Tactics for conquering Sagittarius. How to win a Sagittarius man

The Sagittarius man can be unusually distant in love and relationships. In a sense, his main desire in life and love is to be free, and he builds his life according to this. Therefore, if you want a typical Sagittarius man to fall in love with you, you must be willing to give him enough freedom. If you restrict his freedom for a long time, he will have the desire to avoid you. Sagittarius is a Fire sign, a typical man of this zodiac sign feels irresistible desire flee from any situation where his freedom is limited. The element of Fire and the planet Jupiter, which rules this sign, give it a dislike for closed spaces. He is the same in love, striving for freedom, both on the spiritual and physical levels, his requirements for the level of freedom he needs will remain more or less the same.

Therefore, if you want your Sagittarius man to not only fall in love with you, but also stay with you for a long time for a long time, give him enough space. He really needs freedom, and if you are unable to accept this fact, then you better give up the desire to win him and turn your attention to someone else. He cannot be happy in a relationship that is forced on him. Thus, trust is the main factor for establishing successful relationship with Sagittarius. If you trust each other, then your relationship will develop into a fruitful and long-term union.

How to attract a Sagittarius man

To win a Sagittarius man, you must be quite independent, able to cope with everything on your own and have an optimistic outlook on life. The typical Sagittarius man is very optimistic in life, he sees opportunities wherever he finds himself. If you are someone who is negative, pessimistic or critical, your relationship with him will not last long. You will not be compatible with your Sagittarius, over time your views on life will diverge so much that you will begin to hate each other. There is practically no commonality of character if one is optimistic and the other is pessimistic. So in love, someone who is happy to accept life as it is, who is mobile and optimistic like him, will suit him.

The Sagittarius man is an adventurer by nature. He travels the world trying to free himself from the restrictions of society. So, if you want to win his love, be bold and easy going. Invite him to go on a ski trip or hitchhike with you. The more extreme the adventure, the more satisfaction your Sagittarius will get. To feel that life is a success, he needs enough adventures that allow him to experience life in all its manifestations. He is the same in love, just take it for granted. He will appreciate a companion who will share his interests, join him, and accept travel and adventure as part of his life. family life.

The Sagittarius man, as mentioned above, is an adventurer. So much so that he may forget about obligations. It's your job to save the relationship; find a way to maintain the required level of stability. Try to get him to open up to you completely through communication. This will allow you to bring him closer to you and, ultimately, you will win his love. If you are intelligent and smart, you will be well suited to the type of personality that he himself possesses. Among him positive qualities that he is generous and very kind. When he loves you, he will create a life for you, full of warmth, love and passion.

If you are ready to share your life with a person who may or may not ideal husband, but will make your life bright and rich - try to win his love. To win him, use all your charm, demonstrate optimism and a positive attitude towards life. Learn how to live a free life, be an independent person around them and grow with them. Together you can learn the wisdom of life and understand each other through adventures that will become part of everyday life.

The way to the heart of a Sagittarius man is through action. He needs to see that you are his type of person, that you will love him and be willing to be with him in the long run. He may put you through trials, but you should not be afraid of it. This is a feature of relationships with Sagittarius. Later he will simply laugh it off, remembering these moments. Therefore, the main thing is to stay close to him, be confident and enjoy life. Explore the world and other cultures with him, go on trips to places you have never been before. Opening yourself up to new possibilities will help you feel confident in relationships and love.

How compatible is your zodiac sign with Sagittarius in love? See here:

According to astrologers, all male representatives born under the zodiac sign Sagittarius have a restless and playful character, which easily allows them to become leaders in noisy companies. Such guys cannot imagine their life without gatherings with friends. In addition, absolute leaders by nature, they quickly become the “soul” of any company.

Natural excessive curiosity pushes them to get acquainted with many things in which they become interested. Although the Sagittarius man may seem a little flighty and frivolous, with all this he has an incredible sense of charm, which attracts interest in his person from the opposite sex.

Who are Sagittarius men by nature?

You never get bored with such people because large quantity all sorts of ideas and undertakings. Unlimited kindness, simplicity and optimism make Sagittarius as open as possible to others. Mental experiences or, conversely, good mood representatives of this zodiac constellation strive to share with others.

People born under the sign of Sagittarius fully embody the spirit of this zodiac constellation. It is not for nothing that the Sagittarius is depicted with a bow in his hands - he reduces his entire existence to hunting. Pronounced optimists in life, such individuals easily find their place in the hearts of women.

