Spring stories for children. A fairy tale about spring for children and adults: about the triumph of goodness and beauty

Story about Spring:

In spring, the sun rises higher and shines brighter, the days become longer.
Snow is melting everywhere, stormy, sonorous streams are running.
The ice on rivers, ponds and lakes becomes covered with cracks, becomes loose, darkens and melts, and ice drift begins. Ice floes float along the river, break with a crash, and melt water floods the meadows and lowlands. The flood begins.
Icicles hang from the roofs; at noon, when the sun gets hotter, the icicles begin to melt, and spring drops ring.
Tree sap, warmed by the spring sun, rises from the roots to the swelling buds. The willow buds have fluffed up, and although there are no leaves yet, the whole tree seems to be shrouded in a delicate yellow-green cloud. Earrings on alder and hazel become lighter and fluffy. In the forests, fields and meadows, spring flowers open: coltsfoot, snowdrop, lungwort.
Insects wake up after a long winter. Returning from warm regions to their homeland migratory birds. The rooks arrive first, then the starlings, wagtails, and larks.
The winter hibernation of animals is ending. Adult animals molt, winter fur is replaced by summer fur, and squirrels and hare change the color of their coats.
A mother bear with her cubs comes out of the den. A badger comes out of a hole. The she-wolf gives birth to cubs.
In spring people have a lot of work. In the field, the soil is prepared for crops and rye, barley, and millet are sown. Early crops are sown in gardens: dill, parsley, carrots, onions.
The gardens are covered with white and pink lace capes - apple trees, cherries, and plums are blooming.

Poems about Spring

No wonder winter is angry,
Its time has passed -
Spring is knocking on the window
And he drives him out of the yard.
And everything started to fuss,
Everything forces Winter to get out -
And larks in the sky
The ringing bell has already been raised.
Winter is still busy
And he grumbles about Spring.
She laughs in her eyes
And it just makes more noise... .
The evil witch went crazy
And, grab the snow,
She let me in, running away,
To a beautiful child...
Spring and grief are not enough:
Washed in the snow
And only became blusher
Against the enemy.
(F. Tyutchev)

At noon I listen to the drops,
She murmurs like a bird's trill.
The crystal bell rings,
Running from the roof over the porch.
Drops gurgle, ring, sing,
It breaks snow and ice.
She doesn’t care about a big snowdrift,
She runs like a living stream.
I will clear the way for the stream,
So that he can look at the world.

in spring
At Spring Lots of work,
The rays help her:
They drive together on the roads
Talking streams,
They melt the snow, break the ice,
They warm everything around.
From under the pine needles and blades of grass
The first sleepy beetle crawled out.
Flowers on the thawed patch
The golden ones have blossomed
The buds are full and swollen
Bumblebees fly from the nest.
Spring has a lot of worries,
But things are looking up:
The field became emerald
And the gardens are in bloom.

Admire it spring is coming,
The cranes are flying in a caravan,
The day is drowning in bright gold,
And the streams in the ravines are noisy.
Soon you will have guests,
Look how many nests they will build!
What sounds, what songs will flow
Day after day from dawn to dawn.
(I. S. Nikitin)

Spring song
The snow is no longer the same -
It darkened in the field.
The ice on the lakes is cracked,
It's like they split it.
The clouds are moving faster
The sky became higher.
The sparrow chirped
Have fun on the roof.
It's getting darker every day
Stitches and paths
And on the willows with silver
The earrings glow.
(S. Marshak)

Spring is coming to us,
With quick steps,
And the snowdrifts are melting
Under her feet.
Black thawed patches
Visible in the fields.
That's right, very warm
Spring has legs.
(I. Tokmakova)

About Spring
They told us about spring
Songs from the birdhouse
And the earrings are yellow
On hazel branches.
They told us about spring
Sparrows are pugnacious,
Hairy willows,
The streams are noisy.
Butterfly hives
In a forest thawed area,
Blue snowdrops
And damp felt boots.
(N. Naydenova)


"Find the extra word."

Explain your choice.

