People born on October 2. Church holiday according to the folk calendar - Trofim and Zosima

On this day, sweet, charming and polite optimists come to Earth, who try not to notice negative aspects life. They are excellent speakers, but they know how to listen and are able to understand the arguments of their opponents. According to the horoscope, Libra, whose birthday falls on October 2, is fair, balanced, avoids extremes in any matter, knows how to respect other people's points of view and find compromise solutions acceptable to everyone.

Libras of this date are purposeful individuals endowed with the gift of foresight. Subtle intuition helps these people find a way out of the most difficult life situations, but many of them are not inclined to trust their inner voice. Although it is the combination of rational thinking and instinct that is the very gift of nature, which is the determining factor in the success of individuals born on October 2. By wisely using their talents and directing them to good deeds, they will be able to achieve great heights in life and ensure a stable financial position for themselves.

Most of the representatives of this zodiac sign and dates are friendly and responsive, but do not accept lies and falsehood. Therefore, their attitude towards people depends on the sincerity and openness of each of them. The optimism characteristic of birthday people of this day is often excessive. Stubbornly not noticing the negativity in life situations, they try to protect themselves from its negative consequences, which can lead to worries and stress. Although often this attitude resembles the behavior of an ostrich hiding its head in the sand, and does not help, but rather hinders solving pressing problems.

According to the horoscope, many of those born on this day are able to clearly express their thoughts, do not get confused in words and openly express their own opinions, even if it may offend someone. These people are able to competently conduct discussions, treat their opponent’s emotional statements with restraint and politely respond to any attacks. But their directness is often excessive and offensive to the pride of others. Some of them are characterized by excessive criticality, which is perceived by the interlocutor as an insult to them, despite the fact that these people are absolutely confident in their rightness and correctness. Such a discrepancy between one’s own attitude towards one’s opinion and how others understand it often leads to accusations of insensitivity and ruthlessness. But in fact, Libra on this birthday is driven solely by the desire for truth and open expression of feelings.

At the same time, in matters related not to communication, but to survival, the birthday people of this day are truly tough and decisive. Making a vivid impression with their grace and charm, they, however, have great inner strength, which does not allow these people to be considered weak-willed. They know how to stand up for themselves, using both defensive and offensive tactics. Some representatives of this date may be overly aggressive, but most of them are not inclined to go to extremes, so they stick to the golden mean. Most of those born on October 2 under the zodiac sign Libra have internal balance and restraint, and therefore are able not to react to provoking factors.

Relationships with others.

Most of the birthday people of this day are interested in the processes taking place in society and public sentiment, and in some cases they even know how to manage them. They can easily gain the trust of the masses to use the current situation to their advantage. Those born on October 2 are of little interest in society's opinion of themselves; they are absolutely confident in their own rightness, so they do not worry about the assessment of others. Although in reality it often does not coincide with their self-conceit.

In general, those born on the second of October maintain smooth relationships with everyone. They love company and entertainment, they know how to joke and have a good sense of humor, although they are very sensitive to jokes about themselves - in such cases their attitude to humor becomes completely opposite. But they try to hide their touchiness behind a mask of frivolity or, conversely, excessive severity, using wit and the ability to conduct dialogue. Therefore, only the closest person can notice their emotional vulnerability.

Representatives of this date respect their chosen one, take into account his opinion and interests, and are always ready to make concessions. In love they do not hide their feelings, they are romantic and sentimental. But all this is only provided that they have unlimited faith in the sincerity of their partner. Otherwise, personal relationships turn into real torture for both parties and fall apart very quickly - if those born on October 2 notice lies and falsehood, they become intolerant of everything. They decide to marry after they are convinced that the chosen one fully meets the requirements. IN family life these people try to get along with their spouse, creating a warm, harmonious atmosphere of love and mutual understanding in the house.

Representatives of this zodiac sign and date know how to prove themselves in the professional field. They are able to develop practical ideas and promising projects in any field of activity in which they show interest. Executives act as team players and feel comfortable in the leadership chair. At the same time, they have excellent business skills and are able to successfully develop their own business.

Most birthday people of this day are in good health, but because they are confident in their own invulnerability, they expose it to significant danger. These people are often victims of attacks or accidents that result in injury varying degrees gravity. Also, despite optimism and trying to avoid stress, most of the problems of these Libras are psychological character. They often find themselves powerless in the face of too much nervous tension or emotional outbursts.

Tips for a better life

Try not to overdo it in your stubborn desire not to notice the negativity in life situations. By avoiding problems, you will not be able to protect yourself from their negative consequences, including worries and stress.

Be more careful and restrained in expressing your own opinions, so that your directness is not excessive and offensive to the pride of others. Tame your excessive criticism, which is perceived by your interlocutor as an insult, even if you are absolutely sure that you are right and correct.

Get rid of excessive aggressiveness, learn to stick to the golden mean. Cultivate inner balance and restraint, do not react to provoking factors.

Do not be led by excessive confidence in your own invulnerability, do not put your health and life in danger as a result of attacks or accidents. If you can't avoid too much stress nervous tension and emotional outbursts, get rid of negativity in a timely manner - rest and relax in a timely manner.

The zodiac sign of those born on October 2 is Libra. They are sociable, charming and energetic individuals. They are always in the center of attention of others. They love not only to talk, but also to listen. They are frank, but they are in no hurry to open up to their interlocutor. They value friendship. They have strong intuition from birth. The horoscope advises you to learn to open it and use it to your advantage.

Such people experience failure violently. Even a small mistake can throw their strong character out of balance.

Those born on this day are keenly interested in the events happening around them. They actively participate in social and political movements. They think globally, so they easily turn many processes around for their own benefit.

Such women and men know how to rationally get out of dead-end situations. They combine a sharp mind and critical thinking. They value justice and try to establish it around themselves. Merciless against enemies and rivals. Despite their external cruelty, these are vulnerable and helpless individuals. They are afraid of criticism.

Characteristics of women born on October 2

Such women - strong personalities. They patiently endure any difficulties for the sake of the intended goal.

These are refined natures. They have a good sense of style. However, they do not follow fashion trends. They are able to charm their chosen one with one glance. When choosing a partner, their reliability and strong-willed qualities are taken into account. In quarrels, they do not fight rashly; they carefully consider every word and action. They treat family responsibilities diplomatically.

Characteristics of men born on October 2

These are charming, well-mannered and educated individuals. They are sophisticated in their clothing and choice of life partner. Well versed in female psychology. Therefore, they guess the partner’s wishes in advance. Generous with gifts and compliments.

Along with the inherent desire for independence, such men with early youth dream of family and children. However, they find it difficult to decide on marriage.

Love horoscope

Those born on this day perceive love as an engine for their development. Love experience helps them grow up and decide on their desires. Before marriage, they usually accumulate a rich baggage of romantic relationships.

The love of freedom of these Libras does not prevent them from creating strong families. Many people conclude them in early youth. They have a negative attitude towards divorce. Men remain faithful and do not give in to temptation. Women are ready to sacrifice their careers for the sake of motherhood and family. Such people take planning and having a child seriously. They know how to enjoy motherhood or fatherhood like no one else.


Those born on October 2nd Libra have a high chance of... strong marriage with Aquarius, Sagittarius, Gemini, Leo. They do not go well with Taurus, Pisces, and Scorpios.

The most suitable partner for those born on October 2

People born on such days are best suited for love and marriage:

January: 6, 13, 31
February: 6, 8, 9, 14
March: 6, 12, 29, 31
April: 3, 7, 18, 19, 29
May: 1, 10, 23
June: 9, 16, 26, 27
July: 23, 27, 28
August: 14, 21, 22
September: 10, 16, 22, 23
October: 9, 10, 12, 16, 20
November: 21, 22, 25, 29
December: 9, 10, 22

Business horoscope

Those born on this day in a team behave openly and sociably. Always ready to help. Fulfill requests without personal gain. They are full creative ideas and plans. They know how to organize a team and set it up in the right way.

