Complex of vitamins for vision. What vitamins do our eyes need? What is better to use - fortified drops or tablets?

What vitamins do our eyes need?

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Vitamins are small compounds with very low mass and an active center in the structure of the molecule. This active center performs the functions of vitamins, which consist in activating and maintaining the normal rate of cascades of biochemical transformations in every cell of the human body. To understand how important this role of vitamins is, you should know that absolutely all functions of organs and cells at the molecular level are carried out through biochemical transformations. That is, breathing, and the synthesis of various molecules necessary for life and the implementation of specific functions (for example, proteins, DNA, RNA, etc.), and the destruction of pathogenic microbes - all is carried out using biochemical reactions. Even the process of vision is carried out precisely by a cascade of biochemical transformations, which are maintained at a normal level precisely by vitamins.

To ensure several thousand different biochemical reactions, each vitamin has certain transformations “assigned” to it, which it supports and activates. That is, each vitamin ensures the occurrence of only certain reactions, and it is they that determine the physiological functions of this particular vitamin. For example, vitamin A supports collagen synthesis and ensures the functioning of visual pigment on the retina, which is necessary for normal vision. Vitamin D ensures the absorption of calcium, etc. Thanks to this “division of labor”, only 13 vitamins ensure the occurrence of all reactions and, consequently, the normal functioning of organs and systems. Also, due to the high specialization of each vitamin, we can conditionally identify compounds that are most important for the functioning of various organs and systems, including the eyes.

It is highly specialized, specific and critically necessary compounds for the functioning of the visual analyzer that can be classified as vitamins for the eyes. However, this does not mean that all other vitamins are not needed by the eyes. On the contrary, to ensure good vision, the body must ensure that all thirteen vitamins are supplied to the body, each of which supports the occurrence of certain reactions in the cells of the eye. However, a group of eye vitamins is especially necessary for the normal functioning of the organ. This means that with a deficiency of these vitamins, vision will quickly begin to deteriorate and various eye diseases will appear. If there is a deficiency of other vitamins, eye function will remain normal for a very long time.

Vitamins for eyes

Vitamins for eyes for people of any gender and age

The eyes, like any other internal organ, work hard throughout a person’s life. Certain vitamins are required to maintain normal eye function and ensure continued good vision. There are some differences in vitamin requirements among people of different ages and genders. However, regardless of these biologically determined factors, the group of eye vitamins is the same for all people.

So, vitamins for the eyes include the following:

  • Vitamin A (retinol, beta-carotene);
  • Vitamin B 1 (thiamine);
  • Vitamin B 2 (riboflavin);
  • Vitamin B 6 (pyridoxine);
  • Vitamin B 12 (cyanocobalamin);
  • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid);
  • Vitamin P (rutin);
  • Vitamin E (tocopherol);
  • Vitamin F (complex of omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids);
  • Vitamin D (ergocalciferol, cholecalciferol).
Each of these vitamins is necessary for the full functioning of the eyes, as well as for the prevention and improvement of various diseases of the visual analyzer. Let's look at the physiological functions of each eye vitamin.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is undoubtedly one of the most important and widely known vitamins for the eyes. The fact is that vitamin A in the form of retinal is part of the visual pigment located on the retina of the eye. It is thanks to retinal that the retina of the eye can perceive images and colors of the surrounding world. In the absence of a sufficient amount of retinal, the visual pigment on the retina of the eye becomes inferior, defective, as a result of which a person sees much worse. In addition, against the background of improper functioning of the defective visual pigment, chronic, dystrophic diseases of various eye structures, such as macular degeneration, keratoconjunctivitis, cataracts, etc., can develop.

Thus, vitamin A ensures the normal functioning of the retina of the eye, as well as maintaining good vision for many years. The vitamin prevents the early development of cataracts, macular degeneration and conjunctivitis.

Vitamin A deficiency provokes the development of dry cornea, which is also called the dry pupil effect. Dryness of the cornea of ​​the eye is combined with redness and swelling of the eyelids. In addition, with eye fatigue, it is vitamin A deficiency that causes red streaks to appear on the sclera. With a long-term lack of retinol, a twilight vision disorder known as night blindness (hemeralopia) develops.

Vitamin B 1

Vitamin B1 ensures the normal rate of metabolic processes in nervous tissue. And since the retina of the eye is a nervous tissue, vitamin B1 is necessary to maintain normal metabolism in all its cells, which, in turn, creates optimal conditions for the proper functioning of the eye and, accordingly, good vision. In addition, vitamin B1 ensures the transmission of visual impulses along nerve fibers to brain structures.

With a deficiency of vitamin B1, the sensitivity of the eye is impaired and the speed of the retina’s reactions to nerve signals, both emanating from the brain and transmitted to it, decreases. This cumulative decrease in susceptibility to nerve impulses and the speed of their transmission along the nerves is called a violation of the innervation of the eye. Violation of innervation leads to the fact that the eyes get tired very quickly, a person becomes irritable, his performance decreases, and his well-being deteriorates significantly. In addition, long-term vitamin B1 deficiency is a risk factor for the development of glaucoma and pupillary dystrophy.

Vitamin B 2

Vitamin B 2 normalizes metabolism in the structures of the eye (lens and cornea), improving the delivery of nutrients and the removal of waste products. Thanks to the intensification of metabolism, the rate of regeneration of pupil cells increases, therefore vitamin B 2 is a highly effective element for the prevention of glaucoma and cataracts. In addition, due to its ability to enhance metabolism, vitamin B2 is used to treat sudden and severe episodes of vision impairment with the aim of restoring it.

Vitamin B2 also improves the supply of oxygen to eye tissues, that is, it helps cells to actively breathe. Thanks to the increased supply of oxygen, eye cells can maintain active metabolism, which ensures the regeneration of all structures and tissues, thanks to which glaucoma and cataracts are prevented.

With a deficiency of vitamin B 2, twilight vision first deteriorates and a burning sensation, “sand” in the eyes and eyelids appears, as well as pinkness of the sclera due to burst blood vessels. In addition, the person is bothered by frequent conjunctivitis, lacrimation and photophobia. With severe deficiency of vitamin B 2, inflammation of the cornea (keratitis) of the eye or cataracts develop.

Vitamin B 6

Vitamin B 6 is a natural soothing element, so it is necessary to ensure constant eye alignment. With its deficiency, a person is bothered by very strong tension in the eyes or tics (“twitching” eyes).

Vitamin B 12

Vitamin B 12 is necessary, first of all, for normal hematopoiesis, that is, for the formation of red blood cells of the correct size and shape in sufficient quantities. Accordingly, with a deficiency of vitamin B 12, anemia develops, which, in turn, causes insufficient blood supply to the eye. Against the background of a lack of blood supply to the structures and tissues of the eye, they begin to lack nutrients and oxygen, the metabolic rate decreases, decay products accumulate, and this creates a favorable environment for inflammatory and degenerative diseases.

