The famous Zapashny circus dynasty - tragedies and secrets. Who is the wife of trainer Askold Zapashny (photo)? Biography, personal life, children, wives and lovers of Askold Zapashny Who are the parents of Edgar and Askold Zapashny

Trainer Askold Zapashny: how did he become famous, and who is his wife?

The famous trainer Askold Zapashny, together with his brother Edgard, is known all over the world. Many fans happily buy up tickets to performances by representatives of the ancient circus dynasty. How Askold achieved success and what is happening in his personal life - we will talk about this in the following material, and we will also find out who his wife is and whether Zapashny has children.

Celebrity biography

Askold was born on September 29, 1977 in Kharkov, Ukrainian SSR. He and his older brother Edgard are the heirs of the famous dynasty, dating back to the times of the Russian Empire. Their ancestor, the clown Carl Thompson, was known for his eccentric performances in the 19th century. Parents Walter and Tatyana were famous wild animal trainers throughout the USSR.

Naturally, such a legacy directly influenced Askold. Together with his brother, he was immersed in this circus work from childhood. The guys traveled with their parents when they toured the vast country.

Of course, Askold became interested in this dangerous and interesting activity. For the first time he found himself in a cage with tigers at the age of 10, and made his debut on stage a year later, in the winter of 1988, taking part in one of the numbers.

In 1991, Zapashny and his brother graduated from school and went to China with their family; At that time, the parents entered into a contract with the Chinese: they helped save the animals in a difficult time for Russia, and also provided them with work.

The USSR had just collapsed, and there was no problem with leaving. Askold continued to improve his skills and continued to perform. To emphasize his stage image, the young man and his brother became blond. The work brought Zapashny fame throughout China: spectacular performances, unusual appearance, and all the paraphernalia attracted thousands of spectators over and over again.

Zapashny learned Chinese, achieved heights in training, juggling, acrobatics, and creating risky performances.

After completing the contract with the Chinese, the family returned to Russia. Zapashny toured a lot both in Russia and abroad, including the most distant countries.

Askold Zapashny with his subordinate

In 1998, father Walter made Askold and his brother the leaders of his attraction “Among the Predators”: this was influenced by Walter’s mature age and the brothers’ skill. Zapashny learned to work with predatory animals, transforming the skill into a real art. Askold even got into the Guinness Book of Records by making a jump while riding a lion. In 1999 he was recognized as an Honored Artist of Russia.

Soon the brothers created their own “Zapashny Brothers Circus”, created their own repertoire and performance style. Askold became a real star, many spectators came to his performances. His dangerous performances prompted people to admire his agility, confidence, and skill.

In 2012, the man became People's Artist of the Russian Federation for his contribution to the development of circus art. In 2013, Zapashny appeared on television in the television project “Ice Age”. Later he participated in several more famous programs. In 2014, Askold signed an appeal supporting the reunification of Russia with Crimea.

Who is Askold Zapashny's wife?

Askold Zapashny with his wife

Askold's image and beauty have always made him attractive in the eyes of female representatives. But of all the women, he chose Ellen Raichlin, an Israeli whom he met in the capital of Belarus, where his future wife was receiving higher education.

Zapashny was fascinated by the girl’s beauty and intelligence. In addition to her natural charm, Helen attracted everyone with her speeches and deep thoughts. And, most importantly, at first she did not know who Zapashny was, having fallen in love with him not for his status and successful work.

Their romance lasted 3 years, the guys were able to overcome many obstacles and were able to unite their hearts in marriage. The couple had daughters - Eva and Elsa, who already in 2016 appeared at one of the performances of the Zapashny Brothers Circus.

Askold is full of strength and energy to continue performing, create something new, delight and delight his fans around the world. He managed to become a worthy successor to his family’s work, achieve success and improve his personal life. We can only wish him continued happiness and a good relationship with his beloved wife.

Russia Circus Zapashny Brothers Circus Dynasty Zapashnye Awards Website Media files on Wikimedia Commons

Askold Valterovich Zapashny(born September 27, Kharkov) - Russian circus artist, representative of the Zapashny circus dynasty in the fourth generation. People's Artist of the Russian Federation (). Artistic director of the Great Moscow Circus (since 2012). Performing artist in the genre of training predatory animals, juggler, vaulter, tightrope walker, Segway juggler, roller acrobat.



