Actor Oleg Menshikov: biography, personal life. Oleg Menshikov: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo Children's passion for music and stage

Idol of millions Russian women elegant Oleg Menshikov leads a closed life, never communicates on topics family relations and at 49 years old, has no children.

Rumors about the artist’s homosexual inclinations have been circulating in social circles for a long time. Many who know Menshikov well did not hesitate to talk about this openly. At first there was a lot of talk about Oleg’s romance with the elegant actor Andrey Rudensky, and since 1999, Menshikov began to be seen more and more often with a young, sugary actor Nikita Tatarenkov.

The artists met on the set of “The Barber of Siberia,” and soon began appearing almost arm in arm at social events. A year later, Nikita hastily left the Theater on Malaya Bronnaya and went to the creative association "Theatrical Partnership", produced by Menshikov, where he received from him best roles in all performances.

There was even more talk about Menshikov’s gay passions, and in order to strengthen his shaky reputation, in 2005 he decided to get married. With a woman. But it turned out even worse.

The actor's chosen one was a little-known young actress Anastasia Chernova. Menshikov proposed over the phone, without yet knowing the girl personally. And only after that they started dating. But even after the wedding, the actor and his wife appeared in public in the company of... the same Tatarenkov. Moreover, in a conversation with journalists, Nastya indirectly confirmed the fact that her marriage to the famous actor is fictitious. “Do you want me to call my husband? He will come down and tell you a fairy tale about how everything is fine with him!” the girl said.

Oleg Menshikov with his wife and Nikita Tatarenkov

Moreover, Menshikov began to wear two wedding rings. As it turned out, this technique is often used by representatives of the “blue” environment, who, in order to avoid unnecessary gossip, get companions or wives for going out, who are called “seagull” or “beard”. One ring is a standard engagement ring, and the other is a sign of gratitude and loyalty to a true “friend.”

In 2006, filming of the series “The Golden Calf” began. Menshikov was invited to play the role of Ostap Bender, and at first they wanted to invite a comedian to play the role of Shura Balaganov Pavel Derevianko, but Oleg Evgenievich categorically insisted that the role go to Nikita Tatarenkov.

During long filming in the remote and uninhabited town of Plyos, the lovers, apparently, were finally tired of maintaining the regime of secrecy and the couple allowed themselves to relax. Menshikov and Tatarenkov came and went from filming to the hotel together, relaxed and had fun together. Only Tatarenkov was allowed to visit the personal trailer of his eminent friend. To all other members of the film crew, including the director Ulyana Shilkina, this was strictly prohibited. Oleg Menshikov pampered and took care of his pet in every possible way: he took him on a boat, looked after his friend’s health and bought him jewelry. Oleg and Nikita did not spoil the rest of the actors and participants in the filming process with their attention. Such is male friendship...

As one famous director shared with KP, Menshikov, although he received the status of a star, turning into one of the sought-after and highly paid actors, many filmmakers are not eager to invite him to the roles of passionate Don Juans and machos.

"Menshikov, with all his external beauty, acting, talent, has an internal complex,” said the director. - He can portray love, but at the climax, when it is necessary to show highest degree passion, it doesn't work. You have to feel, and if there is no experienced feeling, you won’t play! Playing men on screen, he seems to be in conflict with himself... Forgive me, you can get drunk to such a stage that you mistake a woman for a man. You can be with a woman, but not feel the proper pleasure... And although at the present time non-traditional orientation, as they say, is even in fashion among the beau monde, in reality it is a very big tragedy for men. To feel that you are made of a different cloth... As Dostoevsky said, God loves whomever he loves very much and for whom he hopes a lot, sends him a lot of misfortunes."

Name: Oleg Menshikov

Date of Birth: 08.11.1960

Age: 58 years old

Place of Birth: Serpukhov city, Russia

Weight: 78 kg

Height: 1.78 m

Activity: theater and film actor

Family status: married

The personal life of such media personalities as Oleg Menshikov (carefully hidden secrets and orientation) is always a subject of special interest to the public and journalists. Previously, they preferred to keep silent about the fact that in the bohemian environment there are many representatives of non-traditional sexual orientation. Perhaps for the first time, Irina Alferova spoke openly about this, who spoke bitterly about how young and talented actors become gay in order to receive the patronage of directors or masters, to play roles, become famous or gain material well-being.