Joy for life, cheerful spiritual harmony, sociability and lively energy - thanks to this, those around them themselves are drawn to Sagittarius, paying them excessive attention. This individual specificity of Sagittarius men creates great competition around them, which gives rise to a number of questions about winning the heart and keeping such a chosen one near you.

If love arose exclusively for such a bright and extraordinary person, then you will have to make a lot of effort to achieve reciprocity. First of all, you need to understand what character traits the representatives of this sign have that are distinctive from all other zodiac signs. To finally understand this, we suggest that you read this article.

It is also necessary to emphasize that it is Sagittarians who are characterized by non-compliance with any moral standards. The worst thing for them is a closed framework of behavior or even restriction of their freedom of action. These men set all the rules of behavior in society with their own hands, and what is most interesting is that sometimes they strikingly do not coincide with generally accepted norms.

Therefore, some statements or spontaneous actions may cause disapproval from others or even shock them. However, this does not cause any problems for Sagittarius themselves. With all this, such men are not at all chasing notoriety or shockingness.

Simply, due to the characteristics of their character, they cannot live differently, considering their behavior to be completely adequate and acceptable. However, most representatives of this sign still have a sense of proportion.

Knowing the limits that are acceptable for themselves, they are unlikely to be able to cross in their actions the boundaries that they have set for themselves. Sagittarians are too well-mannered and intelligent to commit absurd acts.

The extreme measures that representatives of that sign are capable of are neglecting some social rules decency. For example, without any qualms of conscience, such men can ignore the dress code established by the organizers of the event and not wear a tuxedo with a bow tie.

The overwhelming majority of Sagittarians have a pronounced, and to some extent even pathological, sense of justice. They often come to the defense of representatives of the fairer sex who are in trouble, or simply morally weak people, sacrificing their own health, safety and well-being.

The explanation for such reckless actions should not be sought in the receipt of benefits or the desire to deserve good attitude to yourself. Just as in situations with violations of generally accepted norms of behavior, the Sagittarius man simply does not know how and does not want to act as others do.

Undoubtedly, it is impossible to say that every man born under the sign of Sagittarius possesses the above qualities. Often among these there are indecisive people with a weak will, who absolutely cannot be relied upon in difficult times. In parallel with the selfish Sagittarians, there are also Sagittarians who are inveterately unsociable.

However, these are rather exceptions to the rule and there are not too many such men. Moreover, such recluses are unlikely to have to hope for interest from women. That is why it makes no sense to dwell on advice on winning the heart of a man with negative qualities. Special attention I would like to devote my time to winning the gratitude of a kind, cheerful and sympathetic Sagittarius.

The ideal companion for a Sagittarius

The ideal life partner for Sagittarius is, first of all, a good lover and housewife, since men of this zodiac sign do not bother themselves with properly performing household duties. Only by becoming a Sagittarius friend, adviser and business partner, does a girl get a chance for reciprocity on his part.

For their women, they strive to replace fathers, become their guardian angels and true friends. However, a woman’s desire to surround them with excessive, so-called maternal love, often brings Sagittarius out of a calm state. Such men will quickly and selflessly respond to any request for help; nothing is impossible for them in solving it.

For Sagittarius, there is no greater joy in life than seeing the fire of gratitude in the eyes of the girl he loves. The one he was able to save from problems automatically rises to the rank of people close to him and becomes the only one and the most desirable.

And if, at the same time, you begin to convince your man that he is able to fulfill any of your desires, this will give him even more strength and confidence in his actions, making him the happiest. Inspired by his love, Sagittarius turns into a devoted, reliable and faithful life partner!

If a representative of the fair sex likes a Sagittarius man, and she wants to achieve his attention by any means necessary, she needs to try to become part of the company that is familiar to him. Despite the fact that representatives of this sign love to be in a noisy and cheerful society, most often they prefer a small circle of friends.

This will allow any woman who finds herself in such a company to interest her chosen one in an interesting conversation and ultimately win his heart.

All Sagittarians are avid travelers, which is why questions about his adventures or trips can be the beginning interesting conversation. You need to be prepared for a long and fascinating story, which will more likely resemble a monologue.

If, due to his duty of service, a man is tied to one place and does not have the opportunity to go to other countries, then he responds with great enthusiasm to the opportunity to go on a business trip. This topic of conversation also has a right to exist.

