What do science fiction stories prophesy? Who was nearby?

The most important and interesting on the topic: “Seeing news in a dream” with a full description.

Dream Interpretation News - expect changes in life. Usually, messages are dreamed of by people who are susceptible to the vibrations of fate, who are able to understand in time the signal sent by the subconscious, decipher it and react in such a way as to turn their fate towards success.

Good news dreams of happiness, success and prosperity.

Bad, alarming news - expect failures and disappointments if you do not have time to make the right decision in time.

Why do you dream about the Message in a dream (according to the Wanderer’s dream book (T. Smirnov)

news from a friend - news from friends and good acquaintances promise a quick promotion.

Dreaming of news from an enemy or foe means fraud, betrayal loved one, illness of one of the family members.

A balanced decision that you can make after rethinking the meaning of your dream will help stop the kaleidoscope of negative events. It is worth listening carefully to the feelings and emotions that you experienced in a dream when receiving the news.

The meaning of the dream about Izvestia (Modern dream book)

News? According to the interpretation of modern Russian dream book– receive news of profit, wealth or promotion in a dream wages- to an inheritance, the receipt of which will be a complete surprise for you. Such a dream symbolizes a gift, gift or inheritance from very distant relatives.

Why does a woman dream about the Message in a dream (according to the Women's Dream Book)

message to the woman? If you received news in a dream that you would like to hear in reality, your wishes will come true. However, for this you should make an effort yourself.

Unwanted news means big changes. Perhaps you do not yet have sufficient potential to adequately enter your bright future. Be patient - all your efforts will certainly be rewarded.

See the News, how to unravel the symbolism of a dream (according to the Family Dream Book)

The interpretation of a dream in which you dreamed that you received news of your pregnancy predicts a revival of faded joy. A friend told you the news about pregnancy - expect good news from her. But the news that your worst enemy is pregnant is a signal that you are ready to reconcile with her. News about the war, about an accident or catastrophe, according to Eastern dream book, promise the dreamer mental anguish and torment of conscience. If you dreamed that you reported the news about the war, you are ashamed in front of someone for your actions.

Why do you dream about the News, what does it mean (Slavic dream book)

The news of death is considered a fairly positive sign. However, there is a slightly different interpretation of it. So, if you received news about own death- This is a symbol of health and longevity, deliverance from diseases and fears.

Receive news of the death of a loved one - you are a very virtuous person who worries about loved ones, sometimes even to the detriment of your own interests. Be careful - you may be let down at the most inopportune moment.

What does it mean to see the Message in a dream (according to the Christian dream book)

You can interpret a dream in which you received some kind of news in different ways. It all depends on what you were told in the dream and how you reacted to it. Dream Interpretations, interpreting similar dreams and explaining why this is a dream, they mention the so-called “mirroring”, when dreams can be prophetic and predict the receipt of news in real life. Having a dream and not remembering it in the morning is a fairly common problem. But to understand what to expect from fate, it is not necessary to thoroughly remember everything you dream about. Remember a couple of moments, and the dream books will make it clear to you why you dreamed about it. For example, dreams about news. Good - to joy and fun. Bad - to worries and sadness. Unusual - the wish will soon come true. Telling yourself means trying to change something in a relationship. If you hear it by chance, you will find out someone’s secret.

Whether a night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and at what time of day the dream occurred.

News in a modern dream book

Receiving news in a dream from distant relatives with whom a person has not maintained any contact for a long time means that in reality his wishes will come true. Watching TV in a dream means you can expect a positive letter with the message that now everything will be fine.

News in Miller's dream book

Hearing good news in a dream is good luck in business affairs, but if the news is bad, unfavorable circumstances at work will haunt you, preventing you from climbing the career ladder.

News in Vanga's dream book

Receiving both good and bad news in a dream is a warning about similar news received in real life.

News in Freud's dream book

Favorable news in a dream means a dejected moral state in reality. Unfavorable - joy and success in all endeavors. If you pronounce news in a dream, it means receiving news from distant lands. Someone in your dream received bad news - soon you will rejoice at some event together. Receiving a long-awaited letter with news in a dream is unexpected news about affairs in reality, the development of which you did not even suspect.