IN modern society tolerance has reached the level where other sexual preferences have become almost a mandatory touch, complementing the appearance of a talented representative of bohemia, and they practically stopped hiding it.

Four women or sad attempts at disguise

Oleg Menshikov, whose personal life and orientation were quite carefully hidden until a certain time, tried to build “traditional” love. However, the attempts were in vain. Those fans of his acting and director's talent, for whom the news about his sexuality came as an absolute surprise, could have guessed it by reading only the memoirs of his classmates.

"When in high school Menshikov was put with the girl, he drew a line with chalk to avoid her touch.” - said classmates.

At a time when unconventional sexual preferences were not welcomed, they were disguised as friendships with women, passed off as love passions, or nominal marriages for a bashful public. And only now they began to declare this with pride and complacency, to demonstrate it and portray it as an indispensable distinctive feature talent.

Oleg Menshikov

Now it no longer seems strange that the highest paid actor in Russia is childless, and has never publicly spoken out on the topic of family values, marriage, and childbirth.

The absence of macho or passionate roles in the roles that made him famous also seems understandable. loving man. One of the famous directors in his interview said that Menshikov knows how to portray love, but in love scenes where high intensity of feelings is required, he comes into conflict with himself and does not work at the climax points.

Oleg Menshikov, whose personal life, orientation and talent, as expected, were in full view of his fans and friends, built his relationships with women in an unusual way, and even successfully misled some of them. For example, his ex-friend, actor Andrei Galushko, is still convinced that rumors about gayness are a consequence of envy and gossip, because in Shchepka Menshikov had an affair with Vika Sorokina. And a certain Natalya Tsyganova, the author of the actor’s biography, on this basis even called Oleg “ ladies' man».

The actor is suspected of gay

Later long time next to the celebrity was Margarita Shubina, an actress of the Mossovet Theater, whose relationship was suddenly interrupted, and none of her relatives “guessed” for what reason.

Circus performer Lyudmila Kolesnikova, according to journalist-fans, became a way to distract herself from an unsuccessful romance with Shubina, but quickly left the actor’s life orbit. And he proposed to his wife, Anastasia Chernova, on her birthday over the phone, and carefully hid the preparations for the upcoming wedding from everyone. I didn’t even buy the wedding rings myself.

Excited comments from his current employees, who preferred to remain anonymous sources, say that he wears two wedding rings on one finger, one a real engagement ring and the other as a sign of affection for a current friend.

Oleg Menshikov with his wife Anastasia Chernova

Handsome, bright, immensely charming, attractive in appearance, declared a “ladies man,” Oleg Menshikov, whose personal life, orientation and connections were always in plain sight, experienced 4 “whirlwind romances”:

  • with Vika Sorokina, who unexpectedly married someone else and left for London, and then, allegedly, many years later, on a London tour, she promised her lover, who refused such an offer, to leave everything and go to him;
  • with Margarita Shubina, who, just as unexpectedly, suddenly began to move away from ex-lover, although she had a huge influence on him;
  • with Lyudmila Kolesnikova, whom they prefer to mention in passing and reluctantly;
  • with Anastasia Chernova, to whom he did not even bother to propose marriage face to face.

If you believe what is written in various publications, marriage with Chernova was a condition that was presented to Menshikov by one of the high-ranking women, his patrons. And the girl herself, after the wedding, very transparently hinted that their marriage was nothing more than a fiction and existed only on paper.

Oleg Menshikov and Nikita Tatarenkov

However, photographs of their debut appearance as a married couple demonstrate this more than clearly. But the “gossipers and envious people” stubbornly continue to list obvious facts. But fans claim that Menshikov wears the second ring solely as a memory of his “heart friend” Nikita Tatarenkov. Allegedly, the actor married Chernova at the insistence of Galina Dubovskaya, who taught at GITIS, who threatened to slander Nikita in front of the general metropolitan public.

