Two good reasons not to give or accept gifts for the New Year. What not to give for the New Year I don’t get gifts for the New Year

    69% of Russians want to receive money for the New Year, but receive “duty” gifts: cosmetics and sweets. What not to give if you don’t want to create garbage, but at the same time you don’t want to be branded a sociopath or offend your loved ones. Read it now, because there will be no time before the New Year.

    What will you choose: money, perfume or a movie ticket?

    According to a study by VTsIOM, last New Year, every third resident of Russia received cosmetics and jewelry as a gift, one quarter of respondents were given sweets and alcohol, and the other quarter were given souvenirs.

    Every tenth respondent dreamed of tickets to a theater or concert, but only every 50th person got them. At the same time, 69% of respondents would like to receive money as a gift.

    When I summed up the results of the second month without purchases (nothing happened, I didn’t buy anything), I remembered that New Year is coming soon, and before it is Thanksgiving and Black Friday, the holiday bustle, lines in stores and garlands on the streets. Something special is coming - and I will have to do without buying gifts. A risky position if I don’t want to be branded a sociopath and offend my loved ones.

    For whom are we trying? I don’t want to offend anyone, but I think that candy is an everyday gift that is easy to do without, and in cosmetics, and especially in perfumery, it’s easy to miss. Just think: you are wasting time and money, and then the gift, or at least its packaging, may end up in the trash.

    I did not find data for Russia, but in the states between People throw away 25% more trash around Thanksgiving and New Year's. An American's trash bag weighs only half a kilo a day, but 15,000 additional garbage trucks are needed to remove the entire country's trash.

    You don't have to give things to show love.

    But holidays are not something we should associate with queues in shopping centers and tons of garbage. For me, the true meaning of the holiday is gathering, unity, time spent together. When people get together and rejoice at the meeting, and do not give each other routine gifts, because that’s how it’s done.

    American psychologist Gerry Chapman, in the bestseller “The Five Love Languages,” talks about how people understand in different ways that they are loved. Gifts are truly important to some as a manifestation of love, but the way to the heart of others is through kind words, time spent together, help and even touch. For example, it is more important for your child if you spend the day together than if you buy him a new toy. And for grandma, sincere words of gratitude and an evening spent together will become more valuable than the usual box of chocolates.

    Several years ago I worked in a fresh handmade cosmetics store. At the end of October, the New Year had already begun for us: the store was filled with gifts from floor to ceiling, a CD with Christmas songs was on repeat, revenue increased fourfold. If it weren’t for the competition between employees “Who can sell the most ready-made gifts” - and they had to be sold, because in January no one needs them anymore - we would have hated the New Year.

    Buyers walked from morning to evening, and everyone had to be greeted. On December 31, after a day of work on my feet, I entered the minibus, sat in front of the door and automatically began saying “Hello” to all incoming passengers. There was no strength or inspiration left to go home and celebrate with friends.

    In the conditions of a year without purchases, I decided to finally devote myself to needlework, made a list of what I had long wanted to do, and began to sew gifts myself. If I don’t have time to give gifts to everyone, then I will buy not things, but experiences: movie tickets, passes and subscriptions. I promised myself not to confuse the desire to bring joy to those around me with the need to be the best and live up to the expectations that I impose on myself.

    Five rules for preparing for the New Year

    To enjoy the holiday season and avoid fuss, unnecessary spending and unnecessary waste, I have made five rules for myself.

    1. Start now and make a list who and how to congratulate. A shopping list will help you avoid unnecessary spending in the New Year's bustle and not fall for marketing tricks. If you see a box of chocolates with a 35% discount but don't buy it, you'll save 100% rather than 35%.
    2. Don't give souvenirs. Give experiences, not things. Don't be shy about giving money.
    3. If you still need to buy something, start your search with vintage items oh, they are more environmentally friendly. In second-hand stores, I found new vintage (let's face it, this word sounds better than second-hand) tablecloths with Christmas motifs in embroidery.
    4. Stop buying gift wrap. Try to reuse the packaging that was given to you.
    5. Instead of standing in queues and searching for goods in online stores, give priority to communication and spend time with loved ones. You can cook something together, go for a walk in the forest, have an evening with fondue.

    The most important things in the world are not things.

Are you already looking for gifts for the Christmas tree? Almost everyone has an idea of ​​what to give to their relatives. But there is a large crowd of acquaintances and distant relatives who certainly want to grab a souvenir - what to do with them? Already looking at candles and clay figurines? NO NEED! We will tell you what you should definitely not give as a gift, even to your most distant acquaintances. Otherwise, it will immediately become clear that you either thought about this person last, or you don’t know anything at all. It will be awkward for everyone. Admit it, you have ever given or received at least half of this list!

