Treatment of children's flat feet with massage. Foot massage - acupressure, for flat feet, for valgus feet, for a child How to massage a foot with flat feet

Very often, during a long walk, small children begin to be capricious and ask to be held. There may be a serious reason for such tiredness of the baby’s legs – developing flat feet. In fact, almost all children are susceptible to it. Statistics from leading pediatricians indicate that it is recognized as the most common childhood disease of the musculoskeletal system. Until the age of 5-6 years, it is practically impossible to diagnose deformation of the arch of the foot in a child due to the fact that the indentation of the foot in children, mainly up to one year old, is filled with adipose tissue, which makes it difficult to recognize flat feet. Massage for flat feet in children can help solve the problem of prevention.

Clinical practice considers flat feet to be a straightened longitudinal arch of the foot, which significantly increases the load on its inner edge. This anomaly is formed as a result of injuries, increased physical stress on the legs, muscle weakness, or as a consequence of rickets. True flatfoot, in which the appearance of the foot is changed, is very rare in children; doctors usually talk about planovalgus changes in the feet.

The reason for this situation is the softness of children's bones, which are easily stretched and deformed. At the same time, the ability of the foot to resist the load is significantly reduced, the muscles of the feet and legs are overstrained, and the child’s legs become tired.

The structure of a normal foot contains many small bones that connect ligaments and joints, and the coordinated movement of all links is provided by tendons and muscles. The disease occurs when the transverse and longitudinal arch of the foot, which provides shock absorption, becomes flat. When the foot becomes deformed, specific muscles and ligaments become stretched or shortened, become less aroused, and act incorrectly due to the incredible position of the foot. To return them to normal functioning, you need a massage, which is the most common solution to the problem.

Causes of flat feet

Congenital flat feet can be encountered sporadically these days. This deviation usually develops under the influence of environmental factors and many other features. In first place in terms of frequency of reasons is the use of shoes that do not fit in size. The formation of a child's foot should occur in natural conditions, therefore orthopedists recommend that children wear the correct shoes of the appropriate size with a firm heel and a heel not exceeding 0.5 cm.

The cause of the disease may also be a hereditary predisposition. Children whose parents have had the same problems should be checked regularly by an orthopedist. Babies who are overweight are also at risk of this disease due to severe stress on the foot. Various foot injuries and diseases (rickets, polio) increase the likelihood of developing flat feet.

Diagnosis of flat feet

Foot massage for flat feet in children is considered a necessity. In older preschool age, flat feet are expressed by pain during walking and prolonged standing in place. A clue for diagnosis can be the condition of the shoe - worn out tread on the inside of the sole.

The main symptoms of incipient flat feet:

  • pain in the foot area;
  • morning swelling of the legs;
  • the occurrence of cramps in the calves;
  • inability to maintain balance while squatting;
  • shoes that have become too small;
  • dramatic change in gait;
  • poor posture;
  • development of the lateral bone.

The doctor has his own methods for diagnosis:

  • plantography - an imprint on paper of the contour of the foot using specific paint;
  • podometry – measurement of all the main values ​​of the foot to compare them with standard indicators, even a microscopic deviation from which indicates the development of the disease;
  • electromyography - the latest research using modern technologies;
  • X-ray is the most common method for determining flat feet, which gives an idea of ​​the extent of damage to the foot.

The seriousness of the disease lies in the complications: impaired shock absorption of the foot, increased joint and muscle tension. An incorrectly distributed load becomes an additional burden on the spine, which can cause problems for the entire body. Increasing the load on the lower spine increases the risk of intervertebral herniation. In children, increased fatigue can affect their mental and emotional well-being.

Objectives of massage for flat feet

How to massage feet for a child with flat feet? Parents can learn this themselves. Pediatricians recommend massaging the feet simultaneously with general massaging of the whole body. Since the muscles of the lower extremities are controlled by nerves located in the lumbar spine, therefore, massaging the extremities should begin from this section. Foot massage for flat feet in children should be vigorous and carried out symmetrically in the child’s position, lying on his stomach with a small roller placed under the ankle.

A competently and systematically carried out procedure has a positive effect on the baby’s well-being:

  • relieves pain in the legs;
  • reduces muscle fatigue;
  • enhances blood supply to tissues;
  • regenerates the perfect activity of the feet.

This disease negatively affects the baby’s entire body, which is why it is recommended to massage not only the foot, but all the muscles of the legs, buttocks and lower back.

