The concept of a norm, a linguistic norm, a literary norm. The concept of a language norm

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The oral and written speech of a cultured, literate person must obey certain rules or norms. Standard of literary language- this is the generally accepted use of linguistic means: sounds, stress, intonation, words, their forms, syntactic structures. The main property of norms is that they are binding on all speakers and writers of Russian. Another important property of a norm is stability, which preserves the linguistic connection between generations and ensures continuity cultural traditions people. At the same time, norms are slowly but continuously changing (under the influence of colloquial speech, vocabulary of various social and professional groups, borrowings).


There are three types of language norms.

1. Norms of written and oral speech:

Lexical norms(norms of word usage) are norms that determine the correct choice of word. as well as its use in the meanings that it has in literary language (plays a role, matters and in no case vice versa). Compliance with lexical norms - the most important condition accuracy of speech and its correctness. Violating them leads to errors: Raskolnikov dragged out a miserable existence. The parents of Ilya Muromets were simple collective farmers.

Grammar rules are divided into word-formation, morphological and syntactic. Word formation norms determine the order of combining parts of a word and forming new words.

Examples of word formation errors: in subjugation (instead of bribery), depth of experience (instead of depth). Morphological norms require the correct formation of grammatical forms of words different parts speech (forms of gender, number, short forms and degrees of comparison of adjectives, etc.) Violation of these norms leads to grammatical errors: Life is difficult now, there is cataclysm after cataclysm.(the word cataclysm male). This dress is more beautiful(instead of just more beautiful). Syntactic norms prescribe the correct construction of phrases and sentences and include rules for word agreement and syntactic control, correlating parts of a sentence. Violations of syntactic norms often occur, for example, in sentences with participial phrases: While reading the text, I had a question.(Instead of: Reading the text, I wonder. Or: When I read the text, I had a question.)

Stylistic norms determine the use of linguistic means in accordance with the laws of the genre, style features and communication conditions. Yes, in a sentence In the Caucasus, Pechorin had a good time, for example, he kidnapped Bela the use of the word should be considered a mistake snitched which does not correspond to the style and genre of a school essay.

2. Special norms writing:

Spelling standards(spelling) include rules for designating sounds with letters, rules for continuous, hyphenated and separate spelling of words, rules for the use of capital letters and graphic abbreviations.

Punctuation norms determine the use of punctuation marks.

Spelling and punctuation rules can be found in the relevant reference books, the most authoritative of which is considered to be “Handbook of Spelling and Punctuation” by D.E. Rosenthal.

3. Only to oral speech applicable spelling standards(spelling from Greek words orthos- correct and epos- speech). They include norms of pronunciation, stress and intonation ( naro[sh]no, catalog, turn on). Compliance with these rules contributes to faster and easier mutual understanding of speakers, while violation of orthoepic norms distracts from the perception of the content of speech and creates an unpleasant impression on the listeners about the speaker. Orthoepic norms are recorded in orthoepic dictionaries of the Russian language and dictionaries of accents.

Thus, the norms operate at all levels of the literary language, in all forms of speech. A natural question arises: who sets the standards? linguistic norms are not invented by scientists. They reflect those processes and phenomena that occur in the language and are supported by speakers. The main sources of language norms are considered to be the works of classical and modern writers, means mass media, common modern usage, survey and research data.

Norms help maintain the integrity and general intelligibility of the language, protect the literary language from the flow of dialect speech, social and professional jargon, and vernacular. This allows the literary language to perform its main function - cultural.

A linguistic norm is a historically determined set of commonly used linguistic means, as well as the rules for their selection and use, recognized by society as the most suitable in a particular historical period. A norm is one of the essential properties of a language, ensuring its functioning and historical continuity due to its inherent stability, although not excluding the variability of linguistic means and noticeable historical variability, since the norm is designed, on the one hand, to preserve speech traditions, and on the other, to satisfy current and the changing needs of society. A special case of a language norm is a literary norm.

The main sources of language norms include:

Works of classical writers;

Works by contemporary writers who continue classical traditions;

Media publications;

Common modern usage;

Data from linguistic research.

Characteristics language norms are:

Relative stability;


Common usage;

General obligatory;

Conformity to the use, custom and capabilities of the language system.

In literary language, the following types of norms are distinguished:

1) norms of written and oral forms of speech;

2) norms of written speech;

3) norms of oral speech.

1) The norms common to oral and written speech include:

*lexical norms;

*grammatical norms;

*stylistic norms.

2) Special norms of written speech are:

*spelling standards;

*punctuation standards.

3) Applicable only to oral speech:

*pronunciation standards;

*accent norms;

*intonation norms.

Orthoepic norms.

Orthoepic norms include norms of pronunciation, stress and intonation. Compliance with spelling norms is an important part of speech culture, because their violation creates in listeners an unpleasant impression of the speech and the speaker himself, and distracts from the perception of the content of the speech. Orthoepic norms are recorded in orthoepic dictionaries of the Russian language and dictionaries of accents. Intonation norms are described in “Russian Grammar” and Russian language textbooks.

Morphological norms.

Morphological norms require the correct formation of grammatical forms of words of different parts of speech (forms of gender, number, short forms and degrees of comparison of adjectives, etc.). A typical violation of morphological norms is the use of a word in a non-existent or inflectional form that does not correspond to the context (analyzed image, reigning order, victory over fascism, called Plyushkin a hole). Sometimes you can hear the following phrases: railway rail, imported shampoo, registered parcel post, patent leather shoes. There is a morphological error in these phrases - the gender of the nouns is incorrectly formed.

Syntactic norms.

Syntactic norms prescribe the correct construction of basic syntactic units - phrases and sentences. These norms include rules for word agreement and syntactic control, relating parts of a sentence to each other using the grammatical forms of words so that the sentence is a literate and meaningful statement. There is a violation of syntactic norms in following examples: reading it, a question arises; The poem is characterized by a synthesis of lyrical and epic principles; Having married his brother, none of the children were born alive.

Speech etiquette. Specifics of Russian speech etiquette.

Speech etiquette is a system of rules of speech behavior and stable formulas of polite communication.

Possession of speech etiquette contributes to the acquisition of authority, generates trust and respect. Knowing the rules of speech etiquette and observing them allows a person to feel confident and at ease, and not experience awkwardness or difficulties in communication.

Strict adherence to speech etiquette in business communication leaves a favorable impression of the organization among clients and partners and maintains its positive reputation.

Speech etiquette has national specifics. Each nation has created its own system of rules of speech behavior. IN Russian society Of particular value are such qualities as tact, courtesy, tolerance, goodwill, and restraint.

