How does Orthodox prayer help Seraphim Vyritsky. Venerable Seraphim of Vyritsky: life, relics, prayer Icon of Seraphim of Vyritsky what they pray for

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The Monk Seraphim of Vyritsky had a special place among the hermits of piety who lived not far from our time. During the years when the most severe persecution of the church took place, this saint decided to choose the monastic path for himself and with his life he personified the Lord’s covenant of love. For which the Almighty gave His chosen one real divine wisdom, with which the Saint, during his lifetime, guided many Orthodox Christians on the true path and continues to save the souls of believers to this day.

Life of Seraphim Vyritsky

Saint Seraphim of Veritsky (secular name Muravyov Vasily Nikolaevich) was born in the last century in 1866 into a family of godly peasants of the then Yaroslavl province. At the age of ten, Vasily’s father died and he was forced to go to work in St. Petersburg, where after some time he was able to get a job as an assistant in a merchant’s shop.

However, in his soul Vasily strived for a completely different service. Desiring to go to the monastery, he turned for help to the soulful elder in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, who gave his blessing to the youth to remain in the world for a while and form a faithful family, and also not to forget to do good deeds.

Fulfilling the obedience given by the elder, Vasily entered into a legal marriage. For more than 40 years, he was engaged in trading activities while doing generous alms, providing all kinds of assistance to monasteries, almshouses, churches and more.

After the completion of the revolution in 1917, Saint Seraphim of Vyritsky, with the consent of his wife, joined the clergy of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra and already 6 years later, for his high ascetic life, he was appointed to the position of confessor of the monastery and was awarded the Great Schema with the name Seraphim.

In 1933, due to his illness, the Saint was transferred to the village of Vyritsa, where he carried out the feat of caring for Orthodox believers during the difficult period of the Great Patriotic War and Soviet atheism. In 1949, on March 21, the Reverend passed away into another world.

In 2000, the confessor was canonized as a Saint of the Orthodox Christian Church. In the same year, after the canonization took place in the place where they were buried mo cabbage soup of Seraphim Vyritsky (not far from the Cathedral of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God in Vyritsy) a chapel was erected so that everyone could turn to the Saint.

Saint's Predictions

Well-known predictions were uttered by the Reverend, which were recorded by eyewitnesses. Here are some of them:

  • The day will come when people will be poisoned from the Almighty not by persecution, but by the charms and money of this world, and many more human souls will fall than during the period of open fight against God. And on the one hand, they will gild the domes and erect crosses, but on the other, an abode of evil and lies will be erected, and it will be scary to live to see such times.
  • At a time when the East is gaining strength, everything will be unstable, because numbers are on their side, but not only that, they have hard-working people, but we only have drunkenness...
  • The Almighty Himself determined the fate of the people as a punishment for all the sins committed by them, and until the Almighty Himself sends the grace of pardon for the state, it will be pointless to stand up against His sacred will. And for a long time, hopeless night will cover the Russian land and many sorrows and suffering await ahead. Therefore, the Almighty teaches believers: with your patience you will save your souls.

Icon of Seraphim Vyritsky and the day of veneration

It should be noted that this miraculous image is a copy of the blessing face of the Cathedral of the “Kazan” Mother of God in the village of Vyritsa. In the sacred image, the Reverend is presented in schematic vestments, while clutching a scroll in his left hand, which is a symbol of teaching. The right palm is turned towards those saying the prayer service, which in turn is a sign of the openness and simplicity of God’s saint.

The Saint's Memorial Day is celebrated on April 3 in the new style (March 21 in the old style), that is, the day when the Reverend reposed himself to the Almighty and every year on this day a Liturgy is held in the Vyritsky Kazan Cathedral, where chants are sung and prayers are offered.

The prayer of Seraphim Vyritsky itself looks like this:

“Oh, God-blessed and most merciful Father Seraphim! Leading you even after death as a living being, we fall down with faith and cry out to you: do not forget your poor to the end, but mercifully look upon your spiritual flock and protect them, good shepherd, with your favorable prayers to God.

Ask us from the Lord time for repentance and correction of sinful lives, for we weigh all the weaknesses of our soul: not imams of works of faith and salvation, not imams of zeal for true pleasing to God, we are captivated by the mind in destructive passions, corrupted by the heart in vile lusts.

What we lose and what we hope for is not included, having destroyed the temples of our souls; To her, holy father, stretch out your hand in prayer to the Lord and beg the Savior of the human race to touch our petrified hearts with grace, wash us with tears of repentance, restore us in faith, strengthen us in piety and bestow everything useful for salvation.

