What Tsekalo's current wife looks like after her third birth. Victoria Galushka - biography, information, personal life Personal life of Victoria Galushka

Alexander Tsekalo is from Kyiv. Since childhood, the boy was drawn to art: music and theater. While still at school, he attended theater clubs and went to music school. In his youth, he even formed his own musical group called “IT”. They performed popular Beatles songs at the time.
Sasha began his career as a mechanic and sometimes worked as a lighting technician in a theater.

Tsekalo and Lolita, moving to Moscow

After graduating from University, the showman created new group“Hat” and at the same time he enters the circus school. After receiving his diploma, he leaves to work in Odessa, where the “Academy” is created. The couple embodied everyone’s favorite image of a powerful woman and a henpecked man. When Tsekalo turned 27, he realized that it was time for them to move on. So they decided to leave for Moscow.

Beauty and sexuality disappear too quickly, and a woman’s lack of brains can last a lifetime.

At first there were difficulties with an apartment and work. But the musicians did not give up and continued to break through to TV screens. And then Dut meets music editor Vladimir Tsukanov. He invited Lolita and Sasha to host the Morning Mail program, as they were good at entertaining viewers. And they could work even without a script, which is very rare.

When the musician turned 39 years old, the Academy ceased to exist, and Alexander and Lolita divorced. For some time after this, Tsekalo took up musicals. The artist has always loved productions of this kind. And so he produced the production of “Nord-Ost” and “12 Chairs”.

Alexander acts in films

The showman always loved the theater, so acting in films was his long-time dream. And when in 2000 Tigran Keosayan invited him to star in the film “Silver Lily of the Valley,” Tsekalo could not refuse. In his heart, he understood that being an actor was not his calling, but the public liked the film. And the audience discovered Sasha from a new angle. In addition, the musician wrote 2 songs for the film.

On this television career doesn't end. Since 2006, we have seen him as a presenter on Channel One. The artist has produced such programs as “Minute of Fame” and “Two Stars”. Alexander also created the humorous program “ProjectorParisHilton”.

Presenters of the program "ProjectorParisHilton"

Personal life of Tsekalo. Victoria Galushka

The artist’s first wife was Alena Shiferman, soloist of the Shlyapa ensemble. They lived together for almost 9 years. This marriage broke up after the musician met Lolita, who was also still married. The couple got married and left for Moscow. Alexander has a daughter, Eva, from his second marriage. But this union was not eternal. Too much disagreement ruined their relationship.

In 2008, Tsekalo married his sister, Victoria. They met at a fashion show in 2007. At first, the girl did not tell anyone about the sympathy that arose; Brezhneva found out about the relationship almost a month later. At the time of the wedding, Vika was already 5 months pregnant. And in the fall their daughter Alexandra was born. In 2012, their second child was born - son Mikhail. Last year, the couple announced to everyone that they were expecting 3 children.

The artist’s wife often goes out in public, but tries not to appear on camera. She is not used to being a public figure. It's enough for her to be a sister famous singer and the wife of a popular showman. Victoria loves to cook and also runs her own second-hand store in Kyiv.

5 facts about Alexander Tsekalo:

  • 14 TEFI awards
  • Founded the Musical Collective Cabaret-Duet “Academy”
  • Victoria Galushka is 24 years younger than her husband
  • The showman built a house in the Moscow region for his family
  • Since 2007, he has been producing projects on Channel One (“Minute of Glory”, “Big Difference”, “Southern Butovo”).

The biography of Alexander Tsekalo is very fascinating. For my creative career he managed to achieve a lot and become famous not only in Russia, but also far beyond its borders. He is known abroad as a talented producer, but here he is known as a singer, as a presenter, as a comedian, as a businessman, and also thanks to the many professions in which he was able to realize his potential. His path was not easy, but that only made it more interesting. How Alexander’s career developed and what he can rightfully be proud of, you will learn from the article below.