The importance of these qualities is reflected in numerous Russian proverbs and sayings that characterize ethical standards of communication. Some proverbs indicate the need to listen carefully to your interlocutor: A smart person does not speak, an ignorant person does not allow him to speak. Tongue - one, ear - two, say once, listen twice. Other proverbs point out typical mistakes in constructing a conversation: Answers when he is not asked. Grandfather talks about chicken, and grandmother talks about duck. You listen, and we will remain silent. A deaf man listens to a mute man speak. Many proverbs warn about the danger of an empty, idle or offensive word: All a person’s troubles come from his tongue. Cows are caught by the horns, people by the tongue. A word is an arrow; if you release it, it will not return. What is unspoken can be expressed, what has been said cannot be returned. It's better to understate than to overstate. It buzzes from morning to evening, but there is nothing to listen to.

*Tactfulness is an ethical norm that requires the speaker to understand the interlocutor, avoid inappropriate questions, and discuss topics that may be unpleasant for him.

*Carefulness consists in the ability to anticipate possible questions and wishes of the interlocutor, the willingness to inform him in detail on all topics relevant to the conversation.

*Tolerance means being calm about possible differences of opinion and avoiding harsh criticism of the views of your interlocutor. You should respect the opinions of other people and try to understand why they have this or that point of view. Closely related to such a character quality as tolerance is self-control - the ability to calmly respond to unexpected or tactless questions and statements from an interlocutor.

*Goodwill is necessary both in relation to the interlocutor and in the entire structure of the conversation: in its content and form, in intonation and choice of words.

Functional styles. Scientific style.

Functional speech styles are styles used in one or another area of ​​human communication; a type of literary language that performs a specific function in communication.

Functional styles to avoid confusion with language styles sometimes called linguistic genres, functional varieties of language. Each functional style has its own characteristics of using a general literary norm; it can exist both in written and oral form. There are five main varieties functional styles speeches that differ in the conditions and goals of communication in some area social activities: scientific, official business, journalistic, conversational, artistic.

Official business style.

Official business style is a functional style of speech, the environment of verbal communication in the field of official relations: in the field of legal relations and management. This area covers international relationships, jurisprudence, economics, military industry, advertising, communication in official institutions, government activities.

Business style is used for communication and information in an official setting (the sphere of legislation, office work, administrative and legal activities). This style is used for drawing up documents: laws, orders, regulations, characteristics, protocols, receipts, certificates. The scope of application of the official business style is law, the author is a lawyer, lawyer, diplomat, or just a citizen. Works in this style are addressed to the state, citizens of the state, institutions, employees, etc., with the aim of establishing administrative-legal relations.

This style exists more often in writing speech, type of speech - mainly reasoning. The type of speech is most often a monologue, the type of communication is public.

Style features - imperativeness (due character), accuracy, not allowing two interpretations, standardization (strict composition of the text, precise selection of facts and ways of presenting them), lack of emotionality.

The main function of the official business style is informational (transfer of information). It is characterized by the presence of speech cliches, a generally accepted form of presentation, a standard presentation of the material, the widespread use of terminology and nomenclature names, the presence of complex unabridged words, abbreviations, verbal nouns, the predominance direct order words


1) compactness;

2) standard arrangement of material;

3) widespread use of terminology;

4) frequent use of verbal nouns, complex conjunctions, as well as various stable phrases;

5) the narrative nature of the presentation, the use of nominative sentences with listing;

6) direct word order in a sentence as the predominant principle of its construction;

7) tendency to use complex sentences, reflecting the logical subordination of some facts to others;

8) almost complete absence of emotionally expressive speech means;

9) weak individualization of style.

Journalistic style.

Journalistic style- functional style of speech, which is used in the following genres: article, essay, report, feuilleton, interview, pamphlet, oratory.

The journalistic style serves to influence people through the media (newspapers, magazines, television, posters, booklets). It is characterized by the presence of socio-political vocabulary, logic, emotionality, evaluativeness, and appeal. In addition to neutral, it widely uses high, solemn vocabulary and phraseology, emotionally charged words, the use of short sentences, chopped prose, verbless phrases, rhetorical questions, exclamations, repetitions, etc. The linguistic features of this style are affected by the breadth of topics: there is a need to include special vocabulary that requires explanation. On the other hand, a number of topics are in the center of public attention, and vocabulary related to these topics takes on a journalistic connotation. Among such topics, we should highlight politics, economics, education, healthcare, criminology, and military topics.

The journalistic style is characterized by the use of evaluative vocabulary that has a strong emotional connotation.

This style is used in the sphere of political-ideological, social and cultural relations. The information is intended not only for a narrow circle of specialists, but for broad sections of society, and the impact is aimed not only at the mind, but also at the feelings of the recipient.

Functions of journalistic style:

*Information - desire to the shortest possible time inform people about latest news

*Influencing - the desire to influence people's opinions

Speech task:

*influence mass consciousness

*call to action

*provide information

The vocabulary has a pronounced emotional and expressive coloring and includes colloquial, colloquial and slang elements. Vocabulary characteristic of the journalistic style can be used in other styles: official business, scientific. But in the journalistic style it acquires special function– create a picture of events and convey to the addressee the journalist’s impressions of these events.


Topic: Standards of modern Russian language


1 The concept of a language norm and its functions

2 Norms of modern Russian language

3 Language norms and speech practice


List of used literature


The history and culture of the people is reflected in the language. Moreover, the most essential part of the collective experience of the people, which manifests itself in intellectual activity and in “ inner world» of a person, finds its expression through language in oral speech and in written texts.

The concepts of “normal” and “norm” are important for many types of human activity. There are standards for the production of products (for example, at a factory) and normals, i.e. technical requirements that these products must satisfy. Nutritionists talk about nutritional standards, athletes “fit” into certain standards (in running, in jumping). No one doubts the fact that in any civilized society there are norms of relationships between people, norms of etiquette; Each of us has an idea of ​​what is normal for human communication, and what is abnormal, goes beyond the limits of some unwritten norm. And our everyday speech is replete with these words: How are you? - Fine!; Well how are you? - Nothing, it’s normal. Moreover, the norm is invisibly present in our statements that do not contain the words norm or normal. When we say: a comfortable chair, a too dark room, inexpressive singing, we mean certain generally accepted “norms” for the comfort of a chair, the lighting of the room, and the expressiveness of singing.

There is a norm in language too. And this is quite natural: language is an integral part of not only a civilized society, but also of any human society in general. Normativity is compliance with language norms, which are perceived by its speakers as an “ideal” or correct model.

