Didactic games for preschoolers “Safety hours”, “Dangerous situations. Didactic games for preschoolers on the topic: “Dangerous situations

The game is ready to use. Just print it out and stick it on thick cardboard and cut it out.


  • consolidation of knowledge about dangerous objects.


  • Develop mental abilities and visual perception.
  • Develop the ability to explain your choices.
  • Develop independence, speed of reaction, and ingenuity.

Rules of the game: children (2 - 18 people) get dominoes. It is chosen who goes first (you can use a counting rhyme or the teacher lays out his card first). Any card is laid out first. The right half depicts an object. On the left half is a picture of how the item is used.

A child can use it under adult supervision.

Children use it independently as it is not a dangerous item.

Only adults can use this item, as it is a dangerous item for children.

The child determines who can use this item (child alone, child under adult supervision, only adults - shown on the left half) and explains his choice - whether the item is dangerous or not and why. The one who quickly correctly determined that this particular card was needed and explained his choice lays out the card.

The game ends when all the cards are laid out correctly.

The game can be used in classes, in joint activities of a teacher and a subgroup of children, in individual work, and in independent activities of children.

Anna Marchenko
Security games

Didactic game "Evaluate the action"

Target: Consolidate knowledge about the rules of using fire; cultivate a desire to comply with fire safety rules security.

Equipment: Subject pictures that depict situations:

1) actions of children or adults with objects that contribute to a fire;

2) actions of children or adults during fire extinguishing.

Progress of the game

Place object pictures in front of the children.

Tasks. Choose among others the picture that depicts an action that contributes to the outbreak of a fire. Explain how you will act when putting out a fire? What extinguishing agents do you know?

The winner is the one whose answer is more meaningful, more interesting, and who correctly selects the pictures in accordance with the task.

Didactic game "Who will pass first"

Target: Summarize children’s knowledge about the work of drivers. Learn to make the right choice.

Game task: Select a vehicle with priority cargo.

Rules games: Answer the policeman’s questions. If you want to go first, raise your hand.

Equipment: Medallions – vouchers with cars for various purposes. Attributes policeman: cap, staff.

Progress of the game

Remember with your children how attentive a policeman who regulates traffic must be, because there are many cars driving along the street in different directions. Where are they going? Children will learn about this by receiving guide medallions depicting machines for various purposes.

The traffic policeman asks the drivers where they are going, what they are carrying and why they need to be let through faster. When the driver answers all the questions, focusing on his medallion, the policeman, together with the other children, decides whether he should be allowed through first.

Problem situations: Three cars met at an intersection. The policeman-regulator decides who needs to be let through first. Children discuss his decision, agree or object.

1. A bus with children, a truck with construction materials, an ice cream van.

2. Ambulance, car with bread, van with books.

3. Fire truck, milk tanker, van with furniture.

On signal "The Way is Open" the driver drives around the room. When all the drivers return, the medallions are taken apart by other children. They come up with new problem situations.

Didactic game "Ecological traffic light"

Target: To consolidate children’s knowledge of observing technical rules safety in the natural environment. Develop logical thinking, memory, imagination, and the ability to admire the beauty of the world around us. Foster a caring attitude towards nature.

Material: Pictures depicting various behavioral situations in nature, green and red chips.

Progress of the game:

In front of the children are pictures depicting various situations of behavior in nature and green and red chips. Children must assess the situation and mark it with the appropriate chip (red is incorrect behavior, and green is correct).

Didactic game "So - wrong"

Target: Strengthen children’s ability to assess situations, cultivate a love for all living things, and respect for nature.

Material: Drawings with different situations (children plant a tree; a boy destroys an anthill and the like); sun and clouds.

Move games: The pictures are face down. The child chooses a drawing and must place it, depending on the situation depicted, under the sun or a cloud.

Didactic game "Let's go to the forest to pick mushrooms"

Target: Exercise children in recognizing and naming edible and poisonous mushrooms from drawings. Develop observation and attention. Cultivate a caring attitude towards your health.

Material: Drawings of a mushroom", baskets.

Move games: Children are asked to collect edible and inedible mushrooms separately in a basket.