Do not disgrace our hope, which according to God and the Mother of God we place in you, but be a quick helper to us, a comforter in sorrows and a patron in times of need, so that through your prayers we may be worthy to be heirs of the Kingdom of Heaven, where all the saints constantly glorify and sing the Most Honorable and Magnificent Name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

May the Lord protect you!

You will also be interested in watching a video about Saint Seraphim of Vyritsky:

In 1866, on March 31, Muravyov Vasily Nikolaevich, whom we now know as Seraphim Vyritsky, was born. From childhood, the boy showed remarkable intelligence and piety. At a young age, Vasily decided that he would definitely become a monk, but the path to his dream was long and difficult.

The life story of Seraphim Vyritsky

The boy was always distinguished by exemplary behavior and a thirst for knowledge. He learned to read and write early, choosing the Psalter and the Holy Gospel for his first reading. Unfortunately, Vasily had to grow up early. When he was 10 years old, the head of the family died, so the boy decided to go to work in St. Petersburg to help the family. Faith and perseverance helped the young man, and now a prayer to Seraphim Vyritsky for good luck helps others who ask.

Perseverance, hard work and honesty helped Vasily to take the position of senior clerk at the age of 17, and at the age of 26 to manage his own business. Believers turn to Seraphim Vyritsky with prayer for work for help in business, career advancement, and pray for the gift of strength for business and faith in success.

For many years, Vasily Nikolaevich was engaged in entrepreneurial activities, successfully trading furs in Russia and abroad. They also pray to St. Seraphim of Vyritsky for help in trade, in conducting financial transactions and concluding contracts.

After the revolution, difficult times began, Vasily lost his business and went to a monastery. There he took care of the treasury, prayed unceasingly and was in charge of affairs. But his health began to fail him already in the 1920s. Together with his family, he moved to Vyritsa, where there were better conditions for him. But even there, having received a new name - Seraphim, the man did not take care of himself, constantly receiving parishioners. Throughout the war, the monk prayed for victory on the stone, as Seraphim of Sarov did. Despite his serious condition, Seraphim Vyritsky lived for many years; he took his place in Heaven on April 3, 1949.

They read a prayer to Seraphim Vyritsky for health when they are struck by a serious illness or overcome by senile weakness. Not only the sick, but also their loved ones turn to the saint, for whom it is painful to watch the suffering of their loved ones.

In a variety of matters, Saint Seraphim of Vyritsky became a helper for people: they turn to him with prayer in case of illness, they ask him for help in worldly affairs, and he supports him during everyday work.

Texts of prayers to Seraphim Vyritsky

Troparion, tone 4

As a great prayer for our land/ and a comforter of those who warmly flow to you,/ we bless you, second Russian Father Seraphim,/ for you have left all that is red in the world,/ with all our hearts You strove for the palace of the sweetest Christ/ and in times of fierce persecution, an image of meekness and you were humble to everyone:/ do not stop praying for us now,/ so that through patience we may find the path of repentance// and with you we will glorify the Most Holy Trinity.

Translation: As a great prayer book for our land and a zealous comforter of those who come to you, we glorify you, second Russian Father Seraphim, because you, leaving all earthly goods, rushed to the palace of the sweetest Christ (to the Kingdom of Heaven) and in times of fierce persecution you were an example of meekness for everyone and humility: do not stop praying for us now, so that we may patiently find the path of repentance and always glorify the Most Holy Trinity with you.

Troparion, tone 8

O Lord, I accepted my cross, rejoicing, / You followed Christ with an inseparable thought, / You were a truly glorious merchant, / As not earthly, but Heavenly treasure of the acquisitive / For this sake, for the sake of salvation Behold the multitude of thy children, whom thou hast loved./And now, our Father Seraphim, pray // to grant us repentance and bring the truth into our minds.

Translation: Taking up your cross, reverend, rejoicing, you followed Christ with an unwavering will, you were truly a glorious merchant (Matthew 13:45-46), since you found not earthly, but heavenly treasure, therefore you saved many of your children whom you loved. And now, our Father Seraphim, pray to grant us repentance and come to the knowledge of the truth.

Troparion, tone 3

You have become a great merchant, / like Father Seraphim, / who is in the world, to much wealth that perishes / you have never put your heart into it, / a true novice, / and an ascetic of virtues, / when, having left everything,/ you ascended to the cross of monasticism,/ gifts The Holy Spirit has been given to you in many ways/ and as the only one from the ancients you have revealed/ a prophet, an elder,/ a wonderworker and a man of prayer,/ a pillar of the ascetic, a leader of salvation./ For this sake we pray to you // and us above guide wisely to salvation.

