Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary - what not to do? Orthodox Christians celebrate the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary - the main prohibitions and traditions of the day.

Any Christian knows that on holy holidays it is necessary to attend church and the Assumption Holy Mother of God also presupposes attendance at the service. But what cannot be done on the Feast of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a more complicated question, because There are many different signs associated with this day.

The history of the holiday

The Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary is one of the dozen most important church holidays. According to legend, Mary’s earthly life lasted 72 years, and before her death he appeared to her and announced her imminent death. Three days after the death of the Virgin Mary, it was discovered that her crypt was empty.

Christians consider the Dormition a dual holiday: on the one hand, they mourn for the Mother of God, on the other, they rejoice at her meeting with the Creator and the upcoming eternal life. That is why the holiday is called the Dormition - not death, but the transition from earthly life to eternal life.

Now believers celebrate the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary on August 28, or on the 15th according to the old style. In Syria, where the tradition of celebrating the Assumption appeared for the first time, the holiday long time celebrated on December 26. For two weeks before the Dormition, believers observe fasting; the day before is pre-holiday, and the next 8 are post-holiday.

Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary: what should not be done on this day?

One of the most famous prohibitions is that you cannot go barefoot to the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Dew on this day symbolizes the tears of Mary, so getting your feet wet with it is a sign of troubles and misfortunes. In addition, on the Assumption you cannot stick anything into Mother Earth, otherwise you can offend and upset her.

It is not advisable to cook food on the Feast of the Dormition - this must be done in advance. In general, on this day you should not pick up piercing or cutting objects. Even believers try to break bread rather than cut it. But what you should do for the holiday is to salt cabbage and cucumbers. They will turn out tasty, aromatic and will definitely last until spring.

You shouldn’t even work on the Feast of the Assumption. The only exception is work that cannot be postponed, as well as deeds to help others. But if work begun in advance is completed precisely on the Assumption, this is very good sign, promising good luck.

Ancient beliefs say that for the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary you should not wear bad shoes - old, uncomfortable, rubbing calluses. If you ignore this sign, future life will be overshadowed by various difficulties and problems.

An unmarried girl who dreams of finding family happiness cannot talk to anyone on the morning of the Assumption. Before starting to communicate with her family, the girl must wash herself with cold water, repeating the spell to herself three times: “Most Holy Theotokos, you marry everyone, unite families, help me find a groom. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen".

What can you do on the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary?

In the villages, on the Feast of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary, it was customary to finish the harvest, and dress the last sheaf as a maiden and place it under the icons. On this day they also prepared mead, picked apples and pears, and held large celebrations.

A person who fasted before the Dormition could afford everything on this holiday. holiday dishes. And, besides, he could believe that the “evil one” would not come close to him for a year.

On the Assumption, bread was required to be brought to church. The consecrated crust acquired excellent taste and medicinal qualities. But when eating this bread, you couldn’t drop even one crumb on the floor.

Christians also looked closely at the weather for the Assumption - for this holiday they were considered very accurate. The sun and fine weather promised a rainy and cold autumn, but the bad weather for the holiday promised favorable and dry weather until the cold weather.

Thank you very much, I’ll definitely take everything into account!

I didn't know everything! Thanks a lot! May all the good things that we ask the Mother of God come true!

An important and solemn day in the Orthodox world is the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary. For believers, this is truly a holiday, since the Mother of God was accepted into heaven.

The holiday is celebrated annually on August 28 and this year there will be no exception. The day precedes the Assumption Fast, which lasts 14 days. It is worth noting that the holiday itself was previously called not the Assumption, but “Memory of the Blessed,” later it was called the “Feast of the Death of the Mother of God.”

In Orthodoxy, the feast of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary is one of the twelve and has certain rules and traditions. On this day, as on other main church holidays, you cannot work, although there are some points that we will talk about later.

Before this day arrives, it is necessary to fast, attend church, receive communion, and repent. On the day of the Assumption they pray to the Mother of God, asking for health, well-being, family happiness. The girls asked the Virgin Mary to send them a good groom and a child.