Graduated with honors from the Russian Academy of Theater Arts (GITIS). Speaks English and spoken Chinese. [ ]

Personal life

Wife - Helen Zapashnaya (Raichlin). Daughters Eva and Elsa, in the spring of 2010, first entered the arena of the Great Moscow Circus, took part in the New Year's show at Luzhniki. [ ]


Together with his brother, he founded the “Zapashny Brothers Circus”, became the scriptwriter and director of a number of circus shows, including: “Colosseum” (2007), “Camelot” (2008), “Sadko” (2009), “Camelot-2: Deputy of the Gods" (2010), "Legend" (2011), "K. U.K.L.A.” (2012), “Terrible Force” (2013), “System” (2014), “Mistress of the Dead Lake” (2015), “System-2. Human factor" (2016).

Participation in television projects

Social and political activities

In 2011, together with his brother Edgard, he signed an Appeal from members of the public against informational erosion of trust in the judicial system of the Russian Federation, which condemned the pressure on the judicial system against the backdrop of the second trial in the case of the leaders of the Yukos Oil Company.

On February 6, 2012, he was officially registered as a confidant of Vladimir Putin for the third term. [ ]

In September 2016, like his brother, he became a confidant of the United Russia party in the elections to the State Duma of the 7th convocation and a confidant of the mayor of Moscow S.S. Sobyanin. [ ]

Member of the Public Council under the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation since 2016.

He is a supporter and active promoter of the circus with animals, speaking on the side of competent and responsible training, which is based on dynastic work experience, the revelation of the individual abilities of animals and a humane attitude towards the wards. [ ]

Awards and achievements

  • 1997 - Winner of the Golden Troika circus arts festival in Yaroslavl.
  • 1999 - Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (July 30, 1999) - for services to art .
  • 1999 - Title “Artist of the Year” from the Union of Circus Workers.
  • 2001 - Winner of the Moscow Government Prize.
  • 2002 - Laureate of the national Circus award.
  • 2005 - Laureate of the International Circus Artists Competition in Saratov, main prize “Golden Troika”. A special prize for high achievements in circus art was awarded by International Prizes from the Chinese Association of Circus Arts - the Golden Lion award.
  • 2006 - Together with his brother, he was included in the Guinness Book of Records for the longest leap of a lion with a man on his back.
  • 2007 - Laureate of the International Circus Art Festival-Competition in Izhevsk. - Main award “Golden Bear”.
  • 2008 - People's Artist of Udmurtia (October 13, 2008, Udmurtia).
  • 2011 - Winner of the International Circus Art Festival-Competition in Moscow. Special prize from the Mongolian State Circus and from the Great Circus Mundial (Spain). He also has public awards from the governor of the Kemerovo region, the governor of the Bryansk region and the governor of the Novosibirsk region.
  • 2011 - For the second time, together with his brother, he was included in the Guinness Book of Records for the record stunt “The highest column of 3 people on a running pair of horses.”
  • 2012 - Laureate of the International Festival-Competition of Circus Arts in Izhevsk and for the second time the Golden Bear award for the performance of the equestrian act “Hellas”.
  • 2012 - People's Artist of the Russian Federation (March 21, 2012) - for great achievements in the field of cinematographic, musical, theatrical, choreographic and circus arts
  • 2012 - Order “Key of Friendship” (August 31, 2012, Kemerovo region) - for high professionalism, dedication and fidelity to their work .
  • 2014 - Awarded a commemorative medal and a letter of gratitude from Dmitry Medvedev “For his great contribution to the preparation and holding of the XXII Olympic Winter Games and XI Paralympic Winter Games 2014 in Sochi.”
  • 2015 - Awarded a letter of gratitude from V. Kolokoltsev - Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation “For active work in preparing and carrying out a set of events in 2014 aimed at social support for family members of internal affairs officers who died in the performance of official duties, and disabled people due to war injuries ." (January 20, 2012)
  • 2016 - Awarded a certificate of honor from V. Kolokoltsev, Minister of Internal Affairs, “For active work in preparing and carrying out a set of events in 2015 aimed at social support for family members of internal affairs officers who died in the performance of official duties, and disabled people due to military trauma. »
  • 2017 - Princess of Monaco, Stephanie, presented the prize “For services to the development of the Russian Circus”.
  • 2017 - Silver Clown Award at the 41st International Circus Festival in Monte Carlo, Monaco. The brothers expressed disagreement with the results of the jury's vote.
  • 2018 - For assistance and provision of practical assistance in the preparation and implementation of a set of events aimed at social support for family members of internal affairs officers who died in the line of duty, and disabled people due to military trauma, he was awarded the badge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia “For Assistance to the Ministry of Internal Affairs” (

Edgard Walterovich Zapashny(b. July 11, 1976) - representative of the world-famous circus dynasty Zapashnykh in the 4th generation. Honored Artist of Russia (1999). People's Artist of the Russian Federation (2012). Edgard Zapashny- General Director of the Bolshoi Moscow State Circus (2012).