1.March, April, May, November:
2. coltsfoot, lungwort, chamomile, snowdrop;
3.bear, fox, calf, squirrel;
4.butterfly, wagtail, bumblebee, bee;
5.tractor, shovel, rake, pitchfork.

Name the action:
1. What does the sun do in spring?
(It shines, illuminates the earth, warms, warms, pleases, shines...)
2. What does grass do in spring?
(It rises, appears, sprouts, breaks through, turns green, covers the earth with a carpet...)
3. What do birds do in spring?
(They fly in, return to their native lands, build nests, settle in birdhouses, hatch chicks...)
4. What do the buds do in the spring?
(They pour, swell, burst, unfold into green leaves, grow, open; the first leaves appear from the buds - tender, green, fragrant, fragrant...)
5. What can you do with flowers?(Plant, water, look at them, admire them, give them, smell them, cut them, put them in a vase...)

Proverbs about Spring:

1. April with water, May with grass.
2. May, May, don’t take off your fur coat.
3. Whoever does not start sowing in March forgets about his wealth.
4. Spring is our father and mother; whoever does not sow will not reap.
5. Spring is red during the day.
6. Spring will show everything.
7. Martok - wear two trousers.
8. March sets the frost on the nose.
9. No matter how angry the blizzard is, everything smells like spring.
10. Water flowed from the mountains - it brought spring.
11. Prepare the sleigh in the spring and the wheels in the fall.
12. If you miss a day in the spring, you won’t get it back in a year.
13. A day earlier you sow, a week earlier you harvest.
14. If you sow in good weather, you will produce more offspring.
15. He who sows early does not lose seeds.
16. He who hopes for heaven sits without bread.
17. In the spring, if you fall behind for an hour, you won’t catch up during the day.
18. Spring is red during the day.

Riddles about Spring:

I water the crops
There is a lot of movement.
My name is... (spring)

The first to get out of the earth
On a thawed patch
He is not afraid of frost
Even if it's small. (Snowdrop)

The snow is melting,
The meadow came to life
The day is coming...
When does this happen? (Spring)

She grows upside down
It grows not in summer, but in winter.
But the sun will bake her -
She will cry and die. (Icicle)

If he wants, he will fly straight,
He wants - he hangs in the air,
Falls like a stone from the heights
And in the fields he sings, sings. (Lark)

It made a noise, it made a noise,
I washed everything and left.
And gardens and orchards
It watered the whole area. (Storm)

They can't wait for me,
As soon as they see it, they will run away. (Rain)

An arrow flew
Fell into a swan.
I'm looking but I can't find it. (Lightning)

The ox roared
A hundred mountains
For a thousand cities. (Thunder)

Riddles about the month of March:
In warm sunny boots,
With a light on the clasps,
A boy runs through the snow
- The snow is scary, naughty girl:
As soon as he steps, the snow melts,
The ice along the rivers has broken.
He was overcome with excitement.
And this boy is ... (March)

Blowing warm South wind,
The sun is shining brighter.
The snow is thinning, softening, melting,
The loud rook flies in.
What month? Who will know?

Streams run faster
The sun is shining warmer.
Sparrow is happy about the weather
- Visited us for a month...

No wonder winter is angry,
Its time has passed -
Spring is knocking on the window
And he drives him out of the yard.
And everything started to fuss,
Everything forces Winter to get out -
And larks in the sky
The ringing bell has already been raised.
Winter is still busy
And he grumbles about Spring.
She laughs in her eyes
And it just makes more noise... .
(F. Tyutchev)

Women's March celebrates the holiday,
Gives gifts, congratulates
And - in cellophane from the frost -
He gives mimosa sprigs to everyone.

Riddles about the month of April:
The river roars furiously
And breaks the ice.
The starling returned to his house,
And in the forest the bear woke up.
A lark trills in the sky.
Who came to us?
The bear crawled out of the den,
Dirt and puddles on the road,
A lark trills in the sky
- He came to visit us...
It's frosty at night,
In the morning - drops,
So, in the yard...
The forest, fields and mountains wake up,
All the meadows and gardens.
He knocks on every hole,
Humming by the water.
"Wake up! Wake up!
Sing, laugh, smile!"
A pipe can be heard far away.
This wakes everyone up...

