World of tank what efficiency. What is efficiency in World of Tanks? How to find out a player's efficiency in World of Tanks

The calculator allows you to make recalculation of indicators both existing players, after loading their statistics, and a “virtual” player, if no player’s statistics have been loaded.

Sequence of using the "Indicator Conversion Calculator".

1. Adding tank data to the "Calculator..." is done in two ways:
– click on the name of the tank in the table " Vehicle statistics";
– click on the “Select tank” button or change the value of the “vehicle level” selection element. In the “Tank Selection” panel that opens, click on the button with the name of the tank.
approx.. The "tank selection" panel displays all tanks of a given level. Tanks are divided into two groups: tanks that the player has and those that are missing.

2. Changing the statistics of the selected tank is carried out in three ways.
a) Place courses in the parameter value entry field, use the keyboard to enter a new value, confirm the changes by pressing the "Enter" key or clicking anywhere on the screen.
b) Click on the buttons: – increase, – decrease.
c) Click on the button to open the panel " Additions to tank battle statistics". In the panel, change the tank's statistics using methods "a" or "b". Click on the button " Add to tank statistics".
approx.. When changing the value of any tank parameter, the tank's WN8 values ​​and the parameter's contribution to WN8 are recalculated.

3. Adding the selected tank to the table "Changed statistics of vehicles participating in the recalculation of indicators" carried out by clicking on the button.

4. If necessary, change the tank statistics again added to the table "" click on the button.

5. From the table " Changed vehicle statistics..."You can remove the tank by clicking on the button.

6. If necessary add more tanks for their participation in the recalculation of indicators, complete steps 1-3.

7. Recalculation of indicators launched by clicking on the button " Recalculate the player's WN8 indicator, taking into account changes in statistics".

8. After recount changes in indicators will be displayed in the main panel " General statistics", and in the table " Changed statistics of vehicles involved in the recalculation of indicators" - changes to tank parameters.

approx.. After recalculating the indicators, the data display format is: new value (±delta). The delta parameter is the difference between the new parameter value and the original (real) value.

Click on the button " Clear calculator" - clears all fields of the "Calculator..."

Click on the button " Reset changes" - restores the original values ​​of the parameters of the selected tank in the table " Statistics of the selected tank". If the player has the selected tank, then the actual parameter values ​​are recorded in the table, and if not, then the "Expected" parameter values ​​are recorded.

17.3.2017 1875 Views

Sooner or later, World of Tanks players think about the fact that world of tanks efficiency their statistics are a kind of indicator of skill and set them apart from the rest of the gaming community. Therefore, it is not strange that players want to know how well they play.

Only the World of Tanks efficiency rating can help with this. First, you need to figure out what is a player's performance rating in World of Tanks?
Performance rating is an indicator of a gamer’s personal skill, which is based on a number of the following key indicators:

Average damage per battle;
average experience per battle;
average number of enemies killed per battle;
average light damage;
indicator of base capture and defense points;
win percentage;

How to find out efficiency in World of Tanks?

The higher each of the indicators, the higher the efficiency rating itself. To find out your own indicator, you should download the World of Tanks efficiency calculator. Developers from Wargaming introduced their own rating - combat, which is shown in the player’s statistics, but many users recognize only the efficiency rating.

Performance Rating Calculator Efficiency World of Tanks is installed as a regular modification and does not conflict with the game itself. After installation, the effectiveness is displayed in the battle itself - opposite each user nickname.

Do you need an efficiency calculator for World of Tanks?

The efficiency calculator for World of Tanks will not allow you to play better, but it will give you detailed information about your allies and opponents in this particular battle. What is it for?
First of all, a player who has information about his enemies and allies can already predict the outcome of the battle. Comparing the statistics of allies and opponents, it becomes clear which team is clearly stronger and which is weaker, or maybe they are completely equal in capabilities.

In addition, you will be able to understand which enemy is now opposite and what he should expect. Having looked at the world of tanks effectiveness rating in battle and discovered that the player is not very experienced or, more simply put, “cancer”, you don’t have to worry that he will be the reason for your defeat. But especially experienced players should always be controlled and not allowed to impose their game. Therefore, extras need to be removed first. The World of Tanks performance rating calculator will be the best assistant in such situations.

But there are also disadvantages, although the efficiency calculator itself is game World of Tanks is a useful thing. First of all, experienced gamers suffer from it - their statistics are seen by the entire enemy team and it is no secret that they become the number one target for destruction. In a number of fights good player he simply cannot budge, because he immediately comes under fire from the entire enemy team, and especially from the self-propelled guns.
It should be noted that bad players become victims of ridicule when more experienced gamers see their statistics. Therefore, a calculator is like a double-edged sword: in some places it is useful, but in others it only harms.

