Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Taininsky. Church of the Annunciation in Taininsky

Today we will tell you a little about the history of the ancient village of Taininskoye, located in close proximity to Moscow, some hundred meters from the Moscow Ring Road, within the city of Mytishchi.

The village of Taininskoye was first mentioned in 1401 in the spiritual charter of the Moscow appanage prince Vladimir Andreevich the Brave of Serpukhov, hero of the Battle of Kulikovo, cousin of the Grand Duke of Moscow and Vladimir Dmitry Ivanovich, not quite deservedly known as Donskoy. After all, everyone who has studied the chronicle texts about the Battle of Kulikovo knows that the real commanders, under whose leadership the victory on the Kulikovo Field was won, were Prince Vladmir Andreevich and the governor Dmitry Bobrok-Volynsky, and not the Grand Duke of Moscow. However, perhaps I will write about this later.

Throughout the 15th century, the village was the center of a large volost. In 1456, the owner of the village became the Grand Duke of Moscow Vasily II Vasilyevich, nicknamed the Dark, and then his son Prince Andrei Menshoi of Vologda. In 1481, the village was inherited by the son of Ivan the Great, Vasily, the future sovereign Vasily III. From that time on, Taininskoye became a grand ducal and then a royal village. Located on the road to the Trinity-Sergius Monastery, where Russian monarchs regularly went on pilgrimage, the village of Taininskoye became the country residence of Moscow sovereigns. During the time of Ivan the Terrible, the village became one of the centers of the oprichnina.

In the summer of 1605 (July 18), False Dmitry (Grigory Otrepiev) meets here with his “mother” - nun Martha ( tonsured a nun by the last wife of Ivan the Terrible - Maria Nagaya), who recognizes the impostor as her "miracle saved" son - Dmitry.
S. M. Solovyov described this event as follows: the impostor “had a meeting with her alone in a tent pitched near the high road; they say that Martha very skillfully represented the tender mother, the people cried, seeing how the respectful son walked on foot near his mother’s carriage.. ".

In June 1608, the troops of the “Tushinsky thief” - False Dmitry II - were stationed in Taininsky, and in August 1612 the militia of Minin and Pozharsky stopped here.

The surrounding area of ​​the village has long been famous for its hunting grounds; under Ivan the Terrible, “bear games” were held here, and Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich the Quiet amused himself with falconry here. Alexei Mikhailovich liked the village of Taininskoye and its surroundings so much that he ordered a stone temple to be built here.
Construction began during the lifetime of Tsar Alexei in 1675. But it was completed in September 1677, after the death of the Quiet Tsar.

The Church of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary is a unique architectural structure. It consists of three main parts: the church itself, a refectory in two tiers and a large porch. The church building is a cube with narrow and elongated windows on both sides. Along the top of the cube there is a wide cornice made of brick.

The harmony and harmony of this part of the building became even more obvious when the church was restored in the 70s of the twentieth century. During its course, three rows of kokoshniks were restored, representing a gradual transition from the quadrangle of the building to five drums, topped with small onion-shaped domes.

The main attraction of the temple is its porch.
The famous art critic M.A. Ilyin described it this way: “The paired staircases, diverging to the sides and covered with “creeping” vaults and arches, alternate with landings-lockers, topped with tents on pillars. In the center there is a hollow, as if in cross-section, “barrel.” This barrel, although made in brick on an iron frame, is directly related to the decorative form that was often used in wooden architecture in those years. It is here, in Taininsky, in the facade of the refectory that we feel with particular clarity the mutual influence of stone and wooden forms, which had such an impact. brightly in ancient Russian architecture. Everyone who has visited Taininsky will remember this rare work of Russian architectural art for a long time."

Take a closer look at the church porch. Does it look like a temple building? But this is a real tower, decorated with marvelous patterns and embodying the best traditions of Russian architecture of former times.

The place for the construction of the temple was not chosen by chance, but wisely: on the high bank of the Yauza and the small river Sukromka flowing into it. When a dam was built at their confluence, the water spread widely, and an island formed in the middle. Tsar's palaces began to be built on it since the time of Ivan the Terrible, and according to some information even earlier, under Vasily III.
The royal palaces were located on the island until 1823, when the chambers of Elizabeth Petrovna burned down.
However, a separate article is worth writing about the royal palaces of the village of Taininsky. In the meantime, let's return to the Annunciation Church and its history.