In addition, cyanocobalamin is involved in the formation of cells of the nervous system. And since the retina and optic nerve are structures of nervous tissue, vitamin B 12 is involved in their regeneration, that is, the formation of new, full-fledged and functionally active cells. Therefore, vitamin B 12 is used to strengthen, protect and maintain the functions of the optic nerve. Cyanocobalamin prevents retinal detachment, blindness and the appearance of cataracts.

With a deficiency of cyanocobalamin, a person's eyes take on a very characteristic appearance - the cornea becomes dull and streaks of blood vessels appear on the whites. In addition, the eyes constantly water and get tired very quickly.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a very powerful antioxidant, so it protects eye cells from various free radical damage, maintaining their normal structure and functioning. In addition, ascorbic acid improves the regeneration of the cornea. According to scientific research, long-term use of ascorbic acid in a daily dosage (50 – 90 mg per day) prevents senile vision deterioration and reduces the risk of developing cataracts.

Vitamin C also supports the blood vessels of the eye, thereby ensuring excellent blood supply to each cell of the visual analyzer. By strengthening the walls of blood vessels, vitamin C reduces the risk of hemorrhages in the eye tissue.

With a deficiency of vitamin C, a decrease in the tone of the eye muscles develops and hemorrhages appear in the eyes. In addition, the eyes get tired very quickly from any work that requires even the most minimal stress.

Vitamin P

Vitamin P strengthens the capillary wall and reduces its permeability. The effect of vitamin P is enhanced and manifested in the presence of ascorbic acid. With a deficiency of vitamin P, the blood vessels of the eye become fragile and extremely brittle, which leads to frequent hemorrhages in the eyes.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant and catalyst for the formation of collagen fibers. As an antioxidant, vitamin E strengthens cell membranes, making them strong and resistant to various negative factors. Thanks to this, vitamin E protects the eyes from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation and excessively bright lighting. As a stimulator of the formation of collagen fibers, vitamin E maintains the tone of the eye muscles and the elasticity of the connective tissue in the ocular analyzer.

Therefore, vitamin E is beneficial for diabetic retinopathy. When used for cataracts, tocopherol stops the progression of the disease, keeping a person’s vision at the same level. In addition, vitamin E prevents the development of macular degeneration.

With vitamin E deficiency, there is an increased risk of developing cataracts and retinal dystrophy (type of macular macula).

Vitamin F

Vitamin F maintains and ensures normal drainage (outflow) of intraocular fluid, preventing episodes of increased intraocular pressure. By stabilizing and maintaining intraocular pressure, vitamin F reduces the risk of its increase in glaucoma, thereby making the course of the disease more favorable.

In addition, vitamin F improves microcirculation in the structures and tissues of the eye, and also eliminates the effects of severe tension and fatigue.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D suppresses inflammatory processes in the cornea or retina, and also improves eye immunity. Thanks to these anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating effects, vitamin D is used in the complex treatment of inflammation of the retina and cornea of ​​the eye. In addition, vitamin D effectively prevents aging changes in the structures of the eye, thereby maintaining visual acuity into old age.

Eye vitamins for children

To maintain the normal functioning of the eyes, as well as to maintain them against the backdrop of heavy stress at school, a child needs vitamins A, B 1, B 2, C, E and F. It is these vitamins that maintain the normal condition of the child’s eye tissue.

Today there are special vitamin and mineral complexes for the eyes, created specifically for children, which can be used without fear.

Vitamins for the eyes - a list of various medications (drops, tablets, for children, for myopia, etc.)

Currently, there are specially developed eye complexes containing various vitamins, minerals and biologically active substances that support the optimal functioning of all cells and structures of the visual organ. These complexes usually include eye vitamins in various combinations and dosages, trace elements zinc, selenium and copper, as well as two biologically active substances - zeaxanthin And lutein.

Lutein and zeaxanthin are very important substances for the eyes because they have antioxidant properties, due to which they significantly increase the resistance and resistance of the cornea to various adverse environmental factors. Thus, thanks to zeaxanthin and lutein, the eyes remain healthy and vision sharp in any conditions, even with prolonged strain on the visual analyzer, for example, when working at a computer in a dusty room. Therefore, good eye complexes must include vitamins and lutein or zeaxanthin.

Today, there are vitamin-mineral complexes for the eyes that have various effects and, accordingly, are intended for preventive use, to accelerate the healing of eye structures and tissues after operations or injuries, to improve the course of various chronic diseases, to stop the progression of vision loss, etc. Below are lists of eye vitamins that have various effects.

Vitamins for eyes in drops

The following are eye vitamins in the form of a liquid solution that is dropped into the eyes:
  • Aisotin;
  • Vidisik;
  • Vita-Iodural;
  • Vita-POS;
  • Vitafacol;
  • Glazorol;
  • Oculochel;
  • Oftan-Katachrome;
  • Riboflavin;
  • Systane Ultra;
  • Taurine;
  • Taufon;
  • Ujala;
  • Khrustalin;
  • Aloe extract according to Filatov;
  • Hey Pee Wee;
  • Maxivision;
  • Rohto Vita 40 Alpha;
  • Rohte Z! Pro;
  • Safe to see;
  • Sante FX Neo Plus;
  • Sante Bio;
  • Strix.
The drops listed above are complex solutions of various vitamins and other biologically active substances that have various positive effects on the functioning and maintenance of the normal structure of eye tissue. Depending on the components included, eye drops with vitamins can be used for various purposes, for example, to restore the structure of the cornea, to maintain the level of vision in the elderly, etc.

Eye drops are topical preparations that are applied to the conjunctival sac and absorbed deep into the tissue through the mucous membrane. However, drops can only be used for preventive purposes or as part of complex therapy for any diseases, since the active substances, when applied externally, will not penetrate all tissues of the eye. Therefore, to provide all structures and tissues of the eye with vitamins, it is preferable to use complexes for oral administration in the form of tablets, capsules, powders for the preparation of solutions, syrups, etc.

Vitamins in tablets for eyes

Below we list various eye medications for oral administration in the form of tablets, capsules, syrups and powders. Complexes for oral administration make it possible to ensure the delivery of vitamins to each cell of the eye, since they are brought to them through the bloodstream.

