Kozhedub Ivan Nikitovich: short biography. Legendary Soviet fighter pilot

Date of Birth:

Place of Birth:

The village of Obrazhievka, Glukhovsky district, Chernigov province, Ukrainian SSR

Date of death:

A place of death:

Moscow, USSR

Type of army:

Aviation (air force) of the Red Army, fighter aircraft of the USSR Air Force

Years of service:

Air Marshal of the USSR Air Force

240 IAP, 176 Guards. IAP


Great Patriotic War: 1 - Battle of Kursk 2 - Battle of Berlin
Korean War 1950-1953


Writer Deputy of the Supreme Council of the USSR People's Deputy of the USSR

List of aerial victories


(ukr. Ivan Mikitovich Kozhedub; June 8, 1920, Obrazhievka village, Glukhov district, Chernigov province, Ukrainian SSR - August 8, 1991, Moscow) - Soviet military leader, ace pilot during the Great Patriotic War, the most successful fighter pilot in Allied aviation (64 downed aircraft). Three times Hero of the Soviet Union. Air Marshal (6 May 1985).

Pseudonym during the fighting in Korea - Krylov.


Ivan Kozhedub was born in the village of Obrazhievka, Glukhov district, Chernigov province (now Shostkinsky district, Sumy region), Ukrainian SSR, in the family of a peasant - a church elder. He belonged to the second generation of Soviet fighter pilots who took part in the Great Patriotic War.

In 1934, Kozhedub graduated from school and entered the Chemical Technology College in the city of Shostka.

He took his first steps in aviation while studying at the Shostka flying club. Since 1940 - in the ranks of the Red Army. In 1941 he graduated from the Chuguev Military Aviation Pilot School, where he began serving as an instructor.

After the start of the war, together with the aviation school, he was evacuated to Central Asia, the city of Chimkent. In November 1942, Kozhedub was seconded to the 240th Fighter Aviation Regiment of the 302nd Fighter Aviation Division, which was being formed in Ivanovo. In March 1943, as part of the division, he flew to the Voronezh Front.

The first air battle ended in failure for Kozhedub and almost became the last - his La-5 was damaged by a Messerschmitt-109 cannon fire, the armored back saved him from an incendiary projectile, and upon returning the plane was fired upon by Soviet anti-aircraft gunners, it was hit by 2 anti-aircraft shells. Despite the fact that Kozhedub managed to land the plane, it was not subject to full restoration, and the pilot had to fly on the “remnants” - the free aircraft available in the squadron. Soon they wanted to take him to the warning post, but the regiment commander stood up for him. On July 6, 1943, on the Kursk Bulge, during his fortieth combat mission, Kozhedub shot down his first German aircraft - a Junkers Ju-87 bomber. The very next day he shot down the second, and on July 9 he shot down 2 Bf-109 fighters at once. The first title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded to Kozhedub on February 4, 1944 for 146 combat missions and 20 downed enemy aircraft.

Since May 1944, Ivan Kozhedub fought on the La-5FN (side number 14), built at the expense of the collective farmer-beekeeper of the Stalingrad region V.V. Konev. In August 1944, having received the rank of captain, he was appointed deputy commander of the 176th Guards Regiment and began to fight on the new La-7 fighter. Kozhedub was awarded the second Gold Star medal on August 19, 1944 for 256 combat missions and 48 downed enemy aircraft.

By the end of the war, Ivan Kozhedub, by that time a guard major, flew the La-7, made 330 combat missions, shot down 62 enemy aircraft in 120 air battles, including 17 Ju-87 dive bombers, 2 Ju-88 and He bombers each -111, 16 Bf-109 and 21 Fw-190 fighters, 3 Hs-129 attack aircraft and 1 Me-262 jet fighter. Kozhedub fought his last battle in the Great Patriotic War, in which he shot down 2 FW-190s, in the skies over Berlin. Throughout the war, Kozhedub was never shot down. Kozhedub received the third Gold Star medal on August 18, 1945 for high military skill, personal courage and bravery shown on the war fronts. He was an excellent shooter and preferred to open fire at a distance of 200-300 meters, rarely approaching at a shorter distance.

Kozhedub’s flight biography also includes two US Air Force P-51 Mustangs shot down in 1945, which attacked him, mistaking him for a German plane.

I.N. Kozhedub was never shot down during the Great Patriotic War, and although he was shot down, he always landed his plane. He is also considered the first fighter pilot in the world to shoot down a German Me-262 jet fighter.

At the end of the war, Kozhedub continued to serve in the Air Force. In 1949 he graduated from the Red Banner Air Force Academy. At the same time, he remained an active fighter pilot, having mastered the MiG-15 jet in 1948. In 1956 - Military Academy of the General Staff. During the Korean War, he commanded the 324th Fighter Aviation Division (324 IAD) as part of the 64th Fighter Aviation Corps. From April 1951 to January 1952, the division's pilots scored 216 aerial victories, losing only 27 aircraft (9 pilots died).

In 1964-1971 - Deputy Commander of the Air Force of the Moscow Military District. Since 1971 he served in the central apparatus of the Air Force, and since 1978 - in the Group of Inspectors General of the USSR Ministry of Defense. In 1970, Kozhedub was awarded the rank of Colonel General of Aviation. And in 1985, I. N. Kozhedub was awarded the military rank of Air Marshal. He was elected as a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the II-V convocations, and a people's deputy of the USSR.

List of aerial victories

In official Soviet historiography, the result of Kozhedub’s combat activities looks like 62 enemy aircraft shot down personally. However, recent archival research has shown that this figure is slightly underestimated - in the award documents (from where it, in fact, was taken), for unknown reasons, two air victories are missing (June 8, 1944 - Me-109 and April 11, 1944 - PZL P.24), while they were confirmed and officially entered into the pilot’s personal account.

Date of victory

Aircraft type

Place of victory

zap. Zavidovka

Art. Gostishchevo

Krasnaya Polyana

eastern Pokrovka



north Iskrovka

southwest Borodayevka

zap. Borodayevka

zap. Borodayevka


southwest Andreevka

southwest Andreevka

north-west Borodayevka

southwest Red Kut

zap. Kutsevalovka



north Flat

south Petrovka

south Homespun

Krivoy Rog

zap. Budovka


eastern Nechaevka

zap. Lipovka

Lebedin - Shpola

north Iasi

southeast Vulture



Targu Frumos - Dumbravitsa

eastern Vulture

Alien Water

zap. Stynka

Rediu Ului - Teter

Rediu Ului - Teter

north-west Iasi

north-west Strenci

southwest Ramnieki - Dakst

north-west Valmiera

south Studzyana

north-west env. Morin airfield

zap. Kinitz

zap. Kinitz

lake Kitzer See

eastern Alt-Friedland

north Furstenfelde

north Brünchen

north Küstrin

north-west Küstrin

north Seelow

eastern Guzov

Art. Verbig

At the end of the Great Patriotic War, American pilots shot down Soviet fighters in the zone of Soviet aviation. I.N. Kozhedub flew out and personally shot down two American fighters responsible for this act of aggression. Nikolai Bodrikhin’s book “Soviet Aces” gives slightly different circumstances of this episode: Kozhedub drove away the German planes attacking him from the American bomber, after which he himself was attacked by an American fighter from a very long distance. Kozhedub shot down two American planes; judging by the words of a surviving American pilot, the Americans mistook Kozhedub’s plane for a German Focke-Wulf.


  • Three times Hero of the Soviet Union (02/04/1944, No. 1472; 08/19/1944, No. 36; 08/18/1945, No. 3)
  • Knight of two Orders of Lenin (02/04/1944; 02/21/1978)
  • Knight of the Seven Orders of the Red Banner (07/22/1943, No. 52212; 09/30/1943, No. 4567; 03/29/1945, No. 4108; 06/29/1945, No. 756; 06/02/1951, No. 122; 02/22/1968, No. 23; 26.06. 1970, No. 537483)
  • Knight of the Order of Alexander Nevsky (07/31/1945, No. 37500)
  • Knight of the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree (04/06/1985)
  • Knight of two Orders of the Red Star (06/04/1955; 10/26/1955)
  • Knight of the Order "For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" II degree (02.22.1990)
  • Knight of the Order "For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" III degree (04/30/1975)
  • Knight of the Order of the Red Banner of the Mongolian People's Republic
  • Honorary citizen of the cities: Balti, Chuguev, Kaluga, Kupyansk, Sumy, etc.


A bronze bust of Kozhedub was installed in his homeland in the village of Obrazhievka. His La-7 (board number 27) is on display at the Air Force Museum in Monino. Also named after Ivan Kozhedub is a park in the city of Sumy (Ukraine) near the entrance there is a monument to the pilot, as well as a street in the South-East of Moscow (Marshal Kozhedub Street).

The name of the Three-time Hero of the Soviet Union Ivan Nikitich Kozhedub is borne by the Kharkov Air Force University (formerly KhVU, KhIL), as well as the Shostka Chemical-Technological College. On May 8, 2010, a monument to Kozhedub was unveiled in the Park of Glory in Kyiv. On June 8, 2010, in the city of Shostka, in commemoration of Kozhedub’s 90th anniversary, a bust was erected near the Ivan Kozhedub Museum. On November 12, 2010, a monument to Kozhedub was erected in Kharkov, on the territory of the Kharkov Air Force University.

A documentary film “Secrets of the Century” was shot about Kozhedub. Two wars of Ivan Kozhedub."