Able to withstand strong physical and mental stress. Do not succumb to stress and depression. Life is looked at through the prism of positivity and blind faith in a happy “tomorrow”.

Managerial abilities and subtle rational instincts make such people in demand in any professional field. They achieve success in the work of a politician, engineer, doctor, teacher.

Health horoscope

Those born on October 2nd have excellent physical health. However, they have poor mental health. Anxiety attacks bad dream, obsessive states accompany them from early youth.

As they get older, they accumulate various phobias. To prevent nervous diseases, it is important to go to bed and get up at the same time and not overwork.

Favorite hobbies and communication with nature will help you recharge with positive energy.

Another vulnerable spot the body of such people is the vestibular apparatus. The horoscope advises training him through sports or swimming.

Weigh every word you say

Your excessive straightforwardness leads to disputes and conflicts. Listen more than you talk.

Be natural

A well-chosen mask will become boring over time. Don't be afraid to open up internally.

Other people's criticism can distance you from fulfilling your desires. Listen to yourself and believe in a clear victory.

October 2 - Zodiac Sign

Sweet and pleasant people born on October 2 are one of the most popular representatives of Libra. Being an optimist by nature, you do not want to notice the dark sides of life.

Polite and charming, you are a good listener and are able to understand each of the arguing parties.

By avoiding extremes, you can demonstrate respect for everyone's point of view without losing sight of what appears to be a fair solution for everyone.

Those born on October 2 may become victims of violence or an accident due to the suppression of their own aggressive impulses and/or fear of injury. If their habitual behavior involves attacking others, they should be wary of dictatorial habits that cause pain to others.

Those born on October 2 may benefit from the help of a psychotherapist to find out what explains their strange tendencies and how to correct them. Those born on this day should be especially wary of accidents that damage the back and abdominal organs. And above all, they should not consider themselves invulnerable.

Stable rhythm of life, balanced diet and moderate physical exercise will help them stay in shape. At the same time, excessive zeal in each of these areas should be avoided.

Those born on October 2 never get confused in their words. They are usually quite frank in expressing their opinions and rarely leave any doubt about what they think on a particular issue. However, they make the greatest impression with their restraint and ability to speak clearly, critically and witty.

Those born on this day will let you know about their feelings without getting irritated or even upset.

Those born on October 2 can sometimes be too critical or sharp-tongued, which can consequently cause hostility from those who take their words too literally or as a personal insult.

Zodiac sign October 2 – Libra

Element of the Sign: Air. Your zodiac sign belongs to the group of Air signs, which have the following qualities: diplomacy, elitism, friendliness, pluralism, moderation.

Planet Ruler: Venus. Libra receives peace and harmony from her. Venus is the patron saint of those who work in the beauty industry and marriage agents. The planet in exile is Mars. You can be grateful to her for her desire to shift the risk to other people, as well as doubts in her own abilities.

Libras born on October 2 are typical representatives of the sign. They are charming, polite, optimistic. Libras are excellent speakers and grateful listeners. Communication with such people is a pleasure.

In interpersonal relationships, Libras are cooperative, balanced, and fair. Representatives of the sign of lies and falsehood do not tolerate. Intuition helps Libra in difficult life situations.

But in order not to make a wrong decision, representatives of the sign will have to learn to listen to their hearts and trust their so-called instinct.

Those born on October 2 are often completely unaware of how offensive some statements are to easily offended or hypersensitive people. For this reason, they can sometimes even be accused of being ruthless towards others.

Those born on October 2 are prone to social and/or political life in their behavior and way of thinking. Most of them are actively interested in the processes taking place in society and are excellent at understanding public opinion, and in some cases, even more so, at manipulating it.

It will not be difficult for them to convert difficult situation to their advantage and to win over those who stand in their way.

Those born on October 2 have a certain grace, which, combined with the charm or inner strength emanating from them, makes a lasting impression on others.

However, one should not consider them weak-willed, since many of them are very tough in nature, especially when it comes to survival. The ability to attack is combined with the ability to staunchly defend, which makes them extremely undesirable enemies.

At the same time, those born on this day sometimes experience problems with excessive aggressiveness, interspersed with excessive timidity.

In their youth, those born on October 2 may have problems with violence - either suffering from it, or, conversely, experiencing a morbid tendency towards it. They must learn not to give in to passions and develop inner peace and poise.

For those born on October 2, it is important to express disapproval, negative emotions, aggression and ambition in a way that does not alienate others or sow doubt about their ulterior motives. Those born on October 2 often have a smile on their lips and a twinkle in their eyes.

Most of all they like to entertain others or when they entertain them, but they do it as professionally as possible. Possessing a dry, sarcastic mind, those born on this day love to make fun of others, but do not allow jokes to be made on themselves.

In fact, those born on October 2 are very sensitive to laughter at themselves, and in this sense, their attitude towards humor is ambivalent.

The increased vulnerability of those born on October 2 is often hidden under the mask of either a stern or frivolous, playful appearance. Both of these guises may well mask their true nature, as they skillfully resort to wit, aloofness, or aggressiveness to divert attention from their inner selves. Only very close people are able to notice their emotional vulnerability.

Libra man – born on October 2

Men born on October 2 are distinguished by the following distinctive features: such a gentleman is charming, educated, harmonious, sophisticated. The Libra man is an excellent psychologist and adviser.

However, he himself has difficulty deciding to take a responsible step, so the best companion for him is a woman who will be a support and assistant, instill confidence and help him achieve his goals.

A family idyll for a representative of this sign is the main reward.

Libra woman – born on October 2

Women born on October 2 are unlike others with these qualities: such a lady is charming, patient, diplomatic, sophisticated.

Libra women are a little conservative, they love when they can understand in advance what will happen next, and are not prone to adventures. Conservatism is also manifested in the appearance of Libra women: having found their style, they do not change it long years.

They dress elegantly and tastefully, but do not follow fashion trends, and extravagance and outrageousness are completely unacceptable for them.

Birthday October 2

The ability to speak is the main talent of people whose birthday falls on October 2 under the zodiac sign Libra. They do not consider it necessary to hide their opinions and do not even try to somehow soften the harshness of their judgments.

At the same time, they still express their thoughts quite logically and consistently.

They are sharp-tongued and will be able to express their dissatisfaction with you in a calm and restrained tone, justifying their conclusions and arranging them in a logical chain, so that you will not even immediately find an answer.

Sometimes people with a birth date falling on October 2, the zodiac sign Libra, can be quite categorical; their criticism can cause a negative reaction from others, especially if they are touchy and easily vulnerable people with a delicate mental organization.

Such interlocutors are able to perceive every condemning word addressed to them as a personal tragedy, which is completely incomprehensible for Libras born on this day, who do not even realize the consequences of their words, which is why they may look callous and indifferent.

People born on October 2 under the zodiac sign Libra make wonderful public figures and diplomats, since they are well versed in matters of foreign and domestic policy of the state.

They are always aware of all events taking place in the country and actively participate in social life society and easily guess the opinions and desires of the majority.

Thanks to their highly developed intuition, they can turn any negative situation into their favor and, with cleverly composed phrases, force their opponent to accept their point of view.

People born on October 2 with the zodiac sign Libra have an attractive appearance and an irresistible power of charm, which attract the attention of others to them.

