Vera Brezhneva and her children. Vera Brezhneva: biography, personal and creative life

  • Name: Vera, Ukrainian Vira
  • Surname: Viktorovna, Ukrainian Viktorivna
  • Surname: Kiperman, Ukrainian Kiperman (before marriage – Galushka)
  • Date of Birth: 3. 02. 1982
  • Place of Birth: Dneprodzherzhinsk, Ukrainian SSR (Ukrainian URSR)
  • Zodiac sign: Aquarius
  • Eastern horoscope: Dog
  • Occupation: singer, actress, TV presenter
  • Height: 171 cm
  • Weight: 53 kg

Vera Brezhneva known in Russia as a singer. She became famous when she performed songs as part of the VIA Gra group. In addition, she tried herself as an actress and TV presenter. He is a UN Goodwill Ambassador for HIV/AIDS.

Photo by Alexey Vorobyov

The childhood and youth of Vera Brezhneva

Faith was ordinary Soviet child. Her parents worked at the Dnieper chemical plant. In addition to Vera, there were 3 more children in the family, also girls: older sister Galina. She was born 5 years earlier. 3 years after Vera, twin girls, Anastasia and Victoria, were born. Therefore, the house was always noisy, life was literally in full swing. Vera and Gala had to look after the younger ones when their parents were at work.

When the girl was 11 years old, her father was hit by a car. Money became difficult in the family. Therefore, Vera began to earn extra money. She helped in cafes, at the market and even babysat for children. She gave all the money she earned to her mother.

Vera studied in the most ordinary high school No. 41 in Dneprodzherzhinsk. The girl was fond of sports. She practiced both team (handball, basketball) and individual sports (karate, gymnastics). She also danced and took part in school theatrical productions. Vera really liked the classes at the theater for young spectators. It was here that she fell in love with performing in front of the public; in the Youth Theater, many of the girls’ natural abilities were developed. In addition, she went to music school. But for now her thoughts were far from her career as a singer and the world of show business. Vera dreamed of becoming a lawyer. However, fate was such that she entered the extramural Dnepropetrovsk Institute of Railway Transport Engineers. Here she mastered the specialty of economist. In parallel with this, Vera diligently and in depth studied foreign languages, for this she had to study with tutors. She also attended secretarial assistant courses.

"VIA Gra" in the life of Vera Brezhneva

Vera did not consciously strive to get into the world of show business. She didn’t look for producers or record songs. But one day a girl attended a concert of the group “VIA Gra”. It was 2002, the musical group was on a tour of the cities of Ukraine. Vera did not hesitate to go on stage and sing together with the singers the popular song “Attempt No. 5” in 2002, when one of the group members asked a volunteer to leave the hall. The producers were impressed by what they heard and saw. And a few months later, after Alena Vinnitskaya left, they sent Vera an invitation to the casting. The girl successfully passed the test. She had to move from the Ukrainian hinterland to Moscow. Since 2003, Vera became an official member of the team. She sang with Anna Sedokova and Nadezhda Granovskaya. It was this composition of the group that was later recognized as the best, “golden”.

It was this trio that brought the group to the pinnacle of success. Behind short period a huge number of songs were recorded, including collaborations with Valery Meladze and Verka Serduchka. All the songs instantly occupied the top lines in the pop charts, were constantly rotated on the radio, and the videos were on television. And the hits of that time do not lose popularity to this day.

Vera immediately threw herself into her work. She took part in the recording of the band’s new album and starred in videos. And, of course, no one canceled the tour. It was a constant nomadic life, scheduled literally in seconds. There was practically not a second of rest in the schedule. While the composition was unchanged, Vera still held out. However, in 2004 Anna Sedokova left the team, and in 2006 Alena Vinnitskaya left. An endless search for new singers began. But no one else managed to complete the lineup so successfully. As a result, in the summer of 2007, Vera decided to leave the team. This was a major blow to both fans and producers.

The origin of the pseudonym, or why Vera Brezhneva

Vera came to the VIA Gra group with her maiden name - Galushka. The combination “Vera Galushka” did not seem impressive or harmonious to the producers. So they thought about choosing a stage name. This was not a very simple question, because... Vera was still not particularly remarkable. Except for one thing: she was a fellow countrywoman of Leonid Brezhnev, former Secretary General THE USSR. The surname is sonorous, famous, and attracts attention. Thanks to this simple move, the producers managed to draw attention to new singer as part of a group, to intrigue listeners and journalists.

Vera Brezhneva's solo career

After leaving the group, Vera decided to take a vacation and take a little break from the endless bustle, constant travel and flights, from life scheduled by the minute. However, very soon she became bored and depressed. She missed the usual frantic rhythm of life. And she decided to return to show business. But already as a solo singer. In the spring of 2008, she released a solo video for the song “I Don’t Play.”

