Presentation on the topic of student self-government. Presentation on the topic “Electing the Leader of Student Government

“Everyone will converge in Mesopotamia,
Here is Eden and here is the beginning
Here once in common speech
The Word of God sounded..."

(Konstantin Mikhailov)

While wild nomads roamed the territory of ancient Europe, very interesting (sometimes inexplicable) events were taking place in the East. They are colorfully written about in the Old Testament and other historical sources. For example, such famous biblical stories as the Great Flood happened precisely in the territory of Mesopotamia.

Without any embellishment, ancient Mesopotamia can be called the cradle of civilization. It was on this land that the first eastern civilization arose around the 4th century BC. Such states of Mesopotamia (Ancient Mesopotamia in Greek) as Sumer and Akkad gave humanity writing and amazing temple buildings. Let's go on a journey through this land full of secrets!

Geographical position

What was the name of Mesopotamia? Mesopotamia. The second name of Mesopotamia is Mesopotamia. You can also hear the word Naharaim - this is also her, only in Hebrew.

Mesopotamia is a historical and geographical territory located between and the Euphrates. Now there are three states on this land: Iraq, Syria and Türkiye. The history of Mesopotamia developed precisely in this territory.

Located in the very center of the Middle East, the region is bounded on the west by the Arabian Plateau and on the east by the foothills of the Zagros Mountains. In the south, Mesopotamia is washed by the waters of the Persian Gulf, and in the north rise the picturesque Ararat Mountains.

Mesopotamia is a flat plain stretching along two great rivers. Its shape is similar to an oval figure - such is the amazing Mesopotamia (the map confirms this).

Division of Mesopotamia into regions

Historians conditionally divide Mesopotamia into:

On the territory of Ancient Mesopotamia, four ancient kingdoms existed at different times:

  • Sumer;
  • Akkad;
  • Babylonia;
  • Assyria.

Why did Mesopotamia become the cradle of civilization?

About 6 thousand years ago, an amazing event occurred on our planet: two civilizations arose at about the same time - Egypt and Ancient Mesopotamia. The character of civilization is both similar and different from the first ancient state.

The similarity lies in the fact that both arose in territories with conditions favorable for human life. They are not similar in that each of them is distinguished by a unique history (the first thing that comes to mind: there were pharaohs in Egypt, but not in Mesopotamia).

The topic of the article, however, is the state of Mesopotamia. Therefore, we will not deviate from it.

Ancient Mesopotamia is a kind of oasis in the desert. The area is fenced on both sides by rivers. And from the north - by mountains that protect the oasis from humid winds from Armenia.

Such favorable natural features made this land attractive to ancient man. It surprisingly combines a comfortable climate with the opportunity to engage in farming. The soil is so fertile and rich in moisture that the grown fruits turn out juicy and the sprouted legumes are tasty.

The first to notice this were the ancient Sumerians, who settled this territory about 6 thousand years ago. They learned how to skillfully grow various plants and left behind a rich history, the mysteries of which are still being solved by passionate people to this day.

A little conspiracy theory: about the origin of the Sumerians

Modern history does not answer the question of where the Sumerians came from. There are many assumptions about this, but the scientific community has not yet come to a consensus. Why? Because the Sumerians stood out strongly against the background of the other tribes inhabiting Mesopotamia.

One of the obvious differences is the language: it is not similar to any of the dialects spoken by residents of neighboring territories. That is, it has no similarities with the Indo-European language - the predecessor of most modern languages.

Also, the appearance of the inhabitants of Ancient Sumer is not at all typical for the inhabitants of those places. The tablets depict people with smooth oval faces, surprisingly large eyes, delicate facial features and above average height.

Another point that historians pay attention to is the unusual culture of the ancient civilization. One of the hypotheses says that the Sumerians are representatives of a highly developed civilization that flew from Space to our planet. This point of view is quite strange, but has a right to exist.

How it really happened is unclear. But one thing can be said with certainty - the Sumerians gave a lot for our civilization. One of their undeniable achievements is the invention of writing.

Ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia

Different peoples inhabited the extensive territory of Mesopotamia. We will highlight two main ones (the history of Mesopotamia would not be so rich without them):

  • Sumerians;
  • Semites (to be more precise, Semitic tribes: Arabs, Armenians and Jews).

Based on this, we will talk about the most interesting events and historical figures.

Sumer: a brief historical background

It was the first written civilization to emerge in southeastern Mesopotamia from the 4th to 3rd centuries BC. Now in this area there is the modern state of Iraq (Ancient Mesopotamia, the map again helps us orient ourselves).

