Fallout 4 where to find star cores. Star dispatcher

The developers of Fallout 4 created the exciting “Yader-Mir”. This is an ordinary amusement park that was destroyed nuclear war. Now terrible creatures live there and robbers dominate. Players are provided unique opportunity visit an amusement park and become the leader of a gang of raiders. But to achieve the goal, players need to successfully complete all missions. One of the tasks in the game is to collect star cores. Today we will tell you what they are for and where you can find them.

During the mission “Star Dispatcher” in a location called “Galaxy” you need to launch a super-powerful computer. But this can only be done after all the cores have been collected. There are thirty-five of them scattered throughout the park. These are a variety of microcircuits and boards, without which the computer cannot start at full capacity. For collecting all the star cores, the player will receive the Kvant Ch-01 V protective suit as a bonus. A hint about how many items and where to find the cores can be seen in the terminal.

One of them can be found in the same place where the “Star Dispatcher” is located. Once you have determined what is needed, you can move on in search of the remaining stellar cores. First of all, you need to search in the “Galaxy” location, since you can collect six more cores there.

So, for the second core you need to go up in the same building where the “Star Dispatcher” is located. To do this you need to rise to the next level. The core is in a display case. But in order to open it, you will need keys. You can find them in the next room.

Read also: Fallout 4 Quest “The Long Road”

The third star core lies in the backyard of the building. You can pick up the microchip near the killed merchant.

There is a tower not far from the Nuclear Galaxy. This is where the next stellar core will be found.

Then you need to go to the red booth, which is located next to the entrance to the “Yader-Galaxy”. There lies the fifth microcircuit. But you can get it only after successfully completing all the main tasks that are suggested in the plot.

The last two cores in this area can be found near the rides that say ArcJetG-Force and Spacewalk. There are no more microchips in the “Galaxy” zone, and for the next ones you will have to go to the “Among the Stars” exhibition.

At the exhibition called “Among the Stars,” you can collect six star cores. In order to find the first three cores, you need to go through the secret passage, which served as the entrance for guests, and go to the very end. On the left side there is a locked door. In order to open it, you need to pick the lock. Then follow the stairs leading down. There will be keys along the way; you must collect them. The cores will be found behind one door with a complex lock.

The next core is in the laboratory. In order to open the door to it, you need to use the keys that were collected along the way. There you can also find a key that will open the door to the control room and the nuclear unit. After this, you need to return to the room where the first three cores were found and find a hole in the wall. It will have a high level of radiation and one more, fifth stellar core. After this, you need to go to the exhibition and open one of the many doors. The sixth core is behind the stone. Zetem needs to go on a search to the “Nuclei Galaxy”, where you can replenish the collection of nuclei and collect seven more pieces.

Read also: Fallout 4 Quest “It’s About Time”

Seven stellar cores in the "Yader-Galaxy"

Just like in the Galaxy location, you can collect seven cores here. You can pick up the first one immediately at the control center. After this, you need to find the door, which is located behind the red cabin, and pick the lock. The second chip is on the next level, in the room behind this door. The third core can be found nearby in the room designed to control all systems. The next core can be found in the same room where the protective suit for the female character was. The fifth core can be found by going through the hall where the planets are located. And between the small office located in the corridor and the entrance to the attraction, you can find the last two cores in the exhibition. Then you need to go to the cinema, there are four more boards there.

Although the cinema does not have a large territory, it will be possible to assemble four microcircuits there to run a supercomputer. One of them can be picked up in the central room; the core lies right on the terminal. Then you need to go to the toilet. Take the next star core near the merchant's corpse. The third one will be found in the kitchen room, and for the last one you will have to go up to the upper floor of the cinema. Thus, after visiting the cinema, all that remains is to collect the last five chips.

Five star cores in different zones

It remains to assemble the last five boards. All of them are scattered throughout various areas of the amusement park. One of them can be found in the square where the market is located. He will be found in Yader Town. After walking around the market, you can find the core on one of the many counters. For the next core you need to go to the “World of Freshness”. The core lies near the body of a dead soldier. Then, in Yader-Arcade you need to find a hangar in a landfill, there, in a small service room, lies another star core. The last board can be found in the Dry Gorge, near Doc Phosphate's salon.