In 2010, she recorded a duet with Dan Balan “Petals of Tears”. For this composition they received the RU.TV award. In the fall of the same year, Vera presented her first solo album, “Love will save the world,” to the attention of listeners. The composition of the same name from the record became an undisputed hit. For her, Vera Brezhneva received the first Golden Gramophone award in her solo career from Russian Radio.

In 2015, Vera Brezhneva’s 2nd solo album “VERVERA” was presented to the public. Here she recorded a song in English for the first time. A duet with DJ Smash was a completely successful experiment.

Vera Brezhneva on television and radio

After leaving " VIA Gra“Vera Brezhneva received great freedom. She had the time and opportunity to try herself in other roles, not only as a singer. So, she agreed to host the “Magic of Ten” program on Channel One in 2008. This was a new role for her, but she handled it well. Therefore, they began to invite her to other shows and programs. However, Vera temporarily switched to other activities.

In 2008, she agreed to become a participant in the Ice Age 3 program. Her partner was the Armenian figure skater Vazgen Azroyan. Unfortunately, the couple did not make it to the finals. But it was an interesting and useful experience.

In the same year, Vera twice refuted the myth that all blondes are stupid. She became a two-time winner of the show “The Smartest” on the STS TV channel.

In 2009, Vera took part in the show “Southern Butovo”, hosted by Alexander Tsekalo. But after 4 episodes, the singer went on maternity leave and disappeared from television screens for some time.

In 2010, Vera Brezhneva began hosting the radio program “Demobilization Album” on Russian Radio. However, after some time, she passed the baton to Anna Semenovich and plunged headlong into a musical career, and also became more involved in acting.

In 2013 and 2014 Vera hosted TV casting shows where new singers were chosen for the group “VIA Gra”: “I want V “VIA Gro”” and “I want to go to Meladze”.

Vera Brezhneva in cinema

Vera Brezhneva managed to star in several films. She got both main and minor roles. She has established herself as a good actress. She managed to behave as naturally as possible, without pretense in the frame, without being afraid of movie cameras. In addition, she has a spectacular appearance.

2005 – “Sorochinskaya Fair”, Motrya. This was Vera's debut on television. In 2006, Gorov invited Brezhnev to star in the film “Star Holidays.”

In 2007 and 2008, the singer took part in the filming of the New Year's show for Channel One " New year's night on the first".

In 2009, she starred for the first time in the feature film “Love in big city", where she played one of the main roles, Katya. This was Vera's first serious film success. Therefore, without hesitation, she agreed to take part in the continuation of the film. And in 2010, the film “Love in the City 2” was released, where Vera again played Katya.

In 2010 and 2011, she starred in the New Year's comedies "Yolki" and "Yolki-2", where she played herself, singer Vera Brezhneva.

In 2012, a new comedy “The Jungle” was released, where the main roles went to Vera and Sergei Svetlakov.

In 2013, Vera delighted her fans with the continuation of the film “Love in the City.” Episode 3 is coming out.

In 2015, she starred in the film “ Best dates", where she plays the main female role.

Personal life of Vera Brezhneva

Vera's personal life is no less stormy than her public life. No, she did not have short-term affairs and did not drive many celebrities crazy, although many men lost their minds under the influence of her charms. The paparazzi never managed to obtain a single piece of incriminating evidence of any value. However, in 2015, Brezhneva got married for the second time. The singer does not like to advertise her personal life.

In her youth, when Vera still bore the surname Galushka and was studying at the institute, she lived with Vitaly Voichenko. The young people did not formalize their marriage. At the age of 19, Vera gave birth to her first daughter, Sonya. However, soon circumstances developed such that the couple could no longer be together, and the girl, packing her things and taking her daughter, left. The young people broke up completely.

In 2006, the singer met Ukrainian businessman, Mikhail Kiperman. They met for 3 years. Vera gave birth to a second daughter, whom her parents named Sarah. The couple decided to formalize the relationship only in 2010. Then Vera changed her maiden name on Kiperman. However, after 2 years, in 2012, the couple filed for divorce. This was shocking news both for the singer’s entire circle and for her fans. Many did not believe it and considered such statements to be just another PR stunt. However, at the end of 2012, Vera and Mikhail actually divorced. Various versions were voiced: from Mikhail’s debts and his jealousy to the connection between Brezhneva and Konstantin Meladze. However, no one has ever voiced the exact reasons.

In 2015, Vera Brezhneva married again. For Konstantin Meladze. They decided to get married secretly, without fuss and festivities. They got married in the small Italian town of Forte dei Marmi.

Charity and propaganda activities of Vera Brezhneva

Vera Brezhneva has an award - the Order of Princess Olga, 3rd degree, for her contribution to charity. In addition, she has been a UNAIDS Goodwill Ambassador for 2 years. She constantly participates in various projects aimed at combating AIDS and HIV infection and tries to draw attention to this problem.

The singer also actively promotes healthy image life. She takes part in charity races.

