Dream of walking on cold water. Dream Interpretation of the 21st Century Why do you dream about Water? Why do you dream of walking on water in a dream?

Dream interpretation is an interesting and very exciting activity. By analyzing what you saw in a dream, you can learn a lot of new and interesting things. Quite often people dream of water. She personifies both good events in life and not so good ones. Everything will depend on what kind of water you saw. In this article we will find out how this is interpreted - “I walk on water.”

Movement is life

Any movements in dreams mean that a person does not stand in one place in life. Movement on water symbolizes the plans and dreams that the dreamer strives for. If in a dream you are simply standing on the water, it means Lately you doubt too often. You need to be more decisive. The dream may mean that soon you will have to make important and very serious decisions. How does the dream book explain this situation: “I walk on water”? Such a dream may mean that a person is successfully achieving all his goals and plans. Running on water may mean that you are trying to escape from someone or something in real life. Perhaps there is a person you are avoiding? Or a conversation you just can't start?

If you dream that you are walking barefoot along the shore of a beautiful and clean ocean, perhaps a loved one will soon appear in your life or you will be invited on a romantic date. Storm and tempest can be interpreted as a quarrel with your soulmate.

In general, a dream in which a person walks on water signifies plans, goals and dreams. You can find out whether they can come true and what needs to be done for this with the help of small details that you need to try to remember. Let's look at them in more detail.

Pure water

What differences in the interpretation of dreams does each dream book highlight? “Walking on water” is a dream in which important role it is quality that signifies success and career. Everything you dream about will soon come true. If, despite the fact that the water was clean, there was also a very strong headwind or current, and you made an effort to walk along it, it means that your plans will come true with some delay. Most likely, there are some circumstances that interfere with the implementation of the plan. In addition, the dream indicates that you need to find the strength within yourself to resist your enemies. In any case, clean water in a dream symbolizes that you are on the right way, your plans and goals are what you really need in this moment. What does the esoteric dream book say about such a dream? “Walking on water” is a dream that means that, no matter what business a person undertakes, he will succeed.

Dirty water

Such water symbolizes troubles in a person’s life. It may indicate wrong actions and actions. What else does the dream book say about dirty water? Walking on water barefoot - such a dream may mean that you are in danger; there are a lot of envious people around who can bring failures into your life.

Bare feet mean that you are completely defenseless in this situation. You need to gather your strength into a fist and confront all the difficulties that await you. If in a dream you see yourself simply walking through dirty water and it does not evoke bad emotions in you, then this means that you are on the wrong path. The tactics you chose are not suitable for you. You need to change your plans and goals, otherwise they will lead you to negative consequences. If you are running through dirty water, everything around is wet and damp, then such a dream means that troubles await you from people close to you. Perhaps someone is doing some not-so-good things behind your back. If you had such a dream, then in the next few days you need to take a closer look at your surroundings.

Under the water

It happens that a person dreams as if he is walking under water. How does the dream book interpret such a dream? Walking underwater means surprises and surprises. IN in this case For correct interpretation sleep, you need to remember what sensations you experienced. If you were scared, then you will be disappointed, if you felt in danger, something bad might happen, and if your soul was warm and calm, someone is preparing a surprise for you. If you were drowning and suffocating, then such a dream prophesies illness or troubles at work.

It is also important what the water was like. Go under dirty water- you are being pulled into an unpleasant situation. After such a dream, you should not make any serious transactions or start new businesses. Clean and clear water indicates that in the near future everything will work out for you, you are full of strength and energy. This favorable time for new beginnings and deeds.

Other details

The volume of water that you dreamed of indicates the global nature of your plans and desires, which will either come true or not. If in your dream there is a lot of dirty and muddy water and you are walking through it, this means that you will face great disappointment or conflict. In addition, dirty water can mean squabbles, illness, betrayal, and deception.

If in a dream you walk on the sea, then all your plans will come true tomorrow, and you don’t need to put any effort into it. special effort. If there is very little water in a dream, then this means small pleasant surprises or good news. What else does the dream book say about such a dream? Walk on clean water in the new one financial well-being and income. If they were torn, it means that in the near future you will face losses and financial difficulties.

To sum it up, dreams can actually be beneficial. By correctly interpreting them, you can avoid some difficulties and problems in life.

Some of the most mysterious, mystical visions include dreams in which a person, like the Almighty, walks on water. It is difficult to forget about this miracle after waking up, and therefore many people ask the question: why do you dream of walking on water?

The answers will be prompted by dream books, which contain the most accurate descriptions, taking into account the smallest dreamed details.

