What men like search query. Men's desires: what the stronger sex likes in bed

Vicky Lewis Thomson

What do men like?


Girls, combat alert!

Casey Braddock looked up. While the men exchanged caustic remarks about the ladies, the female employees rushed to join Gretchen Davis, who pressed her face to the window glass, laughing. The cheers of approval sounded so unanimous that Casey also decided to look out the window and pressed the memorize button on the computer. She worked on advertising for a lingerie store, whose management decided to change the image of the enterprise, making its racy products more attractive to respectable customers.

Long hours of careful research into the latest lace trends reminded her that she was seriously neglecting the goal she had set for herself: to finally become the woman she had always wanted to be. Of course, she cared about her appearance, but still it was time to behave as sexy as her appearance required. The stupid, timid girl hidden in the depths of her “I” still continued to guide her actions. Maybe we should take a look at a magnificent sample of Phoenix's male population to awaken a new Casey?

Okay, now it's my turn! “She squeezed past five employees who were blocking her view. - Don't forget that two of you shouldn't be interested in this at all, so let the lonely girl go first!

“I was just taking your place,” said Brandi Larson, whose fiancé was out of the office on business, with a guilty look. She stepped aside to let Casey pass, and playfully remarked: “Make sure you don’t fall out.”

Hey Brandi, I'll tell your Eric everything! - Ed Finley muttered, watching the commotion in the room.

Don't be a traitor, Ed! - Casey looked at Ed worriedly, hoping that he didn’t say this seriously.

Well, of course, I'm just joking. - He waved his hand conciliatoryly.

I hope so,” Casey answered coldly, turning to the window.

She tried to be strict with her colleagues and kept her distance; I wonder how they would react if they found out that she was only twenty years old? Only the big boss, Mr. Arnold Beckworth, knew how old she was. And no one but him should have known her secret if she wanted to be communicated with as equals.

I'll bet you ten that he'll take off his shirt in five minutes! - Gretchen exclaimed, clutching a folder with documents to her lush chest.

Casey finally managed to look out the window.

My God, it's just Tarzan with a saw!

Almost at the same level as the windows of their office, on a large mesquite tree, a very handsome dark-haired guy was balancing with difficulty on the branches. He cut off large branches with a saw, which other workers picked up below and immediately cut them into small pieces. The concentrated look and the safety cables gave the carver the appearance of a real macho man. He operated the saw confidently and accurately, and with every movement, sculpted muscles were visible under his dirty and sweat-wet T-shirt.

“I would do something like that,” said Amy Wittenberg, a forty-year-old divorcee with thinning red hair. - What does it say on his T-shirt? Ashton Landscaping... Maybe they need a good promoter?

I would say that this guy himself advertises his company quite successfully,” noted Myra Detmar, the reception secretary. - Look at his shoulders! It's a pity that he's wearing gloves - you can't see if he's wearing a wedding ring.

Well, they took the poor guy and turned him into a sex object! - Jerry Peters exclaimed, barely raising his head above the desk at the far end of the room. - If men allowed themselves such remarks, you girls would simply crucify them!

Come on! - Gretchen responded. - His saw is cracking so much that he hardly heard a single word from us, and then, the window glass gleams in the sun, so that he doesn’t even suspect that we are looking at him.

Well, yes, straight filming with a hidden camera! What if I go out now and tell the poor fellow that outside this window there is a crowd of hungry ladies who are discussing his appearance with all their might?

Just try it! - Gretchen turned her impressive body towards him threateningly. - Just try it, and you will never get a double espresso with chocolate again!

Well, this Tarzan is really okay,” said Robbie Harrison, who returned to work a month ago after her honeymoon, thoughtfully. - But, unfortunately, I can’t do it, so I’ll leave it to you all. - She sighed and headed towards her desk.

Oh, what did I tell you! - Gretchen exclaimed. - Now he’s already stopped... He’s probably wondering whether to take off his T-shirt. “Ashton’s landscape works”... Of course, wielding a saw in such heat...

“He’ll take off his clothes,” Casey winked at her, joining her favorite game in their office. - I’m also ready to give it a ten!