It is important to carry out the procedure regularly. For infants with congenital deformities, massage is an exceptional means of getting rid of the disease. To avoid painful sensations, it is recommended to combine massage with inert gymnastics, starting from one and a half months of age.

Regular children's massage for flat feet can remove pain and swelling and can stop the deformation of the feet. Timely procedures, as well as the use of physical therapy and special orthopedic shoes, help correct the feet. Muscle fatigue and pain syndrome are relieved, and the natural blood supply to the legs is restored.

Methodology of the procedure

Foot massage for flat feet in children is a holistic treatment course. The recommended duration of procedures is approximately 5 to 10 minutes. Moreover, experts advise starting the massage by rubbing the lower back, where the nerve endings responsible for the activity of the limbs are concentrated. Preliminary massaging of the lower back, as well as the hips and buttocks will enhance the effect on the legs. There are various sets of massage techniques, the choice of which is determined by the individual characteristics of the patient and the degree of the disease.

Most of the massage of the legs, feet and Achilles tendons is carried out in a position where the baby is lying on his back. With a child lying on his tummy, the calf muscle and soles are massaged using a whole range of techniques: stroking, rubbing, kneading, vibration and tapping, with sufficient force being allowed to apply pressure on the foot.

At stage 1, massaging the lumbar region and buttocks, the child is placed on his tummy and strokes are carried out from the buttocks to the sacrum in the direction from bottom to top. Then they move on to rubbing, which is performed using the sides of the palm. The lumbar area is treated until slight redness appears. Then stroking is carried out again. During any type of massage, each of the alternating techniques ends with stroking. There is no need to knead the buttocks and lower back, so immediately after rubbing they move on to vibration. The session ends, naturally, with stroking.

At stage 2, when massaging the calves, they begin by stroking the upper part of the legs from the ankle to the buttocks, then rub them until they are slightly red, preparing the ankle muscles for the following techniques. Kneading should be done carefully so as not to cause discomfort and pain in the child. If you press too hard, you can cause seizures in your baby. After the next stroking, the last technique is performed. To perform felting, the calf muscle is grabbed in the palm and oscillatory manipulations are performed with it, without leaving the point of contact. Complete the massage with stroking.

The last, 3rd stage, which includes massage of the foot itself, is the most serious procedure, not only relieving fatigue and relieving pain, but also giving the baby’s foot an impeccable appearance. First, relieve tension in ligaments and muscles. As a result of stroking, the foot should be completely relaxed, holding it with the other hand. Then the massage therapist performs manipulations with the foot without making any effort. Using this technique, shortening of ligaments and muscles is achieved. The massage therapist should give the foot the correct shape using the thumb and hold it in this position for at least 15 seconds. The session ends with stimulation of active points located on the inside of the foot near the base of the big toe.

Massage for planovalgus feet in children will bring greater effect if it is combined with manual therapy, physical therapy, work with special simulators and exercises on an orthopedic mat.

Parents themselves can help their child by learning how to massage their feet and perform special exercises for flat feet. An accurate diagnosis must be made by a doctor, who will adjust the treatment procedure. As a result of correctly and regularly performed massage, the elastic properties of the foot and all its general functions are restored. During the session, not only the foot itself is treated, but also the entire surface of the limb that needs relaxation for a given deviation.

Karina is a regular expert on the PupsFull portal. She writes articles about games, pregnancy, parenting and learning, child care and the health of mother and child.

Articles written

Children's feet are different from adult soles. The muscles on the legs of babies are still underdeveloped; they cannot support the weight of the body. Under weight, the arch drops, which is why physiological flat feet appear. As the ligaments form, it goes away. By the age of three, the sole takes on the appearance of an adult’s foot. It shows a clear arch between the toe and heel, and the fat layer disappears. Massage for flat feet is appropriate for the prevention and treatment of dystrophy.

Causes of the disease

The arch is necessary to cushion the skeleton during movement and jumping. It is formed during the first 5-6 years of life, but sometimes, due to the physiological characteristics of the body, the process can take up to 12 years. Thanks to the arch, the load on the spine is absorbed during physical activity. The degree of development of the foot can be determined by the wet footprint.

The causes of deformation are considered:

  • overweight;
  • incorrectly chosen shoes;
  • defects in the development of bones, ligaments and muscles;
  • heredity, cerebral palsy;
  • leg or foot injuries;
  • weakening of bone tissue due to poliomyelitis or rickets;
  • insufficient physical activity;
  • lack of calcium and phosphorus.