Translation: You became a great merchant (Matthew 13:45-46), Rev. Father Seraphim, being in the world, much perishable wealth did not touch your heart at all, a true novice and ascetic of virtues, but when you ascended to the cross of monasticism, you were given many gifts The Holy Spirit, who revealed you to be like the ancient prophets, an elder, a miracle worker and a man of prayer, a strong ascetic and leader of salvation. Therefore, we pray to you: guide us wisely to salvation.

Troparion, tone 4

Like the most bright star of the Russian land,/ you shone in the weight of Vyritsa,/ like the Reverend Seraphim,/ and we are guided by the grace of the Holy Spirit,/ you illuminated our country with the light of your miracles. / Moreover, flowing to your grave, touchingly with the verb: // pray to Christ God for the salvation of souls ours.

Translation: Like a bright star of the Russian land, you shone in the village of Vyritsa, Venerable Seraphim, and guided by the grace of the Holy Spirit, you illuminated our country with the light of your miracles. Therefore, coming to your tomb, we humbly cry: “Pray to Christ God for the salvation of our souls.”

Kontakion, tone 5

Imitating the God-bearing saint of Sarov,/ You have abundantly acquired the grace of the Holy Spirit:/ The Alexandro-Nevsky laurels are very fragrant,/ Vyritsky weighs praise,/ for this reason we call you M:/ Rejoice, O venerable Seraphim, // our merciful representative before the Lord.

Translation: Imitating the God-bearing righteous man of Sarov, you received abundantly the grace of the Holy Spirit: the Alexander Nevsky Lavra is a fragrant spring, the glory of the village of Vyritsa, therefore we cry to you: “Rejoice, Venerable Seraphim, our merciful intercessor before the Lord.”

Kontakion, voice 3

Rejoice again, city of St. Peter, / and little Vyritsa, be exalted, / behold, the lamp of faith shines in you, / an all-healing balm flows out to us, / the newly revealed great wonderworker, / mentor of love and repentance,/ prophet and elder,// new The Monk Seraphim appears in you.

Translation: Rejoice, city of St. Peter, and the small village of Vyritsa, exalt yourself, for the lamp of faith shines in you, the healing balm pours out for everyone, for the newly appeared great wonderworker, mentor of love and repentance, prophet and elder, the new Venerable Seraphim appears in you.

Kontakion, tone 5

You became like the ancient fathers/ and you fought a good fight,/ you were enlightened by the grace of Christ,/ you received miracles from the unworthy,/ to heal the sick,/ to console the sad and sorrowful. You, / protect the offended and persecuted / and give consolation to everyone in need / and speedy deliverance ./ For this sake, as I honor the great miracle worker,/ we pray to you, your child, like Seraphim // deliver us from all troubles with your prayers.

Translation: You have become like the ancient fathers and fought a good fight, been enlightened by the grace of Christ, and from Him you have received the gift of working miracles, healing the sick, comforting in worries and sorrows, protecting the oppressed and persecuted, and giving hope and quick deliverance to all those in need. Therefore, honoring you as a great miracle worker, we pray, your children, Reverend Seraphim, deliver us from all troubles with your prayers.

Prayer to St. Seraphim Vyritsky

Oh, God-blessed and most merciful Father Seraphim! Leading you even after death as a living being, we fall down with faith and cry out to you: do not forget your poor to the end, but look mercifully on your spiritual flock and protect them, good shepherd, good your clear prayers to God. Ask us from the Lord time for repentance and correction of sinful lives, for all our spiritual infirmities weigh: not the imams of works of faith and salvation, not the imams of zeal for true pleasing to God, we are captivated by the mind m in pernicious passions, corrupted hearts in vile lusts. What we are destining for, and what we are hoping for, despite having destroyed the temples of our souls; To her, holy father, stretch out your hand in prayer to the Lord and beg the Savior of the human race to touch the grace of our petrified hearts, wash us with tears of repentance, restore us to the world re, strengthen in piety and bestow everything useful for salvation. Do not disgrace our hope, which according to God and the Mother of God we place in you, but be our quick helper, comforter in sorrows and patron in times of need, so that through your prayers we may be honored to inherit the Kingdom of Heaven Of course, where all the saints unceasingly glorify and sing the most honorable and magnificent name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Troparion to St. Seraphim of Vyritsky, tone 4

As the great prayer book for our land and the warm comforter of those who flow to you, we honor you, second Russian Father Seraphim, for you left everything that was red in the world, you rushed with all your heart to the palace of the sweetest Christ, and in the time of fierce persecution you were the image of meekness and humility for everyone : Do not stop praying for us now, so that through patience we may find the path of repentance and with you we may glorify the Most Holy Trinity.