“My grandmother is dreaming missing dad

"My missing friend

"I see missing uncle

You are ready? Let's begin.

    there's nothing to interpret

dark hole in the ground

wooden stairs from the first floor."

My missing husband" rejuvenated

became younger and more beautiful, recovered."


I said to the TV camera:

- Yes.

Children disappeared in Komi

Dreaming of a missing classmate

From the direct translation forum:

From the direct translation forum:

Friend's husband disappeared

From the direct translation forum:

Sergey Dolzhenko,

Dreaming of a missing person. A direct interpretation of dreams will tell you exactly whether the missing person is alive or will not return. Dreams can help you find out what happened to a missing person.

Interpretation of a dream with a missing person

There is still pain, the nightmare of the disappearance of a loved one or acquaintance has not yet been experienced, but it is already a dream. Standing in a dream is missing, alive, sad or smiling. We rush to him in a dream with questions...

“My grandmother is dreaming missing dad, where she asks “Son, where are you?”, and he is silent.”

"My missing friend with some man climbs the wooden stairs from the first floor. I hug him. Joy. I ask where I’ve been for so long. Didn't answer."

"I see missing uncle on the porch of his half. He changed, became younger and more handsome, gained weight. I was happy, started hugging him and crying.”

And not a word about what happened, whether he will return... This is the most painful thing in these dreams, to see, feel and... lose again.

No matter how difficult it may be, let’s try to pull ourselves together and look at the dream from the other side. Like information that came to us from unknown sources directly into our unconscious. Where dreams come from is very clearly explained in home page Dream book of disturbing dreams. In short:

Your soul asked, you were answered. Only the answer came in images that require interpretation.

You are ready? Let's begin.

An out-of-body meeting with a missing person or an image?

First, we need to answer the question - what do we remember, was it an out-of-body meeting or a message?

    If the person himself appeared, his soul, energy shell, as you wish, there's nothing to interpret. A meeting of souls common in dreams. If the body is lost or real circumstances prevent us from seeing each other in person, then the soul meets the soul. Then we experience in a dream what we experience in life – emotions, a real feeling of meeting. Remember - “I hug him. Joy”, “rejoiced, began to hug him and cry”...

    Little can be learned from this meeting. Emotions get in the way. The dreamer's soul, like the soul of the missing person, is shocked and overwhelmed with feelings.
    But the main problem is that our Consciousness is not able to adequately translate the sounds of speech not only of a missing person, but of any person in general. Do you remember this effect - in a dream you are talking to someone, everything is so clear, but you wake up and don’t remember anything or remember some kind of nonsense or expressions that are absolutely incomprehensible?

    There may be emotions, there may be a real feeling of a meeting, but in a dream there are incredible fantastic details, implausible behavior. This is the dream we need, since this is no longer an out-of-body meeting, but information about missing person. Moreover, even in an out-of-body meeting they can show the answer in images! As in the example above with the missing father - “and he stands opposite, and instead of his head there is a wolf’s.”

We identify direct indications of the fate of the missing person

Here you cannot do without the Dream Book of disturbing dreams; it contains all the images of “bad” dreams. The main ones are listed in the article What do you dream about? bad sleep. Additionally, classic images of Earth, Sand, Tree, wooden, Pit and others.
And we immediately come to important information:

“My brother dreamed that he was looking into dark hole in the ground, and dad is sitting there and his eyes are black.”

A missing friend 'rises up wooden stairs from the first floor."

My missing husband" rejuvenated that’s for sure, and it was somehow bright and clean...”

The ex-husband in the dream “has changed, became younger and more beautiful, recovered."

Here everything is clear that the missing relative has gone to the Other World. Only there can they change dramatically in better side, get younger.

Indirect indications of the fate of the missing person

Our Consciousness most of all strives for our mental safety, tries to prevent serious psychological experiences that can cause us psychological trauma. Sometimes it doesn't work out, but he tries. Therefore, more often than not, it does not translate the code directly, as above, but translates the code indirectly.