There are two arches: transverse and longitudinal. They combine to cause valgus flatfoot. It is also called longitudinal-transverse. The pathology is characterized by a “spread foot” with a bone protruding on the outer part. Longitudinal flatfoot does not appear in children; it is characteristic of adolescence. It is defined by the absence of an arch between the toe and heel. Transverse occurs in people over 35 years of age. Depending on the severity of the deformation, there are:

  • I degree – flexible deformation, which can be easily corrected after exercise therapy; it does not require treatment or registration of disability;
  • II degree – shortening of the Achilles tendon is characteristic; with prolonged walking and running it causes pain, in the absence of treatment and prophylactic measures it becomes severe;
  • III degree - severe deformation, it is impossible to correct it manually, it occurs due to dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system or the presence of congenital pathology of the legs.

The first and second degrees are widespread in children and adults. By the age of 4-5 years, a child’s foot is almost formed. If the baby does not have a rise in the medial edge of the foot when standing, the leg rests completely on the floor, then this is the first sign of a developmental disorder. It is recommended to take the baby to an orthopedist. In some situations, development continues up to 9-12 years. During this period, the formation of the foot should be carefully monitored based on the wet footprint.

The benefits of massage for different types of arches of the feet

Treating foot deformity with medication is not possible. Children's massage for flat feet in children is aimed at strengthening muscles and ligaments in order to correct the defect. It is necessary for gait disturbances, clubfoot, complaints of pain in the back and legs, difficulty with squatting, and obvious deformation of the foot.

Sessions are carried out in combination with physical therapy for the following purposes:

  • strengthen the muscles and ligaments in the legs;
  • improve blood flow, remove congestion in the veins;
  • relieve tension in certain muscle groups;
  • restore foot function.


Therapeutic foot massage is indicated for children over 5 years of age. It is not performed on young children because the foot is not fully formed.

Massage for flat feet in children reduces pain during normal exercise and restores the shock-absorbing ability of the foot. It is an important stage of treatment aimed at restoring the correct structure of the foot. During the procedure, all joints and muscles are worked out and blood circulation is stimulated. Restored joint tone and blood circulation help the feet take on the correct anatomical shape.

Indications and contraindications

In ancient China, massage of the soles was given great attention. The feet were considered second in importance after the heart. Energy lines run along them, called meridians. The procedure removes tension and forces the body to work efficiently. It affects the body as a whole, so there are contraindications.

These include:

  • acute diseases of the legs and joints;
  • benign neoplasms and oncology;
  • thrombosis, varicose veins, burns, gangrene;
  • insect bites, skin damage;
  • heart disease and abnormalities in its functioning;
  • convulsions and epilepsy, stomach ulcers;
  • there are warts and papillomas in the body;
  • sprains, injuries, wounds.

Chinese healers believe that the sole contains a “map” of the entire body. About 300 nerve fibers pass through active points. By pressing them, the work of a certain organ or system is activated and the inflammatory process is removed. After the procedure, sleep improves, the functioning of most organs and systems improves, and anxiety decreases. You can do it for your child yourself. The main thing is to know how to massage correctly.

Massage techniques

  1. Stroking - it is performed with knuckles on the fist in the direction from the ankle to the foot.
  2. Kneading - by pinching. The inner and outer surface of the foot is treated.
  3. Vibration – imitation of vibration. Use your fingertips to press on the active points and lightly shake the foot.
  4. Rubbing - performed with the inside of the palm. Rub the foot and shin in a circular motion.
  5. Movement of the joints - in preschool children, this is done forcibly; older children are asked to move their joints independently, then the procedure is continued forcibly.

Special attention

During a baby massage for flat feet, it is important to select the force of influence. Light stroking and too gentle a touch can cause a ticklish sensation in the baby. Confident, calm movement calms and relaxes. Intense exposure activates the body's functioning and gives vigor.

No massage movements should be accompanied by severe pain or discomfort. On the front of the legs, strong pressure, tapping and other sharp and intense impacts should be avoided.


The massage is performed after moisturizing the hands with baby cream or baby oil, otherwise manipulations can cause discomfort and damage to the skin. You can use calcined vegetable oil when cooled. Massage oil, aromatic oils and other products not intended for children's skin can provoke a local allergic reaction.