However, for all their apparent softness and pliability, they have a fairly rigid mindset and a pragmatic way of thinking, which increases their ability to withstand various troubles in life.

It is better to have such people on your list of friends rather than enemies, since they respond to every action directed in their direction with a doubly amplified blow. And the rule that the best defense is an attack is perceived by them as a guide to action.

What else can the date of birth - October 2 - say? Such people have a dual character; aggressiveness in them can be combined with indecisiveness. Their childhood may be ambiguous. There is a possibility of violence - both moral and physical, reflected in their soul either by its rejection or by a pathological attraction to it.

They need constant support inner harmony, and in establishing a balance between the activity of the body and the balance of the spirit. They need to learn to express their inner feelings and emotions without going against conventional wisdom or conflicting with their own worldview.

You need to be able to characterize the people around you and evaluate their actions without causing them increased aggression and hostility.

Those born on October 2 with the zodiac sign Libra have a subtle sense of humor, sometimes turning into sarcasm.

Making fun of other people, and sometimes cruelly, does not seem reprehensible to them, but they categorically do not accept even the slightest hint of ridicule directed at themselves.

Their sensitive, vulnerable nature is securely hidden under a thick crust of wit and aggressiveness. They don’t like to fully reveal their inner world, even those closest to you can only access a small part of their soul.

Love and Compatibility

An idealist and lover of beauty and art, you are drawn to those who share your refined tastes and sophisticated interests. Looking for ideal relationship, better work, clothes or furniture, you prefer to weigh the pros and cons before making any important decision.

Representatives of the constellations Gemini or Aquarius will make an excellent pair for Libra. These signs understand each other well and are similar in temperament and attitude to life. Such relationships will be long-term, harmonious and strong. An affair with Scorpios will bring Libra new emotions and experiences, but most likely will not last long.

Libra has the least chance of success in relationships with Virgo, Cancer and Pisces. Libra will not find a common language with representatives of the Virgo sign; the lack of common topics will cause irritation and dissatisfaction. Cancers will not fit into the harmonious and balanced world of Libra.

As for Pisces, Libra will make excessive demands on them and try to force them into a framework, which the sensitive and vulnerable nature of Pisces will not be able to endure.

Work and Career

Those born on October 2 are friendly, welcoming, sociable and responsive. They are characterized only as pleasant, open people. Those born on October 2 are characterized by optimism. These people stubbornly ignore negative aspects life. This personality trait is a kind of shield against stress.

Practice shows that those born on October 2 are much better than other representatives of the zodiac sign under which they were born in coping with the consequences of exposure to stress factors. Another characteristic of those born on October 2 is the ability to listen. They are grateful listeners and do not miss the slightest detail of the conversation.

This quality often helps in professional activities.

Libras born on October 2 are witty, critical, and able to express their opinions clearly and concisely. If they generate ideas, they are exclusively of a practical nature.

Libra's rationalism is valued by employers. As for professions, representatives of the sign can find themselves in either engineering or medicine.

It is only important to notice your inclinations and aspirations in time and take measures to develop your abilities.

Health and Diseases

Most of Libra's problems lie in the field of psychology. Often representatives of the sign are aggressive. But, understanding the harmfulness of such inclinations, they suppress aggression in every possible way. The result may be mental illness.

Also, representatives of the sign may be suspicious. Fear of getting injured or mutilated often transforms into an obsessive state. It’s not easy to deal with it on your own. The help of a psychotherapist may be required.

Fate and Luck

On this day, purposeful people with excellent intuition are born. We can say that they have the gift of foresight.

They can create prosperous, comfortable conditions for themselves if they move through life with dignity and direct their abilities and talents to good deeds.

They will be especially successful in the fields of literature, music, and theater. In the material sphere there is usually stability.

Suppressing your feelings and desires has a detrimental effect on the psyche. This should be remembered by every representative of the sign. Don't try to hide behind your carefully crafted image. Let others see you for who you are.

With regard to satisfying desires and needs, processes must be directed in a constructive direction.

Everyone has the right to their own personal space, but if you always keep people at a distance, you will deprive them of the opportunity to support you in difficult times.


Born on October 2 – zodiac sign Libra

Sociable, charming and hardworking, you are a strong humanitarian who appreciates beauty and art. Although you are an idealist by nature, you have the practicality and worldly acumen to make your deepest dreams come true.

You were born on October 2nd, your zodiac sign is Libra. You have natural diplomatic skills and make everyone feel at ease in your presence.

People are attracted to your friendliness and impeccable manners, as well as your ability to work together. you can be true friend and a wonderful family man and always stand up for the interests of your relatives.

Possessing good taste and aesthetic sense, you have managed to develop a worthy image and love to make a good impression.

Your perception of color and sound and creativity can be developed if you seriously take up music, painting, singing or theatrical art. Since you are giving special meaning environment, your home attracts with its elegance and comfort.

Idealism and romanticism can draw your attention to the fate of the disadvantaged, whom you are ready to help with advice and money.

Material security is also very important for you, but most of all you like to make extensive, long-term plans.

When you have a firm goal, you become determined and are willing to work tirelessly to achieve it. However, you may encounter difficulties: it is known that you are accustomed not only to work hard, but also to strive for love and pleasure.

Until the age of 20, your interests are mainly related to business and building relationships with other people. At 21, you will feel the need for deep emotional changes and want your life to become more fulfilling.

The next period will begin around the age of 51: you will become bolder and more adventurous. You may want to travel or study philosophy.

Personal qualities of those born on October 2

Your sensitivity is not always obvious to an outside observer. You are a sympathetic person, capable of experiencing strong feelings, compassion for other people and trying to help them.

When you manage to comprehend a particular situation, you gain self-confidence, knowing that sooner or later everything in life will fall into place.

Thanks to this fortitude, you will not need to constantly control your actions, act too seriously, become bitter or upset.

Despite your friendliness and caring nature, you are far from alien to extremes. In the grip of inspiration, you become extremely charming, cheerful and childishly mischievous. You accept life as it comes and live for today.

However, if Libras born on October 2 allow negative emotions to take over, they will either begin to sacrifice themselves or begin to forgive themselves too much.

And only by finding the necessary balance between the material and spiritual, you will find a source of love that will help you overcome obstacles and fulfill your cherished dreams.

Work and vocation of those born on October 2

A creative and ambitious person, you have excellent intuition and undeniable charm. You love to work closely with colleagues and can achieve great success if you choose a profession that involves constant communication.

Born on October 2 work will do in the field public relations or in funds mass media, as well as the profession of a social worker or mediator.

Idealistic by nature, well-educated and thoughtful, you have the potential to become a good teacher, psychologist or consultant.

Because you are artistic and plump original ideas, then might as well be an artist or designer. If you do not have artistic inclinations, then with your charm and easy character you have a chance to find your place in the diplomatic world, combining communication, work and travel.

The ability to find a common language with a wide variety of people suggests that you will enjoy working in the field of advertising and trade, in the field of intermediary services, or in reconciling warring parties.

Love and partnership born on October 2

Sociability and friendliness help you easily make acquaintances and gain fans. By nature you are a romantic, and therefore all manifestations and forms of expression of love are so important to you.

For her sake, you often make great sacrifices, but beware of actions that are incompatible with a sense of duty, otherwise you will feel that you were not appreciated.

You may need a more balanced partner who can influence you beneficial influence. You need to be very careful when entering into serious relationship, designed for a long period of time. You are especially attracted to intelligent and creative people.

An ideal partner for those born on October 2

You can find a partner who can understand your sensitivity and need for love among people born on the following days.