The language norm is one of the components of national culture. Therefore, the development of a literary norm, its codification, and the reflection of the normalizing activities of linguists in grammars, dictionaries and reference books are of great social and cultural importance.

All of the above justifies the relevance of this topic.

Purpose of the work: a comprehensive study and analysis of the norms of the modern Russian language.

The work consists of an introduction, 3 chapters, a conclusion and a list of references.

1 The concept of a language norm and its functions

Norm is one of the central linguistic concepts. Most often, this term is used in combination with “literary norm” and is applied to those varieties of language that are used in the media, in science and education, in diplomacy, lawmaking and legislation, in business and legal proceedings and other areas of “socially important” predominantly public communication. But we can talk about the norm in relation to a territorial dialect or social jargon. Thus, linguists use the term norm in two senses - broad and narrow.

In a broad sense, the norm refers to such means and ways of speech that have been spontaneously formed over many centuries and which usually distinguish one type of language from others. That’s why we can talk about a norm in relation to a territorial dialect: for example, normal for Northern Russian dialects is Okanye, and for Southern Russian dialects - Akanye. Any social or professional jargon is also “normal” in its own way: for example, what is used in trade argot will be rejected as alien by those who speak the jargon of carpenters; established ways of using linguistic means exist in army jargon and in the jargon of musicians-“labukhs”, and speakers of each of these jargons can easily distinguish someone else’s from their own, familiar and therefore normal for them, etc.

In a narrow sense, a norm is the result of the codification of language. Of course, codification is based on the tradition of the existence of language in a given society, on some unwritten but generally accepted ways of using linguistic means. But it is important that codification is the purposeful ordering of everything related to language and its application. The results of codifying activities are reflected in normative dictionaries and grammars.

The norm as a result of codification is inextricably linked with the concept of literary language, which is otherwise called normalized or codified. The territorial dialect, urban vernacular, social and professional jargons are not subject to codification: after all, no one consciously and purposefully makes sure that Vologda residents consistently okal, and residents of the Kursk village Akali, so that sellers, God forbid, do not use the terminology of carpenters, and soldiers - words and expressions of Labouche jargon, and therefore the concept of norm in the narrow sense of this term just discussed is not applicable to such varieties of language - dialects, jargons.

Language norms are not invented by scientists. They reflect natural processes and phenomena that have occurred and are occurring in the language and are supported by the speech practice of native speakers of a literary language. The main sources of language norms include the works of classical writers and some modern writers, the language of Central Television announcers, generally accepted modern usage, data from live and questionnaire surveys, Scientific research linguists, language system (analogs), opinion of the majority of speakers.

Norms help the literary language maintain its integrity and general intelligibility. They protect the literary language from the flow of dialect speech, social and professional jargon, and vernacular. This is an important function of norms - the function of protecting the language. In addition, norms reflect what has developed historically in a language - this is a function of reflecting the history of the language.

Speaking about the essence of a norm, it should be remembered that a norm is not a law. The law constitutes a necessity that does not allow any deviations, while the norm only prescribes how it should be. Let's compare the following examples:

1. A stone thrown up must then fall down (this is a law of nature);

2. A person living in a society must follow the rules of the community, for example, not knocking on the wall with a hammer after 11 pm (these are social norms);

3. A person in the process of verbal communication must place stress correctly (these are language norms).

So, the norm only indicates how it should be - this is the function of the prescription.

Thus, a language norm is the traditionally established rules for the use of speech means, i.e. rules of exemplary and generally accepted pronunciation, use of words, phrases and sentences.

2 Norms of modern Russian language

There are written and oral norms.

Written language norms are, first of all, spelling and punctuation norms. For example, the spelling N in the word worker, and НН in the word nameNNik, is subject to certain spelling rules. And the placement of a dash in the sentence Moscow is the capital of Russia is explained by the punctuation norms of the modern Russian language.

Oral norms are divided into grammatical, lexical and orthoepic.

Grammar rules are the rules for using the forms of different parts of speech, as well as the rules for constructing a sentence. The most common grammatical errors associated with the use of the gender of nouns are “railroad rail, French shampoo, big corn, registered parcel, patent leather shoes.” However, rail, shampoo is a masculine noun, and callus, parcel, shoe are feminine, so we should say “railroad rail, French shampoo and large callus, customized parcel, patent leather shoe.”

Lexical norms are the rules for using words in speech. An error is, for example, using the verb lay down instead of putting. Despite the fact that the verbs lay down and put down have the same meaning, put down is a normative literary word, and lay down is a colloquial word. The expressions: I put the book back in its place, etc. are errors. The verb to put should be used: I put the books in place.

Orthoepic norms are pronunciation norms of oral speech. (Orthoepy from the Greek orthos - correct and epos - speech). Compliance with pronunciation standards is important for the quality of our speech. Pronunciation that corresponds to orthoepic norms facilitates and speeds up the communication process, therefore the social role correct pronunciation is very great, especially now in our society, where oral speech has become a means of the widest communication at various meetings, conferences, and forums.

The norm is conservative and is aimed at preserving the linguistic means and rules for their use accumulated in a given society by previous generations. The unity and universality of the norm are manifested in the fact that representatives of different social strata and groups that make up a given society are obliged to adhere to traditional methods of linguistic expression, as well as those rules and regulations that are contained in grammars and dictionaries and are the result of codification. Deviation from linguistic tradition, from dictionary and grammatical rules and recommendations is considered a violation of the norm. However, it is no secret that at all stages of the development of a literary language, when using it in different communicative conditions, variants of linguistic means are allowed: you can say cottage cheese - and cottage cheese, spotlights - and spotlights, you are right - and you are right, etc.

The norm relies on traditional ways of using language and is wary of linguistic innovations. “The norm is recognized as what was, and partly what is, but not at all what will be,” wrote the famous linguist A.M. Peshkovsky. He explained this property of both the literary norm and the literary language itself: “If the literary dialect changed quickly, then each generation could only use the literature of its own and the previous generation, many two. But under such conditions there would be no literature itself, since the literature of each generation is created by all previous literature. If Chekhov had not already understood Pushkin, then Chekhov probably would not have existed. Too thin a layer of soil would provide too little nutrition for literary sprouts. The conservatism of the literary dialect, uniting centuries and generations, creates the possibility of a single powerful centuries-old national literature.” However, the conservatism of a norm does not mean its complete immobility in time. Another thing is that the pace of regulatory change is slower than the development of this national language generally. The more developed the literary form of a language is, the better it serves the communicative needs of society, the less it changes from generation to generation of people using this language.

