Contraceptives for cats and dogs. What contraceptives exist for cats: types, names


The veterinary pharmacological industry offers a large selection of modern effective drugs for normalizing and regulating the sexual activity of cats. Owners of furry purrs should be prepared for the fact that during estrus (estrus) the psycho-emotional state of their furry pets changes greatly. Cats become capricious, meow heart-rendingly, purr all day long, attracting individuals of the opposite sex, and can cause mischief and mark the apartment. To normalize sexual activity and prevent unwanted pregnancy, if a cat is walking on the street, you can purchase hormonal contraceptives for animals in pet stores.

Types of contraceptives

Estrus (estrus), sexual desire, hunting, birth of offspring are natural physiological processes and needs of all living beings without exception. Before purchasing a cat, it is important to decide for yourself how the natural instincts of your furry pet will be controlled without harm to its health. If a cat is outdoors, it usually comes into heat twice a year. In domesticated pets who do not leave the threshold of the house, sexual desire is noted more often, and at the same time in any season of the year.

To regulate, suppress, interrupt estrus (estrus), prevent unwanted pregnancy, and correct behavior, you can use special medicinal contraceptives for animals, but only after the onset of physiological puberty.

Today, pet stores and veterinary pharmacies offer a large selection of oral contraceptives for animals, which are available in the form of:

  • tablets (sugar cubes);
  • suspensions;
  • injections;
  • drops

Oral contraceptives for cats, regardless of the dosage form, may contain mostly synthetic hormones or herbal components (a more modern version).

Chemical hormonal agents can provoke a false pregnancy with all the ensuing consequences. Low-hormonal contraceptives suppress and reduce sexual desire and sexual activity in animals. Veterinary preparations on a natural basis - correct.

Contraceptives based on natural ingredients are practically harmless to animals. Can be prescribed to normalize hormonal levels.

Contraception in injections

Contraceptive injections are an effective way to regulate and prevent estrus. The effect after using the products lasts from 4 to 6 months. The first time the injection should be administered to a veterinarian. Subsequent injections can be given independently a few days before the start of the expected estrus.

Advantages of this method:

  • prolonged effect, 99.9% result;
  • ease of use.

After stopping the veterinary medication, cats can become pregnant again and give birth to healthy offspring.

The disadvantages include: the possibility of side effects, a high risk of complications!

Oral contraceptives

Oral contraceptives for furry pets are presented in the form of drops, tablets, and sugar cubes. They can be hormonal (highly dosed) or natural based (contain hormones in minimal concentrations). The first group provokes a false pregnancy, the second group suppresses sexual desire and prevents the onset of estrus.

Oral contraceptives should be given to cats, strictly adhering to the instructions for the drug.

The safest drugs

All hormonal contraceptives for animals, which are available in pet stores, clinics, and veterinary pharmacies, must be given to females from the first to third day after the onset of estrus. Veterinary preparations of plant origin - from the first day.

All medicinal contraceptives can be used in cats after 8–12 months. Otherwise, you can provoke hormonal imbalance, physiological disorders in the body of pets, and endocrine pathologies.

The dosage of veterinary medications that prevent unwanted pregnancy, depending on the composition, is calculated taking into account the body weight of the animals and the physiological characteristics of the body.

The most effective, safe contraceptives for animals:

  1. Sex barrier. Suppresses sexual desire, corrects unwanted behavior, prevents unwanted fertilization. Produced in drops and tablets.
  2. Stop intimate. An effective oral contraceptive, the action of which is aimed at suppressing sexual desire and normalizing behavioral signs in cats. Available in bottles in the form of drops on the withers.
  3. Contrasex in drops, tablets. To prevent unwanted pregnancy. Refers to high-hormonal veterinary drugs.
  4. Gestrenol. Tablets for oral use. Regulates the behavior of cats during sexual hunting, reduces sexual arousal.
  5. Nonoestrone. The active ingredient is megestrol acetate. Oral contraceptive tablets for cats. Inhibits ovarian function and is guaranteed to protect against pregnancy. It is acceptable to use in any phase of the reproductive cycle. Corrects the behavior of young cats. During estrus, cats are given one tablet for ten days.
  6. EX 7.5. A product for regulating sexual heat and behavior of cats. Available in polymer dropper bottles in the form of a suspension or tablets. Can be used for cats and kittens. The active ingredient is megestrol acetate. It has an effect on the hypothalamic-pituitary system, blocks the production of gonadotropic hormones, which leads to suppression of sexual desire. Prescribed to interrupt and delay estrus.
  7. Ceva Sante Animale (France). A safe medicinal contraceptive for cats, the effect of which is aimed at delaying estrus, suppressing sexual desire, preventing unwanted pregnancy, and eliminating unfavorable behavioral symptoms during sexual activity.
  8. Libidomin. The veterinary drug inhibits the secretion of sex hormones, prevents the onset of ovulation, and eliminates the aggression of cats during heat.