Edgard Zapashny
Occupation: trainer, circus performer
Date of birth: July 11, 1976
Place of birth: Yalta, Crimean region, Ukrainian SSR, USSR

Was born Edgard Zapashny July 11, 1976 in Yalta. He made his debut in the circus arena in 1988 in Riga.
After graduating from school, the whole family left for China - in 1991, a difficult year for the country and the circus, the family was offered a lucrative contract for several years, which allowed them to save all their animals from starvation. Especially for the Zapashnys, the Chinese side built a large summer circus in the Safari Park, near the city of Shenzhen.

Together with his brother, Askold Zapashny, toured China, Japan, Hungary, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, and Belarus. It was during performances in China that Edgard and Askold decided to become blondes in order to be different from the Chinese during daily performances. In 1998, at the anniversary celebration, People's Artist of Russia Walter Zapashny handed over the “Among Predators” attraction to his sons.

Height - 189 cm, weight - 95 kg.

Together with brother Edgard Zapashny created the “Zapashny Brothers Circus”, as well as many circus shows, including “Colosseum” (2007), “Camelot” (2008), “Sadko” (2009), “Camelot-2: Deputy of the Gods” (2010), “Legend” "(2011), "K.U.K.L.A." (2012), “Terrible Force” (2013).

From April to July 2007 Edgard Zapashny took part in the Channel One show “King of the Ring”, where he became the winner, winning 6 out of 7 possible victories in intermediate battles. Won the final fight with Evgeny Dyatlov on points (with a minimal advantage).
On November 20, 2012, the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation appointed him to the position of director of the Great Moscow State Circus on Vernadsky Avenue.

Edgard Zapashny Graduated from the Moscow Institute of Entrepreneurship and Law. Speaks English and spoken Chinese.

Personal life
In March 2015 it became known that Edgard Zapashny For more than four years he has been living in a civil marriage with fitness instructor Olga, whom he met while visiting a gym in Voronezh. During this time, Olga gave birth to Edgard’s daughters Stefania (born in 2011) and Gloria (born in 2013). The trainer's previous civil marriage with artist Elena Petrikova lasted 13 years.

For entertainment, he prefers billiards and bowling.

Awards and achievements
1997 - winner of the circus arts festival in Yaroslavl;
1999 - Honored Artist of Russia - for services in the field of art;
2001 - laureate of the national Circus award;
2002 - laureate of the Moscow Government Prize (2002);
2012 - People's Artist of Russia - for great services in the field of circus art
Vladimir Putin's confidant

Participation in television projects

“City of Temptations” (2009, husband of the main character)
TV show "King of the Ring" (June 10, 2007, winner)
Guest of the humorous show “Comedy Woman”, episode 32
Clip of the group “Kipelov” (song “Babylon”)
Video of singer Vinky (song “Stupid trick”)
Episode in the comedy television series “Interns” (2010, episode 33).
Episode in the sitcom "Daddy's Daughters" - Kazimir Topazov, trainer from the circus (2011, episode 365)
Episode in the TV series “Real Boys” (2011, season 3).
Clip of singer Eva (song “Don’t be silent”, 2011)
TV show "Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful" 2012 - guest star in the competition "STEM with a star" of the KVN team of Pyatigorsk "City of Pyatigorsk"
TV show “Cube” 2013 - passed 6 out of 7 tests, winnings amounted to 1,500,000 rubles
Clip of the group Disco Accident “Doll”
In 2011, Zapashny starred in Yuli Gusman’s film “Don’t be afraid, I’m with you!” 1919" in the role of student San Sanych (played by Lev Durov).
It is interesting that E. Zapashny incorrectly suggested to Yuliy Gusman and Alexander Pushnoy when they, while participating in the TV quiz “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?”, called the trainer, the question was about the color of tiger skin (broadcast on May 17, 2014).
HB - cameo
in one of the episodes of the program “Empire of Illusions: The Safronov Brothers” Edgard appeared as an illusionist (broadcast on February 28, 2015)