A linguistic norm (literary norm) is the rules for the use of speech means in a certain period of development of a literary language, i.e. * the rules of pronunciation, word usage, the use of traditionally established grammatical, stylistic and other linguistic means accepted in social linguistic practice * This is uniform , exemplary, generally accepted use of language elements (words, phrases, sentences).
The norm is mandatory for both oral and written speech and covers all aspects of the language* There are norms:
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Characteristic features of the literary language norm:
- relative stability,
- common usage,
- general obligation,
- compliance with the use, custom and capabilities of the language system.
Language norms are not invented by scientists. They reflect natural processes and phenomena occurring in language and are supported by speech practice. The main sources of language norms include the works of classic scribes and modern writers, analysis of the language of the media, generally accepted modern usage, data from live and questionnaire surveys, and scientific research by linguists.
Norms help the literary language maintain its integrity and general intelligibility. They protect the literary language from the flow of dialect speech, social and professional argot, and vernacular. This allows the literary language to fulfill its main function - cultural.
The literary norm depends on the conditions in which speech is carried out. Linguistic means that are appropriate in one situation (everyday communication) may turn out to be absurd in another (official business communication). The norm does not divide language means into good and bad, but indicates their communicative expediency.
Language norms are a historical phenomenon. Changes in literary norms are due to the constant development of language. What was the norm in the last century and even 15-20 years ago may become a deviation from it today. For example, in the 30-40s. the words diploma student and diploma student were used to express the same concept: “a student performing a thesis work.” The word diplomanik was a colloquial variant of the word diplomant. In the literary fodder of the 50s and 60s. a distinction has been made in the use of these words: the former colloquial diploma student now means a student, a student during the defense period thesis, obtaining a diploma. The word diplomat began to be used primarily to refer to winners of competitions, prize-winners of shows, competitions marked with a diploma (for example, diplomat All-Union competition pianists, diploma winner of the International Vocal Competition).
The norm of using the word applicant has also changed. B 30-40s both those who graduated from high school and those who entered university were called applicants, since both of these concepts in most cases refer to the same person. IN post-war years For those graduating from high school, the word graduate was assigned, and the word applicant in this meaning fell out of use. Applicants began to be called those who pass entrance exams at universities and technical schools.
The history of the word dialectical is interesting in this regard. In the 19th century, it was derived from the noun dialect and meant “belonging to a particular dialect.” The adjective dialectical was also formed from the philosophical term dialectic. Homonyms appeared in the language: dialectical (dialectical word) and dialectical (dialectical approach). Gradually, the word dialectical in the meaning of “belonging to one or another dialect” became outdated, was replaced by the word dialectic, and the word dialectical was assigned the meaning “peculiar to dialectics; based on the laws of dialectics."
Over time, pronunciation also changes. So, for example, A. S. Pushkin in his letters contains words of the same root, but with different spellings: bankruptcy bankruptcy. How to explain this? You might think that the poet peed himself or made a mistake. No, the word bankrupt was borrowed in the 18th century from Dutch or French and originally in the Russian language it sounded bankrut. The derivatives also had a similar pronunciation: bankrutstvo, bankrutstvo obankrutiteya. During the time of Pushkin, a pronunciation variant appeared with “o” instead of “u”. You could say and write bankruti bankrupt. By the end of the 19th century, the pronunciation bankrupt, bankruptcy, bankrupt, go bankrupt finally won. This has become the norm.
In one of the issues of Literaturnaya Gazeta, in an article about the correctness of speech, such a case was described. The lecturer rose to the podium and began to speak like this: “Some people spit on the norms of literary speech, We, they say, are allowed everything, we say so as families, they will bury us like that. I shuddered * when I heard this, but did not oppose it. At first the audience was perplexed, then there was a murmur of indignation and, finally, laughter. The lecturer waited until the audience calmed down and said: “You are laughing in vain. I speak in the best literary language. In the language of the classics...” And he began to give quotes that contained “incorrect” words from his lecture, comparing them with the readings of dictionaries of that time. With this technique, the speaker demonstrated how the norm of language has changed over 100 years.
Not only lexical, spelling, accentological, but also morphological norms. Let's take the ending of the nominative case as an example. plural masculine nouns:
vegetable garden - vegetable gardens, garden - gardens, table - tables, fence - fences, horn - horns, side - sides, bank - banks, eye - eyes.
As we see, in the nominative plural case, nouns have the ending -ь(or -а. The presence of two endings is associated with the history of declension. The fact is that in the Old Russian language, in addition to the singular and plural, there was also a dual number, which was used in that case , when we were talking about two objects: table (one), tables (two), tables (several). Since the 13th century, this form begins to collapse and is gradually eliminated. However, traces of it are found, firstly, at the end of the nominative case of the plural of nouns , denoting paired objects: horns, eyes, sleeves, shores, sides; secondly, the form of the singular genitive case of nouns with the numerals two (two tables, two houses, two fences) historically goes back to the form of the nominative case of the dual number. This is confirmed difference in emphasis; two hours and not an hour passed, in two rows and left the row.
After the disappearance of the dual number, along with the old ending -ы, a new ending -а appeared in masculine nouns in the nominative plural, which, as a younger ending, began to spread and displace the ending -ы.
Thus, in modern Russian, train in the nominative plural has the ending -а, while in the 19th century the norm was -ы. "Eat on railway stopped for four days due to heavy snowfall,” wrote N.G. Chernyshevsky in a letter to his father on February 8-
ralya 1855 But the ending -а does not always win over the old ending -ы. For example, the word tractor was borrowed in the 20th century from in English, in which traktor is a suffixal derivative of the Latin traho, trahere- “to pull, drag.” In the 3rd volume of the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language, published in 1940, only tractors are recognized as a literary form, and the ending in -a (tractors) is considered colloquial. Twenty-three years later, the 15th volume of the Dictionary of Modern Russian Literary Language was published. In it, both forms (tractors and tractors) are given as equal, and twenty years later, the “Orthoepic Dictionary of the Russian Language” (1983) puts the ending -a in first place as it is more common. In other cases, the nominative plural form in - and remains outside the boundaries of the literary language, classified as incorrect (engineer) or slang (driver).
If the old, original norm is designated by the letter A, and the competing option by the letter B, then the competition between them for a place in the literary language takes place in four stages and graphically looks like this: Stage 1 Norm - A Stage 2 Options A-B Stage 3 Barkan you B -A Stage 4 Norm - B A