  • Kozhedub I. Three battles. - M.: Military Publishing House NKO USSR, 1945. - 40 p.
  • I serve the Motherland. - M. - L.: Detgiz, 1949.
  • Victory Day. - M., 1963.
  • I. N. Kozhedub Loyalty to the Fatherland. - M.: Children's literature, 1969, 1975. - 430 p. - 100,000 copies.
  • Friends and fellow soldiers. - M., Children's literature, 1975.
  • Ivan Kozhedub Loyalty to the Fatherland. Looking for a fight. - M.: Yauza, Eksmo, 2006. - 608 p. - (Stalin's falcons). - 5000 copies. - ISBN 5-699-14931-7
  • I. N. Kozhedub Unknown Kozhedub. I serve the Motherland. - M.: Yauza, Eksmo, 2009. - 368 p. - (The greatest Soviet aces). - 4000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-699-34385-0

Biography of one of the significant pilots of the Great Patriotic War, Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub. The story of how a rural boy became an air marshal of the USSR. He received this position later, in 1985. However, he went through the entire war and was never shot down by enemy fire, which is significant in the art of flying. He was deservedly awarded three stars of the Hero of the Soviet Union, standing on a par with the aces of that time. Father of two children, devoted and loving husband.

Childhood and youth

Ivan Kozhedub near his plane

Kozhedub Ivan Nikitovich was born on June 8, 1920 in the village of Obrazheevka, Glukhov district, Chernigov province (now: Shostkinsky district, Sumy region of Ukraine). He was the last, fifth, child in the family. His father, Nikita Illarionovich, was a church elder, a literate and well-read man. Ivan’s mother, Stefanida Ivanovna Veremes, was a native of the village of Krupets. She ran the household, looked after the children and taught them to work. Vanya’s brothers Yasha, Alexander, Grigory and sister Matryona also lived in the family.

The village of Obrazheevka is located in northern Ukraine. In schools, it was customary to conduct classes in Ukrainian, but despite this, people knew how to speak Russian and Ukrainian. It was his father who instilled in Vanya a love of literature: books by Gogol, Tolstoy, Chekhov. As Kozhedub’s wife Veronika Nikolaevna later recalled, Ivan Nikitovich spoke “bad” Russian, so she often gave him books by Pushkin, Lermontov, Dostoevsky, Mayakovsky, Sholokhov, etc. to read. She and her husband read Gogol’s comedy “The Inspector General” by role. This helped Kozhedub become a good speaker.

Kozhedub's parents lived poorly, his mother was very ill - constant poverty undermined her health: she died in 1936. My father took on any job to feed his family: he worked in the fields, and was hired as a worker by landowners. The father raised the children strictly: from an early age, Ivan helped his parents around the house, planted fruit trees, looked after the livestock, brought water from the well, and went to the forest to get firewood. Later, as an adult, Kozhedub recalled how his father sent him to the garden to guard the fruit trees. At that time there was little theft and there was no need for security. In this way, my father taught me to overcome difficulties, realizing that without him it would be difficult for the family.

Ivan Kozhedub was the youngest in the family, so his mother loved him more than other children and stood up for him before his father. He also loved his mother and respected his father, but he was afraid to show his feelings openly - he didn’t want other guys to consider him a “mama’s boy.”

At school, Ivan studied with enthusiasm and really loved his first teacher, Nina Vasilievna. However, there was a catastrophic lack of money, and the father took his son out of school and got him to work in a neighboring village as a shepherd for his uncle. Two weeks later, Ivan left the herd (which he was guarding), ran to his father’s home and begged him to allow him to continue his studies. The father gave his son a good beating (for self-will), but allowed him to return to school.

As a child, Ivan was fond of drawing. As a technical school student, he designed posters, wall newspapers, and slogans. As he writes about himself: “Drawing developed my eye, visual memory, and observation skills. And these qualities came in handy when I became a pilot.”

Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub - airplane pilot

In 1934, Ivan Kozhedub graduated from a seven-year school and at the age of 14 he entered the school for working youth (before this, there was an attempt to enter the brass band, which was located in a military unit in Shostka, but Ivan was too young in age). He always loved to play sports, and at the age of 13 he learned to squeeze a two-pound weight with one hand.

He is simultaneously fascinated by technology, pedagogy and drawing (his father dreamed that his son would become an artist and would happily show Ivan’s paintings to his fellow villagers). After the establishment of Soviet power, the boy did not know what he wanted to become. He was successful in teaching; often, at the request of his first teacher, he worked with those who were lagging behind, helping to overcome gaps in knowledge. Although at that time his heart was in aviation, he dreamed of a military career. However, initially, fate turned out differently. Young Kozhedub’s first job was as a librarian with a salary of 100 rubles. From this job, young Ivan gained an insight into the world of books. And, as usual, he brought home his first paycheck, buying sweets and bread. He did not work in this position for long, the country was undergoing industrialization, the country did not have enough workers, so the young man, after a meeting with his father, decides to get a blue-collar specialty and go to work at a factory. At that time, in the USSR it was allowed to start working at the age of 17, as an assistant foreman or apprentice. Ivan was not the right age. The workshop foreman at the building materials production plant pointed this out, saying that he was still small.

In 1936, Ivan passed the entrance exams and entered the Chemical Technology College (Shostka). As a student, he reads a lot of technical literature and continues to play sports intensively. With age, Kozhedub came to the conclusion that a pilot must be physically strong and resilient in order to master piloting techniques - which is why playing sports was so useful in the service. In his 3rd year he enrolls in a flying club - an opportunity arose for him to later become a pilot and wear a military uniform.

After graduating from the flying club, where he learned to fly a Po-2 and performed several parachute jumps, Kozhedub entered the Chuguev Military Aviation School of Pilots, graduating in 1941. Here he realizes for the first time what responsibility lies with him - a Soviet soldier who took an oath to defend his Motherland. Here Kozhedub learned to fly the UT-2, UTI-4 and I-16 fighter plane.

The Great Patriotic War and the exploits of Kozhedub

Ivan Kozhedub with the rank of Aviation General

The Great Patriotic War began at a time when Ivan was serving at an aviation school: he was an instructor (since 1941) and taught new cadets how to fly an airplane. The best students were taken into the active army.

In 1941, the aviation school was transported to the rear (to Kazakhstan near Chimkent) for further training of new pilots. According to Kozhedub, it is impossible to convey the excitement with which the school cadets waited all this time for news, read newspapers and listened to military reports on the radio. They rejoiced and were proud of the exploits of their classmates, who were already at the front and distinguished themselves while performing combat missions. And each of those who remained in the school dreamed of finally going to the front to beat the enemy.

Beginning in 1941, Kozhedub submitted a report many times to go to the front, and each time was refused. This was explained by the fact that he was needed at the school to train pilots. Despite the refusals, he continued to work hard on himself, analyzed the tactics of air combat (for this purpose, he collected clippings from newspapers and other sources), and passed on his experience to his students.

In 1942, the order came to send Senior Sergeant Kozhedub to the front as part of the 240th Fighter Aviation Regiment. The final training takes place at the airfield before being sent to the active army. Here he learns to fly the La-5 aircraft.

In the spring of 1943, Ivan Nikitovich served on the Voronezh Front. Kozhedub made his first combat flight on March 26, 1943. He was unsuccessful: the plane received heavy damage - it was fired upon by the Germans and anti-aircraft guns of Soviet soldiers. He miraculously landed the car at his airfield and remained intact.

This incident was followed by a series of combat missions to escort fighters and bombers to the front line, which were successful. Thanks to constant work on mistakes, Ivan quickly learned how to perform an anti-aircraft maneuver, flew reconnaissance, carried reports, and was a liaison between formations.

At the end of June 1943, Ivan Nikitovich received the rank of junior lieutenant. He becomes a senior pilot, and a little later - a flight commander. In August 1943, Lieutenant Kozhedub became squadron commander, and on August 6, 1943, he was awarded his first award - the Order of the Red Banner.

At this time, total mobilization began in Germany, new types of weapons appeared - the Tiger and Ferdinand tanks. Soviet troops began to move towards the Kursk Bulge on the eve of strong battles. Everyone was on alert.

On July 6, 1943, Ivan takes part in the Battle of Kursk and shoots down his first enemy bomber, a Junkers-87. On July 7, Ivan shoots down another Yu-87 plane, and on July 9, two Messerschmitt-109s.

In one of the battles, Kozhedub had to fight alone against eighteen enemy bombers. The pilots covering him showed ardor and went far behind the front line, leaving the commander alone on the battlefield. In this battle, Ivan used all his skills to maneuver, quickly attack, analyze the situation and act according to what was happening. He miraculously returned to the airfield - there was only enough gasoline left to land the plane. Kozhedub did not leave the battlefield, protecting those who fought below - infantrymen, tank crews, artillerymen.

In the Battle of the Dnieper, Ivan shot down 11 enemy aircraft in ten days. Each of these and subsequent battles was difficult, hot, requiring quick reaction and concentrated attention. According to Kozhedub, what is important for any pilot in the sky is cohesion of work, namely, excellent interaction between the leader and the wingman. One attacks, the other covers. The couple's joint work is the guarantee that the pilots will return to the airfield alive.

Preparing Ivan Kozhedub for departure

In his book, Kozhedub writes that the hardest thing during a war is to learn about the deaths of comrades who were nearby only recently. At such moments, a feeling of bitterness arises, which is replaced by rage and inspiration, the desire to kill two enemy opponents for each fallen comrade.