“I was getting ready to leave and said, “I’ll go buy some candy for the table,” but his mother wouldn’t let him go, and he said, “No, I’ll go.”

On what occasion do they buy sweets from us in case of drama with a person? That's right, for remembrance... “Mom won’t let go” - she doesn’t want to come to terms with the terrible reality, but the dream stubbornly “no, I’ll go,” that is, I have to...

Or what does this strange transformation mean:

- “Mom in a dream says to the missing father, “Why did you do that, didn’t come home,” and he stands opposite, and instead of his head there is a wolf’s and says, “It’s your own fault.”

We look at the image of a Wolf in the Dream Book of Disturbing Dreams. This is human aggression. Either he got involved in a conflict with someone, or became a victim of aggression.

This is how we learn from indirect images in a dream about what happened to the missing person. You can read many examples on the forum, where there is even a special section Dreams about missing people.

If you dream of a missing person, but you find it difficult to interpret the dream, then the next section is for you.

How to find out the fate of a missing person from a dream

    You determine for yourself whether you really want answers to your questions and how the information will benefit you.

    Let's say, some people prefer to live with the hope, even if false, that the missing person will one day return. This is their choice. It's easier for them. For others, in their particular situation, false hope destroys their life, prevents them from starting a new one...

    If in dreams about missing persons there are marker images that he is alive and just ran away, then after relief there may be a feeling of resentment... All this must be weighed before you decide to get information...

    Take it psychological consultation, during which the marker images obtained as a result of the analysis are discussed. Without consultation, translation is impossible, since simply bare information, as in the messages of fortune tellers and psychics, can be traumatic, regardless of whether the news is good or bad.

    Then comes the verification stage - it includes the analysis of dreams that will arrive over the next 1-2 days. And then a control check - the first two or three dreams involving the missing person. Only then can the work be considered completed.

Real examples of interpretation of dreams with missing persons

Missing girls in the Nizhny Novgorod region

At first, journalists from RenTV tested the method of direct interpretation of dreams. They came to my house to film for the program “Secrets of the World with Anna Chapman.”

They were interested in a 10-year-old fact when Nizhny Novgorod region teacher Lyudmila Oleynik, thanks to a dream, found the place where the criminals hid the bodies of two murdered girls.
I said to the TV camera:

– Everyone dreams, but not everyone remembers them. Nevertheless, dreams where there are missing relatives are remembered for a lifetime. When the girls disappeared and the search was on, their souls appeared to their closest relatives. Those who took part in the search were shown their location in a dream with a direct picture. It was not a dream that brought Lyudmila Oleynik to the place where the remains were buried - it was a simple predictive dream, in the morning, and said that today she would find their remains.

The journalists recorded and suggested that the next day they travel around the Kstovsky district and talk with relatives dead girls and check everything I said.
The test is tough - after 5 minutes the dreamer forgets what he was dreaming about, and 10 years have already passed! Nevertheless, I agreed without question and the next day I was already in the Kstovsky district with the film crew.

We went to the village of Klyuchi, where this tragedy occurred, and found Yulia’s grandmother, the youngest of the missing girls. Grandma refused - I didn’t see any dreams, I don’t know anything, I didn’t dream of anything. Then I had to ask:
– Didn’t Yulia come to you?
“One time,” the grandmother was embarrassed. “I don’t remember anything, like in the dark.”
– What was she wearing, what did she say to you?

And grandma remembered. Yes, she didn’t forget, it’s just that the defense blocked this memory. And she told me.
- Yes, she rushed to me, just like she always rushed when she saw me coming to her with gifts. So joyful, shouting “Grandma”. From the darkness. I remember that she told me a lot, asked me something, but I didn’t remember what. And I woke up.
– Was this at a time when she had not yet been found?
- Yes.