And yet, the calculator efficiency efficiency World of Tanks is not universal. It will happen, more than once, that even the weakest player will suddenly drag out the fight or an extra will merge - there are thousands of situations and it is impossible to predict them all - it’s all the will of the great Belarusian random.

Efficiency in battle World of Tanks

In addition to the fact that the effectiveness calculator allows you to monitor other players, it also gives information about the combat effectiveness of World of Tanks directly in battle for you.
Here, the indicators are influenced by all of the above factors, except for the percentage of victories and survival - they are analyzed after the end of the battle. The effectiveness of a World of Tanks shot is very important in calculating it.

Each shot at the enemy - with penetration, of course - is points for your piggy bank. If you missed, or the shell hit the tank but did not penetrate the armor, the effectiveness is zero. Only direct damage and damage with your help - if the shot put the tank on the roller, can earn efficiency rating points. Efficiency is displayed directly in battle - in the upper left corner of the screen.

Statistics WN8 is one of the most popular calculators for calculating the effectiveness of a battle, as it shows the most detailed statistics on damage, the number of knocked out opponents, the calculation is carried out using a new formula, which eliminates errors to a minimum.

WN8 is now one of the necessary tools to find out about the efficiency level of your equipment, team or clan

There are several resources on the Internet with online calculators, which include the calculator already listed above, let’s look at how to find out wn8 in World of Tanks. To check, just go to the site, then enter your nickname in the Player Name field, select the server on which you play and wait for the statistics to be displayed. As a rule, it is shown together with the old WN6\WN7 indicators.

The WN8 rating noticeably wins in terms of the number of points. What is this connected with? Probably because the calculator mainly calculates damage indicators by multiplying it by the number of frags (killed enemy targets), and also counts light and protection. If you do not take into account these one of the main parameters, you risk underestimating your rating.

Therefore, rely on clear hits and defense

WN8 statistics are clearly tied to your account, so if you want to compare the stats of a player with a tank close to your level, the stats will differ significantly, because this player may have a different number of destroyed tanks. There is another way to find out wn8 in World of Tanks - using xvm statistics during loading or during battle.

This way you can clearly navigate the damage indicators without turning to calculators.

1) Destroy as many enemies as possible.

2) Deal as much damage as possible

3) Use flares for opponents. It is more profitable to gain damage points on tanks from level 10, but you should be careful. All these indicators have a positive effect on the overall rating; good efficiency is the key to success for the team.

4) Upgrade all tank parameters to the maximum to reach the green mark.

In conclusion, we can say that the WN8 rating is the most advanced of all calculation systems, which is very difficult to cheat in a dishonest way. The BH8 rating is best achieved on medium and heavy tanks with a powerful weapon and high combat effectiveness.

Efficiency World of Tanks online is a collection of data that shows how effectively you play, deal damage, and perform in battle. It was with the help of the efficiency calculator that tankers began to be judged in random. This is the same way a player is evaluated when he is accepted into a clan. WOT combat effectiveness has become an alternative to the simple win percentage indicator, since the latter does not reflect in detail the game of a particular person. The automatic WOT efficiency calculator allows you to evaluate a set of factors that show how well a player plays in World of Tanks.

In game chats, on World of Tanks forums and in other places related to “World of Tanks,” players see questions like “Tell me my efficiency,” “Tell me efficiency,” “What color am I?” and so on... Many tankers know what it is, but some are wondering - what is the efficiency of World of Tanks?

In this article we will try to answer the questions:

  • What is efficiency?
  • What are rating points awarded for?
  • What equipment should you use to lift?
  • Give tips on damage techniques.

General concept of efficiency, or WOT efficiency

World of Tanks efficiency is a tanker’s personal rating that shows your general skills, skills and mastery of the game. There are two types of statistics - hangar and combat. Combat efficiency is the rating that the player sees in battle, and hangar, or individual efficiency for a tank is xTE, that is, statistics on a separate vehicle, which is compared with the average performance of the same tank of all its drivers.

Color scale

To make it clearer, let's say this - the more useful and effective you are on the battlefield, the higher the WOT efficiency value. There are 6 color zones that reflect the tanker’s professionalism (nickname color). The first zone, scary for any World of Tanks player, is red. Such guys, as a rule, have overall account statistics of up to 47% and efficiency from 0 to 629. These terrible and hated players received in-game nicknames such as “crawfish” and “bottom”. Mainly Newcomers World of Tanks, who study and understand the basics of the game, although there are exceptions.

