How to get a weapons license. How to purchase weapons of limited destruction

Permit for hunting weapons: prices for legal consultation

Permit for hunting weapons: cost of completing the package of documents

License for hunting weapons: specialist assistance at all stages of the procedure

Permit for hunting weapons: prices for additional services

Permission to store and carry hunting weapons: a list of the most popular lawyer services

  • Consultation with a lawyer on the stages of obtaining a permit for a hunting weapon: deadlines, payment, list of documents, interaction with the licensing authority;
  • Assistance from a specialist in collecting the necessary certificates and submitting them;
  • Assistance of a legal adviser in choosing a medical organization for examination and obtaining certificates;
  • Legal assistance in setting up a storage area for hunting weapons;
  • Representation services during an inspection by a local police officer (a representative of the National Guard), communication with a law enforcement officer;
  • Assistance in identifying a training center for taking courses in hunting weapons;
  • Appeal in court against the results of an inspection of the storage location;
  • Interaction of a specialist with an employee of the licensing authority: submission of a package of documents, making corrections to documents, resolving current problems;
  • Accompanying the client in case of a call to law enforcement agencies;
  • Obtaining a license, as well as permission to store and carry hunting weapons;
  • Assistance in re-issuing permits and re-submitting papers.

Permit for hunting weapons: how our rating was formed

Among the questions that quite often arise from visitors to our site is the following: how is the rating of legal organizations formed? It is not difficult to answer: we used the results of an analytical study of hundreds of law firms in Moscow that provide their services in the field of obtaining permits for hunting weapons. The final ranking includes law firms that provide such legal assistance more often than others. In addition, they are highly qualified and have invaluable experience.

  • Extensive knowledge of Russian weapons legislation;
  • Skills in competently managing the process of preparing documents necessary to obtain permission from a licensing institution;
  • Daily work with license applicants, representation of their interests in government agencies;
  • Ability to prepare necessary documents;
  • Timely assistance to clients in case of unforeseen situations.

In addition, employees of law firms included in our rating are excellent consultants in the field of administrative and criminal law. Specialists with up-to-date and verified information will be able to convey to the client the importance of formalizing permitting documentation. They touch upon issues of procedure, payment of state fees, as well as important points regarding the penalties for violating the law.

How to obtain permission to purchase hunting weapons?

A special body, the Russian National Guard, is responsible for issuing licenses for the purchase of firearms. The document allows you to buy goods in a store, but the paperwork doesn’t end there. The person receiving the license must register the weapon and obtain a permit that will allow him to carry and store the purchase. The main point in the presented chain is the registration of a license for a hunting weapon. This process consists of several stages:

  1. Contact a medical institution to obtain the necessary certificates. The license applicant must undergo an examination by narrow specialists and receive a conclusion confirming that there are no narcotic and psychotropic substances in his body. If the doctors do not identify any abnormalities, they issue a second certificate indicating that the applicant has no contraindications for carrying weapons.
  2. Purchase a safe for storing weapons in a specialized store. There are many types of products of this kind. The choice depends on the type of weapon. You should consult with experts in the field before purchasing.
  3. Obtain a certificate of completion of a course that teaches how to handle firearms. In training centers, training takes no more than a couple of days. Based on the results, a certificate and certificate of knowledge testing are issued.
  4. Submit an application for a license. Today it won’t be difficult to do this; just go to the State Services website. An application is sent electronically, as well as copies of the necessary documents.
  5. Pass a law enforcement background check. The check is carried out by the local police officer at the place of residence. He must inspect the storage location and provide a certificate.
  6. Visit the licensing authority with original documents. The specialist examines the package of papers and, if he has no questions, issues a license for a hunting weapon.

After receiving permission to purchase, the applicant can go to the store and purchase the required product. To do this, he must provide the seller with a license and his passport.

License for hunting weapons: required documents from the applicant

So, let’s summarize all of the above and present you with a complete list of documents that will be required to obtain a permit for a hunting weapon. The list includes:

  • The applicant's passport and its copies;
  • Application in a special form (sent electronically);
  • Two medical certificates confirming the absence of psychotropic and narcotic drugs and the absence of contraindications to owning weapons;
  • Three photographs in 3 by 4 format;
  • Payment document confirming payment of state duty.

