalkaline fooddooms you to a healthy life!

16. Cucumbers.

17. Beet.

18. Turnip.

These Root Vegetables Are Powerful alkaline foods. Turnip is also the undisputed leader in vitamin C content (compared to lemon, orange, cabbage), has a large amount of phosphorus and sulfur salts, which disinfect the blood, have an anti-infective effect, and help with bronchitis and skin diseases.

Its value lies in the presence of an extremely rare substance - glucoraphanin, which has a strong anti-cancer and anti-diabetic effect.

Turnip is a dietary product because... has low calorie content (35 kcal per 100g).

19. Watermelon.

20. Raspberries.

21. Mango.

22. Dates.

This is all - .

Dates contain 15 types of salts and minerals (such as copper, iron,

sodium, phosphorus, zinc, sulfur, magnesium, etc.), 23 types of amino acids that are not found in many fruits, pantothenic acid, which promotes the digestibility of carbohydrates, dietary fiber and selenium, which reduce the risk of cancer, pectin, fluoride, which protects teeth from caries. Not in dates cholesterol.

The average calorie content of one date is 23 kcal. This is a great alternative to candy for children and adults.

23. Zucchini.

24. Jerusalem artichoke.

25. Corn .

Under no circumstances buy imported ones. All imported corn is genetically modified product (GMO). It is better to purchase domestic (Russia, CIS countries) or grow it yourself.

26. Vegetable oils unrefined cold first press (olive, flaxseed, sesame, nut, mustard, etc.). They are also good alkaline foods.

27. Peppers of all types (sweet “Bulgarian”, spicy “Chili”, etc.)

Avoid imported products, because... high probability of GMOs.

28. Celery.

29. Pears(both fresh and dried).

30. Herbal decoctions(chamomile, linden, light rosehip decoction, mint, lemon balm, etc.).

The alkalizing effect on the body of these products has been tested and proven.

Remember acid-base balance- the primary task of a person on the path to health!

Physiologists have discovered another cause of many human ailments, which is the “acidification” of the body. For normal metabolism in the body, it is necessary that the acid-base balance in the blood is maintained within certain, and very narrow, limits.

If there is more acid in it than required, then, getting into different organs with the blood, it corrodes tissue, reduces the activity of enzymes, causes the appearance and promotes the proliferation of cancer cells. In order to reduce the concentration of acid in organs and tissues, the body retains water, which further inhibits metabolic processes. To alkalize the blood, minerals stored by the body are used - calcium, sodium, potassium, iron, magnesium. And this entails a whole train of ailments: physical weakness and fatigue, decreased mental activity and insomnia, irritability and depressive states. The leaching of calcium from bone tissue causes a serious disease that especially affects women in their declining years - osteoporosis.

And what leads to the “acidification” of the body? First of all, this is the predominance in the diet of such products as meat, chicken, fish, sweets, pasteurized dairy products, flour products and cereals. The second risk factor is the consumption of incompatible foods, such as proteins with carbohydrates. Oxidizing agents are many preservatives and food additives, which are so rich in many modern products, mainly imported ones with long shelf life.

The best cure for acidosis is to eat a large salad of raw vegetables every day for lunch and at least a small amount of greens for dinner. Your menu must include grated beets and carrots, finely chopped cabbage, dill, celery, onions and garlic. It is very beneficial to eat young green plant shoots, unpasteurized honey, herbal infusions, soy sauce, seaweed, wheat germ or wheat germ supplements.
Twice a week it is advisable to arrange fasting days for yourself, eating only raw vegetables and fruits, or even on one of these days limiting yourself only to juices. By the way, this will help you get rid of excess weight.

And in conclusion, one more useful tip. Most legumes and cereals, with the exception of buckwheat and millet, increase blood acidity during normal preparation. However, after soaking or sprouting, they acquire an alkalizing effect. Raw nuts and seeds should be soaked half an hour before meals, cereals - half an hour before cooking, legumes - overnight. All seeds, grains and legumes can be prepared for cooking in advance: soak them for an hour, then dry and store in a dark place.