Vera Brezhneva at present

Despite the fact that the singer has already achieved a lot and has won a huge number of prizes and awards, she is not going to stop. Vera Brezhneva does not like to talk about her plans. However, she is already recording new songs and, quite possibly, will soon delight fans with a new album. Vera also tries to pay enough attention to her two daughters.

Vera Brezhneva has something to brag about. Its parameters naturally attract attention, but the inner light that the star emits spreads to the people around it. Vera’s personal life has been discussed since her participation in the VIA Gra group.

Everything about the biography of the artist from childhood and adolescence, to growth and first videos. What kind of singer was she in school years and in his youth. Composition of Vera Brezhneva's family. Who were her husbands, how many of them were there, and who was the first of the men to win her heart. Brezhnev's children: how many children, what is their age difference. Busy life and a rapid career as a singer.

Vera Galushka is the real name of the famous presenter, actress, but first of all, singer. She was born into a family of workers. Dad worked at a factory, mother at a plant. The family was large and exclusively female. Vera Brezhneva is surrounded by sisters. There were four girls in the family: Galya, Vera, Nastya and Vika. The sisters were best friends and remain so to this day.

The girl spent her childhood in a small town. There were no special prospects in it. However, even before going to school, Vera imagined herself as a singer. As a child, I organized small concerts and performances for my family. At school, the girl became a full-fledged member of the creative circle, performing in plays and productions. Thanks to Vera's plasticity, desire to move and growth, the doors to the dance class opened. Her height also helped the girl in sports. She was a basketball fan. I found time for karate and handball.

Further more: since Vera did not plan to stay in her hometown, but dreamed of a serious career, she needed to engage in self-development as early as possible. The future star started studying in English and additionally took courses, mastered various skills, for example, driving, computers. Vera Brezhneva with youth was an educated and hard-working girl.

During her school years, little Vera had to help her family and earn money. My father was hit by a car. All worries and financial issues fell on the fragile women's shoulders: mother and four sisters. Such life difficulties made Vera Brezhnev even stronger. In the future, she already knew that she would not be lost. Vera's childhood dreams of a serious career as a lawyer were dashed when the family learned about the cost of such training. Therefore, after school, Brezhneva entered the nearest institute. And she received a diploma in railway economics.

The chic, curvy beauty Vera Brezhneva turned 36 years old. A great age to realize everything you have planned. With a model height of 171 cm, the on-screen blonde could shine on the world's catwalks. But Vera Brezhneva chose a more thorny path. Where is the beauty and good parameters They are not always appreciated with kind words.

A turning point in the girl’s life occurred in 2002. Vera Brezhneva remembered that summer day forever. A famous group arrived in the city of Dnepropetrovsk. Hundreds of young people came to listen and watch the performers. Those who are not afraid to sing with the girls were asked to come up to the VIA Gre stage. Vera was among the brave ones. The creative team immediately noticed a charming young lady who fit so harmoniously into the team. The parameters, artistry and voice are all perfect. A lot has changed since that evening. Brezhnev rushed off at the invitation of the group’s producer to a casting in Kyiv. And then everything went like in a fairy tale. The girl joined the group and moved to Moscow with a new name, Vera Brezhneva.

The girl remembered the January frosts of 2003 forever. First performances on big stage. Tours, song recordings, interviews, videos and new life. In show business news they started talking about the updated composition of “VIA Gra”. Also in the spring of 2003, the presentation of the band's new album took place. This was followed by recordings of English-language songs. And a mind-blowing performance at the Olimpiysky. Could a once provincial girl living in a modest family imagine such success? But there is no limit to perfection. After a series of hit compositions, even more diamonds fell on the group. Their musical career thundered throughout all countries of the post-Soviet space.

For sexuality and beauty, Maxim magazine featured Vera Brezhneva on its cover. This happened for the first time in 2007, and then a series of such confessions followed - another four years. Also in 2007, news spread among the group’s fans. Brezhnev wants to pursue an exclusively solo career; she has outgrown the team.

Before attacking a new fortress and changing her life, Vera enters a creative lull. She focuses her attention on what is most important - her family. To build things up in 2008, Brezhnev appears in a new role - the host of a TV show. This was the start for mastering another profession. The first solo composition was liked by old fans and attracted new ones. The songs did not flow in a large stream. Brezhneva approached each of them with special trepidation. She showed and proved that she accepted correct solution, leaving the popular group.

2009 and 2010 for Brezhneva can be called television years. Vera was invited to various shows as a presenter. But in November 2010, the singer pleased all admirers of her work with her first solo album. The songs became hits and won awards.

In the video for the song “My Girl,” Vera decided to film the whole family. Mom, sisters and daughters. In 2015, the second album was released.