Snow is melting,
And drops from the roofs,
The birds have returned from the south.
Mischievous boy -
It frolics in all the streams.

The bear woke up
No sadness, no anxiety
The bear was sleeping in his den.
Slept all winter until spring
And he probably had dreams.
Suddenly the clubfoot woke up,
He hears a drip...
What a disaster!
I groped in the dark with my paw
And he jumped up - there was water all around!
The bear hurried outside:
Floods - no time for sleep!
He got out and saw: puddles,
Snow is melting...
Spring came!
(G. Ladonshchikov)

Streams run through the fields,
There are puddles on the roads,
The ants will come out soon
After the winter cold.
A bear sneaks through
Through the dead wood.
The birds began to sing songs.
And the snowdrop blossomed.
(S. Marshak)

The king's eyebrows are furrowed,
Said yesterday:
"A storm has struck
Monument to Peter."
He got scared:
"I did not know! Really?
The king laughed:
“First, brother, April...”
(A.S. Pushkin)

Riddles about the month of May:

The distance of the fields is green,
The nightingale sings.
IN White color the garden is dressed,
The bees are the first to fly.
Thunder rumbles. Guess,
What month is this?
The garden tried on white,
The nightingale sings a sonnet,
Our land is dressed in greenery
- We are greeted warmly...
A baby is running in bast shoes,
You can hear his steps.
He runs and everything blooms,
He laughs and keeps singing.
Hid happiness in petals
On the lilac bushes.
“My lily of the valley, smell sweet!”
- The cheerful one commanded...

Poems :
Nature breathes.
On warm days
They buzzed in the cherries
May beetles.
Seven cherries.
Each contains three beetles.
You'll count the beetles
For sure.
Come on over!

Dear little starling,
Finally arrive!
For you I built a house,
Not a birdhouse, but a palace!
Come and sing
A song about green May!
Come to our yard soon!
All is ready! Come!
(M. Karim)

The lily of the valley bloomed in May
On the holiday itself - on the first day.
Seeing off May with flowers,
The lilac is blooming.
(S. Marshak)
Victory Day

May holiday -
Victory Day
The whole country celebrates.
Our grandfathers put on
Military orders.

The road calls them in the morning
To the ceremonial parade.
And thoughtfully from the threshold
The grandmothers look after them.
(T. Belozerov)

It's no secret that after Winter comes Spring. Comes and warms the world with warmth. It comes and brings thaws, shifts ice, awakens streams. Winter builds barriers to Spring, but there are no barriers to love of life, freedom, beauty...

Listen to a fairy tale (6min58sec)

Bedtime story about Spring

Once upon a time there was Spring. She was very beautiful. She had heavenly colored eyes and flaxen hair. The eyebrows, like crescents, were graceful and even. Her pearl earrings looked like lily of the valley flowers.

Spring woke up early. In the evening she set her flower alarm clock and got up exactly when it rang. The flower alarm clock is such a wonderful alarm clock that each hour has its own flower: the first hour is a snowdrop, the second is lungwort, the third is anemone, the fourth is a tulip...

Spring smiled at the first ray of sunshine and joyfully said:

- Hello, new day!

And she started to fuss. Spring was never boring. She did not like the conversations about boredom that Vesna sometimes heard from people. And she shared with her friend Veter:

- Can you imagine, Wind, in this amazing world, where there is sun, water, flowers and various miracles, people have managed to invent boredom.

The wind supported its friend in everything. He also had no time to be bored. And then one day he told her:

- Winter is packing its bags, your reign is coming, Spring. Get ready for the road.

And Spring began to prepare for the journey. She packed her things, set her flower alarm clock and went to bed early.

It was a wonderful morning. A little cold, because Winter still reigned, but bright and sweet. Spring drank hot tea with bagels and poppy seeds. She was in a joyful mood.

But then she noticed that her warm boots, embroidered with patterns, were missing.

The Boots of Spring are gone!

- How can I walk barefoot in the cold snow? Who took my boots? Who needed them? – Vesna was upset.