When choosing contraceptive medications for your beloved cat, in order not to harm your pet’s health, we strongly recommend consulting with a veterinarian. Do not forget that such veterinary drugs, if used incorrectly or not in compliance with the dosage, can provoke hormonal imbalance, pyometra, endometriosis, cancer, and other serious disorders in the body of animals.

Possible complications

Long-term, incorrect use of chemical medicinal contraceptives for cats can lead to disruption of the functioning of the endocrine system, so before using veterinary medications, carefully read the instructions and follow the recommended dosages.

Hormonal contraceptives should absolutely not be given to pregnant, lactating cats, or animals diagnosed with chronic pathologies or inflammatory processes in the organs of the reproductive system.

According to veterinary experts, any hormonal oral or injectable contraceptives, when taken for a long time, do not have the best effect on the health of furry purrs. In addition, such veterinary medications are not recommended for use if the animal suffers from systemic chronic diseases, diabetes mellitus, or endocrine disorders.

Remember: disorders caused by contraceptive drugs most often have to be treated surgically.

If you do not plan to engage in breeding work, veterinary experts recommend sterilizing your pet. This is the safest, most effective way to solve the problem.

The behavior of cats changes with the onset of puberty. When a cat wants a cat, he becomes active, intrusive, begins to “mark” corners in an attempt to attract a female, behaves inappropriately, and meows loudly. It is clear that such behavior irritates the owners of the animal, and is also difficult for the cat to tolerate.

Fortunately, modern veterinary medicine can offer many effective drugs that help cats safely survive the difficult period of sexual activity. In this article we will look at what remedies (drops, tablets) for walking can help your pet.

A cat reaches sexual maturity between its eighth and tenth month of life. It is at this time that the owners of the animal learn for the first time how their pet behaves during the mating season. Most cat owners expect unpleasant surprises: the animal’s behavior usually changes for the worse. From a calm and imposing cat becomes restless, aggressive, looking for something, aiming at corners. On top of everything else, a cat, clouded by “passion,” loses its appetite, as a result of which it noticeably loses weight.

And if cats come into heat only during certain periods: as a rule, once every 4 weeks, then cats with the onset of puberty can and are ready to mate constantly. If the cat is not bred, the logical solution is either castration or reducing the animal’s desire with the help of special drugs.

We note, however, that almost all drugs for cats labeled “anti-sex” contain hormones, so such drugs should not be abused. It is worth using hormonal-based drugs only in extreme cases, when it is necessary to calm the animal, and its behavior has already gone beyond what is acceptable and causes both the owners and the cat itself severe discomfort.


The simplest option is to calm the animal using special tablets. Modern veterinary medicine can offer a choice of two types of drugs:

  • calming;
  • hormonal.


Sedative drugs are made on a herbal basis. Such tablets must be given to the cat several times a day so that the animal remains calm and behaves appropriately. The composition of calming tablets for cats includes the following herbs:

  • mint;
  • plantain;
  • cottonweed;
  • motherwort, etc.

Please note that the effect of sedative tablets is always temporary, and a 100% positive result in this case cannot be guaranteed. The most famous and most often used are sedative tablets such as:

  • Cat Baiyun;
  • Stop Stress.


These party remedies are much more potent and have many more side effects. These tablets contain special antihistamines, as well as hormones that significantly change the natural “course of events” in the cat’s body.

The effect of hormonal pills is aimed at reducing the production of testosterone: it is this hormone in cats (and in humans) that is responsible for aggression and sexual activity. Note that usually taking hormonal pills causes, along with a decrease in libido, drowsiness and lethargy in a cat. The most commonly used tablets in this category are:

  • AntiSex;
  • Sex barrier.

The tablets are used as follows: either placed under the root of the cat’s tongue, or crushed and added to food.

Video on how to give a cat a pill:


Drugs in this form are much easier to “feed” to a cat, since the liquid solution can be added to food and drink, whereas this is difficult to do with tablets. Today, in any veterinary clinic you can purchase many suitable drops, but most often they give preference to the following:

  • Cat Baiyun;
  • Contra sex;
  • Sex barrier.