A positive result occurs after the first course if the massage is combined with amplipulse and other physiotherapy, wearing orthopedic shoes and medicinal insoles, which are made individually according to a doctor’s prescription. Additionally, they perform a set of exercises for the legs and feet. Swimming is recommended; it will reduce muscle tone, relieve tension and relax.


A visual positive result is achieved only after several courses of massage. The duration of one session is 10-15 minutes. One course involves 10-15 procedures. It is recommended to conduct at least two courses with an interval of 1 month. The orthopedist recommends treatment tactics and the number of sessions in one course, taking into account the degree of curvature of the foot and concomitant diseases.

Massage for flat feet in children is performed in the direction from bottom to top in a position on the stomach. The buttocks and sacrum are stroked with confident movements, but without strong pressure. The lower back is rubbed in a circular motion until reddened, and finally stroked with soothing movements. The area is then treated with vibration. The procedure is completed with soothing stroking of the lumbar region and buttocks.


In the kidney area, tapping, intense and sudden movements are prohibited.

The child continues to lie on his stomach. Here the massage movements are varied. These include:

  • rubbing and stroking;
  • kneading, patting and pinching;
  • vibration and shaking;
  • sawing and chopping.


No impact under the knees is allowed. This area is a sensitive area that causes discomfort and pain.

They probe the large bone, separating the soft tissue in the middle. The calf muscle is located in this area. They pass along it with probing movements in the direction from top to bottom.

Additionally carried out:

  • lightly stroking the entire surface;
  • rub the sides of the leg with the pad of the thumb;
  • Pressure is applied in the ankle area;
  • pinching to activate blood circulation;
  • effleurage and chopping in the area of ​​the calf muscle;
  • rubbing with sawing elements.


The ankle area is very sensitive. No movements that cause pain should be allowed. Discomfort can cause seizures in a baby prone to them.

Attention is paid to the inner area of ​​the sole and the growth points of the toes. In these places, the arch flattens.

A set of massage movements is performed in the following order:

  1. Confident stroking. Movements should be of medium intensity, a light touch causes tickling.
  2. Rubbing the foot from heel to toe with the edge of the palm.
  3. Using strong pressure from the thumb, draw longitudinal lines along the foot, carefully working out the inner edge.
  4. The transverse arch is massaged with the thumb in the same way, then both areas are combined by drawing a seven on them.
  5. Heel massage by pinching and pressing.
  6. I work my fingers one at a time in a circular motion, paying attention to the space between them.
  7. Holding the thumb, fix the sole in the correct position for 15 seconds.
  8. Active points are worked out by tapping on each zone.

Foot massage is necessary to relax the muscles and increase their elasticity. After the procedure, the child must wear orthopedic shoes to record the result. To obtain a lasting positive effect throughout the year, it is recommended to take 3-4 courses.

Passive movements are the final stage of massage for flat feet. They are aimed at maintaining and strengthening the arch. The exercises are performed by a massage therapist for the child. The baby is in a supine position.

The set of exercises includes:

  • bending and extending legs in different directions;
  • raising straightened legs without lifting the buttocks from the massage table;
  • turning onto your stomach to perform other types of movements;
  • bending the legs at the knees while lying on the stomach, the sole is pulled towards the buttocks;
  • turns the feet left and right, circular movements;
  • finger movements, squeezing the sole.


You cannot set a fast pace for the exercises, and you cannot overtire the child with a large number of movements. The number of exercises and their variety are selected taking into account age, health and physical development.

Passive movements are not recommended for a child with rhinitis. Physical activity involves breathing relatively freely through the nose. Lack of oxygen due to nasal congestion causes dizziness and fainting. During colds accompanied by fever, massage and passive movements are canceled until the condition improves.

Important points

The massage session begins with a general effect of stroking movements from the lower back to the feet. Then massage the front and back of the thigh and lower leg in the direction from the foot to the groin. No manipulation is allowed in the area of ​​the kneecap and joint. At the end, each zone is worked on separately in the following order:

  • lower back and buttocks;
  • hips;
  • shins;
  • feet.

The sole and arch are massaged in the prone position. For children under 3 years of age, the procedure is performed on the back. The shin is fixed at an angle of 45⁰. A large rolled towel or sofa cushion is suitable for this. The entire complex of movements is carried out in the direction from the toes to the heel.