She carefully examined the worker's T-shirt. Green inscription on a black background. The name Ashton seemed familiar to Casey and evoked some elusive and vague memories.

Well, since we started this bet, we’ll have to draw matches! - Amy stated.

Oh my God, again! Jerry groaned from behind his desk.

That’s the way it is with us,” Gretchen responded decisively. - Robbie, come back here. You are the best candidate to hold the matches.

Casey's heart began to beat faster. She will have to take part in this so as not to lose face. So far, she had never had the chance to draw a long match, nor had she had to go out into the street and get the victim of their bet to ask her out on a date. Of course, she wouldn’t want to do this... However, on the other hand, such an exercise might be the best way to start a new life.

Okay, let's go! - Robbie came up, clutching four matches in her fist. - May the best one win!

Casey looked at the four wooden sticks. What a stupid game! And yet, during the time she worked for Beckworth's company, twice the accepted challenge ended in an engagement. Of course, this won’t happen to her!

Casey felt insecure again. She knows nothing about such matters! I’ve never been adventurous with guys, and I didn’t enjoy their attention... And yet now it’s time not only to change your appearance, but also to show the world a new Casey Braddock!

If she draws a long match, her desire to change herself will be seriously tested, but so be it! Taking a deep breath, Casey held out her hand, hoping that the lot would go to her.

* * *

Sam Ashton liked to turn ugly mesquite trees with their ridiculously protruding thick branches into real works of art. Usually he left the cutting of the branches to the workers, but he could not trust this tree to other hands. And then, he still felt the boyish joy of climbing up the trunk!

As he worked, Sam thought about the young woman he had spotted in the parking lot that morning, parked in her red Japanese subcompact convertible near the building he was currently working next to. He arrived at work early and drank coffee in his truck while waiting for workers, thinking about how he could expand his business.

He could do different things. For example, helping your younger brother's rock band. Although Colin and his boys had virtually no start-up capital, their Tin Tarantulas already had a website for Phoenix area fans, and Sam would like to help them buy better equipment and record a test disc. The guys were completely worthy of it.

So he sat and thought about it, when suddenly this blonde in a red compact car pulled into the parking lot and parked in the next row right in front of his truck. Sam had always liked blondes in red cars, but this one... It was as if the flashy red car wasn’t enough for her - on the license plate of her mini there was the inscription: “I’m just as hot.” Taking off her sunglasses, the woman slowly combed her thick blonde hair that reached her shoulders, then carefully applied lipstick. Her lipstick was probably as bright red as the car, but from this distance Sam couldn't see.

He continued to watch the blonde with interest, wondering what she would be like when she got out of the car, but what he saw exceeded all expectations. A truly extraordinary sight met his eyes. Thank goodness miniskirts are still in style! Closing the driver's door, she leaned over to grab her purse from the seat next to her. Perfect! The tight white skirt dangerously hugged the most perfect curves... Wow! He was so carried away that he lay down with his chest on the steering wheel, which treacherously beeped. Sam hurriedly leaned back in his seat, hoping that the blonde wouldn't see him through the windshield, smeared with a thousand bodies of kamikaze beetles - last night he drove through the mountains and the insects were literally swarming in the air.

Although most men love to brag to friends about their sexual exploits, at the same time they rarely go into detail.

And when it comes to actually disclosing their desires, not to friends, but to the woman they love, for some reason they most often prefer to remain silent. What like men in bed? This question has probably troubled the minds of many representatives of the fair sex more than once. After all, every man has his own individual needs. But there are a few things that all men, without exception, like. In order to become a sex goddess for your beloved man, you don’t need magic at all, you just need to know that like men in bed.

Constant variety

Many women are afraid of any experiments in the bedroom, preferring to have sex in already proven and familiar positions. But don't stop there. After all, what like men in bed? First of all, many of them are attracted to ladies who are not afraid of experiments. It's okay to try something new every now and then to turn each other on. We should not forget the fact that men quickly get tired of monotony in sex. Sometimes it is not at all necessary to change your favorite position; it is quite enough to change the script of foreplay. But still, you shouldn’t try to study all possible positions in one night - simply because not every man is able to withstand such a marathon.