Porcelain monkey

Perhaps the most important point. Firstly, giving a symbol of the coming year is incredibly original. And secondly, what will a person do with this monkey? Will he put it on the shelf? Are you seriously? MONKEY, CARL! It can’t even be re-gifted next year – the symbol is different there. In general, a present with a catch. Therefore the monkeys retire. And porcelain, and plush, and real.
Alternative: decor that will be selected specifically for the interior of this person.

Strange gadget

They gave it to everyone too, right? In online stores, such automatic “shovel pens” and “brain vacuum cleaners” are a dime a dozen. All this equipment is on the verge of fantasy, if they didn’t order it for you as a gift, and you yourself, being so proactive, brought it in a bag, it’s only interesting for the first half hour. And then it’s just more rubbish, which has neither beauty nor benefit. So dusty and dirty.
Alternative: a clear gadget.

Set of shampoos, panties, towels and potholders

Wow, that's a benefit. A tradition inherited from Soviet times and strictly observed by grandmothers and aunties. Because “a towel, it will always come in handy.” Of course it will come in handy! But is this a gift? And shampoo (which, by the way, everyone should choose for themselves) too. And even more so sets of panties and ladles. Necessary - yes, but the gift should also warm the soul. Although you shouldn’t go overboard with “beauty”, so as not to look like Novoseltsev with a horse.
Alternative: gift certificate - let them definitely find the right shampoo, for that matter.

Fleece blanket

By the way, about warming the soul. Of course, we remember the gift horse and his sparkling smile, but if we choose a blanket, it’s definitely not a fleece one. Beautiful? May be. But you won’t really get any heat from it – just electricity. So leave this attribute of vanilla photo shoots for Valentine's Day. Or leave it forever.
Alternative: a blanket made of a different, higher quality material, or a heater.

Gym membership and cream for aging skin

Well, it’s tactless, honestly. Especially if you barely know the person. Such a gift can ruin the holiday mood. Then your hero will walk around all evening and look in the mirror - where is the skin withered? And he will definitely remember you. And not for the best qualities.
Alternative: no. Just don't do it!

What you got for last New Year

Like in one of the Quartet I films, remember? A wallet that went from owner to owner every holiday and still could not take root. Do you think that something that has not been useful to you for a whole year will be vitally necessary for someone else?
Alternative: better than a banal box of chocolates.

Gift with a joke

Jokes are different for everyone. This must be firmly remembered. What is funny to you can be a deadly insult to your colleague. Therefore, unfamiliar people should definitely refrain from such surprises.
Alternative: a present without a joke, so unfunny.

Diary and calendar

“I’ll give him a notebook so he can write down important thoughts.” This idea will be worth 100 points to you and ten other people, rest assured. Your diary will then lie in the closet under a layer of other corpses of diaries from past years. And the calendar with kittens, puppies and views of Suzdal will hang... you know where.
Alternative: good book.

Scented candles

You have to be very careful with smells. So that later, when the whole apartment smells of lavender and sandalwood on the morning of January 1, a person will not hate this smell forever. You can also guess wrong and choose the one you are allergic to. Who's interested in a merry spotted Christmas?
Alternative: ordinary beautiful candles. Just not in the form of monkeys.

Items found at the cash register in a grocery hypermarket

Or not far from it. There is still such a small crowd of rustling and shiny people with crazy eyes. Avoid them here. Because the person to whom you give this “something” probably also goes to the hypermarket. And maybe even this one. It will seem that you grabbed the gift just like that, along with the sausage. Moreover, this is how it is.
Alternative: handmade souvenir. No time? Then look above and choose any of the alternatives.

The pre-holiday days are always spent searching suitable gifts for relatives, friends, colleagues and acquaintances. How you want to choose not only an original, but also a useful thing!

When choosing a gift, do not forget about folk signs! According to some of them, not all gifts are auspicious.

What not to give for the New Year

  1. Watch
    Such a gift is not held in high esteem in many countries of the world. The Chinese believe that a watch given as a gift counts down the time until a person's death. We, of course, are not as scrupulous as the inhabitants of the East, but even here this gift is not respected: they say that this thing promises a quick quarrel.
  2. Knives
    It is believed that such a gift will bring misfortune and quarrels to the house. But if you were given a knife, you should give the giver a coin so that the trouble will pass by.

  3. Socks
    They say that a woman should not give socks to her beloved man, as he may leave home in them forever. But some representatives of the fair sex managed to use this sign for their benefit. They incite mothers-in-law to give socks to their sons so that men will get out of the influence of their mothers as soon as possible.