On September 9, 1677, Tsar Fyodor Alekseevich ordered everything necessary to be prepared for the consecration of the new temple. Ancient icons from the wooden church that stood on this site were transferred to the new church. Thanks to parishioners and contributors, the iconostasis of the church became six-tiered, with rich frames.

The temple was significantly damaged during Napoleon's invasion. Throughout the 19th century, the Church of the Annunciation increasingly lost its significance, although church services there continued until 1929, when the temple was closed.
During Soviet times, the church housed a laundry, a radio parts workshop, a club, a canteen, a dormitory, a workshop for cabinetmakers, doll makers and graphic designers.

Currently, the temple, returned to the Church, is operational. It, preserved literally by a miracle, appears before us, thanks to the work of restorers, as it was intended by the architects of the 17th century.

When working on this article, I turned to the books by Yu. A. Knyazev “The Past of the Land of Mytishchi” (M., 2001) and M. A. Klychnikova “Mytishchi. A guide to the city and region (Mytishchi, 2005).

Sergey Vorobiev.

There are a huge number of operating churches in the Moscow region. Among them there are completely new ones, opened just yesterday, as well as ancient temples, imbued with a unique atmosphere, which is felt even by those who consider themselves atheists. Today I would like to talk about the Church of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the village of Taininsky. This is one of the most ancient cathedrals of all that have survived to this day and continue to operate.

general description

The ancient temple building itself is a unique historical monument. The Church of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the village of Taininsky today is located on the site of a wooden church that was built back in 1628. Its founder was Tsar Alexander Mikhailovich. However, it did not exist in this form for very long. Already in 1675, it was decided to carry out reconstruction and build a stone temple here. And in 1677 he appeared before the parishioners in the form in which we can see him today.

Temple plan

To this day, the church has retained its original structure consisting of a refectory and a quadrangle. The altar part of three apses is also outstanding. Relatively small, judging by the standards of capital monasteries, the temple is decorated with five domes: one large and four small. If you look at the church from the main entrance, it immediately becomes clear that such a porch has no analogues in ancient Russian stone architecture. Here we see a transfer of the traditional wooden construction style to a more functional and reliable material.


Almost no church in Russia escaped the sad fate. Most of them were looted and desecrated, some were completely destroyed. The Church of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Taininsky village was no exception. It was first attacked by soldiers of the French army in 1812. It was almost completely plundered, but the reliable stone structure was difficult to destroy. Therefore, after the war, the church was gradually restored, and services began to be held here again.

Already in Soviet times, in 1929, the temple as such disappeared. The premises were taken over as a club. Later it was used as a club, a store and a warehouse, that is, almost until the end of the Soviet period, various organizations periodically replaced it. In 1989, the Church of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Taininsky village was again returned to the parishioners. After the reconstruction, the doors were reopened for worship. Surprisingly, over such a long period of time, the unique atmosphere was not lost here. The history of the temple was complex, but not the most tragic.

Where is

Local residents know this church well and visit it regularly. The Church of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the village of Taininsky stands on the banks of the Yauza River, at the confluence of another river called Stebelki. Temple address: Central Street, 75. But once upon a time it was a quiet outskirts of the village. The temple is included in the city limits of the city of Mytishchi, Moscow region. In fact, it is very close to the majestic Moscow, so you can safely organize an excursion to the capital.

Church priests

The history of ancient monasteries and temples is quite interesting. However, it is not the walls that create the essence that the temple in Taininsky represents. The photos show us a majestic structure, which through the centuries has served its function of serving God. But it was not the walls that did this, but the people who gathered here for a common cause and laid down their lives to serve the highest ideals.

If little information remains today about the first priests who lived here from the day of its opening, then those who served here during the period of persecution are still remembered. These were Father Peter and Pavel. They were the last priests until the closure of the temple in 1929. Father Peter was additionally a teacher and mentor. Father Pavel also followed in his father’s footsteps. Since he played the violin well, Father Pavel additionally taught music. He died in 1912, and Father Pavel died in 1952.