Currently, the following effective eye vitamins in tablets are available on the domestic market:

  • Alphabet Optikum;
  • Amway;
  • Antoxinate;
  • Anthocyanin Forte;
  • Betula Heath;
  • Betula Sharm;
  • Visiobalance;
  • Vision;
  • Visualon;
  • Vitabiotics;
  • Vitamins for eyes Tianshi;
  • Vitalux plus;
  • Vetoron;
  • Glazorol;
  • Doppelhertz Active with lutein;
  • St. John's wort + B12 "Santerella";
  • Imufit;
  • Influence;
  • Complivit Oftalmo;
  • Leovit;
  • Lutein complex;
  • Myrticam syrup;
  • Mertilen Forte;
  • Moller;
  • Will guide the eyes;
  • Nutrof Total;
  • New Place;
  • Okyuwait;
  • Optics;
  • Poseidonol;
  • Tears;
  • Strix;
  • Super Optician;
  • Tentorium Blueberry;
  • Triovit;
  • Focus Forte;
  • Blueberry Forte;
  • Littleone;
  • Perfect Eyes (NSP).
The listed vitamins are used for various purposes - some drugs are necessary to prevent a decrease in visual acuity, others to reduce myopia or farsightedness, others to accelerate the restoration of eye structures after surgery, etc. Therefore, a complex of vitamins for the eyes must be selected individually, taking into account clinical manifestations, the current situation and the desired result.

Vitamins for eyes for myopia

There are various complexes of vitamins for the eyes, both for external use (in the form of drops) and for oral administration (in the form of tablets), which can either improve vision in myopia or stop the progression of the disease. It is these complexes that are called vitamins for the eyes for myopia, which include the following:
  • Visualon (tablets);
  • Vitabiotics (tablets);
  • Tentorium Blueberry (tablets);
  • Blueberry Forte (dragée);
  • Maxivision (drops);
  • Safe to see (drops);
  • Sante FX Neo Plus (drops);
  • Sante Bio (drops).
The listed vitamin complexes for the eyes are highly effective against myopia, improving vision or maintaining it at the existing level and preventing it from decreasing. In the event of a sharp deterioration in vision, taking these eye vitamins allows you to return its sharpness to its previous level.

Moreover, the most effective vitamins for myopia are Visualon tablets with blueberry extract, which can be taken by both children and adults. However, this vitamin preparation is expensive, which limits its widespread use. But Visualon has virtually no contraindications or side effects, so it can be safely used in people prone to allergic reactions, with severe chronic diseases, etc.

Tentorium Blueberry tablets act very quickly, so their clinical effectiveness for myopia manifests itself after a short period of time. Vitabiotics and Maxivision are excellent vitamin drops that improve the condition and help cure many eye diseases, including myopia, farsightedness and cataracts.

Eye vitamins with lutein

Eye vitamins with lutein are necessary for the fastest possible recovery from eye fatigue, redness, minor hemorrhages in the cornea and other conditions caused by stress, injury or degenerative changes in the structures of the eye. Lutein is a powerful antioxidant, which increases the cornea’s resistance to the negative effects of external factors, and also improves the course of chronic dystrophic diseases. Therefore, vitamins with lutein can be used to prevent visual impairment due to intense eye work (for example, constant contact with a monitor screen, dusty rooms, etc.) or for the complex treatment of chronic degenerative diseases, such as cataracts, retinal dystrophy, etc. d.

Today, the following eye vitamins with lutein are available on the domestic market:

  • Alphabet Optikum;
  • Visiobalance Opti;
  • Visualon;
  • Vitabiotics;
  • Vitamins for eyes Tianshi;
  • Vitalux plus;
  • Vitrum Vision and Vitrum Vision Forte;
  • Glazorol;
  • Doppelhertz Active with lutein;
  • Complivit Oftalmo;
  • Leovit;
  • Lutein complex;
  • Nutrof Total;
  • Okyuwait;
  • Optics;
  • Tears;
  • Super Optician;
  • Taurine (drops);
  • Taufon (drops);
  • Focus Forte;
  • Littleone;
  • Maxivision;
  • Safe to see.
Vitamins with lutein and zeaxanthin are beneficial for the eyes and provide a visible, relatively quick and well-defined clinical effect, manifested in the form of improvement in vision and general eye condition or stopping the progression of deterioration.

Vitamins for eyes with blueberries

Blueberries are a berry that contains a large number of substances beneficial to the eyes, so extracts and powders from this plant are included in dietary supplements and complexes to maintain functions and treat various eye diseases. Thus, blueberries prevent age-related changes in eye tissues, increase visual acuity, prevent fatigue and improve dark adaptation. Currently, the following eye vitamins with blueberries are available on the domestic market:
  • Alphabet Optikum;
  • Anthocyanin Forte;
  • Visiobalance Opti;
  • Vision;
  • Visualon;
  • Vitamins for eyes Tianshi;
  • Vitrum Vision Forte;
  • Lutein Complex;
  • Will direct;
  • Tears;
  • Strix;
  • Tentorium Blueberry;
  • Focus Forte;
  • Blueberry Forte;
  • Safe to see;
  • Perfect Eyes (NSP).

Japanese eye vitamins

Japanese eye vitamins appeared on the domestic pharmaceutical market relatively recently, but managed to gain popularity due to their effectiveness. Japanese eye vitamins are available in the form of drops. Let's look at the brief characteristics and indications for the use of Japanese eye drops with vitamins available on the domestic market:
  • Sante FX Neo– eliminate fatigue, itching and redness of the eyes. Can be used to prevent eye infections after swimming in dirty water or exposure to dust. Drops are recommended for use by people who, due to their occupation, have to strain their eyes, for example, drivers, computer operators, etc.;
  • Sante Fx V+– relieve fatigue, relieve itching and redness of the eyes. Recommended for use when dust gets into the eyes, in the complex treatment of inflammatory diseases and blurred vision. The drops have a refreshing effect, so they can be used upon awakening to eliminate the symptoms of “sticky eyes”;
  • Sante De U Plus E– drops improve blood circulation in tissues and reduce eye fatigue. It is recommended to use drops every day when wearing contact lenses;
  • Sante Lycee Contact– relieve redness, dryness and eliminate discomfort on the surface of the eye when wearing contact lenses. These drops are used when wearing contact lenses;
  • Rohto Moist– drops specifically for washing the eyes, which do not have a tingling effect;
  • Rohto 40 Alfa– contain a complex of vitamins and minerals that cool the surface of the eye, improve blood microcirculation and relieve blurred vision, fatigue, itching and redness. Drops are recommended to be used to prevent infectious eye diseases after swimming in bodies of water, exposure to dust, dirt or sweat, etc.;
  • Sante 40 Gold– prevent decrease in visual acuity. Drops are recommended to maintain visual acuity, especially against the background of age-related myopia, farsightedness, tearfulness, red eyes, etc. Drops also quickly eliminate dry eyes;
  • Rohto Z!– have a long-lasting refreshing effect, perfectly moisturizing the surface of the eye. Drops are recommended to be used every day up to 5-6 times in order to prevent decreased visual acuity and various eye diseases;
  • Rohto Z! Contact– have an excellent moisturizing effect and are designed specifically for people who wear contact lenses. Drops are recommended to be used to relieve fatigue when wearing any type of contact lenses, as well as to eliminate any irritation;
  • Rohto Z! PRO– drops with the most powerful tonic effect. Recommended for use for the prevention of eye diseases and decreased visual acuity, as well as as a protective agent against the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation. Drops can be used when wearing contact lenses to relieve irritation and fatigue. The drops also perfectly relieve eye irritation caused by any factors.
As you can see, the range of Japanese vitamin complexes for the eyes is quite wide and is represented by products with various properties. Japanese drops, according to reviews from doctors and people who have used them, have very high quality and a pronounced clinical effect.