Contra-sex and Sex-barrier products operate on approximately the same principle: they are both hormonal and lead to the suppression of the animal’s sexual instinct. The drops are oil-based and are available in standard bottles equipped with a dropper dispenser. As a result of the use of these drugs, the cat temporarily loses its sexual instinct and, accordingly, stops hunting attempts. Note that the drugs are independently eliminated from the cat’s body after 15 days.

Hormonal drops Sex Barrier lead to a noticeable decrease in sexual desire in cats. The animal's excitement subsides, and its behavior becomes “socially acceptable.”

Stop intimate

This is a milder remedy than Sex Barrier, but also hormonal. The product is used when the cat’s sexual instinct is not too clearly expressed.


This hormonal-based remedy will help quickly reduce your cat’s sexual activity and calm him down. Note that this drug is now chosen by both private cat owners and professional breeders. Gestrenol in the form of drops can naturally affect sexual behavior, inhibiting it. In addition, the product reduces the aggressiveness of the animal, eliminates such a side effect of the sexual instinct as “marking” the territory.


Hormonal preparation containing bio-additives. It is well capable of inhibiting the sexual activity of animals. Note that this product is often used as a contraceptive for cats. After its use, sexual desire temporarily disappears completely. It is recommended to start using this remedy as soon as the cat begins to show the first signs of sexual activity. The dosage of the drug is calculated depending on the body weight of the animal.

Note that when using drops, the cat is not at all deprived of the opportunity to have offspring in the future, therefore, if it is necessary to reduce the sexual instinct in breeding animals, this method can be much more humane than, say, castration.

Whatever anti-sex drops you choose for your cat, they all have approximately the same algorithm for use. Next, we will consider the main points that you should pay attention to when using such drops.

Before administering the drops, shake the bottle thoroughly: it is important that the sediment can dissolve properly.

You can drip directly onto the animal’s tongue or add the drug to the food. The last option is suitable if the animal has not completely lost its appetite. Drops should be added to food no earlier than an hour or two before feeding your pet.

Important: Within one year, you cannot conduct more than two courses of “treatment” of cats with hormonal drugs. Exceeding the recommended dosage can lead to dangerous and sometimes irreversible consequences.

Side effects

Like any medications, sedatives and especially hormonal medications for cats can also cause a variety of side effects. Thus, sedatives often cause, along with a decrease in libido, lethargy and drowsiness in the animal. The cat may temporarily become apathetic, without interest in responding to any external stimuli.

Often, under the influence of drugs, an animal's appetite decreases. During the period of taking the drugs, a cat can lose up to several kilograms of weight in this way.

Hormonal agents should be used with even greater caution. It is recommended to give your cat pills or drops with hormones only after a thorough examination of the animal at a veterinary clinic. The fact is that hormonal drugs have a lot of serious contraindications and are prohibited for use in certain diseases.

You cannot use hormonal drugs for cat desire in the following cases:

  • if the cat has pathologies of the genitourinary system;
  • with existing oncology;
  • if the cat has not yet reached the age of sexual maturity.

Sometimes hormonal drugs lead to the following unpleasant side effects:

  • an increase in the cat’s body weight;
  • too much appetite;
  • behavior change.

If hormonal-based drugs are used uncontrollably, the dosage is exceeded or the course is too long, dangerous “side effects” are likely to appear, such as:

  • diabetes;
  • pathology of the adrenal cortex (atrophy);
  • disruptions in the functioning of the endocrine and genitourinary systems;

Let us additionally note that you can give hormonal drugs to a cat only once a day: exceeding the dosage is unacceptable.

Castration as a way out

If the cat’s owners are not ready to tolerate his behavior, risk the pet’s health by constantly feeding him hormonal drugs, and the cat is not valuable for breeding, the question of castration of the animal arises. This surgical operation will relieve the cat and its owners from the side effects of the animal’s sexual activity: territory marking, unbearable behavior, loud “concerts”.

Castration is the removal of a cat's sex glands: the operation leads to a complete loss of the animal's reproductive instinct. After the operation, the cat is deprived of the opportunity to have offspring for the rest of his life, but he usually stops marking his territory.

Note that castration makes cats calm and lazy; after this operation, the animal often gains weight, sometimes to the point of obesity. Therefore, after castration, it is necessary to monitor your pet’s diet especially carefully, preventing the animal from overeating.