Meanwhile, in the Distant Forest they had been waiting for her for a long time. The bear was already restlessly tossing and turning in his den, and the curious bumblebees were looking anxiously from their hiding places. It's time to be free, but there is no Spring.

-Where has Spring gone? - Luka the bunny muttered. – I really want warmth!

And the little bunny Luka didn’t know that Spring would be glad to come, but she doesn’t have boots, and you can’t go far barefoot.

Meanwhile, Vesna left her house and sat down on the porch. Suddenly she sees a bee flying near her. That bee's name was Ulya. Over the winter, her outfit became worn out and her wings became dirty. Spring gave Ule the bee a new outfit: bright and playful. And then he tells her:

- Fly, little bee, to the Distant Forest. Yes, tell them that my boots are missing, that’s why I’m delayed. Maybe someone can help me with something.

Ulya the bee flew into the distant forest. She saw the bunny Luka first and told him about Spring’s misadventures. Then the little hare ran to the hedgehog Thorn. He knew a lot. He made new boots for Spring. The little bunny Luka grabbed his boots and ran quickly towards Spring. And Ulya the bee flies nearby, showing the way.

And suddenly the little bunny sees two strong guys coming towards him.

- Who are they? – the little bunny asked boldly.

“I, Frost the Treskun,” said one of them.

“And I am Frost the Kolotun,” said another.

- We will not let you, little bunny, into Spring, may Winter reign forever.

What should a bunny do? Frost-Treskun and Frost-Kolotun are large and strong. And he, the bunny, is small, he still needs to gain strength and gain strength.

The little bunny shouted louder:

- Come, Spring, take your boots, we are waiting for you in the Distant Forest.

But the bunny’s cry did not reach Spring. Yes, the giant pines heard him, whispered among themselves and conveyed the words of the little hare Luka to Vesna. Spring asked her friend Wind to pick up the boots. He did so, and then he buzzed louder and drove the two Frosts north. The Frost brothers ran as fast as they could. And because of Frost the Cracker’s bosom, Spring’s boots fell out. It turns out that he hid the boots!

So Spring got two pairs of boots. Some were brought by the Wind, and others by the bunny Luka. She hid some of them away, in case someone else would lay an eye on her boots. And she put on the second ones and went towards the Distant Forest. The little bunny Luka and the bee Ulya went with her. And the Wind rushed off about its business.

Soon Vesna and her companions reached the place. Spring asked the Sun to warm the earth better. Those who slept in a sweet dream during the long winter woke up. Everyone thanked Spring for its warmth, mercy and joy. And she went to other forests.

Spring has made the days sunny and the nights warmer. The sleep of the forest inhabitants became kinder and more serene.

Valentina Pavlovna Voskresenskaya, teacher, School No. 121, d/o 28A, Moscow
Purpose: This author's fairy tale will be useful for educators working with children aged 5-7 years, for teachers of grades 1-3, and for parents. The fairy tale can be used as a model for composing stories and fairy tales in spring themes, about friendship, about obedience, and can also serve for dramatization.
Description: With the arrival of spring, everything changes in the forest: the bunny and squirrels change coats, wake up after a long day hibernation hedgehogs and bears (they were woken up cheerful stream), primroses appear that cannot be picked, but can only be admired, because they are listed in the Red Book. We learn about all this while traveling through the forest with our friends Antoshka the bunny and Verochka the squirrel.
A fairy tale should teach children to love nature, see its beauty, notice changes, and also be obedient.
Target: Getting to know natural phenomena with the arrival of spring through the eyes of two friends.
1. Systematize knowledge about spring changes in nature.
2.Develop dialogic speech, activate vocabulary.
3.Be able to consistently convey the events of a fairy tale.
4. Develop the ability to make friends and be obedient.
5.Cultivate feelings of love for native nature, the ability to appreciate and preserve its beauty.

On the edge of the forest, next door, lived a family of bunnies and squirrels. They lived together and visited each other.