Vitamin preparations for eyes for children

Children need the same eye vitamins as adults. But children often need eye vitamins even more than adults, since they experience very strong visual stress during study and play. Therefore, to maintain a child’s vision, he needs to be given eye vitamins. However, dosage forms for children must be tested and safe, so not all available vitamin preparations for the eyes can be used. Today on the pharmaceutical market there are the following safe and approved eye vitamins for children:
  • Vivasan;
  • Visualon;
  • Vitabiotics;
  • Glazokyvait;
  • Doppelhertz with lutein;
  • Leovit;
  • Lutaflunol;
  • Lutein Forte;
  • Maxilex;
  • Mirtikam;
  • Mertilen forte;
  • Moller;
  • Will direct;
  • Normophthal;
  • Nutrof Total;
  • Okyuvit Lutein;
  • Optics;
  • Svetoch;
  • Strix;
  • Super Optician;
  • Taufon;
  • Focus Forte;
  • Blueberry Forte;
  • Littleone.

Vitamin complexes for the eyes - brief descriptions and reviews of the most commonly used drugs

Okuwait Forte

Vitamins for eyes Vitrum

The full name of eye vitamins is Vitrum Vision, but the second word is usually omitted, since it is clear from the context what exactly we are talking about. These vitamins contain blueberry extract and vitamins, and therefore are able to restore vision even with very strong and prolonged loads on the lens.

According to reviews, Vitrum Vision vitamins support visual acuity well, preventing it from decreasing. The drug also relieves fatigue and eliminates itching, redness and discomfort. Most reviews about Vitrum vitamins are positive, since they have helped many people restore normal eye function and eliminate fatigue at the end of the working day.

Negative reviews about vitamins were left by people who tried to use them to cure already formed myopia, which, of course, is impossible. However, Vitrum Vision vitamins have a positive effect after laser vision correction.


Doppelhertz eye vitamins contain large amounts of lutein, which is an antioxidant and protects cells from damage. Thanks to the high dosage of lutein, Doppelherz vitamins are an ideal remedy for restoring eyes and vision after any surgical intervention.

Working at a computer, age-related changes, poor nutrition - all this very often leads to deterioration of vision in particular, and the health of the visual organ in general. In this case, you should consider taking a course of the best vitamins for the eyes. Since there are a lot of them on the market, we have made a selection of good nutritional supplements from natural ingredients. Having become familiar with their advantages and disadvantages, it will be much easier to make the right choice.

The list of the best included products from the 5 most popular manufacturers on the nutritional supplement market. Among them there are both inexpensive brands and elite ones, where the price of goods is quite high.

Introducing the top five:

  • Solgar– this name is widely known among fans of a healthy lifestyle. The company creates natural nutritional supplements to strengthen the body as a whole and normalize the functioning of individual organs in particular. Its products have received numerous awards and quality certificates.
  • Now Foods– in terms of popularity, this company can be considered the main competitor of Solgar. It also produces organic products to support good health. They are based on the most useful vitamins for visual organs, immunity, hair, etc.
  • Natural Factors– from the name of this company it becomes clear that its activities are focused on the production of organic food supplements of plant or animal origin to improve health. In this ranking, it leads in terms of the low price of its products, which makes it widely popular.
  • Jarrow Formulas– the peculiarity of this brand is the creation of vegetarian products, mainly of plant origin, to take care of health. Most of its products are inexpensive and quite accessible to customers. It has prenatal vitamin options.
  • Doctor's Best– in this TOP, this is another manufacturer offering good vitamin and mineral complexes for maintaining vision, strengthening joints and a number of other tasks. Its range includes both capsules and tablets, as well as liquid vitamins.

Rating of the best vitamins for eyes

The basis for including certain dietary supplements in this TOP were reviews from ophthalmologists and buyers. Almost all drugs can be found for sale on the iHerb website. The following characteristics were also taken into account:

  • Release form;
  • Volume;
  • Package;
  • Types of components;
  • Dosages of nutrients;
  • Natural composition;
  • Smell and taste;
  • Admission requirements;
  • The effects it provides, how much better the dietary supplement helps you see;
  • Prolongation of results;
  • Purpose (for children and/or adults).

Naturally, the price of the products was taken into account, as well as their availability and the reputation of the manufacturers.

The list of the best vitamins for the eyes against fatigue, to prevent “veils” when working at the computer and for other purposes included the 5 most effective, according to reviews from doctors and buyers of nutritional supplements.

Natural Factors, Eye Factors with 2 mg Lutein, 90 Capsules

This is the leader in our ranking of the best sources of vitamins for the visual organs based on the number of good reviews. Judging by them, the drug is very often purchased to prevent myopia in adolescents. The number of components here is not so large as to completely eliminate the disease, but dietary supplements can still improve vision somewhat with minor losses. However, you should not expect quick results; lutein will work no earlier than in 1.5-2 months.


  • Eliminates tension in the eyes;
  • Relieves fatigue;
  • Natural composition;
  • A large number of capsules in the package.


  • Needs to be taken in courses, the results are not prolonged;
  • With strong astigmatism, the effect is not very noticeable;
  • Low content of nutrients.

The formula here is one of the best - there are blueberries, carrot powder, flower buds, but, again, the dosages of the components are insignificant.

Solgar, Blueberry Complex, Ginkgo for Vision Plus Lutein, 60 Vegetable Capsules

This product combines all the best eye vitamins and minerals - selenium, lutein, beta-carotene and others. It was created to prevent vision deterioration due to prolonged work at the computer and improve it in cases of myopia and farsightedness. Thanks to it, the fatigue of the visual organs in the evening is not felt so much, besides, they water less and, plus, the “veil” disappears. It is chosen, in particular, because it contains only natural ingredients.


  • Gives strength;
  • You don't need to drink often;
  • Contains lutein;
  • Vegetable shell;
  • High concentration of ascorbic acid;
  • Does not cause allergies.