Important: there are certain requirements for an applicant for a hunting weapons license. For example, the applicant must have permanent registration and reach the age of majority - 18 years (the State Duma is considering increasing the age to 21 years). If a person has a criminal record or is registered at a drug treatment clinic, he will be denied a permit.

License for hunting weapons: amount of state duty, procedure terms, responsibility

According to Russian legislation, there is a specific period for considering an applicant’s application and issuing a license for a hunting weapon; it is equal to one month. That is, no more than 30 days should pass from the date of submitting the electronic application to receiving permission. Of course, this applies to those cases when the applicant fully meets the requirements and has submitted all documents. The amount of state duty is also determined by law:

  • For a purchase license you will need to pay 2 thousand rubles;
  • A carrying permit requires a payment of 500 rubles (issued within two weeks).

Some people, considering obtaining a permit for a hunting weapon too troublesome, prefer to circumvent the law, not knowing what it entails. According to the administrative code, violation is punishable by a fine of 3 to 5 thousand rubles, or detention for 15 days. In this case, weapons and ammunition will be confiscated. In some cases, criminal prosecution may be possible.

To avoid troubles and go through the permitting process without complications, contact any of the organizations presented above.

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To obtain and renew a license and permit to purchase smooth-bore weapons, you must:

  1. 2 photographs (size 3x4 cm)
  2. Application for the purchase of weapons (attach a sample in electronic form)
  3. Report from the district police officer about the presence of a metal safe for storing smooth-bore weapons
  4. Receipt for payment of a license in the amount of 1 minimum wage
  5. Photocopy of passport data
  6. Job details: place of work, position, contact phone number
  7. Availability of a hunting license
  8. Taxpayer INN

To obtain a license and permission to purchase rifled weapons you must:

  1. Certificate from the district permitting system about a registered hunting rifle (at least 5 years of experience)
  2. Petition from the primary organization (hunting group in which it is registered). The petition is signed by the Chairman of the Board of the hunting team.
  3. The documents specified in clause 1,2,7,8 for the purchase of smooth-bore weapons.
  4. Application for the purchase of rifled weapons addressed to the head of the regional police department (attach a sample in electronic form)
  5. An inspection report on the premises and storage location of rifled weapons, signed by a commission consisting of:
    • Weapon owner
    • Permit (senior instructor)
    • District inspector
  6. Receipt for payment of a license in the amount of 2 minimum wages
  7. Receipt for payment of permission to store and carry weapons
  8. Characteristics from the place of work
  9. Taxpayer INN

To obtain a license to purchase gas weapons you must:

  1. Medical certificate form 046-1
  2. 2 photographs (size 3x4 cm)
  3. Application for the purchase of gas weapons (attach a sample in electronic form)
  4. Report from the district police officer about the presence of a metal box for storing gas weapons
  5. Receipt for payment of a license in the amount of 0.3 minimum wage
  6. Photocopy of passport data
  7. Job details:
    • place of work,
    • job title,
    • contact number
  8. Taxpayer INN

List of documents and actions carried out in the order of purchase and sale of weapons

Some clarifications about the procedure for purchasing (purchasing and selling) weapons in gun stores:

Application for a weapons permit Some police departments accept applications on their own forms.

The sale of weapons and ammunition to private individuals in stores can be made on the basis of the following documents:

When purchasing a weapon:
  • Original license.
  • Copy of the passport.
  • Power of attorney certified by a notary. (A sample power of attorney is usually sent along with the invoice)
When purchasing ammunition:
  • Copy of the passport.
  • A photocopy of the permit to carry and store weapons. (Certified by a notary or the police department at the place of issue)
  • Power of attorney certified by a notary. (A sample power of attorney is usually sent along with the invoice)
If you order the purchase of a weapon in a remote store, on the Internet or at a manufacturer, then, as a rule, in this case the following actions can be performed:

If you have received a notification about the availability of goods in the warehouse and an invoice for payment for the specified products:

  • You can make payments from any current account or through any branch of any bank ( Your name must appear on the payment order).
  • Simultaneously with the execution of the transfer, you need to send the following package of documents by registered mail with notification or express mail:
    • Original license (all three spines, do not fill in data, or an open license for self-defense weapons), when sending a license, pay attention to the correctness of the documents:
      • check the correct spelling of your data (full name),
      • the validity period must be 6 months,
      • the address details of the place of registration recorded in the license must match the passport data,
      • the seal must be readable,
      • The field “by whom the license was issued” must be filled in.
    • Photocopy of TIN certificate
    • A letter with a request to send the goods to your address indicating the exact address and your contact numbers (do not forget to indicate the city code)
    • A notarized power of attorney in the name of an employee of the selling organization for him to carry out all actions related to sending goods by special communications.
  • After receiving your documents and money transfer, the goods are processed and shipped.
  • The completed and packaged goods along with your documents are transferred to the special department. connections for transportation.
  • The goods are delivered to the final node of the specialist. communications. Upon receipt of the goods at the final destination, you will be contacted by contact numbers. You must drive up and receive the goods with your identification document. Upon receipt of the goods, be sure to check the integrity of the packaging and seal, as well as open the parcel and check the goods according to the invoice. In case of detection of defects or shortages, be sure to draw up a report. Claims regarding goods received are accepted only if there is a certificate.

Currently, to carry out the tasks of transporting all types of shipments, the FSUE GCSS has a complete infrastructure: trained armed personnel, special transport, proven technology for working with shipments.

The organizational structure of the FSUE GCSS includes:

  • Main center of special communications (Moscow)
  • Regional centers for special communications
  • Regional, regional and republican departments of special communications
  • Branches and special communication points in regional and district centers

There are quite a lot of general articles covering the issue of how to obtain a weapons license, and by rewriting them from time to time, we are unlikely to provide any practical benefit to the reader. Many people prefer to see specific data regarding the cost and production time of the final document. Let’s immediately make a reservation that no one will be able to give an exact figure, since even within the same city it is possible to implement the algorithm for obtaining a license in two or even three ways, which will change the final cost, if not by an order of magnitude, but by a significant amount.

Public services portal

To visualize the financial costs that accompany obtaining permits and find out how much a weapons permit costs, let’s look at how the entire algorithm is performed step by step. Moreover, we will consider not the theoretical aspect, which is described in the law, but a practical case, as close as possible to the realities of life.

First, let's choose a method for submitting an application. The cost of a weapons license will not depend on this; simply by submitting an application through the government services portal, you can significantly reduce the overall time for processing documents. Registration on the portal is completely free. To do this, you must provide reliable data.

It is important to remember that if you decide to use the portal in practice, then there should not be any fictitious data, only relevant information.

A verification code will be sent to the specified phone number, which must be entered during registration.

You will need to enter documents by uploading scanned versions of them in the form. The idea with electronic documents is that the department to which you are sending them will print them. But due to the lack of proper office equipment, you will definitely be asked to provide original documents. What is the advantage of the public services portal? In the electronic queue. There is no need to wait for hours for your turn if you can sign up on the portal. For the rest, civilization has not yet reached the departments.

Obtaining a hunting license

If hunting weapons are to be registered, we will begin the entire procedure by obtaining a hunting license. Moreover, this will practically not bring any financial costs. The government services portal will come to the rescue, which will work in all its glory upon receipt of a hunting ticket.

A photo will only have to be uploaded for the application form to be accepted, since the “Photo” column is mandatory. But the department does not have a printer to print a photo, so they will ask you for ready-made photos. In a week you can receive the finished document completely free of charge, although your wallet will be empty by 200 rubles, which you will have to pay for the photographs. Due to such nuances, you should prepare photocopies of your passport just in case. Otherwise, the ticket issuance service is free.

How much does a medical certificate cost?

No one is in a hurry to correct the mistake regarding the form of the certificate. Many sources still write that Form 046 is required, although this information has not been relevant for more than a year. Since January 2017, the form of the certificate for obtaining a weapons permit has changed; it must be issued in form 002-О/у. But usually those who come to the clinic and ask to be examined for a license are understood at a glance and sent to a psychiatrist and narcologist.

If a medical examination can be done in any clinic, public or paid, then there is not much alternative to a narcologist and psychiatrist. They are accepted in special dispensaries, which should be in every city.

I must admit, the queues to see a psychiatrist are long. We'll have to accept this as a given. But the inspection itself will not take much time. You will need to pay 400 rubles to the cashier, after which you will receive the coveted stamp. But if there are any inconsistencies in the military ID, then you will be sent to the military registration and enlistment office. The psychiatrist will definitely ask those who did not serve, for what reason? All citizens liable for military service of a limited service category should be prepared for such a question, as it will be asked at every visit to a psychiatrist.