The Sumerians are the only non-Semitic people on the territory of Mesopotamia. This is confirmed by numerous linguistic and cultural studies. Official history says that the Sumerians came to the territory of Mesopotamia from some mountainous Asian country.

They began their journey through Mesopotamia from the east: they settled along river mouths and developed irrigation. The first city where representatives of this ancient civilization stopped was Eredu. Then the Sumerians moved deeper into the plain: they did not subjugate the local population, but assimilated; sometimes they even adopted some of the cultural achievements of wild tribes.

The history of the Sumerians is a fascinating process of struggle between different groups of people under the leadership of one king or another. The state reached its peak under the ruler Umma Lugalzages.

The Babylonian historian Berossus, in his work, divided Sumerian history into two periods:

  • before the Flood (this refers specifically to the Great Flood and the story of Noah, described in the Old Testament);
  • after the Flood.

Culture of Ancient Mesopotamia (Sumer)

The first settlements of the Sumerians were distinguished by their originality - they were small cities surrounded by stone walls; From 40 to 50 thousand people lived in them. An important city in the southeast of the country was Ur. The city of Nippur, located in the center of the country, was recognized as the center of the Sumerian kingdom. Famous for the large temple of God Enlil.

The Sumerians were a fairly developed civilization; we will list what they achieved heights in.

  • In agriculture. The agricultural almanac that has reached us speaks about this. It tells in detail how to properly grow plants, when they need to be watered, and how to properly plow the soil.
  • In craft. The Sumerians knew how to build houses and knew how to use a potter's wheel.
  • In writing. We will talk about it in our next chapter.

The legend of the origin of writing

Most important inventions happen in rather strange ways, especially when it comes to ancient times. The emergence of writing is no exception.

Two ancient Sumerian rulers argued among themselves. This was expressed in the fact that they asked each other riddles and exchanged them through their ambassadors. One ruler turned out to be very inventive and came up with such a complex rebus that his ambassador could not remember it. Then writing had to be invented.

The Sumerians wrote on clay boards with reed sticks. At first, letters were depicted in the form of signs and hieroglyphs, then in the form of connected syllables. This process was called cuneiform writing.

The culture of Ancient Mesopotamia is unthinkable without Sumerian culture. Neighboring peoples borrowed the skill of writing from this civilization.

Babylonia (Babylonian Kingdom)

A state arose at the beginning of the second millennium BC in the south of Mesopotamia. Having existed for about 15 centuries, it left behind a rich history and interesting architectural monuments.

The Semitic people of the Amorites inhabited the territory of the Babylonian state. They adopted the earlier culture of the Sumerians, but already spoke the Akkadian language, which belongs to the Semitic group.

It arose on the site of the earlier Sumerian city of Kadingir.

A key historical figure was During his military campaigns, he subjugated many neighboring cities. He also wrote the work that has come down to us - “The Laws of Mesopotamia (Hammurabi).”

Let us tell you in more detail about the rules of social life written down by the wise king. The laws of Hammurabi are phrases written on a clay tablet regulating the rights and responsibilities of the average Babylonian. Historians suggest that the principle of “an eye for an eye” was first formulated by Hammurabi.

The ruler came up with some principles himself, while others he copied from earlier Sumerian sources.

The laws of Hammurabi indicate that the ancient civilization was truly advanced, since people followed certain rules and already had an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat is good and what is bad.

The original work is in the Louvre; an exact copy can be found in some Moscow museum.

Tower of Babel

The cities of Mesopotamia are a topic for a separate work. We will focus on Babylon, the same place where interesting events described in the Old Testament took place.

First, we will tell an interesting biblical story about the Tower of Babel, then we will tell the point of view of the scientific community on this matter. The legend of the Tower of Babel is a story about the emergence of different languages ​​on Earth. The first mention of it can be found in the Book of Genesis: the event occurred after the Flood.

In those immemorial times, humanity was a single people, therefore, all people spoke the same language. They moved south and came to the lower reaches of the Tigris and Euphrates. There they decided to found a city (Babylon) and build a tower as high as the sky. The work was in full swing... But then God intervened in the process. He created different languages, so people no longer understood each other. It is clear that very soon the construction of the tower was stopped. The ending of the story was the settlement of people in different parts of our planet.

What does the scientific community think about the Tower of Babel? Scientists suggest that the Tower of Babel was one of the ancient temples for observing the stars and conducting religious ceremonies. Such structures were called ziggurats. The tallest temple (reaching 91 meters in height) was located in Babylon. Its name sounded like “Etemenanke”. The literal translation of the word is “The house where heaven and earth meet.”