D/i "It is possible - it is not possible"

Target: To develop in children the skills of correct behavior in dangerous situations; promote a healthy lifestyle; teach children to behave correctly within the framework of permitted behavior. Develop logical thinking, memory, attention.

Material: Cards with images of adults and children, chip cards with various objects.

Move games: The child must independently choose chip cards and put them on his card, in accordance with what a child or an adult can use.

Didactic game "Home Alone"

Target: To consolidate children’s knowledge about strangers, what exactly can be dangerous in communicating with other people, to classify people based on kinship (relatives, acquaintances, strangers). Develop attention and observation. Cultivate caution.

Material: Drawings depicting different of people: policeman, postman, grandmother and the like.

Move games: The teacher invites the children to look at the drawing and think if they will open the door to this or that person. Be able to explain the situation and your choice.

Didactic game "What to play for Pete"

Target: To consolidate children’s knowledge about household items that are sources of potential danger to children and should be stored out of the reach of children (household chemicals, medicines, sharp objects).

Develop imagination, memory, speech. Cultivate caution and prudence when playing with various objects.

Material: Screen made of three parts (the first one shows a rug, the second one shows a boy, the third one has a closet with doors that open)

Progress of the game:

The teacher shows the children Petrika: Kids, Petya stayed at home by himself and wanted to play. He found many different things, but there are also dangerous objects here. And Petrik doesn’t know where the toys are. Let's help him put the toys on the mat, and the dangerous objects to dad and mom in the closet.

Children complete the task. When laying out objects, they justify their choice.

Didactic game "Dial a number"

Target: Exercise children in using acquired knowledge and methods of action in game situations. Deepen and expand children's knowledge about the profession of people who provide us with first aid (doctor, fireman, policeman). Develop thinking and memory. Cultivate caution

Material: Cards depicting various dangerous situations (fire, accident, etc., telephone.

Progress of the game:

Children are asked to assess the situation and, in accordance with it, call the necessary service by phone.

Didactic game "Help yourself"

Target: To consolidate children’s knowledge about the rules of first aid for injuries, that a child can provide first aid to himself. Develop children's memory and imagination. Cultivate a caring attitude towards your health.

nosebleeds and the like.

Progress of the game:

Children stand in a circle. The teacher shows them pictures (one by one). Children give answers to each picture not with a sentence, but by imitating certain actions: “cut finger” - raise your hand up; “sunstroke” - lie down or sit in the shade; “The nose is bleeding” - raise your head up; “The child’s cheeks are frozen” - lightly rub your face with your hands; “feet are frozen” - run, jump, wiggle your toes; “feet wet” - imitate changing into dry shoes.

Didactic game "A fairy tale will teach us everything"

Target: Exercise children in recognizing, naming and telling fairy tales based on drawings. Reinforce the content of familiar fairy tales. Learn to correctly evaluate the actions of heroes, draw conclusions regarding behavior in dangerous situations, and find a way out of them. Practice the ability to distinguish colors and their shades. Develop coherent speech, logical thinking and imagination. Cultivate a desire to help, goodwill, humanity and sociability.

Material: Playing field, a set of pictures for different fairy tales, chips of different colors.

Option games 1(for children 3-4 years old): The teacher invites the children to spin the magic arrow, on what color sector it will stop, the child must find a drawing for a fairy tale with a chip of the corresponding color (blue, green, yellow, red). Kids need to remember the name of the fairy tale and its main characters. Encourage children to draw conclusions about the adventures with the main character.

Option games 2(for children of middle and senior preschool age): The teacher invites the children to spin the magic arrow, on what color sector it will stop, the child must find a picture with a frame of the corresponding color and say the name of the fairy tale. her heroes. Retell that episode of the fairy tale where danger awaits the hero. Express your attitude, come up with a different ending, correlate the content of the fairy tale with real life situations.

Didactic game "We are calling for help"

Target: To consolidate children's knowledge about situations that can lead to danger and knowledge about it. which service can be contacted in case of a certain danger.

Material: House with windows, cards depicting situations that require calling services "101", "102", "103".

Move games: Children are shown a telephone number for a certain service and they must select cards in accordance with this number and insert them into the windows.