The services of a narcologist are much more expensive. For just 1,500 rubles you take a urine test, and on the second day you already receive the result. Usually there are no queues at the narcologist, but waiting for the analysis will delay your plans for two days. The visit itself will last no more than five minutes.

Returning to the medical facility, you can go through all the specialists. Note that in a budget clinic, as in a paid clinic, such a medical examination is carried out for money. That is why many people prefer to pay more, but avoid the tedious wait in line. Since the list of specialists is extremely short, a certificate in form 002-О/у will cost only 400 or 500 rubles. This certificate is accompanied by the results of an examination by a narcologist and a psychiatrist.

The high cost of a certificate from a narcologist is due to a chemical analysis, which has not been done before. You can get it done at any other clinic that provides similar services, but you won’t be able to beat the price.

Buying a safe

Even at the very early stage of paperwork, you will have to get used to the idea that you will have to buy a safe. Moreover, there is one very important detail here; the purchase cannot be postponed until later. Even when applying for permission, the safe must be in the room and screwed to the wall, possibly with anchor bolts. Everyone will try to buy a safe as cheaply as possible, believing that this is just a requirement of law enforcement agencies.

Look to the future before settling on any one. Perhaps in the near future you will decide to purchase another barrel. An average safe with a locking device costs about 4,000 rubles.

The practical procedure for processing documents may deviate somewhat from the theoretical algorithm. According to the procedure for granting permits, during the processing of documents, the local inspector must come to your home and inspect the conditions for storing weapons. Then, based on the data received, he draws up a report. In reality, you may have to contact the local police officer yourself so that he can inspect the premises and draw up a report. You attach this act to all documents.

This deviation does not make any changes to the total amount of costs, since the local police officer goes to the site for free and does not need to pay for signing the act. There have been cases when a law enforcement representative was content with a couple of photos of the safe and room taken on his phone.

Training courses

Here, in terms of price, everything is so ambiguous, you can undergo training and pass the exam for money, the amount of which varies by a couple of thousand. First, let's look at what training is. It is necessary to understand that any institution that has the appropriate accreditation can conduct courses. But in order to provide high-quality training in the use of weapons in a short period of time, there must be a material base, experience and professional teachers.

In each city, usually several training centers are ready to provide their services at the same time. There is no need to be afraid of the difference in the program. It simply cannot exist, since the program is approved by the Ministry of Education.

In the competitive struggle, different schools are ready to provide students with various advantageous offers. For example, free exam retakes or reduced exam costs. Let's consider the maximum and minimum price that you will have to pay to receive crusts. In some centers, training with an exam costs about 5,000 rubles, and each subsequent retake will cost the student another 1,000 rubles. But some schools are ready to offer a full range of services for 3,000 rubles, and promise to retake the test for free.

The training will take one or two days. It all depends on the planning of the program in a particular training center. As a result, you will receive a certificate and certificate.

  • One document indicates completion of courses and acquisition of the necessary skills. It must be kept, as it will have to be presented when renewing the license.
  • The second document is a certificate of passing the exams. Without it, the licensing department will not even consider your application.

Visit to the licensing department

Having prepared all the documents, you can go to submit your application. There are a couple more nuances that we have not paid due attention to, but they will require financial costs. Do you have any photos left from preparing your hunting ticket? Then you'll save a couple hundred. You only need two photos, but in some photo studios you will receive 6 cards at once, for which you will have to pay.

The department will give you the details for which you need to pay the state fee, but if you started filling out the application through the government services portal, then it is possible to pay the fee with a bank card. This will cost another 2,000 rubles. The increase in price occurred relatively recently, so in many sources you can find the old duty rate of 110 rubles.

From permit to license

The document, the algorithm for obtaining which we have given, is called a permit to purchase weapons. With it you can buy weapons for hunting or self-defense. But permitting activities should be continued without delay. From the date of purchase of the barrel, you are required to register it two weeks in advance.

You need to take a pistol or shotgun and submit it for inspection along with documents to the OLRR. The department will determine the compliance of all technical indicators and enter the weapon number into a special database where its owner is indicated. This is how the system of state control over the circulation of weapons is implemented.

After registration, you must obtain a license to store firearms. This applies to powerful air rifles, hunting smoothbore guns and, even more so, rifled weapons. Melee weapons are included in the hunting license upon registration. The issued license is valid for five years. It should be reissued in the year of expiration three months before the appointed date. The procedure for re-registration is established by law and implies a preliminary start of the procedure so that the owner does not expire the license and does not remain in violation of the law.