Nuka-World is the latest official add-on for Fallout 4 and is a huge amusement park location with many quests. Unfortunately, having downloaded this DLC, not all gamers know where to find Yader World and how to complete all her quests. Therefore, this article will be devoted to the passage of the cores of the fallout 4 world, starting from its location and ending with the results of the main quests.

How to get to Yader World

Finding the nuclear world is quite simple, but before that you must prepare properly. First of all, you need to stock up on as many cartridges, master keys, stimulants and anti-radin as possible. These resources are extremely necessary, since the nuclear world is filled with various bandits, ghouls, closed doors, traps and high radiation. Also, to successfully complete all quests, your level must be at least 30, and hacking must be more than 50. High charisma will also not be amiss.

Having collected all the resources and reached the required level, you can begin to search for an entrance to the nuclear world. To do this, turn on the Yader-Cola radio station, which will appear immediately after installing the DLC. After listening to the radio station, a new mark “ Transit center Yader-Mir", where you need to go. Having reached the center, you will encounter a group of bandits, which will not be difficult to deal with.

Next, go down to the subway, where you will meet Harvey, who will try to lead you into a trap. You can figure out Harvey with a high charisma skill by selecting the red dialogue level. No matter how the dialogue ends, Harvey will in any case give you the code for the monorails, which will take you to Yader World.

Trials and fight with Colter

So, with the help of the express train you got to the cores of the world, but before you get to the main part of the location you must pass the so-called “tests”. While still on the express, a man named Gage will contact you and warn you about the trap. Next, Gage will say that if you pass the tests, he will give Good work. To pass the test you must do the following:
  1. Go through the first room with a bunch of hostile turrets. You can destroy them by running and shooting the turrets first from the left and then from the right wall.
  2. In the second room you will find many traps and a fragile wooden bridge at the end.
  3. After climbing the stairs, you will reach three red doors, and two of them lead to a trap. The safe door will be left, after passing through which you can enter the arena.

In the arena you will meet Boss Colter, who will offer to fight you. To defeat the boss and his impenetrable armor, take the water pistol in one of the lockers according to Gage's advice. As soon as the fight starts, spray Colter's armor. This way, a short circuit will occur, and you will be able to break through the defense with conventional weapons. For victory, you will be appointed boss of the gang instead of the murdered Colter - the tests have been passed.

Three gangs united

After completing the tests, you will be able to go to one of the six main areas called “Yader City”. In this area alone, there are three gangs: Flock, Operators, and Adepts, and in order to join them you will need to persuade all the bosses separately. Each of the bosses has its own preferences that need to be used in dialogue with them:
  • The pack believes that only the strongest can become the boss, so you will have to prove it. The leader of the pack is Mason.
  • Operators will follow you only because big money. Head of Operations Maggie Black.
  • Adepts just want to cut everyone down left and right - promise them this opportunity. Leader of the adepts Nisha.

Thus, you will unite the three gangs of the area, and your right hand will become Gage. After this, you can begin to capture the rest.

District Galaxy

Capturing all the world's cores can begin from the Galaxy region, which is controlled by a computer. To activate it you must collect all 35 star cores scattered across five unique attractions. If you do not want to collect cores, then simply clear the area of ​​all enemies and thereby the “galaxy cores” will be captured.

District Children's Kingdom

This area is almost completely covered with high radiation, so it is advisable to stock up big amount antiradin. The main opponents in the children's kingdom are ghouls, but this is not the main danger for you. To capture the area and get to the “leader-commentator” Oswald, you will have to go through three buildings: the Pavilion of Laughter, the Tunnel, the Theater. At the end you will reach the Oswald estate ghoul. To capture the area you must kill or release Oswald, and also hang your banner on the flagpole next to him.