Will help you in creating the optimal diet. The acid-base balance should consist of 70-80% alkaline foods and 20-30% acid-forming foods.

There are good and bad acid-forming foods out there, it's important to know the difference. Because bad acids should be avoided consistently. It is not always easy to correctly correlate the basic and acid-forming properties of food products in everyday life.


Acid-base balance

The blood needs the right balance of acid and alkaline compounds to function properly. This is called acid-base balance. Your kidneys and lungs work to maintain acid-base balance. Even small deviations from the normal range can have a significant impact on your vital organs.

Acid and alkaline levels are measured on the pH scale. An increase in acidity causes the pH level to drop. An increase in alkalinity causes an increase in pH levels.

When the level of acid in the blood is too high, it is called acidosis. When your blood is too alkaline, it is called alkalosis.

Respiratory acidosis and alkalosis are caused by a problem with the lungs. Metabolic acidosis and alkalosis are caused by a kidney problem.

Each of these acid-base imbalances is caused by an underlying disease or disorder. Treatment depends on the cause.

How to check the acid-base balance of the body

It is not easy to tell what the acid-base balance is at any given time. The only real external signs there may be are weak bones, receding gums, weak or broken teeth and muscle loss, and even these signs are not necessarily indicative.

This is why checking your acid-base balance is so important for your health. Testing your body's pH will give you an idea of ​​whether your body is tending toward metabolic acidity or being in the balanced, slightly alkaline state that it needs. This test is relatively simple and can be done in your own home.

Acid-base balance of urine

It is better to test the second urine of the day. Your first urine will be overly acidic as it dumps waste from the night before. When you are ready, simply tear off a small piece of litmus paper and place it in the urine stream for a few seconds. Or, you can pee in a small cup and dip the paper in your urine that way.

Look at the color of your paper and compare it to the color chart on the litmus paper. You want to target a urine pH level of 6.0-6.5. Although many alkalizing diets and websites will claim that 7.0-7.5 is needed, I don't think this is ideal based on science and my research. If you check later in the day and your urine is more like 6.5-7.0, this is normal as we become more alkaline during the day.

Acid-base balance measurement

First, our kidneys need to eliminate acids, so we want our urine to do acid work. If the urine is too alkaline, it could mean that the kidneys are not working properly or there is something going on in the metabolic state. Keep in mind that some supplements, such as vitamin D, calcium, and magnesium, may throw off your pH balance a little in some cases. If you want to know your "true" pH, go a few days without supplements and then test again.

Acid-base balance of saliva

This measures your body's enzyme stores and the function of digestive organs such as the stomach, pancreas and liver. You need to check first in the morning before brushing your teeth or even drinking water. The ideal range is 6.5-7.0. This shows that you have a good supply of minerals, but it also shows that you are digesting your food well. If it's more than 7.0, your digestive system may be a little sluggish and you may have problems with gas, constipation and fungus/mold.

Our acid-base chart lists virtually all alkaline and all acid-forming foods.

You may be wondering why we keep talking about the alkaline diet and not the basal diet. This is simply because we do not recommend an alkaline diet as a permanent diet:

A purely basal diet is excellent for detoxification and also accompanies a colon cleanse. Thus, the main diet is more for short-term actions.
-Basic nutrition consists not only of alkaline foods, but also acidic foods. After all, not all acid-forming foods are bad and unhealthy.

What does alkaline mean?

Don't think that the designation is alkaline, it's like alkaline soap.
Rather, it is about how food acts in the body and what substances are produced when it is metabolized in the body.
Please note that there are currently many different acid-base tables on the Internet or in the literature - and they are all different more or less from each other.