All drugs are thus reduced to only two options: either hormonal drugs, or lighter ones - sedatives. Which one to choose must be decided on a case-by-case basis with a veterinarian: this will require an examination of the animal for existing contraindications and general health.

Like all living things, cats strive to reproduce. When an animal is deprived of this opportunity, this is manifested by behavioral characteristics: the pet leaves marks in the wrong places, gets restless and meows often.

Cats reach sexual maturity at 8 months, and owners have to think about how to solve the problem of sexual activity in their pets. Modern pharmaceuticals provide a wide selection of different means to cope with the situation, and choosing birth control for cats is not difficult.

Contraceptives for cats: description and classification by type of effect

The effect of contraceptives on the animal’s body is manifested in the fact that the active components of the drug affect the production of hormones, and this makes it possible to suppress the cat’s desire to mate.

Contraceptive drugs calm the cat and suppress sexual desire.

Medications are conventionally divided into two types according to the nature of their effect on the animal’s body:

  • Low-dose hormonal-based drugs that have a mild sedative effect and help suppress the animal’s sexual activity.
  • High-dose hormonal drugs, the effect of which is manifested in the appearance of symptoms of “false pregnancy”. This allows the animal to calm down, since the cat has the erroneous feeling that its function of procreation has been completed.

Birth control for cats is available in the form of tablets, drops and injection solutions.

Contraceptive injections for cats: effects and list of popular drugs

Injectable solutions can relieve a cat from estrus for a period of 6 to 12 months. They must be introduced shortly before the start of this process, after consulting with your veterinarian.

The advantages of contraceptive injections include ease of use, as well as the fact that after discontinuation of the drug, the cat will be able to reproduce freely. However, the disadvantages of this method of contraception cannot be ignored, since injection solutions can cause side effects in various organs and systems, and they cannot be used for animals that are over 5 years old.

The drug Depo Promon suppresses estrus in cats.

The most popular means of this type are:

  • "Depot Promon". This veterinary drug was invented in the USA and is actively used to suppress estrus in animals. In addition, the active ingredients of the drug affect certain brain centers, as a result of which the production of hormones decreases and ovulation becomes impossible. For this reason, the animal cannot become pregnant during the period of action of the drug.
  • « ». The medicine can eliminate symptoms for up to six months. It must be administered early because it is not a guaranteed way to prevent unnecessary pregnancy, but only reduces the animal's sexual activity and prevents the onset of estrus.
  • Depo Provera. The effect of the drug is similar to Depo Promon, but its cost is higher. However, side effects resulting from the use of this medicinal composition occur much less frequently than when using other contraceptives.

Attention! In cases where the product is used for the first time, it will be better if the first injection is carried out by a veterinarian after a thorough examination of the animal. Subsequently, you can administer the medicinal composition yourself.

Birth control pills: how the drugs work and what methods are used most often

Tablets to prevent unwanted pregnancy in cats are of natural and chemical origin.

Natural products contain plant components, which reduces the risk of side effects in the animal. However, the effect of these medications is short-lived, and there is a high probability that pregnancy will still occur.

Chemical-based drugs are considered more effective; they are long-acting contraceptives for cats. However, we cannot exclude the possibility that they may negatively affect the pet’s health.

The drug for cats Antisex calms the pet and stops estrus.

The most commonly used types of birth control pills are:

  • "Libidomin" The drug prevents ovulation and reduces the animal's aggressiveness and excitability.
  • « ». Minimizes sexual desire and helps prevent unwanted pregnancy.
  • « ». Eliminates manifestations of sexual activity in cats and helps avoid pregnancy.
  • « ». It affects the brain centers and guarantees a sedative effect, which reduces the production of hormones and eliminates signs of sexual arousal.
  • Helps block ovulation, stop estrus and reduce the animal's excitability.

The disadvantage of contraceptives in this form is a certain difficulty in use. Not every animal is able to obediently swallow a medicine, and owners have to make a lot of effort to give the cat a pill.

Contraceptive drops: mechanism of action and list of effective means

Drops have the same effect on cats' bodies as tablets, but their advantage is their ease of use. It is much easier to instill a drug than to force an animal to swallow a crushed tablet, not to mention “stuffing” it whole.

Many medicines are produced in both tablet and drop form.

The most common are:

  • "Sex barrier";
  • "Counter-sex";

The listed medications can be found in veterinary pharmacies in any release form and you can choose the most preferable option.