Area Dismantling in a dry gorge

To hang your flag in this area you must complete the quest Sheriff Hawk robot. According to the task, you need to find three ciphers that are found by robots named Scout, One-Eyed Ike and Doc Phosphate. You can get these ciphers in two ways: using the “Robot Expert” ability or by completing tasks for everyone. After this, following a tip from the sheriff, you must climb into the cave and kill all the moleworms there. After completing all the tasks, hang the flag on the flagpole located on the roof of the building next to the sheriff.

District World of Freshness

Everything is simple in this area. It is enough to simply clear the entire plant from various opponents, in particular nuclear crabs. After clearing the area, use the lift to climb to the roof of the plant and find the flagpole.

Safari area

Having reached the Safari area, you will immediately see the character Zito, who is fighting a monster. Help Cito and talk to him after winning. During the conversation, you can ask the gorillas for help in clearing the location. Next, clear all the targets and return to Zito, who will tell you about the roller coaster. Once you reach the top of the roller coaster, you can find Hein's corpse and the passwords to the doors you need. Returning to the guest reception center (where Zito is located), open the door where the crocodile claw will be located. To take control of the area you must convince Zito to come over for you or leave. If he refuses, then you will have to kill him and all his gorillas. Regardless of Zito's choice, climb to the roof of the welcome center and hang your flag there. That's it, the last location has been captured.

Occupation of the Commonwealth and suppression of the rebellion

Now you must fulfill the promise you made to the raiders and capture several settlements of the commonwealth. Capture can be carried out either peacefully or militarily. At the same time, the choice of gangs to capture and settle will determine who will rebel against you. After all, at the end of the wars of conquest, one of the raider gangs will take up arms against you. By destroying all the rebels, you will gain complete control over the gangs, and that's it story missions The cores of the world will be passed.

Summing up

Now you know the whole process Walkthroughs of the World Nuclei Fallout 4. It is worth noting that the Minutemen faction will not be delighted with your raiding actions and their relations with you will be significantly reduced. Therefore, it is advisable to try to capture settlements peacefully so that relations do not deteriorate in any way. Good luck in Nuka-World!

In this guide we will report the location of stellar cores, and also explain best way completing this task.

First you need to open the main quest " Grand Tour”, which is divided into a series of quests, part of which is the quest “Star Dispatcher”. To complete it, you need to go to the part of the map called “Galaxy”. This is an average quest due to the fact that your opponents will be strong robots and protectrons, somewhat reminiscent of the enemies from the DLC "The Mechanist".

Your task is to fight your way to central zone"Galaxies", where you will see the X-01 Quantum Power Armor, it has improved protection and increases the player's action points, so you are definitely worth fighting for it:

Behind her is a server, from which too many circuit boards (star cores) were pulled out, causing it to fail and the robots to go crazy. To launch it, you will need at least 1 star core, which can be inserted into any free block. It lies next to the corpse of Kendell Alston:

Do this and go to the terminal in the back of the room, located behind the power armor, so that the central computer will reboot. He will inform you that automatic repair is possible, which requires finding 20 star cores:

  • seven of them are scattered directly on the territory of the “Galaxy Zone”, on this level;
  • seven more can be found in the Yader-Galaktika building;
  • four are in the Starlight Cinema;
  • six can be found in the exhibition “Vault-Tec: Among the Stars”;
  • the next six can be found at the Rob Co Arena;
  • the last five lie in other sectors of the game world.
As you can see, there are 35 cores to find in total, so finding 20 of them should be easy. Well, it's quite that simple. First of all, you must find 20 star cores and install them in special slots. You can immediately turn off the protective mode and the robots will no longer be aggressive, but, on the contrary, will become best friends.

The last stellar core is hidden, it can only be picked up after completing the quest with 20 cores: the elevator on the second floor of the “Star Dispatcher” room starts working, go into it and go up to the last core.
Once you find all 35 star cores and install them, the computer will open a protective window containing the Quantum X-01 power armor, and you can pick it up. We recommend collecting 34 cores first, because after completing the quest for 20 cores, the markers and location counters will disappear, so you will have to look for the remaining cores blindly.