Target: consolidate children's knowledge about actions that.

The teacher lists the actions. In cases where they could lead to a fire, the students clap their hands. When there is no danger, they stomp their feet:

- drawing,

- burning paper,

- playing with a ball,

- playing with a lighter,

- making appliques,

- jumping rope,

- setting fire to dry grass and leaves,

- singing in chorus,

- playing with matches,

- reading,

- playing snowballs outside in winter,

- a game with snowflakes made from paper napkins,

- lighting sparklers near the Christmas tree,

- washing dishes,

- washing,

- game for a walk,

- playing badminton,

- modeling from plasticine,

- turning on the iron,

- hand washing,

- watering flowers,

- turning on the heater,

- carpet cleaning,

- playing with a magnifying glass under the sun's rays,

- hammering nails,

- playing with sand,

- turning on the faulty garland cord,

- bathing,

- game with cubes,

- TV overheating,

- looking at books near the fire,

- lighting a fire in the forest in the wind,

- games with a kite.

Didactic game "Think"

Target:; development of logical thinking; assistance in the use of complex sentences.

Children finish the sentence started by the teacher. For example, like this: “If you eat a poisonous mushroom, then... you can get poisoned.”

If you eat a poisonous berry, then...

If you float down the river alone, then...

If you walk without stopping in the sea, then...

If a smoldering cigarette butt flew into your window, then...

If you open the door to a stranger, then...

If you pick up sharp objects, then...

If a person has a high temperature, then...

If you climb to the roof of the house, then...

If a mosquito bites you...

If children play with matches, then...

If the grass is burning outside, then...

If the apartment smells like burning, then...

If there is a smell of gas in the kitchen, then...

If there is smoke coming from a neighboring apartment, then...

If you slip on ice in winter, then...

If you go through a red light across the road, then...

If you ride a bicycle near the roadway, then...

If you lick an icicle in winter, then...

If a stranger offers you candy, then...

Didactic game “How to save from trouble”

Target: consolidation of pupils’ knowledge of life safety; development of logical thinking.

Progress of the game

After listening to the teacher’s task, the children come up with a solution that will help avoid trouble. For example, in accordance with the task, the situation is as follows: “In a big store, a girl lost her mother.” The child offers a way out: “You need to go up to the seller and explain that your mother is in the store. You must identify yourself, as well as your mother’s first and last name. Ask for help finding her."

The driver violated traffic rules...

Water has flooded the roads, people cannot leave their houses...

The kindergarten was evacuated, all the children...

The boy injured his leg while playing...

A fire started in the apartment and dad...

When you hear shouts of “Save us, there’s a fire!”, you need...

During the New Year's holiday the lights went out...

There is no light in the house, and the child is home alone...

Didactic game “Cold-Hot”

Target: development of logical thinking in children.

Each child receives three mugs of different colors: red means hot objects, blue - cold, yellow - warm. The presenter names various objects, the children show the corresponding circle. The one who makes the most mistakes is eliminated from the game.

Subject range: ice, battery, fire, iron on, water, hair dryer, heater, sun, tea, snow, hands, stove, fire, ice cream, bread, icicle, mittens, hot kettle, refrigerator, etc.

Didactic game “Make up a number”

Target: consolidation of students’ knowledge about calling the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the event of a fire.

Children are divided into two groups and together, among the many numbers, they find the necessary ones and compose the telephone number of the Ministry of Emergency Situations - 101. The team that completes the task first wins.

IN. Guys, now each of you knows which number to call if there is a fire. Let's repeat it all together again:

Children."Fire number: 101."

IN. Remember that you can and should only call this number in case of a fire. When you hear the answer from the attendant, clearly state your name and address.

Didactic game-situation “Young firefighters rush to the rescue”

Target: teaching children the basics of fire safety; development of logical thinking.

Progress of the game

Some children name an emergency, others name its possible consequences and actions that need to be taken. For example: “A burning paper fell on an easy chair... The chair would begin to smolder and catch fire. If no one is home, a big fire could happen and many apartments in this building would be damaged. In the event of a fire, you must quickly call the fire brigade by calling 101.”