General interpretations

A lucky person, whom Fortune clearly favors - this is what you can call a person who walked. But this is a generalized prediction, but its details can significantly change the interpretation of the dream.

So if the dreamer moves on water, then in reality he has a light, cheerful, sociable character.

In a dream, did you see another character walking through the waters, as if on a smooth mirror surface? In this case, the dream book promises that upon awakening, something or someone will pleasantly surprise you.

A sleepy adventure in which cleverly suggests that your distinguishing feature- pragmatism, practicality. You know how to turn any situation to your advantage.

Word to Miller

Gustav Miller, an American psychologist and compiler of a popular dream book, believed that a character walking in night dream on the water, rather detached from everyday worries and worries. He lives in his own world and is happy with it.

And this predictor also claimed that, according to the water, you can be calm - in reality you will definitely cope with any difficulties and overcome all kinds of obstacles.

Unfortunately, the dream that you are a body of water predicts a cooling of the ardor of love and even a possible separation from your partner.

Higher matters

In the Esoteric Dream Book there are, perhaps, the most interesting interpretations as to why you dreamed that you miraculously walked on water. We remembered that in such fantastic dream were you barefoot? Then esotericists believe that there is no reason to worry about your “subtle body.” It is now in a state of peace, tranquility.

When you woke up, did you remember that you walked through the stormy seas and did not drown? This means that you live in harmony with yourself and don’t even think about evil deeds.

Have you moved barefoot across the surface with numerous whirlpools and never once stumbled or fallen into the water? An excellent sign indicating that in reality you will also confidently avoid any temptations and remain true to your moral convictions.

Don’t be upset if you fall a couple of times during your night’s sleep, but don’t drown. This is a harbinger that you will withstand the cruel blows of fate.

Condition of the reservoir

Your thoughts are pure, your intentions are sincere and honest - that’s what this version means Muslim dream book on water. But only if it was transparent and clean.

Nostradamus, describing similar plot, predicted for the sleeper the successful completion of the projects begun, the successful completion of the work.

Why then dream that you are walking through muddy, dirty water? The Lunar Dream Book says that such a vision occurs to people who are in the dark. In reality, they do not notice many things because they do not want to delve into their essence. It’s a pity, because sometimes curiosity (in reasonable doses) can be very useful.

For about two thousand years, walking on water has symbolized for people something mystical, superhuman, and unusual. According to the Bible, Jesus Christ could walk on water, and from this moment the history of this mystical symbol begins.

What if you dream of walking on water?

On the question of the symbol of walking on water in dreams, most dream books are quite unanimous. The symbol of “walking on water” is explained in most dream books as favorable. Walking on water in dreams is also explained by such a science as esotericism: if a person dreams of walking on water, it means his “subtle body” is in a normal state. According to esoteric teachings, the astral body of a person, his subtle matter, is not drawn to the lower world, the world of evil. Walking on water in a dream symbolizes the lightness of a person’s character, his desire for good, and the fact that he gravitates toward the “upper world,” the world of light.

It is important to know that walking on water in a dream in no way symbolizes the “divinity” of a person, his “higher purpose” and so on. That is why such dreams should not become the reason for an unreasonable overestimation of a person’s self-esteem.

Why do you dream of walking on water - according to most dream books, this means discovering within yourself a certain kind hidden abilities. This could, for example, be an unexpected manifestation of writing and other talents, it could mean the emergence of abilities bordering on the supernatural, for example, an improvement in empotic sense (empathy) abilities. There is also an alternative point of view on the question of interpretation of the symbol “walking on water.” According to this point of view, walking on water in a dream means striving for a goal, overcoming a certain kind of obstacle.

What does it portend?

The interpretation of dreams of this kind can also be different depending on the nature of the water that is under the person’s feet. If the water is clean and transparent, a person will most likely not encounter any hidden obstacles on his way. The water is dirty and cloudy - a lot is hidden from the dreamer’s eyes, most likely not very pleasant. The water is icy - it will be very difficult for a person to follow his own path. If, when a person walks on water, it freezes under his feet and becomes covered with a crust of ice, there are two interpretations: either every step on the person’s path will be very difficult, or when the goal is achieved, the dark side of consciousness will take over, and the person will commit many bad deeds .

If there is little water in a dream and it is shallow, the obstacles are insignificant; if there is a lot of water, there are many obstacles, most likely the path to achieving the goal will be long. If a person falls while walking on water in a dream, he most likely will not achieve his goal.