Alexander Evgenievich Tsekalo was born on March 22, 1961 in the capital of Ukraine - Kyiv. The boy's family was very simple: his parents worked as thermal power engineers. Mother is Elena Leonidovna Volkova, Jewish by nationality, and father is Evgeniy Borisovich Tsekalo, Ukrainian. This international family had two children. Alexander has an older brother, Victor. He is also a creative person, and the people of Ukraine know him as a talented actor.

Alexander Tsekalo's interest in music began in childhood. He played the piano and was very good at playing the guitar. Already at school, he assembled his first musical group - the group “It”. The stage attracted the creative young man, and he constantly participated in theatrical productions and concerts.


Alexander Tsekalo studied at Kyiv school No. 89 with intensive study foreign languages. In 1978, having completed his educational institution, he entered extramural Leningrad Technological Institute of Pulp and Paper Industry. During his studies, he worked as a mechanic and also managed to participate in amateur theater performances. In his second year, Tsekalo organized the “Hat” group and, by invitation, the whole team entered the second year of the Kyiv Variety and Circus School. He eventually graduated from the Leningrad Institute as an external student in 1982.

Carier start

In 1985, Tsekalo went to work at the Odessa Philharmonic. At that time, next to him was his first wife, Alena Shiferman, with whom he performed together in the group “Shlyapa”. The married couple subsequently got a job at the Caricature variety theater. Unfortunately, this marriage quickly fell apart.

Cabaret duet "Academy"

In 1985, Alexander organized his most successful project at that time - the cabaret duet "Academy", where his partner was the bright brunette Lolita Milyavskaya. Four years later they moved to Moscow and immediately felt all the delights of fame. They were considered one of the brightest creative groups in the country.

In 1996, Alexander and Lolita became the hosts of the program “ Good morning, a country!". Two years after the first broadcast, the rights to the program were acquired by the Ukrainian channel “1+1”, the founder of which was Alexander Rodnyansky, who subsequently positively influenced the development of Tsekalo as great artist. At the peak of their fame, in 2000, Tsekalo and Milyavskaya decided to stop performing together as a duet.

Television projects and work as a producer

Tsekalo almost immediately began to be invited to various musical projects, for example, he took part in several parts of the program “Old Songs about the Main Thing,” aired on Channel One. Alexander also voiced the film “Private Chronicles. Monologue".

In 2000, Alexander Tsekalo was filmed in the film “Silver Lily of the Valley.” The audience fell in love with the character of Alexander - a romantic producer who falls in love with an unremarkable, slightly eccentric girl. This role brought Tsekalo even greater popularity and recognition.

Alexander began producing with the large-scale but notorious musical “Nord-Ost”. Then he acted as a producer in the musical “12 Chairs”, and also became its director. After this, he continued to work as a producer of entertainment programs on the STS channel, but a few years later he was fired, according to rumors, due to a conflict with management.

Later, Alexander became the presenter of Channel One. Viewers could watch him in the programs “Two Stars”, “Minute of Fame”, “Spotlight Paris Hilton”, “Big Difference” and others.

In 2008, Tsekalo founded his own production company, Sreda.

What has Alexander Tsekalo been doing in recent years?

On this moment, in addition to producing, Alexander acts as a stage director for various concerts and television programs, in particular, he became the director of Igor Krutoy’s performances, and also proved himself as a screenwriter and became the host of this event. In addition, he was a screenwriter and director of the “Silver Galosh”, “Kinotavr”, “TEFI - 2006”, “Top 50 Most” awards. famous people Petersburg", magazine "Dog. Ru", the concert program of Angelica Varum and Alsou, as well as the wedding of Anastasia Volochkova and many other projects.

Tsekalo has two restaurants, in which he is a co-founder, “The Garden” and Chichibio.

Personal life of Alexander Tsekalo

Alexander was married three times. His first wife, as mentioned above, was his colleague in “The Hat” - Alena Shiferman, the second - Lolita Milyavskaya, whose marriage lasted only 3 months.

Mine happy ticket Alexander pulled it out when he met Victoria Galushka - younger sister famous singer Vera Brezhneva. She became his third wife and gave birth to the artist three children. They got married non-publicly: the wedding took place in January 2008, and only the closest people of the young people were invited.