Situational series:

  • Burning paper flew into the open window of the apartment...
  • Burning paper fell on dry grass near the house...
  • Adults carelessly handle the fireplace...
  • Boys playing with matches...
  • A flame flared up in a frying pan on a burning stove...
  • Unextinguished candles remained on the festive table...

    Such games are played in small groups of children, no more than 8 people. The duration of the classes is about half an hour. The purpose of any safety training includes:

    1. Cognitive aspect - during the lesson, the child receives certain skills that are associated with safe active life.
    2. The educational aspect is a visual demonstration of forms of communication between people, which instills in children the correct attitude towards the world around them.
    3. Behavioral aspect - the game is designed to improve models of human behavior.

    Security games

    1. "Stranger". The goal of the game is to teach the child to say “no”, to introduce the concepts of “evil and good stranger”, “stranger”. To play, you can choose one of the plots, when an adult stranger can approach the child and ask:
  • find something, for example a lost kitten
  • show something, store or pharmacy
  • invite her to her home under the pretext that she knows the baby’s parents.

Before starting the game, children need to be given the rule that parents should always know where he will go. and it is unacceptable to deviate from this rule even if the stranger insists that mom knows everything and she herself allowed them to go somewhere together. Or vice versa, that mom won’t find out anything and it will be a little secret. To more successfully reinforce the teaching moment of the game, the role of the stranger should be played by a person whom the group of children will actually see for the first time.

  1. "Safe Road Home"
    Before the game, children need to be told that the path chosen to go home must be safe. This means that all proposals to shorten the route must be rejected. The rule of this game is to go home only along a familiar and bright road. Nothing should lead children astray, and every possible situation must be played out. In such a task, it is better to break into pairs, and when some work out all the situations, the rest of the group observes. This is one of the situations that will help avoid child abduction.
  2. "Firefighters". This game is best played in teams. You will need a table on which you need to lay out various things, among which will be the attributes of firefighters. The teams' task is to choose one of the items that will be necessary in the work of a firefighter and return back, passing the baton. The team that correctly completes the task wins.
  3. "Put out the flames." For this game you need a container with sand. At a certain signal, children must run to the container and collect sand, which must be used to extinguish the “fire” - it can be a sheet of paper with a picture of a flame. The main rule of the game is that sand should not be scattered during the process. This is a team and exhibition game. Before starting, it is better to have a conversation about fire and the algorithm of behavior in the forest. Team games greatly discipline children and help them better remember educational information.
    In the room where such games will be held, you can put up a lot of posters that will clearly show how to behave correctly in emergency situations. For good training of preschoolers, such classes must be carried out systematically.

Games to develop the basics of life safety for children


"Sources of danger"

Target: Strengthen children's knowledge about objects that can be a source of danger.

Game rules: Select items that may be a source of danger.

Game action: Search and name of objects.

Progress of the game.

Children are given game cards depicting various objects. The teacher asks you to carefully look at the images of objects and answer the questions:

What could be the source of the fire?

What can be the source of human injury (cut, bite, injection, burn, poisoning)?

What can be the source of a person's death? The winner is the one who names all the images correctly.

"Do you know?"

Target: Strengthen your knowledge of emergency phone numbers.

Game rules: Perform actions that match the image.

Game actions: Moving chips around the playing field in accordance with the number of rolled moves.

Progress of the game.

The game is played by 4-5 people, using chips of different colors. The child throws the dice and moves the chips. Legend:

Red Cross - name the emergency phone number;

Home - give your home address;

Policeman - give the police phone number;

Fire - choose from three numbers the one you need in case of fire;

Man in a mask - call the number needed in case of such danger;

Book - if the wrong answer is given, the player goes to this point;

Hand - if the correct answer is given, the player moves to this point;

Phone - dial the security phone number and go to the finish line.

The winner is the one who answered all the questions faster and correctly and came to the finish line first.

"What does the traffic light say"

Target: Reinforce knowledge of traffic lights and the corresponding actions of pedestrians.

Material: Cards depicting traffic lights (red, yellow, green) and pedestrian actions.

Progress of the game.

The teacher invites the children to show a traffic light signal, which means: “go”, “stop”, “attention”. Then show cards depicting the actions of pedestrians at different traffic lights.