Kontakion to St. Seraphim of Vyritsky, tone 5

Imitating the God-bearing saint of Sarov, you have abundantly acquired the grace of the Holy Spirit: the Alexander Nevsky Lavra is fragrant, Vyritsky weighs praise, for this reason we call you: Rejoice, Venerable Seraphim, our merciful representative before the Lord.

Glorification of St. Seraphim of Vyritsky

We bless you, Reverend Father Seraphim, and honor your holy memory, mentor of monks and interlocutor of angels.

Prayer to St. Seraphim Vyritsky to strengthen faith, heal from illnesses

O blessed and most merciful Father Seraphim! Leading you even after death as a living being, we fall down with faith and cry out to you: do not forget your poor to the end, but mercifully look upon your spiritual flock and protect them, good shepherd, with your favorable prayers to God. Ask us from the Lord time for repentance and correction of sinful lives, for we weigh all the weaknesses of our soul: not imams of works of faith and salvation, not imams of zeal for true pleasing to God, we are captivated by the mind in destructive passions, corrupted by the heart in vile lusts. What we lose and what we hope for is not included, having destroyed the temples of our souls. To her, holy father, stretch out your hand in prayer to the Lord and beg the Savior of the human race to touch our stony hearts with grace, wash us with tears of repentance, raise us up in faith, strengthen us in piety and bestow everything useful for salvation. Do not disgrace our hope, which we place in you according to God and the Mother of God, but be our quick helper, comforter in sorrow and patron in times of need, so that through your prayers we may be worthy to inherit the Kingdom of Heaven, where all the saints constantly glorify and sing the most honorable and magnificent name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Reverend Seraphim Vyritsky became a monk after the revolution. Later, having fallen ill on the bed of a serious illness, for almost twenty years he became one of the pillars of faith in the Leningrad region, receiving several hundred visitors at his home in Vyritsy on some days. A seer, a wise shepherd, a miracle worker. People turn to him in prayer in illness, for the gift of faith, meekness and kindness, gracious patience of sorrows, for help in difficult circumstances.

Troparion to St. Seraphim of Vyritsky, tone 4

As the great prayer book for our land and the warm comforter of those who flow to you, we honor you, second Russian Father Seraphim, for you left everything that was red in the world, you rushed with all your heart to the palace of the sweetest Christ, and in the time of fierce persecution you were the image of meekness and humility for everyone : Do not stop praying for us now, so that through patience we may find the path of repentance and with you we may glorify the Most Holy Trinity.

Second troparion to St. Seraphim of Vyritsky, tone 8

We accepted our cross, reverend, rejoicing, you followed Christ with an undivided thought, you were a truly glorious merchant, as if this was not an earthly, but a heavenly treasure of acquisition, for the sake of your salvation, many of your children, whom you loved. And now, our Father Seraphim, pray that repentance will be granted to us and the truth will come into our minds.

Third troparion to St. Seraphim of Vyritsky, tone 3

You have become a great merchant, Reverend Father Seraphim, who is in the world, you have put your heart into much perishable wealth, you have been a true novice and an ascetic of virtues, when, having abandoned everything, you ascended to the cross of monasticism, the gifts of the Holy Spirit were given to you many and as one From the ancients you appeared as a prophet, an elder, a miracle worker and a man of prayer, a pillar of the ascetic, a leader of salvation. For this reason, we pray to you: guide us wisely to salvation.

Fourth troparion to St. Seraphim of Vyritsky, tone 4

Like the most radiant star of the Russian land, / you shone in the world of Vyritsa, Reverend Seraphim, and, by the power of the Holy Spirit, we instruct, you illuminated our country spiritually with the light of your miracles. In the same way, we, flowing to your tomb, tenderly say: pray to Christ God to save our souls.

Kontakion to St. Seraphim of Vyritsky, tone 5

Imitating the God-bearing saint of Sarov, you have abundantly acquired the grace of the Holy Spirit: the Alexander Nevsky Lavra is fragrant, Vyritsky weighs praise, for this reason we call you: Rejoice, Venerable Seraphim, our merciful representative before the Lord.

Second kontakion to St. Seraphim of Vyritsky, tone 5

You became like your ancient father and fought a good deed, enlightened by the grace of Christ, from the Unfit to receive miracles, to heal the sick, to comfort the sad and mourning, to protect the offended and persecuted, and to give consolation and speedy deliverance to all who are in need. For this reason, as we honor the great wonderworker, we pray to you, your children, to Reverend Seraphim: deliver us from all troubles with your prayers.

Third kontakion to St. Seraphim of Vyritsky, tone 3

Rejoice again, city of St. Peter, and the small weight of Vyritsa, be magnified, for the lamp of faith shines in you, the all-healing balm flows out to us, for the newly appeared great wonderworker, mentor of love and repentance, prophet and elder, the new Venerable Seraphim appears in you.