Alexander is a very versatile person. He coped well with many functions, from plumbing to directing. Such a creative personality like him will undoubtedly not stop there and will continue to delight viewers with new projects. All that remains is to wish him more inspiration, time and effort.

Victoria Galushko is known to Russian readers mainly as the wife of the famous actor and producer Alexander Tsekalo and as the sister of singer Vera Brezhneva. In 2008, Victoria became official wife Alexandra Tsekalo after his two failed marriages. Let's turn to the biography, personal life, and character traits of Victoria Galushko.

Victoria Galushko was born in 1985 in the city of Dneprodzerzhinsk in the great large family . She was one of the twins born then. The sister was named Anastasia. The older sisters' names were Galina - she now lives abroad - and Vera (the famous Vera Brezhneva). Parents Viktor Mikhailovich and Tamara Vitalievna Galushko worked at a chemical plant. After school, at the insistence of her mother, Vika entered medical school, but never took advantage of the specialty given to her.

With the help of her sister Vera, who was already performing in many projects, she got a job in Kyiv as an assistant to Olga Navrotskaya, a designer. fashionable clothes. At one of the modeling shows in 2007, she met Alexander Tsekalo, who at that time was still in a relationship with Lolita Milyavskaya. Victoria, since she was soon going to become a wife and mother, decided to study culinary arts at the school of Veronica Belotserkovskaya.

In 2013, Victoria went into business by opening her own second-hand store in the city center, where they sold second-hand items and shoes of various celebrities. During all this time, the girl never gave interviews and did not strive to get on the pages of glossy magazines.

Born March 22, 1961 in Kyiv. Parents Evgeniy and Elena worked in the thermal power industry. Older brother Victor is quite happy now famous actor Kyiv Theater. At school, Sasha Tsekalo attended all creative clubs, participated in amateur performances, studied piano and guitar at a music school, and in the ninth grade created his own group “ONO,” which performed the most popular foreign hits. He had few friends, since not everyone could tolerate his ambitious and hot-tempered character.

After school, on the advice of his father, he entered the correspondence department of the Leningrad Institute of Technology, where he graduated as an external student and decided to study music closely. Needed money for musical instruments, and he worked part-time as a mechanic. During these years, Alena Shiferman, talented and insightful, appears in his life.

The parents rejoiced at the assertive nature of their future daughter-in-law and thought that she would be able to persuade Sasha to quit a frivolous occupation, which they considered music. After all, before, no matter how much they instilled this idea in him, it was all useless. Having many acquaintances in the musical environment, Alena quickly found sponsors, and the group “Shlyapa” arose, where Alena became a soloist. A new acquaintance helped him enter the circus school.

According to the assignment, Tsekalo ended up in Odessa, Alena went with him. Friendship gradually grew into marriage. Again, not without her participation, he entered the famous team “Caricature”, where Lolita Milyavskaya worked at that time. In 1986, together with her they organized a cabaret - the duet "Academy".

Joint performances brought them together, and soon he leaves Alena. According to rumors, he ex-wife went abroad. Then there was Moscow, the duo’s successful tour around the country, their joint television program “Good morning, country!” brought them particular popularity. In 2000, the duo ceased to exist, and their marriage also broke up. In marriage with Lolita, a daughter, Eva, was born, about whom Lolita herself said in an interview with reporters that she was not Tsekalo’s daughter.

Wedding, family and children

In the winter of 2008, the wedding of the famous musician and producer Alexander Tsekalo took place and by that time no one famous Victoria Galushko. The celebration passed unnoticed, without sensational messages and photographs in the glamorous press. After two unsuccessful marriages, the musician was reluctant to communicate with journalists and did not share much news from his personal life with anyone. For the first time, together with his wife and children, journalists saw him at the premiere of the animated film “Andry Birds at the Movies,” where Tsekalo worked on the voice acting of the main character.

If in the 90s Tsekalo was not averse to chatting with reporters about his life, now he generally avoids such contacts. He is happily married to Victoria Galushko, although they have a big difference aged. They participated in the construction of the house together and were overjoyed when everything was finished.