  • Love and friendship: 4, 8, 9, 17, 18, 19, 23 January; February 2, 6, 16, 17, 21; March 4, 14, 15, 19, 28, 30; April 2, 12, 13, 17, 26, 28, 30; May 1, 10, 11, 15, 24, 26, 28; June 7, 8, 9, 13, 22, 24, 26; July 6, 7, 11, 20, 22, 24, 30; August 4, 5, 9, 18, 20, 22, 28; September 2, 3, 7, 16, 18, 20, 26; October 1, 5, 14, 16, 18, 24; November 3, 12, 14, 16, 22; December 1, 10, 12, 14, 20.
  • Favorable contacts: January 5, 16, 27; February 3, 14, 25; March 1, 12, 23; April 10, 21; June 6, 17; July 4, 15; August 2, 13; 11 September; October 9, 30; November 7, 28; December 5, 26, 30.
  • Soulmate: August 30; September 28; October 26; November 24; December 22.
  • Fatal attraction: January 17; February, 15; March 13, 28, 29, 30, 31; 11 April; 9th May; June 7; 5'th of July; August 3rd; September 1.
  • Troubled relationships: January 1, 10, 15; February 8, 13; March 6, 11; April 4, 9; May 2, 7; June 5; July 3, 29; August 1, 27; September 25; October 23; November 21; December 19, 29.

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October 2 Zodiac sign – woman and man, child

Men and women of the zodiac sign Libra, born on an autumn day on October 2, are not only overly demanding of themselves, but also of loved ones, and of those around them. Their excessive demands often prevent them from making friends and communicating at the level of trust.

There is no need to make claims against this person in this regard, because it is not his fault that nature has decreed that his “bar” of beauty, aesthetics, responsibility, etc., is too high.

Men and women born on October 2 in the Zodiac sign Libra are usually satisfied with their lives and never complain about fate or any failures in life. They are sociable and good conversationalists, they make contact easily, they are trusted and listened to.

They can also be credited with the fact that they are always positive and do not despair in the face of life or professional failures.

Representatives of this zodiac sign set themselves mostly feasible tasks, which they try to bring to their logical conclusion at any cost, striving to get the planned result from their activities.

Zodiac sign compatibility October 2

Libra can have harmonious (positive, quite promising) relationships with: Leo, Aries, Sagittarius, Aquarius and Gemini.

Representatives of the sign Libra have troubled (average, ambiguous, but can work out) relationships: with Capricorn and Virgo.

The zodiac representatives of Libra have complex (strained with increased nervousness) relationships: with Cancer, Taurus and Scorpio.

Parents October 2 – Libra mom and dad

Parents born on October 2 are proud of their children, especially their talents and appearance. They are loyal and patient, instill in them a sense of duty and responsibility, and instill in them respect for people. They are taught that any conflicts can and should be resolved peacefully.

Libra parents raise their child in a democratic atmosphere of trust and mutual understanding; in rare cases, they punish their child and try with all their might to build trust and even trust with him. friendly relations.

Child October 2 – children born of Libra

These children by nature have many talents, the most versatile abilities, and in the most different areas activities. They are purposeful, active, neat, and do not like dirt and sloppiness.

Children born in the zodiac sign Libra on October 2 are open in communication, it is easy for parents to raise them, it is easy to find a common language with them and be friends, they strive to maintain friendly relations with everyone. They love and respect their parents and try not to upset them again.

What do these people like and dislike?

– beautiful and exquisite things, antiques and old paintings, they love to read, especially romantic books, about adventures and science fiction, watch light comedies, and spend time in the company of their buddies and friends.

I do not like…
– they do not like violence, rude and ill-mannered people, or being in the company of eccentric and overly ambitious people. They don’t like it when someone limits their personal freedom and imposes their opinion on them. They will also not tolerate being forced to do something hastily.

Woman and man of the Zodiac sign October 2

Men and women born on this October day are strong-willed, ambitious and independent in their judgments, in addition they are charming, tactful and diplomatic. Your life principles encourage you to constantly improve and improve yourself and the conditions of life, work and communication that have developed around you.

Thanks to his natural charm and the ability to find a common language with people, communicate with them in the same language, those around you feel easy and at ease in your company.

You were born on an autumn day on October 2, which means your zodiac sign is Libra and this means that you are always and in everything looking for balance, balance in love, in your work, communication, relationships with colleagues, friends, loved ones and the opposite sex.

Since this person has sufficient determination and organizational talents, and also has a good business sense, then, when combining all of these advantages with friendliness, perseverance, initiative, excellent manners and self-discipline, success for representatives of this zodiac sign is almost guaranteed.

This person needs attention, love and tenderness. His creative inclinations are obvious, and his craving for art and artistry must find a way out in circulation in the desire to surround himself with beautiful things, antique and exquisite objects, as well as in the love of painting, theater and music.

The driving force behind the behavior of men and women of the zodiac sign Libra, born on October 2, can be their natural desire for personal security, an indefatigable will for freedom and independence, a dream of power and prosperity.

Thanks to the ability to think big and with a long-term perspective, this person must certainly take the initiative into his own hands, play a leading role in business, and act from a position of strength in defending his interests.

These people are quite powerful and even unbending in their principles; sometimes they can be selfish. That is why they do not always listen to fair criticism addressed to them, as a conclusion - these individuals rarely draw useful conclusions from their mistakes.

Talented, efficient and witty representatives of this zodiac sign people are active and ready to work hard, show initiative in any matter and take responsibility.
Never forget that in a joint business or work team you are recommended, and it is in your best interests, to be less stubborn, be more flexible, tolerant and patient.

Love for those born on October 2 – Zodiac sign Libra

Friendly and pleasant, attractive on the outside and charming on the inside, this person strives in every possible way to be popular among the widest circle of his friends and close acquaintances, which he succeeds in doing.

Men and especially women born in the zodiac sign Libra on October 2 are ready to make any sacrifice for the sake of their loved one.

When communicating with people around you, you are sometimes not averse to manipulating them, which pleases your pride and makes it possible to consider yourself the center of everyone’s attention and even the universe.

Although love high relations with a loved one play a very important role in the life of this person, sometimes they are overcome by indecision, lack of confidence in themselves and their capabilities, they begin to wonder whether the connection with their loved one is so strong, whether there is a guarantee of a safe future.

In general, these people are faithful marriage partners, but still they also have “attacks of desire to accomplish a feat” on the side, to have a short-term romance.

But these people rarely leave the family on their own initiative, especially if there are children in it. If they love their soulmate and value him, they will never dare to cheat on him.

Ideal partner for the zodiac sign October 2

You can meet the ideal marriage partner, who can appreciate the sensitivity of the representatives of the Zodiac sign, men and women born on October 2, and reciprocate the love among those born on the days listed below.

Love and friendship: 4, 8, 9, 17, 18, 19, 23 of the winter month of January; 2, 6, 16, 17, 21 winter February months; 4, 14, 15, 19, 28, 30 of the spring month of March; 2, 12, 13, 17, 26, 28, 30 of the spring month of April; 1, 10, 11, 15, 24, 26, 28 of the spring month of May; 7th, 8th, 9th, 13th, 22nd, 24th, 26th summer June months; 6, 7, 11, 20, 22, 24, 30 of the summer month of July; 4th, 5th, 9th, 18th, 20th, 22nd, 28th summer August months; 2, 3, 7, 16, 18, 20, 26 of the autumn month of September; 1st, 5th, 14th, 16th, 18th, 24th autumn October months; 3, 12, 14, 16, 22 of the autumn month of November; 1, 10, 12, 14, 20 of the winter month of December.

Compatibility horoscope: Libra zodiac sign October 2, 1985 - the most Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

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October 2 zodiac sign Libra

Those born on October 2 under the zodiac sign Libra are very reserved, correct people. They clearly know how to express their thoughts, are witty and frank, and make an excellent impression on others. True, their frankness does not always benefit them.