Prayer to St. Seraphim Vyritsky

O blessed and most merciful Father Seraphim! Leading you even after death as a living being, we fall down with faith and cry out to you: do not forget your poor to the end, but mercifully look upon your spiritual flock and protect them, good shepherd, with your favorable prayers to God. Ask us from the Lord time for repentance and correction of sinful lives, for we weigh all the weaknesses of our soul: not imams of works of faith and salvation, not imams of zeal for true pleasing to God, we are captivated by the mind in destructive passions, corrupted by the heart in vile lusts. What we lose and what we hope for is not included, having destroyed the temples of our souls. To her, holy father, stretch out your hand in prayer to the Lord and beg the Savior of the human race to touch our stony hearts with grace, wash us with tears of repentance, raise us up in faith, strengthen us in piety and bestow everything useful for salvation. Do not disgrace our hope, which we place in you according to God and the Mother of God, but be our quick helper, comforter in sorrow and patron in times of need, so that through your prayers we may be worthy to inherit the Kingdom of Heaven, where all the saints constantly glorify and sing the most honorable and magnificent name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.


We bless you, Reverend Father Seraphim, and honor your holy memory, mentor of monks and interlocutor of angels.


Oh, God-blessed and most merciful Father Seraphim! Leading you even after death as a living being, we fall down with faith and cry out to you: do not forget your poor to the end, but mercifully look upon your spiritual flock and protect them, good shepherd, with your favorable prayers to God. Ask us from the Lord time for repentance and correction of sinful lives, for we weigh all the weaknesses of our soul: not imams of works of faith and salvation, not imams of zeal for true pleasing to God, we are captivated by the mind in destructive passions, corrupted by the heart in vile lusts. What we lose and what we hope for is not included, having destroyed the temples of our souls; To her, holy father, stretch out your hand in prayer to the Lord and beg the Savior of the human race to touch our petrified hearts with grace, wash us with tears of repentance, restore us in faith, strengthen us in piety and bestow everything useful for salvation. Do not disgrace our hope, which according to God and the Mother of God we place in you, but be a quick helper to us, a comforter in sorrows and a patron in times of need, so that through your prayers we may be worthy to be heirs of the Kingdom of Heaven, where all the saints constantly glorify and sing the Most Honorable and Magnificent Name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages.
In you, father, it is known that you were saved in the image: for you accepted the cross, you followed Christ, and in your deed you taught to despise the flesh, for it passes away; In the same way, your spirit will rejoice with the Angels, Reverend Seraphim.

Troparion to St. Seraphim of Vyritsky, ch. 3
You have become a great merchant, /
Reverend Father Seraphim, /
in the world, to much perishable wealth/
you have put in no more effort than your heart, /
the novice is true/
and an ascetic of virtues,/
when, leave everything, /
you ascended to the cross of monasticism,/
many gifts of the Holy Spirit have been given to you/
and as one of the ancients you appeared /
prophet, elder,/
miracle worker and prayer book, /
pillar ascetic, leader of salvation./
For this reason we pray to you: //
and guide us wisely to salvation
Rejoice, Reverend Seraphim, Vyritsky miracle worker!

Akathist to the Venerable

Kontakion 1
The chosen servant of Christ, the Venerable Father Seraphim, the luminary of the Orthodox faith and the gracious intercessor of the Russian land, who revealed to us a wonderful image of salvation, by making the Kingdom of Heaven hidden. Now flowing to your intercession, we bring you songs of praise, calling to love:

Ikos 1
You had the angelic beauty of your soul, Reverend Father, with your heart flaming towards the Lord of Hosts, and from your youth you desired to serve Him alone, and you showed true obedience to your Creator. Also marveling at God’s providence for you, we call to you with faith:
Rejoice, worthy youth of pious parents; Rejoice, having loved the Lord with all your soul from childhood.
Rejoice, reverent zealot for church services; Rejoice, tender contemplator of the spiritual world.
Rejoice, diligent performer of pure prayers; Rejoice, with a contrite heart directed entirely towards God.
Rejoice, you who told the schema-monk of Lavra the desire of your heart; Rejoice, having learned from him the will of God for yourself.
Rejoice, Reverend Seraphim, Vyritsky miracle worker.
Kontakion 2
Seeing the Lord as spiritual and trusting in His mercy, you were united in a legal marriage, blessed father, diligently maintaining purity of soul and body. Together with your spouse, you grew in every virtue, constantly singing to the Lord: Alleluia.
Ikos 2
Our mind is perplexed, Father Seraphim, how to express in words your faith and love for the Lord, since you never doubted the goodness of the Heavenly Father and you nurtured complete trust in God in your soul. For this reason, we use the verb ti sitevaya:
Rejoice, image of unshakable faith; Rejoice, filled with spiritual meekness.
Rejoice, you who fear the Lord and keep His commandments; Rejoice, having learned His righteousness every day.
Rejoice, thou who hast gained thy soul through patience; Rejoice, you who sought the Kingdom of God above all else.
Rejoice, guardian of chastity and continence in marriage; Rejoice, wise and quiet bearer.
Rejoice, Reverend Seraphim, Vyritsky miracle worker.
Kontakion 3
We strengthen you with the power of the Most High; you have wisely combined your worldly career with your inner work, O righteous Father, and by works of mercy done for Christ’s sake, you have won God’s blessing. Cover us too, naked of every good deed, with your love, so that we may praise the merciful God: Alleluia.
Ikos 3
Having compassion, merciful Father, you strengthened the mourning, you comforted the sick and orphans, and you also acquired the love of Christ. Receive this song of thanksgiving from us:
Rejoice, quick helper in troubles to those who exist; Rejoice, generous giver to those who ask.
Rejoice, benefactor of temples and monasteries; Rejoice, guardian of the weak and needy.
Rejoice, for you served Christ Himself as your neighbor; Rejoice, thou who countest corruptible wealth for nothing.
Rejoice, freed from earthly attachments; Rejoice, strengthened by faith and good deeds.
Rejoice, Reverend Seraphim, Vyritsky miracle worker.
Kontakion 4
You were not afraid of the God-fighting storm that arose in Russia, O God-bearing Father, but having risen to the feat of confession, you armed yourself with courage to be called a perfect disciple of the Lord, and having completely betrayed yourself to Him, you joyfully sang: Alleluia.
Ikos 4
Hearing about the grave suffering endured by the faithful for the name of Christ, you and the Apostle asked: Who will separate us from the love of God? We truly know, Father, that for those who love God everything will work for the good, we pray to you: and for us, many sinners, ask the Lord for the benefit of our souls, so that we may sing according to you:
Rejoice, thou who courageously confessed the Orthodox faith; Rejoice, having desired to suffer even to the point of death for Christ.
Rejoice, you who distributed your wealth according to the word of the Lord; Rejoice, you who have followed your Beloved and your Beloved.
Rejoice, gold, purified in the crucible of temptations; Rejoice, tree planted near the springs of living waters.
Rejoice, turning sorrows and trials into wealth of spirit; Rejoice, having prepared yourself for monasticism with a hidden feat.
Rejoice, Reverend Seraphim, Vyritsky miracle worker.
Kontakion 5
The Lord revealed the God-bright star in the Lavra of Alexandro-Nevstei, Reverend Father Seraphim, when in the angelic rank you received the grace of the priesthood, you strengthened the souls of many who mourn and those in the darkness of despair and illuminated them with the light of Truth, singing to the Lord: Alleluia.
Ikos 5
Seeing the brethren as having strived with all your heart to please God, you did not labor in vain, but rather than deep humility, you acquired depth, peace and joy in the Lord. Likewise, we, seeing your spiritual ascent from strength to strength, reverently cry out to you:
Rejoice, thou who crucified thy flesh with its passions and lusts; Rejoice, having washed away the filth of sin with repentance.
Rejoice, for you have come to know the grace-filled power of humility; Rejoice, for by doing the commandments of the Gospel you have renewed your soul.
Rejoice, constantly calling upon the name of the Sweetest Jesus; Rejoice, thou who has tasted the bliss of the next century on earth.
Rejoice, you who offered the bloodless Sacrifice with fear and trembling; Rejoice, having nourished all those who flow to you with a word of wisdom.
Rejoice, Reverend Seraphim, Vyritsky miracle worker.
Kontakion 6