Spring has come. Mother hare and mother squirrel started a big cleaning in their houses. The older bunnies and squirrels began to help their mothers with pleasure. But in these families there were also kids, and such restless ones: the hare’s mother had a little bunny Antoshka, and the squirrel’s mother had a squirrel named Verochka: they didn’t help so much as they got in the way.

And the mothers, without saying a word, sent the kids for a walk, ordering them not to go far from home. We were very happy to meet Antoshka and Verochka, because they were great friends, as they say, you can’t spill water on them. The little squirrel Verochka looked at her friend and didn’t recognize him.
“Where is your little white fur coat?” she asked.
“I don’t wear a white fur coat in the spring, I now have a gray coat, which I will wear until next winter,” answered Antoshka, “and you also have a different fur coat?”
-Yes, I’ll be a redhead now.
Friends began to play catch, leapfrog, hide and seek, and swing on a swing.

But suddenly they became bored playing together, and, forgetting about mother’s orders, not to go far from home, friends, singing a song of their own composition:
-Let's go to the forest, we'll go, we'll go,
and we’ll find friends, we’ll find, we’ll find, -
The bunny Antoshka and the squirrel Verochka, holding their paws tightly and jumping merrily, ran into the forest.
And it was already spring in the forest.

The first thing they saw was a cheerful ringing stream. It gurgled, rang like a bell, ran up to every bush and tree and ran on.
“Why are you running up to the trees?” asked the friends.
-The roots of bushes and trees will drink my water, wake up, open their “green eyes” - buds, and leaves will bloom, and then flowers.
“Play with us,” the friends asked.
“No, sorry, I don’t have time, I still have a lot of work,” answered the stream and, jingling cheerfully, ran on.
Antoshka and Verochka continued their journey in search of friends.
Nearby, someone began to puff and puff. The kids took a closer look and saw a hedgehog, which was also awakened by a fast-flowing stream.
“Won’t you play with us, Hedgehog?” the friends asked.
-Okay, just a little, because it’s still very damp here, there’s a lot of water - the snow is melting - my paws are cold.
They found a dry clearing, and Hedgehog and the squirrel Verochka began to dance.

Having thanked Yozhinka, the little animals continued on their way and saw the bear cub Mishutka with his mother bear. They were also awakened by our familiar stream.

“It’s wet, damp in the den, it’s time to leave it - spring, spring,” said the mother bear.
They refused to play, suggesting that the squirrel and the bunny come later, in the summer, when it would be dry, warm and green and then they could play hide and seek.

And then the little bunny Antoshka and the squirrel Verochka saw a clearing with the first spring flowers - snowdrops and crocuses. They wanted to pick bouquets of flowers, but remembered that this was not allowed. These flowers are listed in the Red Book: their older sisters and brothers read about this.

A lot of time had passed, and the friends remembered that it was time for them to go home, but they no longer remembered the way back. They were upset and cried. But then the beautiful Spring herself approached them.

She offered to walk them home. Her warm feet, with which she walked on the ground, left a dry path without snow. Antoshka and Verochka ran after Vesna and very soon found themselves near their houses. The mothers finished cleaning, prepared delicious dinners and began to worry: the kids were not around the houses. And here they are, together with Spring.
The bunny Antoshka and the squirrel Verochka reassured their mothers and promised not to run far without permission.

They thanked the beautiful Vesna for her help. Spring continued its path, leaving behind it thawed patches on which the first spring flowers appeared, and friends began vying with each other to talk about their adventures in the spring forest.

Spring came. Warm days have arrived. nature has awakened from winter hibernation. The buds on the trees are swelling, young grass is breaking through, and the first flowers are blooming. The birds began to sing more cheerfully, their songs became affectionate, warming and giving us a good mood.

March may still be cold, but spring still fights hard against winter. Make way for spring! It's spring!

Tell your children about spring

Go out for walks with your child more often, make different discoveries in the spring. Let the child fall in love with spring, feel the spring breeze, the smell of herbs and flowers, and admire the first sticky leaves.