Libras born on October 2 are charming and graceful. They are full of vital energy, which is captured by everyone around them. This is true for both women and men. And few people think that all this could be a feigned, carefully artificially selected image. People around you may be very surprised when such a soft and charming Libra suddenly becomes tough and aggressive. Of course, such transformations usually appear only in extreme cases, for example, when it comes to survival and other extreme situations.

Eloquence is the most important tool in the life of these Libras. Speaking convincingly both at home and at work is enough for those around them to almost worship them. But there is also weakness- excessive directness. This quality can turn people off.

In everyday life, Libras are prone to criticize others, but do not perceive the same in their direction. Their sharp, caustic remarks can hurt, although they themselves rarely realize that they can offend people close to them with such behavior.

For Libra on October 2, it is important to learn to control their passions. This is especially true for “pouring out” your negative emotions on others, because it turns people off. This behavior can be explained by only one thing: Libras do not like to let “outsiders” into their lives, which is why they protect themselves from “random” people. And only close people can understand how emotionally vulnerable Libra is.

Health problems for Libra may arise due to the fact that during periods of passion for something they stop monitoring their internal state. Therefore, they get sick often, although they can be treated very easily, because... diligently follow doctors' recommendations.

People born on 02.10 are excellent bosses; they inspire all their subordinates that they are equal partners. And accordingly, they treat them “with all severity.” If such Libras work subordinately, then it is difficult to expect a responsible attitude to work from them. There's only one for them best profession- secretary-referent.

Compatibility with other zodiac signs

Libras born on October 2 find it difficult to find a life partner. They constantly weigh and think about their decision, looking for positive and negative aspects. And as soon as the scales positive features outweighs, they decide to act. Sometimes it is too late to take this step.

It is easiest for Libra to open up with representatives of the zodiac sign Sagittarius. Their partner, Aries, will add decisiveness to them, and wisdom, Leo. With the former, emotional compatibility allows you to become not only lovers, but also friends, which makes the union even stronger. Since they resolve all disagreements through negotiations, through compromise.

With Aries it’s a little more complicated; they are rarely ready to compromise, so only the prudent behavior of Libra can make such a marriage strong. There can be no deep feelings with them, only passion and subsequently reasonable coexistence.

With Leos, everything is easy, both love social parties, treat workaholics with a fair amount of irony, they have many common interests, they feel good together

But Libras born on October 2 should avoid partners of Scorpios and Pisces, because... with them, although it is possible living together, but it will be full of negative emotions. They will constantly irritate each other, and as soon as the passion ends, such an alliance may collapse.

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October 2 - Zodiac Sign

Sweet and pleasant people born on October 2 are one of the most popular representatives of Libra. Being an optimist by nature, you do not want to notice the dark sides of life. Polite and charming, you are a good listener and are able to understand each of the arguing parties. By avoiding extremes, you can demonstrate respect for everyone's point of view without losing sight of what appears to be a fair solution for everyone.

Those born on October 2 may become victims of violence or an accident due to the suppression of their own aggressive impulses and/or fear of injury. If their habitual behavior involves attacking others, they should be wary of dictatorial habits that cause pain to others. Those born on October 2 may benefit from the help of a psychotherapist to find out what explains their strange tendencies and how to correct them. Those born on this day should be especially wary of accidents that damage the back and abdominal organs. And above all, they should not consider themselves invulnerable. A stable rhythm of life, a balanced diet and moderate exercise will help them stay in shape. At the same time, excessive zeal in each of these areas should be avoided.

Those born on October 2 never get confused in their words. They are usually quite frank in expressing their opinions and rarely leave any doubt about what they think on a particular issue. However, they make the greatest impression with their restraint and ability to speak clearly, critically and witty. Those born on this day will let you know about their feelings without getting irritated or even upset. Those born on October 2 can sometimes be too critical or sharp-tongued, which can consequently cause hostility from those who take their words too literally or as a personal insult.

Zodiac sign October 2 – Libra

Element of the Sign: Air. Your zodiac sign belongs to the group of Air signs, which have the following qualities: diplomacy, elitism, friendliness, pluralism, moderation.

Planet Ruler: Venus. Libra receives peace and harmony from her. Venus is the patron saint of those who work in the beauty industry and marriage agents. The planet in exile is Mars. You can be grateful to her for her desire to shift the risk to other people, as well as doubts in her own abilities.

Libras born on October 2 are typical representatives of the sign. They are charming, polite, optimistic. Libras are excellent speakers and grateful listeners. Communication with such people is a pleasure. In interpersonal relationships, Libras are cooperative, balanced, and fair. Representatives of the sign of lies and falsehood do not tolerate. Intuition helps Libra in difficult life situations. But in order not to make a wrong decision, representatives of the sign will have to learn to listen to their hearts and trust their so-called instinct.

Those born on October 2 are often completely unaware of how offensive some statements are to easily offended or hypersensitive people. For this reason, they can sometimes even be accused of being ruthless towards others. Those born on October 2 are prone to social and/or political life in their behavior and way of thinking. Most of them are actively interested in the processes taking place in society and are excellent at understanding public opinion, and in some cases, even more so, at manipulating it. It will not be difficult for them to turn a difficult situation to their advantage and win over those who stand in their way to their side.

Those born on October 2 have a certain grace, which, combined with the charm or inner strength emanating from them, makes a lasting impression on others. However, one should not consider them weak-willed, since many of them are very tough in nature, especially when it comes to survival. The ability to attack is combined with the ability to staunchly defend, which makes them extremely undesirable enemies. At the same time, those born on this day sometimes experience problems with excessive aggressiveness, interspersed with excessive timidity.

In their youth, those born on October 2 may have problems with violence - either suffering from it, or, conversely, experiencing a morbid tendency towards it. They must learn not to give in to passions and develop inner peace and balance. For those born on October 2, it is important to express disapproval, negative emotions, aggression and ambition in a way that does not alienate others or sow doubt about their ulterior motives. Those born on October 2 often have a smile on their lips and a twinkle in their eyes. Most of all they like to entertain others or when they entertain them, but they do it as professionally as possible. Possessing a dry, sarcastic mind, those born on this day love to make fun of others, but do not allow jokes to be made on themselves. In fact, those born on October 2 are very sensitive to laughter at themselves, and in this sense, their attitude towards humor is ambivalent.

The increased vulnerability of those born on October 2 is often hidden under the mask of either a stern or frivolous, playful appearance. Both of these guises may well mask their true nature, as they skillfully resort to wit, aloofness, or aggressiveness to divert attention from their inner selves. Only very close people are able to notice their emotional vulnerability.

Libra man – born on October 2

Men born on October 2 are distinguished by the following distinctive features: such a gentleman is charming, educated, harmonious, sophisticated. The Libra man is an excellent psychologist and adviser. However, he himself has difficulty deciding to take a responsible step, so the best companion for him is a woman who will be a support and assistant, instill confidence and help him achieve his goals. A family idyll for a representative of this sign is the main reward.

Libra woman – born on October 2

Women born on October 2 are unlike others with these qualities: such a lady is charming, patient, diplomatic, sophisticated. Libra women are a little conservative, they love when they can understand in advance what will happen next, and are not prone to adventures. Conservatism is also manifested in the appearance of Libra women: having found their own style, they do not change it for many years. They dress elegantly and tastefully, but do not follow fashion trends, and extravagance and outrageousness are completely unacceptable for them.

Birthday October 2

Love and Compatibility

An idealist and lover of beauty and art, you are drawn to those who share your refined tastes and sophisticated interests. In search of the perfect relationship, the best job, clothes or furniture, you prefer to weigh the pros and cons before making any important decision.