Walking on water in a dream is almost certain light symbol, which shows a person’s desire for good, the bright side of his “I” and portends a person’s achievement of his goals, or the discovery of new talents and abilities.

For about two thousand years, walking on water has symbolized for people something mystical, superhuman, and unusual. According to the Bible, Jesus Christ could walk on water, and from this moment the history of this mystical symbol begins.

What if you dream of walking on water?

On the question of the symbol of walking on water in dreams, most dream books are quite unanimous. The symbol of “walking on water” is explained in most dream books as favorable. Walking on water in dreams is also explained by such a science as esotericism: if a person dreams of walking on water, it means his “subtle body” is in a normal state. According to esoteric teachings, the astral body of a person, his subtle matter, is not drawn to the lower world, the world of evil. Walking on water in a dream symbolizes the lightness of a person’s character, his desire for good, and the fact that he gravitates toward the “upper world,” the world of light.

It is important to know that walking on water in a dream in no way symbolizes the “divinity” of a person, his “higher purpose” and so on. That is why such dreams should not become the reason for an unreasonable overestimation of a person’s self-esteem.

Why dream of walking on water - according to most dream books, this means discovering a certain kind of hidden ability in yourself. This could, for example, be an unexpected manifestation of writing and other talents, it could mean the emergence of abilities bordering on the supernatural, for example, an improvement in empotic sense (empathy) abilities. There is also an alternative point of view on the question of interpretation of the symbol “walking on water.” According to this point of view, walking on water in a dream means striving for a goal, overcoming a certain kind of obstacle.

What does it portend?

The interpretation of dreams of this kind can also be different depending on the nature of the water that is under the person’s feet. If the water is clean and transparent, a person will most likely not encounter any hidden obstacles on his way. The water is dirty and cloudy - a lot is hidden from the dreamer’s eyes, most likely not very pleasant. The water is icy - it will be very difficult for a person to follow his own path. If, when a person walks on water, it freezes under his feet and becomes covered with a crust of ice, there are two interpretations: either every step on the person’s path will be very difficult, or when the goal is achieved, the dark side of consciousness will take over, and the person will commit many bad deeds .

If there is little water in a dream and it is shallow, the obstacles are insignificant; if there is a lot of water, there are many obstacles, most likely the path to achieving the goal will be long. If a person falls while walking on water in a dream, he most likely will not achieve his goal.

Walking on water in a dream is almost definitely a bright symbol that shows a person’s desire for good, the bright side of his “I” and foreshadows the achievement of a person’s goals, or the discovery of new talents and abilities.

For more than two thousand years, walking on water has been associated with something superhuman, having a divine essence. Any mortal can walk on water like Jesus Christ, but only in a dream. Why do you dream of this mystical phenomenon, what to expect after such dreams, what dream books promise - all this has been of interest to people, both believers and those far from religion, for many centuries. Let's try to figure it out!

Brief interpretations

If you had to walk on water in a dream, then in most cases you can count on luck and good fortune. But a generalized interpretation should not be taken for granted, because each specific plot requires its own analysis.

  • Walking on water like Christ is a sign of the dreamer’s “lightness” of character.
  • Seeing someone else walking along a “river mirror” in a dream is a pleasant surprise.
  • Wandering through puddles of melted water means you know how to take advantage of any situation.
  • Stepping on an ice crust in a dream means cooling your feelings.

Miller's Dream Book

American psychologist Gustav Miller, better known as the compiler of one of the most accurate interpreters of dreams, argued that walking on water in a dream is a sign of the dreamer’s detachment from worldly concerns. If you see yourself walking on the surface of the water, then you will not face any difficulties.

From an esoteric point of view

Among the huge number of interpreters of night dreams, a special place occupies Esoteric dream book. You dreamed that you walked on water, and now you are worried about why you are dreaming? Take a look at this collection of dreams. According to his interpretations, walking barefoot on the surface of the river is a sign that your “subtle body” is in a state of peace.

To wander barefoot through a stormy sea in a dream and not drown - nothing draws you into the world of evil. Especially if this walking brought peace. And if you walked along the river surface barefoot and did not drown, despite the whirlpools spinning everywhere, you will be able to avoid temptations. Stumble, fall, and not drown - you will be able to withstand all the “blows” of fate.

How clear was the “road”, or From quarrels to joy...

It’s good if you dreamed that you were walking on clean and transparent water. According to Eastern dream book, such a vision means purity of thoughts and intentions. And the interpreter of Nostradamus suggests that walking along a clean and transparent lake surface is a sign of a successful completion of affairs.