On October 12, 1943, Ivan took part in a hot battle, the task of which was to cover the crossing of the Dnieper. In a battle with a bomber (which was shot down), Kozhedub’s plane caught fire. He had to act quickly: at that moment he was over enemy territory. The pilot decides to choose an object to ram so that his death will not be in vain. And at the last minute, when he directed the plane at a group of Germans, the flames from the plane were knocked down, and the danger temporarily passed. Ivan taxis his plane and goes up. He manages to fly to the airfield and land the car.

Ivan Nikitovich’s squadron took part in the liberation of Ukraine, in the battles on the Dnieper, in Moldova, Kozhedub’s task was to protect the crossing of the Southern Bug from the air.

February 4, 1944 - Ivan Kozhedub receives the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. From August 1944, he became deputy commander of the 176th Fighter Aviation Regiment (1st Belorussian Front), learning to fly the La-7.

Air battles in 1944 were even more intense. There was a gradual liberation of Soviet lands from the Nazis. In May 1944, beekeeper Vasily Viktorovich Konev presented Ivan Nikitovich with a gift, having built a brand new La-5FN aircraft with his personal savings.

Since January 1945, Ivan Kozhedub, as part of the regiment, has been actively participating in the Vistula-Oder operation. History preserves a battle in which Kozhedub led an air battle in the ratio of 6 Soviet pilots against 30 fascist planes, in another battle - 2 Soviet planes against 40 bombers. And Kozhedub’s group won such battles (they threw the enemy into confusion), putting the German pilots to flight.

In mid-April 1945, the Red Army entered German territory. Hitler's troops, with the last of their strength, with redoubled ferocity, repelled the Soviet troops, but the advantage remained on the side of the Red Army.

Throughout the Great Patriotic War, Ivan Kozhedub made 326 combat missions, took part in 126 air battles, and independently shot down 62 enemy aircraft. Ivan Nikitovich was never shot down and is the best aviation ace in World War II.

Unfortunately, in war there are often cases of misunderstanding between allied forces. This happened in the spring of 1945, when Kozhedub shot down 2 American P-51s. According to the Soviet pilot, while flying over Berlin, he spotted American fighters and engaged a pair of German planes that were threatening the Allies. However, by mistake, the Americans began to attack Ivan Nikitovich’s plane. Outraged, Kozhedub attacked in response: the first plane was shot down, the second exploded in the air. This story shows that Ivan Nikitovich did not let anyone down, and, risking his life, and possibly his career, he stood up for himself.

Throughout the war, Ivan Kozhedub never forgot about his father, who remained in the captured village of Obrazheevka, and wrote letters to him. Nikita Illarionovich died on May 17, 1945, without ever meeting his son after the end of the war.

Military service

Ivan Kozhedub gives instructions on the airfield

Ivan Nikitovich's military career continued after the Second World War: he decided to get a higher education. In 1949, he completed his studies at the Red Army Air Force Academy named after. NOT. Zhukovsky, where he studied at the command faculty, received an “excellent” for his thesis. It was here that Kozhedub mastered the control of the Yak-17 jet aircraft.

Studying at the Air Force Academy was difficult: numerous friends and acquaintances often invited him to visit or visited him themselves, thereby distracting him from his studies. Kozhedub was a kind and sympathetic person, so he could not refuse them.

After studying at the Academy, Major Kozhedub received the position of deputy commander of the 31st Fighter Aviation Division (near the city of Baku). Ivan Nikitovich does not have time to leave Moscow when he receives a new position - assistant commander of the 324th Fighter Aviation Svir Red Banner Division.

October 20, 1950 Lieutenant Colonel Kozhedub I.N. received the title “Military Pilot 1st Class,” which he was very pleased with. On November 17, 1950, Ivan Kozhedub received the position of commander of the 324th Fighter Aviation Division.

On June 25, 1950, hostilities begin in North Korea. This is the official date: the confrontation between the USA and the USSR could be observed immediately after the end of WWII.

The reason for the hostilities was the division of Korea into South - led by Syngman Rhee and North - led by Kim Il Sung territories, which gave rise to a civil war.

September 16, 1950 - The United States launched an air campaign and invaded North Korea. The Korean People's Army suffered heavy losses. Therefore, the authorities turned to Stalin for help.

Mao Zedong took the side of North Korea: he sent an army of about 1 million people to the borders of China. However, without air support, victory was impossible.

Kozhedub was demobilized to China to train Chinese pilots in air tactics (Ivan Nikitovich was forbidden by the command to participate in combat missions). The training was difficult: the level of education of the Chinese soldiers and their meager nutrition affected them (they were physically much weaker than the Soviet military). Stalin expressed his dissatisfaction with this, accusing commanders of teaching recruits carelessly.

Thanks to Kozhedub’s strong-willed and communicative qualities, he managed to organize work in the division. The battles were fierce, many men of the division died in battle, but Kozhedub gained superiority in the sky. Statistics show that during the entire period of hostilities in Korea, Soviet pilots made 64,300 combat missions, conducted 1,872 air battles, and shot down 1,106 enemy aircraft.

June 2, 1951 - Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub receives the medal “For Korea” and the fifth Order of the Red Banner for successful command. The Korean War greatly undermined Kozhedub's health. In total, he stayed in North Korea and China for 305 days (April 2, 1951 – January 30, 1952).

Post-war years

Ivan Kozhedub at the Combat Aviation Museum

In 1955, Kozhedub entered the Military Academy of the General Staff. K.E. Voroshilov. The training lasted two years. In the first year, students were taught to command a division, in the second - an army.

1964-1971 – Kozhedub is 1st Deputy Commander of the Air Force of the Moscow Military District.

1971 - Ivan Nikitovich serves in the central apparatus of the Air Force.

Since 1978 - Ivan Nikitovich has been a member of the Group of Inspectors General of the USSR Ministry of Defense.

May 7, 1985 - Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub was awarded the rank of air marshal on the 40th anniversary of the Victory.

Without mentioning social activities, Kozhedub’s biography would not be complete. He was a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, as well as a people's deputy.

Ivan Nikitovich is an example of masculinity and dedication for subsequent generations. His courage, patriotism, constant desire to learn new things and oratory skills instilled in many soldiers deep respect and a desire for moral growth.

Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub died on August 8, 1991. Streets in Moscow and other cities of Russia and Ukraine are named in his honor. A bust was also installed in the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War in Moscow, and a second one was installed in the village of Obrazheevka.


Awards of Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub


02. 1942 – senior sergeant
05. 1943 – junior lieutenant
08.1943 – lieutenant
11. 1943 – senior lieutenant
04. 1944 – captain
11. 1944 – major
01. 1949 – lieutenant colonel
01.1951 – Colonel
08. 1953 – Major General of Aviation
04. 1962 – Lieutenant General of Aviation
04. 1970 – Colonel General of Aviation
05. 1985 – Air Marshal


02. 1944 – title of Hero of the Soviet Union (for 146 combat missions and 20 downed enemy aircraft).
08. 1944 - the second Gold Star medal of the Hero of the Soviet Union and the Order of Lenin (for 256 combat missions and 48 downed enemy aircraft).
08. 1945 - the third medal “Gold Star” of the Hero of the Soviet Union and the Order of Lenin (for high military skill, personal courage and bravery shown in the war).
Knight of the 7 Orders of the Red Banner (July 1943, September 1943, March 1945, June 1945, June 1951, February 1968, June 1970).

Knight of the Order "For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" 3rd degree.

Among foreign awards:

Knight of the Order of the Red Banner (Mongolia).

Knight of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland (GDR).

Knight of the Order of the Renaissance of Poland.

Knight of the Order of Freedom and Independence (DPRK).

Personal life

Ivan Kozhedub with a foreign delegation

On January 2, 1946, Ivan Kozhedub signed with Veronika Nikolaevna Koldasheva, a beautiful and energetic woman. A year later, the young couple had a daughter, Natasha. November 24, 1952 - son Nikita was born.

They lived modestly, had a dacha in Monino (they were issued to aviation generals and marshals - members of the Air Force Military Council).

Daughter Natalya Ivanovna, studied at the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University, then at the Faculty of Economics of MGIMO. In 1966, she got married, and in 1970, Ivan Nikitovich’s eldest grandson, Vasily Vitalievich, was born.

The youngest son Nikita graduated from the Suvorov School, and in 1970 he entered the Higher Naval Command School. Frunze. In 1975, he married Olga Fedorovna, and in 1982, they had a daughter, Anya.

Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub died on August 8, 1991 at a dacha in Monino (Moscow) from a heart attack. He was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery.

IN 1950s year November 15th late at night at the front door military sanatorium V Kislovodsk the car stopped "Victory". They came out of it two and headed to the sanatorium. Despite in the evening, approx. 23 hours, the watchman unquestioningly missed it these 2 officers in military uniform blue caps, one of whom asked : « What room did the pilot stay in? Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub? He answered the knock on the door himself master numbers. He was surprised to the visitors who came to him. Officers state security presented documents and said : « Comrade Kozhedub To you urgently you'll have to come with us , you 3 minutes for fees. We will wait ». No longer scared Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub, And his wife because she knew What mean such late visits! So I found myself under convoy security officers, Three times Hero of the Soviet Union, one of the best pilots Great Patriotic War war. When Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub walked up the stairs, he remembered that he was already under arrest, Twice Hero Air Marshal Alexander Alexandrovich Novikov, recently HOW " public Enemies « shot marshal Grigory Ivanovich Kulik, general Philip Trofimovich Rybalchenko, general Vasily Nikolaevich Gordov. When Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub was under escort 2 officers state security, he tried not to show his anxiety. He hoped what about him this time? lucky. He recalled that even didn't say goodbye scared wife.

Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub was born June 8, 1920 year for Ukraine V Chernigov province, today it is Sumskaya region, in the village Obrazhievka. First 5 post-war years Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub considered one of the most successful In my life ! Firstly, he returned from the war without single injuries. Secondly, I graduated Air Force Academy. Thirdly, his knew and read whole country! In general in life Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub lucky many times, starting with childhood. For example, once he and the boys swam ride on boat during high water in the spring. Boat turned over. Drowned everyone except him. His brother saved having already pulled it out almost from the bottom. On its shore pumped it out! After this incident in my native village, Kozhedub called "bewitched"

IN 1941 year Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub graduated Chuguevskoye Aviation school. At school he was one of the best cadets ! There are always such leave V schools as instructors, preparing something new replenishment Already 2nd it's been a year The Great Patriotic War war. He, of course, wrote reports with requests to send it to front, but that's all answers they consisted of one phrase: “ You cool Instructor ! How do you think, Who must cook new pilots? At first Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub was a pilot instructor V Chuguevsky school in the city Chuguev, Kharkov areas. Then in the city Chimkent on south of Kazakhstan, where was the school relocated due to the offensive Germans.

In the end, Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub I achieved my goal. IN February 1943 year he was included in the composition combat squadron, and he ended up in the worst of it - on Kursk Bulge. Then Germans more no doubt in his victory. At that time initiative in hostilities still belonged to the Germans, but still, it was already not June 1941 of the year. By this time our pilots understood well enough style conducting air battle and tricks Germans. They flew to the front line repeatedly V day and already more boldly entered into battle ! Besides direct air German fights diligently bombed our airfields.

First sortie Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub committed March 26, 1943 of the year. First combat mission Kozhedub was take-off protection stripes of our airfield from the bombing. took off as a couple, Kozhedub as a slave, that is, he should cover airplane presenter Slave must protect the leader even if necessary at the cost his life. The presenter took off earlier, next Kozhedub and suddenly the presenter has disappeared out of sight. At first Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub some hesitated but then I decided continue patrolling. At that moment he noticed sun sides 6 german fighters. Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub attacks them ONE. But THERE ARE NO MIRACLES! Germans opened on it sighting fire. AND Kozhedub heard the crack of breaking casing your plane. He survived almost ACCIDENTALLY!

The fact is that fighter "La-5" ( see article "Semyon Alekseevich Lavochkin"), on which he took off Kozhedub, was equipped armored back built in seat pilot IN given case German fighters fired NOT armor-piercing, A high-explosive fragmentation shells that NOT punched armored back ! Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub took the riddled plane to landing, but here on him error opened fire their anti-aircraft gunners. He still managed plant fighter La-5. After landing we counted number of holes on the plane - there were more of them 50 pieces. Nobody sincerely could not understand - like a plane in general didn't fall apart also in air! And you Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub not easy remained alive but in general not received neither single scratches!

Political officer decided to translate Kozhedub V ground service. Actually logics there was such a decision understandable. Firstly, the task security the airfield was not completed. Takeoffs stripes bombed. And on airfield remained wounded. Secondly, Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub lost his presenter And this is already could for the pilot to turn around tribunal. So translation V ground there would still be service soft punishment ! Saved Kozhedub regiment commander major Soldatenkov. It was he, despite the first problem air battle Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub, saw it in him the makings of a good pilot ! After all, if you figure it out emotionless, plane in IN SUCH CONDITION on BELLY I could plant CLEARLY NOT EVERYONE pilot ! Kozhedub was left behind in the regiment, but fly it turned out to him nothing. That padded the plane on which he emergency landed, was hopelessly lost when will it be new is unknown! Colleagues above him joked: “ Now you Ivan horseless

Shame of the first air combat is strong groundwork pride Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub and then he's like the right student started developing OWN TACTICS air combat ! He said that he thought behind car, felt myself seamlessly with her ! In the evening after flights, when many went to rest, he sat down at the table and analyzed air the battle. For him they became clear principles air combat !

During the war years Sergey Kramarenko fought in the same regiment with Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub, and he even had a chance to fly together with Kozhedub. Kramarenko recalled that while other pilots were playing V volleyball, Kozhedub spent hours drawing and figured it out above schemes air combat ! Many even chuckled above “drawing lessons” by Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub. However, when check shot down planes inexorably crawled up, chuckles somehow on their own stopped! At all air battle only from the outside, for ignorant people can seem simple and light. From desires before ability to shoot down the plane must be passed a long way! To win enemy, it is necessary KNOW his STRONG And WEAK sides.

IN DIARIES Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub were scheduled And sketches the technical capabilities of the German airplanes. These are yours Kozhedub diaries scrupulously led with first their air battles every day ! It was his own tactics air battles. As life has shown, Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub in something surpassed many productive German aces ( see article "German fighters of the Second World War"). For example, the most famous German ass Erich Hartman (352 victory !) was shot down 8 once ( By others data 14 once), but stayed in alive, A Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub NOT was shot down, NEVER! Here we will briefly touch on quantities air Hartman's victories. The fact is that counting system downed planes at Germans DIFFERED SIGNIFICANTLY from our system. Germans recorded on account pilot, including planes destroyed on PARKING LOT at the airport. After all, ultimately no matter where And How the plane was destroyed The main thing, what he DESTROYED!!! Also in German account the pilot included the number destroyed ENGINES on enemy planes. Of course, this only concerned MULTI-MOTOR airplanes ( see article "German fighters of the Second World War").

Throughout the war Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub not received not a single scratch!!! But he didn't brag their success! Only when his colleagues are at him pressed hard and asked what secret, he answered reluctantly : "Any pilot, shot down least 5 enemy aircraft have already lucky. His no one will knock you down!”

First with his wife Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub Meets accidentally. This happened in train, which followed in Monino, Where Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub studied at Air Force Academy. At that moment she was studying at 10th grade schools. At first Ivan sat, fidgeted, then failed tried something say, but after stopped short and then simply silently at her watched. He didn't dare even ask her Name! Then she came out on her own stop without saying goodbye or goodbye. That's how it ended The first meeting!

Through a few months they met second once. This time Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub more boldly said that this time he's already hers will not let go and what do they have today Monino V House of Officers dancing, and he took her there invites! When they together walked along garrison to her right away caught my eye what's wrong with him say hello All notice! And when in the wardrobe Ivan took off his overcoat and she saw Three Hero Stars, At first she even thought about running away because of fear! Ivan noticed her concern, soft shook her hand and said : « I'm taking you nowhere I won’t let you go!” As a result Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub came out academy not only with diploma, but also with wife Veronica Nikolaevna! IN 1946 year January 1st They signed in the village council Monino. Later Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub said he got mine home reward, the fourth Star of the Hero - Veronica!

Events on Kursk Bulge developed rapidly. Through 2 the day of the offensive German front line turned into a heap broken technology, dug up bombs land, broken dugouts. German Air Force, Luftwaffe thrown into battle the best parts of his 4th Air fleet, including famous 52nd Fighter Squadron. She was from under Berlin and these were truly aces! They, without fear, went to frontal attack, without folding, and shot at minimal angle! Commander 52nd Squadron was Gunther Rall, on whose account at that time there was already more than 150 shot down Soviet airplanes. Together with Erich Hartmann he was the best fighter squadrons.

Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub received new car La-5 With inscription on board : « Squadron name Valeria Chkalov." First enemy plane Kozhedub shot down July 6, 1943 of the year. He was then 23 of the year. Fighter La-5, whose designer was Semyon Alekseevich Lavochkin ( see article "Semyon Alekseevich Lavochkin"), was favorite type fighter Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub. He liked him for his speed And maneuverability! All main details designs of this fighter were made from TREES – pine, birch. Fuselage skin behind served as the cockpit DYED FABRIC. When you get on such a plane bullets And shells the enemy almost instantly caught fire And burned out. There was almost zero ventilation, so the cabin was often filled smoke and sometimes was heating up up to temperature +65 degrees Celsius ! By for this reason pilots who flew La-5, often flew with OPEN CABIN!

Gunther Rall returned with his group to aerodrome With big losses. From 32 there were planes 16 shot down! On that day he wrote in his diary: “Russians began to fly more aggressive. Clear. Before us worthy enemy To the Germans failed to drop on our troops not a single bomb and they dropped bombs before crossing front lines ! Our pilots commanding sent Gratitude for a great fight. TO October 1943 of the year squadron commander of the 240th aviation fighter regiment senior lieutenant Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub committed 146 combat sorties and shot down personally 20 enemy aircraft ! On Dnieper regiment Kozhedub faced aces Gerenga from the squadron "Mölders". In battles on Dnepre, Ivan Nikitovich behind 10 days shot down 11 fascist planes !