  • Duration of the course;
  • Glass packaging.

The Solgar complex, as reviews show, helps control visual acuity, but still cannot improve it significantly.

Jarrow Formulas, Blueberry Grape Skin Polyphenol Complex, 280 mg, 120 Vegetable Capsules

This dietary supplement is found to be the best for improving visual acuity in cases of nearsightedness or farsightedness in the long term only with regular use. The jar contains 120 capsules, the taste and size of which are quite tolerable. They should be taken 1 piece at a time. once or twice a day on average for a month, otherwise the results will not be very good. The composition here is not diverse, but blueberries in combination with grape skin extract reduce retinal permeability and increase capillary elasticity, which has a beneficial effect on vision.


  • Lack of artificial colors and flavors;
  • High content of anthocyanosides;
  • Complex impact;
  • Good reviews from doctors;
  • Can be prescribed to a child;
  • Volume.


  • Children, pregnant and nursing mothers need to consult an ophthalmologist.

Judging by the reviews, the Jarrow Formulas complex is best taken in combination with lutein for greater effectiveness.

Now Foods, Lutein, 10 mg, 120 Softgels

This is a pretty good vitamin complex for adults who spend a lot of time at the computer. They reduce the negative impact on the retina, strengthen it and make vision sharper. However, the food supplement is not suitable for teenagers and children. Also, before you start taking it, pregnant women should consult a gynecologist. The drug contains only lutein; unfortunately, it cannot “equip” the body with anything else.


  • Eliminates the feeling of a “dry” eyeball;
  • The appearance of pain in the visual organ when working at a PC is not allowed;
  • Relieves pupil fatigue;
  • Avoid redness of the sclera;
  • Relieves muscle spasm.


  • When wearing lenses or glasses, vision does not improve very much.

Now Foods dietary supplement is available in the form of practical capsules, which need to be taken 1 piece at a time. in a day. Due to this, they last for as long as 3 months, and, by the way, this is exactly how long you need to drink this remedy to improve your vision.

Doctor's Best, Lutein with OptiLut, 10 mg, 120 Vegetarian Capsules

What allowed this drug to become the best is the presence of organic lutein and its combination with zeaxanthin. Although there are not many of them here, in this combination the food supplement helps maintain the quality of visual function at the proper level and neutralizes the negative effects of free radicals on the eyes. According to experts, for this it is enough to take 2 capsules a day, both during meals and separately from it.


  • Reduces symptoms of eye fatigue;
  • Improves picture clarity and brightness;
  • Eliminate the “veil”;
  • Protect the retina from age-related changes;
  • Easy to swallow.


  • Unpleasant smell and taste;
  • Unnatural color of capsules.

Having decided to choose Lutein with OptiLut, you need to remember that its components accumulate in the body within 1-2 months, so it can be problematic to notice a bright effect before this period.

Which eye vitamins are best?

To improve visual acuity, dietary supplements should contain lutein or blueberries; ideally, the presence of these two components is desirable. If they are supplemented with any other substances (zinc, selenium, ascorbic acid), then the effect on the body promises to be complex.

Here are the nuances you should consider when choosing a particular drug from this rating:

  • To prevent vision deterioration, the best choice would be a complex from Solgar.
  • To eliminate blurred images and strengthen the retina, you can buy dietary supplements from Now Foods.
  • Those who spend a lot of time at the computer and often complain of eye fatigue should pay attention to Eye Factors.
  • If your child is farsighted or nearsighted, after consulting a doctor, it is best to start taking the Jarrow Formulas dietary supplement.
  • To protect your eyes from age-related changes and the negative effects of free radicals, it is recommended to choose Lutein with OptiLut.

Having bought even the best vitamins for the eyes, you cannot be sure that they will help solve absolutely all problems with them. The fact is that there are drugs aimed only at improving vision, relieving fatigue, preventing retinal detachment, and so on. If the product has a complex effect, then it will be simply irreplaceable.

Vitamins for the eyes are useful compounds necessary to strengthen the retina, stabilize the lens, improve tissue microcirculation, eliminate the cutting sensations of the eye and maintain visual acuity. In particular, these are nutrients A, B, C, lutein, selenium, potassium, zinc, omega-3, anthocyanins.

It has been known since school that 80% of the information a person receives is visual. Therefore, it is important to closely monitor the health of your eyes. The modern way of life and scientific and technological progress do not contribute to this. An abundance of blue light sources (mobile phones, computers, tablets, laptops, energy-saving fluorescent lamps), poor diet, bad habits, stress, poor environment undermine the vision of young people, creating fertile ground for the development of eye diseases (cataracts, glaucoma, macular degeneration). To “mitigate” the negative impact of environmental factors on the eye, make up for the lack of vitamins and minerals in the body.

Remember, eye fatigue is not a pathological condition. This is only a symptom, as well as redness and pain, which indicate that against the background of these signs, vision may deteriorate. Don't ignore your body's signals. This is the only way he indicates that he needs help and protection from the outside.

Invisible damage to vision - blue light

It's no secret that gadgets and computers negatively affect human eyes. What is the reason for this phenomenon? The danger of the technique is that it acts as a source of blue light, which promotes the formation of free radicals and reactive oxygen species. These substances oxidize lipids and proteins that make up the membranes of visual cells, damaging the visual apparatus.

To protect the organs of vision from free radicals, nature provides for regular renewal of retinal cells. In addition, photooxidation is prevented by lutein and zeaxtanthin in the visual system. Only these carotenoids penetrate the retina, protecting the eyes from photodamage.

Up to a year, lutein and zeaxanthin are present in the child’s body from birth, but later their synthesis stops, as a result, useful compounds can only be obtained from food.

The largest amount of carotenoids is concentrated in dark green vegetables and yellow-orange fruits. To fill the body’s daily need for compounds, you need to eat 2 kilograms of carrots or 1.5 kilograms of bell pepper and 0.25 kilograms of spinach. This is possible, but problematic, so to improve vision it is recommended to take eye vitamins. The drugs are produced in the form of eye drops, tablets, and capsules.

Who needs vitamins?

First of all, it is recommended to take nutritional supplements for people in the risk category for vision:

  • with varicose veins;
  • for visual impairment (astigmatism, glaucoma, cataracts, myopia, farsightedness);
  • for diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, hypertension;
  • with significant visual load after 40 years;
  • when wearing contact lenses regularly;
  • persons who spend more than 5 hours a day at the computer.

Vitamin and mineral complexes nourish the eyeball, strengthen blood vessels, improve vision, and prevent the development of pathologies (myopia and farsightedness). The composition of the preparations, as a rule, includes plant components (parsley, blueberries, carrots), which have a beneficial effect on the condition of the eye.

Natural source of vitamins

Carrots and blueberries play a key role in preventing vision changes.