Assyrian Empire

The first mentions of Assyria date back to the 24th century BC. The state existed for two thousand years. And in the seventh century BC it ceased to exist. The Assyrian empire is recognized as the first in human history.

The state was located in Northern Mesopotamia (on the territory of modern Iraq). It was distinguished by belligerence: many cities were subjugated and destroyed by Assyrian military leaders. They captured not only the territory of Mesopotamia, but also the territory of the Kingdom of Israel and the island of Cyprus. There was an attempt to subjugate the ancient Egyptians, but it was not successful - after 15 years the inhabitants of this country regained independence.

Cruel measures were applied to the captured population: the Assyrians were obliged to pay a monthly tribute.

Major Assyrian cities were:

  • Ashur;
  • Kalah;
  • Dur-Sharrukin (Sargon's Palace).

Assyrian culture and religion

Here again one can trace a connection with Sumerian culture. The Assyrians spoke a northern dialect. In schools they studied the literary works of the Sumerians and Babylonians; Some moral standards of ancient civilizations were adopted by the Assyrians. On palaces and temples, local architects depicted a brave lion as a symbol of the military successes of the empire. Assyrian literature, again, is associated with the campaigns of local rulers: the kings were always described as brave and courageous people, and their opponents, on the contrary, were shown as cowardly and petty (here you can see an obvious technique of state propaganda).

Religion of Mesopotamia

The ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia are integrally associated with local religion. Moreover, their inhabitants firmly believed in the gods and necessarily performed certain rituals. Speaking very generally, it was polytheism (belief in various gods) that distinguished the Ancient Mesopotamia. To better understand the religion of Mesopotamia, you need to read the local epic. One of the most striking literary works of that time is the myth of Gilgamesh. A thoughtful reading of this book suggests that the hypothesis about the unearthly origin of the Sumerians is not groundless.

The ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia gave us three main mythologies:

  • Sumerian-Akkadian.
  • Babylonian.
  • Assyrian.

Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Sumerian-Akkadian mythology

Included all the beliefs of the Sumerian-speaking population. This also includes the Akkadian religion. The gods of Mesopotamia are conventionally united: each major city had its own pantheon and its own temples. Still, similarities can be found.

Let us list the gods important to the Sumerians:

  • An (Anu - Akkadian) - the god of the sky, responsible for the Cosmos and the stars. He was very revered by the ancient Sumerians. He was considered a passive ruler, that is, he did not interfere in people's lives.
  • Enlil is the lord of the air, the second most important god for the Sumerians. Only, unlike An, he was an active deity. He was revered as responsible for fertility, productivity and peaceful life.
  • Ishtar (Inanna) is a key goddess for Sumerian-Akkadian mythology. Information about her is very contradictory: on the one hand, she is the patroness of fertility and good relationships between men and women, and on the other, she is a fierce warrior. Such inconsistencies arise due to the large number of different sources that contain references to it.
  • Umu (Sumerian pronunciation) or Shamash (Akkadian pronunciation, indicating the similarity of the language with Hebrew, since “shemesh” means sun).

Babylonian mythology

They adopted the basic ideas for their religion from the Sumerians. True, with significant complications.

The Babylonian religion was built on man's belief in his powerlessness before the gods of the pantheon. It is clear that such an ideology was based on fear and limited the development of ancient man. The priests managed to build such a structure: they carried out various manipulations in ziggurats (majestic high temples), including a complex ritual of sacrifice.

The following gods were worshiped in Babylonia:

  • Tammuz was the patron saint of agriculture, vegetation and fertility. There is a connection with a similar Sumerian cult of the resurrecting and dying god of vegetation.
  • Adad is the patron of thunder and rain. A very powerful and evil deity.
  • Shamash and Sin are the patrons of the heavenly bodies: the sun and the moon.

Assyrian mythology

The religion of the warlike Assyrians is very similar to the Babylonian one. Most of the rituals, traditions and legends came to the people of Northern Mesopotamia from the Babylonians. The latter borrowed, as mentioned earlier, their religion from the Sumerians.

Important gods were:

  • Ashur is the main god. The patron saint of the entire Assyrian kingdom, he created not only all the other mythological heroes, but also himself.
  • Ishtar is the goddess of war.
  • Ramman - responsible for good luck in military battles, brought good luck to the Assyrians.

The considered gods of Mesopotamia and the cults of ancient peoples are a fascinating topic, rooted in very ancient times. The conclusion suggests itself that the main inventors of religion were the Sumerians, whose ideas were adopted by other peoples.

Those living in Mesopotamia left us a rich cultural and historical heritage.