The Starlight Cinema offers four star cores:

  • Go to the main hall and carefully examine the large terminal - there is a core on it.
  • Now go to the kitchen, it is to the right of the entrance, look for the core behind the locked door, beware of the turrets.
  • Another one lies in the room on the upper level, where you can take the elevator; by the way, there are two of them, but neither one plays a role.
  • The last core should be found in the toilet, to the left of the entrance, near the merchant's body.
The Nuclear Galaxy building with seven star cores can be searched in two ways. The first involves a frontal attack and good skill in picking complex locks to open each next room. To reach the second one, you will need a jetpack to go up to the roof, find the key for the rooms there and move down to the exit.
  • If you entered using the first method, then you first need to get into the small control room, in which there are two cores. To do this, go up the long ramp-staircase to the left of the entrance until you come to a room with two protectrons.
  • To get into it you need to go to the next room, the door directly below the control room is closed with a complex lock and is located behind the red booth. Having broken the lock, you will find yourself in a service room, on the second floor of which there are two cannonballs.
  • Directly opposite this door there is another control room with a star core, if you do not have the skill of picking locks, then look for the key, there are several of them on the level.
  • Your next goal is the room with the Nuclear Girl, look for the key and the star core on the terminal in front of her. If you entered from above, then this will be your first core, then go back.
  • Now move from the Yader-Girl statue to the right, against the direction of the monorail (look at the rockets), to big planet around which there is a monorail. Beware of turrets and protectrons. The core is hidden in a nook where the monorail goes below. There's still someone else's skeleton lying there.
  • Enter the space where the monorail goes below. From here you can jump in power armor or go down the stairs into a huge hall that looks like the surface of an alien planet. Go through the hall to the end and look for a terminal with a core on the stairs going up;
  • Go into the nearest room and take the elevator back, turn right and now up the narrow corridor, then straight and up again until you come across a terminal with a core, guarded by two galatron guards.
There are six cores in the Rob Co. Arena building, they can be found quickly, but this will require a powerful gun, beware of heavy robots:
  • Immediately from the entrance, go straight into the auditorium, but do not go down, but turn left and move along the wall to find the hidden “Staff Only” door, opening which you will find a control room with two cores.
  • Now exit this area and go straight down to the robot arena, then turn left into the technical tunnels. Look for the core in the gift shop, it's just sitting on the shelf, the store is next to the back door and the EXIT sign.
  • Immediately after this, move in the opposite direction through the tunnels, to the room leading down. Look for the core in the terminal, in the deepest corner of this room, but first destroy all the robots.
  • To get the last two cores you need to enter the arena. You will see the fees as soon as you enter. In this case, the arena will slam shut and you will have to survive and destroy four waves of powerful robots. Save first just in case.
The next six star cores must be looked for in the Vault-Tec: Among the Stars building, but you must act carefully:
  • Once you get to the level, don't take the elevator, but head right, past the ride, and forward. Having reached an area with large stone boulders and a bunch of protectrons, kill them, and then look for a door in a nook, it can only be found close, it is not visible from afar. You will find the core by opening the door.
  • Continue along the path past the Vault model until you find a living room. There will be many doors in this area with concrete walls behind them, don't get distracted by them, all you need to do is move straight and straight. Carefully examine the living room, there is a locked door in it, break it open and you will find a room with a star core and a nuclear unit.
  • Don't go far, another star core lies in the room with high level radiation. Now you can go to the main entrance.
  • To open the service room, you need to find the key of a Vault-Tec employee, there are several of them on the level. Open the door and immediately go left - go to the main observation center. There you will find three star cores and a large supply box.
Stellar cores in the Galaxy zone are scattered in different places, and to find the last five cores you need to search the entire card, so it’s best to see their location in the following videos:
Once you find all the cores, populate the sockets with these " motherboards"and you will complete the quest!

In this guide we will tell you the location of the star cores, as well as explain the best way to complete this task.