The second zone is Orange color, World of Tanks efficiency ranges from 630 to 859, and the win percentage is about 47-48. Such players are treated more normally compared to the “crayfish”, but the “orange” ones also come under criticism from their allies because of their gaming decisions. This zone includes those tankers who enjoy the game not from the numbers after battle statistics, but during the battle. “I left first, fired a couple of shots, merged first, got on another tank and drove on” - here general concept about the “orange” from the top VOD producer of “World of Tanks”.

The third, extensive zone is the “yellow” players, whose statistics range from 860 to 1139, and their winning percentage ranges from 49 to 51. It is the players with yellow efficiency who are the bulk of the game.

These “tankers” are guys who understand the basics of the game:

  • How the main battles take place on the map.
  • They know the main directions and places.
  • They know the types of shells, penetration zones, and the style of “backlight.”

These are “shot” guys who are able to repel the enemy. Yes, these players are not “ideal”, they tend to make mistakes important points, or even merge at the beginning of the battle, out of stupidity. But the main thing is what they think during the fight, and not everyone succeeds in this!

WOT efficiency

After the yellow zone, the zone of “extras” begins - players who care about their efficiency and try to play on the technique that suits them to maintain or improve their statistical indicators.
So the fourth color is green. Players with a rating of 1140-1459 and a win percentage of 52-56. “Green” players are a support for the allied team, and a danger to opponents. As a rule, a platoon of three “green” players, if they are in the TOP of the team’s list, are able to change the outcome of the battle in their favor. Tankers of this class know the terrain of the game maps, know where to appear first and where not to interfere - such players have a good reputation. It’s not for nothing that people start recruiting into TOP clans from the “green” zone.

The penultimate color scale is profiles with turquoise statistics, rating 1460-1734 and 57%-64%. Trained and “wolves armed to the teeth” who change the outcome of a battle, even a weak one. Take first place in experience and damage? These guys can handle such a task - they know how to “bend over” and what is the most convenient and easier way to do it.

And the last zone, which is conquered by the chosen ones, is purple. WOT efficiency from 1735 and above, percentage – 65 +.
Often, only avid twinks have such accounts, but there are exceptions. When the players took their heads and adjusted their values ​​​​to this framework. “Purple” guys are the most dangerous opponents on the battlefield. They tend to change any situation to suit themselves. Extras play on a technique that is called “imbo-shaped” - that is, one that has penetration and accuracy indicators, has drums and speed. Examples of such machines are drum 10s such as BatChat, T57 Heavy, AMX 50B. And if we talk about comfortable shooting, these are the German and French ST Leopard 1, AMX 30B and E-50M, and the entire trio of 10th ST USSR. These cars are very demanding of their drivers, but they are also capable of doing incredible things.

How to increase the efficiency of World of Tanks?

The moment when a player thinks about his statistics comes in different ways - for some it comes at the beginning of his “path”, and after a couple of dozen or hundreds of battles, and for others this period can last up to 5-10 thousand, not to mention those who won’t get it at all, who will still ride the red “crustacean” with 30 thousand fights and an efficiency of 540...

So, there are two solutions to the problem of “how to increase the efficiency of World of Tanks”:

  1. Create a new game account.
  2. The second is to come to your senses and begin to lift (or “overcome”) from the base.

A new account is a simple solution, but not every player decides to go down this path - many have high-level 8s on the “base”, for which they paid decent money. If there are no “preset bonuses” on the “base” or the pocket allows you to buy one or two more eights for a new “acc”, then the “twink” is a good choice, especially when on the main profile the battle level has exceeded 30-50 thousand, and total percentage- only a measly 47, and the efficiency is below 900... The process of raising statistics on such a profile is delayed, so “twink” is a good choice. Another thing is if there are 5-8 thousand battles on the “base”, then this can be fixed – choosing the right fighting style, choosing the right and “imbal” branches, smart play and – voila! With such plans, the account will turn green, or even turn turquoise by 20 thousand battles!

So, after the player has decided for himself what he wants - a new game profile or “overcome on the basis”, the question comes up - “which tanks to play on and what to download first?” We will try to answer this too.

Which vehicle is easier to increase the efficiency of World of Tanks?

A good choice would be to start playing tanks from the USSR branch. Soviet heavy vehicles forgive mistakes of their driver, and the USSR ST of the 10th level is included in the list of the best TOP tanks in the game. If for some reason you don’t like the USSR or have these vehicles, then pay attention to the drum TT and ST of France, TT of the USA - these vehicles are interesting and dangerous on the battlefield. In general, if you put your hand on your heart, you can “bend” and raise statistics on everything except ART-SAU.

Almost any tank high levels, starting from 5, has its own flavor that can be used. The main thing you shouldn’t forget is to deal as much damage as possible in battle. The first rule is to beat off the HP of the machine you are playing on, and then your account will have excellent statistics!
Well, this article comes to an end! Good luck on the battlefields and in increasing your World of Tanks efficiency!