How to make a Sagittarius man fall in love with you

The life of a Sagittarius is active. Such men always strive for dominance and always need enthusiastic responses. To conquer a Sagittarius, you should not criticize any of his actions: everything he does should evoke approval on your part and genuine interest.

Comments from them should be taken calmly, without quarrels or showdowns, because every Sagittarius strives for the ideal and it is quite normal that he may not like something or lack something. If you are still at a loss as to how to make a Sagittarius man fall in love with you, try to meet his requirements.

For example, if your chosen one is not delighted with bright makeup or your clothing style, it is better to immediately find a compromise in order to stop irritating your beloved. You should not start a conversation with a Sagittarius on topics in which he has no interest or which are completely unpleasant to him. If he wants to discuss a sensitive topic, then let him do it first.

Even if a Sagittarius man pays attention to you, he will still continue to need additional attention from strangers. Therefore, you need to prepare in advance for the fact that he will be seen flirting with others. In such situations, you should not respond to your loved one in the same coin - just accept this behavior as the norm.

The Sagittarius partner loves to be independent more than other zodiac signs. And the desire to always be on top, and to prevail in relationships with a woman, should also not be forgotten. Finding common work plans or creative interests will help you find common ground.

Sagittarians have no desire to speak directly, so in order to avoid conflicts, fulfill the requirements set by the Sagittarius without unnecessary reasoning, much less offense. If you can provide the man with your heart complete freedom actions, without limiting it, in the near future Sagittarius will be forever subjugated.

Sagittarius begins to consider a serious relationship with his woman only when she wholeheartedly accepts not only his friends, but also close friends. Friendship for such men is a kind of crown of human relationships, and therefore their attitude towards it is unusually reverent.

If your plans include a long and warm relationship with a representative of this zodiac sign, then under no circumstances should any negative reviews or statements related to his close friends be allowed, much less blood relatives. All your inner strength should be devoted to not only developing a good attitude towards each of your friends, but also trying to make friends with them, no matter how hard it is for you.

After all, for someone born under the sign of Sagittarius it is much easier to break off relations with a girl than with those with whom he is united long years male friendship. Those born under this sign love to be mentally stronger.

It is important for Sagittarius to have a constant opportunity to show care and attention, as well as demonstrate love to his lady love. Therefore, in order to finally persuade Sagittarius to a serious relationship, you need to allow him to carry out his plans.


Be the example of being independent, witty and free. Accept any of his courtship favorably and do not refuse gifts. You should be someone who loves to be the center of male attention. It wouldn't be a bad idea to flirt with someone; a feeling of jealousy will only kindle Sagittarius's interest in you. As long as he admires you, you are in control of the situation.

Always be different, monotony and everyday life kill the feelings of your chosen one. Share all his hobbies with him. Become not only his lover, but also someone who understands and supports him in everything. At the same time, do not even think of reproaching Sagittarius if he is guilty of something, especially in. If you are careless, it could be the reason for your breakup.

Develop, first of all, intellectually. A woman who will amaze him with her intelligence and ability to conduct a conversation has every chance of becoming his wife. However, she may not be very sexy.

Love activity, sports and fun. The Sagittarius man feels free in such an atmosphere. Become his copy, loving everything the same as he does.

Once you've married him, don't think you can change him now. Sagittarius is independent. Close your eyes to his passion for the opposite sex. Continue to be a bright, independent and freedom-loving person that he can be proud of.

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A Sagittarius man cannot be criticized, threatened with divorce, or blackmailed. He avoids everyday life, responsibility and monotony.

Helpful advice

Always remain a mystery to the Sagittarius Man.


  • how to understand a sagittarius man

A person born under zodiac sign Sagittarius is able to conquer you once and for all. Having chosen such a person as your life partner, you will repeatedly see that loving him is not easy.


A woman needs to let her Sagittarius man go to his friends, because he simply cannot live without noisy company. You can try and be present in such a company yourself - the chosen one will be all for it! In addition, these men love to play sports, so it would be good to join in, for example, go for a morning jog together with your chosen one.

Sagittarius men have phenomenal memory, never forgetting insults and betrayal. They try to respond to everything equally: to good - with good, to evil - with evil. And this is not a matter of revenge, but of justice!

