Project on the theme of pillars of the Krasnoyarsk region. State Nature Reserve "Krasnoyarsk Pillars" Kashiro Margarita Aleksandrovna senior laboratory assistant at the Department of Geography of Tomsk State

Syenite is an intrusive igneous rock of gray-pink color, close to granite. There are three main areas that visitors strive to get to: Bobrovy Log fun park (the largest ski and recreational complex located beyond the Urals), Central Pillars and the Chinese Wall.

The Stolby Nature Reserve is often called the lungs of Krasnoyarsk. And indeed it is. The taiga, untouched by man, generously gives fresh air to the industrial giant of Siberia.

The unusual shape of the Krasnoyarsk pillars is indicated by their names: Grandfather, Golden Eagle, Feathers, Kovrigi, Manskaya Baba, Chinese Wall, Fortress and many others. In total, there are about 500 different syenite outcrops in the reserve, and 99 pillar rocks themselves. The Feather Rock is often represented as a symbol of the Krasnoyarsk pillars: 30-meter stones rise vertically. There are 13 passages laid here. Since 1952, the passage between the two extreme feather rocks has been called Zverevsky, in honor of the doctor Lyudmila Vladimirovna Zvereva, the first woman to climb here without insurance. The appearance of the Grandfather rock, which resembles the profile of an old man in a hat, is also unusual. Geologists estimate that this old man is at least 10 million years old.

Rock feathers

general information

  • Full name: State Nature Reserve “Stolby”.
  • IUCN Category: Ia (Strict Natural Reserve).
  • Date of foundation: June 30, 1925.
  • Region: Krasnoyarsk Territory.
  • Area: 47219 hectares.
  • Relief: mountainous.
  • Climate: continental.
  • Official website:
  • Email: [email protected].


Krasnoyarsk pillars are one of the most unusual places in Russia. They are known far beyond the country's borders among mountaineers and rock climbers. It was they who gave birth to a special sports and philosophical movement - stolbism, which is a sociocultural phenomenon, a social phenomenon, a way of life inextricably linked with the Krasnoyarsk pillars.

One of the unwritten postulates of stolbism says: “A hole, no matter how difficult it may be, can be considered taken only if it is passed alone and without any devices.” The goal is to measure your strength with nature, to show what you yourself are capable of.

Unfortunately, the history of stolbism includes a large number of tragic cases. Many climbers, tourists and rescuers died here. In 1997, a chapel was built to commemorate them.

Already at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries, the Krasnoyarsk pillars became the most popular place for recreation and tourism among residents and guests of Krasnoyarsk, so when in 1913 an attempt was made to develop the stone at the Second pillar, and in 1917 - massive deforestation, this caused violent public resistance . In 1919, attempts began to organize a reserve here. The initiators were the residents of Krasnoyarsk, who sought to preserve their treasure.

On June 30, 1925, by resolution of the Yenisei Provincial Executive Committee, a decision was issued to organize the Stolby Nature Reserve with an area of ​​3,960 hectares. Any type of economic activity was henceforth prohibited here. Throughout the 20th century, the territory of the reserve increased several times.

Vegetable world

Grandfather is one of the most famous pillars of the reserve; to climb it, you need to use the “Yoke” or “Reel” manholes

The reserve is home to 1,037 species of vascular plants and 260 species of mosses. About 150 plant species are included in the red books of various levels. Among them are the bulbous calypso (Calypso bulbosa), the common and large-flowered lady's shoes (Cypripedium calceolus and C. Macranthos), the palmate root (Dactylorhiza majalis), the clotted flower (Neottianthe cucullata), the helmeted orchis (Orchis militaris), feather feather grass (Stipa pennata) .

Reserve forests

Here the kingdom of fir taiga, typical of the middle mountains of the Eastern Sayans, stretches everywhere. Among the deciduous trees in the reserve you can see the Nashchokin linden (Tilia nasczokinii) - an endemic species that is found exclusively in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Lungwort (Pulmonaria officinalis) exhibits a rare phenomenon in the plant world - a change in the color of the petals during flowering: at first they are pink, then blue. In ancient medicine, a decoction of lungwort was used to treat diseases of the respiratory system.

Among other medicinal plants, bergenia or Mongolian tea (Bergenia crassifolia) is found here. This plant can be seen even at an altitude of 2000 m above sea level.

Animal world

The fauna of the Stolby Nature Reserve includes 56 species of mammals, 200 birds and 22 fish. Here live the red deer - the largest subspecies of red deer (Cervus elaphus) and musk deer (Moschus moschiferus) - a typical inhabitant of the middle taiga, brown bear (Ursus arctos), wolf (Canis lupus), common lynx (Lynx lynx), wolverine (Gulo gulo) , fox (Vulpes vulpes), badger (Meles meles). The most numerous is the family of rodents. The dominant genera here are wood voles (Clethrionomys) and chipmunks (Tamias). The Altai pika (Ochotona alpina) is found on rocky areas.