Studying the ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia is a pleasure, as they are associated with interesting and instructive myths. And everything that concerns the Sumerians is generally one continuous mystery, the answers to which have not yet been found. But historians and archaeologists continue to “dig the ground” in this direction. Anyone can join them and also study this interesting and very ancient civilization.

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The presentation on the topic “School self-government” can be downloaded absolutely free of charge on our website. Project subject: Social studies. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you engage your classmates or audience. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the corresponding text under the player. The presentation contains 9 slide(s).

Presentation slides

Slide 1

School self-government

GOAL: Formation of the leading qualities of a moral personality through a children's public organization. OBJECTIVES: 1. Instilling in children high civic feelings and love for their homeland; 2. Development of a socially active, morally and physically healthy personality, in changing conditions of social life; 3. Training in technology for collective creative activity.

Slide 2

Council of Ministers

“Forest Republic” includes six ministries: -Ministry of Education; -Ministry of Law and Order; -Ministry of Culture; -Ministry of Sports; -Ministry of Press; -Ministry of Labor.

Slide 3

Ministry of Education

designed to develop the cognitive interests of students. Functions: - organizes work to help study; - helps teachers in preparing and conducting subject Olympiads and self-government days; - keeps records and develops a system of rewards for the best students of the school; - increasing the level of knowledge and, accordingly, the level of student achievement; - creation and organization of work of advisory groups on academic subjects, methodological groups; - control over the maintenance of notebooks, diaries, students’ readiness for lessons; - collection of statistical data on academic performance; - work with underachieving or low-achieving students.

Slide 4

Ministry of Law and Order

is intended for the formation of conscious discipline of students, the formation of their legal culture. Functions: - monitors compliance with the school Charter and the Constitution of the Republic; - makes proposals to amend the Charter and Constitution; checks the behavior of schoolchildren during and after school hours; - stimulates and encourages excellent implementation of the School Charter and the Constitution of the Republic; - checking attendance at training sessions; - control over order and discipline at school; - work with students who are registered within the school, registered in the OPDN, as well as with their families; - organizing school duty

Slide 5

Ministry of Culture

is designed to develop the creative abilities of students, identify the interests, abilities and inclinations of students. Functions: - organizes school holidays and extracurricular activities; - organizes creative activities at all levels in the field of moral, spiritual, and civic education; - keeps records and develops a system of rewarding students’ creative achievements; - organization and holding of public cultural events; - organization of leisure and entertainment for children; - children’s real understanding of the basics of a market economy through participation in labor affairs (cleaning school areas, etc.); - organization of children's recreation; - familiarization with world and domestic cultural values ​​and moral norms.

Slide 6

Ministry of Health and SPORT

is intended to develop a healthy lifestyle in students, introduce them to sports and physical education, and cultivate respect for themselves, their health and the health of others. Functions: - together with teachers, organizes and conducts sports festivals and events; - keeps records and promotes students’ sports achievements; - develops a system of rewards for sports achievements; - promotion of healthy lifestyles; - introduction of health-saving technologies into the educational and educational process; - identification of talented athletes capable of performing at regional, regional and other competitions; - organization of tourism work. .

Slide 7

Ministry of PRESS

designed to develop the creative and artistic abilities of students. Functions: publishes school newspapers; controls the publication of class newspapers; designs stands, etc.; education of aesthetic feelings in students; informing students, teachers, parents about school life, events, activities, decisions of school government bodies, achievements; organizing the publication of thematic wall newspapers

Slide 8

Ministry of Labor

intended for the formation and development of labor skills, responsibility for the results obtained, the quality of work, for the world around us. Functions: plans and organizes work to preserve and transform the school and school grounds; organizes school duty; organizes and conducts general cleaning and subbotniks. The main task of the duty officers is to ensure strict implementation of the school routine, full compliance by all students with the uniform requirements accepted at school, and maintaining cleanliness. Each class is on duty for one week, according to the schedule.

Slide 9

Good luck to you in your initiatives!

Think Propose Act Analyze Evaluate

  • The text must be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information being presented, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to at least make out something, or will completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, and also choose the right combination of background and text.
  • It is important to rehearse your report, think about how you will greet the audience, what you will say first, and how you will end the presentation. All comes with experience.
  • Choose the right outfit, because... The speaker's clothing also plays a big role in the perception of his speech.
  • Try to speak confidently, smoothly and coherently.
  • Try to enjoy the performance, then you will be more at ease and less nervous.
  • Good afternoon, dear ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen and others, official and unofficial persons! :We are pleased to welcome you business people from the Lyceum “School of Managers”! :So what is the Lyceum “School of Managers”?