At the same time, the composition “Mommy” is released side by side. Now Vera Brezhneva is actively busy with her career, and in different directions. Her filmography is decently filled with interesting roles. Projects in which Brezhneva takes part as a presenter are gaining popularity. But the most important direction in which Vera is developing is family. She really enjoys being a mother. The daughters are almost adults, however, their mother is always with them.

The filmography of actress Vera Brezhneva contains mainly love films. In 2009, fans of her singing talent saw Vera in the film “Love in the City.” In 2011 there were “Christmas trees”, in 2012 “Jungle”, and then the sensational “8 First Dates”.

What should Vera Brezhneva's man be like? The singer's personal life has always attracted public attention. How many husbands did Vera Brezhneva have? The artist’s first husband was Vitaly Voichenko. At the time of marriage, the girl was not even 18 years old. From her first husband, Vera gave birth to a child - daughter Sonya. The second husband of the celebrity was Mikhail Kiperman. The wedding took place in 2006. During their marriage, the couple had a daughter, Sarah.

In 2015, Brezhneva married Konstantin Meladze. About them secret romance there have been rumors for a long time. And even more so about a wedding hidden from prying eyes.

Today the spouses ideal relationship. There are no common children yet. But Vera has beautiful daughters from her first and second marriages. The singer’s children live with their mother and are very similar to Vera. The actress’s personal life has been under lock and key since the days of “VIA Gra”. Brezhnev does not circulate news from his family. She simply lives and enjoys every day spent with her dear and close people.

Participant of the “golden cast” legendary group"VIA Gra" amazes fans with its appearance. The mother of two lovely daughters looks younger and more attractive with each clip. At the same time, Vera Brezhneva’s parameters remain at the same level.

According to Wikipedia, the beauty knows the secrets of eternal youth:

  1. With a height of 171 cm, the singer’s weight remains unchanged at 53 kg, which, combined with the proportional size of her figure, looks advantageous on the screen.
  2. Two marriages and the birth of children did not affect the artist’s figure in any way. Her volumes impress the most demanding fans of the blonde - 90-62-92. This proportionality of the parameters conceals the artist’s somewhat large shoe size, size 40.
  3. The celebrity was born on February 3, 1982, becoming a prominent representative Aquarius sign. Now the artist is at the ideal age - at 36 years old she has achieved a lot, and at the same time has enough strength and opportunity to realize the most ambitious desires and plans.

At the same time, it was the stage and the incredible desire to change her life for the better that helped the young woman get rid of her youthful complexes.


Vera Brezhneva does not like to remember her early years. Celebrity grew up in large family. Parents who worked at a local chemical plant were forced to raise 4 daughters in very modest surroundings. Parents found it difficult to raise children during the breakup Soviet Union due to unemployment. The changes of modern times forced the family to go to the Russian capital with homemade products.

Hopes of making money on the resale of popular goods were not justified. Then the father was hit by a car and for a month the parents had to live in the Russian metropolis. All the proceeds were spent on his father’s treatment, and the failed businessmen returned home empty-handed.

Due to poverty in the family, the girl in shabby clothes with old-fashioned glasses on her face was not liked by her peers. IN adolescence outfits are of paramount importance, because Brezhnev was not a star of the class. The artist remembered this state for the rest of her life and even after the prom, Vera Galushka ( real name celebrities) did not participate in a single meeting with her abusers.

Family relations were very warm. The artist did not lose her friendship with her sisters even with her growing popularity. Now that everyone has worked out adulthood, and their paths diverge, they often arrange peculiar get-togethers over Skype. Older sister Galya is calling from Greece, Vika from Russia, Nastya, Vera and parents from Ukraine.


Like all the girls of that time, Brezhneva dreamed of stellar career and even studied at the acting studio of the local Youth Theater. In addition to regular visits to secondary school No. 71, Vera Galushka at various times participated in sports clubs and participated in theater productions.

She dreamed of becoming a lawyer, counting on decent earnings in the future, but her parental salary was not enough for this. That's why Vera graduated economic department Dnepropetrovsk Railway Institute.

Carier start

The future soloist of VIA Gra received her first money at the age of 11. The authorities of Dneprodzerzhinsk, Brezhneva’s hometown, decided to conduct an experiment and allowed teenagers from 11 to 14 years old to take part in the improvement of the city.

Then on summer holidays boys and girls could earn pocket money by weeding flower beds, washing swings after winter, or collecting garbage on the streets. Galushka did not spend her salary on herself; she gave everything to her family. Then she got a job as a nanny and spent the first $100 in her life on English courses.

As the singer said in an interview for popular magazines, more than anything else she wanted to escape from the hopeless poverty of the Ukrainian industrial town with its gray everyday life and dusty streets. Therefore, no work scared the girl.

Rise, popularity

In 2002, the famous female trinity came on tour to Dnepropetrovsk. By chance, Vera was among the volunteers invited to the stage. Several young listeners were invited to sing the song “Attempt No. 5” together with the members of the ensemble. Dmitry Kostyuk, co-producer of the group, wrote down the phone number of a funny blonde girl who enthusiastically sang along with the celebrities.