(related=34201)First, you need to open the main quest “The Grand Tour”, which is divided into a series of quests, part of which is the quest “Star Dispatcher”. To complete it, you need to go to the part of the map called “Galaxy”. This is a moderately difficult quest due to the fact that your opponents will be strong robots and protectrons, somewhat reminiscent of the enemies from the DLC.

Your task is to fight your way to the central zone of the “Galaxy”, where you will see the X-01 Quantum Power Armor, it has improved protection and increases the player’s action points, so you are clearly worth fighting for it:

Behind her is a server, from which too many circuit boards (star cores) were pulled out, causing it to fail and the robots to go crazy. To launch it, you will need at least 1 star core, which can be inserted into any free block. It lies next to the corpse of Kendell Alston:

Do this and go to the terminal in the back of the room, located behind the power armor, so that the central computer will reboot. He will inform you that automatic repair is possible, which requires finding 20 star cores:

  • seven of them are scattered directly on the territory of the “Galaxy Zone”, on this level;
  • seven more can be found in the Yader-Galaktika building;
  • four are in the Starlight Cinema;
  • six can be found in the exhibition “Vault-Tec: Among the Stars”;
  • the next six can be found at the Rob Co Arena;
  • the last five lie in other sectors of the game world.

As you can see, there are 35 cores to find in total, so finding 20 of them should be easy. Well, it's quite that simple. First of all, you must find 20 star cores and install them in special slots. You can immediately turn off the protective mode and the robots will no longer be aggressive, but, on the contrary, will become best friends.

The last stellar core is hidden, it can only be picked up after completing the quest with 20 cores: the elevator on the second floor of the “Star Dispatcher” room starts working, go into it and go up to the last core.

Once you find all 35 star cores and install them, the computer will open a protective window containing the Quantum X-01 power armor, and you can pick it up. We recommend collecting 34 cores first, because after completing the quest for 20 cores, the markers and location counters will disappear, so you will have to look for the remaining cores blindly.

The Starlight Cinema offers four star cores:

  • Go to the main hall and carefully examine the large terminal - there is a core on it.
  • Now go to the kitchen, it is to the right of the entrance, look for the core behind the locked door, beware of the turrets.
  • Another one lies in the room on the upper level, where you can take the elevator; by the way, there are two of them, but neither one plays a role.
  • The last core should be found in the toilet, to the left of the entrance, near the merchant's body.

The Nuclear Galaxy building with seven star cores can be searched in two ways. The first involves a frontal attack and good skill in picking complex locks to open each next room. To reach the second one, you will need a jetpack to go up to the roof, find the key for the rooms there and move down to the exit.

  • If you entered using the first method, then you first need to get into the small control room, in which there are two cores. To do this, go up the long ramp-staircase to the left of the entrance until you come to a room with two protectrons.
  • To get into it you need to go to the next room, the door directly below the control room is closed with a complex lock and is located behind the red booth. Having broken the lock, you will find yourself in a service room, on the second floor of which there are two cannonballs.
  • Directly opposite this door there is another control room with a star core, if you do not have the skill of picking locks, then look for the key, there are several of them on the level.
  • Your next goal is the room with the Nuclear Girl, look for the key and the star core on the terminal in front of her. If you entered from above, then this will be your first core, then go back.
  • Now move from the Nuka-Girl statue to the right, against the direction of the monorail (look at the rockets), towards the large planet around which the monorail goes. Beware of turrets and protectrons. The core is hidden in a nook where the monorail goes below. There's still someone else's skeleton lying there.
  • Enter the space where the monorail goes below. From here you can jump in power armor or go down the stairs into a huge hall that looks like the surface of an alien planet. Go through the hall to the end and look for a terminal with a core on the stairs going up;
  • Go into the nearest room and take the elevator back, turn right and now up the narrow corridor, then straight and up again until you come across a terminal with a core, guarded by two galatron guards.