"The fourth wheel"

Target: Teach children to prevent the danger of contact with dangerous objects (needles, scissors, matches, medicines, etc.) Reinforce knowledge about behavior on the street without adults. Distinguish between edible mushrooms and berries.

Game rules: Find the extra item on the card. Prove why.

Game action: Search for a dangerous object.

Progress of the game.

Children are given cards, each depicting four objects, one of which is redundant (is dangerous). The one that the teacher points to (the magic arrow) explains what is unnecessary and why.


1. Edible mushrooms and fly agaric.

2. Toys and nails.

3. Toys and medicine.

4. Brush, pencil, pen, needle.

5. Raspberries, strawberries, currants and wolfberries.

6. Children play in the sandbox, ride on a swing, sled, a boy eats an icicle.

By analogy, other combinations can be presented.

"On a walk"

Target: To consolidate children's knowledge about proper communication and behavior with animals.


Cards depicting correct and incorrect actions when meeting a dog, bee, goat, hedgehog, ants in an anthill.

Game rules: When asked by the teacher, show a picture with the correct answer, and then with the incorrect actions.

Progress of the game.

The teacher asks the children to answer what they would do in different situations that arose during a walk on a day off. (at the dacha, in the forest). You need to first show a picture with the correct action, and then show the incorrect ones.

On the road I met a dog. Can , n no way (children show card)

In a clearing, a wasp (bee) flew up to me. It's possible, it's not.

A goat is nibbling grass at the edge of the forest. It's possible, it's not.

I noticed a hedgehog in the grass. It's possible, it's not.


Target: Reinforce knowledge of emergency phone numbers.

Progress of the game.

In front of the child are laid out cards with images of ambulances, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, police, fire, sports cars and cards with numbers 01, 02, 03. The teacher invites the child to choose any number and find the car that will come to this number.


Target: Strengthen children's knowledge about fire safety.

Game rules: When asked by the teacher, show the answer picture.

Material: Pictures of a box of matches, phone number 01; lightning striking a tree; iron; 02; 03; burning table; buckets of water.

Game action: Select the correct picture from those offered.

Progress of the game.

The children are given cards. The teacher offers to answer the question by showing the desired card.

Why does a fire occur?

What should you do if there is a fire?

What phone number do you call for help?

For the correct answer, the child receives a chip. The one who gets the most chips wins.

"It's a serious matter"

Target: Teach children to select suitable objects for games, to know what things they should not play with.

Material: Cards with the image of a ball, scissors, a pyramid, a gas stove, matches, a knife, a tumbler, tablets, an iron, a needle, a doll, a car, a fork, a glass vase, etc.

Progress of the game.

The cards are laid out in front of the children with their backs facing up. The child takes out any item, looks at it and answers whether it is possible to play with this thing or not. (explaining why). For the correct answer he gets a chip.

"Sidewalk and Children"

Target: Strengthen children's knowledge of traffic rules. Teach children to choose the right place to play. Cultivate a quick reaction to what is happening.

Progress of the game.

Invite the children to build a house with an arch out of blocks. The arch should be of such a size that toy cars can drive through it. Have the children place them in front of the arch. The dolls will depict boys playing football or girls playing hopscotch. You can use a ping-pong ball as a soccer ball, and depict hopscotch using strips of paper or strings. Several children can participate in the game at the same time and change roles. During the game, boys use dolls to pretend to play football, and girls to play hopscotch. At the same time, one child pushes a toy car through the arch and honks loudly. Children quickly remove the dolls from the road and move them away from the arch. The plot can be varied. For example, a bunny leans out of the window of a toy house and warns of danger. A similar plot can be played out using a tabletop theater.

"Who can name more actions"

Target: Teach children to relate actions to the profession of people acting in emergency situations.

Game rules: Name only one action of a person in this profession. If the child cannot remember, he hits the ball on the floor, catches it and throws it to the leader.

Game actions: Throwing and catching the ball.

Progress of the game.

The teacher offers to name the action that a person of the named profession performs, but only one action can be named (doctor, policeman, fireman). The one who names the most actions wins.


"It is possible - it is not possible"

Target: to consolidate the idea of ​​household objects that cannot be played with.