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At the first stage, the only form A dominates; its variant B is beyond the limits of the literary language and is considered incorrect. At the second stage, option B already penetrates into the literary language, is considered acceptable (additional mark) and, depending on the degree of its distribution, is qualified as colloquial (colloquial mark) in relation to norm A or equal to it (mark I). At the third stage, the senior norm A loses its dominant role, finally gives way to the junior norm B and becomes obsolete norms. At the fourth stage, B becomes the only norm of the literary language. The sources of changes in the norms of the literary language are different: live, colloquial speech; local dialects; vernacular; professional jargon; other languages,
Changes in norms are preceded by the appearance of their variants, which actually exist in the language at a certain stage of its development and are actively used by its speakers. Variants of norms are reflected in dictionaries of modern literary language.
For example, in the “Dictionary of the Modern Russian Literary Language”, accented variants of such words as normalize and normalize, mark and mark, thinking to thinking are recorded as equal. Some variants of words are given with the corresponding markings: cottage cheese and (colloquial) cottage cheese, agreement and (simple) agreement. If we turn to the “Orthoepic Dictionary of the Russian Language” (M., 1983), then we can follow the fate of these options. Thus, the words “normalize” and “thinking” become preferred, and “normalize” and “thinking” are labeled “additional.” (acceptable). Of the options, mark and mark, marking becomes the only correct one. Regarding cottage cheese and cottage cheese, the norm has not changed. But the contract option has moved from a colloquial form into a colloquial form, and is marked “additional” in the dictionary.
Shifts in standardization can be clearly seen in the example of the pronunciation of the combination -chn.
Let's present this in a table: *
Word Tolk, lyrics. Russian, language, 1935-1940 Orthoepic dictionary Russian. language 1997 everyday [SHK] [chn] and extra. [shn] bakery [shn] [shn] and additional. [chi] snack bar [schn] [chn] toy [schn] [chn] on purpose [schn] [schn] decent [schn] [schn] and [chn] decent [schn] [schn] and [chn] creamy [schn] add. outdated [shn] scrambled eggs [shn] [shn] apple [shn] don. [shn] As you can see, out of 10 words, only two (on purpose, scrambled eggs) retain the pronunciation [shn]; in one case (bakery), preference is given to the pronunciation [shn], but [chn] is also allowed; in two cases, both pronunciations are considered equal (see decently, decently)> in the other five, the pronunciation [chn] wins, while in a nutshell ( snack bar, toy) it is considered the only correct one, and in three (everyday, creamy, apple) the pronunciation [shn] is also allowed* Indicators of various normative dictionaries give reason to talk about three degrees of normativity:
norm of the 1st degree - strict, rigid, not allowing options;
the 2nd degree norm is neutral, allowing equivalent options;
norm 3 degrees - more flexible, allows the use of colloquial as well as outdated forms.
The historical change in the norms of a literary language is a natural, objective phenomenon. It does not depend on the will and desire of individual native speakers* The development of society, changes in the social way of life, the emergence of new traditions, the improvement of relationships between people, the functioning of literature and art lead to the constant renewal of literary language and its norms.
According to scientists, the process of changing language norms has become especially intensified in recent decades*
Characteristics of the basic norms of the literary language,
Grammatical norms are the rules for using morphological forms of different parts of speech and syntactic structures.
¦ The most common grammatical errors associated with the use of gender of nouns* You can hear incorrect phrases: railway rail, French shampoo, big callus, registered parcel, patent leather shoes*
But the nouns rail, shampoo are masculine, corn, parcel are feminine, so we should say: railway rail^ French shampoo, big corn, custom parcel. The word shoes in such
form is considered incorrect. It is correct to say: /and/flya with the emphasis on the first syllable: there is not one shoe; bought beautiful shoes; there are a lot of winter shoes in the store; I'm glad to have new shoes.
Verbs, for example, reflexive and non-reflexive, are not always used correctly in speech. Thus, in the sentences “The Duma must decide on the date of the meeting”, “Deputies need to decide on the proposed bill”, the reflexive verb decide is colloquial in nature. In the above examples, the verb should be used without - xia: “The Duma must determine the date of the meeting,” “Deputies need to determine their attitude to the proposed bill.” The verb to decide has a colloquial connotation in a sentence like: “We need to decide,” i.e., “We need to determine our attitude towards someone/something.”
Violation of grammatical norms is often associated with the use of prepositions in speech. Thus, the difference in semantic and stylistic shades between synonymous constructions with prepositions due to and thanks is not always taken into account. The preposition thanks retains its original lexical meaning associated with the verb to thank, therefore it is used to indicate the reason that causes the desired result: thanks to the help of comrades, thanks to the correct treatment. If there is a sharp contradiction between the original lexical meaning of the preposition thanks and the indication of a negative reason, the use of this preposition is undesirable: I did not come to work due to illness. IN in this case It would be more correct to say - because of illness.
In addition to tosh, the prepositions thanks to, contrary to, according to, towards, according to modern standards of literary language, are used only with the dative case: “thanks to activity”, “contrary to the rules”, “according to the schedule”, “towards the anniversary*.
Lexical norms, i.e. rules for using words in speech, require special attention. M. Gorky taught that words must be used with the strictest precision. The word must be used in the meaning (literal or figurative) that it has and which is recorded in Russian language dictionaries. Violation of lexical norms leads to a distortion of the meaning of the statement. There are many examples of inaccurate use of individual words. So, the adverb somewhere has one meaning “in some place”, “unknown where* (music started playing somewhere). However, recently this word has begun to be used in the meaning of “about, approximately, sometime”: “Somewhere in the 70s of the 19th century”, “The classes were planned to be held somewhere in June”, “The plan was completed somewhere by 102%."
The frequent use of the word order in the meaning of “a little more”, “a little less” should be considered a speech defect. In Russian there are words to denote this concept: approximately, approximately. But some people use the word order instead. Here are examples from the speech: “About 800 people left the city schools before the revolution, and now there are about 10 thousand”; “The living area of ​​the constructed houses is about 2.5 million square meters, and the green ring around the city is about 20 thousand hectares”; “The damage caused to the city is about 300 thousand rubles*.
The words somewhere, in order, in the meaning “about”, *approximating” but* are often found in colloquial speech:
How many examples did you pick on the topic?
Somewhere around 150.
How many printed sheets verified?
About 3 printed sheets.
What weather is expected?
In the near future the temperature will be somewhere around zero degrees. (Recording of oral speech).
An error is also the incorrect use of the verb lozhet instead of put. The verbs lay and put have the same meaning, but put is a commonly used literary word, and lay is a colloquial word. The expressions sound unliterary: “I put the book in its place,” “He puts the folder on the table,” etc. In these sentences, the verb to put should be used: “I put the books in its place,” “He puts the folder on the table.” It is also necessary to pay attention to the use of prefix verbs put7 fold, fold. Some say “report to place”, “add up numbers”, instead of the correct “put in place”, “add up numbers”.
Violations of lexical norms are sometimes due to the fact that speakers confuse words that are similar in sound but different in meaning. For example, verbs are not always used correctly to provide I imagine. Sometimes we hear incorrect expressions such as: “The floor is presented to Petrov,” “Let me introduce you to Dr. Petrov.” The verb to provide means “to give the opportunity to take advantage of something” (to provide an apartment, vacation, position, credit, loan, rights, independence, word, etc.), and the verb to present means “to transfer, give, present something, to anyone" (submit a report, certificate, facts, evidence; submit for an award, an order, a title, for a prize, etc.). The above sentences with these verbs correctly sound like this: “The floor is given to Petrov,” “Allow me to introduce you to Dr. Petrov.”
Sometimes the nouns stalagmite and stalactite are used incorrectly. These words differ in meaning: stalagmite - a conical limestone build-up on the floor of a cave, gallery (cone up); stalactite - a conical limestone growth on the ceiling or vault of a cave or gallery (cone down).
The words differ in their meaning: college (secondary or higher educational institution in England, USA) and college (secondary educational institution in France, Belgium, Switzerland); effective (effective, leading to the desired results) and effective (producing strong impression, Effect); Offensive (causing offense, insulting) and touchy (easily offended, inclined to see offense, insult where there is none).
To clarify the lexical norms of the modern literary language, it is recommended to use explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language and special reference literature.
Orthoepic norms are pronunciation norms of oral speech. They are studied by a special branch of linguistics - orthoepy (Greek orthos correct and epos speech).
One of the largest researchers of pronunciation norms, R.I. Avanesov, defines orthoepy as
a set of rules of oral speech that ensure the unity of sound design in accordance with the norms of the national language, historically developed and entrenched in the literary language.
Maintaining uniformity in pronunciation is important* Spelling errors always interfere with the perception of the content of speech: the listener’s attention is distracted by various incorrect pronunciations, and the statement is not perceived in its entirety and with sufficient attention* Pronunciation that corresponds to spelling norms facilitates and speeds up the communication process* Therefore, the social role correct pronunciation is very large, especially now in our society, where oral speech has become a means of the widest communication at various meetings, conferences, congresses*
What are the rules of literary pronunciation that must be followed in order not to go beyond the generally accepted, and therefore generally understandable, Russian literary language?
We list only those that are most often violated*