Total cost of obtaining a license

  1. 6 photographs measuring 3 by 4 cm cost 250 rubles.
  2. The price of a psychiatrist’s note is 400 rubles.
  3. A drug test report and a urine test for drug content – ​​1,500 rubles.
  4. Certificate of completion of a medical examination, issued in form 002-О/у – 400 rubles.
  5. Safe for two barrels - 4000 rubles.
  6. Training and exam – 5000 rubles (maximum amount).
  7. State duty – 2000 rubles.

It is easy to calculate that the total price for a license is approximately 13,550 rubles. When assessing the total cost, you need to clearly understand what kind of service the licensing and permitting department should provide you with. The issuance of a license is the general name for three events at once: permission to purchase, registration and a storage license.

On the government services website you can see the list of services that your department provides. Having selected the desired service, its card states how much it costs. These services are mainly related to the activities of private security companies, issuing documents before purchasing a weapon and processing documents after purchasing a gun.

However, when calculating the total cost of all costs, take into account secondary activities. This can also include travel expenses, loss of time, and paid photocopies of documents.

A permit for a hunting weapon is a document that a citizen receives from the Licensing and Permitting Department (LRO). Without this permit, the owner does not have the right to use a hunting rifle. If a license is missing, the permit cannot be issued.

If the owner uses a hunting weapon without having the appropriate permit in hand, he will be punished in accordance with Art. 20.8. Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. This article will allow you to learn about the procedure regarding the required package of documents before starting the registration procedure permits to obtain hunting weapons and its further use.

How to get a weapons license

If you want to get a license for a hunting weapon, then you need:

  1. Select a brand of weapon.
  2. Go to the LRO, having with you the necessary package of documents and an application.
  3. Wait for a decision on issuing a weapons license within ten days.

During this very ten-day period, law enforcement officers conduct a verification of your identity. Be prepared for them to visit your neighbors and ask about you.

Once the license is in hand, you can safely go to the gun store and buy a hunting weapon.

List of documents required to obtain a license for a hunting weapon:

  • Citizen's passport and its copy;
  • The commission’s conclusion about your level of knowledge on the safety of using and storing hunting weapons;
  • Photo card – its size should be 3 x 4;
  • Conclusion of the medical commission ();
  • Hunting license (copy);
  • A receipt confirming payment of a one-time fee of 100 rubles per unit of hunting rifle.

In order to obtain the commission’s conclusion about the level of your knowledge, you will need to set aside time and undergo training in a special center that has a special license.

In most cases, the training period does not exceed 4 months, and the cost of training is about 8,000 rubles.

You have the opportunity to obtain a hunting license by contacting the MFC with a corresponding application. You can also go to the government services portal and order a hunting license through your personal account - this method is not only convenient, but also economical in terms of time.

A 2016 hunting weapons license is issued for six months. If you do not have time to submit your license to obtain a permit to obtain a hunting weapon within the required time frame, then next time you will be able to apply for it only after a year.

If you look at the Law “On Weapons” dated December 13, 1996 No. 150-FZ, it says that only 1 license should be issued for each weapon. This means that if you become the owner of 5 weapons, you will need to obtain 5 licenses.

After receiving a license, you will need to buy a safe where you will store your hunting weapons. If you do not do this, when checking the conditions of safe storage, the district police officer will not agree to issue you the appropriate permit to receive a hunting weapon.

After receiving a license, you will need to buy a safe where you will store your hunting weapons. If you do not do this, when checking the conditions of safe storage, the district police officer will not agree to issue you the appropriate permit.

Procedure for obtaining a weapons license

To obtain the coveted permit for a hunting weapon, you need to go through several stages that are not particularly difficult:

  1. After you have purchased a weapon, you must apply for a permit within two weeks. Without it, the use of weapons in the future is prohibited at the legislative level.
  2. A license must be attached to the permit application.
  3. Contact the local police officer and set a time and date to check the conditions created at home for the safe storage of hunting weapons. After the inspection, the district police officer’s report is attached to the documents for obtaining a permit.
  4. When the application is submitted, you must expect notification within 10 days of the outcome of the consideration of your application.

What documents are needed for a hunting weapon permit?

Considering the fact that you submitted the entire package of documents when you received your license, you only need to have with you photographs (3 by 4 in size) and a passport. You will not need to undergo a medical examination again.