Alkaline Fruit Chart

Apples Mango
A pineapple Apricot
Nectarine Avocado
Grapefruit Olives
Bananas Oranges
Papaya Dates
Peaches Figs
Prunes Cowberry
Strawberry Quince
Blueberry Currant
Raspberries Gooseberry
Melon Dried fruits
Grape Mandarin
Lemon Pears

Alkaline Vegetables Chart

Tables of alkaline mushrooms

Table of Alkaline Herbs and Alkaline Salads

Alkaline Sprouts Table

Alfalfa-Sprouts Radishes-Cabbage
Fenugreek Sprouts Radish Sprouts
Brown Millet Sprouts Rye Shoots
Broccoli-Cabbage Cabbage-Cabbage
Spelled sprouts Arugula Sprouts
Barley sprouts Mustard sprouts
Millet-Sprouts Seeds-Sprouts
Flax Seeds Wheat Sprouts Shoots
Lentil Sprouts...and many others

Table of Alkaline Nuts and Seeds

Forest Almond
Walnut Maroni (Chestnuts)

Alkaline protein

Lupine Protein Tablets Lupine flour

Alkaline Drinks

Fruit smoothie
Green Smoothie
Herbal teas
Protein shake with Lupine protein
Water with 1 tsp. apple cider vinegar
Lemon water (200 ml water with the juice of half a lemon)

Acid-Forming Products

Sour or acid-forming foods should be combined with main foods as much as possible.
Acid-forming foods are not automatically bad or unhealthy in any way. On the contrary, there are foods that can act acid-forming, but at the same time are very healthy, such as nuts or legumes.
Unlike the bad ones, they only act on a few levels of acidification.
The so-called good acidic foods should definitely be included in the nutritional base, while you abstain from the bad ones.

Good acid-forming foods

  • Organic grains (such as spelt, Kamut or barley in small quantities - much like wheat germ or sprouts)
  • Grain products such as bulgur and couscous, but from spelt, from wheat
  • Oats/oat flakes (BIO-quality)
  • Millet rice and whole grains (brown rice)
  • Legumes (e.g. bean kernels, lentils, chickpeas, peas, etc.)
  • High quality cocoa powder, as well as homemade chocolate
  • Corn (eg polenta, corn pasta)
  • Nuts (such as walnuts, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, Brazil nuts, frosted coconut flakes (also coconut), etc.)
  • Oilseeds (e.g. sesame, hemp seed, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, poppy seeds, chia seeds, etc.; the seeds are sprouted, they become more alkaline depending on the sprout)
  • Plant-based protein powders (if protein deficient), such as hemp protein, rice protein, and pea protein
  • Pseudo-grains (eg quinoa, amaranth, buckwheat)
  • Animal products from organic agriculture in moderation (such as organic eggs or fish from organic aquaculture)
  • Tofu (organic only) and quality fermented organic soy products such as miso and tempeh

Good acid-forming drinks

  • Green tea (properly prepared - at low temperatures and short brewing)
  • Lupine coffee
  • Drinking chocolate (homemade, such as almond milk and raw cocoa powder)
  • High-quality plant drinks: rice drink, oat drink, soy drink – respectively without Süssungsmittel, flavourings, thickeners, etc.

Bad acid-forming foods (animals)

  • Eggs from traditional farming
  • Fish and seafood from conventional aquaculture or from contaminated regions
  • Meat from traditional agriculture
  • Meat Broth, Sausages, Ham
  • Dairy products (for example, cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir, whey and all cheeses, also sheep and goat; and low-fat dairy products)

Exception: butter, ghee and cream (bio-quality), which can be classified neutrally

Bad acid-forming foods (plant-based)

  • Vinegar (wine vinegar, exception: unclarified apple cider vinegar)
  • Finished products of all types
  • Cereal products made from flour (Bread and pasta products, such as bread, rolls, pretzels, cakes, cookies, sweet particles, pasta, etc., some breakfast products, such as corn flakes, ready-made corn flakes, crunchies, etc. )
  • Gluten containing products (for example, seitan products such as vegetarian sausages, bolognese, etc.)
  • Ketchup (exception: homemade, such as tomato and date ketchup)
  • Sour canned food
  • Mustard (exception: high quality organic mustard)
  • Soy products (if highly processed, particularly textured soy proteins
  • Ice cream (water, soy and frozen yogurt - exception: Alkaline ice)
  • Sugar (all products that contain sugar) – coconut sugar.