About RE in World of Tanks

Any World of Tanks tanker sees himself as a good player, a bender, so to speak. However, statistics do not spare anyone, since in reality only five percent of players actually know how to play. They understand the intricacies of using various techniques in battles and take advantage of the inexperience of beginners. By the way, for Last year World of Tanks has significantly increased the number of noobs, that is, there are more inexperienced players. The funny thing is that after 2-3 thousand battles, the noobs we love so much learn about the existence of an efficiency rating (ER), and immediately ask the question: how can we raise it? I seem to be playing well, sometimes I even hit my full forty-six percent, but at the same time the RE stands still at around 500-600.

On a note. RE is also called efficiency - coefficient useful action. The lower his numbers, the more the player depends on the actions of the team and the less he decides the outcome of the battle. That is, the benefit for the team is questionable and therefore such a player is most often one of the first to be destroyed in battle. In addition, he believes that victory depends only on the team and for this reason he does not even try to try to play better. He doesn't care, to put it mildly. Another layer of players who have high numbers of their efficiency (or, in other words, RE), are sometimes able to drag out a battle alone against nine or even ten opponents. This is the main difference between low efficiency and high efficiency (PE) players.

How to find out your efficiency (EC) in the game World of Tanks?

Enough a large number of Internet resources offer their own ways of assessing your combat effectiveness. We should never forget that the formula for calculating efficiency is constantly changing and being modernized. Today your numbers will be high and tomorrow they will plummet. So the conclusion suggests itself: efficiency is purely subjective. We cannot trust him completely, but we also consider it unreasonable to deny his existence. Be that as it may, in any case, efficiency is precisely the parameter that reflects your level of skill in World of Tanks.

To display efficiency in battle, there is a mod called XVM. People most often call it a reindeer meter (deer meter). Speaking in simple language, this is a third-party modification that shows the skill level of each player directly in battle - in numbers and in color. Next, it will sound a little funny, but one of the ways to find out your efficiency in World of Tanks is simply during a battle in the chat, ask the question: what is my efficiency (EC)? What color am I in the deer gauge? Surely at least two or three players use the XVM mod and will answer you right away. But again, each player has the XVM efficiency mod configured to their own taste. Therefore, you should not completely trust their answers in the battle chat. The numbers may vary dramatically.

Another way: go to a third-party resource and find out your efficiency yourself. As a rule, on sites such as or there is online calculator Efficiency (RE) in World of Tanks, where you just need to indicate your game nickname in a special form, then click on the “calculate” button. Next comes out detailed information about your combat effectiveness. Moreover, there are several ratings at once. Their data is usually almost the same, but there are still some differences in the calculation formulas. Therefore, sometimes it happens that according to one rating you are a good player, but according to another you are a bad player. However, such large differences are rare. So it’s your right to trust only the formula that you like best.

How to increase your RE (efficiency) in the game World of Tanks?

Well, it's as easy as shelling pears. Play well enough. However, the concept of “playing well” is understood differently by different players. To make it clearer to you, we will put it even more simply. For a good game, it is enough to have average damage at the level of your tank’s HP (health bar, so to speak). That is, if your tank has 1650 strength points, then every battle you must deal at least these 1650 points of damage. Can you do it? This means you play well and your efficiency in World of Tanks will go up. This is the simplest explanation for "dummies" in the world of tanks. We'll tell you a little more later.

Efficiency (ER) is nothing more than the same personal rating that you can see in the World of Tanks hangar in the “achievements” tab. In a word, statistics. The only difference: the personal rating is official, and the efficiency is an outside view. Moreover, all ratings are similar, because they are calculated according to the same principles. The only difference is the difference in influence different parameters on the rating itself: such as damage, exposure, base capture, base defense, frags per battle.

However, keep in mind that stock equipment always reduces your efficiency. Never play on stock. But then how can you download equipment if you can’t play it? You ask. Here we will also help you with advice: earn free experience on other tanks in order to pump up your stock “bucket”. Of course, in such a miraculous way, leveling will slow down greatly, because free experience for the battle is given negligibly little, but here we remind you that, first of all, we all play for fun. In such a simple and wonderful way, like pumping up the drain to the top for free experience, you solve a whole problem, your efficiency in World of Tanks will grow much faster.

Do you play well, but the efficiency (ER) in World of Tanks is not increasing?

Actually, let's tell you a secret. World of Tanks is just a game, pixels on a monitor screen. Your achievements in the form of beautiful statistics and high RE (efficiency) mean absolutely nothing if you don’t have fun at the same time. The basis of any game is to enjoy the process. World of Tanks is no exception.