In spring, changes occur in nature. Tell the children about this. Please note that the sun has already risen higher, is shining dazzlingly, and the day is lengthening. Look at the sky. Ask your child what the sky was like in winter and what it is like now. The sky was gray in winter, but now it is blue. You can see clouds in the sky, which are sometimes driven by the wind. Consider the clouds. Find similarities with animals with your child: what the clouds look like. This is a very exciting activity.

If you still have snow, watch how it melts and small streams run. Listen with your baby to how he murmurs. Look where the stream runs? Children love to play near streams: they float paper boats, nut shells, and tree bark. It's very fun and interesting!

See how the buds swell on the trees. We cut a branch of cherry and lilac and watched the buds open. Admire the first snowdrops with your children. You can tell them the legend about Spring and the snowdrop. .)

A. N. Tolstoy “Spring has come”

MM. Prishvin "Spring miniatures"

I. S. Sokolov-Mikitov “Spring”

V. Suteev "Spring"

“How spring overcame winter” - Russian folk tale

L.F. Voronkov’s “New Galoshes”, as well as stories by Bianki, N. Sladkov, G. Skrebitsky about nature and animals. Yulia and I read a little stories about animals. She really likes it. He listens with great pleasure.

Spring stories. L. Pestin


The air is still and cool. Light frost. There are grains of ice on last year's leaf, and thin ice glistens in the ruts. It seems that spring has stopped at the threshold, and winter does not want to go away - it would be nice to walk across the earth with blizzards as a farewell!

I'm walking through the grove. Quiet. Suddenly a starling flew from a tree straight onto the road. He shook himself, ruffled his feathers, and quickly jumped up and down on the frost-bound ground, as if he wanted to say:

Here we are!


He was born in the morning. He parted last year's leaves, looked out and froze, surprised: there was snow all around.

It’s cold here,” the willow said to the snowdrop. “I should sit in the ground, it’s warmer there.” Upstart!

And the snowdrop spread its petals and stretched upward. He was the first. He went on reconnaissance.


In the forest, in the copses and groves, snow is still hidden here and there. Snowdrops appeared in the thawed areas. And some broke through a thin layer of snow, looked out, turned blue: there was no time, life goes on.


The stream was born in the forest. He broke out into a spacious meadow and, joyfully. Murmuring like spring, he ran to the river. Young grass began to turn green around her. Every day it became thicker. Then the dandelions sparkled in it with golden splashes.

The waters have receded. The stream has dried up. But in the place where he once fled, life continued. Flowers bloomed and grass grew.


There are sunny spring bunnies on the windowsill. The girl catches them with her hand.

Vasya, why is the sun running away? - she asks her brother.

Because the sun is for everyone,” the boy answers.


There are three oak trees in the grove through which I walk: two of them support the third. He was broken by the wind and fell onto the branches of neighboring oak trees, and remained standing, leaning on them. I look at the oak trees and think: “This happens to people too.”


The spring sun is shining and smiling. And as if responding to a smile, everything around sparkles. Trees drop diamond drops.

This is dew, grandson.

No, grandpa, it’s the trees that are crying. From happiness. “It’s spring,” says the grandson, sitting down next to his grandfather.

Watch the videos and listen to the sounds of nature in spring. They are very calming.

Read works about spring to children, enjoy the beauty of nature with them, love and respect your loved ones. I wish you health and spring mood!

Read, leave your comments, share your experience.

Bunny and spring

It's a fine day. Little bunny sitting under the bush and marveling at my old casing.
“Oh, woe is me,” the boy cried, “the snow is parting, there’s nowhere to get caught, my white skin is visible through.”
Affectionate sunshine bothered the crying bunny, wiped away the tears and tried to help. It went wild until spring. The little sunshine listened respectfully and asked the bunny for help. As I walked by, the grass was green, the trees were blooming, the birds were chirping. Everything pleased the Spring Enchantress.
Unfortunately, the little hare, who was sitting under a bush on a pile of gray snow, began to wail with pain as the rest of the snow melted, and the new threads blossomed. The three-dimensional bunny raised its head and noticed a girl of an unusual nature. She was dressed in a coat of beautiful flowers. The wind blew through her brown hair, and the birds sang the most beautiful song for her.
- Who are you? — the bunny asked enchanted.
“I am spring,” the girl said happily, “the sun told me about your misfortune.” Axis marvel. Tse you.
Vona handed you a nice gray casing.
- I love you, Spring! - the bunny shouted. - Now no one can bother me in the middle of the bushes!
Having dressed the new skin, the happy bunny met the fox. And spring, the enchantress, commanded far away, giving everyone joy and peace.