They are very friendly and a strong family, three children: in October 2008, daughter Alexandra was born, and in 2012, son Mikhail. In 2017, a third child was born in their family, but there is no information about this in the press. Despite his busy schedule and intense work schedule, the musician willingly has fun with his children and helps his wife in the kitchen and with housework.

For Vika, there are no social gatherings and parties; for her, the main thing is family and trusting relationships between relatives.

IN in social networks they don't write anything about their family. Victoria has a VKontakte page, but there’s nothing personal there either. Tsekalo is not on Instagram, there are only photographs of him posted by other people. But he shares his ideas and ideas on Twitter.

Creative biography of Tsekalo

Alexander Tsekalo is a multifaceted person. In addition to comic songs about love in a duet with Lolita, his artistic track record includes theatrical and production works, television programs and shows, and films in which he starred. In 2000 - 2005 took part in such productions as “New”, “Election Day” and “Po Po”. In the 90s, Tsekalo starred in films where he had cameo roles:

  1. “Shadow, or Maybe everything will work out”;
  2. “Is it good to sleep with someone else’s wife?”;
  3. "Not everyone is at home."

He played the main role in the film “Silver Lily of the Valley.”

  1. Cinema: “What Men Talk About”, “What Else Men Talk About”, “Only Girls in Sports”, “Locust” and others;
  2. Musicals: “Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves”, “Cinderella” and others;
  3. Television: “Morning with Kirkorov”, “You are a super-model”, “Stories in detail” and others.

He could be seen as a TV presenter of such programs as “Minute of Fame”, “Morning Mail”, “New Songs about the Main Thing”. As for his current creativity, he continues to be involved in producing activities and works on television. His latest interesting work is the film “Gogol. The Beginning", which was a great success with audiences.

Attention, TODAY only!

15 January 2017, 09:18

What do we know about Vera Brezhneva’s family?

The old gossips probably know everything. For those who are a bit of a teapot (like me), here is an educational program on the Galushka family.

At Vera's big family, relations with my mother and 4 sisters are quite close and friendly to this day.

Vera Brezhneva always spoke about her family - parents and sisters - with special warmth and endless gratitude.

Your best gift is us - sweet girls)) - a cake for the birthday of Tamara Vitalievna, Vera’s mother

Tamara Vitalievna herself

According to the singer, her father was an example and an ideal man for her, whom she could always rely on.

Dad, unfortunately, passed away in 2015 from a heart attack.

From Viktor Mikhailovich Brezhnev, she inherited, first of all, hard work and responsibility - like he once did, Vera also works hard and helps loved ones.

"At the same time, dad clever man with two higher education. You could always approach him for advice or with a problem - he would explain, tell. Sometimes I didn’t even imagine that he might know the answer to some question, but I approached him and he answered. He has a mathematical mindset - I took after him and inherited logic. This is what he developed in me,” Vera said in an interview.

Vera Brezhneva was born in the Ukrainian outback - in the Dnepropetrovsk suburb of Dneprodzerzhinsk.

Father - Viktor Mikhailovich Galushka, worked at the Dnieper chemical plant. Mother - Tamara Vitalievna Galushka (nee Permyakova), graduated from medical school, worked at the same plant.

Vera is very similar to dad, as we see

Vera was the middle child in the family; her 5-year-older sister's name was Galina, and her 3-year-older twins' name was Vika and Nastya.

Galina Galushko

Vera's older sister, Galina, while still a young girl, emigrated to sunny Greece, where she got married and lives to this day. Master of Sports in rhythmic gymnastics.

Xaris - Galina's husband

Galina prefers to rarely appear in public, coming only to home and family events. She is married to a businessman and has two wonderful daughters.

Victoria Galushko or Tsekalo

Sisters Victoria and Anastasia Galushko are 2 years younger than Vera.

After graduating from school, Vika without hesitation enters a medical school, as her mother did earlier. The younger Galushko, after graduating, leaves for Kyiv and gets a job as an assistant to the famous Ukrainian designer Olga Navrotskaya. A few years later, she meets the famous producer and showman Alexander Tsekalo. The couple begins an exciting romance that none of their loved ones suspected. Alexander is much older than Victoria - 24 years.