Renewal of permit for hunting weapons

A permit to obtain a hunting weapon is issued for a 5-year period, but 3 months before its expiration date, you will need to contact the LRO and write an application to extend the permit. The package of documents required for work will be similar to what you submitted to obtain a license. You do not need to take a training course at the Training Center a second time, but you still cannot avoid a repeat medical examination.

During this period, LRO employees are checking the citizen for offenses of an administrative and criminal nature. If it is discovered that you have committed more than 2 offenses under the Code of Administrative Offenses during the year, you may be refused to renew your permit.

As a rule, the renewal period for a hunting weapon permit is 1 month.

How to obtain a permit for rifled hunting weapons

Only after you have used a smooth-bore weapon for 5 years do you become eligible to issue a permit for a rifled hunting weapon. This point is spelled out in the “Weapons Law”. In addition, you must have a hunting license and a permit for smooth-bore weapons. The process for obtaining a permit for rifled weapons is no different from the process for obtaining a permit for smooth-bore weapons. You need:

  • Have the same package of documents;
  • Call the local police officer to check the conditions for safe storage of weapons - you must have a safe.

A similar period will be required to issue a decision from the LRO to issue a permit for rifled weapons.

For each unit of weapon you will need to pay a one-time fee - its size is 200 rubles per 1 unit. This point is specified in Appendix 1 to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 574 of 06/08/1998.

There is one minor difference in the procedure for obtaining permission for rifled and smooth-bore weapons. Its essence lies in the fact that in order to issue a permit for a rifled weapon, a citizen must have experience in using smooth-bore weapons, the period of which is at least 5 years.

And in order to obtain a permit for a smooth-bore weapon, it is not necessary to have experience in owning any other type of weapon.

There are grounds for refusal to issue a license (permit) for hunting weapons:

  1. If there are medical contraindications.
  2. A license is not issued to persons under the age of majority.
  3. A citizen is serving a sentence in prison for a crime committed.
  4. If the conditions for proper storage of weapons are not met. In other words, the safe was not purchased.
  5. Providing false information.
  6. The package of necessary documents was not collected in full.
  7. Violation of public order under the Code of Administrative Offenses more than once.
  8. The citizen has a criminal record for an intentional unlawful act.
  9. Two weeks after receiving the mail notification, the citizen did not appear to obtain permission.

So, you can get a permit for a hunting weapon within a period similar to the procedure with other types of weapons, and for this you need to have patience, time and money. The process of issuing a permit takes about 1.5 months. The monetary cost of paying the state duty for 1 unit of hunting weapon and passing a medical commission will not exceed 2000 rubles.

The license to purchase smoothbore is regulated by regulations.

You can obtain a legal permit based on the collected papers, which indicate the mental state of the purchaser and whether he is able to behave adequately in extreme situations.

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What weapons are civilians allowed to buy?

A license for the acquisition of smooth-bore weapons, state services will accept the application or the district OLRR, it does not matter, is carried out first by studying the provisions in the law, understanding the terminology associated with this subject.

Citizens who do not belong to official security structures, paramilitary units, serving in the army, or police have the right to purchase equipment for a specific purpose.

Reasons for purchasing may be:

  • defensive
  • sports
  • hunting
  • for signaling
  • necessary to wear with a national costume, attached to the Cossack uniform in the form of a blade
  • to study history as a cultural identity

The procedure for obtaining permits for the purchase or sale of weapons differs depending on the type of hunting tool that stores offer:

  • firearms with long rifled barrels or smoothbore barrels of varying lengths of the barrel, this also includes cutting into this part not exceeding 140 mm.
  • Combined rifled and smooth-bore firearms are available for sale, the barrels are distinguished as long, interchangeable, insert rifled
  • There are pneumatic guns, their muzzle energy should not exceed 25 J
  • buying a cold blade

The seller will sell any of the types only after presenting the “green stuff” received in a specialized institution with a certain legal order. According to the law, beginners are given a permit to purchase a smoothbore; other types of mechanisms will become available after five years of experience in hunting status.

Where to start and how to finish the design

A license for the purchase of smooth-bore weapons, the validity of which is limited to six months - this time is enough to purchase the necessary items.