Bad Acid Forming Drinks

Alcohol and caffeinated drinks

Carbonated drinks (such as lemonade, cola, etc.), soft drinks such as juice from concentrate, protein drinks, sweetened milkshakes, weight loss drinks.
Coffee, beans, instant and decaffeinated coffee
Mineral water and generally carbonated drinks
Tea (black tea, fruit tea, iced tea, etc., only herbal tea is alkaline)

Don't forget to drink clean water!

Over the past decades, humanity has significantly changed its diet. This had a significant impact on my health. Acidic and alkaline foods are consumed unbalanced, and this leads to many problems and various diseases: immunity decreases, stones form in the kidneys, and the risk of malignant tumors increases. An alkaline combination of ingredients in the diet will help eliminate ailments and restore the natural balance, making it possible to avoid the risks of diseases. So what role does the acid-base balance play in our body, and how to determine the food group?

Acid-base balance of the body, products

Each substance has its own pH value, which indicates how electrical resistance changes between negative and positive ions. One group gives an alkaline environment, the other - an acidic one. For this indicator, scientists adopted a conditional number. A neutral environment has a pH level of 7. If a shift occurs downward, then we are talking about oxidation, a change up is alkalization.

In the human body, the optimal level of alkali is considered to be 7.4. The limit of the lowest indicator is 7.36. If we are talking about an increase, then the limit figure is 7.44. In any other cases, we will already be talking about pathological changes. In many ways, these numbers depend on what acidic and alkaline foods you consume, because when they break down into molecules, they change the internal environment of the body.

Most are synthesized in the process of metabolism (lactic, uric acid); when lymph, blood, and bile enter into a chemical reaction with alkali, neutralization occurs. However, if acidic foods predominate in the diet, our body is not able to cope with all the incoming acids. In such cases, unpleasant symptoms arise: headache, fatigue, anorexia, loss of appetite, hyperacidity, nervous tension, insomnia.

Causes of osteoporosis

Due to increased blood acidity, other undesirable effects may occur. Sodium is used by the body as a buffer to maintain homeostasis and return the acidic pH factor to normal levels. As a result, its reserves may be depleted. If sodium is unable to buffer the accumulated acid, the body uses its own calcium as a second buffer. It begins to leach from teeth and bones if insufficient quantities are supplied with food. At the same time, the bones become weak, brittle, and porous. In medicine, this condition is called osteoporosis.

If acidic and alkaline foods are consumed unbalanced, an increase in acidity occurs, this is an abnormal condition. The processes of aging and degeneration of the body are accelerating. Toxic substances in the human body are contained in the form of acids. To maintain and strengthen your health, you need to consume more foods that are alkaline in nature.

Shift in balance, health implications

When acidification occurs in the body, almost all ailments seem to be waiting for this and begin to overcome our body. Poor nutrition, which we have been practicing for years, confidently begins to suck vital energy from every cell. Acidic and alkaline foods should be consumed in balance. If the acid predominates and neutralizes the alkali, the following consequences may occur:

  • The human skeleton suffers.
  • The body uses all reserves to produce alkalization. This releases calcium and magnesium. Minerals are washed out of the bone, causing osteoporosis.
  • The brain, receiving a signal about a lack of calcium, increases its amount in the blood. But, as a rule, it does not return to the bones, but accumulates on surfaces, in the gallbladder, in the kidneys. Hence diseases such as polycystic disease, cysts, and benign tumors in the breast.
  • Clouding of the lens occurs and cataracts develop.
  • Progression of cardiovascular diseases.
  • The composition of the blood changes, and the risk of cancer arises.
  • Constant acidosis, therefore, hypothyroidism, insomnia, anxiety, edema, low blood pressure.
  • Acidification provokes chronic fatigue and muscle pain even at a young age.
  • Tooth enamel is destroyed.
  • Metabolism slows down, aging processes accelerate.
  • Internal organs fail, enzymes reduce their effectiveness.