I’ll note right away that I couldn’t tell from her dream whether her granddaughter was alive or not. There seems to be an indication of a burial - darkness. She came from the darkness. But if the girls were alive and in the dark, they would also show the darkness - a straight picture. If the dreamer’s consciousness is confused, dark - no wonder at that time - darkness can also arise, only not as a detail of the dream, but as the background of its perception.

And in general, in order to draw such serious conclusions, you need several dreams, and even from different dreamers. That's why we met with Yulia, older sister the second missing girl Lyuba. She remembered a dream from which she woke up in tears 10 years ago. A typical out-of-body date. The deceased Lyuba reproached that her sister abandoned her.
Much later, reading articles on this topic, I understand why - Yulin’s boyfriend killed Lyuba. That is, Yulia herself brought the future killer of her younger sister to the house.

We also visited the burial site of the bodies, where Lyudmila Oleynik later found them. Deep ravine, trees. There they interviewed me again.

I said that predictive dreams appear only when all the conditions have already been formed for a future event in the present. And I claim that Oleinik did not find the remains in a dream - they say, in a dream they showed her that there were corpses there, so she went to that place and found them. No, the dream was simple predictive - she was shown what she would see that day. No mysticism. And he concluded:

This means that the dream was in the morning - she woke up with it. The day before, she had not thought at all about the tragedy with the girls. She did not excavate the remains; they were visible. She had planned in advance, the day before, to walk along the edge of this ravine.

We met with Lyudmila Oleynik much later than this interview - at seven o’clock in the evening. She said, yes, with this dream she got up at 4 in the morning, early 5, and immediately began to get ready for her hike; Yes, I didn’t think so - this tragedy happened a year ago (at this time), and it was still far from their village; yes, she planned to walk along the edge of that ravine to find the roots of the rosehip; Yes, she saw a skull in the grass.
All this is typical for the method of obtaining information about missing persons. And it came in handy when I had to deal with another high-profile story.

Children disappeared in Komi

"Good day, Sergey! Andrey Meleshchuk’s grandmother is writing to you. On June 5, in Udora, Chim village, Komi Republic, two boys were lost. One of them is my grandson Andrey. All of Russia was searching, information and photographs were broadcast on TV, all the newspapers wrote. The riot police and the Ministry of Emergency Situations searched for three months, various psychics were involved, but there was no result. Please solve my dreams."
I was then editing the magazine “Dreams and Visions.”

Galina Vasilyevna sent me several letters and, at my request, collected the dreams of loved ones of missing children. The picture they got was disappointing - the children died, and from their dreams it was even possible to tell exactly how - they drowned in the river. One thing could console loved ones - their remains will be found.
Only 4 years later I learned from the Internet that the remains of my grandson had been found. Read.

I wasn’t upset that Galina Vasilyevna didn’t call me then. I knew from her dreams that she would feel bad at her grandson’s funeral. And she won’t have time to call for a long time.

Dreaming of a missing classmate

From the direct translation forum:

“I dreamed about a classmate of mine who recently disappeared; the search for him is still underway. In a dream, we found him in a gorge and took him out of there, barely alive, with a wooden board in his hands. In a dream, his mother led us to the right trail, as if she dreamed that he called her and said that he was somewhere in the vegetable gardens, it was there that we seemed to have found him. Please tell me what this could mean? Thank you". In this case, many dreams were not needed. Answered:

“You immediately dreamed of the exact image dead person- “with a wooden board.” The body is in an area that is suitable for general image“vegetable gardens”. My condolences". There was no need to wait four years. Soon I received confirmation:

“Sergey, thank you! You said everything as it is. The body was found. We found him in the forest, not far from a village where there are vegetable gardens.” See all correspondence on the forum here Dream about a missing person

Seeing a missing friend in a dream

From the direct translation forum:

"My name is Irina. A very close friend of mine has gone missing. Almost no one dreams of him. His grandfather had a dream that he was sitting in some room, a plant was blooming outside the window, the missing man himself was sitting on a bed in some kind of sheepskin coat, and he was so warm, his cheeks were rosy.” It took a lot of dreams about the missing person. Until pictures were received that directly indicated that he had died. Which is what I wrote in conclusion: “And so, unfortunately, the whole set of signs of the deceased is there.”