The concept of “norm” seems important for many aspects of human existence and human activity: these are the norms of hemoglobin content in the blood, the norms of the GTO, the norms speed limit on highways, etc. L.P. Krysin notes alignment with a certain implied norm in cases where it is presented in a statement only indirectly, for example, when assessing a person’s height ( What a tall guy!) or animal ( Somehow this giraffe is a little small for a giraffe). In a similar way, we mean a certain standard of convenience, illumination and expressiveness in statements: comfortable chair, the room is too dark, expressionless singing .

The idea of ​​what is considered normal for human communication includes the norms of language. Moreover, the norm is one of the central concepts in linguistics. This term is used mainly in combinations “language norm in a literary language”, “literary language norms”, “literary norm” and is relevant primarily for such areas of language application as the media, science and education, the sphere of diplomacy, legislation and lawmaking , administration, business and legal proceedings, i.e. for socially important areas of public communication.

Established ways of using language means have developed in a wide variety of jargons: the language of football athletes ( own goal - a ball scored by a football player into his own goal; breakwater - a player who takes the ball and destroys the opponent's attacks; cotton wool - match without dangerous moments and goals, goalless draw), fishermen ( beard - tangled fishing line; borsch - dense aquatic vegetation; nail- a type of winter spinner, etc. ), the language of ballerinas (leg, leg stronger take it out! The back must give aplomb. Oh she's long by the water danced and then in luminaries broke out), etc. This is the language of groups of people connected by professional activity.

Social jargons in the language of students and schoolchildren have special vocabulary and phraseology (with such typical words as fail exam, fail on the exam, i.e. receive an unsatisfactory grade, pair deuce, double class hours...), thieves' argot, the language of drug addicts - linguists have shown considerable interest in it, including it in special jargon dictionaries.

It is worth remembering such a social phenomenon as hippies - youth associations of the 70s. XX century, who used a special language. Its originality - a direct connection with the words of the English language - manifested itself primarily at the lexical level and is reflected, in particular, in the dictionary of F. I. Rozhansky: compare: battle, battle from English bottle - bottle (a bottle, usually containing alcohol); loaf(pl. loaf) from English, button - button: 1) a shirt made of soft fabric (usually with a floral pattern and an abundance of buttons); 2) large round icon; 3) button; beznik from English, birthday - birthday; branded from English brand new - brand new.

Okanye, akanye or tsokanye, which have always distinguished the speech of residents of a certain region, can also be considered normative in relation to a particular territorial dialect.

The definition of correctness of speech as its main communicative quality has already become generally accepted in science and is interpreted unambiguously - as the correspondence of its linguistic structure to current language norms.

The concept of “norm” covers only the codified, literary Russian language. This is a set of the most stable, traditional elements of the language system, historically selected and consolidated by public language practice. This is the stability of the form of linguistic units in the process of their functioning, based on the authority of exemplary literature, science, and the state.

At each stage of its development, a norm is characterized, on the one hand, by stability, and on the other, by a number of features such as mobility, commitment, selectivity, written recording, and the authority of sources and samples.

The concept of a language norm applies only to written languages. That is why we are talking about a literary language - a language in which recording is carried out in writing, and oral speech is not subject to regulation. For this reason Russian colloquial, which existed in parallel with written Church Slavonic, could not be codified. No grammars or dictionaries were written in it, nor was it taught in school. Slang (jargon) and dialect go beyond certain norms.

Language norms are characterized mandatory for all native speakers and sustainability, stability over quite a significant period of time, but at the same time they differ mobility, i.e. ability to change. This “follows from the nature of language as a social phenomenon, in constant development together with the creator and speaker of the language - society.” The fluidity of the language norm leads to the fact that, along with the outdated name of any object, phenomenon, sign, a new competing word begins to be used in speech practice - thus, at the same time there can be “not one regulated way of expression, but more ", options appear. Selectivity norms is manifested in the speaker’s ability to choose linguistic forms that are most suitable for solving current communicative problems, for formatting speech in one or another stylistic key. Thus, different functional styles are characterized by different vocabulary: compare. pairs of words like this And this(recipient, document), get And collect(from someone) price And price, so that it doesn't happen(device breakdown) and to avoid(device breakdown) - the second way of expression in each pair is more typical for official business speech.