Edgard Valterovich Zapashny is an outstanding circus artist, tiger tamer, trainer, director of the Moscow State Circus. Edgard is a graduate of the Moscow Institute of Entrepreneurship and Law. Askold Valterovich Zapashny is the artistic director of the Moscow State Circus on Vernadsky Avenue, trainer, Honored Artist of Russia.
Edgard was born on July 11, 1976 in Yalta, and a year later his brother Askold was born in Kharkov. The brothers are representatives of the fourth generation of the famous Zapashny circus dynasty, known throughout the world. Edgard and Askold's father is the famous circus artist Walter Zapashny. As is customary in circus families, boys from early childhood were occupied in various entrances to the arena. Edgard's full-fledged independent debut took place in Riga in 1988, and in the early 1990s the family received a lucrative contract in China. A large summer circus was built especially for artists in the Safari Park.
The brothers toured in Japan, Mongolia, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Belarus, and upon returning to Russia they organized a tour of Russian cities - Rostov-on-Don, Kislovodsk, Nizhny Tagil, Saratov and others. In 1997, Edgard and Askold were awarded the main prize of the First All-Russian festival-competition of circus art in Yaroslavl - "Golden Troika" - for the numbers "Trained Monkeys" and "Jugglers on Horses", in the same year they received the title of "Best Circus Artists of the Year" , which was awarded to them by the Creative Union of Circus Figures of Russia. In 2001, Edgard Zapashny received a special prize from the Great Moscow Circus and became a laureate of the national Circus award together with Askold. Edgard and Askold organized the Zapashny Brothers Circus and prepared several exciting programs. Edgard participated in many television projects - “King of the Ring”, “City of Temptations”, and starred in music videos and television series. In 1999 he was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Russia, and in 2002 he became a laureate of the Moscow Government Prize. In 2012, the Zapashny brothers were awarded the title of People's Artists of Russia for their services in the field of circus art.
The brothers' tricks were twice included in the Guinness Book of Records. In 2006, Askold’s trick “Leap on a Lion” was included in the Book. Askold Zapashny, riding a lion named Michael, made an almost three-meter jump from one two-meter wheel to another. The second record was a trick from the act “Acrobats on Horses” - a column of three people who stand on each other’s shoulders on two galloping horses. He entered the Book of Records in 2011.

We invited Edgard's daughters - 6-year-old Stefania and 4-year-old Gloria - to the photo shoot, which took place at the Great Moscow Circus. As soon as they fluttered into their father’s office, he literally melted before their eyes. “Daddy, daddy!” - the Zapashny sisters chirped, climbing into their father’s arms. We started the conversation with the children.

I admit honestly: when my eldest daughter was born, I did not change, did not grow up, did not instantly feel myself in a new status: “I am a father!” No... Of course, my responsibility has increased, but I haven’t noticed any global changes. I didn’t want daughters, I assumed that over time I would get married and have sons. But it turned out differently. When Olga, the mother of my children, was pregnant with Stesha, our eldest daughter, I got into a conversation with my friend Kamil Gadzhiev and complained that, damn, it was going to be a girl, but I wanted a son... He looked at me with great surprise and said: “Edgard, you you have no idea what you're talking about. Daughters are what a strong man needs.” He is just raising his daughters. He started talking about them and broke into a wide smile. I was amazed at such a transformation of a brutal man. And when Stesha grew up a little and for the first time consciously reached out to me, hugged me, pressed me, I also melted. Now, when I see my girls, I become gentle and affectionate. Unless it concerns them going out to the arena or interacting with animals, then I am collected and strict.

We have rebranded - and instead of the Zapashny brothers, now the Zapashny sisters (Askold, like Edgard, also has two daughters. - Note "TN").

- The girls' father is me. No one will blame me for somehow treating them differently. Photo: Andrey Salova

- Edgard, do you manage to spend a lot of time with your children?

We have a special situation. There has never been a traditional family - mom, dad and children living under one roof. Olya and I are not married, but my daughters, of course, bear my last name, I immediately recognized my paternity. Their mother recently got married and gave birth to another child. Therefore, we see each other when it is convenient for Olya to bring the girls to me, most often here, to the circus. Although I live under time pressure, I walk with them, take them to parks, to the cinema, and go to their rhythmic gymnastics training.