In the human body, beta-carotene is metabolized, then moves through the blood vessels and reaches the visual cells of the retina, where sunlight is perceived and converted into a nerve impulse that enters the brain.

The beneficial properties of blueberries are due to the presence of anthocyanin. The compound supplies the retina with nutrients, increases the activity of its enzymes, strengthens blood vessels, and reduces eye fatigue. Blueberries are recommended for drivers and people who regularly read in low-light conditions or work a lot in front of a monitor.

With progressive myopia, the berry, together with, stops pathological changes in the tissues of the eye and supports vision.

Remember, the benefits will be maximum if you alternate the consumption of a variety of fruits, vegetables and foods rich in dietary fiber and omega acids. To avoid addiction and reduced effectiveness, do not give preference to one ingredient.

Let's look at which foods, besides blueberries and carrots, contain natural vitamins and carotenoids to maintain visual acuity:

  • spinach;
  • onion and garlic;
  • chicken eggs;
  • broccoli;
  • black chocolate;
  • fish (tuna, sardine, herring), fish oil;
  • nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, peanuts) and sunflower seeds;
  • fruits (citrus fruits, apricots, kiwi, apples, bananas);
  • corn;
  • beans;
  • peas;
  • sweet potato;
  • pumpkin;
  • orange pepper;
  • zucchini;
  • prunes;
  • white and Brussels sprouts;
  • dairy products.

It is recommended to eat these products raw or include them in dishes (salads, casseroles, vegetable caviar). After heat treatment, they are more easily absorbed by the body, while the amount of components useful for vision in them is reduced by 15–30%.

According to research results, built on a combination of products from the above groups, it prevents the risk of developing diseases of the organs of vision, protects against cataracts, free radicals, prevents macular degeneration and improves tissue metabolism.

What vitamins are needed for the eyes?

A deficiency of nutrients in the body leads to a disruption in the perception of information by the visual organs.

A deficiency contributes to the appearance of a feeling of “sand” in the eyes, involuntary twitching of the eyelids, and causes hemeralopia or “night blindness,” which in an advanced state leads to melting of the cornea.

By using a multivitamin complex for vision, you will correct the immediate problem and prevent the development of associated pathologies.

List of nutrients to support eye health:

  1. Vitamin A. Strengthens the cornea, improves visual acuity, and maintains the ability to see clearly at dusk. Food sources of retinol: milk, fatty fish, rowan, carrots, parsley, spinach. The daily requirement for the compound for an adult is 1.5 milligrams.
  2. . Keeps the eye muscles in tone, resists hemorrhages, reduces the risk of cataracts and glaucoma, supports regenerative processes in the cornea and participates in reactions that provide the visual organs with oxygen. Natural sources of ascorbic acid: citrus fruits, cabbage, sea buckthorn, garden greens, chokeberry. The daily norm is 100 milligrams.
  3. . Normalizes intraocular pressure, is responsible for the condition of the pupil, the quality of transmission of nerve impulses from the brain to the organs of vision, and resists glaucoma. Thiamine is found in brewer's yeast, bran, wholemeal flour products, and liver. The daily norm is 1 – 2.5 milligrams.
  4. Vitamin B2. Strengthens the capillary network in the organs of vision, improves pupil performance. Riboflavin is present in almonds, fresh peas, egg yolks, cheese, liver, and cottage cheese. The daily dose varies from 1.5 to 3 milligrams.
  5. . Participates in stabilizing the functioning of nerve fibers in the organs of vision and maintains normal blood circulation in the eyes. Products rich in cyanocobalamin: fish, herring, offal, beef, milk, cheese. The daily dose ranges from 2 to 4 milligrams.
  6. Lutein. Strengthens the retina and lens, protects the eye from pathological changes, ensures the full functioning of the eye, and slows down the development of age-related macular degeneration. In addition, the carotenoid reflects harmful blue light, suppresses the formation of free radicals, and improves the performance of neurons in the central zone of the retina (bioelectric activity and light sensitivity). Lutein exhibits antioxidant properties, increases visual acuity, and reduces the negative effects of solar radiation. The compound is present in the following parts of the eye: ciliary body, macula area, lens, iris, choroid. A lack of lutein threatens the formation of macular dystrophy, diabetic angiopathy, glaucoma, and cataracts. The best natural sources of carotenoid: kale, broccoli, spinach, cantaloupe, peaches, oranges, pumpkin, corn, raspberries, beets, tomato juice. To maintain eye health, the daily norm is 6 – 10 milligrams.
  7. Anthocyanins. They are antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds that protect against the development of retinopathy, strengthen the walls of the retinal blood vessels, and remove lipofuscin from the eye tissues. Anthocyanins relieve fatigue and visual tension. The largest amount of useful substances is concentrated in blueberries and black currants. The daily norm is 100 milligrams.
  8. . A lack of the mineral in the body leads to a deterioration in the ability of the lens to absorb glucose. Zinc deficiency over a long period of time increases the likelihood of cataracts. The trace element is found in pumpkin seeds, asparagus, poultry, eggs, beef liver, seafood, and fish. The daily requirement is 10 milligrams.
  9. . Prevents the accumulation of oxidation products and age-related destruction of the visual apparatus, protects eye tissue from the influence of oxygen radicals. Products containing selenium: seaweed, crabs, squid, buckwheat, oatmeal, garlic, olive oil, lard. The daily dose is 0.06 milligrams.
  10. Omega-3. Improves nutrition, microcirculation of the eyeball, keeps the retina healthy, prevents the development of inflammatory processes. Remember, the human body does not synthesize the compound, so it is important to monitor the regular intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids from food. Sources of omega-3 acids: flaxseeds, rapeseed oil, walnuts. The daily norm is 1000 – 2500 milligrams.
  11. . Stimulates blood supply to the organs of vision, prevents their weakness and aging. The trace element is found in fish, milk, apples, cranberries, parsley, dried apricots, raisins, and honey. The daily requirement is 4000 milligrams.

To maintain normal and improve vision, it is recommended to saturate your diet with foods containing carotenoids and regularly take vitamin and mineral complexes twice a year.

Vitamins for eyes: capsules and tablets

When using medications, remember that their spectrum of action extends to the entire body. Therefore, for urgent relief of the patient’s condition, it is better to give preference to “liquid” vitamins in drops, which act faster and more efficiently.