    The song “What is the Lyceum “School of Managers?” Words by E.V. Prokudina, deputy director for scientific and artistic development, to the tune of “Waltz at the New Year’s Tree”.

    Lyceum. A word is not a simple combination of sounds. It always conveys the effective forces in a person. Lyceum - only five letters, but behind them lies a deep meaning:

    L- this, of course, l love, because only it is capable of creating the most impossible miracles, and also, it is curiosity, which helps us make the most wonderful discoveries and does not allow us to stand still;

    AND- This And history, our school has a very interesting history, full of events, obvious and incredible, this is the sincerity with which we always welcome guests and are open to everything new and interesting, this is the spark of God that burns in the soul of everyone - an adult and a child;

    C- this is, without a doubt, ts single-mindedness, the desire for the heights of knowledge and perfection, this is the integrity of everything that happens within these walls, this is the value of everyone for everyone, respect for each other;

    E- This e the dedication of teachers and students to achieve the cherished goal - the pinnacle of knowledge and perfection;

    J – this is all new and still unknown that we have yet to discover!

    Charming girls and equally charming boys study at our lyceum!

    They are taught by charming and wise teachers, mentors and true friends!

    And all our work is aimed at finding the zest in everyone and revealing their potential.

    The lyceum is a whole state, a children's republic. We have our own symbols: the flag, emblem and anthem of the lyceum, the words and music of which were written by our mathematics teacher Nikolai Vasilyevich Shuklin.

    Where are you from?

    We are from the Lyceum!

    And what is good about your lyceum?

    Lyceum, having its own face

    And he is stately and handsome to everyone.

    Take a look at our classrooms

    To the library and gym,

    The city is rightfully proud of him,

    We all need a lyceum,

    And we, whenever there is a reason

    We perform the Lyceum Anthem!

    Our school is small, and we live here as one friendly family, the main idea of ​​which is cooperation between students, teachers and parents.

    Our activities are organized in the model of school student self-government “Youth Association “MERiYa”. Each letter in this word has its own weight and meaning:

    M - management, because during the game we learn management - a synthesis of science, experience, art, know-how, which allows us to achieve our goals using labor, intelligence and motives of people’s behavior;

    E - economy, because during the game we enter into relationships regarding the production, exchange and consumption of material goods in conditions of limited resources;

    R - market, because our game is a network of equal relationships based on buying and selling;

    AND - union And symbolizes the unity during the game of teachers and students;

    I am the last in the word, as well as in the alphabet, the letter I is by no means the last in life, for here everyone plays for himself, but for the benefit of everyone!

    Student self-government is based on the friendly work of the mayor of the lyceum and seven departments: studies, culture, sports, labor, information and press, law enforcement and finance.

    Meet Shein Kirill, a 9th grade student, elected mayor of the lyceum this year.

    MAYOR ditties

    Hello, I'm the mayor of the lyceum, I'm a cool guy!

    I can play any tune for you on the button accordion!

    When I entered the lyceum, my friends told me,

    Here is a childish state and it’s called MERYA!

    I became a manager in the classroom, I understood what the point of work was,

    He laid out everything as if by notes - F sharp and A flat!

    Our class became one of the first, I put a lot of effort -

    Comrades, I have decided to run for mayor!

    I asked my mother for advice, I trusted the class,

    I created my own program, and now I am a mayor!

    Believe me, there is a lot to do, life at the lyceum is boiling water,

    But alone, without our “MERIA”, I couldn’t do anything!

    I play the button accordion, but I can’t sing!

    And now it’s time to introduce you to “MERIA”!

    (Student appears)

    I want to go to City Hall, why should I break up?

    What department should I work in, brothers?

    Apparently, working in the department of studies is tricky:

    But how can I guess what is most important here?

    (Director of the Department of Studies)

    Everyone knows by heart that the most important thing is the lesson!

    Make sure that every class is an ace in studies,

    So that he shines with knowledge, so that he knows the whole program!

    All assessments need to be taken into account, this is the kind of service we have,

    Accounting is the most important thing here!

    Department of Studies

    And my respect and honor!

    Well, studying is good,

    And culture is better!

    I would go to the presenter

    Let them teach me!

    (Director of the Department of Culture)

    I'll write the script

    Himself, like this,

    Which one I want!

    And the songs are here, and the dancing is here,

    There's even a poem!

    I want to admit honestly -

    The culture is interesting!

    It's good to be cultured

    But an athlete is better!

    I would go into sports service -

    Let them teach me!

    (Director of the Sports Department)

    I have a number on my jersey

    Today I am the strongest

    And athletes in our school

    Know everyone by name

    The Sports Department is awesome!