Representatives of the constellations Gemini or Aquarius will make an excellent pair for Libra. These signs understand each other well and are similar in temperament and attitude to life. Such relationships will be long-term, harmonious and strong. An affair with Scorpios will bring Libra new emotions and experiences, but most likely will not last long. Libra has the least chance of success in relationships with Virgo, Cancer and Pisces. Libra will not find a common language with representatives of the Virgo sign; the lack of common topics will cause irritation and dissatisfaction. Cancers will not fit into the harmonious and balanced world of Libra. As for Pisces, Libra will make excessive demands on them and try to force them into a framework, which the sensitive and vulnerable nature of Pisces will not be able to endure.

Work and Career

Practice shows that those born on October 2 are much better than other representatives of the zodiac sign under which they were born in coping with the consequences of exposure to stress factors. Another characteristic of those born on October 2 is the ability to listen. They are grateful listeners and do not miss the slightest detail of the conversation. This quality often helps in professional activities.

Libras born on October 2 are witty, critical, and able to express their opinions clearly and concisely. If they generate ideas, they are exclusively of a practical nature. Libra's rationalism is valued by employers. As for professions, representatives of the sign can find themselves in either engineering or medicine. It is only important to notice your inclinations and aspirations in time and take measures to develop your abilities.

Health and Diseases

Most of Libra's problems lie in the field of psychology. Often representatives of the sign are aggressive. But, understanding the harmfulness of such inclinations, they suppress aggression in every possible way. The result may be mental illness. Also, representatives of the sign may be suspicious. Fear of getting injured or mutilated often transforms into an obsessive state. It’s not easy to deal with it on your own. The help of a psychotherapist may be required.

Fate and Luck

On this day, purposeful people with excellent intuition are born. We can say that they have the gift of foresight. They can create prosperous, comfortable conditions for themselves if they move through life with dignity and direct their abilities and talents to good deeds. They will be especially successful in the fields of literature, music, and theater. In the material sphere there is usually stability.

Suppressing your feelings and desires has a detrimental effect on the psyche. This should be remembered by every representative of the sign. Don't try to hide behind your carefully crafted image. Let others see you for who you are. With regard to satisfying desires and needs, processes must be directed in a constructive direction. Everyone has the right to their own personal space, but if you always keep people at a distance, you will deprive them of the opportunity to support you in difficult times.

Horoscope by Date of Birth

Birthday October 2 zodiac sign Libra

The ability to speak is the main talent of people whose birthday falls on October 2 under the zodiac sign Libra. They do not consider it necessary to hide their opinions and do not even try to somehow soften the harshness of their judgments. At the same time, they still express their thoughts quite logically and consistently. They are sharp-tongued and will be able to express their dissatisfaction with you in a calm and restrained tone, justifying their conclusions and arranging them in a logical chain, so that you will not even immediately find an answer.

Sometimes people with a birth date falling on October 2, the zodiac sign Libra, can be quite categorical; their criticism can cause a negative reaction from others, especially if they are touchy and easily vulnerable people with a delicate mental organization. Such interlocutors are able to perceive every condemning word addressed to them as a personal tragedy, which is completely incomprehensible for Libras born on this day, who do not even realize the consequences of their words, which is why they may look callous and indifferent.

People born on October 2 under the zodiac sign Libra make wonderful public figures and diplomats, since they are well versed in matters of foreign and domestic policy of the state. They are always aware of all events taking place in the country, actively participate in the social life of society and easily guess the opinions and desires of the majority. Thanks to their highly developed intuition, they can turn any negative situation into their favor and, with cleverly composed phrases, force their opponent to accept their point of view.

People born on October 2 with the zodiac sign Libra have an attractive appearance and an irresistible power of charm, which attract the attention of others to them. However, for all their apparent softness and pliability, they have a fairly rigid mindset and a pragmatic way of thinking, which increases their ability to withstand various troubles in life. It is better to have such people on your list of friends rather than enemies, since they respond to every action directed in their direction with a doubly amplified blow. And the rule that the best defense is an attack is perceived by them as a guide to action.

What else can the date of birth - October 2 - say? Such people have a dual character; aggressiveness in them can be combined with indecisiveness. Their childhood may be ambiguous. There is a possibility of violence - both moral and physical, reflected in their soul either by its rejection or by a pathological attraction to it. They need to constantly maintain internal harmony, and to establish a balance between the activity of the body and the balance of the spirit. They need to learn to express their inner feelings and emotions without going against conventional wisdom or conflicting with their own worldview. You need to be able to characterize the people around you and evaluate their actions without causing them increased aggression and hostility.

Those born on October 2 with the zodiac sign Libra have a subtle sense of humor, sometimes turning into sarcasm. Making fun of other people, and sometimes cruelly, does not seem reprehensible to them, but they categorically do not accept even the slightest hint of ridicule directed at themselves. Their sensitive, vulnerable nature is securely hidden under a thick crust of wit and aggressiveness. They do not like to fully reveal their inner world to anyone; even those closest to them can only access a small part of their soul.

What advice can you give to people born on October 2? Everyone has the right to their own personal space, but if you always keep people at a distance, you will deprive them of the opportunity to support you in difficult times.

Compatibility Horoscope

The compatibility horoscope of zodiac signs will help you find out how suitable you are for each other in love, marriage, family life, friendship, business.

Horoscope by date of birth

In this horoscope you will be able to find out in more detail the information characteristic of your zodiac sign.

October 2: What zodiac sign is Libra

The main life qualities of representatives of the Libra sign are: diplomacy, fairness, friendliness.

A Libra man born on October 2 has qualities such as sophistication, charm, and education.

The Libra woman, born on October 2, can boast of such qualities as femininity, attractiveness, and sophistication.

October 2 - zodiac sign Libra

Sociable, charming and hardworking, you are a strong humanitarian who appreciates beauty and art. Although you are an idealist by nature, you have the practicality and worldly acumen to make your deepest dreams come true.

You were born on October 2nd, your zodiac sign is Libra. You have natural diplomatic skills and make everyone feel at ease in your presence.

People are attracted to your friendliness and impeccable manners, as well as your ability to work together. You can be a loyal friend and a wonderful family man and always stand up for the interests of your family.

Possessing good taste and aesthetic sense, you have managed to develop a worthy image and love to make a good impression.

Your perception of color and sound and creativity can be developed if you take a serious interest in music, painting, singing or performing arts. Because you pay special attention to your surroundings, your home is elegant and cozy.

Idealism and romanticism can draw your attention to the fate of the disadvantaged, whom you are ready to help with advice and money.

Material security is also very important for you, but most of all you like to make extensive, long-term plans.

When you have a firm goal, you become determined and are willing to work tirelessly to achieve it. However, you may encounter difficulties: it is known that you are accustomed not only to work hard, but also to strive for love and pleasure.

Until the age of 20, your interests are mainly related to business and building relationships with other people. At 21, you will feel the need for deep emotional changes and want your life to become more fulfilling.

The next period will begin around the age of 51: you will become bolder and more adventurous. You may want to travel or study philosophy.

Personal qualities of those born on October 2

Your sensitivity is not always obvious to an outside observer. You are a sympathetic person, capable of experiencing strong feelings, compassion for other people and trying to help them.

When you manage to comprehend a particular situation, you gain self-confidence, knowing that sooner or later everything in life will fall into place.

Thanks to this fortitude, you will not need to constantly control your actions, act too seriously, become bitter or upset.

Despite your friendliness and caring nature, you are far from alien to extremes. In the grip of inspiration, you become extremely charming, cheerful and childishly mischievous. You accept life as it comes and live for today.