Popular tablet vitamins for the eyes:

  1. "Lutein Complex". This is a powerful restorative drug that is indicated for severe visual stress, for elderly people with glaucoma, cataracts or retinal dystrophy. Take one to three tablets per day with meals. Preventive course of treatment – ​​2 months.
  2. "Optics". Prescribed for people suffering from night blindness, diabetes, and problems with the lens and retina. In addition, the drug is recommended for people with irregular diet. The course of treatment is 3 months. Take one tablet orally per day with meals.
  3. Doppelhertz Active. The main components of the supplement: blueberry extract, retinol, lutein. Helps regenerative processes, improves blood circulation in the eyes, recommended for restoring vision after eye surgery. Taking the dietary supplement is allowed without a doctor's prescription. Take tablets once a day for 2 – 4 months. The effectiveness of the drug depends on regular use.
  4. "Strix with blueberries." Relieves discomfort in the organs of vision. These vitamins can be taken as a preventive measure for people who spend a lot of time at the computer or constantly work with welding. The course of treatment is 30 days. Take one tablet per day.
  5. "Tearful." Resists degenerative processes in the eyes that begin to develop in old age. In addition, this drug can be used by young people with vision pathologies of various etiologies. Slezavit relieves eye strain, so it is prescribed to children during intensive growth, to drivers who drive for long periods of time, when wearing contact lenses, and when working in low light conditions. The course of admission is one month. Take one capsule per day with food for adults and children over 3 years of age.
  6. "Focus". Prevents retinal destruction and the development of eye diseases. The drug should not be used by children under 14 years of age. The course of treatment is 1.5 – 2 months. Take one tablet once a day.
  7. "Vitrum Vision". Improves metabolism in the ocular analyzer, protects against the negative effects of free radicals, enhances visual acuity, strengthens the vascular system of the eye, and accelerates its recovery after surgery or injuries.

Indications for use: myopia, worsening dark adaptation, dystrophic diseases of the retina, long hours of work at the computer, night blindness, diabetic retinopathy. Vitrum Vision take one tablet in the morning and evening after meals. The course of therapy is 3 months.

The following vitamin complexes for adults are also useful for the eyes: “Blueberry Forte”, “Aevit”, “Super Optic”, “Lutein-Complex”. To maintain the vision of a growing child's body, Vitrum Kids, Pikovit, Mertilen-Forte, Strix, Mirticam are suitable. An alternative to vitamin tablet complexes are eye drops. However, they can only be instilled after a prescription from an ophthalmologist.

Remember, failing vision is a disaster for any person. Take regular care of your eyes, even if nothing bothers you. It is better to prevent a problem than to treat it, and this is easier to do with the help of nutrients.

Vitamins for eyes: drops

They are used to prevent age-related processes in the area of ​​the lens, cornea, prevent the appearance of cataracts, scars, keratitis and restore vision after hemorrhage.

To achieve a good result, eye vitamins in drops should be combined with calcium, zinc, lutein, retinol, ascorbic acid, tocopherol, thiamine, riboflavin, cyanocobalamin. Thanks to their wide “radius” of action, “liquid” drugs treat visual disorders and prevent their recurrence.

Vitamin eye drops:

  1. "Riboflavin". Relieves tension, improves visual functions, eliminates the inflammatory process in the organs of vision. It is used for systematically high eye fatigue, for healing wounds after a burn or irritation of the eye mucosa.
  2. "Taufon". Neutralizes the effects of dry eye, relieves redness, inflammation, fatigue, heals the mucous membrane or cornea if damaged, improves oxygen supply to eye tissue.
  3. "Sankatalin", "Quinax". They get rid of goosebumps before the eyes, help optimize visual functions, and fight inflammation due to cataracts.
  4. "Cromohexal", "Octilia", "Prenacid". Eliminates the consequences of an allergic reaction: burning, itching, tearing. The positive effect is achieved after 2 – 3 days. Used to treat conjunctivitis of allergic origin.
  5. "Katachrome Vitafacol", "Katachrome", "Vitafacol". Neutralizes the feeling of dryness in the eyes, cleanses the lens. Used in the initial stages of cataract development.
  6. "Ifiral", "High-Krom". Relieve irritation of the mucous membrane, excessive fatigue of the visual organs, combat cutting sensations, burning, dryness in the eye area.
  7. Japanese vitamin drops. Eliminate discomfort when wearing contact lenses, blepharitis, and prolonged stay in a brightly lit place.

Depending on the drug and symptoms, you need to instill eye drops from 2 to 6 times a day. The regimen, duration of treatment and type of medication are prescribed by the ophthalmologist individually based on the patient’s clinical picture.


Vitamin complexes, proper nutrition, daily eye exercises, and proper regular rest are an affordable way to maintain normal vision and prevent the development of pathological eye conditions.

Remember, our eyes reflect our overall health, so by replenishing the lack of vitamins, micro and in the body, we restore visual acuity, while strengthening the immune system and preserving beauty.

Modern traditional medicine has made great progress in the treatment of the organ of vision, but doctors still do not connect eye health with the general condition of the human body. Few of the people who consulted an ophthalmologist were advised by the specialist to improve their diet, even though this is common sense. Poor nutrition directly affects the deterioration of eye function, so care must be taken to ensure that the body receives all the necessary substances. What foods contain eye vitamins? How to choose a suitable vitamin complex from pharmaceutical preparations?

Essential vitamins in foods for eye health

Vitamins play a significant role in the body’s functioning and metabolism. Some of them are synthesized by the body on its own, but we get most of them from food. It is wrong to think that vitamins are divided according to their action - some are useful for the circulatory system, others for bones, etc. They are complex in nature, but there are certain substances that bring maximum benefit to such a fragile human organ as the eyes. These include vitamins of groups A, B, C, E.

  1. Vitamin A (retinol). It stimulates the growth and reproduction of new cells, improves immunity. This vitamin is very important for vision, as it is responsible for human night vision. A deficiency of this substance leads to impaired color perception, deterioration of vision in the dark, and drying out of the cells of the cornea and conjunctiva. As a result, there is a risk of developing conjunctivitis (an infectious disease). Vitamin A is contained in foods: rose hips, dill, fatty fish, red carrots, rowan berries, pumpkin, prunes, butter, cottage cheese, milk, liver, sour cream.
  2. Vitamin C. This substance performs many functions in the human body - it regulates carbohydrate metabolism, collagen synthesis, redox reactions, participates in tissue renewal, normalizes capillary permeability and blood clotting. As an antioxidant, vitamin C reduces the risk of cataracts and glaucoma and slows down already manifested disease. The substance takes part in regulating intraocular pressure and prevents diseases of the eye tissue. Contained in berries, citrus fruits, herbs, apples, cabbage, bell peppers.
  3. Vitamin E. A strong antioxidant reduces the risk of fiber detachment, prevents cataracts and supports vision in diabetes. The vitamin takes an active part in the normalization of blood clotting, protein metabolism, improves blood flow and increases muscle tone in humans. We get vitamin E from plant products - sunflower, sea buckthorn, olive, flaxseed, corn and other oils. However, it is also present in small quantities in meat, liver, milk, and eggs.
  4. Vitamin B group. Their main mission is to produce energy and participate in tissue respiration. These substances ensure healthy functioning of the nerves; a lack of B vitamins primarily affects vision. Substances in this group have a positive effect on the body, similar to antioxidants. The most famous are B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12. They are found in legumes, nuts, liver, dairy products, meat, mushrooms, grains, bran, vegetables, eggs, and fish. Choose the one that suits you.