My children are at such an age that it is still difficult to cope without their mother. Especially the youngest, Gloria, she misses Olga very much. It’s easier for me with Stesha, she’s already older and I think she’d be happy to go with me even on vacation - she and I get along perfectly - but I don’t want to separate my sisters. I'm waiting for autumn, Olya promised to move with the children to my three-room apartment not far from the circus, and then I will see them more often. For now they live in Krasnoznamensk, 40 km from Moscow.

- Will you give your ex-girlfriend an apartment?

Yes. She is the mother of my children. I don’t understand how people who once loved each other can part as enemies and not communicate. This is a tragedy!

We have an excellent relationship with Olya, as well as with her husband Dima. As soon as they announced themselves as a couple, we met with him and talked face to face. It was important for me to verify the adequacy of the person who took responsibility...

- When Stesha grew up a little and for the first time consciously reached out to me, hugged me, pressed me, I melted... Photo: Andrey Salov

- For other people's children.

Yes, but only moral. He won't have to feed my daughters. We immediately agreed that for Stefania and Gloria he is a friend, not a dad. I immediately discussed this delicate issue so as not to provoke an unnecessary conflict. The girls' father is me. No one will blame me for somehow treating them differently. I fully provide for both them and Olya; she doesn’t work and hasn’t worked since we started dating.

- You did not marry Olga, despite having two children. Why? Surely the girl planned to start a family with you.

So I never imagined that I would have children out of wedlock. Olya sincerely loved me and did not understand that there were some things I could not cope with. Her horoscope is Aries. Aries' stubbornness is a difficult quality. Plus Olya is jealous. And I am a freedom-loving person. A child cannot correct the characters of his parents. When she said that she was pregnant, she added: “I will give birth.” But I didn’t mind, I provided her with everything she needed, and met her and Stesha from the maternity hospital. But we never started living together.

A year later, he invited Olya to vacation in Venice so that she would come to her senses and recover, because all the worries about her daughter lay with her. And when we returned, we found out that we would become parents again. Olya was happier than me; she dreamed of having children from one man, even if he was not her husband.

With daughters Stefania and Gloria. Photo: Andrey Salova

- Edgard, can you name your daughters’ birthdays? Or do you need to call Olya for this?

Can! Stesha was born on February 24, Gloria on May 2. Although this knowledge was difficult for me (laughs), I have difficulty remembering dates. Ask me when Olga and I met and when we separated, I won’t tell you, because I don’t even remember approximately. But she, I’m sure, will accurately answer this question. I don’t remember, not because I’m stupid and can’t keep numbers in my head, but because I don’t see the need for this information. For me, the story is still ongoing; Olga and I are raising children. And even though each of us has our own personal life, we are close people and do not lose sight of each other. And the dates... I remember only one: the day my father died. This is understandable - the story is over forever. Askold and I became different that day.

- I would also like to talk about your beautiful children. Which one is more like you?

Stefania, the eldest, is soft, feminine, sociable, I feel very at ease with her. And externally like our breed. The war is still going on with the youngest. (With a smile.) Gloria is growing up as a stubborn girl, you need to find the key to her.

On the other hand, stubbornness can lead to success in the profession. It is important for my youngest to win her personal space and insist on her own. At such moments, I regret that she is not a boy, because she would have been raked to the fullest extent.

The girls gave their father drawings where they depicted their family: mom, dad and children - all together. Photo: Andrey Salova

- Could you spank me?!

Why not? Dad, Walter Zapashny, harshly punished my brother and me, and always for the job, for which Askold and I are incredibly grateful to him. We grew up to be normal men, not big boys. We were not even allowed to bring a C from school, let alone a D, and we were forbidden to raise our voices at any of the elders in the family. This applied to Askold to a lesser extent; he studied well, and from birth was more tolerant and diplomatic than me. Dad is an excellent trainer, he could mentally crush not only a tiger, but any person. When I reprimanded him, hammering every word, I felt sick. I wanted to say: “Dad, finally hit me, stop tormenting me!” I still punish my daughters. Not as strict as my dad, of course, but they know what an angle is, for example.

- Daughters mean love and tenderness, but what else?

Strong headache. Stefania is now six, another ten years old, and boys will appear. At that time I will be 51 years old, which means I need to keep myself in good physical shape in order to unscrew the heads of these goats. (Laughs.) No, of course, I haven’t yet begun to be jealous of the seven-year-old boys that Stesha likes, but I’m already looking forward to it.