In 2008, Victoria married Tsekalo and soon moved to live in Moscow. After some time, Victoria decides to go into business. She opens an elite second-hand store, where items of Ukrainian and Russian origin are sold. socialites and show business stars.

Being married to a famous showman and being the sister famous singer, Victoria does not seek fame and does not strive to shine on the covers of glossy magazines.

Tsekalo himself is known as a secretive person: he never talks about his personal life or comments on events related to his family. For example, about the wedding with Victoria and the birth of children general public became known from third parties, and even then only months later. Alexander himself always said that his personal life concerned only himself and his family.

Soon there will be a new addition to their family: Victoria Galushka is pregnant again, the baby will be born in the spring. This will be the couple’s third child: they are already raising an 8-year-old daughter, Sasha, and a 4-year-old son, Misha.

Anastasia Galushko

Victoria Galushko's twin sister Anastasia, like all the children of the family, was raised in the Ukrainian town of Dneprodzerzhinsk. She married a Ukrainian businessman quite early and gave birth to a daughter, Sonya. Family for a long time lives in Ukraine, in Kyiv.

Anastasia and her husband

Anastasia, whose photo rarely appears in public access, does not look very similar to her sister Victoria, is not a public person and prefers to spend everything free time at home with family.

Some time ago, Vera Brezhneva’s mother Tamara Vitalievna admitted that Vera has another sister, Olga, in addition to the eldest Galina and the twins Vika and Nastya.

The fact is that Vera’s dad, Viktor Mikhailovich, has a daughter from his first marriage. They long time We didn’t keep in touch, but after the family moved to Kyiv they unexpectedly called each other. Vera Brezhnev did not know her paternal sister at all. Olga now lives in Krasnodar region, she is married and has two children. The families maintain contact and regularly call each other.

And finally, about Vera herself.

Personal life of Vera Brezhneva:

Vera Brezhneva's first actual husband was Vitaly Voichenko, a Ukrainian politician and former athlete, with whom she lived for several years civil marriage from 18 years of age

It was in Energodar, Zaporozhye region of Ukraine. I once saw Vera in a cafe and was completely blown away! When I came to my senses, I searched for her for three months. I didn’t know her name, who she was, where she was from... But I found her. With her mother’s permission, I took Vera with me to Energodar for three days. And I still have it

Vera’s mother constantly “pecked” me so that we would sign. And somehow I was waiting, I wanted to do everything beautifully. I thought: “As soon as we overcome financial difficulties, we’ll play right away!” But I was so carried away by Vera that I even abandoned work

And a year after Sonya’s birth, she comes to a casting in Kyiv, after which her rapid career begins.

Nadya and Anya are glad to come new girl to Viagra

It was Vera who initiated the break with Vitaly: “It happened instantly. When I was not at home, she packed her things, left a note and left with Sonya,” Vitaly once said, adding that the girl simply exchanged him for a more profitable match.

Vera Brezhneva and Mikhail Kiperman

In November 2006, Vera Brezhneva married Ukrainian businessman Mikhail Kiperman, taking his last name.

It was in vain that Kiperman did not listen to Kolomoisky’s hints..

In October 2012, Brezhneva announced her divorce from Kiperman. The divorce took place peacefully, without clarification of relations and scandalous division of property. Former spouses did not voice the reasons for their separation, however, some media reported that the Ukrainian businessman began to suspect his wife of having an affair with Konstantin Meladze. Informants reported that Kiperman arranged secret surveillance of the couple, and confirmed his guesses.

Deciding not to make the compromising facts public, Kiperman quickly filed for divorce.

Vera Brezhneva and Marius Weisberg

In February 2013, there were rumors about Brezhneva's affair with director Marius Weisberg

Vera Brezhneva and Konstantin Meladze

The beginning dates back to 2013 Serious relationships Brezhnev with Konstantin Meladze.

In October 2015, without much fanfare, Brezhnev married Konstantin Meladze in Italy.