Friends, partners, or lovers?

Objective evidence and obvious facts confirming that the idol of the public and enthusiastic journalists Oleg Menshikov, personal life, orientation and creative projects who were always in sight - a representative of non-traditional sexual orientation, there were plenty of them.

But only when society began to calmly perceive such news and justify it with bright personal characteristics and talent, and maybe because the actor has already turned 57, they stopped hiding and veiling it. Nikita Mikhalkov preferred to say that Menshikov’s personal life did not concern him, and theater artist Kaplevich refused to comment on “this scandal.” Although there was no scandal.

An actor at the premiere of the film “Gogol. Start"

First, the handsome Andrei Rudensky, and then Nikita Tatarenkov, whom the all-Russian celebrity with the constant “Longine” on her wrist looked after, pampered, transferred to her project and blessed with a role in “Ostap Bender,” served as constant sources of rumors about the unconventionality of the master.

During the filming in the town of Ples, according to the testimony of other participants in the event, the couple did not observe the regime of secrecy and relaxed with all their might, and at public appearances with his nominal wife, Tatarenkov was invariably present, and it was not clear who was the third and odd one in this permanent union.

Oleg Menshikov now

Investigations undertaken by impartial journalists showed that the wife lives separately and is not present in the home of her “half,” even when she goes on tour and filming.

The same former friend of the actor Andrei Galushko continues to claim that women simply adore him and he has a ton of fans, and no one is going to deny these facts. But “numerous affairs with women” in the case of Menshikov are greatly exaggerated if you look, say, at Tabakov in his youth. And the separate residence of his wife, who “adores him endlessly,” is quite typical. Although it would probably be easier to continue to turn a blind eye to it.

Bright appearance, natural charm, extraordinary talent helped Oleg Menshikov achieve success in theater and cinema. Thousands of fans are secretly in love with him. For more than 10 years, Menshikov has been married to Anastasia Chernova.

The girl was born in 1983 in the city of Talnakh on the Taimyr Peninsula. Teachers and acquaintances, remembering Nastya as a child, talk about her explosive character and dreams of becoming famous actress. As a young girl, Chernova was not distinguished by her striking appearance.

An ordinary face and a few extra pounds did not add to their popularity with the opposite sex.

Anastasia was purposeful. As a schoolgirl, she studied music, dance, and attended a dramatic arts club. Arriving in Moscow, I immediately applied to almost all theater universities. Entered GITIS.

By the time she was studying at the institute, Anastasia got rid of excess weight. Fellow students remember her as a gentle, vulnerable, sensitive girl.

Actor Oleg Menshikov: biography

A man from a simple family. His father was a military engineer, his mother a neurologist. Oleg was born in 1960 in the city of Serpukhovo, Moscow region.

Boy's interest acting skills surprised my relatives. But his abilities were not in doubt. After the family moved to Moscow, the boy was sent to a music school, where he learned to play the violin.

When he grew up, the guy fell in love with operetta. He often visited the theater. As a teenager, Menshikov could stage an opera and composed his own music and lyrics.

One day Oleg was invited to the birthday party of the daughter of an employee of the Maly Theater. There the actor entertained the guests by playing musical instruments, accompanying the singers and improvising brilliantly. His talent did not go unnoticed, the guy was invited to audition. The acting fate was predetermined.

Personal life, wife, children

The actor's personal life is shrouded in secrecy. Oleg’s unusual behavior becomes a reason for gossip and gives grounds to suspect the actor of being gay.

More young artist was pampered by female attention. The phone was ringing off the hook with calls from fans, and the girls listened in awe to the speeches of their idol.

But, according to classmates, the guy had little interest in women. The boy was much more interested social life schools. You can find a lot of information about Menshikov’s homosexual orientation, and even the names and photos of his alleged lovers. But you shouldn’t trust everything they write.

Oleg's classmates recall that during his studies he was in love with Victoria Sorokina. The extraordinary girl Vika reciprocated. According to their comrades, their romance lasted for several years. But then the girl suddenly disappeared from the actor’s life.