A tale about Spring

The red spring has come to visit the snowy lands. She spent the whole winter with migratory birds on a warm day, and as the sun began to rise more and more in the sky, here she began to fly.

Ask the spring of migratory birds - geese, swans: “Put me on the bed, where people, animals, birds, and all sorts of crooked spider beetles do not wait.” But the birds were afraid to fly to the ground: “There, it seems, there is snow and ice, cold and hunger, there, it seems, everything is frozen and rotten.” As much as Spring asked, no one wanted to bring it to the spring. She was completely confused: well, apparently, she’ll have to live out her entire life. Rampantly, I hear a voice rising from above: “Don’t scold, Red Spring, sit on me, I’ll deliver you a quick lunch.” She looked up the mountain, and across the sky above her there was a white, fluffy cloud. Spring was in full swing, climbed onto the gloom and flew to the snowy land. It looks like it's flying down to the ground. And there, on earth, everyone is happy, everyone is happy. In the fields there are thawed patches, streams are running, ice is breaking on the river, and the bushes of trees in the forests and gardens are covered with great, ready-to-crack branches.

The red spring flew from day to day on the white fluffy gloom. And after her, the untreated flocks of migratory birds - geese, swans and all sorts of winged creatures: larks, larks, thrushes, finches, chickweeds, warblers...

So from that hour people noticed: just as the first fluffy gloom appears in the sky, it means that the new Spring will arrive. Now look out for warmth and melt water every day, look out for cheerful winged guests every day...

(G. Skrebitsky)

Like spring drove away winter

Winter spread out into the fields and let loose its cosmos. To lie down is out of the question. She doesn't have any turbos. To serve the winter are faithful servants - the prickly wind and the bitter frost. Resentment is angry.
The prickly wind blew away the leaves from the trees, dried the grass in the field so that it lay soft in winter. And the bitter frost bound the earth and rivers with cold shackles. One turbo was lost in the cold and wind - to ensure a calm winter. The bitter frost roams and bites through the snowy expanses, so that no one is drowned needlessly. And the prickly wind did its job. Just look at the sun - the wind is blowing again! Sonny, I can’t climb to the sky. So I roll over the horizon. Shine, not shine. And winter is calming down: good servants are in it!
Winter has arrived for the children. Mami is not allowed on the street, to be afraid, so as not to catch a cold. If you allow it to come out, then they wrap it so tightly that you can’t tread on it. And he wants to splurge.
That spring has come and gone! The children were looking and looking for spring. Steel gukati:
Spring beauty,
Gold braid!
Come spring
With a white cloud
And with a poultice,
With grass and ants,
With a bird's eye -
We check for you,
We're already waiting!

I sensed spring and came to the edge of the field. The sun began to throw up the mountain. No matter what day it is, the prickly wind continues to fight for nothing. I’m groaning, but I can’t fly my little son to the horizon. He climbed into the line, became quiet, and calmed down.
And the frost rushed in. Without looking back, you run all the way to the Ancient Pole. Having started to ask the white witches:
- Let spring and summer roll over.
The white witch waved his paw:
- Please! We are not afraid of you.
The winter has ended without servants. She came out from the steppe hills at the bush and took communion. And spring is here. Cheerful. Come on, he’s scattering flowers across the bows.
Winter cried and fed:
- Why did you come? Who's clicking for you?
Spring has arrived:
- The children called. Now I'm amusing them. And you, grandma, go get yourself.
The winter was bad. The reign has ended. She ran down to the river, sat on the remaining krizhina and poured it into the sea-ocean.
And spring climbed onto the balcony and opened the doors to the room. The dorky bunny brushed across the wall and from the wall, lightly. The children have woken up, and spring is putting warm clothes in the closet. Maybe you need more?