Sterilization as an alternative to contraceptives

Despite the high effectiveness of medications to prevent unwanted pregnancy, many cat owners decide to resort to. This is advisable in cases where there is a need to completely deprive an animal of the ability to reproduce, and not to reduce its sexual activity for a certain period.

Neutering a cat is a very effective method to prevent unwanted pregnancies.

The obvious advantages of this method of solving the problem are the following factors:

  • Consistency. The intervention allows us to solve the problem of unwanted pregnancy once and for all, and medications must be used regularly.
  • Elimination of behavioral manifestations. And after sterilization, the animal ceases to fall into aggression, which invariably arises due to unrealized sexuality, and becomes calmer and more flexible.
  • Reducing the risk of cancer. It has been proven that sterilized cats are much less likely to suffer from uterine problems.

Despite the obvious advantages, many breeders, even not wanting to get offspring from a cat later, avoid surgery for the following reasons:

  • Difficulty of surgery. Sterilization can negatively affect the health of the animal, and will also require special care during the rehabilitation period.
  • Irreversibility of the operation. Many breeders are not ready to completely give up on getting offspring from a pet at least once. The surgical method completely eliminates this possibility.
  • Possible complications. The risk of developing urolithiasis after surgery increases significantly.
  • Difficulty feeding. Neutered and otherwise there is a high probability of obesity.

After sterilization, the cat needs post-operative care.

On a note! Many people mistakenly believe that before sterilization, a cat needs to give birth to offspring at least once. This is a misconception because the risk of complications in cats that have given birth is much higher than in cats that have not given birth. For this reason, intervention should be carried out at the onset of sexual maturity, as well as before the appearance of the first estrus and behavioral signs of heat. In other words, it is better to perform the operation between the ages of 7 and 12 months.

The desire of cats to leave behind as many offspring as possible is due to nature.

Cats go into heat, which affects the behavior of cats. At the age of 7-9 months, cats become full-fledged animals. At this time they can already become pregnant. Cats can give birth several times a year, but frequent births have an extremely negative impact on the health of the animal.

Owners of full-fledged cats also face a number of problems. An animal constantly needs two females to satisfy its natural needs. It is quite difficult to provide your pet with regular access to cats, which is why most animals develop unspent sexual desire. It manifests itself in aggressive behavior, marks and screams.

To solve this problem, it was invented contraception for cats.

Castration and sterilization of cats

These methods are described in detail in the articles: “Sterilization” and “Spaying”. Let's look at the pros and cons of this type of contraception for cats.


  • The animal's aggression disappears. Cats become especially flexible.
  • The method is permanent, that is, having done the operation once, you can forget about the problem forever.
  • The risk of cancer of the genital organs and mammary glands is reduced.

There is a misconception that in order to maintain normal animal health before sterilization, the cat must give birth at least once. According to statistics, cancer is less common in nulliparous sterilized cats.


  • Complex operation. Postoperative recovery period.
  • Risk of urolithiasis and obesity. Neutered cats need special nutrition.
  • Irreversibility of the operation. This point can also be considered a disadvantage, since many owners eventually begin to regret that they decided to take this step.

Not all cat owners decide to undergo radical irreversible surgery. Therefore, other methods of contraception are more popular: injections for cats against estrus and oral contraceptives.

Prick from heat

Anti-estrus injections for cats have been used in veterinary practice for quite some time. This method involves administering the hormonal drug Covinan. One injection will keep your cat out of heat for half a year. The first injection of the drug must be given by a veterinarian, then you can give injections yourself.

The injections should only be given before the start of the heat, otherwise they will not work. If the cat is pregnant, injections are prohibited; this is not an abortifacient.


  • Easy to use.
  • Reversibility. The cat will be able to have offspring in the future.


  • High risk of complications. Even completely healthy cats can get sick.
  • Restricted use by age. If the cat is older than 5-7 years and has not previously used the drug, its use is prohibited.

Oral contraceptives for cats (drops and tablets)

The means of this method have two types of effects:

  • Contraceptives that cause false pregnancy in a cat with all the signs.
  • Contraceptives that suppress sexual desire. A more modern option.