They wrote that Victoria was unable to make a career in her homeland and changed her place of residence, moving to England. There she soon married an Englishman. A few years later, the former lovers met. Sorokina asked Menshikov for forgiveness and offered to start all over again. But the actor could not forgive the betrayal.

Menshikov's common-law wife - Margarita Shubina

After breaking up with Vika Menshikov for a long time was left alone. He did not recognize any relationship. But Margarita Shubina was able to heal his emotional wounds. She became the first woman the public knew about. Actress of the Moscow City Council, Shubina was the first to notice the promising actor and decided to act.

A little feminine cunning and intrigue and the girl attracted Menshikov’s attention. Their union was passionate and strong. Oleg even introduced his passion to his parents, and Margarita boasted upcoming wedding. But the actor was in no hurry with the proposal.

The break came unexpectedly. Without waiting for the proposal, Margarita Shubina married someone else. Society discussed this event for a long time.

Oleg Menshikov's first wife

In 2005, the 43-year-old actor secretly married aspiring actress Anastasia.

Anastasia met her future husband on February 14. She went to Zhvanetsky’s concert and it turned out that her place was next to Menshikov and Marat Basharov. The first behaved extravagantly: he picked petals from the roses she was holding and ate them. After the concert he asked her for her phone number. He called that evening and then disappeared for several months.

As Menshikov later admitted, he did not want to ruin her life. Nastya is much younger than him and became the first girl the actor really liked.

Then, after all, the romance began, the lovers began to live together. And in the year Anastasia graduated from university, they formalized their relationship by playing a modest wedding. Honeymoon the newlyweds spent in Switzerland.

Menshikov's wife - Anastasia Chernova gave birth

The couple have been living together for more than 10 years, but they do not have children yet. At first, Oleg was in no hurry to have offspring; he was busy with work. When the actor turned 50, he finally realized that a child would not hurt. But the Menshikovs’ hopes were cut short by the doctors. The actor has health problems.

Information periodically appears in the yellow press that everyone's wife famous actor Oleg gave birth. This is wrong. The issue has not yet been resolved positive side, but the spouses do not despair. They were recently spotted at the Planning Center. We hope that children in the Menshikov family are only a matter of time.

Oleg Menshikov divorced his wife

The Menshikovs have been living happily together for more than 10 years. They do not like to share personal information with the public. Perhaps that is why rumors about the couple constantly appear on the Internet. For example, they say that the actor is gay, and married Nastya only to cover up his non-traditional sexual orientation.

Another rumor that periodically frightens fans is that Menshikov divorced his wife. “Former” Nastya does not comment on these rumors, and the artist himself has long dismissed them. He has repeatedly stated that meeting his wife is one of the main events in his life.

Oleg Menshikov with his wife Anastasia and children - family photos

While passions are raging around the couple, Oleg and his wife live quietly and peacefully away from journalists and camera lenses.

When Chernova is asked about her relationship with her husband, she always speaks of him with tenderness and respect. In rare interviews, the girl has repeatedly stated that the cold and indifferent Oleg in public is completely transformed at home.

According to her, a man dreams of a child.

Menshikov is undoubtedly very lucky with his wife. She has a soft and flexible character. She does not create public scandals and does not oppose her husband’s going to social events. And the actor’s parents dote on the girl.

However, when the star’s colleagues and friends are asked about the relationship between Oleg and Nastya, they answer with a mysterious smile. The actor wears two wedding rings on his hand. Gossips say that one of them reminds Menshikov of a dear friend.

The personal life of the country's highest paid actor Oleg MENSHIKOV has always been shrouded in secrecy. Although the favorite of millions has been legally married to the modest beauty Nastya CHERNOVA for more than four years, rumors that he is also attracted to men do not subside to this day. The gossipers justify their speculations by the fact that Menshikov, who will be in his sixth decade in just over a year, still has no children. As we managed to find out, the actor’s wife is planning to solve this problem in the near future - to give birth to her husband’s baby. Or even two.

Some people around Menshikova love to discuss unusual lifestyles family life artist. They say that the spouses Oleg and Nastya almost from the first day life together They spend the night in different bedrooms, which means it’s worth thinking: is it a fictitious marriage?!