Father Superior

Many believers come to Taininskoye just to attend this man’s service or ask for personal advice. Father Vladimir headed the Church of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary for quite a long time; he is its true decoration. Today he is already 76 years old, but he is a wise spiritual mentor for many parishioners. The main thing that Father Vladimir teaches is obedience and gaining knowledge. He himself studied with pleasure all his life, gravitated towards various arts and is trying to instill this in the modern generation.

Sunday school on the temple grounds

This is important work with the younger generation. On weekends, the doors of the Sunday school open for children, where there are no boring lectures. God's lesson is taught in the form of lively, interesting conversations. Children learn their first prayers, get an idea of ​​the commandments, learn musical notation and the basics of choral singing. Teachers pay especially much attention to developing a sense of beauty. Painting is used for this. Drawing gives you the opportunity to express your impressions in artistic form.

Schedule of services

The road here is open every day and for everyone. From 8:00 to 18:00, parishioners can visit it to light a candle and say prayers. And on weekends and holidays everyone is invited to worship in the Church of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Taininsky. The schedule can always be viewed additionally on the official website.

  • At 8:30 the general confession begins.
  • At 9:00 - Divine Liturgy.
  • At 11:00 - prayer service for the blessing of water.
  • At 16:00 - evening service.

Every week on Saturdays and Sundays the sacrament of baptism is performed in the church at 11:00. You must first go through public conversations, which take place on Fridays at 16:00. They are intended for those who are going to baptize their children, as well as future godparents.

Church holidays and traditions

The store always has a detailed schedule of what services will be held in the coming month at the Church of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Taininsky. The schedule of services includes not only regular sermons from the rector, but also meetings of church ministers of various ranks from Moscow. Such services usually attract a huge number of people, which is not surprising. After all, they know how to convey to each parishioner a piece of their soul, to make it a little warmer and brighter.

Social work at the temple

The Church is an ancient organization that was engaged not only in serving God, but also in working with people. A priest is a father, comforter, abbot and psychologist who will listen and guide, help and support. But not every church undertakes to work with the most difficult cases: drug addicts and alcoholics and their relatives.

In the church, Father Vladimir managed to organize and establish work in two directions at once. Every day meetings of the Society of Alcoholics and Drug Addicts Anonymous are held within the walls of the church. Each group has different problems and specific hours. But that is not all. Separate meetings are organized for relatives who have suffered such a difficult ordeal. Here all these people receive support and strength to move on towards their goals, and understand that they are not alone. Even though the result of healing cannot be 100%, even a fraction of those who came to the temple and returned to normal life is already a huge thing.

Travel by public transport: from Moscow from the Yaroslavsky station to the station. Taininskaya - 15 km.

Directions by car: on the outer side of the Moscow Ring Road from Yaroslavskoye Highway. towards Ostashkovsky highway. - 0.5 km, before reaching the traffic police post, turn onto the road to Mytishchi, along the street. Trudovaya to st. 1st Krestyanskaya, there to the left and to the intersection with the street. Vera Voloshina, there turn left again and go until the fork from the street. Red Village (she goes to the right). On the street Krasny Poselok to st. Central, there - turn right and follow it to the temple.

Annunciation Church in the village of Taininskoye, the ancestral estate of Tsar Fyodor Alekseevich, was built in 1677. by his decree.

The village of Taininskoye has been known from documents since 1410. as the possession of the Serpukhov prince Vladimir the Brave, grandson of Ivan Kalita.

The village, located on the left bank of the Yauza, was one of the important points of the ancient trade route that passed along the then deep river. The village remained a palace for several centuries; here in 1552-1574. Ivan the Terrible visited often, and in 1574. he received the khan's ambassadors here. During the Time of Troubles, the village was occupied by False Dmitry II as an important point on the way from Moscow to the northern regions. Under Alexei Mikhailovich, a travel palace was erected in Taininsky, in which the tsar stopped on his way to a pilgrimage to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. Under Elizaveta Petrovna, the wooden traveling palace was rebuilt.