Some Sagittarius men have one painfully unpleasant quality: they have an extremely unique sense of humor, which often borders on boorish behavior towards certain people and even their chosen one. The most important thing here is to understand that Sagittarius does not want to offend anyone at all, he just has such humor, such jokes. Astrologers advise refraining from re-educating such men, and even more so from their public humiliation. Otherwise, they can become very aggressive, perceiving all insults and tears addressed to them as stupid whims.

To win the heart of a man born under the constellation Sagittarius, you must meet certain requirements. Astrologers give some tips for winning the heart of a Sagittarius. These men only fall in love with the spectacular and beautiful women, appreciate their charm and originality. Therefore, they will make real, sincere and devoted persons their chosen ones. You need to understand that Sagittarius men cannot stand falsehood, and also immediately sense insincerity and deception.

You should not show excessive independence, since Sagittarius men cannot stand women who are mothers. Rather, Sagittarius himself will become a man-father for his chosen one. There is no need to demonstrate your leadership qualities.

Sagittarians prefer easy-going, cheerful and dreamy people. These men themselves are not averse to building castles in the air with their chosen one. But the image of a fatal and arrogant beauty will most likely repel them. Sagittarians adore active women. As has been repeatedly noted, they themselves are the soul of any company, and if they have a beautiful and carminative chosen one in their company, they will be simply happy! Astrologers say that only a woman radiant with optimism can win the heart of a Sagittarius man. These men will fall madly in love with women who live their passions, their dreams, their will and their emotions.

Representatives of the fire sign are passionate and amorous natures. In 2018, Sagittarius will be able to hone their flirting skills and practice their charm. But it’s worth remembering that playing with other people’s feelings can end sadly. Astrologers warn Sagittarius, advising them not to charm people who are not needed. Flirting with uninteresting individuals can have a negative impact on your fate. Sometimes people suffering from unrequited love, dangerous. They can harm the object of their adoration; Sagittarius should remember this.

Married man and married lady Fire sign people must make every effort to save the marriage. The other halves of Sagittarius no longer believe them, remembering their frivolity and deception. Therefore, if representatives of the sign in question have to stay late at work, then they should be prepared for their husband or wife to check their “alibi”. If the deception is revealed, then a scandal, and possibly a break in the relationship, is inevitable.

To improve relationships with household members, Sagittarius is recommended to turn on his charm: a gentle look, a gentle voice, hugs, conversations, etc. All this is very necessary at a time when the marriage is bursting at the seams, and you really want to keep it.

The love horoscope of free Sagittarius for 2018 is eventful. No matter how much the mistress of the year, the Dog, would like to pacify the ardor of the representatives of the fire sign, she will not succeed. Sagittarius will remain conquerors of hearts, they always have few fans, they want romantic adventures and dizzying novels.

While Sagittarians are young and not burdened with marriage, they can go for walks, but when they meet their soulmate, they will have to stop and learn to be responsible for another person.

This is what it looks like love horoscope Sagittarius for 2018, whether you listen to the recommendations of astrologers or not is up to you, but forewarned is forearmed, that’s a fact!

If you have met a charming and charming Sagittarius man and decided to get his attention, then here are some tips for winning the heart of this fiery man. Remember, a good sense of humor is the main weapon in conquering Sagittarius. Sincerity and openness are the qualities that Sagittarius values ​​above all else. On the first date, you shouldn’t pretend to be a mysterious stranger and start talking about the pressing problems of humanity. Sagittarius will get bored with you very quickly and will try to run away from you under any pretext. Here's a couple funny jokes or funny stories from childhood will make Sagittarius feel in you your soul mate. You must be cheerful, temperamental and creative. He will definitely look for a meeting with you again, and perhaps he will not even want to part with you at all.

Sagittarius is a traveler person. He loves different trips, with an overnight stay on a wild beach, he adores the beauty of nature and is ready to enjoy it endlessly. He is very afraid of routine and tries in every possible way to avoid it. He craves intense emotions and exciting adventures from life. He is looking for experiences that will constantly keep him on his toes. Only then does Sagittarius feel happy. If you are ready to pack your backpack right now and go hiking with a Sagittarius, then you will definitely win his heart completely and completely. After all, Sagittarius really values ​​simplicity and spontaneity. You must become his friend. But at the same time, try to always remain feminine, sexy and a little weak. He will not tolerate rudeness and sloppiness from you. And Sagittarius generally cannot stand capricious, cutesy and mannered ladies.