IN October 1943 of the year Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub got into unexpected And unpredictable situation. Squadron Kozhedub took part in attack large group "Yu-87". Ivan Nikitovich got close enough to one of them close distance and long queue knocked out his. But in in a rush of pursuit turned out to be so close To Yu-87, What myself From him caught fire. IN headset heard the slave Vasya Mukhin said : « Dad, you're on fire ! Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub at first I thought of jumping out by parachute, but then I remembered what was above enemy positions. Slave Vasily Mukhin was there all this time near, But help nothing could not. Then Kozhedub decides to send his burning plane on motorcade fascists ! In this moment Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub realized that either he will put out the flames or will die together with fascists! The plane started pick up speed V dive and here already close To earth slave Vasily Mukhin shouted on the radio Kozhedub: “ There is no flame, we live Right before the ground Kozhedub brought out fighter from diving! As I later recalled Ivan Nikitovich, Earth as if pushed away threw him into the air ! From now on he will never again haven't experienced Nothing similar!

First Hero Star Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub received February 4, 1944 of the year. By this time he had shot down more than 30 fascist planes. During war rank Hero awarded for 20 shot down enemy aircraft. U Germans our Title of Hero corresponded Knight's Cross. Hitler personally handed over Knight's Cross to their assams in Berlin. Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub during wars never NOT was in Kremlin. First Hero Star he was handed over to regiment location. I came to hand it over air corps commander general Podgorny. Just in six months Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub was awarded second Hero Star! By this time he had shot down almost 50 enemy aircraft ! Second Hero Star he was given the same How And first.

Together with second Hero Star V May 1944 of the year Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub received the treasured dream everyone Soviet pilot NAMED airplane, in this case "La-5 FN". While receiving the plane, GOSSIP, What Kozhedub I also received barrel of HONEY. These rumors arose not on empty place. The fact is that personal fighter La-5 FN With onboard number "14" was built on personal money collective farmer Vasily Viktorovich Konev, which was beekeeper from Stalingrad areas. Vasily Konev I decided to make such a gift in honor memory yours, deceased at war, son. On this car Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub shot down 8 aircraft and brought total score before 45 hit cars !

Actually a gift personal cars Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub was not only special honorary but also created on war additional danger to its owner. The fact is that Germans, seeing personal inscription aboard, understood what's in front of them not a newbie and an experienced pilot ACC, experienced the enemy you need destroy EARLIER others !

Pilots in general, and especially titled loved paint on the plane various Pictures. For example, they drew panther, or mermaid. The management is certainly for this drove, and before arrival large bosses Pictures generally forced paint over.

Of course, they only left stars, indicating the number of aircraft shot down. But Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub I DID NOT DRAW And THEIR. Stars appeared on his plane just AFTER the Victory V May 1945 of the year – 62 pieces!!! IN July 1944 of the year Kozhedub appointed deputy commander 176th Guards fighter aviation regiment, which August first to rearm for fighters "La-7". On new type fighter La-7, already in the sky Poland, Kozhedub started the so-called "free hunt" On this type of fighter Ivan Nikitovich shot down 17 extreme enemy aircraft.

IN September 1944 years by order of the commander Air Force A.A. Novikov, Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub was sent to Baltics to combat "free hunters" group of major's aces Helmut Wieck, who had on his account 130 victories So we collided 2nd schools "free hunters" Soviet And German. After a few days of air battles our pilots shot down 12 enemy aircraft, having lost only 2 their ! Here Kozhedub chalked it up to your account 3 airplane. Having suffered this defeat, German pilots stopped active actions in this place front. IN 1945 year 18th August Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub was awarded the third Star of the Hero of the USSR.

Finally, Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub received letter from Houses! He 3 didn't know what happened to him for years relatives, who got into the zone occupation on Ukraine. He saw familiar handwriting and found out that alive And father! He wrote : « Dear son Vania, what should I write to you? Gregory hijacked to work in Germany, Yasha from the first days in battle, Sashko now on Ural, Motya alive with the child, but fellow villagers our 13 Human killed!

To my native village Obrazhievka, Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub only got into 1946 year. Father alive already didn't find how glad he would be to see his son Thrice Hero! On that moment of Thrice Heroes there was only 3 person – G.K.Zhukov, I.N.Kozhedub And A.I. Pokryshkin ( see article "Alexander Ivanovich Pokryshkin"). At home Kozhedub was not 6 years! The tables were set for street under the blossoming apple trees . They sat next to him happy fellow countrymen, but among them did not have his relatives. Father died in May 1945 of the year. Brother Yakov died under Stalingrad. On the next day after the feast fellow villagers let's go look Ivan Nikitovich's plane Kozhedub. They were surprised How Vania was able to shoot down so many fascist planes !

Extreme planes were shot down in last days war. Extreme air battle Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub spent in the sky above Berlin. He flew out with Dmitry Titarenko on free hunting and met 40 enemy aircraft. There were forces too unequal So I had to try it deceive enemy. attack spent back from above. One German there was a plane shot down At the same time from the group separated single enemy plane. Kozhedub decides not to miss him and knocks down and him. So on the score Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub appears 62nd downed fascist plane ! Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub spent at the front 800 days. During this time he made 330 combat departures, 120 air fights, shot down 62 airplane and no one chance not to imprison at least shot down airplane !!!

IN October 1950 of the year Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub under convoy was driving a car state security. The car stopped near Kislovodsk City Committee parties. There he was taken to the office 1st Secretary, who gave Kozhedub telephone handset. A voice was heard on the phone Vasily Iosifovich Stalin, who at that time was the commander Moscow Air Force districts. Vasily Stalin said a long swear phrase and ordered immediately leave V Moscow. Immediately after the telephone conversation Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub they put me in the car again and drove to aerodrome. Just before takeoff, he managed write a few hurried lines wife : « Don't worry All V okay! Urgently cause V Moscow. Everything to you They’ll tell you later.” The note fell into the hands Veronica in the morning. She tried anything to figure out at messenger about my husband, but he only answered short phrase: “ Don't worry, ordered only hand over, What Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub left for the responsible business trip." This night of waiting until the situation is clarified Veronica is not passed without a trace - she has 20 year old girls appeared White hair!

Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub arrived at Moscow region aerodrome Cuban. There was 324th Air Division. On Cuban Preparations for secret business trip. There was a lot strange... The pilots passports were taken away instead of military forms were issued civil clothes. Then soon everything cleared up. Everyone was gathered in assembly hall. There's an officer from political department read out order. Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub and other pilots were sent to war - to Korea.

The point is that during During World War II, Japan captured the Korean Peninsula. After, during World War II wars Japan was defeated countries the winners divided Korea on Northern And South. South became pro-American With head government Lee Shin Manom, A Northern pro-Soviet With head government Kim Il Sung. From the government North Korea there was a desire subdue to myself all of Korea! As a result, it began Korean Civil war. North Korea supported China And THE USSR, A Southern USA and them allies.

Commander of a special fighter air division, which was to fight in Korea, Was assigned Colonel Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub. Veronica sent letter to my husband with these words : "My poor boy, for you are back days 44th 45th years ! You are my dear, all this terrible, Yes Yes terrible! And it's me drives you crazy! You're my favorite danger! You write that you will return smoked And smelling of gunpowder, aged. Yes, I'm still more will be in love you such Here, smoked! Loving you Veronica!"

Military lettered the train was approaching border of China. Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub and other pilots for now did not know, what's their aerodrome will be located on territory of China, close to Korean border in the city area An Dun. When we arrived in China, changed clothes V CHINESE military FORM colors khaki with an inscription Chinese People's Army and steel "Chinese". We also received more chrome boots RED colors ! Then themselves joked - proletarian color ! Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub wrote in my diary : « I was ordered protect strategic objects North Korea. Came to mind unpleasant thought. We'll have to fight Not only against South Koreans, but also possibly against yesterday's ALLIES, Americans! Yesterday there were friends, today enemies! Like this

Here on just in case can I mention this incident, which happened back in sky above Berlin. IN April 1945 of the year 2 American fighter "Mustang" flew into the zone where they fought Soviet troops and shot down 2 Soviet fighter. After this, the squadron was lifted into the air Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub. He first caught up with Americans. There was a fight fleeting. Both American there were fighters shot down. Generally anyone air the battle FAST. On slang the pilots themselves air battle called "DOG DUMP". Just flew, for example, whole armada airplanes, but only after 3-4 minutes NOBODY around NO! Crew one American fighter died in the air, and the crew escaped the second on parachutes. landed the crew was on parachutes interrogated. They asked him : « Who hit you ? Americans they said : "Focke-Wulf" With red nose! Our investigators even crossed themselves because of Americans didn’t understand who their shot down! Downed 2 American fighter "Mustang" NOT were included in the number of victories Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub. Didn't let me do it commander shelf Pavel Chupikov. He JOKED: “ Their will be attributed on the first day next war! Joke, unfortunately it turned out prophetic.

Former the allies crossed weapon ! Purpose 40 American bombers became strategic railway bridge on the river Yalujiang. Bombers accompanied near 100 fighters. Division commander Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub could oppose the Americans only 50 fighters MiG-15. Kozhedub decides to take to the air all fighters, available – according to the principle, all or nothing! U Americans was shot down 12 bombers and 5 fighters. Near 120 American pilots who jumped out from by parachute, were taken into captivity Chinese And Koreans.

Myself Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub in this air battle didn't participate because it's Soviet command surrounded him prohibitions to participate in combat flights. Prohibited by the then Minister of Defense Vasilevsky, corps commander Belov, Then Lobov. Banned again until departure V Korea Vasily Stalin, who said : « Good to fight their own methods." What methods did you mean? Vasily Stalin, Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub so and Didn't understand! Maybe, Vasily Stalin dreamed that Americans shot down, with fun And without loss, but in reality such CAN NOT BE! Kozhedub's subordinates believed correct ban participate in combat flights.

However Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub was not just gambling a person, and a passionate pilot! One day this a little did not lead to great international scandal. The point is that if Kozhedub shot down, then Americans would say that Three times Hero of the USSR fights against their yesterdays allies. Open Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub was forbidden fly on combat flights, but given it character Can assume that he did write down at your own expense some American fighters "Sabres". Colleagues claim What This is true.

First air battle showed What Mig-15 practically equally opposes Sabre! To the railway bridge got there only 3 American bomber. They dropped 3, six ton bombs, and damaged one from supports bridge. Through a few days there was a bridge restored and supply North Korean army and the so-called Chinese "volunteers" resumed. All division aircraft Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub are back to the airfield. Some of them received damage, damage But NOT fatal. In general, it should be noted that Saber weapons V BEGINNING Korean there was a war rather weak. IN original version it was equipped 6 machine guns of 12.7 caliber mm. It happened that it turned out that MiG-15 was getting several holes V wings and places that do not affect the flight fuselage, but in this state was returning on your own aerodrome! Later on Saber machine guns were replaced on guns, caliber 20 mm.

First letter from Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub, Veronica received through guarantor Vasily Stalin, who handed the letter to her personally at the apartment on Chistye Prudy. In order to HIDE What Soviet pilots are fighting in Korea, they were it is forbidden to write in letters about war. Nobody was supposed to know place their location. Now she it became clear why from my husband for a long time did not have no news. For Veronica, division commander's wife Kozhedub by personal order Vasily Stalin was done exception. She was told that Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub is in North Korea. On everyone from the letters stood stamp “reviewed by military censorship”. All Soviet pilots who fought in Korea, wore pseudonyms. Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub was under the last name Krylov. In the letter he wrote : « For me very much don't worry. Is yours Vanyuhastic healthy ! A lot of work. Living conditions bad. I recently weighed myself 85 kg it's in long johns and socks. They brought it to me 2 weights by 32 kg. And how are you favorite? Doing your morning routine charging? You, my beloved I caress And kiss in everything places! loving you forever Vania!"

Ahead of Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub there was more 10 months secret war. UN announced North Korea AGGRESSOR. Respectively any military assistance to the regime Kim Il Sung was prohibited by international contracts. If participation Soviet military personnel in the war Korea will CONFIRMED then the armed forces UN With FULL RIGHT can start war and against THE USSR. Member of the Korean war fighter pilot Hero of the Soviet Union, Sergei Makarovich Kramarenko, colleague Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub By 2 wars told : « Us taught speak in Korean, to portray in the air from being Koreans. But when it comes it came before battle, it was already here not up to Korean language and here it is "chopped" purely in Russian!

Americans recorded our radio talks pilots. Then when they listened, understood, With by whom have an affair, but to the whole world about it They did NOT say. The point is that for accusations of the USSR V ILLEGAL participation V war V Korea were needed more significant proof. In the areas location of Soviet airfields started working actively South Korean intelligence. She was given task CAPTURE any of Soviet military personnel, doesn't matter pilot or aviation equipment. So one day Soviet missing aircraft technician After a long time search him after all found on the river bank in the bushes – RELATED. Later it were going to at night transport to the other side of the river and give away Americans. Accordingly, his wanted do living evidence of USSR participation V Korean war. That's why Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub banned fly on combat tasks ! Impossible to myself introduce what would it be international scandal, if in captivity To Americans hit Three times Hero of the USSR Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub. But one day it almost happened!

Kozhedub still did it some departures to Korea at NIGHT. He made them secretly from political officer Petukhov. When Petukhov was leaving for example, in Beijing, Kozhedub gave the command to prepare the plane and flew out on interception of scouts. This happened in one of these night flying in the sky Korea, When Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub was shot down He ejected and landed on neutral strip. South Koreans immediately tried it capture captured But Chinese at first stopped them with dense fire, and then in hand-to-hand literally in battle Kozhedub was torn out from hands of South Koreans!

First this story was told TO THE SON Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub, Nikita, Chinese veteran pilots V 1991 year. They asked Nikita about only one thing - never tell anyone this story. Nikita completed their request. According to the stories of the same Chinese pilots V Korea, Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub personally shot down 17 enemy aircraft ! Naturally not in any documents This NOT recorded especially since Soviet participation pilots in Korean war HID IT CAREFULLY.

Main rival Soviet MiG-15 V Korea was American Saber ( direct translation "Saber"). MiG-15 had weight on 2,5 tons less, That's why gained altitude faster And speed. However, when dive this advantage turned into flaw! Saber dived faster and besides, it was significantly more maneuverable than the MiG ( see article "Artyom Ivanovich Mikoyan"). On Sabre there was a weapon shot up to a distance of 400 meters, and MiG-15, up to 800 meters and more. Win count V Korean went to war with superiority in favor MiGs!

Unexpectedly from Moscow to the location divisions Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub I arrived high boss. He delivered the order – PLANT American fighter Saber, With minimal damage, on our territories. Then send it to Moscow on studying. Mission first seemed IMPOSSIBLE. But then the regiment commander Evgeny Pepelyaev managed apply SABER DELICATE damage ! Saber didn't catch fire And didn't crash and committed forced landing. This type of American fighter was NEWEST type fighter. By the time it capture he appeared at the front of everything six months back ! From the division's location Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub captured airplane transported V Moscow.

EXACTLY as a result KOREAN wars and CAPTURED V Korea to American fighter Saber, Soviet aircraft designers TAKEOVER at Americans RADIO RANGE NUMER, on the basis of which improved own aim, ANTI-OVERLOAD suit and then HIGH-RISE a suit that's just COPYED.

Lived division pilots Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub V Korea V hastily cobbled together from wooden boards near the airfield ! They didn't have no running water, no sewerage. Heated these makeshift stoves "potbelly stoves" A frosts in winter reached -40 degrees Celcius ! In summer walked torrential rains, and such , that sometimes it was necessary to go to the airfield swim on boats! In a letter to his wife Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub wrote : « We already have second week coming rain. Directly under the windows formed lake! Such miracles there are only here! AND When Only we let's break out from this cells?! I remember a movie "The Feat of a Scout" and words Kadochnikova: “ Patience, patience my dear friend So here it is be patient dear And I I tolerate and I think that We’ll endure it!” In a reply letter Veronica wrote : « Finally, waited from you letters, darling! Still, ours generations nerves and heart are in vain – the war has taken its toll! How much longer will it be continue this is how you write “brawl”?!”

She's well knew - What hiding behind a simple word "brawl". It happened that they called her wives pilots friends Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub, crying they shared fatal news ! They received funeral with such words: " Your husband died from heart attack or died from intestinal poisoning." Herself Veronica knew that friends' husbands died V air battles, But had no right them about it say. Because of CLASSIFICATION wars V Korea, USSR Ministry of Defense Not told the truth about how to in fact, Soviet soldiers died pilots. After death and farewell, bodies of the dead taken to Chinese city Port Arthur and there buried on military cemetery under FICTIONAL NAMES.

IN New Year's Eve 1952 pilots Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub go home. Report families about returning banned. Let's go home to civil clothes as if they were ordinary civilian people traveling from business trips from fraternal China. Soviet pilots shot down 215 American airplanes, 20 of which bombers "flying fortress". Division losses Ivan Nikitovich Kozheduba, 23 airplane and 10 pilots. Kozhedub is back home the same way suddenly, as he left. If Veronica asked him about the war Korea, he fell silent and looked at his wife for a long time with a smile. "Veronica, why do you need it ? Do not ask. Doesn't matter I won't tell you Bye won't be allowed." That was the answer.

After the war in Korea, Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub continued to fly, worked tester V Leningradsky military district. Job title occupied significantly below their merit - deputy division commander. After only 15 became old head of combat training of the Air Force. Later they made themselves known to him professional diseases. Started to get sick legs, then it happened stroke. I'm weaned speech, illness chained to bed, But relatives He found out.

Of the children he had daughter Natasha And son Nikita. His came out and literally wife Veronica raised. She connected, as many as I could doctors. He again studied write and we can say born again. Daughter Natasha became pianist, and son Nikita chose a profession submariner IN 1985 year Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub received the title Air Marshal.

U Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub was many friends - These were writers, artists, astronauts, musicians. Friends This often feast. Veronika Nikolaevna, knowing health Ivan Nikitovich, hard protected him from alcohol. Kozhedub in such cases joked: “Veronica Well, what is it? Big deal this is it three tankers drank each three hundred, and brave falcon drank nine hundred!" Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub lived with Veronica Nikolaevna almost 50 years ! Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub gone August 8, 1991 year, for at his dacha V Monino. Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub died in GLORY And RESPECT! Through six months THE COUNTRY HAS DISAPPEARED for which Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub FOUGHT whole 2nd WARS!

Kozhedub Ivan Nikitovich (1920–1991). The road to victory is long. And for Senior Sergeant Kozhedub it was painfully long. He, an excellent pilot-instructor, was kept in the rear, in Chimkent. Only in March 1943 was Ivan sent to the front. And in the very first battle, his La-5 is pierced by a Messerschmitt burst. The enemy shell gets stuck in the armored back, when returning the plane “catches” two hits from its anti-aircraft gunners and Kozhedub barely managed to land the combat vehicle.