They justify their advice with the following arguments:

  • practicality - the injury belongs to the only legal item intended for self-defense, and with a smooth-bore weapon you can protect the house and hunt animals in the prescribed season
  • cost-effectiveness - the law requires that these and other items be stored in special safes, it will be possible to purchase one box to hide them
  • reducing the time to obtain one license instead of two, combining exams is allowed

Actions for those wishing to arm themselves should begin in accordance with the following scheme for the acquisition of papers and items:

  • hunting ticket
  • conclusions of the medical commission
  • convenient safe for
  • start the licensing procedure
  • choose and buy a product
  • register the acquisition

After registration, the weapon owner can fully rightfully use the purchased hunting and killing devices.

Without what document can you buy a gun?

A license gives the right to purchase certain targeted equipment. This paper is issued after determining what a person needs and what brand of weapon. Mechanical objects with smooth barrels capable of destroying not only an animal, but also killing a person, require strict regulation of their sale by legislative acts, or simply strict control over the receipt of weapons.

The hunter knows in advance which model of mechanism is needed, writes applications for the opening of a license permit in his name.

This application is sent to the LRO, the agencies are located in the district police offices. By indicating the weapon brand in the petition, it becomes clear about future plans for its use. The application should be filled out correctly, without errors or omissions, and additional attachments must be listed in a separate column, without which the required document will not be issued.

The following reference list is included in the kit:

  • a statement about the completed training, passing exams on the rules, how to store and handle weapons in accordance with the hunting minimum
  • a certificate concluding that the applicant is capable of owning and using weapons safely for himself and others
  • photos
  • medical verdict, it includes the results of examinations by specialists, which indicate whether or not a person can be trusted with a gun
  • a hunter's ticket is also included, its form is the same for all regions of our country according to the federal model
  • a paid receipt will confirm the receipt of money from the hunter to the treasury for granting permission for armed actions

For each weapon item, one permit is issued, valid for six months, their quantity is limited to five units in the acquisition for use of different types of equipment.

The rules provide for the receipt of each statement subject to the following conditions:

  • You must first complete special courses in order for a citizen to be allowed to take an examination of knowledge of how to carry, store and use weapons - the process is organized in training centers under the Ministry of Internal Affairs
  • LRO specialists decide whether a person is able to safely use a hunting arsenal
  • at the place of registration they go to the clinic, go through the list of doctors specializing in the field of addiction, psychiatry, therapy, ophthalmology - a special form with the conclusion of a medical commission organized specifically for the category of people who will use firearms is attached to the application
  • a visit to the MFC will provide an opportunity to obtain a hunting license
  • without mandatory payments to the state treasury, it is impossible to obtain any document

The review by a commission of authorized employees will begin after receipt of the complete documentary package, it lasts 10 days, then a decision is made. The applicant is informed of any determination - approved or rejected - by written mail.

For what reasons is it prohibited to arm yourself?

If there is no license in hand, then there can be no question of the legal use of any type of weapon.

The prohibition list is provided with the following points:

  • the applicant is underage - allowed to shoot at any targets from 18 years of age
  • The application was filled out incorrectly and contained errors containing inaccurate information.
  • lack of a complete medical report
  • a crime has been committed with an outstanding conviction
  • being in prison
  • no permanent residence
  • ignoring courses, resulting in a missing exam paper, verdict on storing, carrying, handling weapons
  • waiver of examinations for any of the necessary requirements

Only the absence of reasons that will arouse suspicion towards the license applicant can positively determine its receipt.

You should not confuse two different documents: with a permit.

The first legal paper is divided into 2 parts.

One is given to the gun store at the time of purchase, the second is used to access permitting paper.

Without it, the gun cannot be stored or used for its intended purpose.

By the “spoof” it is determined that its owner has chosen a firearm model, and the package of documents is already in the LRO, it was submitted during licensing procedures, this is quite enough.

14 days are given to purchase the safe and install it at its permanent location. It will be necessary to invite a local commissioner to inspect the structure in accordance with the required standards.

It is agreed with the official how the effective report will be received by the institution; he must make sure that it is established:

  • metal box with a wall thickness of 2 mm
  • the building is securely locked with two locks
  • floor and wall fastenings have been carried out
  • in a place that is not visually detectable by strangers
  • child-proof box

In any case, it will take at least a month to purchase a gun for the first time and go hunting. Therefore, it is better to start the procedure with collecting the necessary certificates before the start of the hunting season, since permits are valid for 5 years. After this time period, you need to renew your documents without re-examining.

Video shows how to get a weapons license in 2017:

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