There are six cores in the Rob Co. Arena building, they can be found quickly, but this will require a powerful gun, beware of heavy robots:

  • Immediately from the entrance, go straight into the auditorium, but do not go down, but turn left and move along the wall to find the hidden “Staff Only” door, opening which you will find a control room with two cores.
  • Now exit this area and go straight down to the robot arena, then turn left into the technical tunnels. Look for the core in the gift shop, it's just sitting on the shelf, the store is next to the back door and the EXIT sign.
  • Immediately after this, move in the opposite direction through the tunnels, to the room leading down. Look for the core in the terminal, in the deepest corner of this room, but first destroy all the robots.
  • To get the last two cores you need to enter the arena. You will see the fees as soon as you enter. In this case, the arena will slam shut and you will have to survive and destroy four waves of powerful robots. Save first just in case.

The next six star cores must be looked for in the Vault-Tec: Among the Stars building, but you must act carefully:

  • Once you get to the level, don't take the elevator, but head right, past the ride, and forward. Having reached an area with large stone boulders and a bunch of protectrons, kill them, and then look for a door in a nook, it can only be found close, it is not visible from afar. You will find the core by opening the door.
  • Continue along the path past the Vault model until you find a living room. There will be many doors in this area with concrete walls behind them, don't get distracted by them, all you need to do is move straight and straight. Carefully examine the living room, there is a locked door in it, break it open and you will find a room with a star core and a nuclear unit.
  • Don't go far, another star core lies in a room with a high level of radiation. Now you can go to the main entrance.
  • To open the service room, you need to find the key of a Vault-Tec employee, there are several of them on the level. Open the door and immediately go left - go to the main observation center. There you will find three star cores and a large supply box.

Stellar cores in the Galaxy zone are scattered in different places, and to find the last five cores you need to search the entire map, so it’s best to see their locations in the following videos:

Once you find all the cores, fill the sockets with these "motherboards" and you will complete the quest!

***Thank you for your attention!***

Star cores in Fallout 4 - technology that needs to be collected in large quantities for the sake of completing the quest “Star Dispatcher”. This pre-war development, oddly enough, is distributed throughout the world of the Nuka-World add-on. But where exactly the star cores in Fallout 4 lie, we still need to find out.

Star cores: what are they and why are they needed in Fallout 4

Stellar cores are a pre-war telemetry module technology invented by RobCo. They are interchangeable and capable of communicating with robotic systems and central computer. Designed to restore computer operation and disable protection on it. Each module has a bright red light on it. It will be difficult to miss her light.

The ID of star cores in Fallout 4 is xx01e367. But if you add them through the console, they will be of no use. "Cheat" objects cannot be inserted into the computer.

Quest "Star Dispatcher" in Fallout 4

You will need to find star devices during the Fallout 4 quest “Star Dispatcher”. The survivor will receive it automatically as soon as he enters Galaxy Park and sees the carnage. On the corpse of Tiana Alston you can find a diary from which you will learn what happened here. It will become known that all the cores were pulled out by the traders, which is why the robots became aggressive, and now stellar cores needs to be returned to its place.

You'll have to come to the Yader Spaceport in Fallout 4 and find a computer. He does not work. Therefore, you will have to look for kernels lying around nearby to launch it. You need at least one to turn it on. Fortunately, it lies very close - on a display case right above the pavilion with a broken PC, or on the corpse of Kendell Alston. Just take the device, plug it into one of the sockets and turn on the computer.

After this, you need to click on “View Star Core Network” to download the location labels for each item. The action will turn on the core counters in each zone. You can go searching.

Where to find star cores in Fallout 4

So, now let’s get down to the most interesting part - searching for the necessary star boards throughout the entire area of ​​the “Galaxy” from Fallout 4. They are located in ten sectors of the amusement park - in some places there are several pieces at once, and in others - one device at a time.

On the territory of the Galaxy

There are as many as seven modules here. You should have already picked up one of them - it was lying on the corpse of Kendall Alston.