Common birds include taiga flycatchers (Ficedula mugimaki), warblers (Phylloscopus proregulus), olive and pied thrushes (Turdus obscurus and Zoothera dauma), blue nightingales (Luscinia suape), whistling crows (Gymnorhina tibicen), bluetails (Tarsiger cyanurus), northern eagle owls (Bubo bubo) and wood grouse (Tetrao urogallus).

Blue nightingales are one of the most mysterious birds of Siberia. Their distribution area extends from the Ob to the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, and outside Russia includes parts of China, Korea and Japan. Some fanciers have managed to keep nightingales at home.

In the Stolby Nature Reserve you can often see the common viper (Vipera berus) and viviparous lizard (Zootoca vivipara). It is interesting that common vipers prefer northern latitudes or highlands. In the Swiss Alps they live even at an altitude of 3000 m above sea level. Vipers never exceed 70 cm in length and can be easily identified by the zigzag pattern on their backs. Vipers live up to 12 years.

Information for visitors

Reserve mode

The reserve is open to the public in the tourist and excursion area. Four excursion routes have been developed here: “Takmakovsky rocky area”, “Tale of a reserved forest”, “Nature is a great sculptor”, “Meeting with Manskaya Baba”. Each route has its own degree of difficulty and requires certain preparation.

How to get there

The reserve borders Krasnoyarsk, and the main administration is located in the same city, so you need to get to the capital of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. This can be done by plane or train. Krasnoyarsk has direct flights with 84 cities around the world.

Where to stay

In Krasnoyarsk, many hotels and inns are ready to offer their services.

What is a reserve? A reserve is one of the categories of specially protected
natural areas exclusively federal
values, completely removed from the economic
use for the purpose of preserving natural processes
and phenomena, rare and unique natural systems,
species of plants and animals;


State natural
reserve "Stolby" - located
on the northwestern spurs
Eastern Sayan, bordering
Central Siberian Plateau.

The natural boundaries of the protected area are the right tributaries of the river.
Yenisei: in the northeast - the Bazaikha river, in the south and southwest - the Mana and
Big Slizneva. From the northeast, the territory borders on the city of Krasnoyarsk, up to
There is a city bus running along the borders of the reserve. The reserve was founded in 1925
on the initiative of city residents to preserve the natural complexes around
picturesque syenite remains - “pillars”. Currently it
area - 47,219 hectares.
Submitted to the UNESCO World Heritage List, awaiting its


The flora of the reserve includes about 740
vascular plants and 260 species of mosses.
Fir taiga predominates, typical of
middle mountains of the Eastern Sayans.
Species listed in the Red Book of Russia:
Plants: calypso bulbosa,
real and large-colored shoes,
May palm root,
nest flower,
orchis orchis, plumose feather grass


On the territory of the reserve
290 species identified
The fauna is bright
pronounced taiga appearance
(forest voles, sable,
musk deer, hazel grouse, etc.) with
inclusion of forest-steppe
species (Siberian roe deer,
steppe polecat,
long-tailed ground squirrel, etc.).
Species listed in the Red
book of Russia:
Birds: osprey, golden eagle, saker
n, peregrine falcon, etc.
Peregrine Falcon

Steppe polecat
Musk deer
Wood vole

Golden eagle
Saker Falcon
Siberian roe deer



Lower Devonian pink-red syenite rocks in re
As a result of erosion, the most
bizarre shapes. Their height
over the plateau - 40 - 100
meters. One of the pillars looks like
on a giant bird and
called Berkut, the other is called
half-opened wing of a bird
- Feathers, the third - for the statue
a bearded old man in a hat - Grandfather. Lion Pillar
Gate formed by a vault
of closed blocks, reminds
Cyclopean Lion Gate
in ancient Mycenae.
Lion Gate


Climate of the reserve
be determined by its position
on the spurs of the Eastern Sayan
and noticeably different from
climate of Krasnoyarsk,
lying nearby, but in
steppe basin. Average
annual temperature in
“Stolbakh” -1.2o, i.e.
2.1o lower than in
Krasnoyarsk, main
way due to the summer
period. Winter in
reserve, on the contrary,
softer thanks to winter

The soil

The composition of the soil cover, except for zonal
mountain podzolic soils, includes intrazonal
soil types, namely: mountain sod-podzolic,
developed mainly under aspen forests on
valley gentle slopes; mountain podzolic gley soils occupying the lower parts of the slopes,
adjacent to the beds of mountain rivers, and thalweg
temporarily flooded valleys; mountain swamp
soils stretching in narrow strips along river beds,
and mountain underdeveloped soils with moss cover
on well-drained positive forms


Let's take care and love together
the nature of our country, to live in
harmony with it, create conditions
for flora and fauna

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Historical reference

The State Nature Reserve "Stolby" was created on June 30, 1925 by a resolution of the Yenisei Provincial Executive Committee.