Be that as it may, “experts” are sure that a monument to Anastasia’s submission and humility is worth erecting. They say that she, gritting her teeth, until recently put up with her husband’s “unplanned urgent tours”, his “evening events” that smoothly flowed into the morning. We saw with our own eyes how, after one of the parties, Menshikov drove off somewhere in a car with friends, and Nastya walked on foot to the metro. But none of the husband’s antics allowed Chernova express your "fairy". She just dotes on Oleg, literally idolizes him.

Chernova’s friends from her native Taimyr village of Talnakh said that she was patient poor Nastya I gave free rein to my emotions, only allowing myself to sip a couple of glasses. Then she cried into her vest to her friends: they say, her husband doesn’t love her, leaves her alone all the time and her strength is already running out.

Apparently, the turning point was the recent news from a “well-wisher.” She told Chernova over the phone that her husband was secretly dating an attractive businesswoman. Wise Nastya did not throw a tantrum at her wife and did not even show that she knew about something. The next morning, Oleg Evgenievich’s wife took an unusually long walk with her beloved dog Nathanya.

Apparently, then she made a decision that, as it seemed to her, would radically change her married life.

Adult love

Despite the ongoing rumors about his unconventional orientation, Oleg Menshikov always courted charming ladies. For example, in student years had an affair with a classmate Vika Sorokina, later he had another lover - Margarita Shubina. However, the future public favorite tried not to advertise this relationship and did not mention his personal life in any interview, which caused another wave of piquant rumors.

In the summer of 2001, Oleg took it and came to the closing of the Moscow Film Festival arm in arm with a girl whose name, as Express Gazeta reporters were the first to find out, is Lyudmila Kolesnikova (“EG” No. 27, 2001). The young lady kept hugging Menshikov by the waist, stroking his shoulder and erotically running her finger along his back. There was not a drop of doubt left that the master had more than just a friendly relationship with this sweet beauty.

Years later, Luda told our readers the whole truth about her affair with the venerable actor (“EG” No. 30, 2007):

We loved each other. They were going to get married. Oleg was my first real adult love. But our happiness did not last long, a total of several years. We broke up more than once, started again and separated again... Why did we finally break up?

You know: there are various rumors about Oleg... Well, you understand me... This also had an impact.

According to Kolesnikova, while relaxing one day on Cote d'Azur France, in the luxurious villa of a longtime friend of the artist, she began to notice that her lover had somehow lost interest in her: he became silent, and often spent the night not nearby, but somewhere in other places. Then the company went for a yacht ride. Menshikov's young favorite - Nikita Tatarenkov with a friend, Ivan Demidov, Oleg himself and Luda. When, under the cover of darkness, everyone began to go to their cabins, Oleg suddenly said to his passion: “I’ll sleep on the deck today.” Kolesnikova did not object and lay down in the cold bed alone. A little later there was a knock on the door. “I knew that she would change her mind!” - flashed through Lyudmila’s head. But Demidov stood on the threshold. The tipsy man began to pester the girl, but she did not give in:

I love Oleg!

Where is your Oleg then? - the TV presenter noted ironically. - Think about it. And draw your own conclusions...

Left alone again, Kolesnikova began to think:

Maybe Oleg is really playing at love, and not truly loving? Or maybe there is someone third?

Nikita Tatarenkov was third. Friend, colleague, closest person.

Nikita often came to visit us. He traveled with us everywhere, we had lunch together... Nikita was and is,” Kolesnikova shared.

We won’t say anything - we don’t know for sure, but strong male friendship sometimes had rather strange manifestations. Oleg either gave his favorite a ring with stones, or threw a candlelit dinner for him, or even completely refused to act in the film if Tatarenkov was not taken there.

By the way, rumors about the similarity of the characters of Menshikov and Oscar Wilde, Elton John and other heavenly persons crawled when he was still a student. Then, either out of envy, or for other reasons unknown to us, fellow students hinted to Oleg that they knew why he and the teacher Nikolay Vereshchenko Personal consultations outside of school hours have become more frequent.