Beauty and Confidence

The second thing is that like men in bed, this is beauty and confidence. This begs the question, what does it mean to look great at such a moment? Unlike women, for most men it is not so much emotional contact that is important, but visual contact. And the first thing that attracts them to women is their appearance. But this does not mean that a girl must necessarily have the figure of a model. Appearance depends more on how confident a girl is and whether she accepts herself for who she is. If she can calmly walk around the room naked, seducing her with the curves of her body, and at the same time feel confident, then the man will be in her power.

Forbidden fantasies

Men by nature have a need to constantly search for a partner for intercourse. Therefore, it is not surprising that they look at other women and sometimes in their fantasies they see the girl from the cover next to them. To be completely frank, many women sometimes have similar thoughts. Although many couples consider it unacceptable to tell each other about their fantasies, at the same time, ladies should not forget that a random passerby can cause a sudden erection in their lover. It turns out, as numerous surveys have shown, men highly value those women who are sympathetic to such manifestations of male nature and do not create violent scenes of jealousy. In addition, sexologists suggest exploring your man's sexual fantasies and helping him discover his secret desires.

Uninhibited lover

This is exactly how most men want to see their chosen one bed. The blush on the cheeks and embarrassment during the first sex look, of course, cute, but after some time, every man wants his beloved woman to open up and feel comfortable. Of course, it's great to be nice and modest and feel embarrassed while talking about frank topics, but is that really the point? Men do not tolerate promiscuity in women, but at the same time, they do not like it when their partner prefers to make love in complete darkness and exclusively under the covers. Them like when the beloved explores his body and allows the man to explore himself. This is one of the important things they need in bed. They want to be with a woman who is happy with them.

Straight Talk

Very often, many girls make one significant mistake when, after a while, they begin to naively expect some accomplishments from their chosen one, especially in sex. Here we should not forget that men are not telepaths; they cannot read our thoughts. Sometimes, especially during experiments in bed, you need to communicate with your partner and tell him what exactly you would like get. Sex in a dark room under a thick blanket will not bring the desired satisfaction. If you want your loved one to pay more attention to caresses, then simply whispering to direct his actions is enough. Similar
These instructions will help a man relax and focus on sex, and not on reading the thoughts and desires of his partner.

Who's first in bed?

fake orgasm

This is of course a highly controversial issue. After all, nothing hits a man’s self-esteem more than dissatisfaction with his mistress. A man can try long and hard at bed just to make sure that the lady received pleasure from sex. On the other hand, there are times when a man ejaculates much earlier than a girl’s orgasm. This makes many men feel complex. To the stronger sex Very like and they love it when a woman calls them the master of the bedroom, but they also easily become depressed when they realize that they have not lived up to the expectations of their mistress. Of course, it is best to always talk openly with your partner about the problem that has arisen and the lack of orgasm. But sometimes, to help a man increase his self-esteem, sexologists advise simulating an orgasm if a girl feels that her partner will not be able to withstand it long enough. After all, he will never know about it and you can always say that last night he was on top. On the other hand, if such a problem happens all the time, then it is better to tell the man about it, no matter how it affects his ego. Based on materials from http://raut.ru/.


Many women, not knowing what the stronger sex likes, worry about the shortcomings of their appearance. However, women and men often have very different views on attractiveness. Girls tend to think that young people can be attracted solely by external beauty, but according to numerous studies and surveys, this is not the case at all. What do men really like in a woman?

Male psychology in relation to women

It is not uncommon for people in love to encounter many difficulties in relationships; most of these disagreements are associated with a lack of understanding of the differences between female and male psychology. Therefore, for a girl, the only key to building a happy family is awareness of male psychology in relation to the fair sex. The first thing you need to understand is that men don’t like it when a woman behaves annoyingly, annoying with calls or following him everywhere. You should not form relationships by being overly persistent. This behavior is more likely to discourage you than to produce positive results.

The richer your gentleman, the more doubts he has about why the attention of the girl nearby is attracted: is she ready to be with him solely for the sake of material wealth, or is the woman still interested in his personality? He will probably take you to fancy places and give you expensive gifts, but you may soon discover that this man does not trust you or is not ready to build a serious relationship. The only correct behavior in this case would be to limit his spending from the first date.