From historical information it is known that revolutionaries gathered on the pillars at the beginning of the last century, sang revolutionary songs, and the gendarmes could not do anything with them, since they could not climb onto the pillars

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Purpose of creation

The purpose of creating the reserve is to protect the natural complexes of the picturesque rock massif of the Stolby tract. In total, there are about a hundred Pillars on the territory of the reserve, some of them rise above the surface of the earth up to one hundred meters. For millions of years, rains and winds, frost and sun have carved bizarre figures from wild stone. People gave them names: “Grandfather”, “Lion Gate”, “Twins”, and others

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  • Twins
  • Lion Gate
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    Area and location

    The reserve is located in the Emelyanovsky district near the city of Krasnoyarsk on the northwestern spurs of the Eastern Sayan (Kuisum Mountains), between 55°-56° north latitude and 92°-93° east longitude and covers an area of ​​47.156 thousand hectares. The border of the reserve runs in the east along the river. Bazaikha, in the southwest - along the p. Bolshoi Inzhul, Mana, in the west - along the Sliznevaya river, in the north - along the river. Laletina.

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    The flora of the reserve includes 1037 species of higher vascular plants, of which 260 species are bryophytes, more than 150 species are classified as specially protected. Among the 8 forest-forming species, pine (41%) and fir (28%) predominate. Most of the plantings were selectively felled in the 40-50s.

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    The fauna of the reserve is not rich. In total, 45 species of mammals and 70 species of birds have been recorded. Characteristic species include wild boar, roe deer, elk, pine and stone martens, weasels, badgers, squirrels, foxes, and brown hare. Among the birds - gray heron, black kite, kestrel, tawny owl, hobby, roller, saker falcon. The raccoon dog is acclimatized.

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    Landscapes and relief

    The terrain of the reserve is almost entirely mountainous; flat areas, located mostly on the sea coast south of the Kronotsky Peninsula, account for no more than 10% of the territory.

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    Reserve Stolby Spitsyn Yuri, 8th grade, GBOU school No. 104, Vyborg district of St. Petersburg. Teacher Shizhenskaya N.N.

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    What is a reserve? reserve - one of the categories of specially protected natural areas of exclusively federal significance, completely withdrawn from economic use in order to preserve natural processes and phenomena, rare and unique natural systems, plant and animal species;

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    Location State Nature Reserve "Stolby" - located on the northwestern spurs of the Eastern Sayan, bordering the Central Siberian Plateau.

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    The natural boundaries of the protected area are the right tributaries of the river. Yenisei: in the northeast - the Bazaikha river, in the south and southwest - the Mana and Bolshaya Slizneva rivers. From the northeast, the territory borders the city of Krasnoyarsk; a city bus runs to the border of the reserve. The reserve was founded in 1925 on the initiative of city residents to preserve natural complexes around the picturesque syenite outcrops - “pillars”. Currently, its area is 47,219 hectares. Submitted to the UNESCO World Heritage List, awaiting its turn.

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    Flora The flora of the reserve includes about 740 vascular plants and 260 species of mosses. The fir taiga, typical of the middle mountains of the Eastern Sayan Mountains, predominates. Species listed in the Red Book of Russia: Plants: calypso bulbosa, lady's slipper and grandiflora, palmate root, cape flower, captillus orchis, feather grass;

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    Fauna 290 species of vertebrate animals have been identified on the territory of the reserve. The fauna has a pronounced taiga appearance (forest voles, sable, musk deer, hazel grouse, etc.) with the inclusion of forest-steppe species (Siberian roe deer, steppe polecat, long-tailed ground squirrel, etc.). Species listed in the Red Book of Russia: Birds: osprey, golden eagle, saker falcon, peregrine falcon, etc. sable peregrine falcon

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    Relief The Lower Devonian pink-red syenite rocks took on the most bizarre shapes as a result of erosion. Their height above the plateau is 40 - 100 meters. One of the pillars looks like a giant bird and is called Golden Eagle, the other - like the half-opened wing of a bird - Feathers, the third - like a statue of a bearded old man in a hat with earflaps - Grandfather. The Lion Gate pillar, formed by a vault of interlocking blocks, resembles the Cyclopean Lion Gate in ancient Mycenae. Lion Gate

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    Climate The climate of the reserve is determined by its position on the spurs of the Eastern Sayan and is noticeably different from the climate of Krasnoyarsk, which lies nearby, but in the steppe basin. The average annual temperature in Stolby is -1.2°, i.e. 2.1° lower than in Krasnoyarsk, mainly due to the summer period. Winter in the reserve, on the contrary, is milder due to winter inversions.