Later, the actor was assigned to Menshikov’s dear friends Andrey Rudensky, and friend of youth Andrey Galushko, and even from some hangover himself Nikita Mikhalkova (!).

They went so far as to say that the artist in The Barber of Siberia failed to believably portray passion with an American beauty Julia Ormond that the object of his desire, even platonic, was nearby, at the director’s console.

Everything will be alright

Behind last month Menshikov’s wife was seen several times at the famous Perinatal Center in the southwest of Moscow. It was here that many domestic stars gave birth, it is here that there is a department for VIP clients, where medical care is at the highest level, and prices for services are so high that piranhas rest. One of the popular areas of activity of the center is IVF. That is, artificial insemination.

The procedure is complex and requires long-term monitoring of the patient’s health. Actress Olga Drozdova recently admitted that IVF caused her the strongest hormonal disbalance and did not lead to the desired results.

Driver Oleg Evgenievich recently had a great event in his family - a baby was born! - a lady from the artist’s entourage told us with a tender smile. - We were so happy for him. And Nastenka just smiled sparingly! She’s been wanting a baby for a long time, but things haven’t worked out for her and Oleg Evgenievich. But now there are many ways to get pregnant. Look, Nastya will come up with something.

Probably, the thought of a child became stronger in Chernova after the change in the driver’s personal life. And out of despair, she took extreme measures: if it doesn’t work out naturally, you can try artificially.

In the summer, Nastya said that she and her husband really want to become parents,” Chernova’s friend said in great confidence. - Menshikov dreams of a son, and she looks at all sorts of children’s dresses and shoes with such sparkle in her eyes that I would at least give birth to a daughter for her myself. Of course, not everything is going smoothly in their family, but with the birth of the baby everything will probably get better. At least Nastya really believes in it.

If Nastya really turned to medical Center for advice on IVF issues, then, most likely, Oleg Evgenievich will soon be congratulated on the birth of not one, but two babies. Indeed, in most cases, women who choose this particular method of conception give birth to twins. So everyone will be happy: both Nastya and Oleg. In any case, we really wish this for them!

There are a lot of rumors about the actor’s personal life, perhaps due to the fact that he does not like to share its details with outsiders. Despite the mass of fans who are ready to do anything for their idol, little is known about Oleg Menshikov’s novels, although they did happen in the life of this charismatic and mysterious actor.

In the photo - Oleg Menshikov with his wife

The news that he was getting married came as a complete surprise, even to some of his friends. Anastasia Chernova eight years ago, having heard from the lips of a famous actor an offer to become his legal wife, happily agreed to it, they say, however, that future wife Oleg Menshikova received an offer from him over the phone. And before that, he very beautifully courted a modest girl, escorted her home, and even then, probably, he decided that she would be the one for him. ideal wife. Menshikov decided to give up his bachelor life on the eve of his forty-fifth birthday, and his bride was then a student at a theater university.

Before the wedding, it was impossible to see them together at social events; the actor carefully hid the details of his personal life, and even then they did not go out together very often. Oleg Menshikov’s wife, despite the fact that she is also a professional actress, is now more involved with the house than with her career. Many note the submission and humility of the girl, who has to endure not only the fact that she has become the shadow of her famous husband, but also meekly endure his vices - Menshikov is not averse to having fun and often disappears from home, leaving his young wife alone.

But, dreaming of a full-fledged family life and children, for the time being she did not express her dissatisfaction out loud. Despite her humility, Anastasia Chernova, apparently, was already quite tired of this way of life, and she was thinking about divorce. It turned out that the stamp in the passport did not become a guarantor for her family happiness, and brought Nastya practically to a nervous breakdown.

Oleg Menshikov's wife, probably, when she married him, had no idea what a difficult character she had. future husband. Not only does he suffer star fever and treats everyone around him with disdain, but is still not averse to having fun over a glass of champagne, and not only that. Nevertheless, according to Oleg Menshikov’s wife Anastasia Chernova, she idolizes her husband and is ready to always remain in the shadows for his sake.
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