Perfect love, like the crown of virtues and the gift of the Holy Spirit, you have lifted up the infirmities of the weak, O Spirit-bearing Father, and you have guided many souls to the salvation. By your intercession we, sinners, having been healed of many different ailments, cry out to the Lord in gratitude: Alleluia.
Ikos 6
The Truth of God appeared in your face, and the delusion of demons was driven away, when the Lavra yoke of the renovationist was freed, and the foreigners all rejoiced. For this reason, we ask you, peacemaker, to quench the strife and discord in our life, destroy untruth, and in unanimity we say to you:
Rejoice, temple not made with hands of Christ our God; Rejoice, splendidly adorned with the bounties of the Holy Spirit.
Rejoice, having made your heart a container of peace; Rejoice, you who continually offer incense to the Lord.
Rejoice, for those who are lost with a sick soul; Rejoice, everyone who desires to be saved and come into the mind of truth.
Rejoice, conquering the pride and malice of the wicked through humility and meekness; Rejoice, having taught us to love our enemies according to Christ’s commandment.
Rejoice, Reverend Seraphim, Vyritsky miracle worker.
Kontakion 7
Although the Lord, the Lover of mankind, revealed a new spiritual luminary in you, He gave you to the brethren of the monastery as a spiritual father. Having also received the great schema, like the seal of perfection, from God, your pure soul is filled with the fire of fiery prayers for the whole world, instructing everyone in piety and brotherly love, crying out to God with trembling: Alleluia.
Ikos 7
In a wondrous prophecy, most blessed one, the decree of the Lord of your guide and patron, the Venerable Seraphim of Sarov, named after him in the schema, you truly appeared as a new comforter to our people. Marveling at this favor of God, we cry out to you:
Rejoice, warm prayer book towards God for all; Rejoice, Most Blessed Lady of the Sovereign, servants.
Rejoice, pleasant companion of the angels; Rejoice, father of the spirit-bearing companions.
Rejoice, blessed intercession of the Orthodox; Rejoice, luminous instruction for those wandering in the darkness of godlessness.
Rejoice, sincere reconciliation of sinners with God; Rejoice, source of joy and tenderness.
Rejoice, Reverend Seraphim, Vyritsky miracle worker.
Kontakion 8
It is strange and inconvenient for the vain world to hear how, through your prayers, O miracle worker, the riches of God’s mercy are poured out on everyone who flows with faith to your heavenly protection. We, glorifying the Holy Trinity, who bestowed this grace upon you, joyfully exclaim: Alleluia.
Ikos 8
You have dedicated everything to the service of God and people, O wondrous father, you have commanded your children to always think about things above and to diligently say the Jesus Prayer, by which every sin in the soul is cut off and the spirit of man is united with the Spirit of God. Taking refuge under your wonderful blessing, we magnify you with love:
Rejoice, resident of the mountainous Jerusalem; Rejoice, unspeakable glory of the Savior of the world to the viewer.
Rejoice, bring our prayers to the feet of the Almighty and the Mother of God; Rejoice, as a loving father gives useful gifts to those who ask.
Rejoice, faithful servant of the Church of Christ; Rejoice, spiritual healer of incurable diseases.
Rejoice, wonderful glimpse of the times to come; Rejoice, the current situation will soon be delivered.
Rejoice, Reverend Seraphim, Vyritsky miracle worker.
Kontakion 9
All the powers of heaven were amazed at your humility and patience, saint, because you were visibly struck down by a painful illness, both providentially at the hands of persecutors from the Lavra. People of faith, having seen you miraculously under the roof of the Mother of God in the Vyritskaya village, sang to the Lover of Mankind: Alleluia.
Ikos 9
Human flamboyance falls silent before the greatness of your deeds, reverend, because you are an old man, weak in flesh, and have endured much labor. Also, marveling at the power of God in weaknesses accomplished, we cry out to you:
Rejoice, skillful imitator of the ancient hermits; Rejoice, great lover of the fasting life.
Rejoice, zealous zealot of prayer vigils; Rejoice, wonderful conqueror of bodily infirmities.
Rejoice, thou who hid thy virtues with true humility; Rejoice, we weep, multiplying the fruits of God's grace.
Rejoice, having preserved the oil of joy through sobriety; Rejoice, thou who art pleasing to Christ God by thy life.
Rejoice, Reverend Seraphim, Vyritsky miracle worker.
Kontakion 10
The foreigner of the Lord begged the Lord to save holy Rus' from the invasion, O God-loving marvel: Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on our country and Thy world. Thus, crying out to God with tenderness of heart, like the Elder of Sarov, you achieved a new feat of prayerful standing on a stone. In the same way, we glorify the Lord who strengthened you, singing a victorious song to Him: Alleluia.
Ikos 10
The wall is your invisible prayer, workman of God, to our army and people in times of difficult trials. Having comprehended the meaning of the sorrows allowed by God with spiritual reason, you called upon the apostate people to turn to Christ. In the same way, keep us from all things that are resistant, crying out to you like this:
Rejoice, having drunk the cup of suffering with the earthly Fatherland to the end; Rejoice, you who have asked the Lord for mercy on Russia.