Do not ignore the visions in which you walked through dirty water. Be sure to find out why this is a dream. Lunar dream book states that walking on muddy or muddy water means that many things are hidden from your eyes because you yourself do not want to see their essence. And in Tsvetkov’s dream book you can find the following explanation for walking through dirty water: quarrels with loved ones await you.

In which a person walks on water is a rather rare vision and not everyone dreams of it. This is a favorable dream, promising a person success in any activity, as well as joy from life and family well-being. Water symbolizes the realm of creativity and spiritual growth, and walking on water foretells a person's inner growth and development of extraordinary abilities.

Description of sleep

In shoes or barefoot

Walking on water barefoot is a favorable sign, indicating a happy, joyful period in life. The dream also characterizes the internal state of a person - he feels light and serene, feels his strength and radiates confidence.

Another interpretation of walking bare feet on water is a lost connection with nature, one’s own nature, which the dreamer subconsciously wants to return. This may also mean that the person is too tired from work and everyday life and needs rest.

Walking barefoot in clean water portends receiving good news, positive changes in personal or family life sleeping person. But walking through dirty, muddy water means minor troubles and quarrels with loved ones. If a person’s feet are frozen while walking on water barefoot, then this indicates dramatic events in life, reminiscent of a Brazilian TV series, unrequited feelings and tears.

If similar dream dreams of a woman or a young person, this speaks of love adventure or a new romantic interest. For a man, a dream indicates his creative and even magical, psychic abilities. If a person walks on water in front of other people, this indicates that he is trying to impress others.

Walk on water in shoes predicts the occurrence of disease in humans. If at the same time the shoes get wet, then this promises troubles, provocations, rash actions that will turn into a disaster.

Walking on water in felt boots foreshadows separation from a loved one or lover, a break in relationships, the reason for which is hidden in the dreamer’s behavior. Walking in felt boots with holes indicates the collapse of plans, distrust of the sleeping person on the part of others, and minor but unpleasant troubles.

Walk on water in boots speaks of an improvement in financial situation, profit and prosperity. Leaky boots, on the contrary, indicate financial difficulties and a desperate lack of money.

Sea, lake, pool, puddle: what for?

The meaning of the dream largely depends on what kind of water surface the person walks on in the dream. Walking on the surface of the sea or ocean portends fulfillment cherished desire, making dreams come true, successful implementation of plans. All obstacles along the way will be removed.

Seeing yourself gliding through the waters of the sea means that the dreamer is ready to take on a serious, important matter in which he will definitely succeed.

Walking on the surface of a lake or river means minor troubles, unseen circumstances, which will cause a lot of trouble. If the water in the reservoir is cloudy and opaque, then this indicates disappointment and a change in the way of life, which at first will not please the dreamer.

If in a dream you walk under water, in reality this may mean overcoming an obstacle, or some significant events will happen in your life. In a dream, you need to pay attention to your own emotional condition. If you get joy from being under water, then something pleasant will happen in reality, but if you are scared, then similar feelings will befall you in reality.

Pool personifies things and concepts created by people, as well as unnecessary dreams and aspirations that poison the human soul. Walking through the clear water of a pool foretells love interests, successful ventures and investments. If the water in the pool is cloudy, then this indicates impending troubles that will not bring great harm, but will negatively affect the dreamer’s nerves.

Walking on the water of a pool with people in it portends great, a sharp leap for the better, sudden luck.

Walking through puddles in a dream foretells bad news and minor troubles, but if the water in the puddles is clean, then this indicates that problems can be avoided. Dirty water in a puddle indicates gossip and slander, which will cause many problems. Walking through puddles in the pouring rain indicates a calm period in the dreamer’s life, small but joyful changes.

Walking through puddles and feeling your feet getting wet and cold indicates that joyful events may turn into grief or unpleasant consequences. Walking through puddles under fine, drizzling rain indicates that the solution to the problem will take a long time. long term or may have unintended consequences.

In the house

Walking on water in a house or apartment means a series of small, annoying troubles, a conspiracy that is being woven behind a person’s back. If the water in the house is clean, then this portends a long conversation with a friend or relative, as well as meaningless chatter with a friend or colleague.

Walk on water in your own home- this is a sign of a person’s self-destruction, that his base desires take over him, that he prefers to lead a vicious, ungodly life, not caring about the consequences. If the water in the house almost reaches the ceiling, this indicates unfavorable events, the consequences of which will be for a long time pursue the dreamer.

Despite negative interpretations dreams, nevertheless, a dream where he has the ability to walk on water is a unique vision and has more positive values than negative ones.