Equipment: subject pictures of dangerous and safe objects for play, doll, chest.

Progress of the game:

The teacher suggests remembering what can happen if you take dangerous objects without permission: a knife, scissors, needles, etc. Children take one picture at a time and place it near the doll, if this object can be played with, or in a chest, if this object is for the game is dangerous. The teacher encourages children to explain their choice.

"Allowed - prohibited"

Target: consolidate knowledge of the rules of safe behavior for children.

Equipment: pictures depicting various situations of dangerous and safe behavior of children, green and red symbols (circles, cubes or other objects).

Progress of the game:

The teacher hands out pictures to the children and invites those who show what is prohibited to do to go to the red symbols, and to the green symbols to those with the correct actions of the characters depicted.

Complication: supplement the equipment with images of a street, house, fire. Children must match the pictures according to the situation at hand, and then choose a symbol of a certain color.

"Pick mushrooms"

Target: consolidate knowledge about edible and inedible mushrooms; continue to formulate rules for safe behavior in the forest.

Equipment: baskets - according to the number of children, silhouettes or dummies of mushrooms.

Progress of the game:

The teacher reminds the child about the rules of safe behavior in the forest and offers to collect edible mushrooms for soup.

“What does the traffic light say?”

Target: consolidate knowledge about the meaning of traffic light colors and traffic rules; practice following the rules.

Equipment: traffic lights with color switching, cars for various purposes, road markings, dolls.

Progress of the game:

The teacher prepares a model of the road with pedestrian crossing markings, creates various traffic situations with the help of toys, and invites the children to show the correct behavior of pedestrians and drivers on the road.


"Before and Now"

Target: Based on the given situation, choose the correct answer.

Rules of the game: the teacher briefly informs the children what actions were taken in the past in the event of a fire; The guys tell us what to do in such cases today.

  1. How to find out and report a fire?

What did you do before

A tower towered over the city, on which an observer was constantly stationed. As soon as he noticed smoke, he immediately launched a signal ball into the sky.

What they do today

They call 01.

  1. How do firefighters get to a fire?

What did you do before

The firefighters sat on the cart, on which a barrel of water was already installed, and, driving the horses, rode to the site of the fire.

What they do today

On a fire truck. On a fire train. On a fire helicopter. On a firefighting plane.

  1. What clothes (equipment) do firefighters have?

What did you do before

Previously, firefighters wore a canvas uniform, a helmet on their head, and canvas mittens on their hands.

What they do today

Today, the life and health of a firefighter is protected by overalls made of fire-resistant materials, a helmet, a gas mask or a respirator.

  1. What means do you use to extinguish a fire?

What did you do before

A hand pump, a bucket of water, a hatchet, a crowbar, a hook.

What they do today

A fire hose connected to a car pump, fire extinguishers, water, foam.

“It burns - it doesn’t burn”

Target: quickly and correctly perform a responsible action;consolidate knowledge about the flammability properties of various objects and substances; help to understand the destructive power of fire and develop a quick reaction to respond.

Rules of the game: children stand in a circle, the teacher is in the center. The teacher names an object or substance and throws the ball to one of the children. If this substance is not flammable, the child must catch the ball, but if it is flammable, hit it. A child who makes a mistake is eliminated from the circle. The last child standing wins.

(Examples of non-flammable objects and substances: metal, water, ice, earth, air, stone, brick, clay, chalk, etc.)

“What do firefighters need?”

Target: quickly and correctly select pictures depicting fire-themed objects.

Rules of the game: children are given cards depicting objects and phenomena that characterize various professions, including firefighting. The guys quickly select from the total mass of cards those that relate to the theme of fire. The winner is the one who selects the necessary cards faster and does not make mistakes.

"Dialogues on the Phone"

Target: teach children to dial a number correctly on the phone and give accurate and clear answers to questions;to help children remember the generally accepted rules for talking on the phone, including with emergency service personnel.

Rules of the game: children take turns choosing cards with emergency phone numbers: 01, 02, 03, 04. The teacher tells the background of the emergency situation (3-4 sentences) and gives the child the task, depending on the specific case, to call one or another service using a toy phone. The task is considered completed if, from the child’s story, it is possible to understand where and for what purpose this or that service should come. (The role of the duty officer is performed by the teacher).