So, the norms of language include pronunciation standards- intonation design of speech, pronunciation of sounds and stress placement (intonation, orthoepic and accentological norms).

Intonation norm now seems especially relevant, since, firstly, misunderstanding (ignorance) of the fact that a pause in speech does not necessarily mean the placement of any punctuation mark, but rather is intended to place logical stresses, highlight the most important semantic parts of a sentence, leads to numerous punctuation errors, at least redundant commas.

Let's give an example of information posted on a special website to help consumers.

Instructions and manuals for household appliances and electronics, computers, cars

Find the instruction manual for your equipment model right now. For facilities, the archive is divided into categories and subcategories, with the names of manufacturers of this or that equipment...

Omitting for now the errors in the grammatical and stylistic design of the text, we note that the illegal placement of a comma after the phrase for comfort is explained precisely by pronunciation - the design of a given fragment (syntagm) with a separate intonation, which is quite correct in oral speech, but does not coincide with the design of a syntactic structure in written speech.

Secondly, as researchers of the intonation-phonetic design of speech note, our contemporaries have observed significant changes - and not at all in better side- in the design of real oral communication. First of all, this applies to representatives of young people who speak fluent foreign languages- and more than others in English, which has a different system of intonations for various communicative types of sentences than in Russian. This is also due to a change in the overall speech strategy for generating text, a decrease in attention to the euphonic side of oral speech.

Accentological norm language determines the correct placement of stress in words. The difficulty may be choosing one of the variant stresses in words that make up a certain group, for example, in nouns ending in - awn having a stressed or unstressed ending in the genitive plural: statements, localities, positions, fortresses, news, regions and etc.

Differences in stress options may be associated with professional specifics of pronunciation: remember the word alcohol in the speech of Dr. Bormental, assistant to Professor Preobrazhensky, explaining the causes of death of Klim Chugunkin (“Heart of a Dog”), chassis - from aviators, compass - from seafarers, convicted - from lawyers, etc.

How to pronounce: privatized, taxpayer, petition, marketing? Both special information services on the Internet and numerous spelling dictionaries and accent dictionaries successfully help in answering this question.

So that literacy in Russia does not become “everyone’s personal matter” (Dm. Bykov), spelling norm regulates the spelling (spelling) of words in the Russian language in accordance with accepted rules and taking into account innovations as a result of ongoing reforms, suggests what needs to be written in the following words instead of periods: A or O (st..:gna- tion, mortgage lending), and or e (liberalization<цен >, indexing, illiquid or in short supply<товар>).

In the field of business speech, there are many words that become stumbling blocks. How to write correctly: solvent or Solvent, legal consultant or legal adviser, precedent or precedent, lender or Mutualist(from the word on loan)?

Knowledge of the rules and patterns saves the writer in such areas of Russian spelling as choosing a form with b or without it for the 3rd person of the verb and its indefinite (infinitive) form (This word is written without soft sign; Necessary contact to the justice institution for state registration rights to real estate - and here soft sign required), continuous or separate writing adverbs and particles Not with other words. Compare:

The Arbitration Court of the West Siberian District in Resolution No. A709046/2013 dated September 2, 2014 explained that the buyer has the right demand a refund of the prepayment amount for goods not transferred by the seller ( but not in the right! ).

In connection with the above, in accordance with Art. 15 Civil Code Russian Federation and Art. 18 Federal Law "On the Protection of Consumer Rights"

Accept not high quality product(game) purchased from your store ( Right: poor quality those. bad).

There is no doubt about the importance of the correct placement of punctuation marks, as already mentioned by A. S. Pushkin. According to K. G. Paustovsky, they “exist to highlight a thought, bring words into the correct relationship and give the phrase lightness and correct sound. Punctuation marks are like musical notes. They hold the text firmly and do not allow it to crumble.” How can one not recall the classic “Execution cannot be pardoned”, two variants of understanding of which - life or death - are supported in pronunciation by intonation, and in writing - by punctuation marks, commas and dashes.

Punctuation norm is especially important for the sphere of written speech and even more so for the sphere of business writing, because its distinctive feature are significant in length and very complex in sentence structure. If in the rather complex phrase “By improving the organization of repayment of arrears in the payment of wages and pensions, improving the culture of customer service, turnover in state and commercial stores should increase” there is only one necessary punctuation mark, then the fragment of the text below from the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, which also constitutes one proposal, already requires more signs, since it contains participial phrases and homogeneous members.

Organizations that are foreign organizers of the XXII Olympic Winter Games and XI Paralympic Winter Games of 2014 in Sochi in accordance with Article 3 are not recognized as taxpayers. Federal Law dated December 1, 2007 No. 310-FZ "On the organization and holding of the XXII Olympic Winter Games and the XI Paralympic Winter Games of 2014 in the city of Sochi, the development of the city of Sochi as a mountain climatic resort and amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation" or foreign marketing partners the International Olympic Committee in accordance with Article 3.1 of the said Federal Law, as well as branches and representative offices in the Russian Federation of foreign organizations that are foreign marketing partners of the International Olympic Committee in accordance with Article 3.1 of the said Federal Law, in relation to operations carried out within the framework of the organization and conduct of the XXII Olympic Winter Games and XI Paralympic Winter Games 2014 in Sochi.

Difficulties in mastering punctuation norms are also associated with unjustified adherence to the intonation of the text, the placement of logical stresses and significant pauses. Let's give a few examples of extra employees (in square brackets) and the lack of necessary ones (in curly brackets): 1. Upon arrival in Nizhnevartovsk], I had to report to the local branch of the fund. 2. Clients of Sberbank of Russia],) connected to the Mobile Bank service, can transfer money from card to card],] through mobile phone. 3. An offshore company can be defined] as an enterprise that does not conduct business activities in the country where it is registered, and its owners are foreign persons. 4. In accordance with civil procedural legislation],] all decisions of the courts of first instance that have entered into legal force<...>as well as decisions of the Presidium of the Supreme Court of Russia can be revised due to newly discovered or new circumstances. Revision by general rules],] carried out by the court]) that adopted the decision. 5. In addition, in accordance with clause 2, part 1, art. 331 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, the law does not exclude the possibility of revising court rulings that do not resolve the case on the merits, but only if]] if they exclude the possibility of further progress of the case.