    This is not culture for you!

    It's good to be an athlete!

    But in the newspaper it’s better!

    I would become a journalist

    Let them teach me!

    (Director of the Information and Press Department)

    I'll go up to Vita,

    I'll go up to Asa:

    How are your children doing?

    Are there problems in class?

    Interviews, conversations,

    Layout and sets,

    This is not chalk for you

    letters on the fence!

    I'll write an article

    I'll become popular

    There is no better seal!

    (Director of the Information and Press Department)

    I won't lie to you!

    (Director of the Labor Department)

    Well, in print - good,

    But in work it’s better!

    That's where I would go

    Let them teach me!

    (Director of the Labor Department)

    Get up! Go! Labor worker,

    And I invite you all to the cleanup event!

    There are a whole lot of people,

    Two hundred people!

    What one will not do -

    Let's do it together!

    I rake the trash, and you

    You tighten the screws in the table.

    Everyone's work is needed equally!

    I will be the first among the hard workers!

    Department of Labor - Foreva!

    Work, of course, is good,

    And the security is better!

    That's where I would go

    Let them teach me!

    (Director of the Department of Law Enforcement)

    When our guys take their post

    Special forces and riot police are just relaxing!

    This is my choice, there is no doubt -

    Take me to your department!

    (Director of the Department of Law Enforcement)

    You won't be late

    Will you do exercises?

    Let's hire you as a police officer!

    Being in security is the highest class,

    But in finance it’s better!

    I would become a financier

    Let them teach me!

    (Director of the Finance Department)

    Finance is dear to us everywhere.

    Our program is complex:

    This is not some kind of law enforcement there,

    We have access to all lyceum accounts!

    Here I will gain experience, there will be no fear in business,

    And then, guys, I will become an oligarch!

    Give up, stock exchange,

    My path is right

    I will buy the Chelsea team,

    And the factory – probably!

    (All directors in chorus)

    And after reviewing the entire presentation,

    Wrap it around your mouth -

    All departments at MERiYA are good,

    And you choose to your liking!

    An accounting system with an internal non-cash currency - kolledami - helps to organize all our work correctly. Studying, working in the departments of “MERYA”, participating in creative and research work, and in sports competitions can bring round sums to your personal accounts, which can be sold at two annual auctions, purchasing necessary and useful goods.

    Song “Auction”, lyrics by N.V. Shuklin, to the tune of the KVN song and “Vernissage”

    But student self-government is only one aspect of a youth association. There is also the work of the additional education system, which is inextricably linked with MERiYa. This is a lot of extracurricular activities, the work of clubs, circles and sports sections. Volleyball, basketball, tennis, athletics, vocal studio, literary club and lounge, drama studio “Helikon”, clubs “Erudite”, “Lawyer”, “Rush Hour” and others.

    And always: both in class and extracurricular activities, the cooperation of students and teachers does not stop. Our motto is - together in the classroom, on the sports field, on the stage.

    An important link in our model is the class teacher. Especially if this is a creative person. What if everyone is like that? Then this is what happens!

    Song of the class teachers, words of the class teachers' MO, to the tune of “Song of a First-Grader”.

    Of course, without the support and understanding of the administration, we would not have been able to organize our lives like this. And if the director listens to the opinions of students, if on the lyceum council the mayor discusses the problems of internal life on an equal basis? Then we live the way we live – joyfully and with dignity!

    Student self-government... Is this necessary? It is important? Did we create it within the walls of the lyceum? Education theorists probably know better. We do not claim to be the ultimate truth. If we talk about what we have in the lyceum, then it would be more correct to use the term “co-management”, because only together adults and children are able not only to manage their school, but also to turn the whole world upside down! And we have a foothold!

    Words by O.V. Savenko, to the tune of “Song of the Bremen Town Musicians”.

    No, believe me, the best thing in the world is if children are happy,

    If an adult is nearby, you will have the strength / to become a worthy future of Russia / 2 times

    This is not empty talk - together we will cross the seas and mountains,

    If adults and children are nearby - /there is nothing more joyful in the world/ 2 times

    Presentation for class on the topic:

    Student government

    Completed by: Mathematics teacher Galina Nikolaevna Arkhipova, Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 41”, Magnitogorsk

    “If you want to achieve something significant in this life, it’s not enough to just act - you also have to dream; It’s not enough to just plan - you also have to believe.”

    • introduce students to the concepts of “Co-management”, “Student co-management”, “Leader”;
    • master an active communication style and develop partnership relationships in the group;
    • practice identifying clear and distinct signs of leadership behavior, awareness of leadership qualities;
    • introduce the responsibilities of a class leader.