Form of release of vitamins for the eyes and which ones are better

Vitamins for the eyes are complex products that contain the necessary substances to maintain the activity of the visual system. Thus, there are medicinal complexes specially created for the treatment or prevention of age-related diseases, for example, glaucoma, cataracts, and macular degeneration. An alternative type of multivitamin is used in the treatment of impaired twilight vision, farsightedness or myopia. These types of drugs are sold freely in pharmacies, without requiring a doctor's prescription.

The modern range of vitamin complexes for the eyes allows you to choose any convenient form for the prevention and treatment of vision:

  • eye drops;
  • pills;
  • ampoules.

Vitamins in drops

Multivitamin liquid preparations for the eyes have gained great popularity, which is associated with their maximum effectiveness - they achieve their goal faster, and their action is more targeted. But doctors are skeptical about eye drops, which is due to the negative consequences of frequent irritation of the cornea with such substances. There is a list of indications when eye drops are approved for use. They should be used when there is high strain on the eyes (long-term work at the computer) or when the eyes are irritated (especially if the cause is wearing lenses).

In tablets

Eye vitamins in tablet form are a traditional option. Their advantages are obvious, because the tablets are convenient to take anywhere and at the right time. Tablet vitamin complexes are taken in courses, and not year-round: in winter, when the body experiences vitamin deficiency, and in the fall - as preparation for the winter period of vitamin deficiency. Taking this type of medication does not need to be coordinated with a doctor; you can buy them at any pharmacy.

In ampoules

Eye multivitamin complexes in ampoules are much less common than in other forms. Almost all of them have a similar composition, but each drug differs in some way, which makes it possible to make the optimal choice. The type of injection can be determined solely by the attending physician, based on the diagnosis and the condition of the patient’s eyes. Injections should only be carried out by a specialist, since incorrect execution of the procedure will lead to serious consequences (injury to the eyeball, infection, hematoma).

List of multivitamin complexes to improve vision

Pharmacies offer various vitamin preparations for the eyes, containing the necessary vitamins, trace elements, and minerals that support the normal functioning of all structures and cells of the organ of vision. The complexes consist of vitamins in various combinations and dosages, microelements (zinc, copper, selenium) and two bioactive substances - lutein and zeaxanthin. The latter play a very important role for vision because they have an effect similar to that of antioxidants. They increase the resistance of the cornea to the influence of unfavorable factors of the external world.

Thanks to lutein and zeaxanthin, vision remains sharp in all conditions, even under prolonged strain. The best vitamins always contain these substances. The modern selection of vitamin complexes for the eyes includes drugs that have different effects on the organ of vision: for prevention, accelerated tissue healing, treatment of chronic diseases, stopping progressive vision loss. Here is a list of the names of eye vitamins that have the effect of improving vision:

  • Strix
  • Tianshi (Japanese eye drops with vitamins)
  • Taufon
  • Aisotin
  • Vita-Iodural
  • Okulakhel
  • Slezavit
  • Evalar
  • Leovit
  • Emoxipin
  • Safe to see
  • Aloe extract according to Filatov
  • Maxivision

Eye vitamins Super Optic

Eye vitamins are rich in lutein, therefore they are the optimal remedy for restoring vision when it decreases due to fatigue, stress or irritation of the eyeball. Super Optic is considered one of the best multivitamin complexes for vision on the domestic market; they relieve itching, redness and reduce eye pressure under heavy stress.

Doppelhertz active vitamins with lutein

Doppel herz – German eye vitamins containing lutein (an antioxidant that renews eye cells). Due to the high volume of this substance in the drug, Doppelherz is ideal for restoring vision after any mechanical damage or surgery. According to reviews, such vitamins normalize visual acuity and maintain it for a long time.

Blueberry forte for myopia

The basis of the drug “Blueberry Forte” is blueberry fruit extract. The pigments of these berries (anthocyanins) act as antioxidants, improve metabolic processes in the body and eye tissues, and serve as an angioprotector - correcting microcirculation. This medicine contains zinc, ascorbic acid, B vitamins and rutin, which provide additional protection to the blood vessels of the visual organ. Blueberries forte are recommended as vitamins for the eyes when working at the computer, as they prevent fatigue during prolonged exercise.

Vitamins Focus

The composition of the drug Focus includes blueberry extract. It effectively prevents vision deterioration, maintaining its sharpness at the same level. These vitamins, according to reviews, reduce eye fatigue and eliminate symptoms of fatigue (relieve redness, itching). People who have used the drug note improved well-being and restoration of eye health.

Strix when working at the computer

Strix is ​​recommended for use when working at a computer for a long time or performing welding work. The drug is effective in relieving eye fatigue and normalizing their ability to focus. However, vitamins have an equal number of positive and negative reviews. The latter are due to the lack of improvement in vision in 50% of people who used the drug, and positive reviews are associated with the elimination of irritation and eye fatigue.

Vitrum contains a set of vitamins necessary for healthy vision and blueberry extract. This composition makes the drug effective for restoring vision even with severe stress on the lens. Vitrum Vision perfectly maintains visual acuity, relieves eye fatigue and associated discomfort. The drug is not effective in the fight against eye diseases, but vitamins have been proven to have a positive effect on the eyeball that has undergone laser vision correction.

Vitamin B2 or Riboflavin is involved in metabolic processes occurring in the cornea and lens of the eye. It transforms carbohydrates into energy needed by the eye muscles and stimulates the process of oxygen metabolism - this maintains a person’s vision at a normal level. Vitamin B2 is found in visual purple, which protects the pupil from ultraviolet radiation. If the body lacks it, visual acuity in the evening decreases sharply. Riboflavin should be taken as a prophylactic against cataracts, diseases of the retina, cornea and optic nerve.

Children's eye vitamins to improve vision

Children need eye multivitamin complexes no less than adults, since their eyes are subject to severe stress during games and learning. To maintain your child’s vision, it is worth giving him special eye vitamins for children. However, please note that not all dosage forms of such drugs are safe. Give your child only proven products. For example:

  • Visualon
  • Doppelhertz with lutein
  • Vivasan
  • Duovit
  • Taufon
  • Optix
  • SuperOptic
  • Littleone
  • Maxilex
  • Moller
  • Glazokyvait
  • Will direct
  • Normophthal