    The Stolby Nature Reserve is a unique corner of nature in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. This territory on the border with the plateau of Central Siberia is under the protection of the state and UNESCO, since it is part of the national association. parks of the Altai-Sayan ecological region.

    Currently, the boundaries of the reserve lie among the spurs of the Eastern Sayan Mountains in the northwest. The natural outskirts of the “Pillars” are formed by the right tributaries of the Yenisei, namely the Bazaikha, Mana, and Bolshaya Slizneva rivers. The northeastern part of the park is adjacent to Krasnoyarsk. The total territory of the reserve is almost 50 thousand hectares.

    History of appearance

    Despite the fact that Stolby was officially founded at the beginning of the 20th century, the first information about famous researchers visiting the reserve dates back to the first half of the 18th century. Bering, Messerschmidt, Gmelin, Pallas were in the park. During this period, the territory was studied along with other regions of Siberia, and the features of the flora and fauna of these regions were recorded.

    In the 30s In the 19th century, gold mining began in the Stolby reserve. Also, hunting industry begins to develop here. At the end of the century, the national park became the center of school excursions and the object of study for many young geologists.

    In 1925, an initiative group of Krasnoyarsk residents came up with a proposal to create a reserve complex in the area of ​​syenite outcrops. After 20 years, a separate corner was created in Stolby to care for surviving animals taken from poachers. This “Living Corner” became the basis in 2000 for the creation of a separate zoo.

    Territorial division

    The area of ​​the reserve is divided into three large areas according to tourist accessibility:

    • The excursion area is located near Krasnoyarsk and is free for everyone. It occupies only 3% of the total territory of Stolby. Currently, 4 tourist routes of varying degrees of difficulty have been developed for vacationers.
    • A buffer zone is a limited access area in which only the park administration operates. Occupies 7% of the total area.
    • The area of ​​complete conservation is 90% of the reserve's land, where only representatives of environmental structures and researchers of fauna and flora can be present.

    The tourist and excursion area is divided into three rocky areas, where everyone can play sports and organize hikes:

    1. Takmakovsky - the Bazaikhi valley and the foot of the Takmak mountain range. There are 5 large rocks and also the Vorobushki massif.
    2. Central Pillars is an area of ​​50 km 2 near the border of the park. Here are the most famous and unique rocks, on one of which Bolshevik activists scratched the word “Freedom” in 1917.
    3. Wild Pillars are the farthest rocks for climbing, as well as hills that are closed to public viewing.

    Nature of the reserve

    The main unique attraction of “Pillars,” as the name suggests, are the rocks. They reach almost 100 m and are distinguished by their venerable age of several hundred million years. The breed of these rocks - syenite - is a magma similar to granite. Today, the areas of the reserve are not only a recreation center, but also a ski resort.

    (Pillars "Grandfather")

    Very often the territory of the reserve park is called the lungs of the entire Krasnoyarsk Territory. Thanks to the virgin taiga forests, the air here is truly very clean. In addition, the very shape of some of the pillars, which resemble individual characters, animals and birds, is of interest to tourists and vacationers.

    Representatives of fauna in Stolby

    The animal world in the reserve corresponds to the traditional taiga ecosystem. Among the 5 dozen animals here there are deer, elk, lynx, wolverine, bear and wolf.

    Representatives of the forest-steppe zone include animals such as gophers, roe deer, and polecats. Interestingly, even high-mountain vipers are found on the territory of “Pillars”.

    More than half of the birds living in Stolby (more than a hundred species) nest on the territory only periodically. Rare birds include the golden eagle, peregrine falcon, and osprey. The most interesting in terms of fish diversity is the Mana River with 2 dozen species of monasteries. The study of insects in the reserve has not yet been completed.

    The protected world of plants

    The amazing combination of different representatives of the flora on the territory of the reserve is due to the presence of a transitional natural zone - from the forest-steppe region to the conditions of the mountain taiga. About 150 rare plants grow here, including many mosses. These are shoes, and feather grass, and nest flowers. About 80% of the territory is occupied by coniferous taiga trees, as well as areas with deciduous forests. The most common trees here are pine, fir, aspen and larch.

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