They wanted to ban him from flying. But the intercession of the regiment commander helped - he saw something in the unlucky newcomer and was not mistaken. After the Kursk Bulge, Kozhedub became an ace (a fighter who shot down at least 5 aircraft) and a holder of the Order of the Red Banner.

By February 1944, there were 20 stars on the fuselage of his Lavochkin. That’s exactly how many of Hitler’s vultures were destroyed by Senior Lieutenant Kozhedub. And the first Gold Star adorned his uniform. The La-5FN aircraft, produced with the personal savings of the collective farmer Konev, became the Hero’s next car.

Kozhedub became deputy regiment commander, received the rank of captain, and, having shot down 48 German aircraft in 256 sorties, was awarded a second Gold Star in August 1944. Ivan became a hero three times after the Patriotic War - on August 18, 1945. His personal combat tally was 62 aircraft shot down, 330 combat missions and 120 air battles.

In terms of the number of enemies shot down, Ivan Kozhedub was the first in the Red Army. Even the Me-262 jet, the secret weapon of the Third Reich, stuck into the ground from the well-aimed burst of the Soviet ace. And the pilots of two American Mustangs he shot down, who wanted to attack the “Russian Ivan” in the skies over Germany, said that they mistook Kozhedub’s plane for a Focke-Wulf.

Kozhedub also fought with the pilots of the overseas empire in Korea. His division destroyed 216 enemy aircraft that carried democracy in their bomb bays.

After the Korean War, Ivan Nikitovich commanded the air army and served in the Air Force apparatus. The famous Soviet ace, who was never shot down during the war, died on August 8, 1991.

Video - Two wars by Ivan Kozhedub (2010)

Biography of one of the significant pilots of the Great Patriotic War, Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub. The story of how a rural boy became an air marshal of the USSR. He received this position later, in 1985. However, he went through the entire war and was never shot down by enemy fire, which is significant in the art of flying. He was deservedly awarded three stars of the Hero of the Soviet Union, standing on a par with the aces of that time. Father of two children, devoted and loving husband.

Childhood and youth

Ivan Kozhedub near his plane

Kozhedub Ivan Nikitovich was born on June 8, 1920 in the village of Obrazheevka, Glukhov district, Chernigov province (now: Shostkinsky district, Sumy region of Ukraine). He was the last, fifth, child in the family. His father, Nikita Illarionovich, was a church elder, a literate and well-read man. Ivan’s mother, Stefanida Ivanovna Veremes, was a native of the village of Krupets. She ran the household, looked after the children and taught them to work. Vanya’s brothers Yasha, Alexander, Grigory and sister Matryona also lived in the family.

The village of Obrazheevka is located in northern Ukraine. In schools, it was customary to conduct classes in Ukrainian, but despite this, people knew how to speak Russian and Ukrainian. It was his father who instilled in Vanya a love of literature: books by Gogol, Tolstoy, Chekhov. As Kozhedub’s wife Veronika Nikolaevna later recalled, Ivan Nikitovich spoke “bad” Russian, so she often gave him books by Pushkin, Lermontov, Dostoevsky, Mayakovsky, Sholokhov, etc. to read. She and her husband read Gogol’s comedy “The Inspector General” by role. This helped Kozhedub become a good speaker.

Kozhedub's parents lived poorly, his mother was very ill - constant poverty undermined her health: she died in 1936. My father took on any job to feed his family: he worked in the fields, and was hired as a worker by landowners. The father raised the children strictly: from an early age, Ivan helped his parents around the house, planted fruit trees, looked after the livestock, brought water from the well, and went to the forest to get firewood. Later, as an adult, Kozhedub recalled how his father sent him to the garden to guard the fruit trees. At that time there was little theft and there was no need for security. In this way, my father taught me to overcome difficulties, realizing that without him it would be difficult for the family.

Ivan Kozhedub was the youngest in the family, so his mother loved him more than other children and stood up for him before his father. He also loved his mother and respected his father, but he was afraid to show his feelings openly - he didn’t want other guys to consider him a “mama’s boy.”

At school, Ivan studied with enthusiasm and really loved his first teacher, Nina Vasilievna. However, there was a catastrophic lack of money, and the father took his son out of school and got him to work in a neighboring village as a shepherd for his uncle. Two weeks later, Ivan left the herd (which he was guarding), ran to his father’s home and begged him to allow him to continue his studies. The father gave his son a good beating (for self-will), but allowed him to return to school.

As a child, Ivan was fond of drawing. As a technical school student, he designed posters, wall newspapers, and slogans. As he writes about himself: “Drawing developed my eye, visual memory, and observation skills. And these qualities came in handy when I became a pilot.”

Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub - airplane pilot

In 1934, Ivan Kozhedub graduated from a seven-year school and at the age of 14 he entered the school for working youth (before this, there was an attempt to enter the brass band, which was located in a military unit in Shostka, but Ivan was too young in age). He always loved to play sports, and at the age of 13 he learned to squeeze a two-pound weight with one hand.

He is simultaneously fascinated by technology, pedagogy and drawing (his father dreamed that his son would become an artist and would happily show Ivan’s paintings to his fellow villagers). After the establishment of Soviet power, the boy did not know what he wanted to become. He was successful in teaching; often, at the request of his first teacher, he worked with those who were lagging behind, helping to overcome gaps in knowledge. Although at that time his heart was in aviation, he dreamed of a military career. However, initially, fate turned out differently. Young Kozhedub’s first job was as a librarian with a salary of 100 rubles. From this job, young Ivan gained an insight into the world of books. And, as usual, he brought home his first paycheck, buying sweets and bread. He did not work in this position for long, the country was undergoing industrialization, the country did not have enough workers, so the young man, after a meeting with his father, decides to get a blue-collar specialty and go to work at a factory. At that time, in the USSR it was allowed to start working at the age of 17, as an assistant foreman or apprentice. Ivan was not the right age. The workshop foreman at the building materials production plant pointed this out, saying that he was still small.

In 1936, Ivan passed the entrance exams and entered the Chemical Technology College (Shostka). As a student, he reads a lot of technical literature and continues to play sports intensively. With age, Kozhedub came to the conclusion that a pilot must be physically strong and resilient in order to master piloting techniques - which is why playing sports was so useful in the service. In his 3rd year he enrolls in a flying club - an opportunity arose for him to later become a pilot and wear a military uniform.

After graduating from the flying club, where he learned to fly a Po-2 and performed several parachute jumps, Kozhedub entered the Chuguev Military Aviation School of Pilots, graduating in 1941. Here he realizes for the first time what responsibility lies with him - a Soviet soldier who took an oath to defend his Motherland. Here Kozhedub learned to fly the UT-2, UTI-4 and I-16 fighter plane.

The Great Patriotic War and the exploits of Kozhedub

Ivan Kozhedub with the rank of Aviation General

The Great Patriotic War began at a time when Ivan was serving at an aviation school: he was an instructor (since 1941) and taught new cadets how to fly an airplane. The best students were taken into the active army.

In 1941, the aviation school was transported to the rear (to Kazakhstan near Chimkent) for further training of new pilots. According to Kozhedub, it is impossible to convey the excitement with which the school cadets waited all this time for news, read newspapers and listened to military reports on the radio. They rejoiced and were proud of the exploits of their classmates, who were already at the front and distinguished themselves while performing combat missions. And each of those who remained in the school dreamed of finally going to the front to beat the enemy.

Beginning in 1941, Kozhedub submitted a report many times to go to the front, and each time was refused. This was explained by the fact that he was needed at the school to train pilots. Despite the refusals, he continued to work hard on himself, analyzed the tactics of air combat (for this purpose, he collected clippings from newspapers and other sources), and passed on his experience to his students.

In 1942, the order came to send Senior Sergeant Kozhedub to the front as part of the 240th Fighter Aviation Regiment. The final training takes place at the airfield before being sent to the active army. Here he learns to fly the La-5 aircraft.

In the spring of 1943, Ivan Nikitovich served on the Voronezh Front. Kozhedub made his first combat flight on March 26, 1943. He was unsuccessful: the plane received heavy damage - it was fired upon by the Germans and anti-aircraft guns of Soviet soldiers. He miraculously landed the car at his airfield and remained intact.

This incident was followed by a series of combat missions to escort fighters and bombers to the front line, which were successful. Thanks to constant work on mistakes, Ivan quickly learned how to perform an anti-aircraft maneuver, flew reconnaissance, carried reports, and was a liaison between formations.

At the end of June 1943, Ivan Nikitovich received the rank of junior lieutenant. He becomes a senior pilot, and a little later - a flight commander. In August 1943, Lieutenant Kozhedub became squadron commander, and on August 6, 1943, he was awarded his first award - the Order of the Red Banner.

At this time, total mobilization began in Germany, new types of weapons appeared - the Tiger and Ferdinand tanks. Soviet troops began to move towards the Kursk Bulge on the eve of strong battles. Everyone was on alert.

On July 6, 1943, Ivan takes part in the Battle of Kursk and shoots down his first enemy bomber, a Junkers-87. On July 7, Ivan shoots down another Yu-87 plane, and on July 9, two Messerschmitt-109s.

In one of the battles, Kozhedub had to fight alone against eighteen enemy bombers. The pilots covering him showed ardor and went far behind the front line, leaving the commander alone on the battlefield. In this battle, Ivan used all his skills to maneuver, quickly attack, analyze the situation and act according to what was happening. He miraculously returned to the airfield - there was only enough gasoline left to land the plane. Kozhedub did not leave the battlefield, protecting those who fought below - infantrymen, tank crews, artillerymen.