When, three months later, the casting to replace Alena Vinnitskaya gained momentum, the project managers remembered the girl with the characteristic surname “Galushka”. So the provincial girl was invited to Kyiv.

The main condition for participation in training and rehearsals was the desire to improve singing, stage movements and external appearance. Over the course of several months, Vera had to lose weight, learn to more or less hit the notes and move with mesmerizing grace. Then the producer suggested changing her surname to the pseudonym “Brezhneva”, guided by the fact that the girl was from the city that gave the USSR the legendary Secretary General.

The first performance was a great success, proving that the hardworking young mother fits perfectly with Nadezhda Meikher and Anna Sedokova. So, dramatic changes took place in the biography of Vera Brezhneva.

The busy tour schedule was exhausting, but neither evil tongues, nor heavy workloads, nor longing for his little daughter Sonya could stop the future celebrity.

An interesting fact: the artist spent the first $1,500 on surgery, since she had vision problems since childhood. Brezhneva's debut concerts had to be performed in lenses. Then the fee increased, which allowed the woman to make repairs in her parents’ apartment and help improve the life of her own sisters.

But the artist has not yet contacted plastic surgeons. Numerous websites and forums trumpet Vera Brezhneva’s rhinoplasty. But comparison with childhood and teenage photographs indicates the natural origin of this very remarkable part of the singer’s face. And her trained body proves that she can maintain perfect figure even after the birth of my second child.

Then the career of the singer, who successfully fit into the well-established popular team, went from strength to strength. As the artist herself recalls, the period of her work in the group became the springboard on the basis of which she was later able to create her own projects.

For a long time the public could not believe that the “little white one” from the popular trio of incredibly beautiful singers of love songs left the group in 2007. Then Brezhneva took a sabbatical to reflect on her own future.

The savvy singer realized that the time had come to perform solo, and began to work hard in this direction. Popularity and savings allowed her to almost painlessly become independent from the team and strict producers. At the same time, the artist did not lose contact with the Meladze brothers.

After leaving the group, almost every year the singer presented her new works in the form of videos and soundtracks, where the blonde’s backing vocals were performed by the most famous performers:

  1. "Pronto" with Potap.
  2. “Petals of Tears” in a duet with Dan Balan.
  3. “Say” with the rock group “Druha Rika” and many others.

Almost every song takes first place on the charts and becomes a hit.

Personality and character

The artist says that she has a kind of battery inside her that allows her to do many things at the same time. Also in early youth After school, Vera managed not only to help her mother with housework, but also to dance at the local disco until midnight. At the same time, it is difficult for her to moderate her energy. More than once I brought the young woman to the psychologist’s office.

For more than 10 years, the artist has been resolving her most pressing issues with a permanent specialist, claiming that such therapy helps her collect her thoughts during difficult periods of her life.

As the artist admitted, foreign stars are close to her in terms of energy. In relations to life and people, Brezhneva has been a model for many years Julia Roberts. And the standard of restraint and style for the singer is Victoria Beckham.

A former soloist of a popular ensemble, she is currently a quite successful solo performer of popular songs. She hates laziness and believes that success comes only to those who work hard.

Vera adores her loved ones and loves to give gifts. At the same time, she is quite demanding in her work and does not hide it. He believes that in a family a man should be given the right to captain the family ship and not stifle him with his independence. The artist knows how to be grateful and sincere, but she does not want to expose her most tender feelings to everyone.

Brezhnev approaches difficulties with a sense of humor. Many years of practice in the image of an attractive blonde on the domestic stage have taught the artist to the idea that it is best to respond to ill-wishers with complete ignorance. Like any woman, the singer loves compliments and the best recognition own merits For Vera, the offer remains to live their lives together.

The famous singer and TV presenter of Ukrainian origin Vera Brezhneva (real name Vera Galushka) was born on February 3, 1982 in the city of Dneprodzerzhinsk. She became known to listeners thanks to her participation in the notorious musical ensemble “VIA-GRA”. Since that time, fans began to closely monitor any changes in the personal life of their favorite.

Biography of Vera Brezhneva: family, children, photos

Now the name of this pretty girl is already on everyone’s lips. They talk about her not only as a talented singer, but also as a standard of femininity. Vera grew up in a middle-income family, where in addition to her, two more twin sisters were raised: Victoria and Anastasia. Their parents worked at a local chemical plant. They tried to ensure that the children did not need anything, but the girls went to school in the same clothes and did not have expensive toys. This did not affect relationships with peers the best way. Vera, among other things, did not have an attractive appearance during her school years. But the future star had plenty of artistry.