And a year later I received confirmation:

“Sergey, hello. I'm writing this again. We found Dima on April 4, almost a year ago. Unfortunately, they were found murdered…” For all correspondence on the forum, see Dreams about the missing, the disappeared.

Friend's husband disappeared

From the direct translation forum:
“my husband best friend Inny went missing. On September 30, 2014, he and a friend had a drink and decided to fish on the lake, the boat capsized 1.5 km from the shore, Vlad, that’s the name of the missing friend, swam out from under the boat, Denis (this is the second guy) climbed onto the overturned boat, and Vlad said that he would swim. No one else saw him.”

Dreams were sent about the missing person. And, in a rare case, the dreamer was instantly shown what happened to him and where his body was.
“On the first day, when they told me that Vlad had disappeared, I saw him in a dream. It was as if divers were called to the lake and they swam on the lake in a motor boat and dived, they also gave me a suit so that I could dive. I remember that I was swimming under water, it was yellow- green in color, cloudy, and floating out of the corner of my eye I saw Vlad’s head lying at the bottom without a body, only one thought flashed through: why did he need to cut off his head, I don’t remember anything else from this dream.”

I expressed my condolences and cleared the severed head”: I did a rather crazy thing - I tried to cold water swim one and a half kilometers.
Two weeks later confirmation arrived:
“Vlad was found this afternoon. As you wrote, he did a pretty crazy thing, and now his wife will be raising two children alone.”
See all correspondence on the forum here I saw a missing friend in a dream

Sergey Dolzhenko,
psychologist, dream interpreter

Our subconscious mind uses the language of symbols and signs in dreams, so dreams cannot be taken literally. Every dream is a signal for something, often very distant from what we saw in the dream.

Science beyond reality: discoveries made in dreams

The progress of mankind took place not only in stuffy scientific laboratories, but also outside of consciousness. Dozens of discoveries were made in a dream, and the most sensational of them became the heroes of this article.

Modern dream book - the key to solving mysteries

Why do we have orange dreams? Which good dream, and which one carries negativity? How to unravel the secrets of dreams? Modern dream book opens doors to amazing world dreams and allows you to decipher any dream you have as accurately as possible

Dream or reality?

Did you know that the human brain does not distinguish between dreams and reality? It sounds incredible, but when we dream, the brain perceives our dreams as reality.

Why do you dream about Vesti?

News in a modern dream book

Receiving news in a dream from distant relatives with whom a person has not maintained any contact for a long time means that in reality his wishes will come true. Watching TV in a dream means you can expect a positive letter with the message that now everything will be fine.

News in Miller's dream book

Hearing good news in a dream is good luck in business affairs, but if the news is bad, unfavorable circumstances at work will haunt you, preventing you from climbing the career ladder.

News in Vanga's dream book

Receiving both good and bad news in a dream is a warning about similar news received in real life.

News in Freud's dream book

Favorable news in a dream means a dejected moral state in reality. Unfavorable - joy and success in all endeavors. If you pronounce news in a dream, it means receiving news from distant lands. Someone in your dream received bad news - soon you will rejoice at some event together. Receiving a long-awaited letter with news in a dream is unexpected news about affairs in reality, the development of which you did not even suspect.

The dream that you are riding a bicycle on a flat road means a measured flow of life. The road going up in your dream will lead to the heights of glory in reality. If in a dream you are riding a bicycle down a steep slope, this is bad sign, warning about the danger of “sinking” and ending up at the very bottom. It’s not hard to guess what riding a bicycle in a dream on a steep and slippery path will lead to.

Also, if you had a dream in which you are riding a bicycle, in real life you are a fairly independent person and do not allow others to tell you how you should live and where to go. Like any online dream interpretation, the meaning may be different.

Dream Interpretation bicycle ride along the corridor, ride, stolen

Riding a bicycle along a corridor in a dream means that you have no choice; in your actions you are not free to do as you please. If in your dream the bicycle you were riding was stolen, then in real life you will also be disappointed and search for the truth.