On this day, it is customary for the whole family to gather and spend time with their mothers. It is not customary to be sad, swear, or be offended on the Assumption; on the contrary, on this day they give each other happiness, kindness, smiles, and good mood.

On this day, according to custom, the harvest ended, thus the end of a successful harvest was also celebrated on the Assumption. We thanked the Mother of God for good harvest and prosperity in the house. Seeds and ears of corn are brought to church for the Assumption to be blessed. There was a tradition of dressing the sheaf in a dress and placing it under the icon.

Previously, it was believed that the Indian summer began with the Assumption, so they carefully monitored weather changes. If a rainbow appeared on August 28, then wait warm autumn. But if on this day it’s worth good weather, then the Indian summer will not be very warm.

If you notice a lot of cobwebs in a house or barn, this means that the winter will be snowless and frosty.

We looked at the Dormition for water: if it is agitated, then expect a windy autumn and a snowy winter.

Preparations began with the Assumption different nuts, mushrooms for the winter. By the way, if it’s foggy on Assumption, then expect a good mushroom harvest.

Housewives at the Assumption always pickled cucumbers for the winter. It was believed that they would not become moldy and would be well preserved.

The girls had a superstition that if you didn’t look for a groom on Assumption, you could spend the entire winter married to your suitor. The guys tried to propose to the chosen girl as quickly as possible in order to have time to get married.

The Church does not support all kinds of fortune telling, but on this day young women used sand and wax to tell fortunes to see their future.

On this day, women lay down on the ground and rolled on it, asking for strength and good spirits to be returned.

What don't they do on Assumption?

As with many church holidays, there are certain prohibitions on Assumption Day.

Firstly, on this day you should never quarrel with loved ones, especially mothers.
It is believed that you cannot go to the Assumption with bare feet. People noticed that this could lead to illness. On this day, they wore comfortable shoes that would not rub or put pressure on their feet.
According to different sources, there is different information about whether it is possible to work on this day. Some sources say that it is strictly forbidden, while others say that, on the contrary, all important matters are completed on this day. Especially, you can work if the activity is related to helping people.
They do not take piercing objects on this day - it was believed that this could lead to trouble. Thus, no knives, no scissors, no needles were used at the Assumption. And on this day it was forbidden to stick a knife into the ground.
On this day, it was considered a serious sin to drop bread or crumbs of bread that was consecrated in the church.
There was a belief that girls were not supposed to cut their hair on the Assumption, much less throw it away. It was believed that such actions could evoke the tears of the Mother of God.
In order not to attract various misfortunes and diseases to your home, you should not light a fire on this day.

Our orthodox prayers- this is such a pearl, something truly extraterrestrial... And this prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos penetrates into the very heart, I can’t listen without tears... Let's watch a touching video with prayer together! God bless you!

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Often people, both far from the Church and believers, wonder whether it is possible to work for the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It happens that a person goes to work in a large Christian church, but during the activity various problems begin (for example: things don’t go well, injury).

Thus, many begin to associate these coincidences with the fact that you cannot work, you need to relax and have fun. But let's figure out how to actually do it, how to make it really happen.

Some information about the Orthodox holiday

The Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary is one of the most important of the Twelves. Many people believe that dormition is death. At the same time, the question arises of how this can be a holiday. In fact, this is a transition from earthly life to the afterlife. The Most Holy Theotokos was originally chosen by God the Father. She lived her life piously, setting an example for all people, especially women and mothers. And people who please the Lord always come to the kingdom of heaven. The Most Holy Theotokos endured sorrow and suffering on earth. I received great consolation when I passed into eternal life. Therefore, Her Dormition is a holiday for Christians. Every deeply religious person also desires to find heaven and hopes for the help of the Mother of God.

But still, many people ask priests about whether it is possible to work for the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Ever-Virgin Mary. Often the answers are: “It is not forbidden if it is not possible to move the working hours to a more appropriate period.” Lord knows that to modern man you have to work on weekends and holidays, in shifts or even days. Under no circumstances should you shirk your responsibilities or take sick leave with a false diagnosis. It is better to devote the morning hours of September 28 to the prayers of the Mother of God. If a worker knows by heart the kontakion and troparion for the holiday, as well as prayers, then it is better to mentally engage in pious work without disturbing the work process.