  4. Books
    Popular beliefs say that you should not give books to your loved ones: such a gift promises separation. Also, you should not give books to married couples. This gift can supposedly provoke quarrels and discord in the family.

  5. Pearl
    This sign came to us from Ancient Greece, where they believed that pearls were the tears of sea nymphs. Actually, that’s why donated pearls are a harbinger of tears.

  6. Mirrors
    There are many signs and superstitions associated with mirrors in different cultures. They are also often used for fortune telling. Therefore, it is believed that such a gift can bring trouble to the house.

  7. Dishes
    In this regard, I would like to remember the tradition of breaking dishes at a wedding. Newlyweds do this to leave all troubles behind. If you still decide on such a gift, you should definitely put something inside. Under no circumstances should you give empty dishes as a gift, as this promises lack of money.

  8. Animals
    You should not give animals as a gift without the prior consent of the future owners. If the animal is welcome gift, it’s worth taking a symbolic ransom for it (a coin or a small bill). Otherwise, according to legend, the animal will not be able to find a place for itself in the new home; supposedly it will look for its way to its previous owner.

  9. Slippers
    This sign is popular in rural areas. Superstitious people believe that such a gift foreshadows a long illness and even death. They have a particularly negative attitude towards white slippers.

  10. Tie
    It is believed that such a gift “ties” the donor to the future owner of the item. If you're going to give a tie, let it be a bow tie!

So what can you give for the New Year? Excellent gifts would be money, gift certificates, cosmetics, and electrical appliances.

Konstantin Chalabov/RIA Novosti

At first glance, the idea of ​​giving a Christmas tree decoration for the New Year seems quite logical - the thing conveys the atmosphere of the upcoming holiday and, most likely, will be used for its intended purpose. However, this can only be done if you know exactly the traditions that people observe for the New Year.

For many, this is a family holiday, so they try to decorate the holiday tree with toys that they inherited from their great-grandmothers. Others, on the contrary, are convinced that decorating the Christmas tree costs differently every year. For example, in a certain style of toys or colors. So before you run to the souvenir store, think about whether your gold and red balls will be useful to the person who this year decided to decorate the Christmas tree, say, in ultraviolet, which was popular in 2018?

Figures-symbols of the coming year

One of the most common gifts is a symbol of the coming year in accordance with the eastern calendar. Marketers do everything possible to make a figurine of a horse, monkey or dog look attractive. Beautiful packaging and advertising slogans are used to convince how the item will contribute to happiness in the family and financial well-being. True, it is still unclear what to do with the collection of animals collecting dust on the shelves. These don’t look much like unique things that I would like to pass on by inheritance, and they are unlikely to be useful to children.

New Year themed clothing

Sweaters and pajamas with prints of deer and Christmas trees have long gone out of fashion. Now such products look stupid and tasteless. And it’s quite difficult to guess a colleague’s size and style preferences - some like it looser, others tighter. Add to this the requirements for fabric and color scheme. In addition, there is always a set limit for gifts in Secret Santa, which is unlikely to be met if you want to give a quality item.


Sergey Pyatakov/RIA Novosti

It's hard to think of a more meaningless gift than a calendar. Firstly, this is the 21st century and all gadgets have long had built-in organizers. Secondly, most offices provide their employees with all the equipment necessary for work, and they are required to issue calendars for the coming year. Such a gift can be regarded as complete indifference to the recipient.

Body care gift sets

It seems that everyone knows why you shouldn’t give gift sets with personal care products. But, nevertheless, there is always a person in the office who disregards the rule. Once again: people always choose personal hygiene products for themselves, and such sets are simply re-gifted. If you don’t have time to buy a gift at all, it’s better to limit yourself to a gift certificate.

Chocolate candies

Another gift from the category “bought at the last moment what came to hand” is sets of chocolates. They are given throughout life and for any occasion. Have pity on your colleagues, during the New Year holidays everyone gains a couple of extra pounds, and then there’s the sweets.

Made by yourself

Not everyone can appreciate a gift made with their own hands. For most, such a thing brings joy only if it is the fruit of the efforts of a beloved child. So, in order to avoid misunderstanding on the faces of colleagues, we recommend discarding this idea. Are you convinced that handmade is your thing? You can take a risk. Just don’t be surprised later why for a year your colleague never came wearing the mittens and hat that you knitted for him.