The ability to navigate the lexical richness of the language, to choose within various groups of vocabulary - synonyms, paronyms, homonyms, etc. - the word that is most appropriate in meaning, context, style and genre demonstrates mastery lexical norm. Let's compare the possibilities of lexical expression of the same content in accordance with different spheres of communication: Belonging to man(face) things(property), which he and his wife own together(are in common joint property with the spouse), upon sale(implementations) divided equally(distributed in equal shares).

On the vehicles of the Petrovich transport service in St. Petersburg there is an inscription expressing readiness to take into account criticism addressed to you if the characteristics of driving a car leave much to be desired: “If you have any wishes about driving a car, call ...”, in which perhaps the words comments(Why), discontent(how), criticism(what), claims(addressed to whom, to whom, about what), and the word wishes, firstly, smoothes out the semantic element “inconsistency” and, secondly, demonstrates compatibility with other words that is atypical for the word (correctly: wish what, to whom).

Confirmation of the lack of linguistic taste is an excessive fascination with borrowed words, especially in cases where the speaker does not know how to place them in the appropriate context: Ilya Averbukh will present a new show on television. Present - means to give a gift, to give. And in this context the author used the word presentation, i.e. "introducing a new show" and made a lexical error.

The sphere of lexical norms includes the ability to express oneself clearly, conveying the desired thought to the interlocutor. Thus, the phrase from a review of a children's play looks ambiguous: "The audience loudly applauded the happy ending of Little Red Riding Hood.", leaving open question about its true meaning: is it about the prosperous, i.e. optimistic, the end of a fairy tale or about the death of its heroine?

Errors in the field of lexical norms include both the use of ordinary words where there should be vocabulary assigned to the official business style of speech (its clerical and administrative underlay), and vice versa - the active use of vocabulary characteristic of the official business style in the stylistic context alien to her, for example in colloquial speech. “What disgusting bureaucratic language!” wrote A.P. Chekhov. Based on that situation... on the one hand... on the other hand - and all this without any need. “Nevertheless” and “to the extent that” the officials composed. I read and spit." Excessive enthusiasm for clericalism was also condemned by K.I. Chukovsky, and now often gives rise to lively and witty comments from contemporaries and parodies.

Thus, a letter about an unsuccessful photograph received by a client from a photo studio hardly looks like an official notice: "Dear Comrade Tolkachev! Please, come on November 28-29, 1982 to take an artistic photo. You came out blurry, moved their eyes"(Express Internet magazine). The following phrases would probably be more appropriate here: We ask you..., You should (should)..., re-shoot, mention poor quality etc.

K. Chukovsky, in his book about the Russian language “Alive as Life,” gives numerous examples of how not to speak in the sphere of everyday colloquial speech, how to avoid “cloth” clerical language, and cites humorous stylistic incidents used in the works of Russian writers - Pisemsky, Herzen , Chekhov ("The case of the crow flying in and breaking the glass...", "The case... of the gnawing of the plan by mice...", "To announce to the widow Vonia that in her failure to attach a sixty-kopeck stamp..."), and discovered they themselves have real inconsistencies, such as the often quoted phrase “It is necessary to eliminate the backlog on the front of misunderstanding of satire.”

It is not difficult to expand this collection with examples from our current language practice: “The lake has been stocked with perch fry” - which means: a small young fish was released into the lake to fatten up to the desired size. About the status and profession of the hero of the story “Heart of a Dog” by M. Bulgakov, the applicant writes the following in his essay: "Doctor Preobrazhensky is a medical person."

The influence of official business style often explains the unjustified use of denominative prepositions: along the line, in section, in part, in business, by virtue of, in order to, to, in area, in respect of, at the level, due to etc. They have become widespread in book styles, and under certain conditions their use is stylistically justified. However, often passion for them damages the presentation, weighing down the style and giving it a clerical coloring. This is partly due to the fact that denominal prepositions usually require the use of verbal nouns, which leads to a string of cases. For example, in the sentence: By improving the organization of repayment of arrears in the payment of wages and pensions, improving the culture of customer service, turnover in government and commercial stores should increase - as a result of the accumulation of verbal nouns, a multitude of identical reliable forms became ponderous and cumbersome.

Possession grammatical norm Russian language presupposes the ability to use the word-formative riches of the language ( money, money, money, money etc.), knowledge of acceptable options for using morphological categories ( rail/rail, cuff/cuff; beautiful cap/beautiful cap; poems by Taras Shevchenko, but not Shevchenko; directors, But rectors, upon expiration, but not expiration term), rules for “assigning” grammatical gender to unchangeable words - abbreviations (UN accepted resolution, not accepted/accepted), names of animals (koala went down from a tree, not came down), typical combination of words. It's correct to say: The bank is responsible(for what), but provides guarantees(of what or for what), and it is impossible to say: The bank bears guarantees.

Very relevant for business sphere is the ability to use complex cardinal numbers and avoid mistakes when writing and reading them. For example, having encountered the words “in 894 universities” in the text, St. Petersburg State University students gave the following reading options: in eight hundred and ninety-four universities; in eight hundred and ninety-four universities: compare with a normative form: in eight hundred and ninety-four universities.

The concept of grammatical norm also includes the ability to use a certain syntactic structure in accordance with the speech situation. In business speech, it is formed by an abundance of participial and adverbial phrases, passive constructions, homogeneous members, prepositional case forms of nouns with the meaning of condition and reason, etc. This allows for almost unmistakable identification of such texts, and not only due to the topic of the statement. Let's give an example.

Article 220. Property tax deductions

  • 1. When determining the size of the tax base in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 210 of this Code, the taxpayer has the right to receive the following property tax deductions, provided taking into account the specifics and in the manner provided for by this article:
  • 1) property tax deduction upon the sale of property, as well as share(s) in it, share(s) in the authorized capital of an organization, upon assignment of rights of claim under an agreement for participation in shared construction (under an investment agreement for shared construction or under another agreement related with shared construction):
  • 2) property tax deduction in the amount of the redemption value of the land plot and (or) other real estate located on it, received by the taxpayer in cash or in kind, in the event of seizure of the specified property for state or municipal needs. (Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Part 2. Art. 207 (dated August 5, 2000, No. 117-FZ, as amended on December 29, 2014).)

A speech product that is generally consistent in one stylistic tone, i.e. in compliance with typical linguistic features characteristic of a number of texts created in a certain communicative sphere, allows us to speak about compliance with stylistic norms.