How a Christian should behave on the eve of the Assumption

During the two weeks before the Dormition of the Mother of God, it is advisable to observe a feasible fast: do not eat meat and dairy products, go to confession, pray and deny yourself entertainment. This is done in order to remember: the transition from earthly life to eternal life awaits us. Orthodoxy mentions that the Most Holy Theotokos was very afraid of meeting demons when she had to go through the ordeal. But Her Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, led his earthly mother into the kingdom of heaven painlessly and fearlessly, bypassing demons. It is about Christian death that we need to pray to the Mother of God.

But is it possible to work for the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos if the profession is mental and it will be impossible to be distracted by prayer? Most likely, you will be able to find at least one minute to remember the Mother of God. The main thing is sincere and attentive prayer.

Work at Assumption

In past centuries, when in Rus' Orthodox Church was practically in first place, it was not allowed to work both on Sundays and on holidays. But nowadays, unfortunately, it is often impossible to even take a couple of hours off in the morning. In no case is this a reason for despondency. As we discussed above, there is always the opportunity to pray.

But is it possible to work on the holiday of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the garden, in your own vegetable garden, or do housework? Often priests answer something like this: if it cannot be postponed until the next day, then you can work, but only after the festive service in the temple, which you must attend.

On holiday you need to be in church

It would be unfortunate if a Christian good reason will not come to the festive service in the temple, where praise will be offered to the Lord, where troparia and kontakion will be sung for the holiday in honor of the Mother of God.

It should be noted very important point It is no coincidence that people ask each other and clergy: “Is it possible to work for the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary?” Customs, beliefs and various signs lead to confusion and raise various doubts.

Every experienced priest will say that various signs and prohibitions associated with church holidays are from demons. There is no need to take seriously certain instructions from people close to the church. Below we will look at what signs are common and how to behave.

What signs exist and should you believe them?

There is a belief that you should not walk barefoot on the Feast of the Assumption. If you ask advisers about what this is connected with, you will definitely not get an answer.

It's just a sign. The same applies to a knife: supposedly you can’t cut bread on this day, you need to break it off. And there is no explanation for the reason. And, of course, the most pressing question: “Is it possible to work composed by demons and instilled in people to cause confusion.

What can you do on the Feast of the Assumption?

In fact, it is allowed to do any pious deeds, do good, pray. But it is advisable not to be late for the liturgy in the morning, to pay attention to the service and stay for communion. And about whether it is possible to work for the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary, it is better to ask the parish priest.

We hope that you were able to figure out what to do on September 28 - the big religious holiday. Remember that omens are not applicable, and troubles at work are a reason to pray and understand that it was worth going to the service if possible.

So is it possible to work for the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary? Yes, of course, if there is no way to postpone things. Therefore, if your boss won’t let you go, then don’t shirk your responsibilities and don’t get discouraged.

On Tuesday, August 28, Orthodox world celebrates one of the most important unbearable holidays with a constant date - the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary. And even though on this day the Mother of God passed away into another world, one should not be sad about this - the holiday, on the contrary, symbolizes the joy and happiness of Mary’s reunion with her Son.

On this day, the clergy put on blue clothes, symbolizing heaven and the enlightenment of every believer, solemn services are held in churches. Orthodox Christians offer prayers and words of gratitude to the Virgin Mary, who gave the Son of God to this earth and protects all believers from troubles and enemies.

Today ended the two-week Dormition Fast, with which believers prepared for the holiday following the example of Mary herself - she learned about her death in advance, and in preparation for the meeting with her Son and Father, she fasted and prayed reverently, cleansing her soul and body before ascending to heaven.

By the way, in the tomb where the body of the deceased Mary was placed, a few days later it was not found - the mother, following the example of her son, went to heaven not only with her soul, but also with her bodily shell.

On this day, people begin the young Indian summer and the wedding season - tomorrow you can send matchmakers and plan a celebration for the fall.

Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary on August 28 - what can and cannot be done on the holiday

On this day, you must definitely go to church, pray to the Mother of God for your loved ones, relatives and, most importantly, for your children. You can’t be greedy - give a treat to the poor and needy on the street, help the suffering.