  • balls of different shapes and diameters, they are rolled without lifting the foot from the ball;
  • wooden sticks with a diameter of at least 4 cm are used for skating;
  • special rounded sticks for Thai massage;
  • rolling massagers with different types of teeth;
  • orthopedic rugs with different types of relief.


A foot massager must be used for flat feet, if the deformation of the sole is accompanied by poor posture.

The massager for flat feet does not replace the work of a massage therapist, but trains the foot and consolidates the result. It is used immediately after a session or at any time several times a day without reference to the procedure. Exercise machines are also appropriate during the period of remission between massage courses. Such exercises can be performed for a long time.

To train the leg muscles, it is recommended to lift a variety of small, non-sharp objects from the floor, grasping them with your toes, without involving your hands. Pens, pencils, erasers, small balls will do. It is recommended to walk barefoot on sand and grass. For children with developed feet, you can sew a massage mat, which is a bag with chestnuts inside. Walking on such a mat perfectly stimulates the active points and muscles of the sole.

All fascia, ligaments, and muscles of the foot must function together with the muscles and ligaments of the ankle. If the longitudinal and transverse arches of the foot become flattened, providing shock-absorbing properties, flat feet appear. If you start traditional treatment when the first symptoms appear, the results will not be long in coming. This is especially true for children. Massage for flat feet in a child is an important part of therapy and has its own technique and specificity.

The functioning and importance of muscles in the development of flat feet

The normal foot contains a large number of small bones that are connected to each other by joints and ligaments. Muscles and tendons are responsible for their movement. When the leg moves, the muscles become longer and shorter, causing its shape to change. Foot massage should be scheduled in a timely manner.

The set of foot muscles can be divided into two groups.

  • Those located on the sole and the muscles of the back: they are important in adducting/extending, flexing/extending the fingers.
  • The muscles of the sole are divided into the muscles that elevate the little toe and the muscles that elevate the middle group of muscles and the big toe. The latter are much weaker than the plantar ones.

Also, the anterior and posterior tibial muscles of the leg are of great importance in the functioning of the foot. The state in which they are located determines the smoothness, lightness and stability of the gait.

Massage for flat feet in children is used quite often.

Foot development in children

Up to a certain age, children's feet look flat, since the plantar part of a child, compared to an adult, is wider and shorter. The child's heel looks small, and his toes spread out like a fan. The plantar part contains a layer of fat that smoothes the arches of the feet. This structure of the foot and the drooping of the arches influence the fact that a child up to about three or four years old quickly gets tired while walking. Later the legs regain their normal shape. One of the reasons for the appearance of flat feet may be muscle weakness resulting from injuries, paresis, paralysis, various diseases suffered by the child, as well as high physical stress on the sole. One of the stages of complex traditional therapy is foot massage, which has a positive effect if used in conjunction with wearing special shoes and insoles, and therapeutic exercises.

What happens with flat feet

When flat feet develop, the ability of the foot to resist loads is greatly reduced, the muscles of the legs and feet become overstrained, and the baby’s legs get tired too quickly. According to experts, massage in this case is a mandatory procedure. If parents did not notice warning signs in time, then in the future the child may develop deviations in general development while mastering jumping, running, and stereotypical walking. Due to the rapid onset of fatigue and pain, he will not be able to play on par with his peers.

In pediatrics, massage for flat feet in a child is usually combined with a strengthening body massage. Many experts believe that foot massage alone is an ineffective procedure, since the muscles of the lower extremities are controlled by nerves starting in the spinal cord (lumbar region), and therefore each such massage should begin from the lower back.

Rules for baby massage

If you have flat feet, massage in children is determined by the following basic rules:

  • first you need to use the simplest techniques, and then gradually move on to complex ones;
  • all manipulations must be carried out very carefully; if the child screams or cries, stop immediately, since the cause may be insufficient experience of the medical worker or careless movement;
  • manipulations are carried out only in a supine position, so that there is no strain on the baby’s musculoskeletal system; his ligaments and joints are not yet fully developed, and sudden shocks can cause injury to the skeletal system.

Special mention should be made of massage for flat-valgus (varus) deformity, in which developing flat feet are accompanied by the feet falling inward or the heels deviating outward. In this case, not only the feet are deformed, but also the hip, knee, and ankle joints. Foot massage for flat feet in children should be carried out very carefully so that the child does not experience any unpleasant sensations.

Massage technique

The child should be placed on his stomach and then carefully turned onto his back. The massage begins from the thigh, then gradually goes lower, the lower leg is well massaged, and then the foot itself.