- Are you raising circus people? I suppose that girls cannot avoid an artistic career.

The main thing for me is that they love the circus as much as I love it, so that they grow up to be hard workers and I am proud of them.

- There is a two-year difference between your children, like you and your brother. Are they as friendly as you, or are there problems?

- The main thing is that my daughters love the circus as much as I love it, so that they grow up to be hard workers and I am proud of them. Photo: Andrey Salova

They are attached to each other. Even though they fight. Gloria might hit Stesha out of the blue. The physically larger one, in theory, should give back. But no, he just looks with incomprehension. Then he says to me: “Dad, why is she doing this?” I call the little one to account, I force her to apologize to her sister. I really don’t want the terrible situation of hostility between relatives to repeat in the family. Dad didn’t talk to our uncle, his own brother, for 15 years. Then they seemed to make up, but communication was sluggish, they swore and quarreled, but nothing good came of it. Askold and I have a different relationship. Our parents were able to instill in us that we are a single whole and are responsible for each other. My brother was sent to school when he was less than six years old, so as not to separate us. You can imagine how hard it was for him!

The first C's or failures that he received in elementary school demoralized him, I had to help, calm him down, I always felt responsible. Askold and I are truly the closest people.

- Not only children, but also adults are jealous. How do your girls perceive your children? Aren't they fighting for attention?

I think it's stupid women who do this. My girlfriend is adequate and friendly and understands the situation in which I live. I already have children, and this circumstance must be accepted, and not fought. And only a loving person can accept.

- Stefania is soft, feminine, I feel very at ease with her. And we still need to find the key to Gloria. Photo: Andrey Salova

I’m going to move with her to a house that I’m finishing. And there is a large children's bedroom with four beds. I want my daughters to come visit me and live with my new children. I hope I will have them someday. I want a boy. And not just one. I can fully provide for all my children.

Well, if there are no more heirs, let my daughters come to me with their girlfriends and rage in this room - for good measure.

- Edgard, before Olga you had serious experience of living together: you lived with your circus performer Elena Petrikova for 13 years. But they didn’t get married either. Is it your character, your fear of marriage?

Lena and I had a family, but without a stamp in our passport. I was young, I was always missing something, I was selfishly pursuing a career. And I thought that to be popular I needed the status of an eligible bachelor, this added interest. Lena, we must give her credit, treated this with understanding. Everyone in our circle knew that we were a couple. Another thing is that people from the outside had no idea about this. I announced that there was a civil marriage when Lena and I broke up. By the way, we also have a wonderful relationship with her, which I’m incredibly proud of. They are trying to reproach me: I have created a harem around me. And I believe that remaining friends is a sign of wisdom. Lena, like Olga, is doing well in her personal life, there is no reason for resentment or hostility. She is dating one of the world's leading clowns, Italian David Larible. When he flies to Moscow, the three of us often have dinner together, and neither he nor I are jealous. (With a smile.)

With my girlfriend Lyubov on vacation in Sri Lanka (Winter 2017). Photo: From the personal archive of Edgar Zapashny

- You mentioned that you will soon celebrate a housewarming party with your new girlfriend. Who is she? And are you ready for marriage or is single status still important to you?

Psychologically, it is now, at 41 years old, that I want to get married and love my wife for the rest of my life. I have matured for monogamy, I am no longer attracted to affairs on the side. I was looking for a woman with whom I would want to spend all my evenings together. In order not to look for more adventures on your own head, not to have mistresses. I want to have a home where I feel cozy, comfortable, where relaxation, sex, and a warm dinner await me.

I’m not ready to answer right now what our relationship will lead to. But I promise: as soon as we decide, I will give you an exclusive interview.

- I catch the word. What is important for you to see in a woman? Maybe this will make someone think.

- I joke that my brother and I rebranded - and instead of the Zapashny brothers, we are now the Zapashny sisters. With daughters and nieces Elsa and Eva. Photo: Andrey Salova

I'm not interested in lazy women who sit on the heads of wealthy men and believe that their job is to spend their lover's money on themselves. No, I don’t respect them one bit, even if they are as beautiful as goddesses. I am interested in hardworking women, those who do something useful and necessary in life and at the same time manage to take care of their husbands, children and even look great.

And a woman must also realize that the man in charge of the house is the man. And then loneliness will not threaten her.