    • a specific organization of collective activity, the purpose of which is the self-development of the individual.

    • Teaches children the ability to lead and obey.
    • Teaches you to be demanding, objective, and independent.
    • Helps foster a sense of responsibility and collectivism.
    • Develops the right attitude towards criticism.
    • Creates the conditions for the manifestation and development of the abilities of each student.
    • Provides an opportunity to clearly and efficiently organize work in the classroom and school.

    • dominant personality;
    • having a quick reaction to a situation;
    • the one you want to follow;
    • one that is so noticeable that whether to obey it or not is not a question;
    • having maximum influence on others

    The mayor of the class, like any leader, must know his responsibilities.

    Responsibilities of the Class Mayor:

    • together with the class teacher, draws up a work plan for the quarter (based on student suggestions);
    • is responsible for the work of the Class Asset and reports to the Presidential Council of the school on the work of the class;
    • forms teams (action councils) to prepare and conduct classroom and school events;
    • declares gratitude and imposes penalties;
    • Monitors the execution of orders.
    • Keeps a notebook by the class measure

    • Monitors attendance and readiness for classes;
    • Monitors the keeping of diaries and maintains a progress notebook;
    • Together with the headman, he manages the Class Asset;
    • Leads a class mutual aid society;
    • Replaces the class leader and represents the interests of the class on the School Council in his absence.

    Each of you should strive to ensure that the class teacher and classmates feel your help, support and active work in the class.

    The work of student (class) self-government depends on the organization of the class activist with whom the class mayor conducts the work.

    Therefore, everything depends on you!

    • Alexandrova M.A., Baranova E.I., Volodina E.V., Stepanova E.N. To the class teacher about self-government in the classroom. - Method. recommendations. – TC, M., - 2006
    • Kipnis M. Leadership training – 3rd ed., additional. – M.: Os-89, 2008.-P.35
    • Rozhkov M.I., L.V. Bayborodova Organization of the educational process at school. – M., VLADOS 2001.
    • Rozhkov M.I., Development of self-government in a children's team. M., 2004.

    Slide 1

    School student government system
    Teacher-organizer of Vorobyovskaya secondary school Elena Aleksandrovna Pozdnyakova Saki district Republic of Crimea Russia

    Slide 2

    Organization of self-government: -Teaches children the ability to lead and obey. Learn to be demanding. Objective, independent. Helps foster a sense of responsibility and collectivism. Develops the right attitude towards criticism. Creates conditions for the manifestation and development of the abilities of each student. Makes it possible to clearly and efficiently organize work in classes and school.

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    Slide 4

    In the modern educational system, self-government is considered an important component of student education.
    Goal: Raising an individual with an active life position, ready to take responsibility for their decisions and the results obtained, striving for self-improvement, self-development and self-expression.

    Slide 5

    School self-government
    - this is a mode of joint and independent life in which each student can determine his place and realize his abilities and capabilities. It is the civic development of a child, the discovery of his talents, abilities, the fulfillment of needs for creativity, friendship, knowledge of the world, etc. is the main thing in creating self-government in the school.

    Slide 6

    Objectives: Creating conditions for the development of individual leadership qualities necessary for better adaptation of students in society, their socialization and personal development. Providing pedagogical support to leaders in the children's team. Formation of knowledge and skills of the basics of organizational activities. Creating an atmosphere of cohesion among student groups, conditions for the development of a civically active individual in the team. Formation of democratic views and beliefs.

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    *The main meaning of self-government is that with its help, participants in school life have the opportunity to influence school policy. *Self-government makes school life a subject of joint creativity of all its participants. *Schoolchildren do not give self-government bodies the right to command themselves - they give elected self-government bodies the right to represent their interests in school management.

    Slide 11

    The month of national cultures has become a tradition at our school

    Slide 12

    The Union of Children's Organizations works in our school
    The activities of the Union are carried out on the basis of openness, democracy, and humanism. The organizational structure of SDO is based on the principle of cooperation between children and adults. The union unites various children's organizations of our school.

    Slide 13

    The main thing in creating self-government is
    It is the civic development of a child, the discovery of his talents, abilities, the fulfillment of needs for creativity, friendship, knowledge of the world, etc. is the main thing in creating self-government in the school.