There are several methods for treating children's flat feet with massage: kneading, rubbing, stroking, light vibration movements carried out by a special massager.

Special attention

In the massage procedure for longitudinal flat feet in children, it is important to pay special attention to the back and front surfaces of the lower leg, as well as the foot itself. By rubbing the muscles and pressing slightly on them, you should try to slightly move the muscles of the foot. Different effects on sprained ligaments and muscles relieve their tension and bring their functioning back to normal.

You can check with your doctor about how to massage a child with flat feet.


The massage session should last about ten to fifteen minutes. Experts advise carrying out these procedures every other day for a month. If physical therapy exercises are performed at the same time, the effect will be achieved faster. Such an integrated approach will not only correct flat feet, but will also have a beneficial effect on metabolism and strengthen the growing body.

If you have flat feet, the emphasis is on the transverse, outer and inner arches of the foot. All manipulations should be carried out from the toes to the heel and then to the ankle. There are massage lessons for flat feet in children.

Important points

The important components of the procedure are as follows:

  • muscle relaxation - stroking and fixing the foot with one hand;
  • massage of the sole - is done with an emphasis on kneading the muscles at the beginning of the big toe and along the inner edge (the main stage of the session);
  • foot plastic surgery - giving the ankle the correct shape during the procedure, deepening its arch, fixing the foot five or six times; the foot must be held in this position for fifteen seconds;
  • toning of points - pressure on points on the outer and inner surfaces of the feet, along the ankle joint.

When performing a massage, the child’s leg should be bent at the knee and then rub the back of the foot and sole from the toes to the ankle for twenty seconds. Then lower your little finger with your right hand, raise your ring finger with your left, and then vice versa. Such manipulations on each toe are carried out six times. Then, using stroking, the foot is massaged from toe to heel for thirty seconds. With your left hand you need to hold your heel, and with your right hand you need to lower and raise all your fingers at once five to six times. Then, for thirty seconds, use both hands to rub and knead the bases of your toes and heels.

You need to grab your right leg around the ankle with your hands and stroke it up to the knee. You need to repeat the procedure ten times, then the same amount of kneading in this direction and stroking again. Similar manipulations are carried out with the left leg. Then the thigh is massaged at least ten times in the direction from the knee to the groin. The massage procedure ends with stroking the leg from the foot to the groin. Each leg should be massaged with both hands: first with the left, then with the right (ten times).

In addition, passive movements, which are done by the child himself, can be added to the main composition of the massage for valgus flatfoot in children. He should not strain his limbs during movements. When they are performed in the joints, you need to carefully ensure that the leg is relaxed to the maximum. When working with joints, the massage therapist must pay close attention to their anatomy. Exercises with your child on a special mat that strengthens muscles will also be beneficial. Together with a massage for flat feet in a child, additional procedures will produce the desired effect.

The muscles, ligaments and fascia of the foot must work in concert with the ankle muscles and ligaments. With the flattening of the transverse and longitudinal arches of the foot, which provide its shock-absorbing properties, flat feet develop. Conservative treatment, started when the first signs of the disease appear, gives good results, especially in children. Massage for flat feet is an integral part of the treatment and has its own characteristics and technique.

Normally, the foot consists of many small bones connected by ligaments and joints. Their movements and rotation are “guided” by tendons and muscles. As the leg moves, the muscles lengthen and shorten again, changing its shape.

All foot muscles are conventionally divided into two groups.

  • Located on the sole, as well as the muscles of the dorsal surface. They play a large role in the processes of flexion, extension, spreading and bringing together the fingers.
  • The plantaris muscles are divided, in turn, into the muscles that elevate the little finger, the muscles that elevate the big toe and the middle group of muscles. This group is much weaker than the plantar ones.

In addition, the posterior and anterior tibial muscles of the leg are involved in the functions of the foot. Not only the biomechanics of the foot, but also the lightness, smoothness, and stability of gait depend on their condition.

Foot formation in children

In children up to a certain age, the foot appears flat, since the plantar part of a small child is shorter and wider compared to an adult. The baby's heel seems small, and his toes seem to spread out like a fan in different directions. The plantar part contains a layer of fat that smoothes the arches of the feet.

The flat structure of the foot and drooping of its arches are the reason that children under the age of 3-4 years quickly get tired when walking. Over time, the legs acquire normal shapes, and feet appear on the soles. Flat feet can develop for many reasons, but one of them is muscle weakness.