However, if Libras born on October 2 allow negative emotions to take over, they will either begin to sacrifice themselves or begin to forgive themselves too much.

And only by finding the necessary balance between the material and spiritual, you will find a source of love that will help you overcome obstacles and fulfill your cherished dreams.

Work and vocation of those born on October 2

A creative and ambitious person, you have excellent intuition and undeniable charm. You love to work closely with colleagues and can achieve great success if you choose a profession that involves constant communication.

Those born on October 2 are suitable for work in the field of public relations or in the media, as well as the profession of a social worker or mediator.

Idealistic by nature, well-educated and thoughtful, you have the potential to become a good teacher, psychologist or consultant.

Since you are artistic and full of original ideas, you could also be an artist or designer. If you do not have artistic inclinations, then with your charm and easy character you have a chance to find your place in the diplomatic world, combining communication, work and travel.

The ability to find a common language with a wide variety of people suggests that you will enjoy working in the field of advertising and trade, in the field of intermediary services, or in reconciling warring parties.

Love and partnership born on October 2

Sociability and friendliness help you easily make acquaintances and gain fans. By nature you are a romantic, and therefore all manifestations and forms of expression of love are so important to you.

For her sake, you often make great sacrifices, but beware of actions that are incompatible with a sense of duty, otherwise you will feel that you were not appreciated.

You may need a more balanced partner who can be a positive influence on you. You need to be very careful when entering into a serious, long-term relationship. You are especially attracted to intelligent and creative people.

An ideal partner for those born on October 2

You can find a partner who can understand your sensitivity and need for love among people born on the following days.

  • Love and friendship : 4, 8, 9, 17, 18, 19, 23 January; February 2, 6, 16, 17, 21; March 4, 14, 15, 19, 28, 30; April 2, 12, 13, 17, 26, 28, 30; May 1, 10, 11, 15, 24, 26, 28; June 7, 8, 9, 13, 22, 24, 26; July 6, 7, 11, 20, 22, 24, 30; August 4, 5, 9, 18, 20, 22, 28; September 2, 3, 7, 16, 18, 20, 26; October 1, 5, 14, 16, 18, 24; November 3, 12, 14, 16, 22; December 1, 10, 12, 14, 20.
  • Favorable contacts : January 5, 16, 27; February 3, 14, 25; March 1, 12, 23; April 10, 21; June 6, 17; July 4, 15; August 2, 13; 11 September; October 9, 30; November 7, 28; December 5, 26, 30.
  • Soulmate : August 30; September 28; October 26; November 24; December 22.
  • Fatal attraction : January 17; February, 15; March 13, 28, 29, 30, 31; 11 April; 9th May; June 7; 5'th of July; August 3rd; September 1.
  • Troubled relationships : January 1, 10, 15; February 8, 13; March 6, 11; April 4, 9; May 2, 7; June 5; July 3, 29; August 1, 27; September 25; October 23; November 21; December 19, 29.

Indeed, periods of inspiration, when everything around is on fire, are replaced by periods of laziness and melancholy. Irina Vorontsova

Today, October 2, many countries around the world celebrate official holidays: International Day of Social Educators and International Day of Non-Violence. Today in India they celebrate a national holiday - Gandhi Jayanti - the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi.

International Day of Social Educators

In many countries around the world, October 2 is celebrated annually as a relatively young official holiday— International Day of Social Educators, which was established in May 2009 on the XVII International conference social educators in Copenhagen, where representatives of 44 countries took part, including Russia.
Social pedagogy is a science that studies education in the context of socialization, while taking into account the influence of the environment on the formation of personality. Its main function is to develop a system of activities that allow an individual to be educated optimally.
On the festive Day of Social Educator, various thematic events, forums, professional conferences and seminars are held in all countries of the world, where various topics are discussed.

International Day of Non-Violence (UN holiday)

In UN countries, October 2 is a holiday - the International Day of Non-Violence, which was established on June 15, 2007, according to the resolution General Assembly UN in honor of October 2 - the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi, the founder of the philosophy of non-violence and leader of the Indian independence movement.
The International Day of Non-Violence, according to the UN resolution, serves as an additional reason for promoting non-violence through public outreach and educational work.

Gandhi Jayanti - birthday of Mahatma Gandhi (India)

Gandhi Jayanti - the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi - is a national Indian holiday in honor of the birthday of the most outstanding Indian leader of the national liberation movement of the people of India, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, who in this country is officially called the Father of the Nation.
This holiday is celebrated everywhere every year on October 2 and is one of three officially declared national holidays.
Gandhi was born in South Africa and there he led the movement against racial discrimination. He corresponded with L.N. Tolstoy. And in 1915, he led the liberation struggle in India, where, having become the leader of the INC party - the Indian National Congress, he preached non-violence and advocated the unity of Muslims and Hindus, as well as the abolition of untouchability and the elimination of social and caste inequality.

Unusual holidays October 2

Today, on October 2, we celebrate the unusual holiday Day of Confused Footprints in the Autumn Park and a cool holiday for the homeless - Homeless Day.

Day of confused tracks in the autumn park

In autumn, on the paths in the forest, leaves rustle under your feet, and a cool wind blows on the almost bare crowns of the trees. Imagine that you are walking through an autumn park along a route only known to you, this is the only way you can unexpectedly find yourself in a forest fairy tale. Here, each tree can tell you its own adventure-filled story about mysterious transformations. But the most important thing in such a walk is to remember to confuse your tracks! Ask - why? Yes, simply because even the most experienced traveler never follows in the footsteps of others, since he has his own route, his own life, and his own fairy tale...

Homeless Day

The homeless today, October 2, can be treated differently, but the main thing is that whether we want it or not, they are in our lives. We see them every day, either in parks, or at bus stops, or near the entrances to shops and churches, in short, everywhere we can... And each of them has their own destiny, their own life story, which is sometimes interesting and useful to listen to.
If there are homeless people, then there is Homeless Day.

Church holiday according to the folk calendar - Trofim and Zosima

On this day, all Orthodox Christians know what church holiday today is. Every year on October 2, they honor the memory of two holy martyrs - Trophimus and Zosima the Hermit.
Zosima lived in the 4th century; he was unable to live with the pagans in the same city, so he retired to the desert, where he coexisted peacefully with wild animals.
The ruler of Cilicia once saw Zosima while hunting and asked him what magic he used to tame predators. The elder responded to this that faith in Christ is his only remedy. Then, in order to force Zosima to renounce his faith, the ruler ordered the pagans to torture him. Laughing, the tormentors said that they would accept Christianity if wild animals came to the elder’s aid. Zosima turned to God in prayer, and at that moment a huge lion appeared in the square. That hour the ruler ordered Zosima to be released, but he died.
Trophimus lived in the 3rd century and also suffered for his faith. Once, together with his friend, during a pagan holiday, they prayed to God to guide their fellow tribesmen on the path of salvation. The ruler found out about this and ordered his friends to be subjected to punishment and then executed.

On this day in Rus', people celebrated the Bee Nine - the holiday of beekeepers.

The holiday consisted in the fact that beekeepers had to prepare the hives for winter within nine days, starting from the day of Trophim and Zosima.
At this time, it was customary for peasants to eat honey in the morning, and at the same time wash it down warm water.
On this holiday, young people organized Trofimov's evenings, at which they chose brides for themselves, and on this day the girls looked closely at the grooms.
There was a popular belief that if you look closely into the eyes of your chosen one on this day, he will respond to your feelings.
People observed signs of nature on Trofim and Zosima - if on that day the wind blew from the south, then on next year need to wait good harvests winter bread.
Name day October 2 from: Alexei, Gabriel, George, David, Zosima, Igor, Konstantin, Makar, Maria, Nikolai, Trofim, Fedor

Zodiac sign Scales 2 October He doesn’t mince words, so it’s better not to argue with him. He does not keep his opinion secret and will openly express it in public. But in this situation, the most strong impression produces results when he is laconic, and if he speaks, it is short and to the point. This creates the image of a witty and developed person. He also does not hide his feelings, but conveys his approval or irritation in the same calm form, as if he were making a statement.