If you normalize your alkaline balance, pathologies will begin to decrease. It won’t be possible to completely eliminate acidic foods from your diet, but you need to monitor their quantity and be sure to consume alkaline foods.

Theory of cancer

The acid-base balance of foods is very important for our body. Researchers have already proven that acidic foods in excessive quantities aggravate the risks of the occurrence and progression of cancer. Back in 1932, Otto Warburg established the obvious dependence of the development of cancer on acidification of the body. Cancer cells are viable only in an acidic environment, where the pH is below 7. If alkalization occurs, the pH level rises, then after 3 hours the pathogenic elements begin to die.

Some scientists, despite the protests of traditional medicine, put forward theories that cancer can be cured by alkalization. Products that have an alkaline reaction can reduce the likelihood of tumor recurrence and even reduce the likelihood of cancer cells.

Leaders in maintaining alkaline balance. TOP 7

Below is a list of products that are considered leaders in the alkaline balance. Many people are interested in: is lemon an alkaline or acidic product?

  • Lemon. Despite its sour taste, it is the leader among all those that give an alkaline reaction. Some supporters of alternative methods of treatment believe that this citrus is 10 thousand times stronger than chemotherapy. According to Ayurveda, drinking the fresh juice of this product or eating one lemon a day can get rid of any disease. In this case, you cannot add sugar!
  • Greenery. Parsley, dill, lettuce, leeks will not only saturate the body with a variety of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, but will also restore the alkaline balance.
  • Roots. Turnips, radishes, horseradish, carrots, rutabaga, and beets can improve digestion and neutralize high acidity.
  • Cucumbers and celery. The most alkaline foods.
  • Garlic. It has antifungal and antibacterial properties, helps support the immune system, and restore alkaline balance.
  • Cruciferous vegetables include cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and broccoli.
  • Avocado is a source of amino acids and vitamins. Leader in fatty acid content of plant origin.

Don't want to know what serious illnesses are? Eat at least one of the listed foods fresh daily, and your alkaline balance will be normal.


The acid-base balance of foods has been maintained in yoga for many years since ancient times. They include all animal products, many grains, legumes, cheese, and cottage cheese as acidic foods. Yoga considers alkaline foods to include fruits, vegetables, many nuts, herbs, yogurt, curdled milk and milk.

In Europe, more than a hundred years ago, the German scientist Berg first drew attention to this. They proved that the alkaline balance in the body is achieved by the correct selection of foods. As yogis recommend, per day one part of acidic foods should be at least two parts of alkaline foods. Healthy people have an alkaline internal environment; it ensures proper functioning, gives longevity and strength, and reduces the need for proteins. Prolonged acidification leads to premature senility and brings disease.

Alkaline diet

Which foods are alkaline and which are acidic, see the lists below. Let's consider the concept that is used to normalize weight. If a person consumes acidic foods in excess, then the body tends to “acidify.” In this case, a variety of diseases arise, often leading to osteoporosis and cancer. Promotes acidification and obesity. What is the connection between excess weight and acidification? The fact is that excess acid is stored in fatty deposits; in this case, they cannot decrease; the body protects its “reserves” of acid. To successfully fight the acidification of fat deposits, you should think about an alkaline diet, the right foods will help. We present a list of alkaline and acidic foods, after studying which you can balance your diet. By following an alkaline diet, you can quickly lose weight and restore your health.

Alkaline products

Considering the list of alkaline and acidic foods, let's first pay attention to the first. They are high alkaline, medium alkaline, low alkaline and very low alkaline.