Wedding of Vera Brezhneva and Konstantin Meladze

Of course, I could have messed something up... But don’t judge too harshly))

The latest news about the divorce of two famous people always upsets fans. And unions of artists, which have tested relationships for decades, are rather an exception. But those who chose girls “not from the stage” as their life partners live quietly and peacefully for years, which is what they wish for their colleagues.

Alexander Tsekalo and Victoria Galushka

The famous showman and producer Alexander Tsekalo found the love of his life on the third try. He played the first two weddings with colleagues: first with the lead singer of the Shlyapa ensemble Alena Shiferman, then with the singer Lolita Milyavskaya. The meeting with his third wife took place at a fashion show. 22-year-old Victoria Galushka then worked as an assistant to the Ukrainian stylist Olga Navrotskaya. Vika helped her get a job elder sister Vera Brezhneva, which is why the graduate of the Dneprodzerzhinsk medical school did not go to work as a nurse in a hospital. And now 31-year-old Victoria’s husband does not allow her to work. 9 months after the wedding, their daughter Sasha was born, and 4 years later their son Mikhail was born. The 55-year-old producer is convinced that the wife should take care of the home, and he will provide her with everything necessary.

Yuri and Svetlana Shatunov

Soloist " Happy May"continues to release new albums, fill the halls and be the object of adoration of adult fans. Now Yuri Shatunov is 43 years old, and he has long since settled down. Future mother Shatunov met his children in Germany, where he went to study as a sound engineer. The artist accidentally ran into lawyer Svetlana 15 years ago in a hotel. It was love at first sight, although the 21-year-old girl living in Germany had no idea how popular Shatunov was in his homeland. The musician lives in Munich with his wife, son Dennis and daughter Estella, periodically touring Russia.

Mikhail and Olga Porechenkov

The 47-year-old Honored Artist of Russia has been looking for happiness for a quarter of a century. Mikhail Porechenkov met his first love when he went to enroll in military school to Tallinn. In 1989, he and Irina Lyubimtsova had a son, Vladimir, but the boy’s parents separated - Porechenkov returned to Moscow. And in 1995, Irina died, the son remained with his grandmother. The actor’s second wife was translator Ekaterina. In 1998, she gave birth to Mikhail’s daughter, Varvara. But the child was unable to cement this already official union. The artist met his third wife in 1999, after the premiere of the first episode of “Agent national security" When meeting in the company, Olga did not recognize the movie star, but Mikhail was able to charm the spectacular brunette. A year later they got married. Today Olga and Mikhail are raising three children: 14-year-old Mikhail, 11-year-old Maria and 6-year-old Peter (pictured). All the actor’s children from three marriages communicate. Including thanks to Olga, an artist who abandoned her career for the sake of a large family.

Konstantin Kryukov and Alina Alekseeva

What kind of novels have not been attributed to the handsome Mona Lisa from the “9th Company”. At the same time, Konstantin Kryukov, the son of actress Alena Bondarchuk, got married at 22 years old. The actor’s first wife was the daughter of a deputy, Evgenia Varshavskaya, but, despite the birth of her daughter Yulia, this marriage did not last even two years. The actor made a more conscious choice seven years ago. He did not meet his love by accident. The beautiful Alina Alekseeva came to him herself. For an interview. Kryukov was just looking for a PR person. Over the course of four years of romance, she managed to turn a partygoer into an exemplary family man. In 2013, the couple got married in a monastery. Today, the 31-year-old actor and his wife, who is the same age, live in perfect harmony - she is a housewife, and he continues his acting career.

Sergey Svetlakov and Antonina Chebotareva

The popular comedian, actor and producer got married early for the first time. Even before the name of the “KVN graduate” was known to the whole country. Svetlakov and his classmate Yulia were connected by 14 years of marriage and a daughter, Nastya. But about four years ago the family broke up. And soon the actor began to be noticed with a girl. Antonina Chebotareva worked as deputy director of the Krasnodar cinema chain. But love forced her to move to Moscow, where the couple had a son, Ivan, and later the happy parents got married. Today, 38-year-old Sergei and his 34-year-old Antonina are happy together.