    Slide 14

    Directions of activity of student self-government bodies:
    : 1. Representative direction - participation of the student council in discussing school problems and making decisions, developing students’ opinions on school life issues, participation in the work of school-wide self-government bodies 2. Conflict resolution - mediation in resolving intra-school conflicts. 3. Information direction - informing schoolchildren about school problems. 4. Patronage direction - organizing the patronage of elders over juniors. 5. External relations - organizing interaction with extracurricular structures, self-government bodies of neighboring schools, attracting external resources to solve the problems of students and the school as a whole 6. Organizational direction - supporting leisure, socially significant and other initiatives of schoolchildren 7. Human rights direction - protecting the rights of students At school

    Slide 15

    Student self-government requires mandatory interaction between children and teachers. Children need adult help, especially if they have problems in interpersonal relationships. It is a teacher who has pedagogical experience and psychological knowledge who can prevent conflict in a team in a timely manner, direct children’s activities in the right direction, and help the child solve his problems and desire to assert himself.

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    The work of the school parliament

    Slide 18

    Responsibilities of SHUP members

    Slide 19

    Questionnaire on student self-government (grades 5-11)70 students
    How do you understand what self-government is? 1. I don’t know exactly what this is - 25% 2. This is an opportunity for schoolchildren to defend their point of view - 70% 3. This is a formally organized activity for making decisions needed by the school administration - 5%

    Slide 20

    What issues should student government bodies decide?
    1. Organization of leisure time for students - 47% 2. Quality of education at school - 15% 3. Organization and expansion of opportunities for communication with friends and peers - 10% 4. Establishing contacts with other children's, adolescent and youth organizations - 28%

    Slide 21

    Attitude to student self-government at school
    1. I am interested in being a member of a creative union, student self-government - 53% 2. I am glad that one of my friends is involved in this work - 40% 3. I don’t care whether the school has self-government or not - 7 %

    Slide 22

    What area of ​​self-government is most important to develop in school?
    Educational? – 30% Civic-patriotic? - 23% Sports? - 34% Artistic and aesthetic? - 13%

    Slide 23

    Does a school need self-government?
    Self-government helps to develop harmoniously -20% Self-government helps to develop leadership qualities - 33% Self-government diversifies the activities of students - 25% Through self-government, communication with teachers and parents is carried out - 12%

    Slide 24

    Principles of construction and development of student self-government
    1. Election of all bodies of joint and separate self-government of teachers, students and parents. Work of the School Council. 2.Pedagogical guidance. It ensures the development of children's self-government. 3. Division of powers of school self-government bodies and their close interaction. 4. Selection of content, organizational structure, forms and methods of activity based on the specific conditions of the school. 5. Wide publicity and openness in the activities of self-government bodies. 6.Freedom to criticize the exchange of opinions on any issues of school life and the activities of self-government bodies. 7.Systematic turnover of members of self-government, renewal of activities. 8.Humanity towards each individual, priority of the interests of students. 9. The priority of direct democracy over representative democracy.

    Slide 25

    Contents of the activities of self-government bodies
    The content of the work of self-government bodies is determined based on the leading types of activities characteristic of the organization of extracurricular activities at school. These types of activities are: Cognitive activities - subject weeks, meetings with interesting people, intellectual games, debates, conferences, consultations (mutual assistance of students in their studies), development of projects and their implementation. Labor activity - taking care of order and cleanliness in the school, improving school premises, organizing duty; Sports and recreational activities - organizing the work of sports sections, sports days, competitions, health days; Artistic and aesthetic activities - concerts, festivals, holidays, competitions, exhibitions, meetings; Patronage activities - helping the younger ones, caring for the older ones; Information activities - written information about the life of school classes; All activities are planned by the students themselves, and during the implementation of the plan, students are provided with assistance both at the classroom and at the school-wide level.

    Slide 26

    Organization of student self-government:
    1.Teaches children the ability to lead and obey. 2.Teaches you to be demanding, objective, and independent. 3.Helps to foster a sense of responsibility and collectivism. 4. Develops the correct attitude towards criticism. 5.Creates a condition for the manifestation and development of the abilities of each student. 6. Provides an opportunity to clearly and efficiently organize work in the classroom and school. Self-government is a specific organization of collective activity, the purpose of which is the self-development of the individual.

    Slide 27

    Basic forms of student government
    Class asset meetings. Meetings of the school student parliament. Meetings of the Council of Presidents Meetings of the School Council. Participation in the student conference. Participation in student and parent meetings. Participation in the work of creative groups. Conducting round tables. Organization and holding of sports competitions. Organization and conduct of leisure activities.

    Slide 28

    Partnership is: connection, empathy, community, union, responsibility.
    Education is based on the principles: -Orientation towards universal human values. -Democratization of education and upbringing. -Social adequacy of education. -Continuity of pedagogical actions in society. -Creation of a nurturing environment. Reliance on the interests and needs of students, teachers, and society.