The rest are located as follows:

  1. Near the emergency exit to the RobCo arena, in the passage.
  2. In the red and white booth next to the pool, if you look to the right of the entrance to the Yader-Galaktika territory.
  3. Immediately behind Yader-Cosmoport, to the left of the camp. There is an excavator nearby, and a corpse next to it. And at the corpse lies what we are looking for.
  4. On the second floor of the spaceport, inside a display case under a moderately complex lock.
  5. On the observation deck of the Yader-spaceport, it can be turned on only after activating the power plant. But it can only be picked up when 34 boards are installed in the slots.
  6. On top of the Arcjet G-Force.

This is where the boards end, you can move on to the next sector.

In the Nuclear Galaxy

The next sector of interest to us is the Yader-Galaxy. There are seven more stellar devices here. They are located as follows:

  1. There are two of them in the control room. You need to climb the stairs located to the left of the entrance.
  2. In the service room on the floor below, the door is hidden behind a red booth and closed with a complex lock. The reward is two modules on the second floor.
  3. In the room with the Yader-girl there is another device. There is also a key to some rooms.
  4. Now you need to go against the direction of the monorail to a nook where it goes a little lower. You will have to jump down from space or carefully go down the stairs and find a terminal there with a core lying on it. He is standing on the stairs.
  5. You need to find the nearest room with an elevator and take it back. Then turn right and go up the narrow corridor to the terminal.

At this point, clearing the building is completed, you can move on.

In "Starlight"

The Starlight Cinema offers the traveler four more star devices. You can find them in the following places:

  1. At the terminal located in the main hall.
  2. In the toilet on the corpse of another merchant.
  3. In the kitchen. We'll have to open the door.
  4. On the top floor of the cinema. You can go up by the local elevator.

Four boards have been found, now it's time to move on to the next area.

At the Vault-Tec exhibition “Among the Stars”

The exhibition offers six modules at once. But it’s better to enter it through the back door. We pass along the corridor to the very end. There should be a locked door on the left, and a locked door on the right. regular table, which contains the keys. They need to unlock the door on the left, then go down the stairs and find another bundle. And further along the corridor - another one. Now it's time to return to the room and search further.

  1. Behind the door, which is unlocked with one of our keys, is a room similar to the Vault-Tec Vaults. Turn left and take the core and keys.
  2. Three pieces lie behind a door with a very complex lock. But it can be unlocked with the key that we found in the previous room.
  3. The next board is in the room behind the gap. But there is a very high background radiation there, so be careful.
  4. We go to the Atrium. We find a large rock and go around it. Behind her is the door. And behind the door is the desired nucleolus. Locked with a complex lock.

Now it's time to head straight to the arena!

At the RobCo Arena

Here you can find six more cores. The arena is very small. All the items you are looking for are in office premises. You won't have to look for them for long. It’s better to enter from the back door - then you can immediately pick up the first device. If you don’t want to fight robots, it’s better to disable them through the terminal.

In other sectors

Now there are five more cores left. They are scattered throughout the park. You'll have to try hard to find everything. Location of the remaining devices:

  1. Yader Town. Market. You need to find the counter to the left of Shelby Chase.
  2. Nuclear World Landfill. Stock. On the second floor.
  3. A world of freshness. Next to the corpse of Sergeant Lantier.
  4. Doc Phosphate Saloon. Turn left and go forward to the lamppost.
  5. Yader-Arcade. To the right of the entrance there is a utility room - it lies on the workbench.

The quest offers generous rewards. So it’s better to take care of completing it and collect all 35 star cores.

Reward for installing modules in Fallout 4

In the process of collecting and installing modules, the central terminal will open up new possibilities for the security protocol. For every five pieces, you can disable one type of robot. It's better to start with the most dangerous ones.

If you bring 20 pieces to the “Dispatcher”, he will turn off the security system, and all robots will be neutral towards the Survivor. It will now be possible to safely travel around the park in Fallout 4.

But if you bring 35 modules and install them in the computer, the Survivor will become the owner unique set power armor "Kvant X-01" in Fallout 4.

Important! To get all the rewards, do not shoot the entire enemy force on the territory of the Galaxy. This will complete the Fallout 4 quest and the module markers will disappear from the map. And you will have to look for them literally by touch.

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