In 1929 The temple was closed, and first a village club was set up in it, then a bread store was opened. Later, a decorative toy factory and a carpentry workshop were located here. The church was returned to the believers in 1989, and then restoration began. They restored the original appearance of the roof with rows of keel-shaped and semicircular kokoshniks, put crosses on the domes again, and restored the temple from the inside. A belfry was built in the southern part of the outer porch (before this, the bells hung in the barrel-shaped middle part of the porch). In the basement of the temple there is a throne of the New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia, in the upper part there are chapels of Ilyinsky and Sts. Zechariah and Elizabeth.

If you walk from the temple towards the Moscow Ring Road, you can see a tall monument. This is a monument to Emperor Nicholas II by sculptor V.M. Klykov, erected on the site of the royal travel palace.

It was installed in 2000; This is already the second monument to Nicholas II on this site - its predecessor was blown up by vandals three years earlier.

Mentions of the temple in Taininsky have been found in acts since 1651. In 1675, on the orders of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich (1629-1676), the stone church of the Annunciation that now exists was built. It was consecrated already under Tsar Fyodor Alekseevich (1661-1682).

The chapels of the temple are the holy righteous Zechariah and Elizabeth and Elijah the Prophet. The temple is five-domed, with a two-story porch and a high porch with a two-flight staircase; without a bell tower. It is decorated with stone carvings, intricate kokoshniks, tents and cornices.

In Taininsky, False Dmitry forced Maria Naguya, brought from the monastery, to recognize him as her son. In the 1730s. Taininskoye is the patrimony of Princess Elizaveta Petrovna (1709-1761). Having become empress, in 1749 she built a new wooden palace on the site of the dismantled palace of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. It was located, as it were, on a peninsula, at the confluence of the Yauza and Sukromka rivers. On the site of the palace there are now barns and a warehouse.

In 1929 the temple was closed. It housed a club, then a bread store, a decorative toy factory, and a carpentry workshop.

In 1989, the temple was returned to believers, and restoration work began. Currently, work is underway to reconstruct the lower church in honor of the New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia. There is a Sunday school in the church. For more than four years now, on the feast of Epiphany, the rite of blessing the water has been held in the Sukromka River. More than 1000 people here plunge into the ice hole on these blessed days.

The rector of the temple is Archpriest Vladimir Agrikov, the clergy are Hieromonks Sergius (Agrikov) and Alexander (Pereslavtsev), and Priest Alexander Gushchin.

Divine services are held regularly on Sundays and holidays.

"Summer 7186 (1677), September on the 6th day, according to the Sovereign Tsarev and Grand Duke Fyodor Alekseevich of All Great, Lesser and White Russia, the autocrat decree, the newly built stone Church of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary should be prepared for the illumination of September by the 9th."
(From documents... "Department of the General Archives of the Ministry of the Imperial Household")

"The temple is located as part of the palace estate of the village of Taininskoye, on the way to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra - a holy pious monastery, a center of pilgrimage for the great Moscow princes and Russian sovereigns.....
The only monument of the palace estate that has survived to this day is the stone Church of the Annunciation.

“The beauty and originality of architectural forms, expressing the idea of ​​the national concept of the Russian temple, combined with the wealth of wall decorations, in some places a little wild and extremely original, attracted the attention of specialists and lovers of Russian art throughout all 300 years of its life.”
(From the book by V.K. Klein “Monuments of Ancient Russian Art in the Palace Village of Taininsky” - 1912.)
There are 6 confessors in the Moscow diocese, namely:
- Archpriest Vladimir Ganin, rector of the Assumption Church in the village of Zhilino, Ramensky district;
- Archpriest Valerian Krechetov, rector of the Church of the Intercession in the village of Akulovo, Odintsovo district;
- Archpriest Mikhail Redkin, rector of the Tikhvin Church in the city of Stupino;
- Archpriest Vladimir Agrikov, rector of the Annunciation Church in the village of Taininskoye, Mytishchi district;
- Hegumen Valery (Larichev), rector of the Floro-Lavra Church in the village of Yam, Domodedovo district;
- Hegumen Sergius (Amunitsyn), rector of the Spassky Church in the village of Klyazma, Pushkin district;