High alkaline foods:

  • Lemons.
  • Baking soda.
  • Chlorella.
  • Red algae.
  • Lime.
  • Lentils.
  • Alkaline mineral water.
  • Onion.
  • Nectarine.
  • Persimmon.
  • Pumpkin seeds.
  • A pineapple.
  • Sea kale.
  • Sea salt.
  • Sweet potato.
  • Spirulina.
  • Vegetable juices.
  • Mandarin
  • Watermelon.

Medium alkaline products:

  • Apricots.
  • Apples.
  • Arugula.
  • Broccoli.
  • Asparagus.
  • Carrot.
  • Cantaloupe.
  • Cashew nuts.
  • Orange.
  • Chestnut.
  • Garlic.
  • Chicory.
  • Fresh ginger.
  • Ginseng tea.
  • Grapefruit.
  • Greenery.
  • Honeydew honey
  • Kiwi.
  • Tea mushroom.
  • Kohlrabi.
  • Syrup.
  • Mango.
  • Mustard greens.
  • Parsnip.
  • Olives.
  • Raspberries.
  • Turnips.
  • Soy sauce.
  • Black pepper.

Low alkaline foods:

  • Almond.
  • Apple vinegar.
  • Sour apples.
  • Avocado.
  • Artichokes.
  • Blackberry.
  • Bell pepper.
  • Cauliflower, white cabbage.
  • Chicken eggs.
  • Quail eggs.
  • Ginseng.
  • Eggplant.
  • Mushrooms.
  • Tremble.
  • Peach.
  • Papaya.
  • Pumpkin.
  • Potato.
  • Homemade marinades.
  • Swede.
  • Sake.
  • Rice syrup.
  • Sesame seeds.

Very low alkaline foods:

  • Bananas.
  • Beet.
  • Avocado oil.
  • Brussels sprouts.
  • Blueberry.
  • Celery.
  • Cucumber.
  • Coconut oil.
  • Cilantro.
  • Sauerkraut.
  • Currant.
  • Melted butter.
  • Linseed oil.
  • Grape.
  • Oats.
  • Olive oil.
  • Raisin.
  • Strawberry.
  • Zucchini.
  • Sunflower seeds.
  • Wild rice.
  • Turnip.

It is worth noting that black coffee and alcohol belong to the group of acidic products, but for those who are interested in whether coffee is an alkaline or acidic product, we make an important note - natural coffee belongs to alkaline products.

High acid foods

Acidic foods create acid in the body, no matter what they taste like. Now, considering the list of alkaline and acidic products, let us highlight the second group more specifically.

  • Bread.
  • Beef.
  • Beer.
  • Cocoa.
  • Brown sugar.
  • Wheat flour.
  • Cottonseed oil.
  • Fruit juices.
  • Hop.
  • Fried foods.
  • Hazelnut.
  • Ice cream.
  • Jams and jellies.
  • Industrial marinades.
  • Seafood.
  • Sugar.
  • Salt.
  • Wine.
  • Vinegar.
  • Walnuts.
  • Yogurt is sweet.

Medium acid products

  • Barley.
  • Chestnut oil.
  • Bear meat.
  • Casein.
  • Chicken.
  • Cottage cheese.
  • Corn.
  • Cranberry.
  • Fructose.
  • Egg white.
  • Pasteurized honey.
  • Green pea.
  • Mustard.
  • Ketchup.
  • Muesli.
  • Palm oil.
  • Pasta.
  • Bakery.
  • Pistachios.
  • Peanut.
  • Pomegranate.
  • Pork.
  • Popcorn.
  • Rye.
  • Veal.
  • Soy milk.

Low acid foods

  • Beans.
  • Vodka.
  • Almond oil.
  • Buckwheat.
  • Black tea.
  • Cow's milk.
  • Goat milk.
  • Goose.
  • Game.
  • Mutton.
  • Plum.
  • Milk.
  • Cancers.
  • Tomatoes.
  • Turkey.
  • Wheat.
  • Vanilla.
  • White rice.