Have you already chosen what to give to your family and friends for the New Year? If this question still remains unanswered, take a look at online gift stores - you will be surprised how many cool things you can find in their catalogs if you look hard enough. So that you are not distracted by a banal assortment like soft toys or worthless souvenirs, we have prepared a selection of 30 unusual and cool gifts.

It would be too much of a hassle to search through all the online stores, so we took one of them - the online gift store E-xpedition - and found a bunch of cool gifts in its holiday assortment.


A warm microplush blanket can be given to a person of any age and gender. One will find it more comfortable and warmer to play on a tablet, another will knit socks for his beloved grandchildren.

2. Animal hat for those who love animals

Animal hat "Husky"

This hat is made of faux fur, although you can't tell by looking at it. A great gift for a girl who is crazy about huskies and all cats and dogs in general. It warms not only your head, but also your hands.

3. 3D lamps “imprinted” into the wall

3D Iron Man lamp

These lamps seemed to crash into the wall and break through it. Moreover, some of them, like a soccer ball or Thor's hammer, crashed inside the room, while others - the Iron Man mask, the Hulk's fist or the front part of a yellow car - were clearly outside.

A wall sticker imitating cracks is sold along with the lamp. A great gift for a child, or for a family with children, or for adults who like superheroes and unusual lamps.

4. Wireless mouse in the shape of a silver BMW i8

If your boyfriend or girlfriend is crazy about this car, a wireless mouse in the shape of your favorite model will be an excellent reminder of it and a visualization for making your wishes come true.

You definitely can’t do without a cool speech before handing over such a machine.

5. Aprons with a New Year's theme

If the person to whom the gift is intended often cooks and loves this activity, you can give an apron with a New Year's theme - Santa Claus and the more than erotic Snow Maiden.

The main thing is that it doesn’t look like a hint that it’s time to go to the stove.

6. Arctic Force Snow Blaster

One could say that this is a gift for children, but playing snowballs is fun for all ages, which can be played with equal pleasure and excitement at 10, 20, and 30 years old.

The Snow Blaster makes perfectly shaped snowballs that no longer need to be sculpted, and launches them using the conventional slingshot method.

Arm a company of at least three people with these, and the New Year will be very active and fun.

7. Gift baskets and parcels

In these baskets and parcels you won’t find banal “Raphaels” and bottles of champagne - everything here is real, in the literal sense of the word.

If there are chocolates, then they are made with honey and natural ingredients. If there are tea infusions, then they are real, with taiga herbs that give vigor and strength.

Moreover, in different parcels and baskets there are different gifts: there may be venison chips, stew, jam, and “the biggest candy of success.”

It's all coolly decorated, without vulgar colorful pictures, mostly using brown wrapping paper.

In today's gift industry, which is choked with bright colors and artificial products, such gift baskets are perceived as really cool.

8. Whiskey stones in gift wrapping

I think now there is no need to explain to anyone what whiskey stones are. The most important thing about these Schotland gift stones is the classy gift packaging, which makes them look truly elite.

9. Whiskey stones in different packaging

Another whiskey stones, this time gray and in gray packaging. Nine smooth stone cubes are held in a well-designed box with magnets.

10. Illuminated whiskey glass

These glasses light up at the touch of your hand and glow in different colors. It looks very festive and eliminates annoying confusion like: “Where is my glass?”, “Is this really my glass?”

You will recognize your glass by the color of the backlight - both in the light and in the dark.

11. Non-spillable thermal mugs No. 1

Thanks to a special system, car thermal mugs will never spill their contents on you. Mugs from the Contigo brand maintain the desired temperature of the drink for up to five hours and delight with a stylish design. A great gift for those who are often on the go.


This gun and bullet are very similar to the real thing, but made from delicious natural chocolate. If your friend or relative is crazy about guns, why not give them an “endorphin boost.”

13. Toolbox

It will be fun to give a girl or guy who has never held anything heavier than a computer mouse in his hands an adjustable wrench, a hook, a gear and pliers.

The main thing is that this person loves chocolate, because all the instruments are made from it, although they look exactly like the real thing. And that moment when your loved one has not yet understood what’s what is priceless.

14. Down slippers

If you know that your friends or family have cold floors in their apartment, give them super warm slippers filled with down and feathers. Again, a universal gift for any age.

15. Suitcase-scooter for creative travelers

Ride like a breeze through the city streets to the airport or train station, ride a scooter around the waiting room, catching the envious glances of children - the scooter suitcase easily unfolds and provides a fun time during the moving process. A cool gift for those who are always on the go.

16. Custard cup with an unusual bottom

The “double” bottom of this cup makes it easy to brew loose leaf tea and drink it without straining. When you need to brew tea, tea leaves are poured into a smaller container, and boiling water is poured into a larger water container, after which the cup is rolled over to one side.