Men have an extremely negative attitude towards overly touchy ladies or those representatives of the fair sex who for a long time remember all the mistakes and unpleasant episodes that happened to the couple. A smart woman knows how to forgive. However, this quality is equally necessary to develop not only for girls, but also for men. Constant reminders of past mistakes or numerous nagging can lead anyone to a nervous breakdown.

What externally attracts men to women


Every man will tell you that a woman should pay enough attention to her appearance. This does not mean that she should apply tons of cosmetics to her face every day - such “masks”, on the contrary, scare off the stronger sex. A girl, first of all, must be well-groomed. A neat manicure, plucked eyebrows, healthy facial skin and a stylish hairstyle - this is the minimum list of what every self-respecting representative of the fair sex should have.

Own style

You don't have to follow fashion to stay stylish. Men value the ability to be themselves more in girls, so it is better to choose clothes and accessories that best suit your appearance, even if these things are not relevant in the coming season. Men find it attractive if their companion has her own style of clothing - this means that such a girl, if necessary, will be able to help her boyfriend in the difficult choice of clothes or accessories (tie, watch, glasses).


Any woman can guess that this quality is important for any representative of the stronger half of humanity. Moreover, you don’t have to have a supermodel figure or be too thin to please a man. It is important that the girl monitors her physical fitness, visiting the fitness room if necessary, and not getting carried away with eating baked goods. It is not for nothing that the topic of diets remains relevant for the fair sex, because a beautiful body will always be appreciated by a husband or boyfriend.


According to surveys, most men like long hair on women. They even often oppose the desire of girls to have a short haircut. Moreover, hair color is not fundamentally important; there are connoisseurs of all types: blondes, brunettes or redheads. The main thing is that the girl takes care of her curls, maintaining their healthy and beautiful appearance.


Many representatives of the stronger sex stare at this part of the female body, especially if nature has awarded the girl with long, slender legs. Although, in order to attract men's glances, it is not necessary to have length “from the ears”. It is important to have well-groomed, smooth legs and wear skirts more often to demonstrate this beauty.


The best way to attract a man's attention is to simply smile. With such a non-verbal signal, a woman shows her sympathy and that she enjoys the company of the man nearby. A smile transforms any appearance, so if you smile more often, you will be guaranteed the attention of the stronger sex.


Some women know how to change the timbre of their voice when communicating with attractive men. They know that many representatives of the stronger sex fall for this trick. A few phrases spoken in a gentle whisper, and men’s interest in you will increase dramatically.


Just one woman's gaze can smite a man and make him fall in love with him. It is possible to make your eyes as expressive as possible and emphasize their beauty using tools such as eyeliner, eye shadow, mascara or pencil.

What qualities of women attract men?


Not many people remember this character trait, and even fewer women use it. Often the motive for deception is the girl’s desire to appear better than she really is. However, by hiding their true thoughts and feelings, women often look stupid, and this scares off many members of the stronger sex. Despite the stereotype, men are not afraid of smart women, but rather respect and love to communicate with them. Don’t be afraid to voice your honest opinion, this is the only way to become an interesting conversationalist, and this is what successful men really value in girls.


Even if she has a model appearance, but feels unhappy, the girl will most likely be avoided by potential gentlemen. Happy women have the ability to attract; they seem to emit special vibes that men like so much. No one will make you happy until you become happy yourself, and then, most likely, there will be a prince who cannot pass by such a cheerful girl.


A woman who has shown all her advantages, like a read book, ceases to be interesting in men’s eyes. But representatives of the stronger sex really like to unravel sweet women’s secrets. However, you should understand that being mysterious does not mean lying or not telling your spouse or boyfriend about something important. Mystery manifests itself differently: in self-sufficiency, in a slight smile, in the ability to choose slightly provocative outfits and say cute pranks in the ear of a loved one.