This can happen due to paresis, paralysis, injuries, previous diseases, as well as heavy physical stress on the sole. Foot massage for flat feet is one of the methods of complex conservative treatment, which gives good results if used together with therapeutic exercises and insoles.

Massage technique

Foot massage for flat feet has its own characteristics and techniques. When performing it, it is necessary to take into account that the innervation of the lower extremities begins at the level of the spine, so it will be useless to carry out a separate massage of the legs or just the feet.
Experts advise carry out massage movements, starting least from the back, then gradually move to the front and back of the thighs, and only then massage the legs and feet.

The techniques used to massage the legs and feet vary, but two are mainly used:

  • Massage for flat feet begins with the calf muscles, then smoothly moves to the Achilles tendon, ankle joint, and from there to the sole. After a few minutes of massaging the plantar part, they again move on to the ankle joint, tendons and calf muscles.
  • General massage, starting from the knee area and gradually descending to the fingertips. After this, a massage is carried out on the inner and outer surfaces of the lower leg, then move on to the sole and finish with the thumb.

The techniques used are those used in general massage - kneading, stroking, squeezing, vibration, pressing, squeezing. As an addition, you can use various massage mats or rollers. The only contraindication to the procedure is considered to be varicose veins of the legs, which occurs mainly in adults.

For children

Massage for flat feet in children has the following rules.

  • At first, you can apply the simplest techniques and rules, gradually moving on to complex techniques.
  • All techniques carried out carefully, and when the child screams or cries, they should stop. The reason for this behavior of the child may be careless movement or insufficient experience of the nurse performing the procedure.
  • Movements are carried out only in a lying position so as not to create additional stress on the entire musculoskeletal system of the child. The baby's joints and ligaments are not fully formed, and sharp jolts can injure the skeletal system.

Separately, it is necessary to say about massage for varus or plano-valgus deformity, when, in addition to the development of flat feet, the feet fall inward or the heel deviates slightly outward. With such deformation, deformation occurs not only of the feet, but also of the ankle, knee and hip joints. Therefore, massage for flat feet of such forms should be carried out carefully so as not to cause discomfort to the child.

How many courses do you need to conduct?

The massage course should consist of at least 12 (for mild flat feet) or 20 sessions (in severe cases), which are carried out every other day. The procedure can take from 7-10 to 20 minutes. You can conduct at least 3-4 courses per year.

For congenital foot pathology, massage can begin as early as 1.5-2 months of age, at least 45 minutes after eating. Usually the procedure is carried out until the result is obtained. Massage in adults usually does not give the same result as in children, the reason is that in an adult the muscular-ligamentous apparatus is already formed.

It is not recommended to perform massage yourself if parents do not have skills or special education. If you suspect signs of flat feet, you should consult an orthopedic doctor for advice and start as soon as possible, which necessarily includes massage.

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Flat feet is one of the types of deformation of the lower limb, which is a pathological straightening of the arch of the foot. The disease develops and manifests itself in childhood. The arch of the foot is formed in children by the age of five. Therefore, it is important to take care of the health of the child’s musculoskeletal system from his first step.

Reasons for development

In order to know how to treat flat feet, it is important to study the causes of its occurrence. This is necessary in order to eliminate the factor that can provoke or aggravate the development of straightening of the arch of the foot. The most common reasons are:

  • Pathological development of the lower limb in the womb.
  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Wearing shoes for a long time.
  • Inconvenient or poor quality shoes.
  • Reduced physical activity.
  • Unbalanced diet.
  • Injuries of the lower extremities.
  • Rickets.
  • The child is overweight.


There are three types of flat feet:

  1. Longitudinal curvature characterized by compaction of the inner and outer arches of the foot. This is the most common type of this disease.
  2. Transverse curvature characterized by compaction of the transverse arch of the foot and its forepart.
  3. Combined view represents a complete seal of the foot in all directions.

The severity of the disease is also distinguished:

  1. At first degree of severity The child complains of weakness and pain in the legs when walking for a long time. When examining the foot, no deformation is visible.
  2. In the second degree children complain of painful sensations not only during physical activity, but also at rest. If you examine the feet, you can notice the widening of the foot in the middle part. When walking, it manifests itself as clubfoot.
  3. In the third degree severe pain is localized not only in the legs, but also in the back. Visually noticeable deformation of the foot, which is accompanied by the development of scoliosis.