When the tea has brewed sufficiently, you can turn the cup over to the other side of the bottom and drink the tea slowly without becoming too strong. An original gift for connoisseurs of loose leaf tea.

17. Serious reward for merit

The Oscar statuette, a copy of one of the oldest and most famous film awards, simply cannot be awarded without a solemn speech.

Moreover, you can come up with a variety of merits - from real achievements to ridiculous assigned statuses.


A simple soft toy will only please a child or a soft toy collector. But such a bear with a secret inside will be an excellent gift for any friend.

There is a lock on the bear's neck that opens a secret pocket. You can put any additional gift in this secret pocket. This will be a real surprise for your friend or relative, and he can then use the bear for his secrets and stashes.

19. For lovers of barbecue

The “Caucasus” set, made in Russia, is for those who adore kebabs, love to cook them, spend time in nature and put everything on the shelves.

One gift box contains skewers, a knife and an ax in cases, shot glasses and a flask.


This gift will be useful for both travelers and those who love hiking. The 11,000 mAh battery is enough for eight full iPhone charges and three iPad charges. Two ports allow you to charge two devices simultaneously. This miracle cobblestone weighs less than 200 grams and takes up almost no space in your backpack.

21. Hats made of natural coyote and bluefrost fur

This gift is best chosen for those closest to you. No, not because you necessarily need to know the size of the hat - both the Esther earflaps and the Hephaestus model have special drawstrings to adjust the size.

It’s just that with close people you definitely won’t be mistaken about their tastes in choosing hats and you’re less likely to hear something like: “This is real fur! What a nightmare! Poor little animals!

Well, in general, earflaps are an ideal hat for Russian frosts, especially since the winter is expected to be cold.

22. Hoodie for sofa Jedi

A Jedi robe is a cool gift in itself, and if it’s also a comfortable robe for the house, that’s great.

23. LED attachments for bicycles

Yes, now is not the season for bicycles, but if your friend loves to ride a bike and stays on it all summer, then why not give him something for his two-wheeled pet?

LED bicycle attachments create up to 11 images on wheels, are protected from moisture and have a built-in speedometer.

With such attachments, any bike will look cool, and in the dark it will be safer to ride on the highway.

24. Brutal jewelry for a man

Jewelry from the Spartam collection in the spirit of minimalism looks as if it was restored according to models of ancient jewelry.

Leather and steel - what could be more brutal? At the same time, there is enough variety: a sea of ​​interchangeable beads for bracelets, change them at least every day.

25. “Enjoy your steam!” - men's bath set in a gift bag

This is a great gift for those who often visit the bathhouse or sauna. The set contains everything you need for a comfortable and enjoyable trip to the bathhouse.

3D printer pen

If your friends are no strangers to art, you can give them a 3D pen, with which you can create flat plastic figures or three-dimensional designs. A fun activity for creative people.

28. Massage cape for motorists

This cape is worth giving to those who spend a lot of time driving. This will be a super useful gift for them.

Eight vibration programs, remote control, timer and heated seats. With such a cape, your loved ones will stop complaining about back pain after a whole day of driving.

By the way, you can give it to office workers: it also doesn’t hurt them to relax after a whole day in a sitting position.


If your friends haven't gotten themselves an iPhone 6 or 6 Plus yet, you can give them an adorable '80s-style record player.

Red plastic record player with speaker, cassette compartment (actually for iPhone 4/4S and 5/5S or iPod) and large Play, Volue, Rew buttons.

It evokes a sea of ​​positive feelings and such touching nostalgia for bygone times.


When folded, this steel knife looks like a regular credit card, only it weighs more - 13 grams.

It easily fits into a wallet, and if necessary, quickly unfolds and helps to cut the rope on the parcel, an envelope with a letter, and everything else you need.

If you want to buy cheaper

If you don’t care what to give, the main thing is that it’s inexpensive and not very trivial; also has New Year’s promotions with discounts.

For example, you can buy a winter bandana scarf with a 50% discount or order Ellehammer bags, backpacks and suitcases for three days with a 50% discount using the same promotional code as the 3D lamps: HAPPYSALE2015.

There are also gifts for purchases made at E-xpedition. For example, if you bought something on the website, you received an invitation to the New Year’s party at the Expedition creative park and a discount of 215 rubles at the Rosinter restaurant chain. In general, you get the idea.

That's all. I hope you liked some of these gifts, and you still have time to order them and receive them before the New Year.

Happy bright holidays and more unusual gifts!