Sex is an important part of any healthy relationship, and the ability to behave relaxed in bed is worth a lot. Maximum male pleasure lies in his ability to please a girl. Many women know that the stronger they get an orgasm, the more pleasant it is for their partner, because he was able to give you such pleasure, which confirms his masculine strength. However, do not forget about the sincerity that was mentioned above, so you should not imitate in bed. Sooner or later, a man will find out about your simulation and then it will be extremely difficult to restore trust.

Sense of humor

Not every girl can boast of wit. Moreover, all people have a different sense of humor, so it is important that a woman understands her man’s jokes. If a young man manages to find a girl who can make him laugh, he is unlikely to miss this opportunity. However, you should not pretend, because falsehood is always noticeable, and a feigned laugh will only cause disappointment to your gentleman.

The ability to be yourself

Often girls strive to be better so that their beloved man next to them feels comfortable and at ease. However, this desire, as a rule, causes the opposite effect - tired of excessive care, the man leaves. This is natural, because any representative of the stronger sex sooner or later gets tired of cloying. Guys love spice in girls and are ready to turn a blind eye to the occasional bitchiness of their chosen one, but you shouldn’t overdo it either.


Lately, fewer and fewer women can be called sensitive. We are increasingly less likely to show compassion for other people, ignoring their problems. Every day, unpleasant situations happen to those around us and our loved ones, in which we could be more sensitive. Women should not be afraid to show their sincere feelings; any man will protect and take care of such a companion. After all, there is nothing more valuable if another person feels and understands you as if he were half of you.

Feeling of gratitude

Every person needs gratitude, especially men. They are used to solving any problems and taking responsibility for the material well-being of the family, but this is rarely appreciated. Even despite the fact that this is the norm, a woman should not remain silent - tell your man that he is the best, prove how much you appreciate his efforts. If the girl next to you does not appreciate the efforts of a man, then sooner or later even a married man will wonder whether he has connected his life with the right woman.

Video: what men like in girls

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What do men like in a woman and why. What kind of women do men like?

Intimate relationships are of great importance for the harmonious existence of any union. Sexual dissatisfaction, overt or hidden, can have serious consequences such as infidelity and even divorce or breakup of a couple. At the same time, it is women who most often worry about whether a man liked sex, fearing that if it fails, the man will go in search of a more suitable partner for him.

So, how can you tell if a man liked sex? This question is by no means an idle one - while temperamental women make it clear through their behavior how good they feel in bed, men rarely show their emotions. If you hear a certain sound at the moment of highest bliss, you can safely celebrate your victory - it means that the man enjoyed sex with the woman.

Regular partners, based on other indirect signs, also begin to determine over time whether everything was as the partner wanted. But what to do if it’s your first time having sex? How do you know if a man liked sex or not?

The bed is a place where you rest alone and get tired together.
Andre Prevost

How to tell if a man liked sex
Let us list the main signs that are characteristic of almost all men:

How to make a man like sex
In order not to be tormented later by the question of whether everything went as it should, it is better to prepare in advance. Let's describe several ways to please a man during sex:
  • Although there will be little universal advice here, most men are delighted with liberated women. Moreover, they are liberated precisely in bed. Remember the old wisdom - “the mistress is in the kitchen, the lady is in the living room, the whore is in the bed”... It was and remains relevant.
  • It’s a good idea to brush up on the basics of the Kama Sutra, buy beautiful sexy underwear, candles, and completely get yourself in order. This will make you feel more confident.
  • Nobody wants their partner to be a “log” in bed. But excessive initiative on the very first intimate date can scare off a man. Therefore, try to be open, relaxed, but not very assertive, so as not to drive your partner into a stupor. You will be able to show your temperament in full force during subsequent dates, if they take place.
  • Don’t be shy to be yourself in bed—no need to hide your emotions or be tight-lipped. To make both of you more comfortable, you can dim the lights and drink wine. In extreme cases, special means that increase arousal will not hurt. You just need to take them together.
  • It is best if a man feels that he is the boss in bed. But this does not mean that you should let everything take its course. Your caresses will help him relieve tension and tune in to the right mood.
  • Both men should move in any position, not just one man. Joint movements mean that both people like sex and that everything is going as it should. This is important for a man, as is your expression of emotions during intimacy.
Video: What men like most about sex

What to do if a man doesn’t like sex?