Popular drugs and their effects

  • Gestrenol - reduces libido, helps rid the animal of aggressive behavior and prevents pregnancy. Available in tablets (Read how to properly give a tablet to a cat).
  • Stop-Intim - the drug stops arousal, blocks behavioral signs of estrus, and accordingly prevents unwanted pregnancy. Sold in bottles with a dropper.
  • Contra-sex is a means to suppress sexual desire. Produced in tablets or drops.
  • Libidomin - stops ovulation, eliminates aggression, cats stop marking their territory. The drug is available in the form of tablets, capsules and suspensions.
  • Sex barrier - reduces sexual arousal, prevents unwanted pregnancy in cats. Sold in the form of drops and tablets.

Most veterinarians believe that the use of oral contraceptives can have an extremely negative impact on a cat's health.

The risk of developing pyometra disease is very high. Even completely healthy animals will experience side effects after using these drugs. If the cat has health problems, the use of oral contraceptives is prohibited.

After familiarizing yourself with the methods of contraception for cats, you must make your own choice which method is best for your pet.

Like any living creature, cats have a natural need to reproduce. But the cat’s pregnancy or the cat’s howls in March are not always planned by the owner. This leads to a number of problems, the main one of which is where to determine the cat family.

To avoid such cases, contraception for cats or contraceptives for cats will come to the rescue. Today, there are various contraceptives for cats. These include birth control shots and pills, as well as drops that prevent cats from becoming pregnant.

Contraceptive injections for cats

Veterinarians often use the drug Covinan, which eliminates estrus for a period of up to 0.5 years. The first injection of the drug should be performed by a veterinarian; subsequent injections can be performed independently. Injections are administered well before the onset of estrus. It is strongly recommended that you do not give injections to a pregnant cat or a cat in the reproductive stage! Remember that the above-mentioned drug is not an abortion drug.

Advantages of this method:

  • ease of use;
  • reversibility, that is, if the injections are canceled, the cat can become pregnant;

Disadvantages of this method:

  • the possibility of side effects even in absolutely healthy cats (for example, endometritis and others);
  • in the case of first use, it is contraindicated for cats older than five to seven years.

Oral contraceptives

These funds are divided into 2 groups.

Group 1 - contraceptives for cats, tablets or drops containing a hormone that provokes false pregnancy in cats (high-dose).

Group 2 - modern contraceptives containing fewer hormones. These medications can reduce the need for sex in cats. They are also produced in the form of tablets or drops.

Now let’s list the specific drugs and their pharmacokinetic effects.

  1. Gestrenol - these contraceptive pills for cats minimize sexual arousal and eliminate the possibility of pregnancy. Available in tablet form.
  2. Libidomin - prevents the onset of ovulation, reduces the manifestation of aggression in cats, as well as their excited state. The drug is available in the form of tablets, suspensions or capsules.
  3. Sex barrier - protects against unwanted conception of cats, reduces excitability and minimizes negative consequences. Produced in tablets or drops.
  4. Stop-Intim - this drug suppresses the animal’s excitement, as well as behavioral signs of estrus, thereby preventing pregnancy. You can find this drug at a veterinary pharmacy, where it is sold in bottles with a dispenser.
  5. Counter-sex - suppresses sexual arousal. Can be found in tablets or drops.

Veterinarians consider these drugs to be harmful. This is due to the fact that drugs can have a negative effect on the health of the animal. One of the negative manifestations is a serious disease called pyometra. Doctors describe cases where even healthy cats suffered side effects from these drugs. An even greater negative effect can occur in already sick cats. In the latter case, the use of these drugs is contraindicated.

Very often, after taking these drugs, complications are so severe that they have to be treated surgically. For example, there are often cases of removal of pus that has accumulated after using the drug from the cat’s uterine cavity. However, even after surgery, the likelihood of a complete recovery is not guaranteed. Each owner of his animal must clearly determine how healthy his pet is, and what means of protection against unwanted pregnancy should be used. However, we should not forget about all the negative consequences of the oral contraceptive method. If there is a clear reluctance to have offspring in your cat, you should think about the method of castration or sterilization of the animal.

Castration and sterilization as a method of contraception in cats

Many cat owners wonder about the need for their castration or sterilization. As for castration, this procedure will help relieve the cat's owner from some problems. As is correct, veterinarians advise doing the castration procedure between 7 months and 2 years. At this stage of life, the cat is considered young and sexually mature, which is why castration at this stage is relevant. Thanks to castration, you can minimize the cat's marks around the apartment or get rid of them altogether.

Sterilizing a cat is most humane if you do not plan to breed offspring. In fact, the talk that a female animal must give birth at least once is just a myth that scientists have refuted. There are three types of sterilization: chemical, radiation and medication.