Rejoice, God-given help to the Christ-loving army; Rejoice, life-giving irrigation for our souls and bodies.
Rejoice, you who endured bloodless martyrdom by will; Rejoice, you who despise the weaknesses of human nature.
Rejoice, Russian lands prayer fence; Rejoice, wonderful deliverance from enemies visible and invisible.
Rejoice, Reverend Seraphim, Vyritsky miracle worker.
Kontakion 11
We bring you tender singing, Reverend Father Seraphim, to bless your arduous earthly life, but do not stop praying for us to the Lord, may He grant us remission of sins, overcoming passions, affirmation of all virtues and preservation of spiritual peace, and may He grant us, the unworthy, worthy, together with by you in the Kingdom of Heaven sing with gratitude: Alleluia.
Ikos 11
We see you as a luminous preacher for those who exist in the darkness of godlessness, all-blessed father, for you foresaw the spiritual revival of Russia and you bequeathed to your compatriots to firmly hold on to the Orthodox faith. We, enlightened by your words, cry out to you with tenderness:
Rejoice, partaker of the glory of the Eternal King; Rejoice, ray of the Divine Sun.
Rejoice, shining light of mercy, warming souls; Rejoice, mentor, spiritually awakening minds.
Rejoice, O lamp, by whom many people are enlightened; Rejoice, prayer book, through whom the machinations of the enemy are destroyed.
Rejoice, guardian of the purity of the heart; Rejoice, perfection of the Christian teacher.
Rejoice, Reverend Seraphim, miracle worker of Vgritsky.
Kontakion 12
You preceded your blessed death, God-wise Father, with an akathist prayer to the Mother of God. Having clearly visited you, your imminent departure to heaven indicated with your right hand. With these praises let us worthily please you, the chosen one of the Queen of Heaven, now singing with the faces of the angels: Alleluia.
Ikos 12
Singing God wondrously in His saints, we believe that the prayer of the righteous can do much for the mercy of the Lord, and for this sake we ask you, Reverend Father, to be warm intercessors for us at the Throne of the Most Holy Trinity, crying out to you:
Rejoice, fiery seraphim of the same name; Rejoice, spiritual successor of the elders.
Rejoice, tireless worker of the fields of Christ; Rejoice, diligent planter of God's peace.
Rejoice, new adornment to the Orthodox Church; Rejoice, proclaim boldness to God for long-suffering Rus'.
Rejoice, beneficial intercession of the Christian race; Rejoice, for those who honor you as the mediator of eternal salvation.
Rejoice, Reverend Seraphim, Vyritsky miracle worker.
Kontakion 13
O glorious and venerable servant of God Seraphim, Vyritsky miracle worker, accept our earnest prayer, offered to you with love. Pray to the All-Merciful Lord to deliver us from all evil and misfortune, so that in this present age we may live piously and be granted the bliss of eternal life through your prayers, singing for you with gratitude to the Lord: Alleluia.
This kontakion is read three times, then the 1st ikos “Angelic beauty...” and the 1st kontakion “The chosen saint...”.
O blessed and most merciful Father Seraphim! Leading you even after death as a living being, we fall down with faith and cry out to you: do not forget your poor to the end, but mercifully look upon your spiritual flock and protect them, good shepherd, with your favorable prayers to God. Ask us from the Lord time for repentance and correction of sinful lives, for we weigh all the weaknesses of our soul: not imams of works of faith and salvation, not imams of zeal for true pleasing to God, we are captivated by the mind in destructive passions, corrupted by the heart in vile lusts. What we lose and what we hope for is not included, having destroyed the temples of our souls. To her, holy father, stretch out your hand in prayer to the Lord and beg the Savior of the human race to touch our stony hearts with grace, wash us with tears of repentance, raise us up in faith, strengthen us in piety and bestow everything useful for salvation. Do not disgrace our hope, which we place in you according to God and the Mother of God, but be our quick helper, comforter in sorrow and patron in times of need, so that through your prayers we may be worthy to inherit the Kingdom of Heaven, where all the saints constantly glorify and sing the most honorable and magnificent name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Troparion, tone 4
As the great prayer book for our land and the warm comforter of those who flow to you, we honor you, second Russian Father Seraphim, for you left everything that was red in the world, you rushed with all your heart to the palace of the sweetest Christ, and in the time of fierce persecution you were the image of meekness and humility for everyone : Do not stop praying for us now, so that through patience we may find the path of repentance and with you we may glorify the Most Holy Trinity.
Kontakion, tone 5
Imitating the God-bearing saint of Sarov, you have abundantly acquired the grace of the Holy Spirit: the Alexander Nevsky Lavra is fragrant, Vyritsky weighs praise, for this reason we call you: Rejoice, Venerable Seraphim, our merciful representative before the Lord.
We bless you, Reverend Father Seraphim, and honor your holy memory, mentor of monks and interlocutor of angels.