  • First of all, don't panic and don't fall into.
  • Don't place all the blame on yourself either.
  • And finally, where did you get the idea that the man didn’t like the sex? Did he tell you this directly? This is forgivable only if you have been together for a long time, and then not as an accusation, but as a statement of a fact with which something needs to be done.

Sex is like the universe. Same endless.
You can do it all your life to make sure before you die that you don’t know everything about sex.
Woody Allen

If you were together for the first time, and the man allowed himself to say that he didn’t like it, then pack your things and run away from him. He is, to say the least, a boor. Or he wants to intentionally offend you.

If you realized that you were not up to par in sex, based on indirect signs, then the best option is to talk about everything with your partner. Of course, if you care about him.

After all, sex is a play for two, and success in it depends on both of you. Perhaps the timing was not the best, the position was not quite suitable, the place was not the most convenient, etc. There can be an infinite number of reasons for bad sex. But if your partner loves you and values ​​you, then bad sex will be just a reason for him to fix everything and prevent it from happening again next time. Together, analyze everything and develop a strategy for your next intimate date, during which you will certainly succeed.

Hello dear!
This is Yaroslav Samoilov. I'm always happy to give you useful advice)Today I decided to tell you what a man likes most in a woman.What makes him feel needed and strong. That which shows the best masculine qualities in relation to a woman.I'm sure you've often wanted to knowwhat a man likes, with whom you are in a relationship, in order to give him pleasant surprises from time to time. And if you don’t have a relationship, then understand how to behave in the future. I understand your desire, since men by nature are not as open as women. After all, it’s difficult to understand what he wants and what he likes if he doesn’t talk to you about it.

Below I will describe 7 things that men likeand which they will never tell you directly. Most likely you have heard about it, thought about it, but never done it. If I, Yaroslav Samoilov, am right, write about it in the comments. I will be pleased.

1. When you put your head on his chest

Everyone men like itfeel needed, protect your values. This is the function that is given by nature. By laying your head on his chest, you show that you feel safe in his arms. You are in a position of trust. And it’s as if you’re saying “I feel calm and safe with you.”

2. When you tell him you appreciate him
Your man needs you to directly say how much you value him and how important his efforts, successes, and victories are to you.

Let him know that his actions make you happy. Even if you don't always understand your man's actions, understand that he is doing the best he can at the moment.

3. When you praise him (especially in public)

When he does something special, like having an impromptu dinner for two under the stars or writing “I love you” on the pavement outside your window, he really wants to make you happy. And like a man, he needs a reaction - your praise, your recognition for your actions.

Keep in mind that most men love when words of gratitude and praise of any of his virtues are heard in the presence of other people (preferably acquaintances/friends).

4. When you listen to him carefully

In principle, the need to be listened to is common to both men and women. Agree, it’s quite unpleasant when you talk for half an hour about some important events for you, and then you realize that they listened to you with half an ear or completely ignored everything.

Rest assured, situations like thismen don't like it.So talk less and listen more.

5. When you are affectionate with him

Although most guys try to flaunt their independence and masculinity, we all, without exception, need female affection. And if in childhood we can receive it from our mother, then in adulthood only our beloved woman can give this tenderness.

Moreover, you can be affectionate not only alone with him, but also when you are in public places. Show your tenderness through a soft tone in your voice, light touches, hugs, and attentiveness. If you are in a cafe, pour him tea from a teapot. Show that you value these moments with him through small acts of caring.

6. When you play with his hair

Yes, perhaps this sounds strange coming from me. Butmen like it. Stroke his hair, give him a mini head massage - you will be pleasantly surprised by his reaction.

7. When you call or text first

And yet men like itno less attention than you. Therefore, if you sometimes call first or text him just to find out how he is doing, he will be very pleased. Understand that often men do not meet first because they are afraid of rejection. They don’t call first because they aren’t sure you’ll even pick up the phone. And if you take the first step, they will thank you.

Let's sum it up

To better understand all the intricacies of relationships between men and women, I invite you to visit This training, like other products, can become a turning point in your life.

I look forward to our meeting.

Yaroslav Samoilov.

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