"If there is a fire"

Target: teach children to finish a riddle poem in rhyme;consolidate children's knowledge about the rules of safe handling of fire.

Rules of the game: children, holding hands, form a circle, in its center stands a teacher with a balloon (ball) in his hands. He recites the lines of the poem and, pausing at the last word, passes the ball (ball) to the child, who quickly finishes the word and returns the ball to the teacher.

This ball is in your hands for a reason.

If there was a fire before,

The signal ball soared high -

Called firefighters to fight the fire.

Where people are careless with fire,

Where the ball soars into the sky,

There will be threats to us everywhere

Angry, merciless... (fire).

One two three four -

Who has a fire in... (apartment)?

Smoke suddenly rose in a column.

Who didn't turn off... (iron)?

The table and cabinet burned down at once.

Who dried clothes over ... (gas).

The flame jumped into the grass.

Who burned ... (leaves) near the house.

I saw smoke - don't yawn

And firefighters... (call).

Remember, every citizen -

This number... (01)!

"Good bad"

Target: to form ideas about the beneficial and harmful properties of fire. Develop logical thinking, memory, attention.

Progress of the game:

The child is shown a picture depicting various uses of fire (both good and bad). Children are given cards depicting fire and objects related to fire (matches, firewood, gas stove, kerosene lamp, etc.) children must place the cards on the picture - to the right place.

"Loto - fire safety"

Target: using story pictures to form children’s understanding of dangerous situations during a fire; the ability to behave correctly in a dangerous situation. Develop attention, logical thinking, coherent speech. Foster a sense of responsibility.

Progress of the game:

The teacher gives the players cards drawn into 10 empty rectangles (playing fields), then shows the children a plot picture depicting the situation during a fire (a boy plays with matches, a girl ran out onto the balcony of a burning apartment, an iron was left unattended, children turned on the Christmas tree, etc. ). The child, who has correctly described the situation, covers the empty playing field with a picture. The one who has the most closed fields wins.

"Card Quiz"

Target: consolidate children's knowledge about fire safety rules. Develop memory, thinking, speech. Foster a sense of responsibility.

Progress of the game:

The teacher lays out on the table, or puts in a beautifully decorated box, cards with questions on the topic of rules of behavior during a fire. The child who answers the question correctly gets a chip. The one who has the most chips at the end of the game wins.

Question options:

State the possible cause of the fire;

How to call the fire department correctly;

What to do if during a fire there is no way to call the fire brigade and the routes out of the house are cut off by the fire;

Is it possible to extinguish a fire without first calling the fire brigade?

What to do if there is a smell of gas in the house;

Is it possible to hide in a closet or under a table during a fire?

Is it possible to set poplar fluff on fire?

Is it possible to create a draft during a fire by opening all windows and doors at the same time;

Is it possible to use the elevator during a house fire?

What needs to be saved first during a fire: money, documents or yourself;

How to properly leave a smoky room;

Is it possible to play with matches and lighters and why.

"Name the causes of the fire"

Target: to form knowledge about the causes of fire. To develop attention, memory, speech. Cultivate responsibility.

Progress of the game:

From the plot pictures proposed by the teacher (children collecting autumn leaves, children hanging burning candles on a Christmas tree, a boy playing with matches in the closet, children watering flowers, etc.), the child must choose those situations that could cause a fire and justify his answer, for that gets the chip. The one who has the most chips at the end of the game wins.

"Choose what you need"

Target: to develop children’s knowledge about the items needed when extinguishing a fire, the rules for their use. Reinforce knowledge about objects that can cause a fire. Develop speech, memory, logical thinking. Foster a sense of responsibility.

Progress of the game:

The child is offered a set of object pictures (fire extinguisher, bucket of water, TV, telephone, sandbox, electrical socket, fire hose, kerosene lamp, fireman's helmet, lighter, gas stove, gas mask) from which he must select those used in extinguishing fires and those that are the cause occurrence of a fire. The one who answers correctly gets a chip. The player who receives the most chips wins.