Sagittarius is a conqueror by nature. That's why he doesn't like obsessive and meticulous girls. Inaccessibility forces Sagittarius to pursue a woman. But be careful not to go too far. Remember that he does not like excessive mannerisms and stupid whims. Take him with your naive simplicity, play hide and seek with him. Then the spirit of a conqueror and hunter will definitely awaken in him.

Sagittarius is a very freedom-loving and independent person. Like any representative, he really doesn’t like being pushed into some kind of framework. If from the first days of your acquaintance you begin to dictate your rules and conditions to him, you risk never seeing this person again. And if after the second date you start talking about marriage, then you will definitely not be happy with this person. As a decent person, he may marry you, but he will only suffer and suffer from this. Happy marriages are obtained only when Sagittarius himself is ripe for this.

What you shouldn't do with Sagittarius is criticize his actions. Do not try to impose your point of view on him; he will not live in conditions of constant control and tension. Sooner or later his patience will run out, and one fine day he will simply disappear. So, if you have a stubborn and capricious disposition, do not try to get involved serious relationship with this simple-minded and kind man. You risk ruining the lives of both him and yourself.

Can be disarmingly sincere and childishly naive. Try to preserve these wonderful features in him for as long as possible. There are very few such sincere and spontaneous people left in the world. But next to sincerity, openness and naivety, Sagittarius has enormous power will, determination and courage. When circumstances require it, Sagittarius can show all its strength and strength of character. He will always protect and protect his loved ones and loved ones. A sharp reaction may frighten you, but know that he will not cause you any harm under any circumstances. He will never offend the weak.

Sagittarius greatly values ​​openness of character and honesty in people. He always speaks openly and never tries to flatter anyone. He does not like falsehood and pretense. And if he suspects you of deception, he will immediately tell you to your face everything he thinks about this. So, if you are going to conquer this man, learn to speak openly, without secrecy or omissions. Just make comments to him diplomatically and with restraint. Support your words with facts. He will respect your sincere opinion, even if it contradicts his opinion. It's better than deception and flattery.

Ten Commandments on How to Deal with a Sagittarius

You must be:

  • cheerful and childishly naive;
  • sweet and feminine;
  • ready for adventure;
  • compliant and patient;
  • sexy.

You are not allowed:

  • criticize Sagittarius;
  • be rude and tactless;
  • restrict his freedom;
  • dictate rules to him and put him within limits;
  • lie, cheat and be capricious.

Sagittarius - very interesting sign zodiac Representatives of the sign are protected by the element of fire. The horoscope says that men born under the sign of Sagittarius love to have fun, are unable to sit still and are the life of the party.

They are comfortable in noisy, cheerful groups where they certainly occupy a leading position. Sagittarians are inquisitive, they are interested in everything in the world. These men are restless. They have incredible charm and gain popularity among the fair sex.

How to please a Sagittarius man

Representatives of this sign are alien to a measured life. They get tired of her. Sagittarians are in constant search of bright impressions and crave new events. These are born travelers. If a man does not have the opportunity to travel all the time, Sagittarius will find a hobby that will fill his life with bright colors.

For Sagittarius men, the framework of morality is alien. They strive to marry them, to gain freedom. They are guided by their own rules, which may differ from the norms accepted by society. Often the behavior of Sagittarius is shocking, but this does not bother people born under this zodiac constellation at all.

This does not mean at all that Sagittarius is inherently shocking. They live the way they want. Despite this, Sagittarius knows when to stop. He will never cross the boundaries set by himself. Sagittarius men have heightened feeling justice. In any situation, they are ready to protect the fair sex, even if their own safety is at stake.

How to make a Sagittarius man fall in love with you

When choosing a girl, Sagittarius first looks at her bright, unusual appearance. He likes well-groomed women who know their worth and know how to present themselves, but a beautiful dummy will quickly bore the Sagittarius.

Representatives of the stronger sex are interested in the strong-willed character of their chosen one. Their lover should have a good sense of humor and be sociable. A girl who has imagination, optimism and still looks at things in a slightly childish way will conquer a Sagittarius man faster than a beauty who puts herself above others.

Representatives of this zodiac constellation value opposite field ability to communicate easily. Sagittarians are not interested in arguers and bores. If the girl remains silent and Sagittarius cannot find a relationship with her common topics for conversation, he will soon get bored with the lady.