Character traits

Individual 2 October It can be sharp on the tongue, which, of course, not everyone will like. But usually Zodiac sign I don't intend to offend anyone. It is simply expressed figuratively or humorously, which in the literal sense is perceived as an insult. He doesn’t even notice the second bottom in his words and doesn’t realize how vulnerable his listener is. For this reason alone he is not accused of being ruthless.

He does not shy away from society, but actively participates, even touching on political topics. Tries to insert himself into every conversation in order to stay informed and monitor processes. He easily captures the public mood, and in some cases even knows how to manipulate it. If necessary, he will turn an initially unfavorable situation to his advantage. He defeats his enemies not by fighting, but by dragging them to his position.

After talking with him, you still have a pleasant impression, since he combines innate grace and charm. But despite the outward softness, there is a lot of hardness in him, which manifests itself when you have to survive or eliminate overly raging ill-wishers. But there is no overdoing it with aggressiveness or timidity. Of course, in his youth he encounters violence (he is beaten or becomes a source of spread), but with proper upbringing he refuses this model of behavior and achieves a balance of good and bad qualities. He needs to express all his negative emotions, as accumulation will lead to an explosion. But release should be done carefully and not on close people.

Sometimes he resembles a mischievous child with a twinkle in his eyes and a teenage grin. He likes to joke with others, but he himself will not become an object of ridicule. In fact, he is quite vulnerable, so it is not advisable to hurt his pride.

October 2 – Zodiac Sign

Libra man – born on October 2

Guys who appeared on October 2 can boast of sophistication, education, charm and harmony. Such men should be perceived as the most faithful and devoted partners. Without pressure or imposing their opinion, they know how to create a cozy atmosphere and harmonious relationships. Literally devoid of conflict, they love to have fun and receive guests. In communication, they prove themselves to be excellent interlocutors, distinguished by their friendliness and friendliness.

Libra woman – born on October 2

The characteristics of the girls who appeared on October 2 include sophistication, charm, patience and diplomacy. This young lady always attracts with her wisdom and thriftiness. They seem to be completely flexible and always make concessions. But this is just a façade, because Libra knows how to correct the development of events in the right direction. They may be slightly intrusive in relationships, but this good advice. They prefer to control everything and are able to calculate the likelihood of risk and failure.

Birthday October 2

Representatives of October 2 are distinguished by their oratorical abilities, so their speech attracts attention. Libras do not even try to hide their own opinions or at least soften the harshness of their statements. But there is always consistency and logic in their words. They are able to express their dissatisfaction calmly and accessiblely. And they will do it in such a way that you will not be able to be rude in response.

Sometimes the character of a sign manifests itself as categorical. Their critical remarks can cause a lot of negative reactions from touchy and vulnerable individuals. Moreover, Libra cannot understand why their words led to such behavior in a person, because the zodiac rarely reacts to criticism and thinks that others behave the same way. Because of this, they are sometimes perceived as indifferent and callous towards others.

Those born on October 2 can apply their skills and abilities in diplomacy or social activities, because they are interested in developing in the country’s foreign and domestic policy. They always control the information flow and know how to extract the necessary information. Intuition is so well developed that they are able to use any negative situation to their advantage.

Libras are attractive appearance and inner charm, so there are always fans nearby. They seem soft and pliable, but their minds are rigidly pragmatic, so they are ready to deal with life’s troubles. It is better to be friends with Libra, and not to fight, because for every blow you get, you will receive a double response.

On October 2, natures appear with dual character, so aggressiveness easily coexists with indecisiveness. Childhood is often overshadowed by sad events and there is a place for both mental and physical violence. Libra must worry about organizing internal balance. In addition, it is necessary to learn how to correctly express accumulated emotions so that they do not conflict with the outside world and generally accepted norms.

The zodiac, whose birth falls on October 2, is endowed with a wonderful sense of humor. But sometimes it can slip into cruel sarcasm. Libra can easily laugh at another person, but does not allow this to happen to themselves. Remember that these are not iron men and under the apparent armor hides a vulnerable soul.

Love and compatibility

Before us is an idealist and a fan of art, who is drawn to everything beautiful and sublime. Always tries to find the best (clothes, work, relationships, home). To make your choice, you have to weigh and study the positive/negative sides for a long time. There is no need to wait for spontaneous actions.

Libra should expect a wonderful union from a meeting with Aquarius or Gemini. There is excellent mutual understanding between these signs. There are also similarities in outlook on life and temperaments. Such a connection promises to be strong and long-lasting. You can expect an emotional outburst and novelty from a relationship with Scorpio. But it will be more of a short-term affair. Things are much worse in combination with Cancer, Pisces and Virgo. Cancer will find it difficult to fit into the harmony of Libra, and Virgo will feel irritated all the time because there is no understanding between them. Pisces are simply not suitable, since the zodiac will demand too much, and Pisces does not like boundaries.

Work and career

Those born on October 2 are by nature friendly, friendly, sociable and responsive. In communication they always seem pleasant and open. These are born optimists who literally try not to notice the negative. This is a kind of shield from stressful situations.

Of all the representatives of the zodiac, October 2 people cope best with everyday stress. In addition, they are wonderful listeners who will not miss a single detail in a conversation. This can be used in a career plan.

Wit and criticality are combined with the ability to accurately and succinctly express one's thoughts. If you instruct Libra to generate an idea, then it will have an exclusively practical purpose. It is for their rationalism that they are valued at work. You should try your hand at medicine or engineering.

Health and illness

Most of the problems come down to psychology. In many cases, Libras are the aggressors. However, they are aware of this shortcoming and do everything possible to drown out the emotion of anger. As a result, they are able to bring themselves to mental disorder. Besides, these people are suspicious. They are subconsciously afraid of getting physically injured and the fear develops into an obsession. It is almost impossible to cope without a psychotherapist.

Fate and luck

On October 2, purposeful people with developed intuition are born. Sometimes it even goes as far as foreknowledge. If they realize their talents, are able to develop them and project goodness into the world, they will be able to create favorable and comfortable conditions for development. You can achieve high prospects in music, literature or theater. In terms of finances, everything is usually stable.

The psyche of the zodiac suffers from the desire to suppress their feelings. You should not create a false image and adhere to it in every possible way. Let people see you for who you really are. When satisfying their desires and needs, those born on October 2 should focus on constructive actions. Of course, everyone needs personal space, but Libras sometimes deliberately push people away. You risk being left alone in difficult times.

Famous personalities

Today we congratulate Camilla Belle, Andrei Danilko, Evgeny Sidikhin (actors), Sati Casanova (singer) and Yuri Levitan (announcer).

What fate brings

He approaches any task with enviable inspiration. It seems like everything is interesting and new to him. However, he is serious, so he develops a plan and clearly knows what he will get in the end. This important feature, since it allows him to proceed only with realistic ideas and not waste time hanging in the clouds. Criticism reverberates painfully in his heart, but at such moments he calls on all his strength and does not show it. He must make all decisions himself and not succumb to outside pressure. No matter how hard he tries, the depressed mood periodically transforms into depression, in which he doubts everything. He wants love, but he is so critical that he will miss his soul mate more than once.