Depending on the age and severity of the disease, children's complaints differ. Teenagers may experience pain in their legs and back, especially after a physical education lesson or a long walk. The pain can be so intense that the child will ask his parents for painkillers. At the same time, a small child may notice increased fatigue and tearfulness when walking.

Children also complain of pain in their legs and ask to be held by their parents. When walking, you may notice clubfoot in children with flat feet.

If you notice such symptoms in your child, consult with an orthopedic doctor who will give recommendations for treating flat feet.

Non-drug treatment

Massages are very popular in the treatment of flat feet in children. With its help you can relieve muscle tension, reduce pain, strengthen muscles and ligaments, improve blood circulation and lymphatic drainage.

Therapeutic massage is aimed at restoring the functions of the foot. It can be used to influence compacted areas of the arch of the foot. Prophylactic is aimed at preventing this pathology. It is also effective in treating flat feet of the first degree of severity, when the deformation of the foot is not particularly visible.

It should be noted that therapeutic massage must be performed by a qualified specialist, but parents can also perform basic exercises at home, having carefully studied the technique.

It is important to perform certain actions during massage:

  • During the procedure, the child should lie on his back or stomach.
  • The massage begins with stroking in order to establish tactile contact with the baby.
  • Rubbing is used to improve blood supply to the massaged area. Rubbing begins from the back and ends with the feet.
  • Kneading is carried out with light hand movements without pressure.
  • Vibration - light tapping with the side of the hand.
  • Pressure is used to influence the compacted pathological part.
  • You need to finish the massage with repeated stroking to relax the baby after the procedure.

At home

To achieve the desired effect, it is necessary to work on the back, especially the lumbar region, buttocks, hips, and then proceed to the legs and feet. Since damage to the foot can provoke diseases of other parts of the musculoskeletal system, the duration of a massage course for flat feet in children should be at least a month.

In the lumbar and gluteal region, it is important to perform all techniques consistently. But special attention should be paid to rubbing in the sacral triangle and the area along the spine, starting from the cervical region. It is not recommended to use kneading and pressing in the neck area.

In the femoral area, it is worth increasing the duration of kneading and pressing techniques in order to tone the thigh muscles and improve blood supply to the knee and hip joints.

The direction of massage in this area is from bottom to top, from the knee to the hip joint.

The lower leg area is massaged in the same direction, trying to affect the calf muscles. Don't force it as it may cause pain. The tendons in this area are given special attention. They are rubbed for a longer time. It is also important to stimulate the outflow of lymph from the muscles of the lower extremities.

Of course, foot massage is of particular importance. To achieve an effect, massage of this area takes longer than other areas. The main emphasis is placed on the part of the foot whose arch is affected - the inner, outer or transverse surface.

Begin foot massage from toes to heel. First you need to relax the muscles by stroking. You can't miss this trick because otherwise the following ones will bring unpleasant sensations to the baby. After this, begin massaging, starting with the thumb. The emphasis is on the inner edge, affecting all points of the arch of the foot.

After this procedure at home, it is recommended to let the child lie down for half an hour, or better yet, put him to bed.

It's important to know that Young children should not have a long massage, unlike teenagers. Flat feet have their own characteristics at every age. At an older age, this pathology of the arch of the foot cannot be completely cured. At the same time, massage in young children can lead to recovery.

It is useful to combine massage with physical therapy. Exercise therapy is one of the effective methods for treating flat feet in children. Gymnastic exercises lead to strengthening of the ligaments and muscles of the foot. Cycling, swimming, rope climbing, and walking barefoot on the ground and sand are also recommended. This combination of actions can lead to faster recovery.

You can also use a massager at home, which will also increase oxygen supply to the affected area.

An orthopedist can advise orthopedic insoles. They are an effective treatment method, especially in adolescence. They can be used for both treatment and prevention. Therapeutic insoles are made individually for each child based on the characteristics of the arch defect. Preventive ones can be purchased at any specialized shoe store.

A massage mat can be purchased at any pharmacy. It is easy to use, used for treatment and also for the prevention of flat feet.

It increases blood circulation, restores trophic processes in the lower extremities, improves the immune system, tone of the skin and muscle tissue of the foot.

To learn how to make a massage mat with your own hands, watch the following video.


Preventive measures are aimed at preventing the development of flat feet in children. The recommendations are so simple that