In the photo: Vera Brezhneva with children

She began performing her first Brezhnev roles in kindergarten at matinees. The girl did not attend any specialized clubs, but on stage she felt like a fish in water, which attracted the attention of others. During her school years, she continued to improve her skills.
From a young age, Vera dreamed of becoming an artist and did everything to make her dream come true. Her parents could not provide their daughter with financial support, so she had to combine her studies with part-time jobs. During the day she weeded the flowerbeds of Zelenstroy, and in the evenings she looked after the children. During this period, Brezhneva completed computer science courses, received a driver’s license, and studied secretarial and English language courses. After graduating from school, the girl wanted to become a lawyer, but the education turned out to be beyond her means. She had to enter the Institute of Railway Transport, where she chose the profession of economist.

A sharp turn in Vera’s fate occurred in 2002. It was then in her hometown The VIA-GRA team came on tour. Everyone was invited to sing with the girls. Brezhneva demonstrated not only an excellent figure, but also a good ear for music and the ability to move rhythmically. These talents were noted by producer Dmitry Kostyuk. It was he who invited her to audition for a famous group.

Vera's personal life is closely intertwined with her career. The girl is in full view all the time, so she feels the increased interest of the public. Perhaps this is why she was unable to build a strong and friendly family the first time.

Vera Brezhneva's common-law husband Vitaly Voichenko

First serious relationship Vera got along with businessman from Energodar Vitaly Voichenko. The girl was 17 years old at the time; at that time she was still a student. The guy fell in love with her at first sight, found her and took her to his place. It should be noted that he earned quite well, and for Brezhneva, who grew up in a large, low-income family, this played an important role. Thanks to her common-law husband, the future star radically changed her image: from a “tomboy” with glasses, she became a feminine blue-eyed beauty.

In the photo: Vera Brezhneva and Vitaly Voichenko

Vera Brezhneva's first husband (civilian) is the father of her first-born daughter Sonya. The singer gave birth to her at the age of 18. The couple's marriage did not last long: after a couple of years, the future star packed her things, her daughter, and left the marital home. She left a farewell note to her husband. Vitaly was very worried about this breakup and even went to the tundra for a while in order to more easily survive the pain of parting. Native daughter does not currently maintain a relationship with his biological father and bears the surname Kiperman.

Vera Brezhneva's ex-husband Mikhail Kiperman

After leaving VIA-GRA, Vera needed support strong man. This is exactly what, in her opinion, millionaire from Ukraine Mikhail Kiperman was. At that time he was married and had two children, but even this did not stop the star. The demands of the groom's Jewish relatives also did not become an obstacle for the lovers. Not only Vera began to bear the name of her new husband, but also her daughter Sonya. The girl called herself daddy's daughter.

In the photo: Vera Brezhneva and Mikhail Kiperman

The husband of singer Vera Brezhneva turned out to be very jealous. This is what darkened their happy family life. The man paid for all of his wife’s projects, but he did not like the explicit scenes in which she took part according to the script. The marriage was gradually cracking. The appearance of their daughter Sarah together did not save the crumbling relationship. The husband organized surveillance of his wife and finally caught her cheating. He immediately filed for divorce. Ex-husband Vera Vitaly, who already knew her well, commented that the girl simply stopped loving Mikhail and did not leave him because of money.

Vera Brezhneva's husband Konstantin Meladze (wedding)

After the divorce, the singer was not sad for long and plunged headlong into a new relationship. More precisely, they began when the star was still married to Kiperman. Fans are haunted by the question: who is Vera Brezhneva’s husband now? After all, a wide variety of rumors on this topic were circulating in the press, but many of them did not have official confirmation.

Since 2017, Vera has been the legal wife of the famous producer and songwriter Konstantin Meladze. According to the artists, their relationship lasted 10 years before they officially formalized it in the registry office. The wedding took place in Italy. The master says that it was this woman who opened the door for him new world, became a muse for creativity.

In the photo: Vera Brezhneva and Konstantin Meladze

IN Lately Vera began to hint at disappointments in loved ones. But what exactly she means is unclear. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the couple has long dreamed of an heir, but cannot make this dream come true.

Now Vera is raising two daughters from previous marriages. She really wants a boy, and together with her husband they are working on this issue. So far, these efforts have not been crowned with success. As one Kazakh fortuneteller predicts for this couple, they will live together for 11 years. But to do this, you will need to overcome certain difficulties that will be in store for you in the 3rd and 7th years of marriage.

Brezhneva's eldest daughter, Sonya, is now building own career. The girl has already achieved considerable success in the modeling business. Studying abroad was not in vain. She managed to meet and make friends with a fairly rich American guy. All Sonya's dreams are now aimed at moving to permanent place residence in America.

The youngest daughter, Sarah, is now studying at the gymnasium, attending classes in foreign languages, ballroom dancing, music. The ideal for a girl is her mother, so she tries to be like her in everything.

Bright, young, sexy, talented Vera Brezhneva, who was born in working family small town and achieved everything on her own. One can only envy her determination, because not every girl manages to pull out happy ticket V happy life. A singer whose songs are listened to by millions of fans.