The holiday fell on Tuesday, which means the fast is really over - you can eat whatever you want. True, doctors do not advise overdoing it, because after prolonged abstinence you can harm your body.

On the Assumption, like any other church holiday, there are a number of strict prohibitions:

Today you cannot walk barefoot on the ground - dew is the tears of the Mother of God, and therefore it is worth showing respect to it. Walking barefoot can get you into trouble;

Be sure to wear comfortable shoes. Calluses rubbed today will bring difficulties and trials into life;

Girls are not allowed to cut their hair. This will cause tears and sadness to Mary, who patronizes all pullets from heaven;

You cannot quarrel with family and friends, and even with strangers;

You cannot wish evil, because all curses on this day will turn against you;

You cannot use prickly or cutting objects to avoid causing terrible diseases. On this day, bread is broken by hand, and food is not cooked;

As on any important church holiday, you cannot engage in heavy physical labor or handicrafts.

What to do this day? Festive table, communication with family and friends, games with children. The day should be spent as family and as peacefully as possible, so that throughout the next year there will be only joy and happiness in your home.

Signs for the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Say goodbye to the Assumption, and welcome autumn - it is with the Assumption that the Indian summer begins, which will last the entire next month, and maybe longer. On this day you can bring ears of the new harvest to church for blessing, so that the winter will be satisfying and the sky will continue to favor your work.

Our ancestors believed that from this day on we could go into the forest to pick up mushrooms and nuts, which we stored for the winter. At the same time, it is better not to go alone into the forest on the holiday itself, because evil and insidious spirits have awakened there, wanting to drag in and confuse the lonely traveler.

We also monitored the weather that day.

  • What an Assumption - such is autumn.
  • A rainbow appears in the sky - autumn will be warm.
  • Good weather - Indian summer will be cool.
  • Lots of cobwebs - winter will be frosty and with little snow.

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The Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary is celebrated on August 28 every year. Since ancient times, it was believed that on this day one should dress in new clothes. It was understood that this is how a person shows his understanding of the beginning of a new phase of earthly life. They reasoned about the Most Pure Mother of God like this: Mother fell asleep, and did not die, she simply rested, and then ascended to heaven.

The Assumption Fast has ended, short but strict. And the believers came to the Feast of the Assumption purified by prayer, patience and humility. Poor food, voluntary abstinence from meat and dairy foods, and eggs contributed. Having abandoned cheerful shows, pleasures, and idleness during Lent, people involuntarily sought to continue following Christian rules.

There was a widespread belief that it was sinful to raise your voice in conversation. It is unacceptable to sing songs loudly and organize parties on this day. It is the woman who must take care to prevent a showdown in the family. Many beliefs have been preserved from antiquity, and all of them are imbued with deep reverence for the Most Holy Theotokos, great love To her.

Work on the ground related to digging ditches and pits was cancelled. You couldn't use a shovel or pitchfork. There was a popular belief among the people that there was no need to remind Mother of God about the nails with which her son Jesus Christ was nailed to the Cross. That’s why even knives and forks were put away. They ate with spoons and broke bread with their hands. On the Assumption, they tried not to go outside the threshold without shoes. It was not customary to do hard work.

Women waited for the holiday with special trepidation. He was considered maternal. Mothers prayed for their children, asking God for more intelligence in their upbringing. They prayed to the Most Pure Mother of God for patience - it was not given right away; it often required a lot of hard work on oneself in order to learn to listen to children and older relatives.

We prepared thoroughly for the holiday, putting things in order in the house and yard in advance. They cooked food so as not to have to do the kitchen, but to devote time to prayers. The bathhouse was heated the day before, and on the day of the Assumption, festive scarves and skirts were already prepared.

In the old days, women on this day did not complain about life, did not lament about hardships and insults. It was widely believed that the Mother of God would be dissatisfied with the whining of the housewife, the keeper of the hearth. We must bear our cross, drink the cup to the bottom, and then wait for her intercession.

From observations of the weather, an unshakable sign of a warm and long autumn was a rainbow in the sky, as well as cobwebs on the trees and bushes. Interestingly, when the web was patterned, the winter would certainly be frosty, but skimpy on snow.