When choosing a Sagittarius man as a life partner, a girl must understand that he will not sit at home all the time and be next to her. Without bright impressions, a guy's life will turn into gloomy ones. gray everyday life. This will soon make Sagittarius feel very sad. A girl should share the interests of a Sagittarius man. If he always attends events alone, he will soon find someone with whom his interests coincide.

How to win the heart of a married Sagittarius man

If a Sagittarius is married to a bright, independent woman, then other girls have no chance. Making a Sagittarius fall in love with you is not easy. He loves to flirt, but the girl has no prospects other than frivolous relationships. Even if he is not nearby, Sagittarius will strive for family. You won't be able to keep the guy next to you.

At the most crucial moment, Sagittarius will remember his wife or girlfriend and return home. The man is very worried about the safety of his family, so there is practically no chance of conquering him. Don't try to discourage someone who is busy. If he is married and if he has a girlfriend, Sagittarius will be faithful.

How to keep a Sagittarius man

If a girl decides to be with a representative of this sign, then she must fight for her happiness. A man will like it if his beloved sometimes takes the initiative in the relationship into her own hands, but he should not insist too often on quiet, calm gatherings at home. Sagittarius will not survive such a life.

A woman who knows how to beautifully demonstrate her independence can truly tie a Sagittarius to her. If you sometimes make it clear to a representative of this sign that he is far from the only man on earth, then this will not leave him indifferent and will force him to pay more attention to his woman.

Sagittarius' pride will not allow someone to take away his beloved, but you should not go too far. A Sagittarius man may decide that his chosen one is too frivolous and not worth the effort.

Trying to change a man will fail. You should not try to limit his freedom and force him to abandon his usual actions. Sagittarius will quickly break off such relationships. Neither beauty nor intelligence can hold him back. Only a girl close to him in spirit will become the wife of a Sagittarius.

It is worth taking part in the hobbies of your chosen one. It is worth admiring the success of a Sagittarius man. This will make him happy. You should not criticize a man’s hobbies or prohibit them.

A man likes it if his girlfriend demonstrates her dependence on her partner. Sagittarius has the impression that he has everything in his hands. But you shouldn’t try to crush them under you. Sagittarius will not tolerate even the slightest pressure.

Aries woman

An Aries girl and a Sagittarius man are very similar in temperament. These are hot, passionate people. Their relationship is like a seething volcano. Sagittarius and Aries will never be bored. But you can get tired of such relationships very quickly.

Taurus woman

The Taurus woman has a calm and balanced character. A tandem with a restless Sagittarius may fall apart as soon as it is formed, but a girl is capable of conquering a man with her ability to cook, housekeeping and beauty. To maintain a relationship, a Taurus woman must be less stubborn and conservative.

Gemini woman

Sagittarius will like the easy nature of the Gemini woman. Together, representatives of these signs will find it easy and comfortable. However, they are both freedom-loving and do not at all strive to get married. If this union is created, it promises to be durable. In marriage, Sagittarius and Gemini will be happy.

Cancer woman

If a Cancer woman wants to win the heart of a Sagittarius man, she must learn to understand him. You should not be too protective of your partner. Relationships are possible if both make compromises.

Leo woman

A Leo woman will easily win the attention of a Sagittarius. He will love her beauty, charisma and love for life.

Virgo woman

Misunderstandings may arise between Virgo and Sagittarius. The rational, practical character of a girl is alien to a man. It will be difficult for them together. But Sagittarius may like Virgo's intelligence and nobility.

For a Libra woman

Sagittarius will like the emotionality of Libra. Representatives of these signs will quickly find mutual language. Harmony will reign in the couple's family life.

Scorpio woman

Sagittarius will have a difficult alliance with Scorpio. Relationships between signs are possible, but in most cases they are not durable. A constant battle of characters will lead to partners getting tired and separating.

Sagittarius woman

The romance of a Sagittarius woman with a man of the same sign will be filled violent passion. Emotions in relationships run high, but the independence and freedom-loving nature of partners can lead to bright novel will end quickly.

Capricorn woman

The Capricorn woman will bring stability to the life of a Sagittarius. The characters' personalities are very different, but these people positively influence each other. Union is possible.

For Aquarius woman

Aquarius and Sagittarius have a lot in common. A man will like the friendliness and optimism of a girl, but representatives of these signs are in no hurry to get married. Their relationship may last for years, but they will never start a family.

Pisces woman

A difficult alliance awaits Sagittarius with Pisces. It will not be easy for representatives of the signs to work together. To maintain relationships, partners will have to make compromises.