The most beautiful girl Russia. There are no barriers for her, and she overcomes all obstacles in her path at any cost. We will look at who pushed her to her dream and where her popularity began in more detail.

Height, weight, age. How old is Vera Brezhneva

Vera Brezhneva was born on February 3, 1982. The singer is such a confident and self-indulgent woman that she never hid her height, weight, and age. How old is Vera Brezhneva and how she manages to be so charming excites the female half of humanity. What secrets does the singer know, that at thirty-five, her appearance can be the envy of twenty-year-old girls. What Vera Brezhneva is hiding. The girl’s photos in her youth and now are strikingly different. It's like two different people- short hair, an uncertain look, glasses on her nose and a dazzling beauty who knows her worth.

Vera cannot imagine her life without movement and, of course, goes in for sports. With a height of 172 cm, she weighs 52 kg. No matter how difficult her schedule is, in the morning she always does physical exercise and drinks a glass clean water to start the body's work. The girl strictly monitors her diet and, combined with exercise, has such an excellent figure. Vera gave up sugar, because harmful carbohydrates, the singer says, have a very bad effect on her appearance. “To look your best, first of all you need to love yourself and then everyone will love you,” Brezhnev shares his advice, “And another important factor is that no matter how you look, you need to be able to present yourself and believe that you are the most beautiful "

Biography of Vera Brezhneva

The biography of Vera Brezhneva is more like the fairy tale “Cinderella” with a sad beginning and a happy ending. A girl was born in the city of Dneprodzerzhinsk, where her father, Viktor Galushka, and mother, Tatyana Permyakova, were workers at a chemical plant. In addition to Vera, the family had three more children, an older sister, Galina, and twins, Anastasia and Victoria. One day, when the family was on vacation, her father asked her to dance. Vera had enough artistry to excite all the people nearby; the child was applauded and asked for an encore. That’s probably when Vera felt like a star. After graduating from school, Vera wanted to become a lawyer, but alas, the family did not have money for education, so the girl enrolled in economics.

Vera will remember the day when the VIA-gra group came to Dnepropetrovsk with a concert all her life. After all, it was then that the future singer sang with other girls on stage and was invited to audition in Kyiv. After a long training, Vera is taken into the VIA-gra team, replacing Galushka with Brezhnev. The group is gaining momentum every month and with it Vera Brezhneva. In 2007, Maxim magazine recognized Vera as the sexiest girl in Russia.
After four years of participation, Vera Brezhneva left the group; Solo career, which continues today. Brezhnev releases two albums, shoots videos and performs hits in duets with Potap, Dan Balan, and DJ Smash. She tries herself as a TV presenter “Magic of Ten” and a participant in TV projects. Starred in the films “Love in the City”, “Christmas Trees”, “Jungle”.

Vera is also involved in charity work; she helps children with cancer and orphanages. The singer herself knows firsthand how to live when there were no extra clothes, no extra toys, and that’s why Vera understands orphans this way. Brezhneva was always a kind person and tried to help everyone, but there was no way. And when the singer started earning money, she comes to orphanages to personally give the children joy.

Personal life of Vera Brezhneva

Vera Brezhneva's personal life is as juicy as it is creative. Although the singer has had a busy schedule since the very beginning of her career, this has not stopped her from building her personal life. Like any woman, Vera wanted family happiness, to love and to be loved. Having been married twice (one civil marriage), the singer never understood the charm of family life until I met Meladze. Already with the experience of the past years, the couple approached this choice consciously and Vera Brezhneva and Meladze got married. A photo of the wedding was nevertheless captured by an Italian correspondent, after which a new sensation appeared in the press.

Meladze speaks very kindly about his wife, telling how lucky he is to have her. And Brezhnev, in turn, posts romantic photos, but very rarely shares her emotions about their relationship. Perhaps because happiness loves silence?

Vera Brezhneva's family

Vera Brezhneva's family always remains in first place for the singer. After all, she grew up in a large family where everyone was friends with each other. Dad, the singer recalls, always wanted a boy, but we only have girls. Although Brezhneva lived poorly, she always remembers that time with warmth.

Now Vera is very close to her family, and even though everyone lives in different cities, they call back very often and share news. Brezhnev can often be seen in family photographs, where she is with her sisters and two nephews.

Children of Vera Brezhneva

The children of Vera Brezhneva are two daughters, Sonya and Sarah, the greatest pride in the singer’s life. She has numerous photo sessions with her daughters, and the most touching declarations of love for children. After Brezhneva’s marriage to Meladze, for the third year now, the press has been publishing pictures in spacious outfits, suspecting her of a third pregnancy. Although Vera denies everything, she admits that she always wanted to have a son.

“We had four children in our family, and I’m a mother of two children and I’m not going to stop there,” the singer said.