Vanga's dream book bicycle

Vanga interpreted a dream in which a man was riding a bicycle as a sure, albeit not leaps and bounds, movement forward, contributing to the achievement of his goal.

Miller's dream book bicycle

Miller's dream book states that riding a bicycle uphill is a sign that brilliant prospects are opening up before you. Whether you have enough strength and energy to pedal all the way to the top depends on your endurance and ability to endure difficulties.

Bicycle Freud's dream book

In Freud's dream book, riding a bicycle is identified with receiving sensual sensations. If in your dream you managed to fall off your bike, in real life you will also make a mistake, but already in physical intimacy with a partner. Maybe it makes sense to go in for sports and lead healthy image life so that the situation does not happen again...

Why do you dream about a bicycle? Dream book Miller

In Miller’s dream book, a cyclist who successfully overcomes steep turns and climbs in his dream will definitely be able to achieve all sorts of heights in real life.

Bicycle dream book of Juno (junona)

The egg symbolizes nascent life. Therefore, an egg seen in a dream is considered a powerful sign, indicating an inexhaustible supply of life...

A dog, both in real life and in a dream, is a symbol of friendship and fidelity. But seeing a puppy in a dream is not always interpreted as good sign, How...

You can interpret a dream in which you received some news in different ways. It all depends on what you were told in the dream and how you reacted to it. Dream books, interpreting such dreams and explaining why this is a dream, mention the so-called “mirroring”, when dreams can be prophetic and promise the receipt of news in real life.

Brief interpretation

Having a dream and not remembering it in the morning is a fairly common problem. But to understand what to expect from fate, it is not necessary to thoroughly remember everything you dream about. Remember a couple of moments, and the dream books will make it clear to you why you dreamed about it. Here, for example, are dreams about news:

  • Good - to joy and fun.
  • Bad - to worries and sadness.
  • Unusual - the wish will soon come true.
  • Telling yourself means trying to change something in a relationship.
  • If you hear it by chance, you will find out someone’s secret.

Miller's Dream Book

According to Miller’s dream book, the news in a dream has two meanings: the first is a reflection of a person’s desire to learn some news, and the second is an attempt to notify the public about oneself. The details decide which one is right for you: the news was secret - your first option; we learned something from newspapers, television or by telephone - the second.

Good news is a sign of happiness

The interpretation of a dream in which you dreamed that you received news of your pregnancy promises a revival of faded joy. A friend told you about pregnancy - expect good news from her. But the news that your worst enemy is pregnant is a signal that you are ready to reconcile with her.

The news about the wedding has a different meaning. You announced the wedding - wait for an invitation to the celebration. We received a notification from a friend about a wedding - you will receive the guests, predicts the Lunar Dream Book.

Sad news as a symbol of worries

News of a war, an accident or a catastrophe, according to the Eastern Dream Book, promises the dreamer mental anguish and torment of conscience. If you dreamed that you were the one who reported the news of the war, you are ashamed in front of someone for your actions.

Those who are interested in why they dream about the news of illness or the death of a loved one can be reassured a little. Your loved one will live a long time, but some misunderstanding will happen between you. Especially if the news of death was brought to you by the deceased himself, appearing as a ghost, the quarrel can drag on for a long time. But to see that you are telling someone about your illness or about the death that allegedly threatens you - a period of difficulties and obstacles is coming.

Amazing announcements, or Dreams come true...

Pastor Loff's dream book knows for sure that hearing something incredible about a person is a sign that wishes will soon come true.

An equally joyful outcome awaits the dreamer in the event of a nightmare in which he learns from his mother that his father, who is alive in reality, has died. The goals you set for yourself should be slightly adjusted, and then they will be achieved.

Do you know why you dream about receiving news of the birth of a child from a relative who is deceased in reality? Something that is beyond human understanding will help you achieve what you want. Was the notification from a deceased relative who was actually alive? Help will come from friends. And if you see that you told him about the birth of a child, you yourself will be a benefactor.