Very low acid products:

  • Amaranth.
  • Brown rice
  • Rapeseed oil.
  • Butter.
  • Cream.
  • Curry.
  • Coconut.
  • Fish.
  • Figs
  • Gelatin.
  • Offal.
  • Millet.
  • Sunflower oil.
  • Rhubarb.
  • Zucchini.
  • Wild duck.

Hi all. Ideally, our body should have an acid-base balance. With a competent approach to your diet, this balance is not at all difficult to maintain. Today we’ll talk about products containing alkalis. There are many of those. Therefore, I present to your attention a list of alkaline foods, only those that have a good effect on the human body.

Problems: acid-base

When we eat foods with a high acid content, a slowdown occurs, health problems appear, plus extra pounds. However, giving up “sour” foods is only half the battle. The most important thing is to get rid of the problems that have accumulated during this time.

Our daily diet should consist of 80 percent basic foods (alkaline). And only 20% is allocated to acidic.

What's really going on? The statistics are inexorable; up to 90% of our bodies enter acidic foods. But we must clearly understand that this is not sour-tasting food. This refers to components that cause an acidic reaction in the body. This is everything, white yeast bread, eggs, fats, various flour baked goods.

Ideally, our body is obliged to neutralize all this acid so that it does not have time to “corrode” the cellular tissue of the internal organs. For the neutralization process we need alkaline products. If we do not replenish the body with such substances, it will take them from our skin, teeth, and bones.

To prevent this from happening, you need to adjust your diet. Review the amount of acidic foods you consume. The author suggests consuming no more than 50 grams of acid-forming foods per day. Among them, meat of any kind, fish, offal, sausages. Vegetables - peas, beans, cabbage, asparagus. Very “sour” foods include all flour products, sugar, and semolina. Including fatty broth, solid fat, refined oils, chocolate, coffee, alcoholic drinks.

What to do?

Although I am still quite young, sometimes it seems that I have no strength at all, I am so tormented by colds and all sorts of ailments. I wake up in the morning feeling tired, then fall asleep all day. Such symptoms are often characterized by an imbalance of acid and alkali in the body.

To begin with, I changed my diet. I gave up fried and fatty foods and added a lot of fruits, vegetables, herbs, nuts, and dried fruits to my menu. Moreover, the ratio of greens and meat on the plate should be three to one. I advise all meat eaters to immediately fall in love with vegetables, and be sure to add carrots to their diet. Of course, there are countless reasons why you need to eat a lot of carrots. But for the purposes of this article, we will praise it for its alkaline properties. Thanks to which, the vegetable perfectly corrects the balance, cleansing the blood, I would say “revitalizing”.

To overcome fatigue, I suggest that you always adhere to a diet aimed at maintaining acid-base balance in the body. Design your menu so that it contains 80 percent alkaline foods and only 20 percent acid-forming ingredients.

It will be very good if you enrich your diet with juicy fruits. Only exclude currants, plums, cranberries and blueberries. 20 percent comes from protein, starch, sugar, fat, oil. These are all acid-forming elements. As for the set of products, everything is simple here. Eat meat, cheese, meat products, sugar, cream, butter, refined vegetable oil. Avoid alcoholic drinks.

List of alkaline foods

Products that form alkalis, whatever one may say - all fruits and vegetables, pasteurized milk, yoghurts. They contain a sufficient amount of mineral salts necessary for the body. Potatoes are considered good alkaline foods. Hooray! But to preserve the declared properties, steam it.

They say there is no third option. Still as given. There is a group of products with a balance of acid and alkali. These are walnuts, rye bread, whole grain, unrefined cereals, sprouted wheat grains, high-quality vegetable oils.

Attention, dear readers. It is important. I draw your attention to mixed products. What is this? It turns out that the same foods are acidic for one organism and alkaline for another. It all depends on the state of the “specific” organism. These include dairy products, unripe green fruits, lemons, melons, apricots, tomatoes and sorrel, juices squeezed from sour fruits. The same group includes currants, gooseberries, oranges, pineapples, and kiwis.

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