Daughter of Vera Brezhneva - Sonya Kiperman

Vera Brezhneva's eldest daughter, Sonya Kiperman, was born on March 30, 2001. Until the age of five, the girl bore her surname own father Voichenko. Sonya began studying at a regular Kyiv school, but, according to the girl, her classmates did not treat her very well, some were jealous, some laughed at her, and her mother transferred her to English school Britain. Sonya studied at a modeling agency, and therefore the girl’s dream is to become a model and go to live in America, and on her own.

The girl has already conquered the catwalks of New York and posed for magazine covers. He also rides horses and leads active life on social networks, where she repeatedly posted very explicit photographs for her age. Sonya is trying herself in cinematography, studied at an acting school and, perhaps, will follow in the footsteps of her mother. And recently the girl introduced her mother to her boyfriend, where they all vacationed together in Italy.

Daughter of Vera Brezhneva - Sarah Kiperman

The youngest daughter of Vera Brezhneva, Sarah Kiperman, was born on December 14, 2009. The singer did not show her child to the public for a long time, only when the girl grew up, Vera posted her first joint photo with her daughter on Instagram with the caption “I’m trying to raise not children, but myself. After all, children are like sponges, absorbing everything from their parents. After all, I'm not only loving mother, but also an example to follow."

Sarah, according to Vera Brezhneva’s stories, loves to choose outfits herself, and these are mostly dresses. Like all little girls, they dream of becoming princesses and apparently the image of a dress is better associated with this. She loves very much older sister, because she always gives her gifts and arranges holiday shows. Recently, for Sarah's birthday, Sonya took on the role of organizer and toastmaster. There were competitions, dancing and of course a cake for the birthday girl. Sarah said that she wanted such a birthday every year, the girl liked the holiday so much.

Former common-law husband of Vera Brezhneva - Vitaly Voichenko

Former common law husband Vera Brezhneva - Vitaly Voichenko met the girl when she was only seventeen. In 2001, their daughter Sonya was born, but the young couple never made it to the registry office. According to Vitaly, it was he who made Vera what she is now. She didn't look so stunning before, but she's still a beauty. “I called her bespectacled,” recalls the ex-husband. But when Vera left Vitaly, he went to live in the tundra for some time, to heal his mental pain from separation from his beloved.

Now Voichenko has a different family. He doesn’t communicate with Vera, but he believes that his daughter will become an adult and understand everything.

Vera Brezhneva's ex-husband - Mikhail Kiperman

Vera Brezhneva's ex-husband, Mikhail Kiperman, a Ukrainian businessman, left his wife with two children when he met the singer. Their marriage gave birth to a daughter, Sarah, and eldest daughter Vera gave his last name from his first marriage. Rumor has it that Mikhail was so jealous that he forbade Vera to wear provocative outfits and act in explicit scenes. The condition that the husband set - to rewrite the contract before filming the film in which the singer was starring - finally put an end to their relationship.

Now Kiperman is married to a young model, who recently gave birth to his son.

Vera Brezhneva's husband - Konstantin Meladze

Vera Brezhneva's husband, a Russian producer, met future wife, as soon as she became a member of the VIA-Gra group. At that time, Konstantin was married and had three children. No one could even imagine that the couple would be so passionate about each other, but fate decreed otherwise. When photos of the couple together appeared in the press, everyone started talking about the romance between Vera and Konstantin. Some denied this information, while others, on the contrary, added more fuel to the fire, proving that the couple had been in a relationship for a long time.

In 2015, the lovers finally got married in Italy and celebrated their wedding on the seashore. Quietly, so to speak, like a family - just the two of us. Probably so as not to scare away happiness.

Once, in one TV show, the singer saw a plastic surgeon who showed the audience photos of Vera Brezhneva before and after plastic surgery. He scientifically explained that the cheekbones and nose were amenable to plastic surgery and spoke with affirmation of which parts of the singer’s body the doctors had worked on. When Vera heard this, she smiled and went to the gym.

Brezhneva later told her fans that she got her nose from her parents, and her cheekbones began to stand out more clearly when she lost weight. After all, looking at the facial wrinkles near the eyes when Vera smiles, on the forehead when she frowns, it is difficult to imagine that the star even injected herself with Botox. Yes, the singer takes care of her facial skin and resorts to cosmetology services. The most that Vera does is mesotherapy injections - vitamin cocktails for smoothness and elasticity of the skin.

Instagram and Wikipedia of Vera Brezhneva

Instagram and Wikipedia of Vera Brezhneva are in great demand. After all, the singer has a huge number of fans who eagerly follow Brezhneva’s work and personal life.

The singer herself willingly posts new photos on her page, where subscribers leave many comments under them. But fan reviews are not always positive, but this is most likely due to envy and one’s own laziness. Start with yourself, learn to be happy for others, do a good deed, smile at the world and the world will smile at you. Then everything will be fine for everyone! Article found on