In the Battle of the Dnieper, Ivan shot down 11 enemy aircraft in ten days. Each of these and subsequent battles was difficult, hot, requiring quick reaction and concentrated attention. According to Kozhedub, what is important for any pilot in the sky is cohesion of work, namely, excellent interaction between the leader and the wingman. One attacks, the other covers. The couple's joint work is the guarantee that the pilots will return to the airfield alive.

Preparing Ivan Kozhedub for departure

In his book, Kozhedub writes that the hardest thing during a war is to learn about the deaths of comrades who were nearby only recently. At such moments, a feeling of bitterness arises, which is replaced by rage and inspiration, the desire to kill two enemy opponents for each fallen comrade.

On October 12, 1943, Ivan took part in a hot battle, the task of which was to cover the crossing of the Dnieper. In a battle with a bomber (which was shot down), Kozhedub’s plane caught fire. He had to act quickly: at that moment he was over enemy territory. The pilot decides to choose an object to ram so that his death will not be in vain. And at the last minute, when he directed the plane at a group of Germans, the flames from the plane were knocked down, and the danger temporarily passed. Ivan taxis his plane and goes up. He manages to fly to the airfield and land the car.

Ivan Nikitovich’s squadron took part in the liberation of Ukraine, in the battles on the Dnieper, in Moldova, Kozhedub’s task was to protect the crossing of the Southern Bug from the air.

February 4, 1944 - Ivan Kozhedub receives the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. From August 1944, he became deputy commander of the 176th Fighter Aviation Regiment (1st Belorussian Front), learning to fly the La-7.

Air battles in 1944 were even more intense. There was a gradual liberation of Soviet lands from the Nazis. In May 1944, beekeeper Vasily Viktorovich Konev presented Ivan Nikitovich with a gift, having built a brand new La-5FN aircraft with his personal savings.

Since January 1945, Ivan Kozhedub, as part of the regiment, has been actively participating in the Vistula-Oder operation. History preserves a battle in which Kozhedub led an air battle in the ratio of 6 Soviet pilots against 30 fascist planes, in another battle - 2 Soviet planes against 40 bombers. And Kozhedub’s group won such battles (they threw the enemy into confusion), putting the German pilots to flight.

In mid-April 1945, the Red Army entered German territory. Hitler's troops, with the last of their strength, with redoubled ferocity, repelled the Soviet troops, but the advantage remained on the side of the Red Army.

Throughout the Great Patriotic War, Ivan Kozhedub made 326 combat missions, took part in 126 air battles, and independently shot down 62 enemy aircraft. Ivan Nikitovich was never shot down and is the best aviation ace in World War II.

Unfortunately, in war there are often cases of misunderstanding between allied forces. This happened in the spring of 1945, when Kozhedub shot down 2 American P-51s. According to the Soviet pilot, while flying over Berlin, he spotted American fighters and engaged a pair of German planes that were threatening the Allies. However, by mistake, the Americans began to attack Ivan Nikitovich’s plane. Outraged, Kozhedub attacked in response: the first plane was shot down, the second exploded in the air. This story shows that Ivan Nikitovich did not let anyone down, and, risking his life, and possibly his career, he stood up for himself.

Throughout the war, Ivan Kozhedub never forgot about his father, who remained in the captured village of Obrazheevka, and wrote letters to him. Nikita Illarionovich died on May 17, 1945, without ever meeting his son after the end of the war.

Military service

Ivan Kozhedub gives instructions on the airfield

Ivan Nikitovich's military career continued after the Second World War: he decided to get a higher education. In 1949, he completed his studies at the Red Army Air Force Academy named after. NOT. Zhukovsky, where he studied at the command faculty, received an “excellent” for his thesis. It was here that Kozhedub mastered the control of the Yak-17 jet aircraft.

Studying at the Air Force Academy was difficult: numerous friends and acquaintances often invited him to visit or visited him themselves, thereby distracting him from his studies. Kozhedub was a kind and sympathetic person, so he could not refuse them.

After studying at the Academy, Major Kozhedub received the position of deputy commander of the 31st Fighter Aviation Division (near the city of Baku). Ivan Nikitovich does not have time to leave Moscow when he receives a new position - assistant commander of the 324th Fighter Aviation Svir Red Banner Division.

October 20, 1950 Lieutenant Colonel Kozhedub I.N. received the title “Military Pilot 1st Class,” which he was very pleased with. On November 17, 1950, Ivan Kozhedub received the position of commander of the 324th Fighter Aviation Division.

On June 25, 1950, hostilities begin in North Korea. This is the official date: the confrontation between the USA and the USSR could be observed immediately after the end of WWII.

The reason for the hostilities was the division of Korea into South - led by Syngman Rhee and North - led by Kim Il Sung territories, which gave rise to a civil war.

September 16, 1950 - The United States launched an air campaign and invaded North Korea. The Korean People's Army suffered heavy losses. Therefore, the authorities turned to Stalin for help.

Mao Zedong took the side of North Korea: he sent an army of about 1 million people to the borders of China. However, without air support, victory was impossible.

Kozhedub was demobilized to China to train Chinese pilots in air tactics (Ivan Nikitovich was forbidden by the command to participate in combat missions). The training was difficult: the level of education of the Chinese soldiers and their meager nutrition affected them (they were physically much weaker than the Soviet military). Stalin expressed his dissatisfaction with this, accusing commanders of teaching recruits carelessly.

Thanks to Kozhedub’s strong-willed and communicative qualities, he managed to organize work in the division. The battles were fierce, many men of the division died in battle, but Kozhedub gained superiority in the sky. Statistics show that during the entire period of hostilities in Korea, Soviet pilots made 64,300 combat missions, conducted 1,872 air battles, and shot down 1,106 enemy aircraft.

June 2, 1951 - Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub receives the medal “For Korea” and the fifth Order of the Red Banner for successful command. The Korean War greatly undermined Kozhedub's health. In total, he stayed in North Korea and China for 305 days (April 2, 1951 – January 30, 1952).

Post-war years

Ivan Kozhedub at the Combat Aviation Museum

In 1955, Kozhedub entered the Military Academy of the General Staff. K.E. Voroshilov. The training lasted two years. In the first year, students were taught to command a division, in the second - an army.

1964-1971 – Kozhedub is 1st Deputy Commander of the Air Force of the Moscow Military District.

1971 - Ivan Nikitovich serves in the central apparatus of the Air Force.

Since 1978 - Ivan Nikitovich has been a member of the Group of Inspectors General of the USSR Ministry of Defense.

May 7, 1985 - Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub was awarded the rank of air marshal on the 40th anniversary of the Victory.

Without mentioning social activities, Kozhedub’s biography would not be complete. He was a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, as well as a people's deputy.

Ivan Nikitovich is an example of masculinity and dedication for subsequent generations. His courage, patriotism, constant desire to learn new things and oratory skills instilled in many soldiers deep respect and a desire for moral growth.

Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub died on August 8, 1991. Streets in Moscow and other cities of Russia and Ukraine are named in his honor. A bust was also installed in the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War in Moscow, and a second one was installed in the village of Obrazheevka.


Awards of Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub


02. 1942 – senior sergeant
05. 1943 – junior lieutenant
08.1943 – lieutenant
11. 1943 – senior lieutenant
04. 1944 – captain
11. 1944 – major
01. 1949 – lieutenant colonel
01.1951 – Colonel
08. 1953 – Major General of Aviation
04. 1962 – Lieutenant General of Aviation
04. 1970 – Colonel General of Aviation
05. 1985 – Air Marshal


02. 1944 – title of Hero of the Soviet Union (for 146 combat missions and 20 downed enemy aircraft).
08. 1944 - the second Gold Star medal of the Hero of the Soviet Union and the Order of Lenin (for 256 combat missions and 48 downed enemy aircraft).
08. 1945 - the third medal “Gold Star” of the Hero of the Soviet Union and the Order of Lenin (for high military skill, personal courage and bravery shown in the war).
Knight of the 7 Orders of the Red Banner (July 1943, September 1943, March 1945, June 1945, June 1951, February 1968, June 1970).

Knight of the Order "For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" 3rd degree.

Among foreign awards:

Knight of the Order of the Red Banner (Mongolia).

Knight of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland (GDR).

Knight of the Order of the Renaissance of Poland.

Knight of the Order of Freedom and Independence (DPRK).

Personal life

Ivan Kozhedub with a foreign delegation

On January 2, 1946, Ivan Kozhedub signed with Veronika Nikolaevna Koldasheva, a beautiful and energetic woman. A year later, the young couple had a daughter, Natasha. November 24, 1952 - son Nikita was born.

They lived modestly, had a dacha in Monino (they were issued to aviation generals and marshals - members of the Air Force Military Council).

Daughter Natalya Ivanovna, studied at the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University, then at the Faculty of Economics of MGIMO. In 1966, she got married, and in 1970, Ivan Nikitovich’s eldest grandson, Vasily Vitalievich, was born.

The youngest son Nikita graduated from the Suvorov School, and in 1970 he entered the Higher Naval Command School. Frunze. In 1975, he married Olga Fedorovna, and in 1982, they had a daughter, Anya.

Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub died on August 8, 1991 at a dacha in Monino (Moscow) from a heart attack. He was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery.
